Chris Finds a Goliath Tarantula | Happy Halloween | New Compilation

  • 2 days ago
Chris Finds a Goliath Tarantula | Happy Halloween | New Compilation


00:00I would really love to find a vampire bat so I could have a vampire bat power suit for
00:10my Halloween costume.
00:12Nothing in there.
00:15They might be inside that cave.
00:25Here, batty, batty, batties.
00:31Hmm, you'd think there'd be some vampire bats hanging from the ceiling, but nothing.
00:41Is someone there?
00:48Who is that?
00:55Why does my hair feel fuzzier?
01:00Oh, a goliath tarantula! Terrific!
01:06You're not scary, you're just really creepy cool.
01:11Aviva, you've got to see this spider.
01:17Look at these fangs. They inject venom for hunting.
01:21Lucky for me, he's not hungry right now.
01:24And they have a great defense.
01:26When he's alarmed, the tarantula can rub his abdomen with his hind legs to release
01:31urticating hairs, which are irritating to the skin.
01:35That's cool!
01:36And check out this offense. Eight strong legs.
01:40He's called the bird-eating spider because they have been seen eating and catching birds.
01:45Also rodents and lizards.
01:47Wow, that's some good stuff!
01:50This is going to make a great new Creature Power Suit for Halloween for my bro.
01:55Yeah, let's surprise him.
01:57Martin is going to love it.
02:00The goliath tarantula and the vampire bat.
02:04They're both going to love their new Creature Power Suit surprises.
02:08Here are two blank Creature Power Discs.
02:10And you've got to program both of them into Halloween surprises.
02:14Yeah, there's not much time.
02:20Welcome to the runway of doom.
02:24Walk it if you dare.
02:28Look at all those eyes.
02:30I wonder what creatures they belong to.
02:33Stop being interested.
02:38You should be terrified.
02:40Dabio, unleash the beasts.
02:44Uh-oh, more big-sized animals.
02:47Stay back, kids.
02:48She's letting loose the monsters.
02:52And you mean literally.
02:56A Gila monster!
03:00Time to deploy Miniaturizer.
03:14Don't worry.
03:15I've got a leg for you.
03:22I'd recognize that tongue anywhere.
03:25Komodo dragon.
03:30The world's largest living lizard is even larger.
03:37Enter the thorny devil.
03:40As big as a dinosaur.
03:45And amazing.
03:47You're not supposed to be interested and amazed.
03:49You're supposed to be terrified and stupefied.
03:53Now try this.
03:58Wow, a thorny devil.
04:00And a Tasmanian devil.
04:02Double the devils.
04:04T-Bone, buddy.
04:08No, not fun.
04:11Another one of Zack's great ideas that didn't work.
04:15Dabio, unpose them and let's go.
04:25I'm never listening to Zack again.
04:28We did it.
04:29Now let's get our friends back to real size.
04:32Come on, let's all push.
04:36T-Bone, you first.
04:42Get up here, T-Bone.
04:45Good thing I've got a lot of legs.
04:53Want to lift, little buddy?
04:56Uh-oh, Zack's jet.
04:58He's going to take off.
05:00We've got to get on that plane.
05:02To the creature rescue!
05:32Okay, show me the kitty.
05:36This is it? Okay, it's black, I'll give you that. But is that as big as it gets?
05:43Oh, so it's a puppy then. But I can't go public with this pipsqueak.
05:48How long does it take to get to be full-sized and impressive?
05:54Two years?! Oh, I can't wait that long! I'm launching my new Spybots in two hours!
06:01Well, I guess I could inject it with some growth serum or something.
06:05Zackbots, get me 10 grams of sodium bichloride, a pound of magnesium sulfate, and a large box of pancake mix.
06:16I've always wanted to invent a growth serum, but I've always had too many other genius ideas to do first.
06:22Plus, I've had too many interruptions from those pesky Kraut Brothers.
06:25But not this time! I will combine my ingredients into a growth acceleration formula,
06:31and then I'm gonna grow you into my impressive spokesmodel for the Zack Spybots Shadow Edition!
06:45Alright, Shadow. We've got you now.
06:48Ah ha ha ha!
06:51What?! How did this get here? Where's my black jaguar?!
06:57Hmm, they are sneaky. I like that.
07:01Zackbots, find it! It couldn't have just flown away. It must be here somewhere.
07:07There's your mama.
07:12Aw, Shadow is back where he belongs. Living free and with his mom.
07:18Living free and in the shadows.
07:21Living free and in the wild.
07:26Oh, no!
07:28Oh, no!
07:30Oh, no!
07:32Oh, no!
07:34Oh, no!
07:37Okay, guys. You're both all set. Let's hope the thick webbing works.
07:44There she goes. Come on, Chris. Let's go!
07:48You go ahead. Aviva, check this out.
07:51An orbweaver spiderling, floating on an extra-light dragline. That's how they travel when they're babies.
07:58Wow. They use their web for so many things.
08:02I gotta try this.
08:07Maybe I can catch Danita.
08:10Good luck, guys.
08:14Okay, Orbit. Hopefully my aim is as good as yours is when you spin the first thread of your web.
08:30Please, please, please hold.
08:37Yes! Spider webbing is incredible.
08:41Yes! My spider silk really is as strong and tough as a real spider's.
08:47Donio! Didn't we stop moving?
08:52Those wild crats.
08:55Nothing my jet's built-in tailor's kit can't handle.
09:01Oh, no! She's free!
09:03If she gets out over the Atlantic Ocean, we'll never be able to stop her.
09:08Wait a second. I'm picking up something.
09:11It's Chris. He's up ahead of the jet.
09:21Chris, what are you doing?
09:23Making a giant web. If those golden orbweavers can catch birds in their webs,
09:28then we can catch a jet airplane in our bigger webs.
09:30There. Frame's done. Now for the sticky part.
09:34Well, you better hurry because she's coming down the valley now.
09:40Need an extra spinneret? Let's do it, bro.
09:53There. Trap set.
09:56Here, birdie. Right this way.
09:59Oh, goody. The ocean.
10:02Those wild crats will never catch us now.
10:09Yes! Now that's spider power.
10:12Thanks for teaching us how it's done, Orbit.
10:16What is this?
10:18Dobby-O, get my jet off this thing now.
10:22Coming, Tanita.
10:24Stick around while we rescue those spiders.
10:34In here.
10:38Gotta deactivate pose beam control.
10:46There. You're free.
10:48Now, let's get you spiders home.
10:51Those spiders shouldn't be making your dresses, Tanita.
10:54They deserve to be living free and in the wild, not working for you.
10:58Hey, come on, bro. Let's go.
11:07Two creature power disks hot off the M.I.K.
11:10and we're ready to go.
11:12Two creature power disks hot off the M.I.K.
11:15Oh, yeah.
11:21Activate gecko powers!
11:34Oh, sticking the landing.
11:37With the gecko effect.
11:38Oh, hello, Donita.
11:40Hello, Gourmand.
11:42I'm glad you could join my conference call.
11:45I invented a new miniaturizer.
11:49He did not.
11:51Quick, while he's bragging. Let's go.
11:54Well, you guys can climb, but what about the rest of us?
11:57Ah, but you underestimate gecko power.
12:00One gecko foot can hold up one gecko plus 50 more.
12:04So I can easily haul the three of you out of here.
12:06Grab on to my tail.
12:08And I'll hurl the electric toes straight up to the escape hatch.
12:13Okay, Tokay, let's head up.
12:16Oh, the other up.
12:22Like them.
12:25Oh, they say herding cats is tough, but herding geckos, sheesh.
12:31Gecko powers are awesome.
12:34Gecko powers are awesome.
12:37And it really works. With my foot down, the electrical charge attraction is on.
12:41But when I peel the toe pad up, it turns off.
12:44So I can stick and walk where there's nothing to grab.
12:47Even upside down on glass.
12:49This is the most awesome creature power yet.
12:52How are you guys doing down there?
12:54Hanging in there.
12:56I wish I said that.
12:58You say that every time.
13:04See? And I can shrink them so tiny, you can't even see them.
13:11We're almost there.
13:13I'm not.
13:15Okay, cooperate.
13:17Go up.
13:23Almost there.
13:28Oh, Jimmy, you forgot to tie your...
13:45Grab onto my tail, Aviva, and let's geck going.
13:49Geck go.
13:51Geck go. Okay, Tokay.
13:53He's up here.
13:59Okay, were you just messing with me?
14:01Come on, let's get to the miniaturizer and back to real size while Zack's distracted.
14:06This veggie cleaner will make it super easy to make desserts for the party tonight.
14:10Let's see what it's got.
14:18Mmm, pumpkin pie.
14:21Try this one.
14:28Let's try these.
14:30Let's try the apples.
14:32What's that?
14:34Hang on, I've got a flashlight around here somewhere.
14:36Flashlight, flashlight...
14:47Ha-ha! Gotcha!
14:49I knew it was...
14:51Knew it was Koki the whole time.
14:53Very funny.
14:54You're not going to get me twice.
14:56Uh, Jimmy, that wasn't us.
15:00Must be the power generators need rebooting, but that'll take a few hours.
15:04No problem. That's why we have these lanterns anyway.
15:07Where are Chris and Martin?
15:09I'm not sure.
15:11They said they were on a top secret mission to find their costumes.
15:14Top secret?
15:16Knowing Martin, he probably wants to come as a sperm whale.
15:19I should check in.
15:22I should check in.
15:28Keep going, bro. I'm going to see if I can spot him.
15:36Wild Kratts, where are you?
15:38Oh, hey, Koki.
15:40We were just out trying to decide which nocturnal creatures we want to be.
15:47Bet you can't guess.
15:49A wolf?
15:53I found the wolf pack. They're just to the west of us.
15:55Okay, you're right.
15:57Wolves? Yikes! You guys are actually looking for wolves?
16:01Yeah, one of the most misunderstood animals in the forest.
16:04Some people think they're really dangerous, but they're actually pretty wary of people.
16:08Wow, but that howling is pretty spooky.
16:11Wolves howl to talk with each other.
16:13They're saying, here I am!
16:15This area's my home! My territory!
16:21Let's follow that-
16:27Whoa, cool!
16:29An abandoned raccoon den!
16:31This must have been a great den.
16:33It's big, hidden, and-
16:39Hey, bro. Chris, you alright?
16:41Yeah, I'm fine. Just checking out this old raccoon den I found.
16:44Looks like you won't need a costume for the party tonight.
16:48You can go as a raccoon now.
16:50Not bad. Raccoons are nocturnal creatures.
16:53Good point, dude. But let's go find that wolf pack.
17:01Let's get out of here.
17:03Wait, don't run!
17:05Right. She'll see us as prey.
17:07Nothing triggers a predator like prey on the run.
17:09We need the power of the pack.
17:14Activate wolf power!
17:25Nobody's gonna mess with us in our wolf power suits.
17:29Tell that to the cougar!
17:38Thanks for the hair brushing.
17:43We can't beat her in the short game for long.
17:46Switch to marathon running!
17:48On your mark, get set, go!
17:54She's tiring.
17:56A sprinter like her can't keep up the pace for long.
18:02Now we've got the cougar beat because we wolves are marathoners!
18:07Wow, I feel so light, like I could run like this forever!
18:11That's the power of the wolf!
18:19Amazing! We've only been wolves for two minutes and already a raven has found us.
18:24Well, if he found us, he can find other wolves.
18:27And maybe lead us right to Little Howler's pack.
18:34Follow that raven!
18:40Follow the wolf brothers following that raven!
18:43Go, go!
18:48This is awesome! It's like I'm Wolfman and the raven is my sidekick.
18:53Maybe the raven thinks it's the other way around.
18:56But either way, because wolves and ravens are so tight,
18:59I don't think it'll be too long before this raven leads us right to the pack's new...
19:06Uh-oh. We forgot to consider one very important point of wolf behavior.
19:10A wolf pack doesn't like strange wolves.
19:14Our only hope is to speak wolf language.
19:18How's it going?
19:20Hmm. Bro, that accent won't do it.
19:23Well, what...
19:27Roll over!
19:30Pet tricks? How are pet tricks going to save us?
19:34Body language! Wolf body language!
19:36Wolf body language!
19:43Yeah! By acting submissive, a wolf can turn off an attack from another wolf.
19:48If they recognize us as one of their own.
19:51And because we activated Touching Little Howler,
19:55we smell familiar, like a pack member.
19:59We are in!
20:01Oh yeah!
20:03Chris, Martin, what about Little Howler?
20:27Now we're talking!
20:33Howling! That's what wolves do to keep the pack together.
20:37With our little wolf puppy howling free and in the wild.
21:01What are they?
21:03I don't know. Plant shoots? Some kind of mushrooms?
21:15Forest leeches!
21:20They are so cool!
21:28We gotta get out of here!
21:34Forest leeches latch onto mammals, reptiles and birds and suck their blood.
21:42Okay, what do we know?
21:44Leeches don't have eyes, but they locate their prey by sensing the heat from their bodies.
21:49Once they have a target, they inch along after them.
21:54Hey, they're going right past Protegia!
21:57How come the leeches don't know he's there?
22:00Oh, of course! He's cold-blooded.
22:03So the leeches can't read any heat off the chameleon,
22:06because the chameleon is the same temperature as the environment.
22:09But we're warm-blooded!
22:11And they know where we are!
22:19Chris, stop sniffling! It's gonna be okay!
22:22I'm not sniffling! I thought you were sniffling!
22:25I'm not sniffling!
22:27Well, somebody's sniffling!
22:31A street tenrec!
22:33Tenrecs only live in Madagascar,
22:36and this little insectivore is a serious predator on the forest floor.
22:40Martin, look out!
22:44Ho-ho! Saved by a street tenrec!
22:48That's right! The street tenrec loves to eat insects, worms, and leeches.
22:53So I guess the street tenrec is pretty good at rescuing miniaturized humans, too.
22:57Let's get out of here while we still can!
23:01We'll be crushed by the deep-sea pressure!
23:04Well, it was good Creature Adventure with you, bro.
23:07We had a good run.
23:09Yeah, we sure did, bro.
23:11But it'd be really nice to see a new species before we turn into human pancakes.
23:19Huh? Hey, Dragon Glow!
23:25Dragonfish Power Discs!
23:27Aviva, do it!
23:31It says, Mayday.
23:33With their coordinates, they must be in trouble now.
23:36We gotta hurry.
23:38Touch Dragonfish!
23:40Activate Dragonfish Power!
23:51Human-sized dragonfish!
23:54Love it, Dragon Glow!
23:56This is awesome!
24:02With working photophores!
24:10To the Wild Kratts Team Rescue!
24:15Ooh, better take the answer.
24:16I think it's repairable.
24:22Let go, you toothy fish face!
24:27I can't break free!
24:29Its tentacles are too strong!
24:31I can't pull away!
24:35Those serrated cutting discs!
24:37Look out!
24:39I hope the guys got our delivery.
24:42I don't see them anywhere.
24:43They should be around here somewhere.
24:46But where?
24:48There they are!
24:50Yeah, I'd say this is a Mayday kind of situation.
24:54Let's put our suits into spy mode,
24:57so the squid can't see us.
24:59Oh, yeah.
25:01This calls for full Dragonfish cloaking power.
25:04Deep Sea Invisibility, on!
25:07Let's just hope Colossus doesn't see us.
25:09Deep Sea Invisibility, on!
25:11Let's just hope Colossal Squids can't see our red lights either.
25:18It's working!
25:20We can see him, but he can't see us.
25:24Now, let's put these sharp jaws to use.
25:32These Dragonfish teeth are impressive, Dragon Glow!
25:35It's a good thing we're super huge Dragonfish.
25:37Because otherwise, this squid would never feel it.
25:48I'm feeling that!
25:50Ow! Hey!
25:52The jaws work, but there are so many tentacles!
25:56Missed me!
25:58Keep going, Martin!
26:00Take that!
26:02And that!
26:04And one more!
26:09I'm not sure why, but it seems like he's loosening his grip.
26:13It's us!
26:17With Dragonfish power!
26:23Woo-hoo! Over here! Can't catch us!
26:26Okay, get ready to make a break for it if you can, Jimmy.
26:39We're free!
26:45We did it!
26:47So the Octowalrus, Octoshark, and Octowhale weren't new species at all.
26:52Sorry, Chris.
26:53Now we know that Seven was the sea monster from the beginning.
26:56Because he kept activating every time he touched another animal.
27:00I have an idea that just might get everything back to normal.
27:03But we'll have to use all of our Octopowers.
27:06It could be the only chance we have to save my suits!
27:09Without them, you'll never run with a cheetah, dive with a dolphin, or climb with a koala ever again!
27:15Aviva's right!
27:17To the creature rescue!
27:27Oh, no you don't!
27:29Arm regeneration!
27:31I'm gonna need all my Octo-strength for this.
27:38Okay, guys, now hurry!
27:45Look, the deactivation button!
27:47Oh, great. Of course, it has to be right between a swarm of arms.
27:53Don't worry, guys. Those are my arms, not Seven's.
27:59Octopus Inc. defense!
28:05This is tougher than I thought.
28:07Activating Octopus Camouflage!
28:11Perfect, he doesn't see us.
28:13Remember, guys, all you gotta do is touch that deactivation button when you get close to it.
28:18Easy for her to say.
28:21Okay, Martin, you lost the suits, so I'm sending you in to deactivate.
28:26What? I said I was sorry!
28:28Good luck, bro!
28:30And, Chris, you'll be the decoy.
28:32The decoy? As in, yoo-hoo, come after me, giant sea monster decoy?
28:37That's right. Chris, let's find a new species-icus.
28:46Chris, decoy!
28:48Seven, over here, buddy!
28:51Nice, uh, teeth!
28:53Hurry, Martin, while he's distracted!
28:55Just a little closer!
28:59Uh, Aviva, any time now?
29:10Hold on, Chris! Jet propulsion!
29:15Uh-oh! I'm running out of octopus tricks!
29:18I've used the Ink Defense, Arm Regeneration, Camouflage, and Jet Propulsion!
29:22We just can't get close enough!
29:24Use all the features at once!
29:26You can do it, Aviva!
29:28Okay, Octopod, don't fail me now!
29:31So, you wanna play hardball, do you, Mr. Monster?
29:35Check out these Octo-moves!
29:38Ink Defense!
29:41Camouflage Power!
29:46Arm Power!
29:51I've got a clear shot! Quick, closer!
29:54I can't hold him much longer!
29:57Get ready, this is it!
29:59And Jet Propulsion Power!
30:02Martin, deactivate!
30:04Got it, got it, deactivate!
30:07Got it!
30:11Yes! It worked!
30:14The suits are safe!
30:17And Seven's back to normal!
30:19Sorry, Seven, but those are ours!
30:22And you know what? Octopus features really are like superhero powers!
30:27Fly faster, Jimmy! We've gotta save T-Bone and the Tasmanian Devils before they're not only endangered, but if Zack has his way, extinct!
30:35Drive, Jimmy! They need my help!
30:36Whatever you say, Devil Dog.
30:42Time to chase away those pesky kids for good!
30:45T-Devil 2000s, go get him!
30:56Don't be scared of the T-Devils! They won't hurt you!
31:01It's the Wild Kratts!
31:02Hurry! We're being attacked by Tasmanian Devil robots!
31:10Is that Chris?
31:12Yeah, he's a T-Devil. It's a long story.
31:17Don't be afraid! T-Devils aren't dangerous! They just like to eat dead things!
31:23They're lying, pesky kids! You should be very afraid, trust me!
31:27Why should we trust you?
31:29You're a meanie!
31:31Here's the plan! If you have any rotten food, toss it in front of you!
31:37I found a yucky bologna sandwich on Moldy Rye!
31:40I've got a wormy apple, a gross banana, and a gnarly pizza pizza!
31:45Great! Throw them!
31:47Oh, they won't be able to resist it!
31:51Animals are no match for technology!
31:54You are so wrong!
32:00Oh, stand back!
32:02Oh, no!
32:04Oh, no!
32:06Oh, no!
32:08Oh, no!
32:10Oh, no!
32:12Oh, no!
32:14Oh, no!
32:16Looks like the T-Devil's scavenging instincts are about to kick in!
32:32Yes! You did it, kids!
32:35Tasmanian Devils aren't scary!
32:37They're the world's greatest clean-up crew!
32:49Ah! Get them away from me!
32:52Hey, Zach! Come back! T-Devils are really nice when you get to know them!
32:57Yummy! Last week's moldy pizza!
33:01I can't resist it either! It's disgusting, but I can't stop myself!
33:07Chris! No!
33:19You finish it, T-Bone! I'm done like dinner!
33:23Praying Mantis can eat bugs, birds, lizards, and mammals as big as they are!
33:30You can fly, but you can't hide!
33:37He's right there! He's camouflaged, you metalhead! He's right there!
33:52Praying Mantis are full of surprises!
33:55Now give me back that mantis, Zach!
34:01Well then, try dealing with Zach-Bots that are bigger than you!
34:08Ah! Much bigger! Hurry! Get him!
34:17Oh yeah?
34:24Oh no!
34:26See? Machine powers are better than creature powers!
34:30Quick! Back to real size!
34:35So much for Mantis-Martin! You can't bug me with your puny bug powers anymore!
34:42Oh, but I can!
34:49And Girl Praying Mantis are much bigger than boys!
34:53Oh boy. Girl Praying Mantis eat Boy Praying Mantis.
34:56Uh, but we're good if Eva, right? We're good?
34:59Oh yeah, sure. But Zach, we're not!
35:03Oh no!
35:05I need bigger Zach-Bots! Enlarge to giant size! Giant size! Giant size!
35:16Looking for this?
35:18Ah! Give me that! It's mine! I just stole it from you!
35:28How's this for girl powers, Zach?
35:31Ah! Please don't eat me! Please don't eat me!
35:35Ew! Gross! Of course not!
35:38But do you promise never to bother harmless animals ever again?
35:42Yeah, sure! Never again! Never ever again!
35:46Yeah, right. Just get out of here, Zach.
35:55All right! We're free!
35:58Thanks, Gavin! No problem!
36:01Zach, one more thing. You're gonna have to hand over the Praying Mantis he captured.
36:06Or what? You're not the boss of me!
36:11Ah! Okay! Here!
36:14You're safe now, girl. We'll get you back home in no time.
36:24We're not too late!
36:26Yeah, but do you see Jilly Bee?
36:30In my backpack! Let's get her!
36:46Stay away from my possum!
36:48Listen, Gourmand. This isn't your possum.
36:51And that's not your backpack, either!
36:53Finders keepers! I found them both just lying around in the swamp!
36:57Now leave them alone!
37:01Uh, sorry, Gourmy. No can do.
37:05Hey! He has another creature in there, guys!
37:08We'll take this one, too, Gourmand!
37:11Oh, no you won't!
37:13Yes, we will!
37:15Got it!
37:17Ah! Diamondback Rattlesnakes!
37:22What's wrong? You don't like snakes?
37:30I thought you were going!
37:38Look out, Jill! They're poisonous!
37:48Are you kidding me?
37:50It's like she doesn't even care that a poisonous snake just bit her!
37:54Of course! Opossums are immune to snake poison. It doesn't affect them!
37:59A rattlesnake bite is no worse than a bee sting for an opossum!
38:05Now that's an incredible creature power!
38:07Are you looking for her?
38:14Our suits! They've got all the opossum's powers!
38:18So that means rattlesnake immunity, too!
38:21Yes! Only with a real creature power suit, bro!
38:24And professional creature adventure experience!
38:32Wait up, Jill!
38:34Uh, pardon me. We're with her.
38:36Oh, excuse me. Nice to see ya!
38:38Just passing through!
38:40Wait! Wait! Get back here!
38:44Fine! Keep your weird little pocket rat!
38:50I'll get you next time, wild-prepped fruit towels!
38:54Great! What I'd love any other time, but don't need right now,
38:58is a venomous lizard with a crushing bite!
39:00Rose, any luck?
39:02Yeah! We found a tellurium crystal!
39:06But then we lost it.
39:08But we're gonna find it again!
39:12I hope so! And you have to hurry!
39:14There are only ten minutes left until the Tortuga descends
39:17into an irreversible, disastrous meltdown!
39:20We're on it!
39:23Hey, Chris! You feel that?
39:25Feel what?
39:27Like we just entered a big open space!
39:30Quick! Switch to heat vision!
39:33Whoa! Are you seeing this?
39:36It looks weird.
39:38Like there are warm things down there,
39:39but not really hot.
39:41And not clear.
39:43Just some weird, warmish pattern.
39:45Let's throw a little light on this.
39:48We are in a hibernaculum!
39:51And what a gathering!
39:53The rattlesnakes are one of the most social of all snakes.
39:57I don't believe it! Look!
39:59Tellurium crystals!
40:02Whoa! Awesome!
40:05Okay, all we have to do is sneak in there, load up, and get out.
40:09Let's do this thing!
40:15Easy, easy.
40:18Uh, that's it, fella.
40:21Rock-a-bye snakey on the treetop.
40:26Hey, everybody! We found Tellurium crystals!
40:29The Tortuga is saved!
40:35It's not going to be that easy!
40:36The Tortuga is on the verge of a core meltdown.
40:39You have five minutes to get that Tellurium here.
40:42After that, no amount of crystals will help.
40:44The Tortuga will be finished.
40:48Guys? Guys?
40:59All right, let's move.
41:01What are you waiting for?
41:03Keep going, Chris.
41:04I'll warn this skunk off with rattlesnake powers.
41:07Thanks, bro!
41:13Whoa! Looks like I've got a bigger customer up here.
41:21People think rattlesnakes are scary, but they're just defending themselves.
41:31Way to go, bro!
41:32But don't take long to catch up.
41:34We've got to get the Tellurium to the Tortuga.
41:40We're out of time! Abandon Tortuga!
41:43Meltdown will commence in one minute.
41:46I repeat, abandon Tortuga!
41:48I'm coming!
41:51Wait! We've got the Tellurium!
41:54We have to hurry! We have less than a minute left!
41:57Here it is!
41:59And not a moment too soon.
42:00I just hope I can replace the crystals in time.
42:03Keep your fingers crossed.
42:36All right!
42:38The Tortuga is saved!
42:40Thanks to rattlesnake powers!
42:45Wild Kratts Emergency!
42:47All Wild Kratts kids, especially at longitude 45 degrees north and latitude 75 degrees west.
42:55Code Creature Rescue!
42:56Build bat boxes and hang them outside immediately!
43:00A bat rescue? In our neighborhood? Yeah!
43:08When our bat box is done, they can live here.
43:12Okay, we better keep an eye on Bite Size and his bat buddies until the bat boxes are ready.
43:22Peregrine Falcon! She's spotted the bats!
43:25We have to help them!
43:27To the Creature Rescue!
43:33I'll distract the Peregrine Falcon. You stay with the bats.
43:36Got it!
43:38Hey Falcon, over here! Catch me if you can!
43:45Uh-oh! He probably can!
43:50But not this time!
43:55Don't worry Bite Size, we're not going to let any hungry predators eat you for breakfast!
44:00A raccoon!
44:02He can grab them right out of the air! I've got to get there first!
44:09Hey raccoon! Looking for a bat snack? Well, breakfast is served!
44:14Come and get it!
44:24That's it! Eyes on me just a little bit longer!
44:30Sorry raccoon, little brown bats are off the menu. And me too!
44:35These kids are incredibly cool!
44:38They love animals, including bats!
44:44Heave ho!
45:20It's working!
45:21Kids in the target zone and kids from all over North America
45:24are reporting bats are moving into the bat boxes.
45:27But what about...
45:31Which I'm going to put up for a special little bat
45:34who might want to live right close to a real bat lover
45:37with a super batitude.
45:41Hey guys, you're not going to believe this.
45:44You know where Bite Size is headed?
45:46The Tortuga!
46:00Welcome to your new home, Bite Size.
46:03I want you to know I really, really, really like you now.
46:12So what's Zach up to this time?
46:21I can't stand how Zach uses animals as spare parts.
46:25Yeah, and no better way to turn the tables
46:28than rescuing our lizard friends with Heal-A-Monster powers!
46:45He's just reacting in his natural way.
46:47True, but he's giving us away!
46:51Activate Heal-A-Monster powers!
47:04Ready for some Heal-A-Monster combat?
47:06Oh yeah!
47:09Engage Bite Power!
47:26I figured you two would show up and try to mess up my plan.
47:29So I have a little surprise for you while you're standing.
47:32Right there.
47:43Oh no! This is going to hurt!
47:47And just so you can't mess with me further,
47:49I'm prepared to go underground!
47:57I've got to admit, that's pretty impressive.
47:59Except that Zach should have been paying closer attention
48:02to Heal-A-Monster powers.
48:04Heal-A-Monsters can dig!
48:06Let's show him how!
48:16I've beaten him this time!
48:18My plan is foolproof!
48:23Except if the fools you're trying to beat have Heal-A-Monster powers!
48:28Release our Heal-A-Monster friend, Zach!
48:30No! Forget it!
48:33These slow-witted lizards are totally under my control!
48:37Uh, careful, Zach!
48:39Heal-A-Monsters have a powerful bite!
48:41He can't bite! He can't even move!
48:44I'm not talking about that one.
48:46I'm talking about...
48:50That one!
48:51Zach, we warned you to be careful!
48:53Owie! Owie! Owie! Owie! Get it off! It hurts!
48:57That's because of the venom!
48:59The venom makes a Heal-A-Monster bite hurt worse than normal.
49:02Some people just don't pay attention to the warning colors and the warning hisses.
49:06Have to learn the hard way.
49:08Yeah, but even though Zach is so annoying, we've got to help him.
49:11I mean, you've got to help anybody with a Heal-A-Monster locked on his behind.
49:15Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
49:19Okay Zach, we'll take you to the Tortuga First Aid Clinic
49:22as soon as you release the Heal-A-Monsters.
49:24Okay, okay, okay, just hurry!
49:27Owie! Owie! Owie!
49:30You're free!
49:32And so are you!
49:38Get it off!
49:39Get it off!
49:40Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
49:43Uh, we can't.
49:44Ahila monster lets go when he wants to.
49:46But don't worry, he won't hang on all day.
49:49And we'll help you out.
49:50Hey Martin, do you think Aviva will forgive us for taking her goggles?
49:55I just hope we get back to find out.
49:59Hold it right there, Kratt brothers!
50:02It's the Tortuga! We're saved!
50:07Oh, are we happy to see you!
50:09Mm-hmm. Hand him over, Kratts.
50:12Oh. Sorry.
50:14I'll forgive you. This time.
50:17But hey, they worked great. For a while.
50:20Then Googly Eye saved us. He was taking us home.
50:23He's the master of the night.
50:25We owe you, Googly Eye.
50:28Googly Eye, wait!
50:30A Tarsier alarm call.
50:34Something's wrong.
50:35Googly Junior must be in trouble.
50:37Uh-oh. The little Tarsier must have left his parking spot.
50:41He's not supposed to do that.
50:43We gotta help Googly Eye find him.
50:45Googly Eye helped us when we were lost in the forest.
50:48Now it's our turn to help him.
50:51Oh, but we'll never find that little Tarsier without a lot of searchlights and...
50:55Oh yes, we will. With Tarsier nocturnal power.
50:58I can use this little bit of Tarsier fur and my nocturnal eye programming
51:02to add Tarsier power to your creature power suits.
51:05How long will it take?
51:07Huh? You mean how long did it take?
51:10They're done.
51:12Two discs, made to order.
51:16Thanks, Aviva!
51:19Tarsier powers, activate!
51:25To the creature rescue!
51:29Don't worry, Googly Eye. We'll find Googly Junior.
51:36Oh, these ears are incredible.
51:38They can hear even the slightest noises.
51:41Please make a sound. Please make a sound.
51:45Pays to say please. Rustling leaves. That way!
51:51Nothing like getting there fast.
51:53Woo! With these amazing leaping...
51:59Come on, Tarsier eyes. Don't fail us now.
52:03Chris, look! Behind that fern.
52:07It's... it's...
52:09Googly Junior!
52:11Googly Eye, we found Googly Junior!
52:14Your baby is safe and...
52:18A python!
52:25They're mobbing the snake to protect one of their own kind.
52:29Ooh, they're too much for the snake.
52:31They're coming at it from all sides.
52:33They did it!
52:36All right, now Googly Junior is safe and sound.
52:40Oh, and back with Mom.
52:44Activate Elbow Power!
52:54To the Jimmy rescue!
52:56To the Cokie rescue!
52:59Ah, now this is what nocturnal search and locate is all about.
53:03This eye gear is awesome.
53:08I can see the sea trail so clearly now, even at night.
53:11Ah, all right, all right. No need to scream, Chris.
53:15This owl hearing is ultra-sensitive.
53:18We're like nocturnal spy missiles.
53:21Come on, trail goes this way.
53:24Let's just hope we're not too late.
53:29What's that? Did you hear that?
53:31Hear what?
53:32That growl.
53:33Something's out there.
53:36There it is again.
53:38Jimmy, do you know what that growl is coming from?
53:41I don't want to know.
53:43Your stomach.
53:46Oh, well, that's because I'm starving out here.
53:50Hold it together a little longer, GZ.
53:52Those guys will find us.
53:55Hey, what's going on?
53:57My seeds!
53:58What? Moths?
54:02Chris, I'm picking up some strange movements ahead.
54:05Wait a second. Our trail.
54:08It's hatching.
54:10Whoa, those little caterpillars inside the jumping beans transformed into moths.
54:16What's going on?
54:18Whoa, those little caterpillars inside the jumping beans transformed into moths.
54:24They're leaving the seeds.
54:28And check out Alphys. He loves it.
54:31He's a master insect hunter.
54:34Wait, what's over there?
54:36Owl Eyes, maximum focus.
54:41More moths.
54:44If Jimmy had a whole bag of these jumping beans, then...
54:47That big swarm of moths could be from his bag.
54:50Let's go.
54:52Whoa, that's a lot of moths.
54:55Ew, just put them down somewhere, GZ.
54:58They're getting everywhere.
55:07Oh, no. We're in trouble now.
55:10How will they ever find us way down here?
55:13And there's no food down here either.
55:18Look, it's Jimmy's bag of jumping beans.
55:22Oh, but no sign of Jimmy and Cokie.
55:25Maybe they ditched the seeds for some reason.
55:28That means our trail ends here.
55:30Yeah, but we know they were heading that way.
55:32So let's just keep on searching in the direction they were heading.
55:35Good idea, bro.
55:37And keep those owl senses tuned in.
55:41Wait, what's that?
55:43Owl Hearing, maximum power.
55:48It's... it's...
55:49Jimmy's stomach.
55:51That's the sound it makes when he's hungry for pizza.
55:54Quick, it's coming from over there.
55:56Whew, almost flew right past him.
55:58Ha, this owl power is incredible.
56:01Being able to pinpoint a tiny sound like that
56:04and hone in on exactly where it's coming from.
56:07Let's just hope ours works as good as his.
56:12There they are.
56:14Jimmy! Cokie!
56:20You found us!
56:23How'd you do it?
56:25Let's just say we got some help from a little desert elf.
56:29With big creature powers.
56:34Insert creature power disc and...
56:38activate giant squid power!
56:52Now this is a true monster of the deep.
56:55A 12 meter long multi-tentacled cephalopod.
56:59Giant squid power for a giant rescue!
57:05Look out! Red hot magma chunks!
57:08Oh, we gotta get out of here!
57:10I can't break free!
57:12Keep trying, Jimmy! Use full power!
57:15I'm trying, but this dough is sticky!
57:19Look out, creature pals!
57:21If one of those rocks hits us, we're toast!
57:24To the creature rescue!
57:29You're free!
57:30Hey, Gourmand, these creatures don't want to be fried or boiled.
57:37Way to go, Chris!
57:39I brought reinforcements!
57:44Bumper's mom!
57:47Just in time.
57:50Activate sperm whale powers!
57:54Yes! Swim, creatures, swim!
57:59The power of one of the deepest-diving mammals in the creature world.
58:03No! Those creatures are mine!
58:07No, they're not, Gourmand.
58:09They belong living free and in the desert.
58:12I'm going to save them!
58:14I'm going to save them!
58:16I'm going to save them!
58:18I'm going to save them!
58:20Don't worry, Gourmand. They belong living free and in the deep.
58:24Guys, help! We can't break free!
58:28Sperm whale powers to the polka dot rescue!
58:39We're free!
58:40Let's get out of here.
58:42You better go, too, Gourmand, or you'll get cooked!
58:52Abandon ship!
58:58Oh, my poor sub.
59:00You can keep your deep-sink creature for now.
59:04You thinking what I'm thinking?
59:06Oh, yeah, we're thinking the same thing.
59:08To the new species!
59:14I don't see him.
59:16He's gone.
59:17No, he can't be.
59:19He's right here.
59:21Guys, we gotta go back up.
59:23The polka dot needs a detailed status check pronto.
