Shameless S1EP04 - Abduction

  • last week
When a small child goes missing from a children's party, Frank turns the crowd into a lynch mob lashing out at anyone who looks a bit different, ice-cream man included. When Fiona and Steve find that the child is with nine-year-old Debbie, the Gallaghers have a problem: how are they going to get the child back without questions being asked and Debbie ending up in serious trouble?


00:00Now, nobody's saying that Chatsworth Estate is the Garden of Eden, but it's been a good
00:13home to us, to me, Frank Gallagher, and me kids, who I'm proud of, cos every single one
00:21of them reminds me a little of me. They can all think for themselves, which they've me
00:26to thank for. Fiona, who's a massive felt. Lip, who's a bit of a gobshite, which is why
00:34nobody calls him Philip any more. Ian, a lot like his mam, which is handy for the others,
00:39cos she's disappeared into thin air. And Carl, we dare let him grow his hair for two reasons.
00:44One, it stands on end and makes him look like Toya. Two, and it's loving. Debbie, sent by
00:50God, total angel. You've to check your change, but she'll go miles out of the way to do you
00:55a favour. Plus Liam, gonna be a star once we've got the fits under control. Steve, Fiona's
01:03boyfriend. The truth is out there. Not. Fantastic neighbours, Kev and Veronica. Lend you anything,
01:11well, not anything, but all of them to a man. No, first and foremost, one of the most vital
01:17necessities in this life is to know how to throw a pie. Hey, hey, hey, hey, Scott!
01:24The more time I spent with this family, the more I sussed that the linchpins were actually the
01:34females. Fiona, the breadwinner, surrogate mother. Then Debbie, a born leader in a tribe of males.
01:40Morning, Crumble.
01:42Everything she did seemed to be for the benefit of that family. She had a tonne of stamina,
01:46compassion and understanding, but she also had a slightly twisted view of generosity. She was
01:51only ever really happy when she pleased other people. And one Saturday changed all that. She
01:57emerged from her chrysalis a fully formed butterfly. It was a day none of us could ever forget, however
02:03hard we tried.
02:03Wow, you're a gorgeous girl, aren't you?
02:34For God's sake.
02:48Oh, sorry. I thought you were out.
02:50I stayed round Nanny's, but the water's off. Hey, Frank.
02:55Took us that towel.
03:03I don't think so. I'll make do with a hand towel.
03:13Don't throw it.
03:19All right, love. There you go. See ya.
03:27Those cats have been out of bed again.
03:34...a single pair of gloves and a pair of hornets.
03:37And so I have to look after them with some tweezers and stuff.
03:40So, you know, people say I'm 15, and I'm not old enough to try and have a game.
03:45And I think I'm happy to do exactly what I have to do.
03:52Gail, do you want help from the chemist?
03:54Oh, only if you're passing. But if he tries palming you off with Seroxin, saying it's the same as Paxil,
04:01Well, it's not. And this one says 300 milligrams, so I want 300 milligrams.
04:05Not a shed load of 150s.
04:22Look at that.
04:27Need a lift?
04:29Oh, an hour ago, yeah? Where's Cat from?
04:33One careful hour, and I'm my dentist.
04:35You're a dentist?
04:36Yeah, well, he robs me, I rob him.
04:38So, are you driving down for this morning? It's this morning, I wave.
04:41Yeah, well, sorry, mate. Didn't see you.
04:44Who's Red, then?
04:59Can you hear that?
05:04It's one of the kids.
05:08Can't be. You watch me unlock the door.
05:12Flip's got the only other set.
05:15Not a chance. If they're burgling us, it's got to be a nutter.
05:18Shut up.
05:21Not a chance. If they're burgling us, it's got to be a nutter.
05:24Shut up.
05:39Stare at him.
05:41If you had any mates, Steve, we'd put it round gutless women.
05:44I don't think so.
05:47Stare at him.
05:48If you had any mates, Steve, we'd put it round gutless women.
05:51I said the gobbit's at the back.
05:52It's better at the back when biceps are not front with skid marks.
05:56You OK, Dad?
05:58You're not, are you?
06:02I went past Katie Mason's party.
06:05Who's Katie Mason?
06:07Just outside, walking past.
06:11And her dad, he...
06:17Her dad did what?
06:26Just take your time, all right?
06:33He was just laughing with them and playing with them.
06:39I couldn't see the faces.
06:42It's not fair.
06:45What wasn't fair?
06:50So, I nicked something.
06:56From the party?
06:58Jesus, Debbie!
07:00We aren't nearly stuck, then.
07:02Give it a rest, Ebbs. We've all done it.
07:04Right. Well done for owning up, but don't try it again.
07:07Definitely not a confession to your strong point.
07:11They're joking.
07:18Who's that, Debbie?
07:20I'm Debbie.
07:22I'm Debbie.
08:14Send in the clowns!
08:16What have we done?
08:18Hey, what's anybody done?
08:21Hey, don't pick on people down here!
08:25Tony Blair!
08:27You want a set, too? Go and nail that twat!
08:32Who's the parents? Come on, we need to move back!
08:34Who are the parents?
08:36Now, listen to me. No, listen to me.
08:39The faster we get information, what are you called?
08:41Come on, what are your names?
08:43Jackie and Stuart.
08:45Jackie, Stuart. Believe me.
08:47The faster we get information, the faster we know what to do.
08:51Now, there's a team on the way, and we need precise details.
08:54When did you last see Geordie? Half twelve, in the garden.
08:56Age? Three next week.
08:58Came as an angel. Really good angel.
09:00No, little Geordie swapped course with her little auntie's age.
09:13Up the street.
09:17Didn't he?
09:20I'll show you who's the best man.
09:24Hey, look. Is it true?
09:28Unlucky and white if you're lying.
09:32My big day.
09:36Tony married him because he paid off his mortgage on disability.
09:42What's your name?
09:44I'm Tony Blair.
09:46Tony Blair.
09:49What's your name?
09:53She was outside the gate.
09:55No one was watching.
09:57Debbie, did she walk up to you and you just spotted her?
09:59And you're happy that we found you
10:02when you were looking for your mum on the street
10:05and you'd no idea where she belonged,
10:07so you brought her here.
10:09So that we could help you?
10:11No. She had a part of her done.
10:13So why'd you take her?
10:15She was crying for her mum. Where was her mum?
10:18They will now.
10:20For fuck's sake, this is all we need.
10:22Are you right in the bloody head?
10:24Fiona, calm down, all right?
10:26Kids get lost all the time.
10:28We take her back.
10:30We're going to take you home, aren't we, Geordie?
10:42Hi, what's going on?
10:44It's OK, Angela.
10:47I'm prostitute Sian.
10:49You're still doing insurance claims, Lee?
10:51What are you after?
10:53I'm thinking high winds, March the 18th.
10:55Aerial gusts through the room.
10:57For Christ's sake!
10:59Water two floors down, that's two ceilings,
11:01three carpets and a night-time toilet.
11:03Do you know how much aerial weighs?
11:07I'd have to say the chimney went.
11:09Chimney, then? How much do you charge?
11:11Right, 10 for the forms filling in,
11:1320 when the claim's paid, plus labour for a pretend rubber
11:16cos you don't actually have a chimney.
11:18Ladies and gentlemen, please,
11:20can I have your attention?
11:22Now, I know emotions are running high.
11:24I really want some help.
11:26How many times does this have to happen
11:28before anybody listens?
11:32Hey, count the troops!
11:34Count the troops!
11:36If we lived in Shortland,
11:38there'd be all over this place like fucking crabs.
11:40Kiddie missing, one van, one car,
11:42six monkeys.
11:44It makes you sick!
11:46Not pigs themselves,
11:48I think it's policies
11:50in the Home Office.
11:52Probably Tony Blair!
11:56Look at everybody.
11:58We haven't got a clue about any of this, all right?
12:00We just found her walking, all right?
12:02I feel sick.
12:04Look, you get her out, I'll do the talking.
12:06Oh, Fiona!
12:08Steve! Kiddie this size!
12:10Jodie! Little Jodie!
12:12We haven't passed anybody with a kiddie this size.
12:14Has somebody wandered off, Frank?
12:16No! Frank spotted a junkie
12:18looking over the fence at the party.
12:20About ten seconds before little Jodie
12:22disappears into thin air.
12:24Junkie with dreads, you ugly bastards, scummy!
12:26What the fuck are we doing
12:28standing here? Get him!
12:30Go on, get after him!
12:34Where do Jodie's parents live, Sheila?
12:36Renham Street.
12:38I think they're still up there with the police.
12:40Edward's gonna be three next week.
12:42He's not even three, Steve.
12:44Look, we'll get in the street and...
12:48I know, bad enough it's a girl, innit, but...
12:50you're a homeless son.
12:52I can't imagine!
12:54All right, look, we'll hit the road in two or two, all right?
12:56All right, good life.
12:58It's a boy, great. Get him down.
13:00God be with you.
13:10I know, she's not a virgin.
13:12Cos I was there when she lost it.
13:16Sean Creed.
13:22I was
13:24nobbing her every Friday down school bus.
13:26You were?
13:28God, yeah.
13:32Towel room.
13:34Well, yeah,
13:36I do it in the pump house.
13:38Do me ears still look out
13:40where the smell of bleach follows me round?
13:48Are we going out for a kip?
13:52Can't budge.
13:56Do you like me hair this colour?
14:02Suits you.
14:04Me neither.
14:18Well, well played.
14:24What's your score, Cass?
14:26Eh, 2-1.
14:28I think.
14:30Give us an answer back here. Packet of resins as well, mate.
14:32So how's the baby done, Pete?
14:34Oh, God, me and Claire
14:36have had about ten hours kip between us in a fortnight.
14:38I tell you, I'm this close to losing my job, man.
14:44How was it between you and Yvonne?
14:46You know, sex and that.
14:48Were you hungry?
14:50No, after the first.
14:52Oh, right, yeah.
14:56About a fortnight.
14:58Fuck all, in two months, mate,
15:00she won't let me near her.
15:02I'm calling myself stupid.
15:04Yeah, I can imagine.
15:06You can see why I'm skint as well, can't you?
15:08I can.
15:10And if that cat walks past me one more time
15:12with its tail in the air, it's getting one right up the ring
15:14cos I am ten wanks beyond fussy.
15:16Cheers, mate.
15:20Hey, good luck.
15:22Yeah, I'm gonna need it.
15:24There he is!
15:28You're scum, you know that!
15:30Get him!
15:32Get him!
15:34Get him!
15:36Get off him, you animals!
15:38Come on, let's search him.
15:40Come on, let's go!
15:44Sorry about that.
15:46Fuck knows.
15:52Ted, stop!
16:02I'm desperate.
16:0415 minutes, I promise, OK?
16:08I've got biscuits laying, but if you help me rinse this lot off
16:10we can knit to the shop later.
16:12Come on.
16:20Where is she?
16:30Debbie, get out here!
16:36Where's his clothes?
16:38They were covered in chocolate.
16:52She's stuck it on a boil wash.
16:56Can you pass us a towel?
17:02Time is of the essence.
17:04Get us back at work at six.
17:06So let's get started.
17:08All right.
17:14Who the fuck are you?
17:16Who the fuck are you?
17:22Ted, don't!
17:28Stage three to five.
17:30You haven't a laugh. That was massive.
17:34Heya, bud.
17:36Wow, you're a lucky lad. Is that for your birthday?
17:40When is your birthday?
17:42I'm nearly born.
17:44Yeah, come on, get in.
17:46Happy birthday, mate.
17:50We are now looking for a three-year-old
17:52lost boy
17:54with strawberry blonde hair.
17:56Got the big-ass Susie.
17:58Who's Susie?
18:00Dressing Susie, my hairdressing kit.
18:02Wearing blue leggings, red trunks, trainers
18:04and a Captain Curtis T-shirt.
18:06And the dress?
18:08World Children's Shop.
18:10Answering to the name of Jodie!
18:12She was inside the gates when you grabbed her.
18:14I didn't grab her.
18:16And it's not her!
18:18I know. Inside.
18:20Please contact us immediately.
18:22We need your help.
18:24We are now looking for a lost...
18:26How did you get him out?
18:28With some chocolate buttons.
18:30Who saw you?
18:32Nobody. We just ran.
18:34Like that's not obvious.
18:36Legging it down the street with a baby.
18:38In a pram.
18:42What kind of emergencies, Debbie?
18:44I don't know.
18:46What did you stick him in a dress for?
18:48I wanted a girl, but none of the girls wanted the chocolate.
19:00Who the hell's this?
19:02We're not bloody charm-miners, you know.
19:06It's still damp
19:08and still looks brand new to me.
19:10I'm not saying you're Debbie's screwy. What did I say to you last week?
19:12Put all our forks in the knife drawer
19:14and the big spoons where the little spoons go.
19:16Deliberately, I watched her. She's off her fucking cage sometimes.
19:18Well, then you screw me for letting her!
19:20Debbie must have planned this.
19:22And thanks, friend.
19:24Me? Yeah, I've had that kid in our house. I'm involved now.
19:26Look, Debbie's a kid herself.
19:28With a problem.
19:30The worst that can happen is she gets some help.
19:32What kind of help?
19:34She nabbed a kid.
19:36It's gonna get much worse.
19:38Look, you said yourself it was premeditated, yeah?
19:40Whoa, post lad!
19:42I don't know what help means where you come from,
19:44but if they're not with Debbie, they'll shred her.
19:46Screwy or not, they don't take prisoners round here.
19:48She's not a screwy.
19:50And she didn't steal him. She buried him accidentally.
19:52Not if she used fucking chocolate to get him in her prime, Veronica.
19:54She took his bread.
19:56We are looking for a lost girl's boy
19:58with strawberry blonde hair
20:00wearing blue leggings,
20:02red trunks, trainers
20:04and a Captain Curtis t-shirt.
20:06And if social services find out Dad's moved in with Sheila,
20:08they'll have a field day splitting this lad up.
20:10You know what happened last time?
20:18Nick's suggesting a much bigger fucking postcard
20:20if we all please just leave.
20:34I can't eat, Sheila.
20:36Well, you should try, sweetheart.
20:44If that kid was one of mine,
20:46I'd want that guy's bollocks in a bag.
20:48Yeah? No two ways.
20:50So you think we're too lenient with sex offenders, then, Frank?
20:52Hey, you say what you like about Sir Dan,
20:54he'd have had that twisted bastard melted down.
20:56Telt's only brought him up to this point,
20:58and he's not going to change his mind.
21:00He's not going to change his mind.
21:02Right, well, if you say blackbird melted down,
21:04Telt's only Blair,
21:06that's how you get my vote,
21:08you know, pasty-faced gimp.
21:10Write that down.
21:12Eh? You do Siri Blair. Do Siri Blair for him.
21:14Yeah, do it for him. Go on.
21:16I'm just a normal wife
21:18and mother.
21:20No, she does it
21:22better than that, usually.
21:24Frank, you're a father of six.
21:26Yeah, well, you die for your kids, you know.
21:28There's so much as get a temperature.
21:30Take me you'll give it to me. So you'd run it into your children to avoid strangers saying it
21:36Spot on on sticking first go for the eyes cripple the fuck then find an adult will they listen?
21:44I'll try and get back later Frank
21:51What's all that about Karen you missed it all it's awful abduction little Jody
22:19The precious is ours for all eternity is a curly precious not a poison precious
22:27How can I be if it's got a penis
22:34Look need you come
22:37He only wanted to cheer him up who wouldn't he needed looking after
22:42Yeah, we know that but if it's a bloke or a boy or an adult taking Jody home people might think something bad
22:48Not if you took him we can't because we've already been round there saying we know nothing
22:54We sound like we were telling lies
22:57You were yeah
23:00Look, it's just it's been three hours three and a half. That's a long time Debbie. I mean an adult would have phoned somebody right now
23:11Well, what would I have to say
23:18Get on your back to the Beaker Street at David's Lane a phone box on the corner
23:23Bring the police in service exactly this past for exactly twenty past four. Why should I do you want to go into a children's home?
23:30So you're 18 car. Well, the one on Crofton's got a full-size trampoline
23:34Just do it. I
23:36Don't own a bike so go Nick
23:59Was walking up Beaker Street
24:02coming from the
24:04swimming baths
24:05when I saw Jody didn't know his name then a little boy on
24:10On his own
24:13On his own and crying. I asked her where her mum was not her. I
24:18Asked him where his mum was and he didn't know good girl. That's great. That's I
24:23Looked round
24:25Couldn't see any adults
24:27He was upset
24:29So I gave him some chocolate which he liked good
24:34Then you turned left out of David's Lane heading for the park
24:38Just going past Beaker Street to David's Lane ten minutes back when I saw him
24:47Ten minutes back when I saw him I thought hey, you know a kid everybody's looking for
24:53I don't say captain Curtis said very cool. Okay
24:58He was a girl
25:00Then you went to the phone box at Briston Grove I
25:04Went to the phone box on Briston Grove, I thought I best phone the police or somebody that one was vandalized
25:15But wait a sec, there's a phone box in the corner of Beaker Street in David's Lane
25:19Why didn't you use that one Debbie because there was someone using it an adult?
25:22Yeah, but you didn't tell the adult that you found a child the adult was using the phone box as a toilet
25:28So I didn't trust him so we ran
25:32So I decided to walk to our tomb and tell you so we cross Benson Road at the crossing
25:38Cross Benson Road at the pelican. He's already caught his cloak on a bit fencing and it ripped
25:45Hey, wow, what you look like now? Oh, yeah. No, you don't
25:51Not lipstick. Where's your socks?
25:55Socks Fiona's gonna switch the kids if anybody asks she's been shopping
26:01All right, we're getting off but I'll see you around Sheila's in about half an hour, right?
26:07Look you stick to the coffee quick
26:14Well, they tutor if they find her don't even think about this, all right, she's fine
26:18She's doing great, but she can't tell lies. She never could
26:22She's not even sorry. Yeah, I know
26:26Look this all goes pear-shaped the authorities get involved. You want to say I'm living here
26:30Why I'm just gonna minimize the risk of the kids getting split up if they know that there's two wages coming in
26:43Good luck
26:50Unconfirmed sight in the junction of Baker Street and David's Lane
26:53Captain Curtis question mark could be little Jodie being accompanied by a young girl question mark young girl with bag or handbag
27:00Question mark could be girl or small elderly female proceed the target immediately
27:11Now come on now come on Liam go with Debbie. Yeah, I'll look chocolate choc-choc
27:22Debbie do you trust Fiona? Yeah, right. Do you think she trusts you because I don't know that she does
27:28She thinks you're a crap liar, right, but you know what I think Debs
27:31No, I think you could be a brilliant eye if you wanted to be I think you could be a much better line than
27:35You're letting on
27:37Do you know lawyers and doctors and nurses and all that love? Yeah all lies professional lies
27:42But they learn to tell lies to make people's lives better
27:45Look your doctor. He wouldn't say tough shit. You're dying of cancer. Woody. No, it's a
27:50We're doing all we can wouldn't it?
27:52Yeah, right, so what today you're a doctor you were telling a doctor's kind of lie you wouldn't even blush would you Debs
28:00You're a doctor can you be a nurse? Yeah
28:10Get my jacket come on
28:52In the prom not now, where you going
29:09Well, you know it I work for me in a barman well, you're not do while six
29:14Oh, we watch must be fucked. Oh, well, I mean I are
29:17Usual Billy. Well, I'm only paying you from six
29:28Captain Curtis there
29:31No whilst I've seen one of them
29:37Captain Curtis costume kid in a Captain Curtis costume it takes you back, don't it?
29:48Child blonde about three in a Captain fucking Curtis costume
29:56No, yeah
29:59Forget it
30:01Forget it. No Captain Curtis. Go on. I'm saying well, I'm trying to say
30:05It works. I've seen a Captain Curtis costume in years and he's to have one
30:10Passed a kid in one and it made me smile because it reminded me of me. Have you told anybody?
30:14Yeah, but these deaf old twats are interested. No, because that's what they are. No way. Where did you see him? I
30:21Just passed him on Benson Road
30:25Little little Jody vanish this afternoon. They've been searching everywhere for him
30:28Oh, which I've heard nothing about something at a wedding me sure Kev blonde blonde about three about three
30:36With a junkie no, no with a young
30:43Won't say what a young girl if it were Debbie from next door
30:45Let's say we're Debbie from next door one night. She was wearing a hat or something. Is she?
31:04She isn't
31:06Kind of I'm not with Debbie. She's already in position. So that we saw a baseball cap
31:17Yeah, the police need to know where they're ready
31:22Baseball cap
31:47Hang on sir, that's Benson Road heading in which direction
31:54I've not found him. I can't stop thinking what his parents must be going through. Oh, no
32:02Would you like a drink Fiona
32:07Cup of tea you'd be great. Thanks Sheila
32:11You sit down you look worn out how just ignore me clock stopped at two so I took double medication by accident
32:19Hi, sweetheart
32:21Come here. Give us a cutter for a chocolate finger
32:24Oh, I'll stick the camera
32:42Not random definite pattern to it here 1610 here 1630 make sense on foot. Yeah, right
32:53Go for current location
32:56Unit 15 nothing is yet
33:02Second possible sighting with consistent information to shift yourselves. All right
33:09So say received and understood yeah, but not seven syllables and we're in a rush so are they you
33:18Got it. It's nonsense. We're after we should be nailing that creepy shit. Have you seen his look at s club eight?
33:33Hey lads, I just kicked a confession out of ice cream Alec. He's admitted to dipping his knob in the tubs
33:41We don't know till he comes out of theater
35:04Where the other you being we've been worried sick about you
35:10Where did you find him he was on his own and he didn't know where he lived
35:54We took it somewhere quiet. Oh, we just need to take a statement. She found him. I know we need to say extend
35:59Oh, you can stay with
36:03She probably wants you
36:15So you do
36:31Did your mom pass that message on about
36:34Just trying to see if you fancied a quick jump. You said that to me more. Oh
36:38No, we know she'd go. I'm gone. I'll just see if she's ready. Oh
36:44You two had a Barney chance it'd be a fine thing you but walks into a life and suddenly it's
36:52You are the only person I know if you're fed to my dad as a new bloke
36:55There's a buddy saying that we all get reincarnated until we've been done and seen everything dad reckons
37:01He's way out that ladder to him and taught you couldn't teach him a thing. I
37:04Mean, it's never occurred to him that he might just be thick as pig shit
37:09If you want rid of him just start mentioning full-time work. It's not your dad. That's the problem
37:14That's a new one
37:16Might need round later. All right
37:58Golden citizen awards
38:04Ten pounds
38:15Just do a coffee if you fancy one, I don't drink coffee
38:54Bit worried about you me business yesterday creeps on the loose
39:06Got a bit quiet. I am quiet. Where's mom?
39:12Was having a kip no, it's just that you know girls like you
39:17get in the eye from all sorts, you know, you need to
39:27Cuz now
39:28Hey, you're a young lass
39:31very young
39:32And that's dodgy. Very dodgy
39:35at all
39:36This could go down a long
39:43Pig bad rose. I
39:50Am a bit dodgy and so are you I wouldn't still be whispering
40:13Invented tons of stuff went feather
40:16More she lied. Oh, she smiled
40:19faster she talked
40:23I'm sticking a lock on our bedroom door
40:37Won't save you from a fire if she takes up arson
41:26Sit yourself down love fingers in the bathroom
41:32Turn the fire down if it's too hot see your coffee love. I'm fine. Thank you
41:38Did you say you are again Steve? I'm Fiona's bloke. That's right
41:44What's Fiona
41:47Frank's daughter
41:50Take notice she's just woken up
41:59Come again
42:01Fiona doesn't know you're coming again. I
42:04I mean, can we use your room or are you planning coming back to Windsor Gardens?
42:14You must be fucking joking
43:03What are you wearing I've been to Rebecca's party
43:59Now people with good imaginations get bored when nothing much happens
44:03There's one school of thought that says tackle the problem at source treat the sickness
44:08Round here though therapy was an unfamiliar word blackmail and bribery were tried and tested techniques
44:14Debbie's compulsion scared us all to death
44:17So when she took the newest most vulnerable member of the family to her bosom
44:22We were thrilled
44:41Look if you put a sugar in the tea pot
45:03Debbie you should be ready for school go to school
45:18Why not
45:27And if you think that was bad you should have been there for three weeks off with measles
45:41This has got to be a wind-up if you don't turn up at school some bloody teacher will turn up on your doorstep
45:46Yeah, all you have to do is tip up and smile. You're being a jockey Barton, and I'm sweet for six four
45:50I've just told me own kids to go swivel. You are so calm tonight
45:56Here we go
45:57Maybe grow up these days. This is somebody else. How long you been fucking Karen for who'd you reckon?
46:03It is lip you cool time that Frank won't blow the whistle
46:53See two mountains
46:55Wonder what they are. What do you invite me?
