• 2 days ago


00:00Off the post goes Jacob Fatu, and now Roman tries to fight back into this match, and Fatu sent out of the ring
00:10Cody Rhodes trying to fire up the 17,000 here tonight
00:16UB1 trying to get the crowd back in the game, but fat
00:21Here comes the undisputed WWE champion Cody Rhodes going after Fatu
00:25Down goes Jacob
00:33Cody, center of the ring, power slam
00:46Now speaking of dusty
00:53It just means that's been a little better tonight
01:00Now measuring Jacob Fatu, Cody Rhodes off the second rope
01:07Fatu is down, and Rhodes beginning to surge
01:13Cody rallying the WWE fans
01:19Cody looking for crossroads, now Solo's to cover though, provides the distraction, and that is all that Jacob Fatu needed
01:28That pump, bump, solo, and drop
01:36Jacob Fatu
01:38Off of the assist, the momentary interference by Solo, launching Rhodes into the sky before nearly putting the champion clean through the ring
01:49Now Cody, sent out right here from his tag mate, Solo Sekoa is now the legal man
02:02We expected to see it, it's just unfolding before our very eyes, and now Cody spinning Solo onto the apron
02:09Solo and Fatu are working seamlessly together as a cohesive unit, as a tag team, and Rhodes and Reigns have not had an answer
02:19Rhodes and Reigns have never teamed together, they've been enemies for how many years?
02:26Solo stepping on the hand of Cody, not allowing him to get anywhere near Roman Reigns
02:31Vicious, aggressive, remorseless
02:36This new bloodline is dangerous as ever, and if they win tonight Corey
02:42All of the power once again belongs to the bloodline
02:48Stomping away on the heavily taped right hand of Cody Rhodes
02:56Think about the implications, Cole, if Solo
02:59Solo pins Cody Rhodes, or Jacob Fatu pins Cody Rhodes, or Roman Reigns
03:05Not only the bragging rights, but the perception, the entire WWE universe will understand that Solo is who he says he is
03:12Dude, if Solo Sekoa pins Roman Reigns, there ain't no doubt who the tribe of chief is
03:16Correct, and that automatically would put Solo back at the front of the line for another opportunity at Cody's championship
03:22Cody trying to fight back, trying to make a tag to Reigns
03:25And again, think of what could happen if Jacob Fatu pins Cody Rhodes tonight
03:30What would we do as a company with that maniac at the top of the mountain?
03:35Well, you're not Senator Fallon, that's for sure
03:38And Solo Sekoa splashing Cody in the corner
03:43Remember, Solo thinks he should be the champ today because Roman Reigns returned at SummerSlam
03:47One of those plans
03:49Listen, I can't say that Solo has no leg to stand on
03:53It may be an unpopular opinion, but it's not totally devoid of truth
03:58Six bone action to Cody by the bloodline who have done a great job isolating Cody from the corner
04:06Just classic tag team wrestling here tonight
04:09That's exactly what this boils down to
04:12This is far more in the wheelhouse of Fatu and Sekoa than it is Rhodes and Reigns
04:19Cody though fighting back the undisputed WWE champion
04:23Jacob Fatu, he's a missile, the man is a missile
04:27Jacob Fatu just launched himself
04:32And taking a moment to acknowledge his tribal chief Solo
04:37It's that undying loyalty
04:41Get control in there, Ayers
04:45You may need Atlanta PD because Fatu cannot be stopped savagely
04:57He is a scary man
05:00And a headbutt to Rhodes
05:03Jacob Fatu is not a savage
05:05Jacob Fatu is quite an intelligent human being
05:08It makes it scarier that he voluntarily acts this out
05:12The violence that Jacob Fatu is capable of is willing, is on purpose
05:17When the bell rings, the switch flips
05:21No doubt about it
05:25Cody trying to make it back to his feet
05:27And somehow creates space
05:29And he did there to get the Roman
05:31Solo wisely made the tag
05:33I don't think Cody Rhodes is aware
05:35Jason Ayers did see the tag
05:37He's reminding Jacob Fatu he needs to leave the ring as Solo is legal
05:41Cody saw a little bit of light as he started to make his way toward Roman Reigns
05:45But that won't last
05:49I'm going to have to eat my own words
05:50Obviously Jacob Fatu a little confused about the rules
05:53Or maybe Jacob didn't even realize that Solo tagged himself in
05:56Jacob was happy to continue doing damage to the champion until the official stepped in
06:03And he chooses to tag
06:05Here comes Jacob
06:07So when there's money on the line, you can learn the rules real quick
06:10And now Fatu sending the quarter with authority
06:13And Solo's Takoa follows it up
06:15Doubled up
06:19They may have to cart Cody out of Atlanta
06:21Cover, hook of the leg
06:23And a kick out
06:25And I can't be entirely sure Cole
06:27But Jacob Fatu seems to be limping just slightly
06:30And I wonder if that harkens back to when he put Cody Rhodes through the table
06:34So viciously, so violently
06:36That Jacob actually injured himself in the process
06:38Yet still continued to show up week after week
06:41And recap
06:42I had a walking boot on for a while as well
06:44Set across the ring
06:46Fatu tag made, here's Solo
06:48And now Jacob sent through the second rope
06:50Solo's Takoa's legal
06:51There's been no breathing room at all for Cody Rhodes
06:54Hasn't been able to catch his breath
06:55But perhaps now he's created some space
06:58Can he make a tag to Roman?
07:01Those last few feet are the longest
07:03Oh, and Jacob Fatu
07:06Yanking Reigns off the apron
07:09And Cody gonna suffer some more
07:12The punishment continues
07:15Okay, perfect example of Jacob
07:17Cover here by Solo
07:19And a kick out
07:20Sorry, I took a walk away as Jacob was heading toward our table
07:23Another example of the intelligent monstrosity
07:27That is Jacob Fatu
07:29Jacob had the wherewithal
07:30He didn't need to be told by Solo to go
07:32Use that maneuver and take Roman off the apron
07:39It was exactly what needed to happen
07:40The last ditch effort in that moment
07:42And the bloodline retains control of his tag team now
07:49Tag again
07:51Cody Rhodes is being pummeled here
08:00It's the pace the bloodline loves
08:08What I've noticed between both teams
08:10The difference being the communication
08:12Solo and Jacob have been talking
08:14Practically conversing throughout the match
08:16As they're delivering punishment to Rhodes
08:18They're talking about what's next
08:19Cody and Roman have not even made eye contact to my knowledge lately
08:23Well, in their defense
08:25Roman's been beating up pretty bad
08:27Taking off the apron
08:29But I get your point
08:30Prior to that, I'm saying since the opening
08:31I get your point
08:34And now Jacob
08:35As Solo puts the ones to the sky
08:38Jacob Fatu now
08:40Top rope
08:41And Cody got the knees up
08:43Went for the swanton
08:44Cody with a break
08:45But the problem is his partner
08:47Roman Reigns is trying to drag himself
08:50Back up the steps to the apron
08:54And now
08:55Roman seemingly returning the favor
08:58Trying to rally the crowd behind Rhodes
09:04Roman climbing up to the apron again
09:07Can Cody make the tag?
09:09Jacob trying to get to Solo Shakoa
09:15Solo's legal
09:17Here comes Reigns
09:19And Roman Reigns
09:20Is legal in the matchup
09:22God mode engaged
09:27Down goes Solo
09:34Into the corner with a big clothesline
09:37Reigns down with a boot
09:38Down goes Solo
09:40No cover there
09:41He's gonna make Solo pay
09:44Reigns wants to teach Shakoa a lesson
10:01Roman sends Solo into the corner again
10:03Solo's down and out
10:04And Roman Reigns is soaking it in
10:14Oh my god
10:16Locked and loaded
10:20Measuring his band
10:22Solo back to his feet
10:24Reigns went for the superman punch
10:26Caught by Solo
10:27Solo looking at the Samoan spike
10:29Reigns ducks underneath
10:31Roll through
10:32Cover for the win
10:33Kick out by Shakoa
10:36Superman punch
10:41Solo still in it
10:43And you have to give credit
10:45To the toughness of Solo Shakoa
10:47You may not like Solo
10:48But you gotta respect the grit
10:50And the ability of this young man
10:53As Roman Reigns nearly punched the features
10:55Off of Solo's face
11:00Grueling tag team match tonight
11:02Our main event of bad blood
11:04Atlanta, Georgia