Michael Shayne 450702 Malcolm Boyd Case, Old Time Radio

  • 1 hour ago
Michael Shayne, Private Detective (1944-1948) was the inaugural iteration of the series, with Wally Maher lending his voice to the character of Michael Shayne. Broadcast on the West Coast Mutual network, this version stood out for its lighter tone in comparison to subsequent adaptations. Notably, Shayne’s investigative hub was located in Oakland, California, a departure from the more conventional Miami setting

The series delved into intriguing mysteries, and its protagonist, Michael Shayne, navigated the twists and turns of each case with wit and determination. While the later versions took on different tones and settings, this early incarnation set the stage for the enduring legacy of the Michael Shayne detective franchise.

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00:00The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective.
00:10The people who make 76 gasoline and Triton motor oil, Union Oil Company, present...
00:20The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:31The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:39As San Francisco's favorite private detective, Mike Shane's life has plenty of excitement and drama.
00:44But it also has its routine.
00:46It is shortly after 9 a.m. and the business day in Room 1515, Russ Building, begins just as it does in any other office.
00:53While Mike opens the morning mail, his sleek and lovely assistant, Phyllis Knight, glances at the newspaper.
00:58Suddenly, Phyllis leans forward in her chair.
01:01Good heavens. I can't believe it.
01:04Hmm? What's the matter?
01:06Have you looked at this paper, Mike? About Malcolm Boyd?
01:10Malcolm Boyd. Well, I used to know him at college.
01:15He took me to the prom once. He was a smooth number.
01:19Too warm a day for me to be jealous, senor.
01:21Oh, no, no, no. Listen.
01:23Malcolm Boyd, 31, wealthy young socialite of San Francisco, was mysteriously shot to death in his apartment last night.
01:31Well, well.
01:33Mrs. Mary Boyd, his widow, informed the police that about 10 o'clock she told her husband she was going down to the drugstore for a few minutes.
01:40When she returned to their apartment in the Bayview Tower, she discovered the riddled body.
01:44Does it say anything about suspects or witnesses?
01:46No, not so far.
01:48Hold it, honey. Hold it.
01:51Hello? Mike Shane speaking.
01:53Mike, you busy right now?
01:55Oh, morning, Inspector. What do you mean, busy? I'm always up to my ears.
01:58Fine. I got a client here at headquarters for you.
02:00You have? Well, thanks, Inspector, but I've got some odds and ends to clean up.
02:03Just a minute, Mike.
02:04Sorry, partner.
02:06Oh, by the way, by the way, we were just reading about this Malcolm Boyd killing.
02:09You boys at Homicide got any ideas?
02:11Yeah. You're one of them.
02:13This client is the Malcolm Boyd case. Come on down and talk to him.
02:16Or are you still too busy with odds and ends?
02:18As a matter of fact, Inspector, I'm at the end of my odds right now. I'll see you in five minutes.
02:39Oh, there's the inspector now, Mike, coming out of his office.
02:42Fast traveling, kids. You made it in about eight minutes flat.
02:45Where's your man?
02:46In the office. Come on in.
02:48Richie, I want you to meet Mike Shane and Phyllis Knight, friends of mine from way back.
02:52Mr. Ward Ritchie.
02:53Glad to know you.
02:54How do you do, Mr. Ritchie?
02:55The reason I called you in, Mike, is that this department can't help Richie.
02:58What he needs is a lawyer and a darn good private detective.
03:00It's about the Malcolm Boyd case?
03:02That's right.
03:03But I didn't see your name in the newspaper account of it.
03:05We didn't give it to the papers, Phil, but they'll get a hold of it soon enough.
03:09Pull up some chairs and I'll tell you the story.
03:11Yeah, sure, sure, Inspector.
03:13As you know, Malcolm Boyd was shot last night in his apartment, the Bayview Towers.
03:18His wife telephoned homicide.
03:19We got there about 15 minutes after the murder.
03:21No guns, no clues, no fingerprints, no known enemies.
03:24No motives.
03:25A perfect murder mystery.
03:28The girl at the switchboard in the lobby said a man came in and phoned up to Boyd about 9.50 p.m.
03:32The elevator boy says he let him off at the sixth floor.
03:35Boyd's apartment is sixteenth.
03:37And in about ten minutes, the guy went down in the elevator again.
03:40The manager happened to be in the elevator this time.
03:42Then you must have a pretty good description of the fellow.
03:44Okay, Sergeant.
03:45Read the description.
03:46He was tall.
03:47He was short.
03:48He was fat.
03:49He was thin.
03:51But here's the payoff.
03:53About 30 or 40 minutes before homicide was called in,
03:56the apartment house directly across the street was robbed.
03:59And close to midnight, the thieves were caught.
04:01Three men with a grip full of jewels.
04:03We figured one of the three might have done the murder across the street.
04:06So I got a hold of the apartment manager, the elevator boy, and the telephone operator
04:10to see if they could identify any of them.
04:12This is where I came in.
04:14You see, I was at home all evening.
04:16I turned on the radio for the midnight news bulletins.
04:19It said, Malcolm Boyd murdered.
04:22Malcolm and I graduated from college together.
04:24And Malcolm married the girl I had hoped to marry.
04:27So, of course, I was interested.
04:29I got dressed and hurried right down here to headquarters.
04:32The people from the apartment house were sitting in the show up
04:34waiting to have a look at these three jewel thieves.
04:37Well, Mike, as you know, on a show up for identification,
04:39we always add a few innocent people to the line.
04:41Yes, sure, sure, Inspector.
04:42So the witnesses won't identify the first man they see.
04:44Right. Go on.
04:45I asked one of our plainclothesmen, Ann Ritchie, to stand up with the three robbers.
04:49And what happened?
04:50The manager, the elevator boy, and the telephone operator
04:52immediately pick out Ward Ritchie.
04:54Oh, well, of all things.
04:56It's impossible, of course.
04:58I've never in my life been inside the Bayview Towers.
05:01I was at home all evening until I heard that news bulletin.
05:03Hmm. I can see it put you in a spot.
05:06You say you knew Malcolm Boyd and his wife was your ex-girlfriend?
05:10Yes, we were engaged once.
05:12Yet you never went to their apartment?
05:14Nor were you even in the building?
05:16I can explain that.
05:17Malcolm took Mary away from me.
05:19He had a devilish way with women.
05:20I was terribly bitter.
05:21I didn't want to see them again, at least.
05:23Not Malcolm.
05:24I told him if he ever mistreated Mary, I'd kill him.
05:26Oh, fine, fine. That'll sound great to a jury.
05:29It's a case of mistaken identity, of course.
05:31A terrific coincidence.
05:32And you want me to prove it's a coincidence by digging up the real killer?
05:35That's a hard job, too, Mike.
05:36But it's less embarrassing if Ritchie gets his help from outside this department.
05:40The inspector tells me that if we don't find the real killer very soon,
05:43he'll be forced to arrest me. That'll ruin me.
05:45Isn't there just a possibility that Mrs. Boyd herself may have killed her husband?
05:49Oh, no, Mary isn't that type.
05:50She's refined and gentle. Murder is beyond her.
05:53Well, Mr. Ritchie, I'll take the case on one condition.
05:56Where it finally leads must be my responsibility.
05:59You mean whoever turns out to be the murderer?
06:03Well, all right.
06:04Good. Good.
06:05And now, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to the inspector.
06:07Of course. I guess there's nothing more I can tell you.
06:10When you want me, you'll find me in my home.
06:12The inspector has my phone number.
06:14It's been a pleasure to meet you, sir.
06:15And you, Miss Knight.
06:18Well, Mike.
06:19Well, Inspector, I'd say you're as much on the spot as Mr. Ritchie.
06:23A man has been named by three witnesses, yet you don't make an arrest.
06:26What's the DA going to say?
06:28I'm not completely dumb, Mike.
06:29I've checked up on Ward's story.
06:31His houseboy says he got home at 7 o'clock and didn't go out again until midnight.
06:34Can you believe his houseboy?
06:36I think so, Phil.
06:37He's an old-time Chinese.
06:38They're loyal, but truthful.
06:41Yes, Sergeant.
06:42I've got something here on the board case.
06:44Yeah, the Universal Cleaning Company just turned it in.
06:46Some guy took it in for cleaning this morning.
06:49They found some fresh bloodstains on the coat and got suspicious.
06:52There. You got the customer's name?
06:53Yeah, it's right here on this tag, Inspector.
06:55The name is...
06:56Yeah, I know without looking.
06:57Ward Ritchie.
07:01We'll return to the adventures of Mike Shane in just a moment.
07:18Friends, even with the recent increase in civilian gasoline allowances,
07:22gas coupons are still pretty scarce.
07:25That's why you should be sure that the cooling system of your automobile engine
07:28is in good shape for summer driving.
07:30For whether you realize it or not, a hot motor wastes gasoline.
07:35And believe it or not, cars driven around town usually get hotter
07:38than those driven on the open road.
07:40So even if you aren't planning any trips this summer,
07:43it's a good idea to drop in at the Union Oil Station
07:45and ask the minute man to flush out your radiator.
07:49Using a special solvent known as Union Radiator Flush,
07:52he can clean out the rustiest radiators in just a few minutes.
07:56Union Radiator Flush is harmless to metal,
07:59but its special solvent action cuts scale, rust, and grease
08:03right out of choked water lines.
08:05Then when you fill the radiator with clean, fresh water,
08:08you can be sure it will really circulate
08:10and cool your motor with a fast, steady flow.
08:13So for cooler driving, better mileage,
08:16just drive in wherever you see the sign of the big orange and blue 76
08:20and ask for Union Oil Radiator Service.
08:30At police headquarters, Phyllis watches two worried men pace the floor,
08:34Mike Shane and the inspector.
08:36Mike, but I've got to arrest Ward Ritchie for the murder of Malcolm Boyd.
08:40When three people identify him and a cleaner turns up with his bloodstained suit...
08:43It's still circumstantial evidence, Inspector.
08:45Look, the simplest thing would be to ask Ward Ritchie if the suit belongs to him,
08:50unless you think he might lie.
08:52If he's the killer, he will lie.
08:54Besides, there's one other thing I'd like to do first.
08:56I'd like very much to meet Mrs. Mary Boyd.
08:58She's in the apartment. I can drive you out there right now.
09:00Thank you, Inspector. Then let us meet the widow.
09:15May you tell us, Miss Evans? Thank you.
09:19Oh, Miss.
09:20Yes, sir?
09:21We'd like to see Mrs. Boyd, please, apartment 610.
09:23Sorry, sir. The police won't allow any visitors.
09:25I'm not a visitor. I'm a private detective.
09:28We're with the police. The inspector's outside parking his car. He'll be right in.
09:32Sorry. I'll have to wait for his permission.
09:34Hi, Shirley. Give us room 807.
09:36Sorry, sir. Mrs. Jones doesn't wish to be disturbed.
09:38Too bad. She's going to be. Give her a buzz.
09:40She cannot be called, sir.
09:41Listen, sister. This is important. Get me? Important.
09:43Well, you'll have to take the responsibility.
09:45Okay, kids. The elevator's this way.
09:47Oh, wait. The switchboard gal says we can't go up without your permission.
09:50You got it. Come on.
09:52Honey, that man who asked for Mrs. Jones at the desk, do you recognize him?
09:56Huh? The one getting into the elevator? No.
09:59It's funny. His face looks familiar to me.
10:01Going up. Up, please.
10:03That's us.
10:07How are you, inspector?
10:08You want the sixth floor?
10:09That's right.
10:10Oh, Mike, this is Grant, one of the men who identified Richard.
10:13I see.
10:14Fourth floor, please.
10:15Yes, sir.
10:22I'd still like to know who that guy is. It bothers me.
10:25Out on six.
10:33Hartman is the first one here on the left, Mike.
10:36If I were you, Mike, I'd be a little easy on the questions.
10:39Mrs. Boyd is the high-tension type.
10:41Okay, okay. I'll watch it.
10:44Oh. Oh, inspector.
10:46Good morning, Mrs. Boyd. Mind if we come in and talk a while?
10:48Please do.
10:51Mrs. Boyd, this is Mr. Shane and Miss Knight.
10:54Oh, how do you do?
10:55Mr. Shane is a private investigator who is also working on this case.
11:00It's just routine, Mrs. Boyd.
11:01I understand you left your husband here in the apartment about ten o'clock last night?
11:05He was gone about ten minutes?
11:07May I ask where you went and why?
11:09I told him down at the drugstore to get some aspirin.
11:11I had a headache.
11:13I should have told you, Mike. We checked at the drugstore.
11:15I see.
11:16And just what was your husband trying to work, Mrs. Boyd?
11:18Oh, must I go through all this again?
11:20My husband was wealthy. He didn't have to work.
11:22Oh? And the source of his income?
11:24Oh, it was a trust fund or something.
11:27I didn't pry into his business affairs.
11:29You mean he just lived at home, a young man of thirty-one, and did nothing?
11:33We had a very full social life.
11:37Malcolm had an office he went to occasionally.
11:39Just, well, just something to do.
11:41You didn't mention that to me, Mrs. Boyd.
11:43You didn't ask me.
11:45He had some office in the Exhibition Building.
11:48Mrs. Boyd, how long is it since you've seen Mr. Ward Ritchie?
11:52He asked you a question, Mrs. Boyd.
11:57Why, it's been years.
12:00Well, a long time.
12:03Not since you married Mr. Boyd?
12:06But what has Ward to do with all this?
12:08Have either of you two written or telephoned to each other during those years?
12:11Well, Ward wrote once or twice.
12:13Do you remember what he wrote?
12:15Only that if I ever needed anything, or was in trouble, to come to him.
12:19And had you?
12:21Excuse me, please.
12:25Good morning, Mrs. Boyd.
12:26Is the inspector still here?
12:28Yes, come in.
12:30It's the apartment house manager, Mike.
12:32Morning, Mr. Lockridge.
12:35I stepped in, Mr. Inspector, to ask what you've done with this case.
12:39I didn't see anything in the morning papers about Mr. Ritchie.
12:41No, we haven't arrested him yet.
12:43You haven't?
12:44But this is absurd.
12:45We all identified him.
12:46We'll make an arrest when the time is right, Mr. Lockridge.
12:48Well, I hope so.
12:50I certainly don't want to see this scandal drag on in the newspapers.
12:53It's very bad publicity for the apartment.
12:55Well, in these days of housing, surely.
12:57Mr. Lockridge, I don't think you'll lose any business.
12:59I'm thinking of myself.
13:01I've been severely criticized by the owners for permitting such tenants in our house.
13:05Mr. Lockridge?
13:07Do you remember the color of the suit Ward Ritchie had on last night?
13:09Oh, yes.
13:10It was gray.
13:11Well, I've got to get along.
13:13I have a man waiting to see me.
13:15Oh, uh, Mrs. Boyd, in light of what's happened,
13:18I hope you'll make arrangements for other quarters as soon as possible.
13:21Good day.
13:22Oh, this precious apartment house.
13:25Mrs. Boyd, getting back to our own problem,
13:27it seems to me your attitude is rather uncooperative.
13:29I answered all your questions.
13:30After fashion, yes.
13:31But if you're genuinely interested in solving your husband's death,
13:34you can probably give us a good deal of background information.
13:37That's what we've got to have.
13:39But of course, if I knew anything at all, I'd certainly tell you.
13:44I gave the inspector everything I could think of.
13:47Well, there's one thing you can tell us, Mrs. Boyd.
13:50On which floor are the manager's offices located?
13:53Why, I believe on the fourth floor.
13:56Oh, I thought so.
13:59Now just what's that supposed to mean?
14:01Inspector, it's so blamed obvious that for once I'm not going to tell you.
14:10Yes, gentlemen, I'm glad to help the police.
14:15I always said there was something wrong about that Mr. Boyd.
14:18Did he come down to his office much to get in?
14:20Well, sir, I can't say.
14:22I janitors mostly afternoon and the night.
14:25This here is his door.
14:26I'll get out my keys here.
14:29Yes, sir.
14:30Mr. Boyd had oceans of money.
14:32He was a big man.
14:34Yes, sir.
14:35Mr. Boyd had oceans of money.
14:37He was a big man.
14:39But I always told my wife, I don't like that look in Mr. Boyd's eye.
14:43Someday it's going to go bad.
14:45There you are, gentlemen.
14:46Thank you, Gideon.
14:47Glad to do it, sir.
14:48Glad to do it.
14:51Well, this is certainly a barney place.
14:54Just one desk and two chairs.
14:56There's not even a picture on the wall.
14:57Means we have little to say.
14:59Nothing on top of the desk.
15:00I hope the drawers aren't locked.
15:05Look at this drawer.
15:06Theater programs, ticket stubs, list of box holders at the opera.
15:10Well, we know he was a social butterfly.
15:12There's a bunch of newspaper clippings.
15:14Let me see.
15:15Brilliant gathering at Cars and Party and evening at Irene Eggert's.
15:21Wow, look at the names.
15:22The Queen of the Town.
15:23Van Allen Haven.
15:24Crystal Finley.
15:25Audrey Dyer.
15:26Malcolm Boyd.
15:27So he was there.
15:28Now, here's another story.
15:30Beverly Pryor.
15:31Joseph Spiegel.
15:32Francis Ryland.
15:33Malcolm Boyd.
15:34Why do you suppose he kept these clippings?
15:36To see his name in print?
15:37Well, ask it this way, Inspector.
15:38Why all these clippings kept in his business office?
15:41It meant dollars and cents to him somehow.
15:43Here's another clipping, Mike, marked with a heavy blue pencil.
15:46Reception at Lee Strayhorn's tonight.
15:48Lee Strayhorn.
15:49Hold on, Mike.
15:50Remember what happened at Lee Strayhorn's party last month?
15:52Yeah, sure.
15:53Sure, it was a big jewel robbery.
15:55Honey, is Boyd's name on that guest list?
15:58Well, it says he was to be there.
16:00Some of those other names you read, Mike.
16:02Van Allen Haven.
16:03Francis Ryland.
16:04The police are still looking for their missing diamonds.
16:06This could make the pattern.
16:08You mean Malcolm Boyd might have been a jewel thief?
16:10Not necessarily, but he could have gone to all those social functions to spot jewels for somebody else.
16:14I agree.
16:15We've had too many jewel thefts lately for it to be the work of one man.
16:18What about those three men who robbed the place across from the Bayview Towers last night?
16:22There may be some connection.
16:23Though don't forget the apartment house people all identified Ward Richards.
16:26Look, we're talking in circles.
16:27If Malcolm Boyd was mixed up with a jewel gang, we've got some fast checking to do at you know where, Inspector.
16:32Yeah, headquarters.
16:33Rogues Gallery.
16:46Howard Warden, 42.
16:49Ed O'Leary, 23.
16:50Hole up on assault.
16:53When you look at those photos, we've got to move back to the next room.
16:55How do we get to them, Sergeant?
16:56I want to finish burglary files first.
16:58Yes, sir.
16:59Oh, by the way, Inspector.
17:01We checked on that suit from the cleaners.
17:04The guy who took it to them wasn't Ritchie.
17:05You got a description?
17:06Yes, a middle-aged man, heavy set.
17:08We found out the suit was bought this morning at a fire sale on Mission Street.
17:11Hey, then it was a fake.
17:13A plant.
17:14Yeah, a plant.
17:15And so was the identification of Mr. Ritchie.
17:16You mean the apartment house people?
17:19What, yes?
17:20Honey, take a look at this picture.
17:21You too, Inspector.
17:23Mike, it's that man.
17:24The one in the lobby and the elevator.
17:26Yeah, no wonder his face was familiar.
17:29Ed Collins, 39.
17:30Jewel robbery, San Quentin, five years.
17:32He didn't just happen to go to Bayview Towers this morning.
17:35He was there for a purpose.
17:36Ed Collins, jewel thief.
17:38Malcolm Boyd, possible jewel spotter.
17:40Say, things are beginning to string together.
17:42Yeah, but we can't tie a knot in it yet.
17:44Inspector, doesn't it strike you a little odd that Mrs. Boyd doesn't know anything about her husband's career?
17:49Very odd.
17:50He couldn't completely hide it from her.
17:51In fact, she might be with a gang.
17:53No, no, no.
17:54I don't think so.
17:55But she was right about her.
17:56She's too high class for that.
17:57Yeah, but it might explain why she wouldn't give you boys any details.
18:00Mrs. Boyd has social position, a family name.
18:03She wouldn't admit that her husband was a crook.
18:05There's an angle.
18:06Look at it this way.
18:07If Mary Boyd knows about the gang, knows who killed her husband,
18:11that gang is going to be plenty uneasy about her.
18:14They'll try to keep her quiet.
18:15Yeah, could be.
18:16Yeah, but they wouldn't risk a second murder in that apartment house.
18:19Honey, honey, we've got a job for you.
18:21Name it.
18:22Go over to the Bayview Towers and stay with Mrs. Boyd.
18:24Don't let anybody trick her into leaving that apartment on any excuse.
18:27Don't let her answer the door or the telephone.
18:28Tell her what we find out.
18:29Try to pump her for the rest of the story, you know, woman to woman.
18:32Yeah, yeah, yeah.
18:33And where will you gentlemen be?
18:34I don't know yet, honey, but it will be wherever we can pick up Mr. Ed Collins.
18:39Well, then, Mr. Shane was right.
18:41Oh, yes.
18:42Yes, it's true.
18:43I didn't want anyone to know.
18:45My husband was no good.
18:47I was going to leave him.
18:49He was working with a gang of jewel thieves.
18:51Oh, I don't know who they were.
18:53I began to suspect a few weeks ago.
18:55I don't know who they were.
18:57I began to suspect a few weeks ago.
18:59I don't know who they were.
19:01I don't know who they were.
19:03I don't know who they were.
19:05I don't know who they were.
19:07I began to suspect a few weeks ago.
19:09I told him he had to give it up right.
19:11I divorced him.
19:12He said he talked to them, but they killed him.
19:17This is the truth now.
19:18No more acting.
19:19Oh, the truth.
19:20The truth.
19:22Keep away from that phone.
19:23Keep away.
19:24I'll get it.
19:27Mrs. Boyd?
19:28Uh, yes.
19:31Who is it?
19:32You know who.
19:33Why didn't you let your husband meet me last night?
19:37Meet who?
19:38You know who.
19:39He told you about me.
19:41Well, didn't he?
19:42Well, I...
19:43I don't know which man you mean.
19:45He told you about me, didn't he?
19:48I, um...
19:49Oh, who is this?
19:51Who... who is it?
19:57Who was it?
19:58What did he say?
19:59Oh, wait a minute.
20:00Wait a minute.
20:01Let me think.
20:02I've heard that voice.
20:03What did he want?
20:04What does it mean?
20:05Oh, wait a minute.
20:06I know.
20:07I remember.
20:08The man in the lobby.
20:10It was Ed Collins.
20:12Oh, Miss Knight.
20:13Miss Knight, I'm afraid.
20:14I'm afraid.
20:15No, just relax.
20:16Just relax.
20:19Yes, ma'am?
20:20Get me the police, quickly.
20:21Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am.
20:22All my lines are busy.
20:23Well, clear one.
20:24This is an emergency.
20:25I'm sorry.
20:26You'll just have to wait.
20:27Well, I won't wait.
20:28I'll call you when I'm ready, ma'am.
20:30Oh, she cut you off.
20:31She wouldn't let you go.
20:33Oh, she cut you off.
20:34She wouldn't connect you.
20:35No, and she'll never connect us.
20:37She's one of the gang.
20:39The door.
20:41Quick, lock it.
20:42Just a little too late, ladies.
20:50You know all about me, don't you?
20:52Well, introductions won't be necessary then.
20:55Pick up your handbag.
20:57Put on your hat.
20:58We're leaving.
21:02In just a moment, we'll rejoin Mike and Phyllis in their adventures.
21:19Ladies and gentlemen, we know that many motorists nowadays
21:22are complaining about excess carbon in their engines.
21:25And we also know that most of these drivers
21:28blame wartime gasoline for their carbon troubles.
21:31Now, that's unfortunate because actually nearly all carbon
21:35formed in automobile engines comes from the motor oil.
21:38But, and this is the payoff,
21:40no two motor oils form the same amount of carbon.
21:44For example, it is a proved laboratory fact
21:47that Triton motor oil will form less carbon in your engine
21:51than any of the seven leading motor oils sold in the West.
21:54Not only that, but Triton motor oil is a 100% pure paraffin-based lubricant.
22:00The finest kind of motor oil that money can buy.
22:04The secret of Triton's superiority
22:06lies in Union Oil Company's exclusive propane solvent refining process.
22:11A process so valuable that it has been patented by Union Oil Company.
22:16So, friends with parts and mechanics as scarce as they are today,
22:19why not take advantage of the unusual protection
22:22Triton motor oil will give you against carbon?
22:26You can buy Triton at all Union Oil Minute Man stations.
22:30Just look for the sign of the big orange and blue 76.
22:40Several minutes have passed.
22:42Mike and the inspector are hammering on the door of Mrs. Boyd's apartment.
22:47Open up, Angel. It's Mike.
22:49Mrs. Boyd.
22:50Say, something's wrong, Inspector.
22:52Put your shoulder against the door.
22:56Bill, where are you?
22:58We've got to search.
23:01Not in the kitchen.
23:03Not in the bedroom.
23:04Maybe this closet.
23:06You told her not to leave this apartment.
23:08Where's the phone?
23:13Yes, sir?
23:14Did you see Mrs. Boyd and another young lady leave this building?
23:16No, sir.
23:17All right.
23:18Get me the manager.
23:19I'm sorry, the manager is busy.
23:20I said get me the manager.
23:22I said get me the manager.
23:23Send him up here in 30 seconds or else.
23:25No signs of violence around here, Mike.
23:27Surely Phil would leave a note for us.
23:29If anything's happened to that girl, I'll tear this place apart.
23:31We shouldn't have fooled around looking for Ed Collins.
23:33We should have come straight here.
23:34We would have got him.
23:35I didn't think I was sending Phil into any danger so long as she stayed in the apartment.
23:38Easy now, Mike.
23:40You called for me, gentlemen?
23:42Yes, yes.
23:43We're looking for Miss Knight and Mrs. Boyd.
23:44Do you know where they are?
23:45Well, not exactly.
23:46I saw them walk out of the lobby a few minutes ago.
23:49Not according to your telephone operator.
23:50She told me she hadn't seen them.
23:51Well, I can't help that.
23:52Mr. Lockridge is right, sir.
23:54I took them down in the elevator.
23:55You're lying.
23:56You're both lying.
23:57We sent Miss Knight to this apartment for the express purpose of keeping Mrs. Boyd inside these rooms.
24:01All right.
24:02Don't believe us.
24:03I don't care.
24:04We've had all we want of notoriety and ill manners from the Boyds and the police department.
24:08Hold on, you.
24:11Grant, there's just one elevator in this building, isn't there?
24:14Is somebody running your elevator now?
24:16I left the door open.
24:18Inspector, I hear the hum of an elevator.
24:21Where's the dumbwaiter?
24:22There's one in the kitchen.
24:23Come on, you two.
24:24I don't have to.
24:25Oh, yes, you do.
24:29There it is, Mike.
24:30Open the door.
24:32It's going down fast.
24:36Where's the button?
24:40Now we'll bring it back up again.
24:46Stay where you are, Lockridge.
24:47You too, Grant.
24:48You guys are all wrong.
24:49Here it comes, Inspector.
24:51Be ready.
24:56All right, Collins.
24:57Get out of there.
24:59Smart guys, aren't you?
25:02Is Phyllis all right?
25:03Yeah, she's bound and gagged, but she's all right.
25:05I'll watch these guys.
25:06You cut the girls loose.
25:07Okay, Mike.
25:11Oh, Mike.
25:12Oh, Angel.
25:13Well, it's about time.
25:14He was going to kill us.
25:16You butch this up, Lockridge.
25:17We told you not to kill Boyd in the apartment.
25:19Shut up, you double-crossed...
25:20Yeah, I'll shut you up.
25:24Drop that gun, Lockridge.
25:27How about it, Mike?
25:29He got him all right.
25:31Collins is dead.
25:32Okay, Lockridge.
25:33Now you got two murders to answer for.
25:36Come on, let's go.
25:47THE END
25:53Well, kids, not a bad day's work.
25:55Murder solved and the jewelry gang smashed.
25:58The robbery detail ought to buy us a round of drinks.
26:00Miss Phyllis Knight wouldn't be here to enjoy it
26:02if you boys hadn't come back to the apartment in the nick of time.
26:05And you can thank Mike for that, Phil.
26:07He figured out the manager was in the deal with Collins.
26:11Remember Mrs. Boyd told us the manager's office was on the fourth floor
26:14and it didn't mean anything to you?
26:16You said it was so obvious you wouldn't explain it to us.
26:19Of course.
26:20Ed Collins told the telephone operator he wanted to see Mrs. Jones on the eighth floor.
26:25But we all saw him get out of the elevator on the fourth floor.
26:29He went straight to the manager's office.
26:31That's why the manager barged in on us two minutes later.
26:35And when Collins asked for Mrs. Jones,
26:37that was double-talk because you two kids were standing by.
26:40Ah, the thing which really tied it on to the manager
26:42was when I asked him the color of the suit Ward Ritchie wore last night.
26:45He said gray,
26:46which was the color of the suit they'd bought this morning at a fire sale,
26:49smeared it with blood and fused to try and frame Ritchie.
26:53Oh, I see.
26:55Plus their phony identification of Ritchie down at the show-up.
26:59The manager, the telephone operator, and the elevator boy
27:01agreed among themselves to identify the same fall guy.
27:04And by a thousand-to-one shot, it happened to be Ritchie.
27:07The one outsider who was interested in the case
27:09and who was a favor to me had stepped into the show-up box.
27:12Pure coincidence.
27:15But you know, Inspector,
27:16the only person I really feel sorry for is Mrs. Boyd.
27:20Man, it's bad enough to be married to a crook,
27:23but then a murderer.
27:24Ah, don't worry. She'll be all right.
27:27She'll get plenty of comfort from our client, Mr. Ritchie.
27:30Oh, there you go again, cooking up another romance.
27:33I don't have to. He's still in love with her.
27:36I know that gleam in a man's eye.
27:38Well, says the expert.
27:41Why, of course.
27:43Don't I see that gleam often enough, Mr. Shane?
27:46Hmm? Darling?
27:48Ha, ha, ha!
28:00Ladies and gentlemen,
28:01the domestic heating situation is going to be tougher this winter than ever before.
28:06All fuel, including oil, coal, gas, coke, and wood, will be scarce.
28:11Here in the West in particular,
28:13war industries are going to need more fuel for manufacturing.
28:16That means you should act now by weatherproofing and insulating where you can
28:21and by checking up on your heating equipment
28:23in order to conserve fuel next winter.
28:26And don't wait for some special fuel which may not be available.
28:30Stock up now on whatever kind and quantity of fuel
28:34your dealer can let you have.
28:36Remember, fuel will be scarce this winter.
28:39Be sure you're prepared.
28:57Tune in again next week at 8 o'clock
28:59for another adventure with Michael Shane, Private Detective,
29:02starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis,
29:04with Joe Forte as the inspector.
29:06Tonight's story was written by Richard DeGraff
29:08and based on the character created by Brett Halliday.
29:11Music was composed and directed by Bernard Ketz.
29:14This is John Lang saying goodnight for the people who make 76 gasoline
29:19and Triton Motor Oil, Union Oil Company.
29:23This is the Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System.
