烟草管控法令十月上路 | 禁烟区再扩大至28个 电子烟也“有份” 违者最高罚5千!

  • 2 days ago
▌热点短视频 ▌禁烟区范围再扩大,烟民要注意了!售卖电子烟与烟草产品的业者也要多多留意!

主持 | @Jazkee 界錤

#禁烟区 #抽烟 #烟民 #电子烟 #香烟
#852法令 #卫生部 #祖基菲里 #自助洗衣店
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00Those smokers who like to smoke in public places should pay attention to this.
00:03The latest public health tobacco product control law, which was introduced on November 1 this year,
00:08or simply known as the 852 law, lists more smoking areas.
00:12In addition to the hospitals, restaurants, elevators and shopping malls that you and I are familiar with,
00:16buildings that will be added to self-service laundry shops and workplaces in the future are all non-smoking areas.
00:22In addition, the authorities have begun to announce and enforce these low points.
00:27In addition, this law also covers electronic smoke.
00:31With the official launch of the 852 law,
00:34there are two new smoking areas in China.
00:36In addition to the self-service laundry shop I just mentioned,
00:38buildings in workplaces include outdoor areas.
00:41The definition of the area mentioned here is the area of ​​the whole place,
00:44including the interior of the building, the boundary of the fence, or the area of ​​the land.
00:49Today, the chief reporter of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Fei Li, said
00:52that he is very fortunate that the self-service laundry shop has finally become a smoking area.
00:55He said that often mothers and wives bring their children to take care of the laundry,
01:00so this is very necessary.
01:02Yes, under the 852 law, there are a total of 28 smoking areas,
01:06but the two new ones will be officially enforced until January 1 next year.
01:10The purpose is to give self-service laundry shop owners time to obtain a smoking sign and paste it in the shop.
01:16The rest of the smoking areas will be enforced from this month.
01:19The violation of the law can be fined up to 5,000 RMB.
01:21The deputy director of the Ministry of Health and Welfare's Disease Control Team also said
01:26that the Ministry of Health and Welfare has been inspecting nearly 3,000 restaurants and public places in the past three days,
01:32issued three total fines of RMB250 and more than 2,500 non-smoking education notices.
01:38The minister believes that under the 852 law,
01:41compared with last year's 19%,
01:43the number of smokers smoking traditional cigarettes is expected to decrease to 15% next year,
01:48but the number of people smoking e-cigarettes is increasing.
01:51In 2006, it was only 3.2%,
01:53but this year, it has risen to 5.8%.
01:56It is necessary to regulate e-cigarettes under the latest 852 law,
02:01especially as more and more young people are starting to smoke e-cigarettes.
02:04Of course, the 852 law also prohibits e-cigarettes from being sold in educational places,
02:07vending machines, and online sales of tobacco products.
02:11This is just the beginning.
02:13As for prohibiting convenience stores and specialty stores from publicly displaying cigarettes and e-cigarettes products,
02:18the relevant law will be enforced in April next year.
02:21The relevant business owners should pay attention to this.
02:23What do you think of the implementation of the 852 law?
02:26Will it support the government to expand the smoking area and enforce it strongly?
02:29What other places do you think need to be smoked?
02:32Welcome to share your views.
02:33If you like our video, don't forget to like and share it.
02:35And follow Hotspot to bring you more domestic information.
