• 2 days ago
00:00Okay boys, you've had your instructions. Remember, obey my commands at all times, defend yourselves at all times. God bless. Touch gloves.
00:10So can Kane follow up?
00:13Dangerous, determined, very destructive in that British and Commonwealth title victory.
00:20Taking the belt from Ashley Lane.
00:22Now a chance to start climbing the rankings in world terms.
00:28This is a feeder belt, if you like, for the main WBC top ten.
00:33He's not in that at the moment.
00:35But a couple more big showings, Richie, and that could change.
00:38Yeah, it could change indeed, Paul.
00:40All I like about Andrew Kane, you know, he's a real decent puncher, isn't he?
00:45Very, very exciting.
00:46But he's got a lot of skill, you know.
00:48I've watched him box many times.
00:50He's a good counter-puncher.
00:51He's very relaxed with his guard.
00:54But he has got tremendous skills in avoiding shots as well.
00:57Good head movement.
00:58So, yeah, he's a good all-rounder, really.
01:00And he's very exciting indeed.
01:05Caceres, the Colombian.
01:07Just one defeat against a very useful fighter in Panama City.
01:12Azel Vilari was stopped in the third round of that.
01:15That's a kind of a yardstick that Kane could do well to measure tonight.
01:18If Kane is at his all-out aggressive best.
01:23A couple of good body shots went in from Kane just earlier.
01:28Right hand and a left hook downstairs.
01:32And, again, you just see him feint with that front foot.
01:34There it is there, that little feint.
01:36Just trying to draw the lead of his opponent.
01:39He's not falling for it, but Kane just looking for different ways in.
01:46And just testing his opponent here with his approach,
01:49especially with those feints, trying to draw the lead from him.
01:52So it's a thoughtful display already from Kane.
01:56He's trying to work his way in.
01:59You beat me to the word there, Richie, not unusually.
02:01There's a certain maturity coming off this for me from Kane.
02:04All too easy to come blazing out tonight here in Liverpool.
02:07It was spoken about in the studio,
02:09whether Nicky Ball might have the same issue tonight.
02:12And anything but, Kane.
02:14He's very considered in his work.
02:18And I think he's landing a lot of big shots here early on.
02:20Yeah, he has landed a couple of good shots.
02:22A couple of good shots downstairs as well from Kane.
02:25But, yes, he is a real decent puncher, isn't he, Kane?
02:28But the way he goes about his work, like I said, he's very thoughtful, very clever.
02:32And testing his opponent.
02:34And there's the body shot again.
02:36So there's a couple of good shots upstairs,
02:38but then that little left hook downstairs,
02:40the last one of that combination there,
02:42that sequence, should I say, that was the best shot.
02:45Caceres actually wore it very well, didn't he?
02:49But Kane is the boss.
02:55That's the first time Caceres has ventured to throw anything
02:58to stop Kane in his tracks.
03:00It missed, and he got off balance.
03:02That could be a mistake.
03:03Kane finds him on the right side underneath,
03:05under the left elbow this time.
03:06Good job.
03:07Yeah, he won't want to try that again either, Paul.
03:09He threw that right hand, he missed the target.
03:11And Kane just missed with that left hook,
03:13but it wasn't too far away.
03:15So just a warning there for Caceres.
03:18Great footwork there.
03:19Right on the bell at the end of this first round.
03:21We've seen him blaze bigger early,
03:24but that was very polished.
03:44When technology becomes an extension of yourself,
03:47that's progress you can feel.
04:09Good work, Paul, wasn't it?
04:11Andrew Kane in the opening round.
04:13Watch the body shot there, just on the borderline, wasn't it?
04:16But some good work from him.
04:18Right hand downstairs, that was a cracking shot.
04:20Good opening round.
04:25International scrutiny on this tonight for Andrew Kane,
04:28given that there is a WBC belt on the offer here.
04:32And the way he composed himself from the off tonight,
04:36I think would have impressed watchers far and wide.
04:38And in the corner, Paul Stevenson.
04:40A couple of brief lines from there, Richie.
04:42Keep on having a look, as he did.
04:44Keep on using the jab, as he did.
04:46And get yourself into the position to throw the bigger shots,
04:49as he was doing.
04:51Yes, he also mentioned the feints.
04:53Keep feinting, and then he said, just see what we've got.
04:55So what he's talking about is, see what the response is.
05:01He caught him with the second Africa, if not the first.
05:05Will Caceres' legs betray him here?
05:08We're already out for Victor Laughlin.
05:10He timed it well there, did Caceres.
05:12And that comes with a lot of experience and know-how.
05:14But the wick has just been turned up here in Liverpool.
05:18Here we go.
05:20Kane just coming forward, just using the jab again,
05:22just to measure.
05:23That's just a measuring tool, that is,
05:25for that bigger shot that will follow.
05:29Kaceres has just recovered, but there's that jab, you see.
05:32So he's just taking his time, biding his time,
05:35looking for the bigger shot.
05:37But he's just measuring with that jab.
05:41Kane looks to be enjoying his work tonight.
05:44And his work so far has been mighty impressive.
05:50Yeah, Caceres...
05:51Oh, there's some...
05:53There's a bad swelling below the left eye of Caceres' paw.
05:57So a bit of damage there.
06:01If it goes on swelling,
06:02he won't be able to see out of it very quickly indeed.
06:04And Kane's job is to exploit that.
06:07Oh, what a shot with the left hand this time.
06:09Right through the middle.
06:10Caceres is held up by the ropes.
06:12And then he falls into the arms of Victor Laughlin.
06:15And it's all over.
06:16And it's another destruction job.
06:18Back at home in Liverpool this time from Andrew Kane.
06:21A devastating finish in the second round.
06:24What a performance that was from Andrew Kane.
06:27The way he just stepped it up there, went through the gears.
06:29But it was the quality in the punches, Paul.
06:32The way he worked downstairs with that left hook.
06:34The way he threw that right uppercut.
06:36The way he measured with the jab.
06:38It was a polished, as you said, Paul, your work.
06:40It was a polished performance there from Andrew Kane.
06:43He didn't rush things.
06:45He just waited.
06:46He was very patient.
06:47And this is against a good, tough opponent
06:49who's won his last seven contests.
06:52That was an excellent display there.
06:54Punch power, punch picking, but also the talent and the skill.
06:57The skill factor there was excellent.
07:01I think he's buzzing inside after that.
07:05He is 28 years of age.
07:07But, of course, in some senses, Richie, he's still a little behind schedule.
07:10He didn't fight for three years after turning pro.
07:13And, of course, then there was the pandemic.
07:15So little by little since then,
07:17he's been moving in a very impressive direction.
07:20Different tempo to Ashley Lane.
07:23But have a look at how he made it all so, so easy for himself.
07:27Yeah, it was the left hook that started there
07:29and then the second right uppercut.
07:31But here, this is excellent stuff.
07:33Just measuring, measuring.
07:35As he's coming forward, just picking his shots.
07:38Two left hooks there that went in.
07:40And the referee had seen enough.
07:41And quite rightly so.
07:43The referee then just saved Caceres there
07:46for taking another, probably a big shot.
07:48But watch there.
07:49There's the first left hook.
07:50Then he's just waiting.
07:51There's the second left hook.
07:52The referee's seen enough.
07:53Caceres' legs are all over the place.
07:55He jumps in.
07:56And rightly so.
07:57Otherwise, that right hand there
07:59could have completely knocked him clean out.
08:02So that was a good performance there from the referee also.
08:06Big smile from Paul Stevenson.
08:07He's going to enjoy a moment, but only a moment.
08:09Back to work with other business for him backstage.
08:13Here's Thomas Treiber.
08:16Ladies and gentlemen, here is the official time.
08:19One minute, 48 seconds of round number two.
08:22Our referee, Victor Laughlin, stops the contest.
08:26Therefore, your winner by way of technical knockout.
08:30And now the WBC International Silver Bantamweight Champion
08:36from right here, Liverpool,
08:39Andrew Kane.
08:47To use Nicky Ball's phrase,
08:48they love one of their own doing well.
08:50And they're enraptured here tonight in Liverpool
08:52with that showing from Kane.
08:54All kinds of vistas open up for him.
08:57The European title changed hands last week.
09:00That's potentially something to pursue.
09:03And in that top ten,
09:06that Bantamweight at world level,
09:09maybe they'll start taking notice of him now.
09:11The only problem, Laurie, is going to need to make sure
09:13he's got a passport that's in date.
09:16And he might need a visa for Japan.
09:18Six of the top ten.