Double Lover 2017

  • 2 days ago
Double Lover 2017
00:00Is it coming back?
00:01Yes, more and more.
00:04Listen, I don't see anything abnormal.
00:06But I can prescribe you an ultrasound if you want.
00:09I think it's mostly psychological.
00:11In your head.
00:15Could you recommend someone to me?
00:19I think I'm ready.
00:22Would you prefer a man or a woman?
01:17Miss Fortin.
01:28Sit down.
01:45Is it a spoken word? The first one, I imagine.
01:49If you wish.
01:53In fact, I've had stomach aches since forever, I think.
01:57I've tried a lot of diets.
02:00I stopped eating gluten.
02:03I've seen a lot of specialists, and each time, they find nothing.
02:08When they told me that it's psychological, that the stomach is a second brain,
02:14I thought, why not see a psychologist?
02:18I understand.
02:20I'm 25.
02:22I'm alone.
02:25Well, not completely alone. I live with my cat, Milo.
02:30I'm looking for a job at the moment.
02:33And it's not easy, I stress.
02:35I say the opposite of what I should say. I miss everything.
02:41I made a lot of money when I was younger, taking pictures.
02:44A bit of mannequin.
02:46But I stopped.
02:48I've had love stories.
02:51Nothing striking.
02:54In fact, I think I'm unable to love.
02:59I feel empty, sometimes.
03:02Like I'm missing something.
03:08It happens to me a lot.
03:11It happens to me, too, to cry for no reason.
03:19That's it.
03:22Do you think you can do something for me?
03:26I think it's pain that your health reveals something about yourself.
03:31And together, we will try to discover what it is.
03:40Come on.
03:53I've dreamed of you.
03:58Is that a good sign?
04:02I'm listening to you.
04:05I was pregnant.
04:07With whom, I don't know.
04:08But it hurt me, very much.
04:11My belly wouldn't stop growing, I was afraid it would burst.
04:15I was here, lying down, on a gynecological table.
04:21You had iron instruments in your hand,
04:24which looked like torture instruments.
04:29I asked you to be careful not to hurt me, but you didn't answer.
04:33While spreading my legs,
04:37and looking at my genitals.
04:42I tried to close them, I had the impression that you were going to rape me.
04:49It's ridiculous, isn't it?
04:53When I took pictures as a model, at first, it was...
04:59And then it became crazy.
05:02At first, I wanted to be an actress.
05:04I wanted...
05:06to be charming.
05:08To seduce people around me.
05:11Especially adults.
05:14My mother's friends.
05:18I liked to feel their eyes on me.
05:21But I didn't like them touching me.
05:25I was shy.
05:28I was shy.
05:32I often imagined that I had a sister.
05:39A twin.
05:41A double who would protect me.
05:47At seven, my mother told me that I was born in an accident.
05:52A man from a night she had forgotten,
05:55that she would be unable to recognize.
05:59Maybe she had a bad time with this man.
06:03Or maybe he had paid her.
06:06Like a whore.
06:10I was raised by my grandparents.
06:13My mother didn't have time.
06:16She was a very beautiful woman.
06:22There was never tenderness between us.
06:28When I imagine her death, her funeral,
06:33I don't feel anything.
06:36In her coffin, it's me that I see.
06:42Today, I don't see her anymore.
06:44But it's the feeling that she's watching me.
06:48That she knows my thoughts.
06:52In my dreams, she looks at me with a hard look.
06:56She judges me.
06:59I tell myself that she doesn't love me.
07:04But it hurts me.
07:10Where does it hurt?
07:13In my stomach.
07:19I can't talk to you.
07:29She looks at me like that.
07:33I tell myself that I exist.
07:59I can't talk to you.
08:22I can't talk to you.
08:28I can't talk to you.
08:53Call me today, okay?
08:55I'm busy.
08:58She's a guest in a rather well-paid museum.
09:02A guardian.
09:05It's funny.
09:10Watching people, it's strange.
09:13At the same time, it's in a museum.
09:15Not in a prison.
09:18It's thanks to you.
09:20You made me trust you.
09:23And for a week, I've had a stomach ache.
09:25But it's strange.
09:27I'm afraid of healing too quickly.
09:32I think I want to stay weak.
09:36To feel pain, and that you...
09:39And that you stay strong.
09:54I love you.
10:19You had nothing to say to me today.
10:21I feel good.
10:24I think I'm happy.
10:31So I think we'll have to put an end to the session.
10:35But why? Did I do something wrong?
10:42It comes from me.
10:45It's the first time it happens to me.
10:46I feel feelings that are incompatible with the continuation of our sessions.
11:01I'll recommend a colleague.
11:03Or a colleague.
11:05An excellent therapist.
11:07No, it's not worth it. Thank you.
11:09I think it would be useful if we took the time to talk about it.
11:13I'm sorry.
11:14We don't have time to talk about it.
11:25It's not worth it.
11:27Don't you think I should see a better doctor?
11:32I think you've been my remedy.
12:15Do you live in the 13th?
12:19Hello, Miss.
12:23I'm on the same level as you.
12:25I like old tenants.
12:27But they had to leave.
12:29The Miss was pregnant.
12:31Do you have a cat?
12:35What a cutie.
12:37What's his name?
12:41How old are you?
12:44I've always loved cats.
12:46I had an adorable one, he died two years ago.
12:49You should meet him.
12:53Goodbye, Miss.
14:22I see your cat's settled in.
14:24Go to bed.
14:25Do you want a drink?
14:30How was your day?
14:32I was at the hospital.
14:36It's so different to see people who really suffer.
14:39Who need me.
14:40Maybe people like me change you.
14:44Maybe you're missing something.
14:58Are you okay?
15:04Are you sure?
15:06It's strange, I know you from months ago.
15:09But sometimes I feel like I'm facing a stranger.
15:13That you're hiding things from me.
15:17Why do you say that?
15:20In a box, I found an old passport.
15:26You searched my things?
15:28No, I just wanted to put them away.
15:32And I saw that you had another family name.
15:35Dolor, I think.
15:42You don't want to talk about it?
15:47It's not important.
15:49That's why I didn't tell you.
15:52When I settled in my camp,
15:53I preferred to take my mother's family name.
15:57Paul Meyer.
15:58It sounds good, doesn't it?
16:30Are you okay?
16:38I'm fine.
16:59What did you do today?
17:01I didn't stop running.
17:04Where were you?
17:06In the hospital.
17:07You didn't have time for lunch.
17:11Why are you lying to me?
17:14I'm not lying to you, Chloé.
17:16I saw you coming out of the museum.
17:18In the 16th, you were talking to a woman.
17:20What are you talking about?
17:21The hospital is in Porte de Saint-Ouen.
17:23I know, but I saw you.
17:25But you were wrong.
17:27It wasn't me.
17:29It was someone who looked like me.
17:30No, I'm sure it wasn't you.
17:46Yes, hello.
17:48I'm calling to make an appointment.
17:50My name is Eva.
17:52Eva Martin.
17:53And you can call me at 06-34-22-19-16.
17:58Thank you. Goodbye.
18:10Miss Martin.
18:14Mr. Delors is on the phone.
18:16I just read your message.
18:18Do you want to make an appointment with him?
18:22Very well.
18:23He can make an appointment in two weeks.
18:25Don't you have more time?
18:27I'm looking.
18:30I have a patient who cancels the appointment tomorrow at 1 p.m.
18:34Okay, tomorrow is perfect.
18:35See you tomorrow.
18:37See you tomorrow.
18:57Are you comfortable?
18:59Yes, thank you.
19:01Is he happy?
19:03Yes, your cat.
19:05Ah, Milo.
19:06Yes, no, it's my friend who is sick.
19:08He never liked cats.
19:10Cats don't have a heart.
19:11They don't understand anything about animals.
19:13Good evening.
19:14Good evening.
19:31Where are you?
19:40Oh, my cat.
19:41Who put you there?
19:51Yes, it's me.
19:53Are you okay?
19:54Yes, very well.
19:56When are you coming back?
19:57Listen, I have emergencies at the hospital.
20:00I'll be back late.
20:01Don't wait for dinner.
20:03It might get cold.
20:04Very well.
20:06Are you mad at me?
20:10Work hard.
20:12Love you.
20:34I love you.
21:04I love you.
21:05I love you.
21:34I love you.
21:59I'm not going to be late.
22:04I'm not going to be late.
22:18Come in.
22:27Sit down.
22:35It happens to you often.
22:39Your discomfort.
22:43Except in certain circumstances.
22:47You look like someone I know.
22:53Yes, not the best.
23:00It's normal.
23:02It's normal, he's my brother.
23:06You know him well.
23:10Not really.
23:12I started to interact with him, but it didn't work.
23:15I assure you, we are twins and we did our studies together.
23:18But we are very different in the way we handle a cure.
23:22You don't come from his side, I guess.
23:26He's a friend.
23:28Well, my sister.
23:29A friend.
23:30Your sister.
23:32I know her too.
23:33I don't think so.
23:39My name is Eva, I'm 25 years old.
23:42And I live with a man I love.
23:45He loves me, but sometimes I feel a real loneliness with him.
23:50Like a lack.
23:51But you make love with your friend.
23:59Of course.
24:03I think it all comes from my mother's death.
24:05Even dead, I feel she's watching me, she's judging me.
24:12But I'm telling you all this without being sure you can help me.
24:15If you follow my therapy method, which will be dear to you,
24:19I think I can heal you if you stop lying to me.
24:22If you stop lying to me.
24:25You're lying?
24:27Your sister, I don't believe it.
24:29You're a unique girl.
24:30I'm wrong.
24:32Is your mother really dead, or do you want her dead?
24:36Lying to seduce.
24:38It's a common practice among pretty women.
24:42Especially when they are frigid.
24:58I'll call you back.
25:01I'll kiss you.
25:03Excuse me.
25:04I'm ready to see you again.
25:06But I'm warning you that I can't keep some people.
25:09The warriors of their lives deprive them of their only interest.
25:12Excuse me.
25:13But I don't think it's going to work between us.
25:15Merci de me régler la séance dans son intégralité.
25:17Merci de me régler la séance dans son intégralité.
25:20Merci de me régler la séance dans son intégralité.
25:24Et je vous demande de ne pas parler de moi à mon frère.
25:27Je ne le vois plus.
25:30Nous verrons la prochaine fois si vous êtes une personne intéressante.
25:33Ou une petite conne.
25:34Il n'y aura pas de prochaine fois.
25:50Comment ça va au musée?
25:57Si, ça va.
25:59Tu t'ennuies?
26:02Pourquoi tu dis ça?
26:03Je sais pas.
26:05J'imagine juste des heures à rester comme ça.
26:15Pourquoi tu veux pas me présenter ta famille, Paul?
26:17Chloé, tu sais très bien que mes parents vivent aux Etats-Unis.
26:19Dès qu'ils reviennent, évidemment, je te les présente.
26:23Paul, en plus, tu m'as toujours pas présenté ta mère.
26:29Mon amour.
26:33Qu'est-ce qui t'arrive?
26:34Je sais pas.
26:40Tu devrais peut-être apprendre une psychothérapie.
26:43Tu crois?
26:44Si tu te sens pas bien, je peux te recommander quelqu'un.
26:48Que je me sente bien?
26:50Je me souviens de la première fois que je t'ai vue.
26:52Tu me semblais un peu perdue, mais tellement plus forte que beaucoup de mes patients.
26:57Tu pensais que j'étais une petite conne, c'est ça?
27:08Vous allez bien?
27:10J'ai préparé un gâteau.
27:11Et comme je suis toute seule, je voulais le partager avec vous.
27:13C'est gentil, merci.
27:14Je peux entrer?
27:16Ben oui.
27:23C'est bien.
27:24Vous avez bien arrangé.
27:25J'aime bien les couleurs.
27:32Dites, vous pourriez me rendre un service?
27:35Bien sûr.
27:37VoilĂ , mon amie est lĂ .
27:38Je pourrais vous le laisser quelques jours?
27:40Ben Ă©videmment.
27:42C'est gentil, ça vous dérange pas?
27:44Bien sûr.
27:45Je vais bien m'en occuper.
27:47J'adore les chats.
27:53Un petit peu de gâteau de rousse.