The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 273-275

  • 2 days ago


00:00273. Preparing for Battle.
00:05Louise wasn't deterred by Caitlyn's off-putting question. He glanced at her as long as he
00:11could while driving, and answered flatly, no one wants someone who doesn't believe in
00:17Nothing seems to shake him. He always has the sharpest answer to everything, she thought.
00:26He pointed out that the issue wasn't whether or not he wanted someone like her. The real
00:32problem was that she didn't want someone like her.
00:36She dryly laughed to herself. In her emotional turmoil, she'd forgotten that he was also
00:43the PR Director of Kaleidoscope, and it would take more effort to get an off-guard answer
00:50from him.
00:52The rest of the car ride was spent in silence as she struggled with her feelings of uncertainty,
00:58angst over keeping secrets, and fear. She was tired of being scared. Unused to sitting
01:07in silence, he cleared his throat, you're home. She looked up and realized they had,
01:15in fact, arrived.
01:17Thanks for the ride. Eager to remove herself from the situation, she grabbed her purse
01:23to leave the car. Before she could get out, he grabbed her hand. I helped Amy up, but
01:31she didn't mean anything to me.
01:34She was stunned for a moment, surprised that he'd actually tried to explain things to her.
01:40Then, who does mean something to you? She asked. He let her hand go and gave a wry smile.
01:49My daughter.
01:51Caitlyn huffed as she got out of the car, ignoring his laugh behind her as he drove
01:57away from her apartment building. While her anger wasn't completely subdued, it had dimmed
02:03slightly in the face of his explanation. She was also tired of walking on eggshells around
02:10him. As she entered her apartment, she couldn't help thinking of the classmate that had introduced
02:17her to Brett. Did she really do that on purpose? Caitlyn wondered. What an awful person if
02:24she did. Regardless of the intentions of others, she firmly decided to keep the details of
02:31her date turned kidnapping to herself.
02:35Whenever Emma's work schedule was free, she liked to handpick Eric's clothes for the day.
02:42Particularly, she enjoyed how he stood mostly naked in front of the bedroom mirror as she
02:48brought him one outfit after another. It prevented him from starting his day for half an hour,
02:55but he couldn't resist anything that would make his wife happy.
03:00I have something to do tonight, and then I'll head directly to the dinner afterward.
03:07Luke will pick you up so we can meet at the entrance and go in together, he told her as
03:13she carefully buttoned up his shirt. She nodded absentmindedly. Her mind had wandered to the
03:20cause of the dinner, and she began scheming of ways to contradict the narrative Henry
03:27was trying to spin. He was trying to make it seem like Eric was keeping secrets so people
03:33would be more interested in potential drama than his work at Kaleidoscope. It frustrated
03:48her that people were forgetting how accomplished and capable her husband was. When Eric saw
03:55the look on her face, he immediately knew what she was thinking. He had suffered through
04:00watching people ridicule his lover many times. It always made his stomach churn and his blood
04:08boil from the anger that brewed. Rather than caring about the public perception of himself,
04:15he was more interested in resolving the situation to bring his wife peace of mind.
04:20Everything okay? She nodded again before reaching on her tiptoes to gently bite his
04:29shoulder. This was a secret gesture between the couple. While it didn't express whether
04:35she was happy or sad, the action was a reminder of their connection. When one was pained,
04:43they both were. He simply pulled Emma into his embrace and placed a kiss on her forehead before
04:50putting on his jacket. He left their home, satisfied with the time they had spent together
04:57that morning. She stood by the window watching until his car pulled away. When she placed her
05:04hand above her heart, she found it fluttering wildly like a hummingbird's wings. How does he
05:12still make my heart race like this? She wondered. It's like we're still newlyweds. Spotting the
05:19magazine with Henry's shameless, smug face brought out a small frown. The striking twins
05:27on either side of him would be her rivals that night, and although she knew they were not her
05:33professional equals, she still felt the bird of competitiveness. Since the purpose of the meeting
05:41was for the CEOs to make peace publicly, it was likely that some reporters would be present.
05:48She knew Eric would take this opportunity to get revenge before the truce was officially called.
05:56A sense of anticipation for seeing Henry getting what he deserved battled with her unease over
06:02meeting Eric's uncle. That afternoon, Lisa brought updates from Kaleidoscope while Emma was getting
06:10dressed. The phones have been blowing up with people asking and saying all sorts of things.
06:17One message even accused Mr. Roberts of cheating on his secret husband with you.
06:23Look at the mess Henry's caused. She pulled on her hair in frustration.
06:29We already know he's a jerk. We shouldn't be bothered by it. It'll be over soon.
06:36Lisa was confused by how calm Emma was and finally noticed her smoothing her dress while
06:43she looked in the mirror. Lisa's jaw dropped in awe. Emma, this is different than what you
06:51usually wear, but wow, you look gorgeous. The dress was more modest and refined than the
06:59dresses she usually wore to events. Typically, her dresses were flashy and displayed some of
07:06the latest fashions. The dress she had selected for dinner was a long sleeved and flowed like
07:13water across her body. Emma continued to anxiously smooth and adjust the dress.
07:21Do I look too proper? Lisa nodded in approval. Since you'll be meeting family tonight,
07:29your outfit is just right. They'll appreciate how elegant you look.
07:35Will it seem too deliberate since this isn't what I normally wear? Emma continued to worry out loud.
07:44You weren't even this nervous when you appeared on the runway of a top brand,
07:49Lisa teased. They locked eyes in the reflection of the mirror and Lisa smiled. You look perfect.
07:57Snow floated lazily from the sky outside of the high end venue the families had booked for the
08:03night. Everyone had arrived on time except for Eric, who was aiming for fashionably late.
08:11Eric's uncle, John, quickly explained away his nephew's behavior. There must be a lot of traffic
08:18because of the snow. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so late. Henry's father, Patrick, gave an amused
08:26smile. It happens. I don't mind waiting a little. The flirtatious twin models had not accompanied
08:33Henry that night. So he stood to the side alone and sullen. He's late on purpose to make me squirm.
08:41I know it. He griped silently. Near the banquet hall, apart from the families,
08:48there was also a swarm of reporters at the entrance recording every inch of the extravagant
08:54venue they could see while they waited for their real subject of interest. Although he had impure
09:02motives for setting off the rumor, part of Henry believed there could have been some truth to what
09:08he had said. He's in his 30s and I've never seen him with a woman. Maybe he's really in the closet
09:15because of our parents, he mused. At quarter past seven, Emma arrived at the venue dressed in a long
09:22black coat as if it had been his attention all along. Eric arrived simultaneously and moved to
09:30his beloved wife's side as soon as he saw her. She delicately wrapped her arm around his offered one,
09:38trying to steal her nerves. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, Don't be nervous.
09:48You. Episode 274, touching every last nerve. Look, he's arrived. Patrick smiled as he watched Eric
10:09and Emma enter the hall gesturing for his son to stand up. John's eyes slid past his nephew
10:17and landed on the curiosity striding beside him. He found Emma's expression impassive,
10:24but pleasant as if she was consciously taking in the room without blindly assuming the spotlight
10:31for herself. The entire Roberts family, John included, had believed Eric would remain a
10:38bachelor forever. He had certainly picked a striking woman to disrupt this belief.
10:45Is the inside as good as the outside? John wondered shrewdly. Come sit. Were you stuck in
10:52traffic? He asked, gesturing to the chairs next to him. He had expected Eric to graciously accept
11:00the provided excuse. Instead, Eric remained silent as he pulled out a chair for Emma and helped her
11:07sit. Once he finally sat, he replied calmly. There wasn't any traffic. The expressions across
11:17the group shifted at his rudeness. Emma read the room and glanced back at Eric, trying to
11:24understand what he was doing. She noticed his small smirk and realized it was an opportunity
11:32for her to intervene. I'm so sorry. I was actually the one stuck in traffic,
11:39and he was too polite to let me come in alone. Thank you for being so patient.
11:46She gave a sweet smile to emphasize her gratefulness. Regardless of the truthfulness
11:53of her statement, John's demeanor warmed with approval at Emma's action. He respected her
12:00initiative to defend her date and charm the group. Below the table, Eric rubbed the back
12:06of her hand with his thumb a few times before burying it inside his palm. He was impressed
12:13at how quickly Emma had understood his motives and moved to make a good impression. Patrick was
12:21equally charmed by her and gave a good-natured wave of his hand. It's no big deal. He pointed
12:28at Emma and said to John, I know exactly who this young lady is. She's in the news quite a bit.
12:36On the surface, Patrick seemed to be praising Emma's popularity and fame. However, it was also
12:44a warning that Eric had not just brought a pretty face to dinner. John turned to his nephew,
12:51eyebrows raised in surprise. You know about this? Of course. Good. John completely trusted
13:01Eric's judgment. Since he brought her to such an important meeting, she was important to him
13:08and should be treated accordingly. As a result, he decided to put in a few good words for Emma.
13:16It's normal for young people to lose track of time. Of course, compared to Henry,
13:22they're still on the right track. He challenged Patrick with a stern look. I dare him to say
13:29anything. His son goes through a dozen women every week. John grumbled internally.
13:35While the Roberts and Roy families had known each other for a long time,
13:40no one could remember the last time they'd actually considered the other
13:45true friends. They had already stepped on each other so many times in business dealings
13:52that most of the goodwill had already died. Patrick was rendered temporarily speechless by
13:59John. He shook off the comment and returned to the main topic. I really feel bad that Henry
14:06couldn't keep his mouth shut and create a trouble for Eric. Mr. Roy, do you think everything would
14:14be forgiven just because you said you feel bad? Eric asked, looking almost amused.
14:22If it isn't true, just go prove yourself to the media. What kind of man goes in tattles to my
14:28father? Henry snapped in an embittered tone. He had no intention to apologize,
14:35and Eric wasn't expecting it. Shut your mouth, Patrick roared at his son.
14:43Be useful for more than talking to women for once. It seems Mr. Roy has his objections,
14:51so how will this be settled? Eric looked at the father and son expectantly.
14:58John, on the other hand, enjoyed watching the show play out. Let's compete so you can
15:05prove to me that you are a real man. Henry squinted critically at Eric.
15:11Let's do it then, he replied swiftly. Henry didn't know that Eric had fully expected the conflict to
15:19come to a petty competition. It wasn't the first time their families had been drawn to blows.
15:27What should we compete in? Henry asked begrudgingly. It unnerved him how prepared
15:33Eric seemed. We have everything we need here, so let's compete one round at a time. I'll even
15:42let you decide on the challenge. If you win just one of the five rounds, I'll consider you the
15:50winner. The bar for winning is only one win? Emma thought with alarm. How will Henry ever recover
15:58from losing five times? Henry's face turned red as he stood from his seat. Since we are men,
16:07we should speak with our fists. For the first round, let's box. You asked for it. Eric gave
16:15a tight smile. A word of warning though, I plan to let the media in. John pointed to the reporters
16:23whose cameras were furiously clicking. He thought this might deter Eric, but his nephew shrugged it
16:30off and said, up to you. Eric pulled Emma up with him and told the group, I'll see you in 10 minutes.
16:39I'm going to go get ready. If you're getting ready, then why are you... John trailed off,
16:47his eyes flickering to Emma. Eric's expression remained composed as he lifted a single brow.
16:55I need her. He promptly turned around and guided Emma out of the room. Prior to the meeting,
17:02he had arranged for a temporary boxing stadium to be set up in the venue's other ballroom.
17:09He left the rest of their group to their own devices while he prepared. John rubbed his
17:15withered forehead in exasperation. He hadn't realized his nephew had a sentimental side to him.
17:23Henry's eyes followed the couple before he eventually left to get ready as well.
17:29Shall we follow? John asked Patrick. We shall. Patrick found himself curious about how his son
17:36compared to others and hoped he wouldn't end the night disappointed. Not long after,
17:43the reporters were led into the boxing stadium to become the audience for the fight.
17:49They began gossiping as they waited for the event to begin. The only reason kaleidoscopes being so
17:56open today is because they want to clear up the rumors, right? Confusion swirled around
18:02the reporters who hadn't known exactly what to expect by the odd dinner turned competition they'd
18:09been invited to watch. What rumors are you trying to clear with boxing? Social media is filled with
18:16comments praising Mr. Roy's body, so I have a feeling Mr. Roberts is going to show us his body
18:22to prove a point, another reporter proposed. But he's never been this petty, a short photographer
18:30objected. Then how do you explain this? The reporters located their equipment at various
18:38vantage points and continued whispering among themselves. They were more right than they knew.
18:46Eric wasn't normally this petty. However, the way the comments had bothered his wife
18:52made it necessary to do whatever it took to bring her peace of mind. In this case,
18:59it meant fighting back in any way possible and putting Henry in his place in the private
19:06restroom. Emma sighed as she looked at Eric's bare upper body. Her face involuntarily turned red.
19:15Maybe I changed my mind. I don't think I want anyone to see your body.
19:21It's OK. They can look. Only you will ever get to touch me.
19:29You. Episode 275, float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
19:45Boxing was an athletic sport as well as an art form. It required muscle strength,
19:52psychological tenacity and physical endurance. A standard boxing match required five rounds,
20:00each round lasting two minutes until one of the competitors was knocked out for 10 seconds.
20:07The one left standing was the winner. Eric wasn't in the mood to endure multiple rounds with Henry,
20:14so the two men agreed to just one round. While Eric was still in the change room,
20:21Henry swiftly wrapped his hand in bandages and put on his boxing gloves. Professional boxers
20:28usually didn't wear helmets or armor, so they wouldn't either. He stepped out wearing just a
20:35pair of athletic shorts since he hadn't brought appropriate footwear to the meeting. Henry had
20:42toned arms and legs and the rest of his muscles were well sculpted. He was definitely stronger
20:50than the average man. However, he was the pretty boy his fans loved to call him with flawless skin
20:59that made it clear all his muscles were gained from the comfort of an at home gym. Regardless,
21:06he received a roaring applause as he stepped into the ring. Afterwards, he performed some warm up
21:13exercises, enjoying being the center of attention. His family members often suspected
21:20that if he wasn't the heir to Star King, he would have found some other way to be famous.
21:27He always wanted more attention than an average person would ever experience.
21:33John and Patrick were seated in the front row of the foldable chairs. With a disgruntled frown,
21:39Patrick thought, this brat. At least he hasn't entirely neglected his body while he makes a fool
21:46of himself in the tabloids. Meanwhile, John sat with his arms crossed, deep in thought.
21:54As far as he was aware, Eric hadn't thrown a punch in nearly a decade. Even back then,
22:01one punch was all he needed to finish the match. He definitely wasn't as young as he used to be
22:08and likely not nearly as fit. Why hasn't Mr. Roberts appeared yet? A reporter asked loudly,
22:15as if expecting one of the family members to answer. To be honest, Mr. Roy's body is quite
22:22good. Another one swooned. He's rich and pretty, and I have a feeling he could throw a punch,
22:30a quiet photographer mused. The commentary behind Patrick made him swell with pride.
22:36Star King had struggled against Kaleidoscope for years, and if his son managed to physically beat
22:43Eric, it would bring him some satisfaction. Clearly, none of you actually exercise. You
22:50have no idea what in shape actually is. The first reporter began laughing. As if to prove his point,
22:59his biceps flexed as he adjusted the hold on his camera.
23:03I don't know. I've never seen Mr. Roberts work out much. Doubt filled several faces.
23:11Another snorted. He lives in Tribeca. Do you really think he goes to a public gym?
23:18John couldn't stand the noisy chatter around him, so he cleared his throat,
23:23hinting for the reporters to mind themselves in the older men's presence.
23:29After feeling his uncle's impatience, Eric and Emma stepped through the entrance of the room.
23:35Originally, with the glare of the hallway light behind them, their faces couldn't be seen clearly.
23:42As soon as the reporters were able to make them out, they started rapidly talking,
23:48taking notes, and snapping photos. A few even stood up subconsciously, scanning his body in
23:56wide-eyed disbelief, as if blinking would make them miss a crucial moment.
24:03Normally hidden behind a suit, his muscles roiled powerfully with every movement.
24:10Eyes hungrily traced his eight-pack and the outline of the pulsing veins in his forearms.
24:16The sweat from his worn-up made his tan skin shine as if he'd been glazed with honey.
24:23In a daze, several of the reporters seemed to forget the cameras in their hands,
24:29which their peers quickly tried to snap them out of.
24:33Hurry up! Take some photos!
24:36I didn't know bodies could be that perfect outside of a magazine, one reporter exclaimed.
24:42A reporter who had previously defended Eric snorted and said,
24:48Mr. Roy looks frail compared to Mr. Roberts. He's not even going to be able to handle one punch.
24:55Hearing the commentary turn against him made Henry flame with embarrassment as he glared
25:01at his opponent. When people online had voted that his body was better than Eric's, he had
25:08accepted the results proudly. He had never imagined that Eric would be that fit.
25:16When does he even have time to work out that much, he wondered. Henry glanced down at himself
25:23and for the first time considered how painful being on the receiving end of Eric's punch could be.
25:30Emma followed behind her husband, his coat hanging from her arms.
25:35She never hesitated in her confidence in Eric and was ready to see Henry eat his trashy words.
25:44John watched his nephew with admiration, pleased and impressed that he'd been improving his body
25:51even further over the past decade. While his face had originally been flushed with anticipation,
25:58Patrick's face quickly paled with worry. Quick, snap a few more photos! I have a
26:05feeling this won't take long, someone's boss instructed in the crowd. Another person laughed,
26:11saying, Mr. Roy is going to think twice before spreading rumors about Mr. Roberts again.
26:18Reporters that had been focused on the potential relationship between Eric and Emma for a while
26:24were quick to notice her following him. Have they swapped roles? Are they together?
26:31They asked one another. The excitement continued to build as Eric stepped into the ring.
26:38Henry automatically took a few steps back. He was cautious, but also unwilling to admit defeat.
26:46Eric stared calmly at Henry while he wrapped his hands.
26:51If you want to forfeit, you still have time. I won't be going easy on you.
26:59Before seeing Eric's body for himself, Henry would have laughed at these words.
27:05But realizing that Eric could put his money where his mouth was made Henry wise up quickly.
27:13He glanced between their bodies one more time before admitting the inevitable to himself.
27:20I give up. Jaws dropped around the room, except for the two Roberts men, who seemed unsurprised.
27:30I still have four more chances. There's no way he can beat me in everything.
27:35Henry reassured himself. Eric gave a small grin, throwing an arm over Emma's shoulders.
27:42To be fair, I feel like a bully up here. You probably couldn't even beat her.
27:48Maybe I'll go easier on you next round. Henry looked at her and scoffed.
27:56Prepare to be disappointed, honey. We'll see, she said coolly.
28:02Henry avoided his father's gaze as he jumped out of the boxing ring.
28:07Humiliation burned through him, heightened by the click of the cameras.
28:13Patrick spoke in a mild tone. No one could have expected this.
28:18What did you plan to do for the next round? You can't beat him in everything.
28:44Episode 276. A high stakes bet.
28:49Patrick had always thought of Eric as a goody two-shoes compared to his own son.
