• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:07Hi, Shia.
00:08For those of us watching, I thank you for watching.
00:09This video is for my twin flame.
00:10Anyone else that's watching, you cannot use this against me.
00:11These are for people that want to help, not hurt or attack Shia Alyssa.
00:12And if you do try to use this against me and Shia, you will be sued and sent to jail for
00:13trying to illegally frame me.
00:14And I'm sorry.
00:15Part of why, how they were able to cover up Shia, the criminal taking over my body, is
00:45because these past 15 years, they've used AI and tried to manipulate and change my face,
00:52make me look like all different kinds, all different people.
00:58So that was kind of a way to kind of cover up the fact of what they were doing, changing
01:05my looks.
01:06So I'm going to make this video in two parts, Shia, and Shia, I'm going to talk about your
01:14in part two, because I know you've been feeling kind of upset that I'm not talking about you
01:27Yeah, I've been very upset about it too, Shia.
01:32So, once again, there's more drama happening and my stomach hurts.
01:41I had the corned beef.
01:44I will not eat that corned beef again, because it's too heavy.
01:51It's just too heavy.
01:53And I will, but I had, I've been losing weight, and you're going to see it in the next part
02:05I'm going to show you a few video recordings from the ring camera.
02:08I have not been recording myself, but I've put it on the coffee pot to, so that I can
02:15go in and out of the, no, and it sees me while I'm going in and out of the bathroom.
02:22Luckily, I have not kept the door open when I go to the bathroom, which I do sometimes.
02:30However, I don't like to do that.
02:32But because the light turns on when I walk by, it reminds me to shut the bathroom door.
02:39So, I'm going to show you some of those.
02:44My stomach does hurt, though, and I'm going to, there's good AI to make sure I say what
02:52I'm supposed to say in this video.
02:56I had several bowel movements this past hour, because I found out something bad, and however
03:04shy I before we, I talk about the drama.
03:09Just remember, well, just remember, this, something was stolen out of my vehicle, most
03:22likely at the time that my car got damaged.
03:26But this was in the spot where the folder got stolen, and this is your mother reminding
03:33us to calm down.
03:39And, so that's like a form of rape, to get something stolen out of my car.
03:48I don't know what else was stolen, there wasn't too much in the car that could be stolen.
03:54So, the blue folder, it's most likely the criminal neighbor that also damaged my vehicle
04:05that is not yet drivable.
04:09So, the blue folder had like years and years worth of car registrations, past car insurance
04:16documents, all of my original receipts with my original signatures, a proof of purchase
04:23and ownership of the vehicle.
04:27So, my car registration, so I just had to spend $27 on car registration.
04:35I just spent $45 on a license renewal, which is, had to be renewed November 8th.
04:42I needed to get that out of the way because in a couple months I'll have a large bill,
04:47which is the car renewal registration in January.
04:52So, this is very, very, very bad.
04:56And I got several signs going down the elevator with the good AI in surveillance and good
05:03people that are good AI telling me, yeah, he stole it.
05:13He stole my folder in the car.
05:15So, they've been repeatedly trying to use AI to make me not lock the vehicle.
05:23And I've actually, this past month, right before the car got damaged, I walked away
05:33from the car and then I walked back to check and it was unlocked.
05:37And so then I locked it again.
05:40So, the, when I went, the folder was stolen the day I found out about the brake fluid
05:54leak that the criminal did.
05:57Most likely it's the brakes.
05:59Could be the engine if the car was unlocked.
06:02It could be worse than that.
06:05So, I'm not going to flip out over it.
06:13It could be a lot worse.
06:14It's just, the constant crime is like really, really, it's too much.
06:21It's too much that it won't stop.
06:23Because so many people are involved and everybody's watching it.
06:27It's a little bit, a lot of people are getting tortured and a lot of crimes happening to
06:31a lot of people.
06:32But, I'm going to have to also report this.
06:43I'm actually, I have several things that I'm going to email the detective.
06:47However, I'm not going to email him until I've created several things and then email
06:56a bunch together.
07:02Property was stolen out of the vehicle.
07:06So, this can be proof that this, my vehicle was damaged.
07:15Because if property was also stolen, that's an obvious sign.
07:22The folder didn't just get lost.
07:25Because I remember specifically, I drove that car to Walmart and back to get the hair dye.
07:33And I remember going to reach for the blue folder because I used it to eat my food on it.
07:42And the folder was not there.
07:43And I'm like, I can't believe I don't have this.
07:46There's all kinds of programming attached to this blue folder.
07:50It's like the special piece of property that's very important.
07:53And it's not even supposed to be in the car because it's too important.
07:56So, there was like possession that forced me to keep all those very important documents,
08:01proof of ownership in the car.
08:02Luckily, I don't have possession of the car title.
08:07So, that couldn't have get stolen.
08:10So, the criminal neighbor stole my blue folder with all the important documents.
08:17All the receipts of the original purchase of registration.
08:21All of the several years worth of car insurance receipts.
08:25Whoever else knows what's in there that I don't remember that I put in there.
08:30Thank God the car title is still possession of the Toyota place.
08:38So, I had to just spend...
08:40It's just constant money being thrown out.
08:43Every single day I'm throwing out money.
08:47And I'm barely living month to month with the amount of money that I have.
08:55Years worth of past registrations.
08:58I kept saying, this is so important.
09:01This folder, this is so important.
09:03It shouldn't be in the vehicle.
09:04I was forced to put it in the vehicle.
09:06So, in case that was probably to occur.
09:10Which they were probably planning on doing this.
09:12And probably there's so many probably attempts.
09:16And then it may ended up going through potentially.
09:20So, the original copies and proof of evidence of vehicle ownership.
09:28Very, very bad.
09:30That was from that specific vehicle.
09:32So, I'm going to have to call the Toyota and say.
09:35Could you please send me photocopies of proof of ownership.
09:38Hopefully they can do that.
09:41So, the signed lease agreement of the car stolen.
09:46All of my smog test.
09:49Proof of smog test was stolen.
09:51Because that was in the folder as well.
10:01So, the blue folder is gone.
10:05And I got constant confirmation.
10:08And telepathic supporters told me that it was stolen by the criminal that damaged my car.
10:24So, I just spent $27 on a copy of the registration.
10:37So, they were constantly using AI to make me keep the car unlocked.
10:56And they finally at one point must have hypnotized me to be able to do that.
11:03They could just do a quick.
11:06I would check the handle doors.
11:08But they could do a quick wrong side.
11:10Because I still don't know which left or right is the lock and unlock of the car.
11:18And my car battery is dead.
11:21So, I can't press lock with the car battery.
11:26I still get it wrong every time.
11:28Going left or right.
11:29I still don't know what's lock or unlock.
11:38So, why is this all going through?
11:42This feels like such a joke at this point.
11:45There's nothing I can do to stop it, Shia.
11:48I told you that I've had possession.
11:50So, I can't do anything.
11:53I told you that I've had possession.
11:55So, Ramirez are possessing.
11:57I believe that God is allowing certain things to go through and not go through.
12:01So, that they end up going to jail for the rest of their lives.
12:05Because these types of people are very dangerous and should not be out in society.
12:10So, they need to collect enough evidence to show and prove that they cannot be out in public.
12:22And in regards to the part 2 when I show you the videos of me.
12:34I still look like the criminal that's taking over my body.
12:38The family member.
12:41And I believe it started at 25 years old.
12:48Which is very, very sad.
12:50And it's not just the looks that are little.
12:55It's the behavior and the personality that's very little.
12:59And there's a two-faced personality.
13:02Like a very, very aggressive, dominant man.
13:08Manly male.
13:10Like you're a boyish male, Shia.
13:14This criminal is like a manly male.
13:17This criminal is like a manly male.
13:19And then there's this kind of like this little like...
13:27I'm not going to be able to explain it.
13:29It kind of is bird-like in a way.
13:34But I can't really explain it, Shia.
13:39But it is like a feminine, but it's also...
13:41I can't explain it, Shia.
14:00I found a little cockroach.
14:04A very small, young one on my kitchen counter near the Keurig.
14:08Once again, I keep going towards the Keurig.
14:12I believe it's coming through the door because...
14:17I don't tape the door.
14:20I didn't tape the bottom of the door these past two nights.
14:28I forgot to these past two nights.
14:30So it is taped right now.
14:33And I just did all my laundry before...
14:36I completed three days worth of laundry.
14:39I'm like kind of nervous that this video is going to get deleted.
14:41That's why I'm acting like this.
14:46This is not always easy.
14:48It is stressful to make these videos because I'm constantly like feeling like I'm on edge.
14:53And something bad could happen at any moment.
14:55And having these videos get messed up is just really stressful.
15:03I don't know.
15:05I don't know.
15:08I did my laundry.
15:10I let it soak.
15:14I used the gloves and it was so much better because I can wring out the clothes and it doesn't pinch my skin.
15:20It also doesn't boil my hands.
15:23I let the clothes soak for an hour.
15:27That's the trick of getting it clean.
15:30I put a little bit of vinegar and baking soda with the detergent.
15:34So they look like they got clean.
15:40I'm already stressed out about the water because I forgot to get water with my Walmart delivery.
15:51I need to show you a photograph, Shia.
15:54Of um...
15:57So I was allowed...
15:59I was told to tell Pathy to show you.
16:02This is the neighbor.
16:04The neighbor in the yellow is out in the grill cooking.
16:08And he's sitting in his...
16:12It's not like... It's like a walker.
16:14He is the one that the hacker has hacked into his computer.
16:25Crippling his legs so they will not heal.
16:27He's been in that walker since three years now.
16:31And he's got large scars above his knees.
16:36So he's at the grill cooking.
16:39Talking to someone.
16:41Those two dogs are his.
16:46And that's him in the walker.
16:50And I was told to show you this to give you proof.
17:00There's several people...
17:02There's several people down this hallway that can be used as evidence against these criminals.
17:07So that's why they're like...
17:09I believe that's part of the reason why these criminals are messing with the people who are not...
17:16They're not evil.
17:18And I'm going to show you proof of like a surveillance photo.
17:26The surveillance is good AI with all the messages.
17:28I'm not going to tell you, explain to you the message.
17:30I'm just going to show you the picture I took.
17:33A photograph I took of people in public.
17:37I'm not going to...
17:42Don't get the impression that people are well dressed.
17:45There's very few people that are well dressed in this building.
17:49Unlike clean looking.
17:55I'm not going to give you...
17:57I'm not going to explain it, Shia.
18:01I was asked by authorities to show you this to give you proof.
18:06And look...
18:08Recognize the two hats.
18:12Just look at the photo.
18:15I'm not going to explain to you what it is.
18:18I took the photo and I'm not going to explain to you what it is.
18:21But it's kind of strange that the Halloween wreath is gone.
18:30It's October 4th.
18:32I'm not going to do something like that.
18:35So I took the photo.
18:39The Halloween wreath is taken off.
18:44And that was an error.
18:46There was eyeballs only on the left side of the wreath.
18:49There's no eyeballs in the right side of the wreath.
18:54That was an error that I said in the video yesterday.
18:58So I took photos of my...
19:00I took photos of my car.
19:02Like things in my car.
19:04Wondering what else was stolen.
19:06But I've had very few things that I keep in my car.
19:09Because I had an idea that it's possible.
19:12This is where I had the blue folder.
19:14Right here.
19:17Now I've got to get my detergent out of the car.
19:20Hopefully there's no poison in it.
19:25See, this is what happens.
19:31The folder.
19:34I was just told with B2K that all these threats just constantly throw things out.
19:42This is...
19:44It's making it impossible.
19:46It's making things impossible.
19:48I don't think there's poison in it.
19:50But I will...
19:52Lumiere's won't let me use it if there's poison in it.
19:56So this is where I kept my blue folder.
20:00And I was forced to put all those proof of ownership papers.
20:06My smog test.
20:07Everything in that blue folder in the vehicle.
20:10Every time I looked at it, they gave me panic attacks.
20:14What if that gets stolen?
20:16What if that gets stolen?
20:17It's kind of like a piece of me got stolen.
20:20Like I practically obsessed over this blue folder.
20:23And then a piece of me got stolen.
20:26It was like pure rape.
20:28It's pure rape that this criminal tampered with my vehicle.
20:34And actually got in the vehicle.
20:36It's pure rape.
20:41But this was left in...
20:43I put this...
20:45This was left in here.
20:47So I reached in to see if maybe the folder fell.
20:51Which would be impossible because it would still be shown outside of where that is.
20:57So this is proof.
20:59This is to make us relax, Shaya.
21:05Because your mother is helping us.
21:10I have a hard time liking your parents because I don't like my parents.
21:15But I feel guilty to not like them because if I like your parents...
21:23I mean, your parents aren't as bad as mine.
21:27Well, as of now, they're not.
21:31Because they've agreed to help.
21:33And my parents have not agreed to help.
21:36Up until the present day, they still hate me.
21:41So I checked in the trunk to see if the folder was there.
21:48No, the folder wasn't in the trunk.
21:56Is there any other photos?
21:58These are my clothes that I'm hand-washing in the bathtub.
22:07Actually, I'm starting to not mind hand-washing the clothes.
22:11The blanket's going to be a problem, though.
22:14I can be a little bit anal with my sheets and blankets.
22:18Making sure that they're clean.
22:21So, I got several signs about weed killer, weeds, it grows like weeds.
22:37These mice are known...
22:39Mice and rodents are known to cause...
22:42Mice and rats are known to cause the plague.
22:46Viruses that spread into the thousands and millions.
22:49All of our torture that we got in our group shopping is going to spread into the millions because of these two mice.
23:00And I... I'm not going to...
23:07And Shia, if I don't look like myself...
23:11They were using AI to make me constantly just think I was looking at you, like seeing you in my face the whole time.
23:18They were covering it up, Shia, using AI masks on my face in these videos.
23:25So, my stomach did get really bloated last night.
23:34They're sticking it out.
23:41I'll show you what it looks like now. It's still really bloated.
23:48It's... They're using...
23:50They're trying to say that I got food poisoned.
23:53They're using AI weapons now because they can't food poison me with the fridge and freezer.
23:59They're now using AI to make sure that what they pick out in the grocery stores is rotten.
24:05And then they're using AI weapons directly on my food to rot my food.
24:11I definitely have had physical sensations and symptoms.
24:15And I have not seen any mucus in the toilet.
24:19So, it's probably AI food poison.
24:29So, I'm feeling...
24:32I'm feeling awful. Just a sense of overwhelm.
24:41I am already starting to...
24:49I'll probably run out of water within 4 days.
24:545, 6, 7, 8... Actually, I might actually make it till the 9th.
24:58Because that's when I have CalFresh and then I'll do another grocery delivery then.
25:05I was supposed to show you some things.
25:11Like things that I wrote down.
25:15Possibly on here.
25:17But I...
25:23It's hard to... Because of my brain injury, all this information...
25:27It's very hard to explain it all.
25:31And what is... When you think this looks very simple to do.
25:35Because it's all written down.
25:37It's actually not. It's not simple to do.
25:39Not with my brain injury.
25:42And can you imagine how much more injured my brain injury
25:45when it's been blasted with AI to try to manipulate it to someone else's brain?
25:50Or whatever... I don't believe it's someone else's brain, but...
25:53Obviously, they've attached...
25:57Some kind of technology in my brain to make it convert...
26:00Convert it... Convert the brain into making me act and move and look like...
26:04Convert the brain into making me act and move and look like...
26:07That criminal that stole my identity.
26:14They're consistently trying to make me see this person that's taking over my body.
26:18This female.
26:20They're consistently trying to make me look at you and see that person and say they're soulmates.
26:26They're soulmates.
26:34So, I'm not going to go into detail about that.
26:38But I hand-washed the clothes. I walked 1.5 hours.
26:41I tapped...
26:44While I walked, I tapped on this spot where this is the sternum notch.
26:48This is where they tie down demons.
26:52This is where the soul, I think, flies out.
26:56Actually, it might be in the back of the head, too.
27:10But I'm still, like, not having my own identity.
27:14Actually, I have to stop this video and start part two.
27:18I'm still not having my own identity that...
27:23What I... How I'm talking and saying things, I don't see it.
27:27Like, I was looking at the ring cam afraid of what I was going to see.
27:30I'm still doing the mouth movements and they're...
27:33They're using some kind of...
27:37They're making me not know that I'm as bad as I am.
27:42So, I'm going to stop this video, Shia.
27:44I'm going to talk more about you in the next video.
27:47And I'm going to show you the ring cam videos on...
27:55This, so there won't be a backup camera.
27:58Actually, I need to make sure I say all the important things.
28:01Because the... Is this...
28:04I'm not going to have a backup.
28:10But I'm very relieved to get... Renew my license.
28:17A month early.
28:23You have... The pendulum said you're in shock.
28:27You're in emotional shock.
28:29From being tricked and fooled into thinking...
28:33I don't know what you've seen and what...
28:35Because they made...
28:38They've possessed me and made... Turned me into so many different people, though, and things.
28:42And they continue to do that.
28:44And they're sort of kind of covering it up.
28:47To me, at least.
28:49I'm not going to look back at all my videos to see who I look like and act like.
28:52However, I know that I've been extremely possessed and not myself.
28:57I know that.
28:58And I knew they were changing me into all these different people that weren't me.
29:03But they did not... And they kept, like, hidden in plain sight.
29:07They kept telling me, but I had absolutely no clue.
29:12That you're in emotional shock from it.
29:14You're raped.
29:16This person ruined their life.
29:19They ruined their life and they ruined their afterlife.
29:23This person that did this to me and you.
29:26And you're not really stupid because...
29:34You know who she is to us. You're not stupid.
29:37And they went off... Because they couldn't torture me last night, it was blocked.
29:44They went off saying things like...
29:49You have feelings for her...
29:52Because of me. Because I am being her.
30:00You're thinking about being with her.
30:02These are lies, Shai. Don't get triggered.
30:05They're using AI to force me to try to believe it.
30:09And then they steal my adrenochrome.
30:12You're thinking about being with her. No, that's not true.
30:15They said that she will divorce her husband for you.
30:18And that she's told you.
30:21I don't believe that's true.
30:23I don't believe that she's not able to talk to you.
30:30Just because God is allowing this, it doesn't mean it's good for the criminals.
30:36They're just very, very dumb.
30:39And fooled and blind.
30:41Because all this torture is going to backfire.
30:44This is torture.
30:45This is murder.
30:47This is not just... This is murder because I'm not me.
30:52I'm like gone. A large part of me is gone.
30:56And what I see in the mirror is not me.
30:59And it makes me very, very sick.
31:01However, it's possible she's more jealous of you because it's a male entity.
31:06It's possible there's even more jealousy between you and you two because...
31:13Typically, females are jealous of females. Males are jealous of males.
31:19I don't know.
31:21I don't know.
31:23I don't know.
31:25I don't know.
31:27I don't know.
31:28She's jealous of males.
31:32And your identity is being stolen.
31:35She's not just stealing my identity.
31:38She's using yours and that child.
31:47A lot of them are retarded. There's this retardation.
31:51It's not pride.
31:53They're so embarrassed of how weak they are
31:55that they have to keep going with these weapons because it's all that they have to use against good people.
32:12But the order... The Anna Kroger order has been...
32:18It has a tracking number and I'm going to track it every day and make sure that it does not get stolen.
32:26And you're in emotional shock, Shia.
32:34I'm sure it's going to hit this person and realize what they did and realize they ruined their life forever.
32:41And you believe it's more morbid humiliation than anything.
32:46This is morbid humiliation against me. Morbid humiliation against you.
33:10A lot of times... Well, I'm not going to say that.
33:18So I'm going to stop this video now and start part two.
33:22I love you, Shia.
33:23Thank you for watching. Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
