• last year
I like I got so frustrated because somebody destroy and attack my base. I play this once and I actually delete this account on Whileout Survival mobile app game, I don't want to take this no more, and actually, I am done playing this game and good thing I quit this Whileout survival
00:00okay well okay hi hi guys it's me Manuel Sideline today we playing this
00:09game um my base got destroyed I don't know what happened the base got
00:19destroyed by some random players they just found my base and after that they
00:26just destroyed it because when I look at this and when I started to see the
00:353x allies I got cooked by 3x allies and the ally name wolf okay
00:56I want to know what the fuck is that ally is oh yeah guess what I'm going to
01:08delete this count on this yes I'm going to delete this count on this game I
01:16sick and tired of this I got destroyed one two I just lost
01:29there's no way coming back I just lost you know it's no way coming back for the
01:40franchise you know now furry allies started getting exist now I feel like I
01:48just started disliking this game already
01:58I feel like I just don't want to play it no more
02:03I get it I grind this account I feel like I don't deserve to get my
02:12account deleted which that is fortune no that is fair and fortune because they
02:25don't like to see my account getting deleted off this of this what is it was
02:34this game I forgot the game name is hold on let me pause it and see what the name
02:43okay I am back this game called whiteout survival yes I might be will delete my
02:53account off whiteout survival I think it ain't gonna work out like it used to
03:08because 10 seconds later I I send out my mind said don't bother them and 10
03:15seconds later they just attacking bases
03:20it's not your fault you can't prove your stupid ass point of this white whiteout
03:29game you can't even prove your point why you so damn ignorant on this whiteout
03:38game now you started about the front you started to flaming on every whiteout
03:49whiteout survival furry you username not allies why I wish they deserve this
04:04cuz knowing better they don't deserve shit
04:19and that is the fact they don't deserve this I got kicked off the allies oh well
04:30because I was gone for a long time that's that's that's fair they don't
04:38want to see the allies being gone for longest
04:48of course because they don't like to see the allies just saying oh you gone for a
04:54year or days well too bad you should you should take care of your allies like
05:05what is the point of me attacking my base and gone for a long time you know
05:14I feel like it just sounds so stupid and just so retarded
05:44and yeah
05:58even that's the point while fighting bases just to prove my point that I'm
06:06really good at PvP you know my ass not
06:12right daily motion keep it a real you know you know me you know I'm not
06:20I'm just finding a lower build so I could go ahead and just destroy
06:28I mean I just go ahead and find some base that is lower and after that just
06:39go ahead and destroy other lower base builds and after that 10 seconds I'd be
06:45happy I'm happy for myself but no but I got destroyed for a reason even that's
06:56the case while fighting bases tell me why I'm doing this it's just PvP crap
07:08okay I can't I can't go around and say I want to be better than these PvP garbage
07:18and I'm saying in my head daily motion viewers that's not the excuse I'm not
07:25saying that plus I don't want to be those PvP players that want to be
07:32better and claiming that they better no I don't want that
07:43and plus I just got my base destroyed so after that yes
07:48I feel like I want to sick of tire of this now I I start saying it so many times I really want to
07:57delete this game because of it
08:04and no offense I should because this this white out base is going to get me frustration and loss
08:17of my life because you got a pair to online players attacking your base
08:31I just lost all my stuff what's the reason fighting base for like
08:42I want to finish off here
08:48no matter what I'm going to vanish okay
08:53I'm going ahead and just do it off do it off recording saying I'm going to go ahead and
09:02delete this account because y'all guys want to go ahead
09:08y'all three exes allies want to go ahead and attack my base for no reason
09:19because the allies just left me
09:24because I was gone for a long time
09:39so no matter what
09:47this is me saying my head like I can't take this no more I can't take this
09:54white out survival no more I feel like I want to quit
09:59it I got the base destroyed like I'll repeat it again I got the base destroyed
10:09by some random online players that good at destroying bases even that's the case why I'm
10:14fighting them it's no use it's no use
10:28and I feel like fighting the stupid bases on white out survival
10:36I think it's gonna it's not going to work for me like for now on
10:44online players attacking my base I'll say you know no matter what
10:52I can't get mad about it screw me right
11:00screw me
11:15screw me you know
11:33I'm just being total I just I just sit down attacking lower player base
11:42because I feel like I ain't ready
11:50no I will say yeah I'll say yeah dude but now furry base started to be existed no matter
12:03fact I feel like I want to want to end this stupid white out I want to end this
12:12mobile white out survival mobile ass game I can't take it no more you know I can't
12:24I just fight a decent amount of pvp players and after that I'm gonna end it right there
12:31if y'all guys like this if you wanted to
12:36if you like to enjoy y'all day and after that I'm see y'all guys
12:45remind me in the next one bye-bye have fun enjoy y'all day peace out bye-bye
