Emmerdale 4th October 2024

  • 2 days ago
Emmerdale 4th October 2024


00:30Oh, hiya. My tablet's still missing so I thought I might have missed it yesterday when I checked
00:42it down the back, but... What?
00:57What is it? You're acting all shifty. Is there something you're not telling me?
01:02I can do without this today, Jimmy. I'm supposed to be at work. No, I'll sort it.
01:10What's up?
01:11Karl's got the dentist in Houghton. Jimmy was meant to take him, but he's having to
01:15cover a driving job.
01:16Well, I can take him. I've got nothing else on.
01:20You can't be driving with your back injury.
01:24Doctors didn't tell me not to.
01:26Are you sure? He'll need dropping at school after and he gets a bit nervous in the dentist
01:35I'm used to putting patients at ease. Furry ones.
01:41Isaac, Mattie and Kyle are in the car, so if you think you're skiving off again, you
01:46can forget it.
01:47Hey, everything OK?
01:48Yeah, apparently he's got a stomach bug, but funny how he managed to wolf down a bacon
01:56sandwich this morning.
01:57Trying it on, is he? Johnny did the exact same thing the other morning. Honestly, if
02:01I had a pound...
02:03Well, the truth is, I think he's worried about his mammy. He thinks I'm going to keel
02:08over the minute I'm left alone.
02:10Do you want me to have a word?
02:13Or I could just get that blood sample from Isaac's you. Check there's no chemicals left
02:17in her system.
02:18Yes, I hope not.
02:19Moira, how are you today?
02:22Obviously in need of a babysitter. Did Mackenzie send you?
02:25Don't be ridiculous. This is a social call. We managed lunch the other day without killing
02:28each other, so I thought I'd drag her out for some more fun. I thought we'd do wholesome
02:32and today I gave her a nice country strew.
02:35Enjoy. I'll call you later with those results.
02:38All right, cheers, Nat.
02:40Laurel, Arthur, how are you today?
02:43I'm still a bit traumatised from walking in on you two.
02:45Yeah, just ignore him. I was going to come and help you with Harvest Festival later.
02:49Oh, there's a pile of donations to sort through. Yeah, Eric's shown his unusual generosity.
02:55Past his sell-by date, but still usable, apparently.
02:59I'll see you down there.
03:02You OK with us two? I mean, I know it's a bit quick after Jay, but it's not serious.
03:08I don't care, you see.
03:09Well, thanks for not saying anything, cos I don't think Jay would be able to handle it right now.
03:14Stop stressing. If you fancy him, just do what you want.
03:22So, these murder mystery things, basically they're just a bunch of people
03:27getting dressed up and solving crimes.
03:29In a nutshell, I suppose.
03:31The best part is getting under the skin of the characters you're assigned,
03:35just doing your research, bringing them to life.
03:38If I'd have known you were this passionate about it, I'd have let you tell me more yesterday.
03:41Oh, no, that's OK. It's not for everyone.
03:48Coffee, please. Take away.
03:50I'm surprised you were in here at all, my nephew being the devil incarnate.
03:54I can always take my custom elsewhere.
03:57Fine, one coffee coming up.
03:59Maybe I'll come with you next time, see what all the fuss is about.
04:04What do you reckon, Chas? Couples having a shared hobby?
04:08Er, it depends what it is.
04:10Murder mystery events. Liam went to one yesterday.
04:13Should have seen him all dressed up. Looked well fit.
04:15Did he now?
04:16Called it, apparently. The butler did it.
04:19Oh, well done, you. Hope you enjoyed yourself.
04:22I did, I did, yes. Thank you very much.
04:25Erm, listen, why don't I take you out for lunch?
04:28Make up for missing bun and a million.
04:30There's a lovely pub in Demdyke. There's a terrific lunch.
04:33Oh, I can't today. I've got the opticians.
04:35What about later, after work?
04:37Course, yeah. Whatever works for you.
04:45All right?
04:49You look, er...
04:52Just giving her a wash.
04:54I'll have one of my own soon, hopefully.
04:56Oh, but check this one out.
04:58It's got a projector screen, surround sound.
05:00It's like a cinema on wheels.
05:02I suppose it is, Van.
05:03You want to live in it, you need a cooker and a sink.
05:06Still drooling over camper vans?
05:09Well, Don's the expert. I'm asking for his advice.
05:12Give us a sec.
05:16Advice, yeah? Is that what you're calling it now?
05:18You shouldn't even be here.
05:20Oh, I wanted to see what a desperate saddler looked like.
05:23I'm not desperate. He's into me, too.
05:25As if.
05:27No, John won't look twice at someone your age.
05:29Listen, I'm in, all right? So do one.
05:36Can you show us the inside?
05:38You know, so I get an idea of the layout.
05:40Go on, then, if you must.
05:49One minute, you're dumping manure in the driveway,
05:52and now here we are, busy mates.
05:54Yeah, well, let's not go too far.
05:59But that's probably down to you for being so forgiving.
06:02Well, I got a brain tumour.
06:04If it's things in perspective.
06:06Ah, maybe for you, but...
06:10I don't know what's what anymore.
06:12Especially after yesterday.
06:16What happened? Mac hinted at something, but he didn't say what.
06:19Yeah, cos I asked him not to.
06:21I don't know what Grace Cain finds on it.
06:23Sounds serious.
06:26I took the Land Rover out, and I was trying to find Belle.
06:29But you're not supposed to drive.
06:31Yeah, but I had something really important I needed to tell her.
06:34I tried calling her, she didn't pick up,
06:36so I got behind the wheel instead.
06:38And then I got lost,
06:40and ended up having a massive seizure.
06:43Oh, that's awful. Yeah.
06:46But I was just a mile up the road, Ruby.
06:48And I've driven it a million times,
06:50and I've no idea where I was.
06:53You know, if...
06:55Mackenzie hadn't found me...
06:57I mean, thank God he did, but if he hadn't, I'd dread to think.
07:00You must have been terrified.
07:02Yeah, well, I've scared everyone else.
07:04Mackenzie, the kids.
07:06And the worst thing is, I can't even remember what I had to tell Belle.
07:11You know, I just...
07:13I hate being like this, you know? It's like...
07:16Life, it used to be so easy.
07:19Now everything's just out of control.
07:25Maybe Ken should come back.
07:27I can be with you.
07:29No. No, he needs to be with Zak.
07:33And please don't tell him.
07:35Or Caleb and Chas.
07:37As soon as he finds this out, he'll drive straight home.
07:42That's what you want.
07:49It will get better, you know?
07:51After the surgery.
07:54I know that.
07:56I just can't help thinking that...
08:01What if it kills me?
08:03It's a possibility.
08:07I just can't bear the thought of my boys losing their mum.
08:15Hey, I'm sorry.
08:20It's not you.
08:22It's not...
08:24It's not just you and me.
08:31It's my mother's cremation today.
08:35No service. No mourners.
08:40They'll be disposing of her body all right about now.
08:47Did you not want to be there?
08:49No. God, no.
08:53She disowned me
08:55when I needed her most.
08:57I never gave up for it.
09:01I just...
09:05Well, it feels a bit final and...
09:11Yeah. Sorry.
09:13No. Don't be daft.
09:15Come here.
09:17What, we like it?
09:31Why are we stopping?
09:38Listen, we didn't...
09:40finish our little chat
09:42about my tablet going missing. Do you know where it is?
09:47I think you do.
09:51I'll make it clearer for you, shall I?
09:53Did you, or did you not,
09:55steal my tablet?
10:00Answer me!
10:02I just took it to play games and that's all.
10:04Where is it now? In your school bag?
10:06Isaac's got it. He took it off me in the cafe yesterday.
10:08What the hell did you let him do that for?
10:15I need that tablet, all right?
10:17My whole life is on it.
10:21Listen, Carl, I'm...
10:23I'm sorry if I scared you,
10:25all right?
10:27But you did the right thing
10:29telling me about Isaac. I appreciate it.
10:31Let's get you to school.
10:33We'll talk about this later.
10:43Where've you been?
10:45You know where. We're joining this van.
10:47What? For all this time?
10:49Doing what exactly?
10:51Nothing for you to know about.
10:53Were you and him...
10:55having sex?
10:57Arthur, that's well bad.
10:59I see you're homophobic now.
11:01What? No, of course I'm not.
11:05Look, John's too old for you.
11:07That's all it is. I can't believe you went and had sex
11:09with him in his van. Sorry, what did you just say?
11:13What the hell is going on? Nothing. Just leave it,
11:15will you? Have you and John slept together?
11:19Well, if you're not denying it, I take that
11:21as a yes. Right.
11:23Where are you going?
11:25To get my hands on him.
11:35You didn't tell Ella
11:37where you were.
11:39Yeah, I just thought it would be simpler that way.
11:41Lying's never simple.
11:43And I really don't appreciate having to cover for you.
11:45I am sorry.
11:47I thought I was covering for you.
11:51Well, just having a scare like that.
11:53I thought you'd want to keep it a secret
11:55and stop other people from panicking too.
11:57Well, I suppose when you put it like that.
11:59Just don't do it again.
12:01Ah, there you are.
12:03Ah, there you are.
12:05What the hell do you think you're doing
12:07sleeping with my son?
12:11What are you talking about?
12:13I've just heard him and April discussing it.
12:15In your van, apparently.
12:17That is not what happened.
12:19He asked to see the layout.
12:21I showed him and then he left.
12:23No, I've seen the men that you've entertained
12:25when you first came here. The whole village did.
12:27So what's my son?
12:29Another notch on your bedpost?
12:31Shut up, will you?
12:33How dare you hit on somebody as young and impressionable as him?
12:35Nothing happened.
12:37I was trying to be nice.
12:39Whatever he's told you, he's making it up.
12:45We haven't been close for years.
12:47Not since I fell pregnant.
12:51I heard that your parents hated Caleb.
12:53With our passion.
12:55He was never good enough for their little girl.
12:57So that was it?
12:59He kicked me out
13:01and I never saw them again.
13:03I know how it feels.
13:05I didn't know that my own mother
13:07had died until after it happened.
13:09I'd have given anything
13:11to see her one last time.
13:15I didn't know either
13:17until it was too late.
13:19She reached out to me.
13:21Asked to see me before she died.
13:25Do you know why?
13:29I'd like to think it was because she wanted to apologise
13:31but I will never know.
13:37Oh, it's Caleb.
13:39He's probably wondering where I am.
13:43you need to spend time with him.
13:45Not today.
13:47I can't bear him fussing around me.
13:49Yeah. Keen's the same.
13:51Only because they care.
13:53Yeah, I know that.
13:56There are things we have to deal with on our own.
14:00Good riddance to her.
14:02She was dead to me anyway.
14:08Is this really the place to be discussing this?
14:10No, I'm not leaving it.
14:12Tell everyone here nothing happened between us.
14:14Just give them a chance, alright?
14:16We just want to know the truth, love.
14:18Well, it's no one's business who I see.
14:20It is if you go around accusing people.
14:22I'm seeing someone my own age.
14:24I'm not a kid. Stop making out that I'm a liar.
14:26You're lying right now.
14:28You're barely 17.
14:30I was old enough when he packed me off to Australia on my own.
14:32That is completely different.
14:34This is about your wellbeing and you're not mature enough
14:36to be having sex with men like this.
14:38They might take advantage.
14:40I'm not mature enough. What about you and Charles?
14:42Sneaking around like teenagers,
14:44making out with each other.
14:48Seriously, you and the vicar?
14:50Can we not discuss this here, please?
14:52Why not? Half the village knows now.
14:56I'm not letting this drop.
14:58If Arthur meant what he said,
15:00nor am I.
15:02So when exactly did all this start, then?
15:14You need a hand?
15:16It's pretty easy.
15:18I'm sorry I got angry in the car earlier.
15:20It's just,
15:22with you stealing my tablet,
15:24that's a problem.
15:26For both of us.
15:28I only borrowed it.
15:30That's not what the police are going to think.
15:32You could end up in jail.
15:34Like Angelica.
15:36Just think how upset your mum and dad would be.
15:38You're not going to tell them,
15:40are you?
15:44I should.
15:46If their son's a thief,
15:48they need to know about it.
15:50Please, don't.
15:56If that's what you want,
15:58I'll keep your little secret.
16:04Home already?
16:08How is the dentist?
16:12Perfect patient. No decay.
16:14Deserves a treat, I reckon.
16:16How about I buy you a milkshake?
16:18Go on, then.
16:20Tea won't be long, so no swapping cakes
16:22when your grandad's not looking.
16:24Carl? He wouldn't steal a thing.
16:26Look, I didn't want you to find out this way.
16:28I had asked Arthur not to say anything.
16:30What was your fault for making a show of me?
16:32Can you go upstairs, please?
16:34I'll speak to you in a sec.
16:36Look, I'm glad he outed you and Charles.
16:38At least now I know what a pair of
16:40devious snakes you are.
16:43I wanted to protect you. I didn't want to upset you.
16:45Oh, you would say that.
16:47Look, I know you've had a really tough time recently
16:49with my heart attack, with Sonny leaving,
16:51but I just thought if you found out,
16:53it might tip you over the edge.
16:55Yeah, well, I would sooner know the truth
16:57than be made a fool of.
16:59Does Mum Preet know?
17:01Er, not all of it. She found us together
17:03a few days ago, but I just thought it was a one-off.
17:05And you still didn't have the decency to tell me?
17:07Look, I can't get into this now.
17:09I want to talk to Arthur, okay?
17:11I tried to warn you what he was up to
17:13with that other lad, and now look at the mess he's in.
17:15You know, if you'll sleep with any mug
17:17that'll have you, what chance has he got?
17:24Thanks for today.
17:26Making me cry on your shoulder.
17:28Well, it'll be me crying on yours
17:30next with the way things are going.
17:32Well, you know where I am.
17:34Any time.
17:36I mean that.
17:38You too.
17:41Your mum's death might hit you harder than you think.
17:45I doubt I'll be shedding any more tears.
17:50Right, I should go.
17:52I'm meeting Mackenzie at the garage.
17:54He picked Isaac up from school.
17:56Oh, you sure I can't tempt you to dessert?
17:58Er, no, let's not overdo it.
18:00Next you'll be braiding my hair
18:02or let me read your secret diary.
18:04Now that you do not want to see.
18:06Yes, I do.
18:08See you now, yeah?
18:15You're on my list of people to call.
18:17Blood test results came back, all clear.
18:19Oh, yes, thank God for that.
18:21How was your girly fun with Ruby?
18:23It was great.
18:27Now it's Mackenzie's turn to babysit.
18:29She's too scared that I won't find
18:31my way home against the drivers.
18:33Things can't be that bad.
18:35Can they?
18:37Look, don't repeat this to anyone
18:39because I do not want Cain finding out.
18:41Of course, you know you can trust me.
18:43Well, I went out driving yesterday
18:45and I sort of lost my way.
18:47Ended up in the middle of the woods
18:49having another seizure.
18:51Oh, Myra.
18:53I know.
18:55I can't even trust myself to pick my own son up from school.
18:57I've got to get my wee brother to do it.
18:59Have you told the hospital?
19:01No, I've got a scan tomorrow.
19:03I'm just terrified they're going to tell me it's got bigger.
19:05If Cain's away, who's going with you?
19:08Well, no one yet.
19:10I'd go on my own if I could, but I'm just not safe, am I?
19:12Well, I could come.
19:14I've got the day off work.
19:18I'd sooner that than ask Mackenzie or Mattie.
19:20I'd just like to process things on my own first.
19:22And I'm scared they'll go straight to Cain.
19:24I won't interfere.
19:26I'll be there to support you
19:28whatever the outcome.
19:30Thanks, Ness.
19:38I'm off to see Aaron.
19:40Thank you for the drink.
19:42Well, you're more than welcome.
19:44Not like you needed it, getting ambushed like that.
19:46Yeah, not exactly what you want bandied about in front of your boss.
19:48Or the mum of the fella you're seeing.
19:50I just don't want any comebacks at the surgery.
19:52Well, try not to, Barry.
19:54I'm sure it'll never happen.
19:56Let's hope so.
20:00Right, where were we?
20:02Right, well, I've got the difference between
20:04Hercule and Sherlock,
20:07but there's still not a patch on Miss Marple.
20:09And what gives her the edge?
20:11Well, she's a woman, ain't she?
20:13We're just born with that sixth sense
20:15that you men can only dream about.
20:17We are like MI5 on oestrogen.
20:19If someone's up to something
20:21or trying to hide anything, we just know.
20:25Ella, hi!
20:27How's things?
20:29I'm not blind, I know that much.
20:31The optician thinks I've just got digital eye strain.
20:33I need the monitor moving
20:35and an anti-glare cover over the screen.
20:37Right, well, I'm sure the vets can sort all that out.
20:39I'm glad it's nothing more serious.
20:41I know, right?
20:43So, what have you been up to?
20:45Oh, nothing much.
20:47Just boring Chas with idle chit-chat.
20:51Can I get you anything?
20:53Do you want a drink or a meal?
20:55I thought we were eating in Dendite later.
20:57Yes, of course.
20:59Don't want to ruin our appetite.
21:01Oh, well, I'll have a drink.
21:04Shall we?
21:06I'll take him off your hands, Chas.
21:08He can bore me with his chit-chat instead.
21:14So, how's your tummy now?
21:16Better than this morning.
21:18Oh, that's funny, that.
21:20What are you going to do?
21:22About what?
21:24Getting your tablet back off Isaac.
21:26I'm sure I'll think of something.
21:30You said you need it. I can ask him now.
21:33Don't say anything.
21:35I will deal with Isaac when I decide.
22:03Worth a watch for the 80s fashion and soundtrack alone,
22:05the full series of Joan is available now.
22:09Next on ITV1, it's Coronation Street.