• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:05And this is not my facial expression.
00:09Uh, I am still...
00:11This video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. This is part two of two.
00:15I'm getting irritable and feeling tortured right now.
00:18They're torturing me. They're starting to torture me.
00:21Um, I do not have a backup recording this because I want to show you the ring...
00:27some of the ring cameras.
00:33It is...
00:37Uh, just a few that I'm going to show you.
00:42So, I'm kind of confused because...
00:47No, this is the way.
00:52Uh, I wonder if I can just go under the starred...
00:57Look at this, if I can filter the starred.
01:01Everything that's starred.
01:10Probably, but...
01:16So, I'm going to show you some ring camera videos.
01:23Um, I've lost weight even though it looks like I'm extremely bloated.
01:28You can see it in this video.
01:33You can see my legs are skinnier.
01:39I was cleaning.
01:44So, you...
01:45Um, I really don't like recording myself because there's really no point.
01:51But this is...
01:53This was yesterday.
01:55Leaving the, um, apartment going to Albertsons.
02:13And this is not me, Shia. This is not my face.
02:21Yes, I'm still doing some facial movement that I don't believe is mine.
02:30I'm trying to figure out the camera to hold it on my wrist.
02:37Uh, this...
02:38I am very, very...
02:41As the days go by, the more I'm sure that this face...
02:47It's possible they use a little bit of either...
02:51The lizards are looking through my eyes to make me see myself, more myself than this person.
02:57The side profile is very, very obvious.
03:00It's very obvious on the side profile.
03:03This is me coming back from Albertsons.
03:08And I still haven't showed you all the photos. I skipped some of the notes.
03:12I'll tell you some of them tomorrow.
03:18I'm coming back from Albertsons.
03:31It wasn't an extreme attack going to Albertsons.
03:44Uh, later, earlier, there's a video of me in the kitchen.
03:50And I'm very tired. I'm feeling kind of sick.
03:53No, I already showed you this.
03:56This was...
04:08Well, you can tell I'm just looking really sick.
04:37I'm still... This was September 26th.
04:42So, I've not... I've not been putting the camera there every day.
04:48I have to start, though.
04:57So, this was me in the kitchen.
05:00And, obviously, I'm not feeling well.
05:04Uh, they're still talking through me voluntarily.
05:08September 26th.
05:26That wasn't the only one I wanted to show you. Here it is.
05:29This is me trying to cook with the microwave.
05:41And it splattered, as usual.
05:45I changed the cook power setting.
05:52I have to usually put a plate over it.
05:56I think I was only putting in it...
05:59I only was putting in it for a little while.
06:03So, I didn't think I had to put a plate over it.
06:18So, I thought the mouth thing kind of stopped.
06:21It has not.
06:23But this was September 26th.
06:25Things have gotten a little bit better, I thought.
06:30So, I'll show you a clip of myself today.
06:34To see if there's been improvement.
06:41But I haven't been using the security camera.
06:47Oh, that was when things got a little bit too salty with the soy sauce.
06:59See, they're just using my face and hurting my face.
07:31But this is not completely me.
07:34This is someone else.
07:36The way I look and act.
07:38There's nothing near you can do.
07:42Obviously, I can't hate myself completely.
07:45And I'm not completely myself.
07:47So, I'm kind of forced to like this person that has taken over my body.
07:54Even though I 100% hate her.
07:57I'm forced to kind of like her because it's me and my body.
08:01So, this is pure like...
08:04This is pure rape and harassment and crime.
08:19And my hair looks like that because I put olive oil in it.
08:22And it was greasy from the olive oil.
08:25And this is me dumping the canned...
08:28The water in the can in the toilet.
08:30Because that's all I have right now.
08:33That's all I have right now to get rid of.
08:37I don't have a kitchen sink.
08:39And the bathroom sink doesn't work.
08:42That's actually pretty filthy.
08:44You have to dump your...
08:46The water in the can of food in the toilet.
08:50The water in the can of food in the toilet.
08:55It's not comfortable. It's not hygienic.
10:46I don't really like microwaves.
10:49You can tell by the way some of my hands...
10:52The way I move my hands.
10:53I haven't had a...
10:54I've had a stroke.
10:56It's not easy for me to maneuver things just like I used to.
11:24I actually look a little bit thinner in the bathing suit.
11:48Let me show you that one.
12:19I don't like my looks.
12:21I don't like really my style.
12:23I'm just ugly.
12:24I'm ugly because I'm not myself.
12:27I really have thought...
12:29Like I've turned into such a nerd.
12:31These past ten years.
12:32I'm like...
12:33I'm just so like...
12:35I'm badly dressed.
12:37I can't dress.
12:39I can't look good.
12:40I don't have any style.
12:42Now I know why.
12:45I thought I was just like...
12:48I didn't know I was possessed.
12:51This is not...
12:54But I really just don't look...
12:58There's something about me that makes me not look...
13:02I never considered myself really cool.
13:05But I at least had some...
13:07I actually kind of like my looks.
13:11And how I acted.
13:13But I mean...
13:15The way I act now is ridiculous.
13:18I'm not talking right now.
13:25But I really thought it was...
13:26I got a lot of excuse...
13:28I'm not talking...
13:29Should I just look at the videos?
13:44So this is...
13:49I'm gonna tell you the date to show you.
13:51In a matter of days since 10-26.
13:55Where you last saw.
13:58This was yesterday.
14:01So I lost weight from 10-26.
14:03Because you saw how fat I was in 10-26.
14:06This is yesterday.
14:09So my diet...
14:11My meal plan that I'm working on...
14:16Is working.
14:32And just because...
14:39It looks like I walk around with this pleasant face a little bit.
14:43Just like this like...
14:45This just like...
14:47Kind of like this fat greedy pig.
14:50Pleasant face.
14:51Like I'm comfortable.
14:53That's not me.
14:54I'm in pure torture.
14:57There's a look that I do like all the time.
14:59That I'm noticing in the camera.
15:00Like just like...
15:02Like I'm just like kind of pleasant feeling.
15:04And it's a complete lie.
15:07It's 100% lie.
15:09And it's not my looks.
15:10It's not how my face would look.
15:31I'm putting the nose strip on the nasal strips.
15:55Because I can't breathe.
16:01I'm taking some mouthwash.
16:54I'm having trouble with holding the camera.
17:22I just woke up.
17:26I just woke up and I just like was getting kind of sick of...
17:31I didn't want to waste the battery of the camera.
17:33But that's really...
17:35I don't always want to have the camera recording me.
17:39That's probably not me though.
17:42So this is tonight.
17:47Unfortunately I'm very bloated.
17:50And my underwear is sticking out.
17:51So I might not show you.
17:56Actually I fix the underwear.
18:02So I took some mouthwash before this video.
18:24I rub my stomach because I'm...
18:27I had extreme stomach ache.
18:30And like several bowel movements.
18:33From learning about my thing getting stolen.
18:44Yeah this...
18:46I'm still...
18:47I'm still not myself.
18:50This isn't how I act.
18:53This isn't how I look.
19:00So here I'm washing my clothes.
19:21I should probably take more footage of me.
19:23But I really don't want to see...
19:25Yeah I'm washing my clothes.
19:34But you can see I did lose weight.
19:37Luckily it's from the...
19:42But no this is not...
19:44Honestly it's really a shame that you won't...
19:48It's really a shame that you really don't...
19:51It's really a shame that you really don't...
19:53It's really a shame that you really don't...
19:56What I was told repeatedly is you have...
20:00You are able to know what this person looks like and acts like that took over my body.
20:07And looks and whatever else.
20:10I was told that.
20:16I don't want to review these videos.
20:18And I almost didn't review yesterday's videos.
20:21But then I caught something that I said wrong.
20:25And it wasn't...
20:28What I said wrong.
20:29They messed up my words.
20:32It wasn't the stroke.
20:33That messed up my words.
20:41But here it's just I...
20:48I don't like...
20:51It's very perverted.
20:52This is very perverted.
21:02Very very...
21:03This is so sick.
21:06I probably won't...
21:10I'll be using the security camera.
21:13For safety.
21:15I'm not gonna be looking...
21:21I probably should...
21:22To capture the things.
21:25All the different things.
21:29The manager guided me when to use the video camera.
21:31I'm kind of salivating a little too much right now.
21:35It's probably demonic possession.
21:38Or also I'm very very tired.
21:40Because I recited the Quran...
21:44For two hours.
21:47I walked an hour and a half.
21:51I had a whole thing that happened.
21:54With the car.
22:00I'm very tired.
22:10They're trying to steal you away from me.
22:13When I look and see you.
22:17Because this went on for 10 years.
22:19Or however...
22:20Well since it started at 25.
22:23It wasn't all about...
22:25Oh I really want Alyssa's husband.
22:29It was...
22:30Obviously there was something going on.
22:32That was perverted.
22:33And some kind of fetish.
22:34I'm pretty sure.
22:36But it was also...
22:38I would like to be Alyssa.
22:40And if I can't be her.
22:43She'll turn into me.
22:44And then if I'm her.
22:46Then I'm...
22:47If she's me I'm her.
22:52If this went on for so long.
22:55I'm trying to wonder what she did to you.
22:59But this was...
23:02But when I look at you.
23:03They're trying to manipulate you.
23:06They've done this and manipulated your face.
23:08And changed you into all kinds of people.
23:12That I hate.
23:13That I hate.
23:15And even family members.
23:18But they've...
23:21They're trying to...
23:22And even family members that I hate.
23:26But that's trying to steal you away from me.
23:28And they've done this to me for years and years and years.
23:32But they're trying to say that...
23:35They're trying to convince me that...
23:38They're using all kinds of A.I. to make you like her and not me.
23:44And all these things.
23:46Sadly I don't really have a lot of video footage of me in the past.
23:50I think my brother might have a few videos.
23:54Possibly that I...
23:57He made recording me for like his film school.
24:01Or when he was making videos at the time.
24:04When I was like teens, early twenties.
24:07I don't have a video of me.
24:12I don't have any video recordings of me.
24:15And that was purposeful because they were trying to kill me.
24:18So they didn't want any documentation of me.
24:23They didn't want any documentation of me.
24:33So how do you actually know who I am?
24:36Well I was told that you have...
24:38I was told that there is a part of me that you can see and tell that it's me.
24:45I was told that there's A.I. being used also.
24:50And they're torturing me so bad.
24:52I had like a good 20-24 hours when I was initially playing those rat mice ruckus of less torture.
25:02But it's coming back so bad today.
25:05I've been so tortured today.
25:08And this morning.
25:10And right now.
25:11But it's all gonna be returned back to them.
25:17It's gonna be way more than just returned back to them.
25:23So I have to...
25:26I don't think I'm gonna be...
25:28I don't think I'm gonna be looking over these videos.
25:32It's just too exhausting if I messed up.
25:38I have to actually go recite the Quran because reviewing these videos is not going to help me as much as reciting the Quran.
25:50I'm in so much pain.
25:52Reciting the Quran in the bath always gives me relief.
26:02I'm going to...
26:06I'm gonna...
26:08I'm gonna go recite the Quran.
26:10I may have said incorrect things in these videos.
26:14I may actually have to review them.
26:16Because I may have said incorrect things.
26:19Which is, to me, it's starting to really irritate me.
26:24But there's nothing I can do.
26:27Is there any other photos that I...
26:29I'll show you the rest of the photos in the notes tomorrow.
26:32And I want to talk about Ushayah.
26:42I'm not mad at Ushayah.
26:44I'm not mad at Ushayah.
26:45The demons in my body are trying to separate us.
26:53Obviously, I get some anger that we both have been lied to using my own body.
27:04You're beyond shocked.
27:05And I know that you're working on it every day to try to stop it.
27:08I was told.
27:15I love you, Ushayah.
27:19I love that we're going to have a long life together.
27:23I know something must have happened to you, Ushayah, too.
27:34But for years and years and years, Ushayah, they've been trying to say
27:40that the person taking over my body, I look like her husband,
27:44and that you look like her, the person, the female taking over my body.
27:48It's very, very perverted.
27:51And they're doing it, like, nonstop.
27:55They did it on and off for years, for several years, here and there.
28:04But now it's, like, chronic, ever since I'm actually, like, know what's going on.
28:13But you're a survivor, Ushayah, and we're victims of extreme torture.
28:21People are going to go to jail for what they've done to us.
28:25People are going to go to jail for what they've done to us.
28:34I'm really looking forward to being myself, and I feel really, really awful
28:47that somehow I'm participating in you feeling like you're liking what you see, but it's not all me.
29:02Now, Ushayah, I've been told that you know how to separate it, and you can tell when it's not me.
29:09And you've been getting help with how she acts and looks so that you don't get tricked.
29:19But because it's my body and what I'm seeing, and because it's been going on for so long,
29:25and because I never really looked at myself in the security camera and how I acted,
29:31I'm getting really confused also with the stroke.
29:36I'm getting really, really confused and really sick.
29:41But, Ushayah, it's not going to separate us, and no matter what, we're going to be together, Ushayah.
29:49And I love you, Ushayah. I feel very lucky that you're able to listen to these videos.
30:03And I always thought it was kind of too good to be true, and now I'm realizing because of what's happened to my body
30:09and because of all the possession that's been going on with these videos, not just with the family member that took over,
30:17but all the other times that my voice changed, my looks changed, I turned into other people,
30:25that it wasn't too good to be true. It was too good to be true.
30:34It's not too good to be true.
30:44But you're not waiting for things to happen. We're trying, Shai, so much.
30:48And after the ablution, like, two times today, and it's helped a lot, the water ablution,
30:57and when I go after the toilet, I will go, Allah's most gracious, most merciful, under the bathtub of water,
31:09Allah's most gracious, most merciful, Allah's most gracious, most merciful,
31:12and I kneel down on the ground because I can't twist my spine sitting on the tub.
31:19It hurts my spine, so I have to kneel down every time, which isn't bad because underneath the knees where I'm kneeling,
31:26that's where the paralysis acupressure point is, and the thing is, I almost slipped because I went to go kneel down,
31:38and I put my hands on the tub, and I forgot that when I get up from washing my hands, they're not dry,
31:46so when I wash my hands, I have to dry my hands first and then get up.
31:52But I can't always remember to.
31:54But you have psychological despair, and you're being tortured, and I'm getting some relief knowing that other people are getting tortured too,
32:07Shai, and a lot of other people are getting possessed, and a lot of these crimes are going to get exposed soon.
32:14So, I love you, Shai. I'm going to talk to you tomorrow.
32:23I'm thinking about you, Shai. I still frequently hug the pillow, lay down, think about you for at least a few seconds before I get attacked,
32:36and not able to hug you, and I know that...
32:53I know, Shai, that no matter what, we're going to be together, and this is going to be removed permanently.
33:01We'll have proof that it'll be permanently removed. We'll have proof when it is permanently removed.
33:08So, I think I skipped some notes. I checked the pendulum several times today, and you are in emotional shock, Shai, from what has happened to my body,
33:21and you have... I'm very, very sick over it, Shai, and I know you are too.
33:28But... try not to... try to ignore it, Shai, as much as possible.
33:38I love you, Shai. Thank you, everybody, for watching. Thank you so much, Shai, for watching.
33:44And this is not the way I would end the video, going like this.
33:49That's not me. I am Possessed Shai, and it's... luckily, it's not just a clone of the criminal that took over, because it is Possession Shai.
34:09So, I'm going to talk to you tomorrow. I love you, Shai.
34:13Thank you, everybody, for watching. Thank you so much, Shai, for watching.
