00:00He has helped me a huge amount. He has been an extremely important coach in my career.
00:12He has already succeeded a lot. I have been learning from him. He has understood how to guide me.
00:21I am living a very good moment and I am very happy to be working with him.
00:26You are from Medellin, right?
00:29What is your team? Independent or national?
00:33So, Juan Pablo?
00:35Yes, Juan Pablo.
00:37Ok, good. I love Medellin. I went there. It is an incredible city.
00:44Come, come.
00:45Eternal spring.
00:46I invite you on vacation if you want.
00:50Listen, you got an invite to go on vacation over in Colombia.
00:54Ok, ok.
00:55And the rest of the group or what?
00:57No, no, no. Only Tilry.
01:02I said, what about the rest of the group? And we invited. He said no.
01:05John, you are my favorite striker.