"I'm drunk"- footage of drink drive collision arrest

  • 3 days ago
00:00Hiya, is this your vehicle? Yeah. Do you want to stand in front of the car so we're not
00:06in the middle of the road? Yeah. What's happened? I'm drunk. You're drunk, yeah? Yeah. How much
00:19have you had to drink? Too much. Too much? Yeah. Okay. Dirty car and then done that.
00:29Yeah, alright. When you say drunk, how much have you had to drink? Four pints. Four pints,
00:34okay. Bear with me one second. Okay, have you got anything on you that's going to harm
00:42me, yourself? No, no, no, no. This guy? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are you okay? Yeah, yeah, fine.
00:47He's admitted to drinking. No, no, no, I'm fine. I'm fine. Obviously you've just told
00:51me that you've had a drink. Are you happy to conduct one of these? Yes. Yeah. Have you
00:57had anything to drink in the past 20 minutes? No. Have you had a cigarette in the past two
01:04minutes? I can't remember that. Okay. Have you used any mouthwash or had a vape in the
01:10past two minutes either? No. Okay. In a minute, I'm going to get you to seal your lips around
01:14the tube. You're going to seal them fully and you're going to blow a continuous breath
01:18until I tell you to stop. Yeah? Are you ready? Yeah. Blow, keep going, keep going, keep going,
01:24keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. Stop. Okay, so the time is 21.53. You are
01:32under arrest for drink driving. You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your
01:35defence. If you do not mention or question something which you're late relying on in
01:38Anything that you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand what I've just told you?
