LFC Exposed- Dark Hidden Truth

  • 2 days ago
Two Girls Exposing LFC dark hidden truths
00:00It's kind of really, in my mind, disrespectful to what we're trying to promote here at LFC.
00:04LFC 21, okay, you demolished Jolly Pops, I give it up to you, that's what you do.
00:09But you took that nail file, you pulled it out, potentially bringing a weapon into the cage.
00:16A weapon? I needed to make sure my nails were good.
00:19When Leon came in and was giving me one of his little lectures about my showboating,
00:26I kind of had to respect it because I do tend to get a little cocky when I'm in the ring.
00:33I get it, Feather, you're the champ, but you need to act like a champ.
00:37It's an honor thing, okay? We fight, we demolish. We don't bring nail files,
00:42we don't bring weapons, we don't disrespect our opponents in battle.
00:47We disrespect them by beating them, choking them out, tapping them out,
00:51gnawing them out, okay? We got LFC 22 coming up, and I know you're ready.
00:56Of course, I'm always ready. I'm always ready.
00:57I've got to make sure you've got a brand new opponent who's been killing in Europe,
01:02Shea Mazzotta, okay? So, do me a favor, keep your nail files at home,
01:07keep working out, and we're going to take this thing, the LFC 22, and take the belt back to the
01:12wet. All right, I got you.
01:14All right? Yep.
01:15I'm going to get some breakfast, I'm tired. One hour, we're training, all right?
01:20I got you.
01:21I haven't had a lot of competition. It has been pretty easy, so
01:25as far as that goes, you do tend to get a little cocky.
01:32Hey, what's going on? Long time, no see.
01:34Oh, Lauren, Lauren, Lauren, how you doing?
01:36Good to be back.
01:38You know what? I got to tell you something.
01:40The last show, putting your hands on the referee,
01:44do you even realize how lucky you are right now that they're allowing you to fight again here?
01:49He's lucky I didn't do worse to him. That's the second time he's done that.
01:53It's not okay. I know it's a little out of line, but still, it's not going to happen again.
02:00It will be worse if he is still there.
02:03I was definitely expecting a little lecture from Leon about attacking the ref.
02:08I understand, but I really don't care. I was going to do it anyway.
02:12Don't screw me over like that.
02:13You can't put your hands on the LFC ref. You can't put your hands on anybody but your opponent.
02:19Do that and do it well, but don't put your hands on anybody else.
02:21You're going to get fined. You're going to get suspended.
02:23Lauren, the animal foal is incredibly upset right now.
02:27It stays in Los Canos, but it'll shove there to the referee as well.
02:30Oh, what is going on here?
02:32You never know what you get when you're dealing with Lauren Fogle.
02:36I told her what I told her. I said what I said.
02:38Now, if she was going to listen to me, I had no clue.
02:44Hey, what's up?
02:45Hey, good to see you again.
02:46Yeah, good to see you.
02:49Piper, nice to meet you.
02:50Nice to meet you.
02:50Oh, you're the one that Maxine brought on.
02:52All right, well, we'll try and make that work. Let's see what happens.
02:57You know, surprisingly enough, I think Piper Rose is a good fit on this team.
03:02I honestly thought Maxine would try and screw me, but it turns out maybe she's throwing me
03:05a bone on this one. I don't know. It's weird. I don't get it, but I like her,
03:10and I think she's going to be a good fit on the team.
03:12What have you guys warmed up? Just stretching so far?
03:14Yeah, we're just warming up.
03:15Ready to go. What do you want to do?
03:17Welcome to the team, I guess.
03:19Proud of the team. We've got a lot of victories in the last couple of matches,
03:22and I think we're going to do even better this time. Who are you fighting?
03:28Danielle? Oh, that's perfect. She fought Danielle last time. She actually beat her.
03:31Yeah, there you go.
03:31If there's anyone you can get some information off of, it's going to be Serena.
03:34My first impression of Coach Joel Keane was I wasn't sure if he had what it takes to
03:39train a fighter to be a winner.
03:42So from this position, there's really basically nothing you can do.
03:46So I just wasn't quite sure if he had what it took. I felt like I could have
03:50taken him out if I needed to.
03:52I let you do that because I want you to have some confidence, but
03:55regularly I wouldn't let you do something like that to me because I'm a highly trained professional.
04:01So, yeah. So, no, that's okay. Don't feel bad. Like I said, I totally know what to do.
04:05I will.
04:11I'm a big fan of LFC's new training home, DXG.
04:15DXG self-defense is awesome. I mean, we have the most state-of-the-art equipment.
04:21They got Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling. I mean, when it comes to a workout facility,
04:26I mean, their cage is like 20 feet tall.
04:56training with Joel is not enough for me. So I have a lot of private training on the side.
05:03I have other coaches, my main boxing coach being Greg.
05:11Training with Joel is fun whenever he's there, but it's really hard to get ahold of him and for
05:16him to even show up to training. And sometimes I don't know if, you know, I've heard stories that
05:22he's betting against me and stuff. So I've just been doing things on my own since Joel is nowhere
05:29to be found.
05:41It is the worst thing that could ever happen when you're getting ready to fight. Injury is very
05:49scary because it can end your career immediately. Unfortunately, it happened right in front of my
05:54opponent, which adds a whole other element of concern because you don't want your opponent
06:00to see your weaknesses. Federer's injury was bad. All I could hear was her screaming. And
06:08of course, I bet it was the pain screaming.
06:48text knockout to 25283 for 30 finasteride pills. Hey, it's okay. Calm down.
06:57You can't let what others say bring you down. Yeah, because it's not the size of the dog in
07:01the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog. And the day's going to come when you get bigger
07:08and you show them who's boss. Until then, hang in there. You got this little buddy.
07:18Text knockout to 25283 for four genuine ED pills.
07:35First, I like start my day. I get up at five in the morning. I go and work out an hour or two.
07:41After that, I would go and train with Sean and Greg over at DXG, hit the bags a little bit,
07:47work out again after. I love taking a nap.
07:54I train five to six days a week and I do 5k three of those days and the other two to three,
08:01I do weights and yoga. My training regimen for LSE 22, I use the facility quite a bit. They
08:14had a lot of good stuff for me to work on, swing on and of course all the great training we got in
08:18there. Yeah, the training was great. It was intense. I had to just, I had to get my stamina
08:25back up and running because I had injured my rib. And so when I was training for it,
08:31I had to get my stamina back up and get my fast punches in because, you know, just picking on my
08:36arm and throwing it down. I was like, oh, I can't breathe. We got to be serious here. These girls,
08:42they want to fight. And so we had to change up the regimen a little bit.
08:46I was real specific on showing the girls takedowns, effective,
08:51exciting, entertaining takedowns that get the crowd popped.
08:59Yes, about my injury, that sucked. Yeah, I was training with Kat and the shoulder just cracked.
09:09She got injured really bad and it, you know, I took it as it was my fault. And she, you know,
09:18said it was just like an accident, but I felt so bad. And at first I thought that maybe she thought
09:23I did it intentionally to injure her because she had a couple of fights coming up. Kat, she felt,
09:29I mean, I could see in her eyes that she felt so, so guilty about it, but I told her that it happens.
09:34So it wasn't her fault. Yeah, it was totally not intentional. And I just feel so bad. And
09:41I hope that she heals up good because I know it's been bothering her.
09:44Go away. I know you love me. Oh my God.
09:47See what happens when you make her mad. I get hurt.
09:51I'm sorry for you, coach.
09:59Come in.
10:03Come in.
10:08Hi, Joel. Frost. What can I do for you? I got a bone to pick with you. Shocking.
10:14What can I do?
10:23What would you like?
10:24What's the deal with suspending my fighters?
10:26I suspended Holly because she tried to undress Audrey.
10:30We are a PG-13 show, Joel. Do you understand that?
10:33Nothing happened. She undid like one string.
10:36Are you kidding me?
10:38That conversation is over because we're not undressing girls during the thing. They're
10:41not strippers, okay? As much as you would like them to be, they're not strippers.
10:45This is ridiculous.
10:46It's not ridiculous.
10:46It is. That's absolutely ridiculous.
10:48She wins one fight and you come after her with everything you've got.
10:50I'm not coming after anyone, Joel. She broke the rules and now she's suspended.
10:54No, this is ridiculous. What about Sheila?
10:56What do you mean what about Sheila?
10:58Well, what about? You're just going to suspend her too?
10:59Sheila cannot keep attacking people after the bell goes. It's the second time it's
11:04happened and I won't stand for it. She threw a glove at her.
11:06She cannot keep attacking people after the bell goes.
11:09She's a passionate fighter. She takes her craft very seriously.
11:11It doesn't matter how passionate she is.
11:12She should be keeping it inside of the time that she's allotted to fight.
11:16Oh, okay. Well, you know, if you're going to be that strict about things, what about Feather?
11:19What do you mean what about Feather?
11:20Well, she brought a weapon into the ring last time.
11:22She brought a nail file into the ring.
11:24It's good enough for the TSA. It's good enough for me.
11:26She's doing her nails. It was a theatrical thing. She's just joking around.
11:30The bottom line is, is that I'm the boss and it doesn't matter what Joel has to say and I
11:34really, really want to do the opposite of whatever he thinks I should do,
11:37so I'm just going to continue doing what I'm doing.
11:39Joel, are you scared of somebody filing their nails? Does that worry you?
11:42Are you scared? It's called personal hygiene, Joel, and you should maybe try it, okay?
11:47This is ridiculous.
11:47It's not ridiculous. It was a joke. It was theatrical. People loved it.
11:52She didn't hurt anybody.
11:53It doesn't matter.
11:53Irregardless is not a word, Joel.
11:55It is now.
11:56It's regardless. So?
11:58What about Lauren? She attacked an official.
12:00Oh my god, she bumped into Cesar. It's fine.
12:03It's ridiculous. What about her nipples?
12:07Her nips are always falling out. She always blasts her nips all over the cage.
12:10That's not a problem for you? You don't have a problem with that?
12:12What about her nipples?
12:14Well, I'm sorry. She's the...
12:15Joel, maybe you should stop focusing on everybody's nipples so often and just do your job.
12:20I am doing my job. I've won two events in a row.
12:22Yeah, everybody gets lucky sometimes, okay?
12:24Yeah, I got lucky twice.
12:25Yeah, whatever. It's going to end.
12:28You know what? We're going to see in North Dakota.
12:30Yeah, what do you mean?
12:31This is a waste of my time.
12:32It is a waste of my time also, so thank you for coming to see me. It's always a pleasure.
12:46Joel King.
12:47What are you doing here?
12:48Fancy seeing you here.
12:49What's that smug smile all about, man?
12:51Didn't you just get your ass kicked at LFC 21?
12:53Get the card stacked in your favor and you're coming here smiling like you own the place?
12:58You know, you got a point.
12:59But I'm always in a good mood and I'm always dressed to impress.
13:03Unlike you.
13:03I mean, is this really what you wear to meet up with Maxine, the LFC president?
13:07Absolutely. Is this what you wear?
13:09You're wearing your sunglasses indoors?
13:10What are you, Tom Cruise?
13:12Hang with the boys, I guess, right?
13:14Yeah, we'll see.
13:15All right, man. See you later, Joel.
13:16Yeah, good luck.
13:17Enjoy your meeting, by the way.
13:19I will.
13:19I'm sure I'll be able to handle whatever you guys figure out to do against me.
13:23Oh my god.
13:24I do talk too much.
13:30What was all that about?
13:32I don't know what Joel's problem is, but he's got a lot of problems all the time.
13:35And my problem is, is that he's still here.
13:37And I just need to figure out a way to not have that happen anymore.
13:40But anyways, I wanted to talk to you.
13:42Right, right.
13:42Listen, before you say anything, let me explain, okay?
13:46I understand that back at the last show, you put me in charge of the black team.
13:49And you said, go 8-0.
13:51And there was a way we can get rid of Joel, which is what you've been trying to do.
13:54Yes, I needed you to win.
13:54I know. But listen, I was training the pink team before being in charge of the black team.
14:00I trained them to beat the black team.
14:01So when you put me in charge of the team, that...
14:04I know, I understand.
14:05I beat myself.
14:06I'm going against myself.
14:07It just didn't work.
14:08And I lost.
14:09Yes, you did.
14:10And that was super disappointing for me.
14:11I mean, but wait, wait, wait.
14:13And there's one more thing.
14:14I mean, there's no way we could have went 8-0, okay?
14:17You had Holly Mae, 15-4.
14:19She's been on a losing streak, but she's won 15 fights.
14:22You had me with Audrey Monique, who was 0-0.
14:25And let me tell you about Audrey Monique, okay?
14:27Her and I, we don't get along.
14:29We're like oil and water.
14:31We're like fat people on diets.
14:33We just don't get along.
14:35How do I get her off of my team and over with Joel?
14:38They make a perfect match.
14:39Okay, listen, I really thought that Audrey was going to do better,
14:41so I apologize that our plan didn't work out.
14:44It's just that if you want to get rid of Audrey,
14:46you can't unless Joel agrees to take her because she's under contract with you.
14:49So there's nothing I can do.
14:50I can't get rid of her unless you find a way to get Joel to take her.
14:55Wait a minute.
14:55Takes her as in like the LFC draft we have coming up next week?
14:59If you can convince him to take her, then that's fine.
15:02But can I talk to you what I need to talk to you about, please?
15:07Mike Modest has resigned.
15:09So this makes you the new coach for the Black team.
15:14The official head coach of the Black team.
15:16But listen to me.
15:18I need you to win, okay?
15:20I really, I understand that you were in a difficult position before,
15:23but I need you to win this time or you're going to end up like Modest, okay?
15:27Well, okay.
15:28I mean, that's fair enough.
15:29You do realize that in training, I sent you the email.
15:32Feather her.
15:32She, her foot, she barely got through the fight.
15:35You have lots of excuses and I need you to have no excuses and lots of wins, okay?
15:39Even under his shoulder.
15:41That's also another excuse.
15:42I need you to tell these girls to suck it up or something
15:44because I don't have time to deal with this.
15:46Well, if anybody can do it, you know I can.
15:49I know you can.
15:51All right, I'll see you later.
15:53So I did give Leon the head coaching job
15:56and I think that he's going to do a really, really great job.
15:59However, I want him to know that if he messes up, I can replace him.
16:02You know, Maxine wanted to give me an incentive.
16:04That's how I saw it.
16:05I didn't see it as a threat.
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17:10So that's it?
17:11It's the Hawaiian Shalotta, man.
17:12That's everybody.
17:13It's North Dakota and there's not many people to pick from here.
17:16No, it's only two girls.
17:19It's two, but two's enough.
17:21There's only two of us.
17:23So in North Dakota, there were only two draft picks.
17:26That's it, two.
17:27Out of all the whole state of population, who knows what?
17:31There were two.
17:32All right.
17:32All right.
17:33Well, since I'm picking first, I think I'm going to pick...
17:36You know what?
17:38I would rather have first pick this time around.
17:41Why should you get that?
17:42Didn't you get first pick last time?
17:44I did.
17:45Okay, you know what?
17:45I made an offer to Modest and I think that you're probably a bit of a smarter man than he is.
17:51What do you mean?
17:52I'm going to make this offer to you too.
17:54How about I give you Holly Mae?
17:56I had the first pick, but Joel, for some reason...
18:00I mean, I get it.
18:01He wanted to get rid of Holly Mae.
18:02He's been wanting to get rid of Holly Mae for the past two or three shows.
18:06So you're offering me Holly Mae?
18:08I'm offering you Holly Mae.
18:09It's a good deal.
18:09She's 15 and four.
18:10She's coming in hot.
18:12You know what, Joel?
18:14I don't even need Holly Mae.
18:16I don't need her.
18:16You can have her.
18:17If you offer me Helen Mae, her sister, I might jump at that opportunity.
18:20But as far as Holly, not interested.
18:23I want that first pick.
18:24You want first pick, huh?
18:26Let me offer you something.
18:26Let me counter your offer with an offer of my own, okay?
18:29And I'm pretty sure Mike Modest had never done anything like this.
18:33Yeah, I know you to be a gambling man.
18:35And I'm pretty sure that if an opportunity presented itself that you knew you could not
18:40lose, you would take it.
18:41So, no, I don't need Holly Mae.
18:44I got something for you.
18:45Is it Lauren?
18:47No, that animal stays in the black team.
18:49Believe that.
18:49No, listen.
18:51Audrey Monique.
18:52I made an offer to him, which he immediately countered and offered me another fighter.
18:56And while I didn't really want Audrey Monique on my team, given her record and, you know,
19:01the slight lack of faith I have in her, I took her because, I mean, why not?
19:05I'll take an extra fighter and take the first pick.
19:07Why not?
19:08That's a great deal.
19:09You know, I'm going to take that deal, actually.
19:11I'm going to take it.
19:11You want to shake on it?
19:12Yeah, I'll shake on it.
19:13You're going to let the boss know?
19:17So of these two, who do you pick?
19:20Well, this is an easy pick for me.
19:21I'm taking Carly Zucker, man.
19:22She looks great.
19:23I knew in my heart of hearts that he was going to look completely past Stacey Lentz
19:28and go right for Carly Zucker.
19:29She looks great.
19:31Little short shorts with the pockets hanging down.
19:33And let me read the description.
19:34I don't have any official fight training, but I love MMA and love modeling with two L's.
19:42So why not give this a shot?
19:44And I called it.
19:44That's exactly what he did.
19:46He picked Carly, left me with Stacey.
19:49You leave me with Stacey.
19:50Yeah, Stacey Lentz.
19:51The former Taekwondo heavyweight champion of North Dakota.
19:56You see that, right?
19:57Leon was very smart in the draft.
19:59He somehow managed to get rid of Audrey, which is exactly what he wanted to do.
20:03And then he ended up with the girl that he wanted in the first place anyways.
20:06Former heavyweight champion against someone who has no official fight training and loves MMA
20:11and model-l-l-l-ling.
20:14Do you know what?
20:15You got Aja Monique.
20:16You got Carly Zucker.
20:17And I'll take the former heavyweight champion of Taekwondo of North Dakota.
20:21It's a pleasure doing business with you.
20:22Sounds good to me.
20:24I thought it was a great move on my part.
20:26I think it showed my negotiation skills and also his lack of.
20:40Audrey Monique.
20:42Hey, Larry.
20:42Pleasure to see you.
20:44Larry, it's Leon.
20:45Have a seat.
20:46I like to call him Larry.
20:48I can't stand him.
20:48Or Leona.
20:49He loves that nickname the most.
20:51I didn't know what to expect.
20:52I don't know what to expect ever with Audrey Monique.
20:54Now, Audrey, the reason why I called you here,
20:57as you know, being part of the LFC,
20:58you're always subject to change.
21:00Can you stop?
21:01You're boring me to death.
21:02Your voice is so annoying.
21:03Can you just cut to the chase for me and stop the BS?
21:06Again, she's her normal, chipper, excited, happy self.
21:10I got a little crazy around Larry.
21:13You've been traded.
21:16That's right.
21:17You are now on the pink team.
21:18Audrey Monique and Joel Cain, together forever, riding off into the sunset.
21:23You and I, we're done.
21:25Wait, can you repeat the last sentence?
21:26Wait, what?
21:27Audrey Monique is now a member of the pink team.
21:30You have been traded.
21:32I said, you're traded.
21:34You're gone.
21:34You're on the pink team.
21:36Audrey Monique is no longer on the black team.
21:38What the?
21:42Honestly, I think Audrey Monique is in love with me.
21:45I'll say it right here.
21:47She acts like, who is this Leon?
21:48I can't stand him.
21:49This is the same idea of a little kid that pushes another kid off a swing.
21:54I think I may have kissed him and ran away.
21:56I was so excited.
21:57But then in like eight seconds.
