• 2 days ago
00:00Defend yourselves at all times boys. Good luck to you both.
00:20So this is the Fury Show everybody, here on TNT Sports. Fight Night Live continues
00:25with the second professional appearance of Walter Fury Tyson.
00:31His dear cousin has already explained to our viewers the reasons why at 27 it is only his second professional outing.
00:40He's tall and in the blood clearly is that fighting spirit.
00:47And first view for me Richie, nice pair of fast hands.
00:50Yeah, fast hands, relaxed style. So just like his cousin really.
00:59His father, the late Hughie Fury, he was a very good coach wasn't he?
01:03Had a lot to do with Tyson in the early days and had a big influence on Tyson Fury.
01:09And obviously a big influence on his son as well here, Walter.
01:13Yeah, good style about him, very relaxed, switch hitter as well.
01:17So yeah, there's a bit of skill and talent there.
01:47It's incredible, Paul, I was actually looking at his record today and his first fight this year was I think February the 9th
01:53and this is his 19th as you've said, so he didn't start until February.
01:57That's why Tyson Fury just shouted out, get busy. He meant it in more than one sense.
02:02Fair play to Dale Arrowsmith.
02:07Certainly a busy fighter indeed.
02:10Fury here, yeah, showing some nice little signs, the switch hit in.
02:15Obviously runs in the blood doesn't it, with the Fury family.
02:20I think one of the hard things for anybody who's building a pro crew at the age of 27 Richie,
02:25must be building the bank of conditioning.
02:27But they're a fighting family, we hear little stories that they'll have little match-ups between them.
02:32Absolutely, yeah, it's in the blood isn't it?
02:34And as Tyson himself has told our viewers, I train all the time, I've seen it recently myself up in Morecambe.
02:41So that can be a compensatory factor.
02:43But having the instincts of a boxer, that's something different and they all have that, all of them.
02:47Well that's a natural instinct that they have, isn't it?
02:50The Fury family and even the 27 Walter Fury.
02:54You can see he's got it as well and he's picked up a lot hasn't he?
02:57Walter Fury, you can see he's got it as well and he's picked up a lot hasn't he?
03:01Probably from his cousin Tyson, certainly the switch hit in, the relaxed guard.
03:06So he's learnt a lot from just probably watching Tyson and other family members.
03:11Huey Fury as well, a very good heavyweight boxer.
03:22A stylish introduction tonight.
03:28In the realm of champions, the master of destruction
03:35versus the master of art.
03:39One paints with precision, the other strikes with ferocity.
03:45Both undefeated, but only one will stand undisputed.
03:53Viterbi versus Bivon and featuring Warden Clark.
03:56Live on TNT Sports Box Office.
04:10Walter Fury's father.
04:11Huey remembered on the back of the t-shirt that's been worn in the corner by Bob Howard.
04:16Take it down.
04:18Pass marks I think from what we heard of Howard's comments on his first round showing there Richie.
04:24What was your impression overall?
04:26I think it was a decent first round for Walter Fury.
04:30I think he's in with a guy who's obviously very, very experienced
04:34and sometimes it's difficult to bring him out of that shell.
04:37Keeps that guard nice and high doesn't he, Dale Arrowsmith?
04:41He doesn't venture out of it very often.
04:43So Walter Fury has just got to listen to his coach
04:47who was saying use the jab and just try and move in and out
04:50and try and get the opponent to commit here and there
04:53and then that might make things easier.
04:56But certainly I think that there are a few little glimpses here
04:59that he's got a bit of skill about in Walter Fury.
05:01He's got to keep plugging away behind his jab
05:04and like I say trying to bring Dale Arrowsmith out of that peekaboo style.
05:09The word that's screaming at me at the moment is personality, Richie.
05:12He looks like he belongs in a professional boxing ring
05:15and he's wise to the tricks of Arrowsmith in lots of ways there.
05:18Arrowsmith was just trying to feint him in to counter him
05:21and didn't buy it for a minute.
05:23Stylishly went away on the side, on his bike three or four steps to the side.
05:27Reset, lovely little combination to get going again.
05:30Yeah, absolutely there.
05:31The way he just started off as an orthodox boxer
05:33and then just switches to save ball.
05:35Very natural indeed.
05:37His feet keep switching.
05:38Just got to watch that comes to square occasionally.
05:40There's not a lot coming back from Arrowsmith at the moment.
05:43He's just trying to block these shots.
05:47Yeah, a couple of nice glimpses from him.
05:49I'd like to see a little bit more from Arrowsmith
05:51maybe come out of that shell a little bit more.
05:54He's probably thinking of his next contest or his next two or three.
06:00And his job is just to get through it
06:02and try and give a good account of himself.
06:05But Walter Few is not doing too bad at this stage, Paul.
06:13Saw that coming, got out of the way.
06:15He's setting the pace and might do better again
06:17if he just ups the pace a little bit more perhaps.
06:20He's using his jab very well
06:21and he's using that right uppercut on the inside
06:24but then occasionally just drops his guard as he's thrown that shot.
06:27And that's why Arrowsmith just came back with a left hook
06:30and caught him with a punch.
06:32So he's just got to watch what he's doing when he's up close.
06:34Keep the guard a little bit higher.
06:37Use that jab just to measure that distance
06:39and then whip that left or right uppercut through the middle.
06:42And would that be an element, Richie?
06:44Even if he's doing a lot of sparring, which to me he clearly is doing
06:47it's not quite the same in having that pace injection, is it?
06:51From the other guy on the night of a fight.
06:53No, fight night's totally different.
06:55Sparring's the closest thing to the fight, obviously.
06:58But when you've got the small gloves on, the lights
07:00and it's a lot quicker.
07:02See, there's another example there.
07:04Just throwing a shot there and the guard's a little bit too low
07:08after he's delivering the shot.
07:09So he's got to get the guard back up.
07:11So Arrowsmith very clever and cheekily there
07:14just coming back with the odd shot.
07:15He's waiting for Fury to land the shot.
07:18He knows the guard's down and then he just whips one over.
07:21So clever from Arrowsmith.
07:23Who is not being disgraced.
07:30Also backstage getting ready to go into action.
07:34Jack B. Turner.
07:45Six rounds of bantamweight for Jack tonight
07:47against Gonzalo Coronaldezzi.
07:54Another who's very much at home.
07:57There might be a little competition between Turner, Kane and Ball
07:59as to who can get home first.
08:01Yeah, absolutely.
08:03Be home before we get off the air, Richie.
08:06Exciting, aren't they? All of them.
08:09So back to Dale Arrowsmith trying to give Walter Fury
08:12something to think about.
08:13Fury from the left.
08:15The so-called house fighter, if you like.
08:18Clearly a prospect even at the age of 27.
08:20It's only his second pro fight.
08:22He looks a natural-born fighter.
08:24Richie has picked out a couple of stylistic issues.
08:28He's easy on the eye, but that makes him a little bit easier to hit
08:31even for Dale Arrowsmith.
08:34Yeah, he's working well with his jab.
08:36He's just got to tighten up on a couple of things.
08:38Either move the feet after you've thrown the shot
08:40or just get the hands back up a little bit quicker
08:42because Arrowsmith is just playing peekaboo.
08:44He's waiting for the attack to come
08:46and then just whipping a shot afterwards
08:48because he knows that the hands are a little bit too low.
08:50So either move the feet after you've thrown the shots
08:52or get the hands up one or the other.
08:55But I think Fury's enjoying himself here
08:57and he's working well with his jab.
08:59That double jab there is not too bad.
09:04We are settling into a kind of a pattern in this fight
09:06though, Richie, with Arrowsmith.
09:07With all his know-how, he is saying to himself,
09:10right, if you're going to be a mover, that's fine
09:13and I'll just move with you.
09:14Yeah, and just keeping the guard nice and high
09:16and just trying to come back with the odd shot here and there.
09:23Typical journeyman mode, really.
09:25Making busy looking busy.
09:27Yeah, exactly.
09:28Not really getting hurt with anything.
09:30Covering up and then just waiting for his opportunities
09:33and looking for the openings occasionally
09:36to come back with the odd shot here and there.
09:38But basically on the back foot all the time
09:42and just waiting for the attacks from Fury.
09:44But Fury, I think, is working very well.
09:46See there, that's a nice shot there.
09:48Just maintaining that gap with the jab
09:50and then whips that uppercut through.
09:52And constantly he just changes from orthodox to safe ball.
09:56And that's something that Tyson does
09:59without even thinking about it, actually.
10:01Tyson Fury is such a natural switch hitter
10:03from orthodox to safe ball.
10:05Very skilful and does it without even thinking about doing it, really.
10:12If he keeps on developing, I think he's going to be
10:14in some action-packed fights, Fury,
10:16because as he goes up the grades, we've seen tonight,
10:18he can be clipped.
10:22Yes, and that's what might make him exciting, Paul,
10:25if he's in those type of contests
10:27where he's getting caught with the odd shot here and there.
10:35He's got to work on the uppercuts that he's throwing
10:37with the accuracy.
10:38Once he gets that right and hits the target,
10:40then that can be a really good shot for him, the uppercut.
10:48Come on!
10:50Toes together, push in, push in!
10:54In many ways, Richie, to echo your point,
10:56this is Tyson Fury in a different size body, isn't it?
10:58There's the little half-step, that's one thing,
11:00and there's the tiny little feint, especially with the left,
11:03if he's thrown that as a jab.
11:04You can see glimpses, can't you?
11:06Little traits here and there of his cousin, Tyson.
11:13And we'd never have said that about Huey Fury, for example, would we?
11:15No, he's a different type of heavyweight,
11:17different type of boxer, but you can see this with Walter Fury.
11:21He is definitely a natural switch hitter.
11:27So let's get in there with Bob Howard to find out
11:29how it's all going.
11:32All right, listen.
11:34Listen to me.
11:35Listen to me.
11:36Don't switch up, all right?
11:37If you want to start swinging, if you like, in this round.
11:39All right? So what we're going to do,
11:41just box smart, okay?
11:43Start doubling each other up a little bit.
11:47Don't switch up.
11:48I'm getting giddy.
11:49All right?
11:50What I'm going to do is swing at you.
11:51Be smart and clever, all right?
11:52Get behind that jab.
11:53Double it up, all right?
11:54Start working around the body as well.
11:56All right?
11:57Don't change your field of stares,
11:58around the body, back up to the head.
12:00All right?
12:02Okay? Easy.
12:04All right? Smart and clever.
12:05Don't switch up.
12:10Liverpool Boxing Royalty backstage tonight.
12:12Liam Smith and Natasha Jonas,
12:15two of the other world champions
12:17to have come to the fore over the last ten years or so,
12:21and brilliant boxers in their own right, both.
12:25Yeah, absolutely terrific fighters, both of them.
12:29Walter Fury fighting out of Lancaster at the moment,
12:32but he'll be an attraction on any Liverpool card going forward,
12:35and I'm going to say already, can't wait to come back.
12:38Great crowd tonight, great interest in the event,
12:42big-time boxing back in the city.
12:44A Queensbury show, at least, for the first time in 15 years.
12:48And this is the shot that Richie has mentioned already tonight
12:51in this Walter Fury fight, against better fighters in the future.
12:54That kind of big right hand could be a problem.
12:57Yeah, it can.
12:58You've just got to listen to his corner.
13:00I thought it was good work from the corner there
13:02and what they were saying to him,
13:03not to switch off and keep working behind the jab.
13:06Because when you're working behind the jab,
13:08you're keeping the distance,
13:09you're maintaining that gap if you're hitting the target.
13:12It's a fast, crisp jab, maintaining the gap,
13:14and everything comes from behind that shot then, you see.
13:17Just play safe.
13:19See, that's a double jab, see?
13:21That's not too bad from him.
13:23He's got to get a little bit closer,
13:25but by doing that double jab, it takes you into range,
13:28and that's when you can let that backhand go.
13:31You've got to listen to the corner and be sensible,
13:33box smart, as the corner said,
13:35and also not to switch off.
13:39Not to switch off, Paul.
13:40Very, very important.
13:42Very important now for Dale Arrowsmith
13:44with a minute 30 left in this fourth round,
13:47not to walk onto anything or do anything silly
13:49because the phone he hopes will ring again tomorrow
13:52once he comes through this one,
13:53and the enemy for all the journeymen,
13:55without whom we don't have an industry, incidentally,
13:58but the enemy is getting stopped
13:59because there's an automatic stand-down period
14:02from the British board if that were to happen,
14:05and that is not good for business.
14:07No, not at all.
14:09Dale Arrowsmith, he's done his job tonight here.
14:13A couple of good shots went in from him there.
14:17Each round he's produced the odd shot here and there,
14:19so he's a bit of a threat to Fury.
14:22Fury's won, I think, every round,
14:25but occasionally Dale Arrowsmith
14:26just comes back with the odd shot here and there,
14:28just clips him and just reminds him
14:31not to get complacent.
14:33So he's done his job here, Dale Arrowsmith.
14:37Not to get complacent and don't take liberties,
14:40and I don't think Walter Fury has done that tonight.
14:42He's a proper boxing man.
14:46I think it's been a good second fight for him.
14:57What's going to interest me the most, Richie,
14:59is can he transport this style
15:02up to hard eight, ten round class?
15:05Well, that's going to be the big question, isn't it?
15:07Because, you know, he's there to be hit.
15:08He gets caught again, look.
15:09So he'll definitely have to go back into the gym,
15:11work with his coach, work on a few things.
15:13They'll certainly look at this contest
15:15and they'll have to tighten up here and there,
15:17most certainly.
15:18But there are some good little things from him,
15:21and he's won every round, so that's not too bad.
15:24But yes, there's lots to work on.
15:26You've got a bit to work with there, though, Paul.
15:28There's a bit of talent there.
15:30And a nice little round of applause
15:32for the efforts of both men there
15:34from the referee, Mark Lyson,
15:36another proper boxing man.
15:43Thomas Treiber's just gone off
15:45to collect the decision from Mark Lyson.
15:47I don't think the world is going to be shocked
15:49by what we hear in a moment from Thomas Treiber.
15:52All nice and low-key
15:54and measured from Bob Howard in the corner.
15:56We're not having cheerleaders in that corner.
15:58That's also very important.
16:00The road will get much, much tougher for Walter Fury.
16:03But well done to Dale Arrowsmith, as usual.
16:06Playing his part and a big smile on his face.
16:09Happy families.
16:19Ladies and gentlemen, after four rounds of boxing,
16:22our referee in charge, Mark Lyson,
16:25scores the contest 40-36
16:29for your winner.
16:31And still undefeated,
16:34Walter Laszlo Fury!
16:46So we can't quite call it fast and furious,
16:49but it is another Fury victory.
16:52And we're going to follow this Fury story
16:55with great interest.
