Animal Testing Created A Killer Ape _ Full Movie _ Monster Sci-Fi Horror _ The Rise Of The Beast

  • 2 days ago
Animal Testing Created A Killer Ape _ Full Movie _ Monster Sci-Fi Horror _ The Rise Of The Beast
00:01:23What I'm on break
00:01:48Hey guys enclosure 10 looks fine false alarm, I'm going back for my ciggy break
00:02:01Are you sending back up? I'm out here alone
00:02:08If you want me to go in there you better send backup send it now
00:02:18I'll check it out. I'll check it out get over here quickly
00:03:03Guys don't cut out on me now. Oh, come on. This is not a good time. Come on
00:03:15Fuck my life
00:04:01I don't even want to find what I'm looking for
00:04:30Very nice
00:05:17Bunch of savages
00:05:25Next lines, please
00:05:28These are the types of species Dara industries is interested in at the moment for what exactly mr. Smith
00:05:37Pay attention John
00:05:39As you know, these mammals are almost genetically identical to us yet
00:05:43They retain vastly superior senses and physical prowess if we can somehow access those specific genomes and harness them. Well
00:05:52We may be able to usher in a whole new era of human evolution
00:06:02Our competitors have been using these types of animals for years
00:06:05Now it's time for Dara to show what we can really do
00:06:11What exactly do you want from me? You'll be analyzing the data, of course. I
00:06:15Want you to head up the team on this one John. You've been with us a while now, and I think we can trust you
00:06:22Well, thank you, sir. I I appreciate that
00:06:24Will I be out in the field with the specimen themselves
00:06:30No, that's done in a more remote facility far too dangerous for a research team
00:06:35But whatever you discover, well, it could be invaluable to us in the next stage of development
00:06:41next stage
00:06:43That's above your pay grade for now understood
00:06:52Believing they can change the world
00:06:55Pathetic, isn't it?
00:07:02Pathetic is right, sir. We have veered off the path, but this
00:07:09This project is key to getting us back
00:07:13Where are my manners? I've kept you long enough. Go on and see that lovely girlfriend of yours
00:07:19Take her out for a nice meal and tomorrow you're gonna be one very busy man. Thank you, sir
00:07:34Hey get everyone ready it's happening
00:07:40All right
00:07:58Take this road follow it to this point here
00:08:00That's as far as you can go by car the rest of the way will have to be made on foot
00:08:03Take only what you need because it's gonna be dark and dangerous
00:08:07all this path down leads us to the back door of the facility and we find a way in and
00:08:12Locate the captive animals and this is where we set up the camera and film everything that we can
00:08:18What kind of resistance are we facing we are looking at a handful of heavily armed soldiers a handful
00:08:26Any plans to get around said handful if we follow the path I've got mapped out
00:08:31We should be able to bypass them completely. But once we're inside we have to be smart and quick and quiet
00:08:39Are we sure about this
00:08:43Look you've all known me for a while
00:08:47I'm not gonna lie to you. There's a large risk element, but
00:08:53I've been working for Daryl for five years
00:08:55That is a long time to be Smith's lapdog and from what I've heard and from what I've seen
00:09:00There is some truly horrible stuff going on there and not just animal abuse
00:09:06There's a possibility of something worse
00:09:09Like what?
00:09:14All these people
00:09:17Have gone missing the last 12 months. There's flyers everywhere
00:09:24You think there's a connection I don't know but they were all last seen in this area here
00:09:30Well, and you just want us to go walking right into this Bermuda Triangle
00:09:34Maybe they got lost in the woods or maybe they saw something that they shouldn't have but we need to find out what is going
00:09:41On here. We owe it to them. We go in we get our footage we get out
00:09:47And then we show
00:09:49everyone what we found I
00:09:51Think this is really gonna change anything
00:09:53You're a ray of sunshine. You know that Pete what they're doing isn't just illegal. It's inhumane. So yeah, if we get footage
00:10:01They're finished and then maybe the next company that decides to torture helpless wildlife for corporate gain
00:10:08We'll think twice about it
00:10:14I'm in. Yeah, fuck it. Me too
00:10:19Mean three
00:10:21Okay. Well get your gear get some rest
00:10:24We leave tomorrow at 7
00:10:27Get ready to change the world
00:10:31Who wants pizza me? Yes
00:10:54Am so proud
00:10:57You mean us
00:11:00This has been an idea for so long and it is finally happening because of you I
00:11:06Know I couldn't done any of this without you. I don't I don't think I could
00:11:11Get up in the morning if I didn't have you next to me to wake up to that is not true
00:11:17Thank you and thank you for coming on this
00:11:22Super secret mission with me. Oh, I like the sound of that
00:11:32Anything for you good answer if anything happens
00:11:38You have to promise me that you will finish what we started
00:11:52Thank you doctor
00:12:07We're here. Yeah, it's but a click up ahead
00:12:11What's a click really Pete we're almost there
00:12:19Have a bad feeling about this. Hey, it's gonna be okay
00:12:24Something happens to us. I mean nobody even knows that we're out here. Hey remember where we're doing this
00:12:32She is right what we're doing is illegal and
00:12:37Stupid I'm crazy
00:12:40You're not helping things
00:12:43Hold my hand
00:12:44So is he holding my hand? Nothing? That's gonna happen? Okay
00:12:50Thanks, Andy
00:12:51Or all these bases in the middle of nowhere. That's why they're called a secret base Pete
00:12:57Starting to think I don't want to know what they're keeping a secret
00:13:00Okay, let's get the gear, huh?
00:13:09It's the board of the compound guys, so from here on out we're in Daryl territory
00:13:14As much make sure you bring everything with you because once we leave we are not coming back
00:13:21That's reassuring
00:13:22phones in the trunk
00:13:25There is new tech they can track phones
00:13:27Even when they're off so
00:13:30We're not gonna just walk in there without any way of calling for help if we need it, come on
00:13:36No, I mean serious. This is dangerous. He's gonna get us all killed. Look faith. This is the job
00:13:42Okay, I get it if you want to stay here, but I'm not driving you back
00:14:06Keep it down anything out with it
00:14:19What the hell what is it
00:14:28Animal tracks, they don't belong to an animal. I've ever seen before too quick to be human
00:14:36Kind of looks like what well you think it's like a bear or something
00:14:45We should follow him you're just full of great ideas today, aren't you it's escaped it might be hurt
00:14:51So we're headed in the same direction as the tracks. Anyway, we should keep going
00:15:07Chimpans here. Oh, well, this is it. It's the entrance
00:15:19Looks like a cave
00:15:21How stupid?
00:15:23So, how do we get through I'm gonna have to pick that lock I've got a kid this area looks clear. Should we check it out?
00:16:10Can't see shit
00:16:14Has anyone got any water
00:16:29Hey, where are you going nature calls come on dude, it always smells like a sewer in here
00:16:51Tits my vision
00:17:44See you on here though, it's probably just Pete finishing
00:18:14I can't see it. Wait
00:18:58Was that a fucking monkey
00:19:44So small
00:20:12Not gonna die
00:20:34Didn't calm down for one
00:20:36Fucking tell me to calm down that thing just killed Pete
00:20:40You okay?
00:20:43Hello, I'm trying to yell at you here. What the hell are we doing John? I'm just trying to find something to clean her wound, okay
00:20:55Fine I don't think you followed us. I think okay. Oh, it's gonna burn a bit. Okay
00:21:12Nothing here says we are all gonna be dead. She's in pain. Okay faith
00:21:21Just keep some pressure on
00:21:28Need you both to calm the fuck down. Okay, I'm calm
00:21:32That wound is bad. We need to get her to a hospital ASAP. Okay. Okay, so
00:21:37All right. What are we doing? Call the play?
00:21:39What about that?
00:21:40The radio does it even work? I don't know but we got to try
00:21:46It's her best shot
00:21:48What about us John? I mean you put a call out on that thing and Darryl is gonna come down like a nuclear bomb
00:21:55I mean we are in real fucking shit here like never heard from again shit
00:22:00You're right
00:22:03But we can't just leave her in the middle of the woods, can we how was that thing still up there?
00:22:08That thing just killed our friend
00:22:12And that is on you
00:22:14This is all your fault. You let us hear you put him in that position
00:22:18I don't think you get to call the shots anymore. Okay, we are not making that call faith just I
00:22:28Fine you do that
00:22:30And then you three you can just sit around and wait for someone to come along and arrest you for trespassing
00:22:35But I I am making a run for it. No
00:22:37No, that is the worst thing that any of us could do right now less than calling whoever the hell is on the end of
00:22:42that radio
00:22:44Okay, we need to calm down and be smart about this. We don't know who's on the radio
00:22:48So we don't know what they're gonna do to us when they find out that we were trespassing much less when they find out
00:22:52What we were actually trying to do. Okay, what do you suggest?
00:22:59I'll make a run for it. Try and get to the city
00:23:02That's crazy if I can make it to the city I can come back with the cavalry and it won't matter what they do when
00:23:08They arrest you. They can't do anything. They'll never believe you. I
00:23:14Think they will when I show them this
00:23:19We do sit tight don't move from here
00:23:26And when you get in contact
00:23:28When you get in contact feed them a lie anything tell them that we were hiking and that we got lost anything
00:23:34But what we were actually trying to do. Yeah, okay when they show up we
00:23:38We all just do the same story, right? Dumb and innocent. Yeah
00:23:45Okay, this is insane this has got to see the outside world
00:23:49You know, I shouldn't let you do this right that thing is still out there
00:23:54Yeah, I
00:23:56Mean who else is gonna go?
00:23:59I'm not about to let her try and run this and you need to stay here and play medic
00:24:19What about the monster
00:24:22I mean Andy if you come up there you're gonna get killed
00:24:36Please promise me you'll come back. I always do die
00:24:51Wait here stay safe fix the damn radio lock the door after I left
00:25:01Wish me luck
00:25:13I'm just gonna get a quick message out. Hey, just rest. Okay
00:25:28Come in come in. Does anybody read me over? Does anybody copy over?
00:25:32Please we we were hiking and got lost and something attacked us in the woods and one of us is hurt
00:25:38We we need medical assistance send someone over
00:25:47Please you've got to send someone soon over
00:26:18Don't see it you're being stalked by a giant killer silverback
00:26:27Suppose there are worse places to be
00:26:32Thank you right now
00:27:54Who is it
00:27:59It's okay, they're here to help
00:28:05Don't sound like it. Yeah, we're coming
00:28:10Jesus Christ
00:28:18Are you the one who made the phone? Yes. Yes. She needs medical assistance. Okay, she needs to get
00:28:46So glad you could join us
00:28:49Where's my girlfriend? Oh, yeah, I believe I have some questions first
00:28:56Where is it
00:28:58Where's what?
00:29:02My ape I
00:29:06Don't know what you're talking about
00:29:10What do you think killed your friends out there the thing in the woods
00:29:16That's an ape I
00:29:19Guess ape is somewhat misleading
00:29:22It's actually a gorilla
00:29:25More specifically. It's a genetic creation of ours
00:29:29One we intend on retrieving
00:29:32Look I I don't know what you're talking about. Okay, we got lost
00:29:37We were hiking
00:29:39Thought you got attacked by a bear. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that was later
00:29:45You can't even keep your story straight Kenya
00:29:50There's no point keeping up the pretense anymore, so I ask you again
00:29:56Where is it I
00:30:00Don't know stop asking me questions that I can't answer. Okay, we were hiking we got lost
00:30:06We went to the cabin you guys showed up now. I'm here if it was so important to you
00:30:11Why didn't you put a goddamn tracking device on it? Tell me this John
00:30:21John Anderson
00:30:25born in San Diego
00:30:28One of three boys parents both deceased
00:30:33Graduated with honors
00:30:37Criminal record for involvement in illegal protesting on several unpaid parking tickets
00:30:45Researcher at Darrow Industries and
00:30:48co-founder of Antifa
00:30:50eco-terrorist organization
00:30:52the way
00:30:57All that sound about right
00:31:00We're not terrorists
00:31:03We like to do a bit of background research on all our employees
00:31:07But trust me that is the least of your worries
00:31:12What I really want to know is
00:31:15Why do you think you're here?
00:31:22Where's my girlfriend
00:31:26Can see you're not ready to talk
00:31:30Maybe sometime in isolation will soften you up a bit. We don't know anything
00:31:37Okay, so just so why don't you just let us go?
00:31:44You're not going anywhere John
00:31:47Don't you get it?
00:31:49You're not leaving this place
00:31:51This is where it ends for you
00:31:55Consider it purgatory on your way to hell
00:32:05Hey Carl, I'll see you there
00:32:44Hello there
00:32:47Miss Elena, is it?
00:32:49Let me see
00:32:52I'm afraid I can't do that
00:32:54We have too much to do
00:32:58What do you want I just want to sit here and watch
00:33:02You just want to sit here and watch me struggle you fucking sicko
00:33:08Watch you turn
00:33:13Turn into what
00:33:15You have no idea what you're part of do you?
00:33:19We know what you've been doing here
00:33:22We know that you've been kidnapping animals and testing on them and killing them
00:33:29We came here to stop you
00:33:32And how did that work out for you?
00:33:36All this effort to stop animal testing and now you're the one being tested on
00:33:46My name is dr. Kafka and I'm here to change the world
00:34:01You know what
00:34:03We're on a tight schedule here, and I don't feel like waiting around. Are you serious?
00:34:13Dead serious
00:34:16What did you think was gonna happen to you here John
00:34:20I'm gonna expose you for everything you're doing and everything you've done
00:34:27You don't even know what we're doing here, do you think it's a coincidence you ended up tied to that chair
00:34:38We know about your adventures in veganism after hours
00:34:42Why would we keep you around?
00:34:44Slowly feeding you information about this place
00:34:48You were stupid enough to actually drive up to it
00:34:54It doesn't matter we're still gonna find the truth and you're still going down
00:35:00No, you poor boy
00:35:03Let me show you how much shit you're in
00:35:09Allow me to enlighten you miss Elena
00:35:11Darrow Industries is ushering in a new age in our evolution. You see this
00:35:20This world has grown weak
00:35:25Does that hurt
00:35:29The only way to move forward is to go back
00:35:32We must return man to his base instinct and reclaim our rightful place as the most dominant
00:35:40Species. Do you are going to help me Elena?
00:35:52You see this
00:35:54Little scratch will soon transform you
00:35:58Elevate you to what you should be the ultimate
00:36:03Predator you and I we are going to make humanity great again
00:36:11We are not weak
00:36:14No people just because just because we care about them the planet and people does not make us weak
00:36:20It took us
00:36:22Thousands of years of evolution to get here. Did you did you ever think of that?
00:36:26Maybe maybe this was mother nature's plan.
00:36:30I prefer my plan
00:37:10Really don't like this. I really don't fucking like this
00:38:10How did this get here
00:39:06Is this
00:40:22Deal with it
00:41:21Come in private
00:41:24Do any of you read me
00:41:27They're dead colonel
00:41:31You did this
00:41:35Your pet did
00:42:37You are becoming
00:42:40Like the thing in the woods
00:42:42It's Kira
00:42:44She's our most promising subject
00:42:46So far
00:42:49Don't say that
00:42:51I don't want this reverse it
00:42:53I can't do that
00:42:55You're lying
00:42:57Fix it
00:42:59There's no going back
00:43:02We are evolving
00:43:06Whether you like it or not
00:43:10She's come home
00:43:45Beautiful creation
00:44:08Get up
00:44:12This is what you tree hugging pussies get
00:44:14Going around telling everyone what we can and can't do all the time
00:44:17I'm guessing
00:44:19That you take whole milk and your coffee
00:44:21Shut up boy
00:44:23And take your beating like a man
00:44:25Do what you want
00:44:27I'm still going to ruin your day
00:44:42Tell me
00:44:44It's right behind me
00:45:08We have to go
00:45:13I'm sorry baby girl
00:45:46Where's Faith?
00:45:48I thought she'd be with you
00:45:50Do you know where we're going?
00:45:52No, in here, come on
00:46:04You okay?
00:46:09You're on
00:46:13Looks worse than it feels
00:46:15What's happening to you?
00:46:19I think that doctor injected me with something
00:46:28Hey, hey, hey, hey
00:46:30Hey, hey, what's going on?
00:46:32Did you hear that?
00:46:34Hear what?
00:46:35You don't hear anything?
00:46:36No, I don't hear anything
00:46:39I think that something's inside my head
00:46:41Okay, okay, okay, hey, hey, hey
00:46:43It's okay, it's okay
00:46:45I got you
00:46:47I know, I know
00:46:49But we're going to fix it, yeah
00:46:51I promise
00:46:57Oh no, I'm
00:46:58Are you okay?
00:46:59Yeah, no, no, no, I'm fine
00:47:00That guy did a
00:47:02Did a number on the ribs, that's all
00:47:06I'll be fine
00:47:10Just breathe
00:47:12It'll heal
00:47:14Okay, yeah
00:47:16Good advice, right?
00:47:17Thank you, doctor
00:47:22Where are we?
00:47:27I don't know
00:47:33I'm sorry
00:47:35For what?
00:47:38It's all my fault
00:47:40Yeah, Faith was right
00:47:42I missed everybody I had to kill
00:47:44No, no, no, no, no
00:47:46This was not you
00:47:48This was Darrow
00:47:50They are the ones that created the thing that killed those people
00:47:52It is not on you
00:47:54It is not your fault, okay?
00:47:56Okay, but that's not it
00:48:00What is it?
00:48:01I think I walked us into a trap
00:48:04You think they wanted us to come here?
00:48:08That's what he said, yeah
00:48:10I mean, they had all the fun on me
00:48:12They knew what was to lead
00:48:14You've been working here for years
00:48:15I know, that's what I don't get
00:48:17How long have they been planning this?
00:48:21We'll figure it out
00:48:26We'll get answers
00:48:28We find just one
00:48:30We find just one
00:48:32bit of evidence
00:48:34that this won't all have been worth it
00:48:37I don't think we're getting out of here
00:48:40Yes, we are
00:48:42We're gonna make it
00:48:44We have to make it
00:48:46So we're gonna make it
00:48:48Say it
00:48:52We're gonna make it, say it
00:48:54Say it
00:48:57We're gonna make it
00:48:59Yeah, we are
00:49:03I think you can walk
00:49:06For you, anything
00:49:09Right, sir
00:49:12All right
00:49:15Any ideas, big man?
00:49:32Hey, my MasterCard pin
00:49:36Who is my smartphone?
00:49:38That would be...
00:49:40Okay, your arm is fucked
00:49:59Oh, God
00:50:12I can't see a thing
00:50:14My eyes are killing me
00:50:18Faith? Faith!
00:50:20Faith, Faith
00:50:22Faith, wake up
00:50:26Oh, God
00:50:28I'm so happy to see you guys
00:50:30Thank God you're okay
00:50:32Hey, did they...
00:50:34Did they do anything to you?
00:50:38They just kept asking me the same questions
00:50:40over and over
00:50:42and when I couldn't answer anymore
00:50:44they injected
00:50:46something into me
00:50:48What was it?
00:50:50I don't know
00:50:52Everything gets kind of blurry after that
00:50:54I just...
00:50:56I remember waking up in this lab
00:50:58and everyone was suddenly gone
00:51:00Yeah, they...
00:51:02They evacuated
00:51:04The thing from last night, it's here
00:51:06It's in the building
00:51:08It's a gorilla
00:51:10Yeah, we just saw it
00:51:12We just ran away from it
00:51:14Are you guys okay?
00:51:18Yeah, yeah, we're fine
00:51:24What was it?
00:51:30Oh, fuck
00:51:34How did that happen?
00:51:36I don't know, it was that thing that scratched me the other night
00:51:40Now I just feel different
00:51:44We really should find a way out
00:51:46Yeah, we do, but we're not leaving here empty-handed
00:51:48We're in it now
00:51:52There's a laptop right there
00:51:54Okay, I'm sure there's something inside
00:51:56Are you in?
00:52:04Okay, come on
00:52:22What are they even doing down here?
00:52:24I have one idea
00:52:34Oh my god
00:52:36This is one of the people that will miss
00:52:44Look at this
00:52:46That looks important
00:52:48It's locked
00:52:50It's small
00:52:52Is it light?
00:52:56Smart agency
00:53:04Not when it's small
00:53:14It's okay
00:53:20What's this?
00:53:22Department of Defense
00:53:24Government contracts?
00:53:26Yeah, bioweapons, battle armor
00:53:28Chem bombs
00:53:30This is super soldier stuff
00:53:32So an evil company does evil stuff
00:53:34What's weird about that?
00:53:36Because we thought they were doing animal testing
00:53:38They're not
00:53:40They're doing human testing
00:53:42So where are all the animals?
00:53:44Where are all the people?
00:53:46Enough of this
00:53:48We just need to figure some shit out
00:53:52Of course there's a password
00:53:58Don't get us locked out
00:54:02Hey, pass me those papers
00:54:08The evolution?
00:54:16Okay, there is a lot of stuff on here
00:54:20Try searching test subjects
00:54:22Or Kira
00:54:24Try searching Kira
00:54:32They're all dead
00:54:34What did they do?
00:54:38Let's see
00:54:40This one reads
00:54:42Bruce, 48
00:54:44A gambler from Soho, London
00:54:46Keep going
00:54:50Brian, 36
00:54:52A drug addict
00:54:54Diane, 28
00:54:56An alcoholic
00:54:58Freddie, 31
00:55:02No background
00:55:04Perfect candidate
00:55:06What does that even mean?
00:55:12Here, look
00:55:14Kira, a prostitute
00:55:16From Brighton
00:55:18She was 23
00:55:20She was just a fucking kid
00:55:24So why then?
00:55:28I can't look at this anymore
00:55:30No one is going to come looking for them
00:55:34It's odd
00:55:36They're going to bend over backwards
00:55:38For a missing prostitute
00:55:40Okay, so that thing
00:55:42She used to be a person
00:55:46They were brought in as subjects
00:55:48But why us?
00:55:50It's different, okay? It's gotta be
00:55:52It's gotta be the way
00:55:54He had a whole file on me
00:55:56And we were protesting outside their building
00:55:58Giving them all that bad press
00:56:00They get rid of us, they get rid of the movement
00:56:02Two birds, one stone
00:56:06Fuck, I'm so fucking stupid
00:56:08No one can see this coming
00:56:10This is what Smith was talking about
00:56:12Okay, fusing primate and human DNA
00:56:14Trying to make some kind of monster
00:56:16No, a super soldier
00:56:18Okay, and it's not going to happen to you
00:56:22It's already happened
00:56:26It's going to be okay
00:56:32I don't feel so good
00:56:34Okay, talk to me
00:56:38You're okay, you're alright
00:56:42Elle, Elle
00:56:44Elle, stay with me, Elle
00:56:48Don't do something
00:56:50Elle, Elle
00:56:52Stay with me
00:56:58Oh my god
00:57:00No, she's alive, she's just
00:57:02She's just passed out
00:57:06She's getting worse fast
00:57:08We need to get her out of here
00:57:10You stay with her
00:57:12Wait, where are you going?
00:57:14I'm getting us out of this fucking bunker
00:57:18Yeah, you're okay
00:57:26She's going to be back soon
00:57:36What the fuck
00:57:38What the fuck did you do that for?
00:57:40I'm sorry
00:57:46I need to be
00:57:54I'm so hungry
00:57:56It's all I can think about
00:58:00No, no hands
00:58:02Listen, listen, you need to
00:58:04You need to fight this, yeah
00:58:08Just look at me
00:58:10Look at me
00:58:12You know who I am
00:58:14You know me, I'm your friend
00:58:17I'm sorry
00:58:22Please, help me
00:58:24Who are you?
00:58:26They called me Zero, I was the first
00:58:28First what?
00:58:32The rest are all gone
00:58:34Okay, I'm sorry, I need to go, I'm sorry
00:58:36Help me
00:58:38I can't, okay, I need to find an exit, my friends
00:58:40I know a way out
00:58:42You do
00:58:44I watched the guards
00:58:46I've learnt the exits
00:58:48Okay, tell me
00:58:50Take me with you, please
00:58:52I'll show you the way
00:58:56Okay, Elle
00:58:58It's there
00:59:06Stay close, can you walk?
00:59:10You better be right about this
00:59:18Elena, what the fuck are you doing?
00:59:24Elle, Elle, Elle, Elle
00:59:26It's me, it's John, it's John
00:59:32What did you do?
00:59:40What happened?
00:59:50I killed her
00:59:52You ate her
00:59:54Oh my god
01:00:00What the fuck do I do now?
01:00:02We must go
01:00:06I'm so sorry
01:00:08I didn't mean to do it, it wasn't me
01:00:10Okay, okay, hey, hey
01:00:12Hey, guess what, guess what
01:00:14I found us a way out
01:00:16We can go home
01:00:22But I need you to stand up
01:00:24Okay, we can do that
01:00:28Hey, don't look
01:00:30Don't look
01:00:48Keep going
01:00:56I've got you
01:01:04How much farther?
01:01:06How much farther?
01:01:12It's not gonna happen again
01:01:14It's not gonna happen again, okay?
01:01:58You got this, alright?
01:02:00Just stay here
01:02:02Follow Zero
01:02:08It's happening again.
01:02:11El? El?
01:02:13Okay, okay, here. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:02:15Stay with me, huh? Yeah?
01:02:17Just listen to my voice. Fight it. Fight it.
01:02:19You've got this. Come on.
01:02:21Come on. Listen to my voice.
01:02:23Yeah, that's it.
01:02:31Hey, what is it?
01:02:34It doesn't matter.
01:02:36We have to keep going.
01:02:44Guys, we need to go.
01:02:47I said we were going to make humanity great again.
01:02:51You are not taking that away from me.
01:02:56Rot in hell.
01:03:06Come on.
01:03:08Come on.
01:03:34Does it hurt?
01:03:36No, I'll be fine.
01:03:38Only thing I can do...
01:03:42How are you doing, Zero?
01:03:44Zero, you've got to stay with me, huh?
01:03:46Just tell me I should...
01:03:50Yeah, okay.
01:04:06What's your real name, Zero?
01:04:11I can't remember.
01:04:13You can't remember your own name?
01:04:17I can't remember much.
01:04:20What did they do to you?
01:04:24They took blood.
01:04:30Put something else.
01:04:32At first I felt fine, but...
01:04:35It just got worse.
01:04:39Is that what's going to happen to me?
01:04:49How did you survive?
01:05:01They wouldn't let me die.
01:05:04Dero's going to pay for it, Zero.
01:05:06The genetic testing, all of it.
01:05:08They're finished.
01:05:17What are you doing?
01:05:19I need to wait!
01:05:21You need to snap out of it!
01:05:23No! It's like an addiction!
01:05:29Zero, you okay?
01:05:37She's going to die out there, El.
01:05:43What about us?
01:05:50Do you think...
01:05:52Come on, we have to go.
01:06:33El, I can see the world.
01:06:35I can see the world.
01:06:43Yeah, what is it?
01:06:47I can't.
01:06:49Yes, you can.
01:06:52I have feelings.
01:06:55He's taking me over.
01:06:57I can't go on anymore.
01:07:01We're almost there.
01:07:05El, El, El.
01:07:07El, El, El.
01:07:09She's okay.
01:07:11She's okay.
01:07:32We have to go.
01:07:35What are you talking about?
01:07:38It's not going to stop.
01:07:43You're so close.
01:07:46We're so close.
01:07:48We can make it.
01:07:50No, John.
01:07:55I'll do this.
01:08:00It's not going to stop coming after us.
01:08:04How can she do it?
01:08:06It doesn't matter where we go.
01:08:09I can hear it inside my head.
01:08:12She's talking to me.
01:08:14I'm drawing her to us.
01:08:16But I can't.
01:08:18I can't. I can't.
01:08:19It doesn't matter.
01:08:22You are not safe.
01:08:27And I'm not going to be myself for much longer.
01:08:31I gotta go on, El.
01:08:39It's okay.
01:08:48I wasn't expecting this.
01:08:54This is on you now, John.
01:08:59You have to tell them.
01:09:02You have to tell them everything that they did to us.
01:09:07You have to tell everyone.
01:09:11For me.
01:09:14I love you.
01:09:44I love you.
01:09:46I love you.
01:09:48I love you.
01:10:13You ruined my fucking life.
01:10:18I'm sorry.
01:10:48I'm sorry.
01:11:19I love you.
01:11:41Hey, over here!
01:11:44You can't be here.
01:11:51Kira! Kira! Kira!
01:11:53Kira! Kira!
01:11:55You don't have to do this!
01:11:57Kira! Kira!
01:11:58If you're still in there!
01:12:01You don't have to do this!
01:12:04What they did was terrible!
01:12:06They don't have to turn us on each other, Kira!
01:12:31No, no, no! Hey, hey, hey!
01:12:33Hey, stay with me. Stay with me. Stay with me.
01:12:36Please don't do this. Please don't do this.
01:12:46Please don't do this.
01:13:16Please don't do this.
01:13:46I'm so sorry.
01:14:16I'm so sorry.
01:14:46I'm so sorry.
01:15:16I'm so sorry.
01:15:46I'm so sorry.
01:16:16I'm so sorry.
01:16:46I'm so sorry.
01:17:16I'm so sorry.
01:17:18I'm so sorry.
01:17:20I'm so sorry.
01:17:22I'm so sorry.
01:17:24I'm so sorry.
01:17:26I'm so sorry.
01:17:28I'm so sorry.
01:17:30I'm so sorry.
01:17:32I'm so sorry.
01:17:34I'm so sorry.
01:17:36I'm so sorry.
01:17:38I'm so sorry.
01:17:40I'm so sorry.
01:17:42I'm so sorry.
