• 2 days ago

Abiogénesis e investigación espacial son campos de estudio que muestran cómo el nacimiento de algunas formas de vida podría ser inevitable en el cosmos. Pero el camino de la ciencia para descubrir cómo es posible ha sido altamente influenciado por creencias populares y religiosas. Esta historia es un viaje multifacético que comienza desde varios mitos de la creación del mundo, continúa con la génesis de la vida en el laboratorio y termina con la búsqueda de vida extraterrestre en el espacio.
00:00:00Genesis Alienígena
00:00:14There was a time when man understood that inside his body there was an indissoluble bond
00:00:19with the universe.
00:00:21From that moment, observing the immensity that surrounded him, he wondered if he had ever
00:00:27been alone.
00:00:28Until the creation of artificial lighting, the darkness that surrounded us allowed us
00:00:33to observe the farthest stars at first glance.
00:00:37The environment underwent changes that were reflected in our body and our genetics.
00:00:42The continuous and determined experience of reality led to a refinement of sensory
00:00:49and logical abilities .
00:00:50The stimulus caused by our context caused an answer, the need to remember our
00:00:56successors, how we had gotten to where we were, how we had survived.
00:01:01Many ancient cultures developed a deep awareness of the constellations and their positions
00:01:07and used them to navigate.
00:01:10The stars became the home of the gods or spirits of the ancestors, entities
00:01:15eternally present, capable of creating moral laws.
00:01:19But the night sky and the unpredictable of the human soul caused doubts and fears.
00:01:25Myths, legends and reality merged into stories where spirituality and culture
00:01:33Only gradually, thanks to the experience of generations, it has been possible for us to discover
00:01:39the natural mechanisms that surround us, getting closer and closer to an adhesion to reality.
00:01:46From the birth of science to the point of making us affirm that loneliness in this
00:01:50immense space, in continuous metamorphosis, would be impossible, since the space already
00:01:57contains all the necessary elements for the birth of multiple forms of life.
00:02:03There are mysteries that still await an answer, and the answer to the evolution of our species
00:02:09is just beginning.
00:02:16The long and convulsive evolutionary path of every living system is full of errors,
00:02:21which over time have been corrected to lead them in the right direction and guarantee
00:02:28A clear example of this comes from the observation of reality through the learning of
00:02:33machines, one of the many tools of artificial intelligence capable of making a
00:02:38computer learn a path autonomously.
00:02:42As a demonstration, we analyze the route that a toy car must take to reach its destination.
00:02:48We enter some parameters in the computer, we start the process and notice that, generation
00:02:53after generation of toy cars, they collide on many sides of the entire route, before
00:02:59reaching the goal.
00:03:02If at the end of the process we decide to modify a previously inserted law, we would find
00:03:08ourselves with new generations of toy cars, forced to learn the original route again.
00:03:16In a sense, our evolution works the same as those toy cars, in reality, of course,
00:03:23the question is much more complex, and it is also subject to unforeseen events.
00:03:29A clear example of this is the extinction of dinosaurs, which, between glaciations,
00:03:35meteorites, volcanoes and earthquakes, had to face a nature still in the process
00:03:41of stabilization.
00:03:43These gigantic beings did not possess the use of speech, and could only follow instinct.
00:03:49We, unlike dinosaurs, fortunately we have reason, a conscience, our
00:03:56environment has reached a certain balance, and we have a very powerful means to predict
00:04:01eventual risks.
00:04:04However, despite this, we must still learn to use our skills in a way that avoids
00:04:10self-destructive actions.
00:04:12Now, you are probably wondering, what does all this have to do with aliens?
00:04:19If the aliens managed to get to us, their evolutionary path was clearly superior
00:04:24to ours.
00:04:26This could suggest that some instinctive behaviors on the part of these beings may
00:04:31have been excluded, or that the smartest way of life among them could prevail, or
00:04:37that they are extremely larger beings than us.
00:04:42Ideas that then arouse more than one reflection, all living beings have an instinct
00:04:48of survival, it is necessary to decide which path to follow to achieve conscious evolution.
00:04:55If the universe pushed these beings to look for a home elsewhere, therefore, it could
00:05:00not have a home to return to.
00:05:04But before continuing, we must reflect for a moment about human evolution, and about
00:05:10who we are.
00:05:12First of all, compared to the universe, the human being is a newborn baby.
00:05:19The universe is approximately 13,800 million years old, while the earth is 4,500 million
00:05:26years old.
00:05:27We, as Homo Sapiens, have existed only for 200,000 years, a very short period compared
00:05:34to the entire chronology of the universe, a point of view that indicates our very delicate
00:05:40presence as a species.
00:05:43We are the result of billions of years of evolution, direct descendants of the stars,
00:05:49in a continuous search for our place in the infinity of the cosmos.
00:05:53Our identity has been formed by our growing curiosity about the unknown.
00:06:00We are complex beings, endowed with thought and introspection, and we have creative potential,
00:06:06but also destructive.
00:06:09Our intelligence has led us from being hunters and gatherers, to being founders of civilizations,
00:06:16promoters of revolutionary technologies.
00:06:20We are on a small blue-green planet, in one of the countless galaxies of the universe,
00:06:25and this planet, on which we rest our feet, our home, is a very small point in the
00:06:30immensity of space, which travels at about 30 kilometers per second, 108,000 kilometers
00:06:37per hour, in an infinite vacuum.
00:06:40And it is right here that we have reached sublime heights and faced disconcerting descents,
00:06:47therefore, reflecting on the idea that forms of extraterrestrial life may have come
00:06:52to us, their evolution could differ deeply from ours, perhaps they have overcome
00:06:57challenges that we cannot even conceive, or perhaps their environment has not always had
00:07:02more favorable conditions than those in which we live.
00:07:07Only one thing is certain, if these beings have the ability to travel between the stars,
00:07:13to the earth, then to space-time, and remain motionless in the sky with their spaceships,
00:07:20then they have reached levels of technological progress, and probably also of wisdom,
00:07:25far superior to ours.
00:07:28So what unites us to these hypothetical forms of life, could be curiosity, the same force
00:07:34that pushes us to look in the sky, to wonder if we are alone, and if one day we crossed
00:07:41their path, we could discover that beyond the obvious differences, we share a common
00:07:47aspiration, to understand the why of all this.
00:07:51In any case, before understanding why the extraterrestrial is far from being what we
00:07:56imagine, it is very important to understand how we have faced the dilemmas related to
00:08:02existence and creation, which have always captivated our minds, we must investigate,
00:08:09thinking in the past and following to the present, distinguishing between objective reality
00:08:14and fantasy, between science and myth, the stories that have come to us, which address
00:08:22issues related to the genesis of man and the universe, make us perceive a feeling of
00:08:28amazement and fear, on the part of our ancestors, the theme of the genesis of life, has permeated
00:08:34in almost all cultures of the world, many of which have tried to give answers through
00:08:40popular stories and stories, religious and philosophical, however, although some of these
00:08:48stories have the ability to generate a strong evocative impact, their rational process in
00:08:53some cases deviates from objective reality, to demonstrate it logically, the stories
00:09:01have similar but never identical characteristics, which underlines both a possible ethnic mixture
00:09:07of the past, and a strong use of imagination, keep in mind that imagination is not something
00:09:14that generates ideas out of nowhere, but takes them from real parameters, or those suggested
00:09:21by intuition, to modify them, diminish them, or enhance them, therefore these parameters
00:09:27contained in the stories, may have been deliberately altered to generate
00:09:32emotions, find solutions, and invent new things, sometimes with the aim of awakening
00:09:38memories and thoughts, in fact, all the stories about creation, share many
00:09:45symbolic elements, such as water, blood, earth, archetypal elements capable of highlighting
00:09:52images and world-renowned thoughts, linked to both life and creation,
00:09:58these stories not only speak of battles between divinities, gigantic gods capable of creating
00:10:05everything through dreams, but also of metaphors that reflect the conception of
00:10:11the reality of the numerous peoples who have inhabited the earth, the stories demonstrate a
00:10:17strong need to give testimony of human behavior, to make people understand who
00:10:23we are and who we were once, our ancestors were looking for a way to highlight
00:10:29their successes, what had been done until that moment, underlining that we are all
00:10:35continually subjected to the immense and permanent agitation of internal and external conflicts,
00:10:43finally, some of these stories have had and continue to have a profound impact on the attitude of the people who created them,
00:10:52although some have been forgotten or are no longer believed, they are still the only criterion for distinguishing between what we believed in the past and what we know today about the birth of life, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial,
00:11:08in the Aboriginal Australian culture, the concept of the creation of the world is transmitted from parents to
00:11:14children and plays a fundamental role in society, in addition to creation, these stories contain
00:11:21laws, moral codes, lessons of survival and denote a deep connection with the
00:11:27land to which they belong, meanwhile these Australians see themselves as guardians of the
00:11:34landscape, the responsibility of protecting and caring for the territory as their ancestors did
00:11:40before them is one of the main pillars on which they are based, the creation for the
00:11:46aborigines dates back to the time of dreams, a time when gigantic totemic creatures emerged
00:11:53from heaven and earth traveled the planet singing about what they found in their minds,
00:12:00rocks, puddles of water, animals, plants, only through the visions of these beings it was possible to
00:12:08bring the elements of dreams to real creation, the spirits left traces of their
00:12:14adventures on earth and many places in the area are still considered sacred today
00:12:19due to the connections with these stories of the myth of the Babylonian creation described
00:12:29in the enuma elis, there are several versions and copies, the oldest of which dates from
00:12:35approximately 1700 to c, according to the Babylonian myth, Marduk, the son of Enki, faced the
00:12:44titanic battle against Tiamat, mother of all the cosmos, in addition to the primordial goddess of
00:12:50the oceans and salty waters, in an epic clash Marduk divided the female divinity into two,
00:12:57of whose halves the earth and the sky emerged, continuing with his destructive enterprise, he also
00:13:05hurt Kingo, Tiamat's husband and firstborn, only using Kingo's blood, Marduk created
00:13:14humanity in the first passage of the enuma elis we read when in the high the sky had no
00:13:21name the firm ground below had not been called by his name nothing more than his primordial
00:13:28generator and Tiamat who gave them to light to all his waters mixing in a single body no
00:13:37cabin of reeds was tangled no swamp had appeared when no god had
00:13:43been created and called by his name his destinies were undetermined then it was that the gods
00:13:49formed within them
00:13:55the Bantu is a vast ethnolinguistic group that includes more than 400 ethnic groups in
00:14:02sub-Saharan Africa developed between 3,000 and 5,000 years ago for them the earth
00:14:09was originally only water and darkness a bomb the white giant dominated the chaos but one day
00:14:18he felt a terrible pain in his stomach and vomited the sun the moon and the stars the sun shone
00:14:25intensely and the water evaporated between the clouds then little by little the dry healers
00:14:32appeared a bomb he vomited again and this time the trees came out animals and many more things the
00:14:40first woman the leopard the eagle the monkey smoke the first man the firmament the medicine and
00:14:48the light who is the woman of the waters lived in the east had a son vote and a daughter the
00:14:57bama vote became the first king of the cuban people according to the Cherokee an original people
00:15:08of North America at the beginning there was only water all the animals lived on top and the sky
00:15:14was flooded the animals were curious about what was under the water and one day dayunisi
00:15:21the water beetle offered to go explore everything that dayunisi found, however, was mud
00:15:28that brought to the surface of the water began to grow and expand everywhere until it became
00:15:34the land as we know it, one of the animals hung this new land from the sky with four
00:15:41threads or cords, however the land was still very wet and the animals sent the
00:15:47great hawk to galun lati the world of the spirits to prepare it the hawk flew down
00:15:53and when it reached the ground it was so tired that its wings began to hit the ground forming
00:15:59valleys and mountains in that new land the darkness reigned then the animals decided to
00:16:06create the sun in its original position, however, the sun was too close and a
00:16:12peaceful life was impossible then some of them met and decided to move the sun higher
00:16:18in the sky where it provided light and heat but not as hot as to burn everything the sun
00:16:26was moved to its current position and when they realized that the difference between day and
00:16:30night was not clear the animals decided to create the moon and the stars over time the
00:16:38land became more and more prosperous and the animals could multiply, however, they
00:16:44realized that something was missing beings that could take care of the earth and of them so they
00:16:51created human beings at first humans did not know how to live they were defenseless and
00:16:58clumsy so the animals taught them to hunt to fish to cultivate and build shelters they
00:17:05taught them the laws of nature and how to respect the earth and creatures in return
00:17:11humans should honor animals and consider them brothers and sisters over time humans
00:17:19learned to live in harmony with nature and the Cherokee civilization was born
00:17:28regarding the myths of the Far East, Buddhism normally ignores the question of the origin of
00:17:34life, the Buddha affirmed that it would be possible to discuss these things forever
00:17:39without approaching the true goal, the end of suffering,
00:17:47however, a little further in China, the myths about the origin of life are
00:17:53in five main visions, it begins with a statement similar to the Buddhist but
00:18:00clearly more categorical according to which there is no necessary evidence to explain
00:18:06the creation and its origins, the second vision, very common along with others, affirms that the sky
00:18:13and the earth in the beginning were a single entity that separated into two parts, the third
00:18:20coming from Taoism, it is explained to us that the Tao is the force behind creation, everything was
00:18:27created out of nowhere, matter was generated from the void and from this everything was born through
00:18:33different natural processes, in the third and fourth visions, two of the main myths are told,
00:18:40as we have the previous considerations, it has been necessary to dissipate some ideas by introducing
00:18:47new nuances, the first most important myth is that of Pangu, according to this explanation offered
00:18:55by the Taoist monks centuries after Laozi, the universe was born from a cosmic egg,
00:19:03a gigantic deity, Pangu, at the birth of the egg, split it into two parts with his ax, the upper half
00:19:11became the sky and the lower in the earth, as the deity grew more than
00:19:1718,000 years, the two parts of the egg separated more and more and when Pangu died, his
00:19:24complete body made up several areas of the planet, the men were born from the flies present
00:19:32in his body, while his breath became wind and clouds, his eyes became the sun and
00:19:39the moon, his hair and beard became stars and the Milky Way, the echo of his voice resounded
00:19:47for centuries in the thunders, his sweat bathed everything like rain, his angular limbs became
00:19:55solid mountains, his veins became rivers and his muscles a layer of fertile land, his bones
00:20:03and teeth became precious minerals such as metals and gems, the fifth vision includes some
00:20:10tribal tales and there is not a single story but in one of them the best known is Nua,
00:20:18a being with a snake or dragon body and a woman's head, after the world was created,
00:20:25Nua, feeling alone, decided to create humans, she used yellow clay to model the first
00:20:33figures, she began carefully but then tired and nervous by the laborious process, she
00:20:39became impatient by splashing the clay with a whip, the clay drops became people,
00:20:46it is said that those that she had carefully molded became the nobility,
00:20:51while those formed from the clay drops were the common people,
00:20:59in the Bible, God created the world, that is, the universe, in six days, resting in the seventh,
00:21:07some Christian doctrines teach us that these are literal days, others believe that the term
00:21:13day must be understood as creative ages that last thousands if not millions of years,
00:21:20since the Hebrew translation leaves a wide space for interpretation, in any case,
00:21:27the Catholic Church suggests today a metaphorical and non-literal reading of the text, although
00:21:34throughout the centuries it has shown a strong propensity for an absolutist vision of the texts
00:21:40and there is no unique version of them, in Genesis one of the sacred stories for Jews
00:21:47and Christians but also recognized in another way in the Muslim Qur'an, it begins with the
00:21:53following words, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, now the earth was
00:22:01disorderly and empty, the darkness covered the surface of the abyss and the spirit of God moved
00:22:07over the waters from the origins of Western philosophy, especially among the thinkers
00:22:17of ancient Greece, the question of the origin of the cosmos and of life occupied a central position
00:22:24but very different from myth or religion, which also contributed to trying to understand the
00:22:31issue with a slightly more analytical spirit, the different philosophical schools were divided
00:22:38between those who identified the origin of the universe in a single fundamental principle such as
00:22:44water, logos or being, while others saw reality as emerging from a combination
00:22:50of elements or forces in his poem about nature parmenides argued that the multiplicity and
00:22:58the changes of the physical world are illusory and affirmed against the common sense that reality
00:23:05is immutable not generated finite immortal unique homogeneous immobile eternal for parmenides
00:23:17therefore what truly exists is only being and not being or emptiness nothing could
00:23:25exist at all this conception is diametrically opposed to the thesis formulated by Heraclitus
00:23:33according to which the whole world is only a flow in perpetual evolution in which nothing
00:23:40is the same forever since everything is transformed into continuous evolution although the philosophy
00:23:46of Heraclitus has come to us in a fragmented way it seems to anchor reality to
00:23:52time and to the continuous transformations that this entails for him only change and
00:23:59movement are real and the identity of things is illusory, that is, everything flows or panther
00:24:07king even the democrats and the atomists opposed the concept of immobility and
00:24:13did it with a semi-scientific theory that was very intuitive for the time introduced
00:24:20by Leo Sipo and developed even more by his student Democritus the atoms eternal immutable
00:24:28were presented in various forms and sizes moving in an infinite vacuum and combining
00:24:35in various ways to form objects and substances of the visible world it was precisely the movement
00:24:42and the aggregation of atoms in the vacuum that gave rise to the diversity of things on our
00:24:48planet the concept of not being represented by the vacuum was essential for the atomist theory
00:24:56without the vacuum the atoms would not have had space to move and therefore there would not have been
00:25:02a possibility of combinations and interactions between them in this sense being the atoms and
00:25:10not being the vacuum coexisted and both were necessary for the formation of the universe
00:25:18in short, a vision similar to the Taoism of Ossie, although atomism was a theory about
00:25:25the physical nature of reality, while Taoism was spiritual and religious philosophy,
00:25:31however, according to the theory developed by Anaxagoras, life on earth would have developed
00:25:37thanks to the dispersion of seeds present throughout the universe harmonized by a rope, a
00:25:44kind of divine intelligence, this hypothesis considered at the frontier of science was
00:25:50resumed in a more objective way in the 19th century and renamed panspermia, a Greek term
00:25:58that means common seed, but we will discuss this later, the Greek reflection on the
00:26:05nature of reality developed significantly with the sophists and reached its peak with
00:26:11Plato and Aristotle, according to Plato, the physical world was modeled by the demiurge, a divine
00:26:20artisan who was inspired by the eternal and perfect world of ideas to bring them to the
00:26:26imperfect world of things, notice here the similarity with the myth of the Cherokee, Aristotle,
00:26:35unlike the theory of Plato's ideas, conceived instead a universe where everything
00:26:41has a purpose, introducing the concept of final cause, according to him, every natural entity can
00:26:49be explained through four different causal or explanatory principles, each of these
00:26:56causes is linked to a material or substance subject to changes, the four causes called
00:27:03material, formal, efficient and final can be illustrated as follows, taking as an example a
00:27:12statue, the material cause would be the bronze or marble of which it is made, the formal cause would refer
00:27:21to the design or concept that makes an object what it is beyond its mere material composition,
00:27:27for the statue, the formal cause is not only its visible form but also the idea or design that
00:27:35represents the material, such as the representation of a god or a hero, the efficient cause refers to the
00:27:43agent or mechanism that induces a change, in the example of the statue, the efficient cause is the
00:27:50sculptor, the final cause indicates the purpose or function of something, in the context of the statue it could
00:27:58refer to the desire to decorate a place or to express beauty through form, for Aristotle
00:28:05the final cause is not always an external entity or an abstract idea, but it is often inherent
00:28:13to the very nature of the entity, for example, the final cause of a statue is to become
00:28:20rubble, it is not only a purpose imposed from the outside, but it is in what the statue by its
00:28:26nature tends to become, therefore Aristotle argued that everything in nature had a
00:28:33purpose or function, being has a reason, a reason for which it exists and its final cause is that
00:28:41reason, the final cause is the realization of its intrinsic potential for what it was created, but
00:28:49also in what it aspires to be, about two centuries later, Cicero, influenced by Greek philosophy,
00:28:59affirmed in his disputes Tusculane that the world never had its origin since there was no beginning
00:29:07for the arrival of a new decision of such an excellent work, an affirmation that we are currently
00:29:14studying through quantum physics, but analyzing the universe and not our world, in fact,
00:29:21according to a recent theory, the big bang would not be the origin of our universe, but only an
00:29:28event in the evolution of something that has always existed, in short, the mind of individuals
00:29:36of the past and present, as well as the reality in which we live, is multifaceted and capable of
00:29:42extrapolating a large number of additional thoughts and questions with each discovered answer,
00:29:48however, although the origin of life has been widely explored throughout history,
00:29:54offering some futuristic and ingenious ideas and very intuitive for thought, the
00:30:01provided answers have never been completely exhaustive, only with the advent of
00:30:07scientific thought we have expanded our horizon of knowledge, getting even closer
00:30:12to the mysteries of life in an objective and evidence-based way, however this
00:30:19knowledge represents only a part of what we could define as reality,
00:30:23if there is not a single defined reality, since such existence would suggest a single
00:30:31interpretation of how events can have developed, then the doors
00:30:36open to infinite possible visions, each of which can be potentially shaped
00:30:42even by different interpretations, this concept implies that although we can universally recognize
00:30:48some parameters or laws and fundamental elements, events and phenomena can manifest
00:30:55themselves through a wide variety of different processes that lead to multiple results,
00:31:01in any case, the more science has advanced in the search for an
00:31:06objective truth about the origin of life, the more literal narratives of religious texts
00:31:11have been created , the debate has caused a gradual conceptual metamorphosis of reality itself,
00:31:20which has led many people to consider sacred texts in a less literal way,
00:31:27only then it was finally clear that the main intention of religious texts was not to provide
00:31:34a scientific explanation of the origin of our life and that of other lives in the cosmos,
00:31:38but rather to give meaning and purpose to human existence, so if some of the figures
00:31:46that enriched these stories were real or not in the past, we must not be influenced
00:31:52in a paranoid way about these issues, we live in the here and now and the only necessary thing,
00:31:59if not that it is only necessary, is to collect and study many of these stories to compare them,
00:32:06therefore it is true that science is very important for the search for the objective truth,
00:32:12but the power of religious narration resides in its ability to touch on the deep and universal aspects
00:32:20of human experience, providing meaning and direction in ways that go beyond pure
00:32:26logic or analytical reasoning, while on the one hand science tries to explain the world
00:32:32through observations and theories, religions interpret it through myths and symbols,
00:32:38proposing an existential understanding of the human soul, at the intersection of these two approaches
00:32:45tensions arise, but also possible synergies, although science can question or refute the
00:32:53literal interpretations of sacred texts, it cannot necessarily refute or replace
00:32:59the deep spiritual or moral meaning that such narratives can contribute to an individual or
00:33:05community, on the other hand, religions, although they provide deep answers to the mysteries of
00:33:12existence, must also face and adapt to the changes in our knowledge and in our
00:33:18understanding of the world driven by science, in the continuous interaction between science and
00:33:25religion, therefore humanity is looking for a path between the discovery of tangible truths
00:33:31at the extreme borders of knowledge and the intrinsic need to find meaning and
00:33:36purpose in a cosmos as vast as enigmatic, creating deep connections, both emotional
00:33:43and spiritual, only then will we realize that the real key could be to find the
00:33:50balance and harmony between science and religions, remaining open to knowledge, both
00:33:57logic and emotion play an essential role in how we perceive and interact with the world,
00:34:03logic gives us excellent tools to understand, influence and improve the external world,
00:34:10while emotions give us meaning, direction and the ability to connect
00:34:16deeply with others, ideally we should aspire to nourish, improve and respect both
00:34:22dimensions of our lives, in our century, however, there is already a link that tries to unite faith
00:34:32and science, this link speaks of extraterrestrials, a theme that as we advance is taking more and more
00:34:42shape through investigations capable of dismantling the known world, what science has
00:34:50discovered then about possible forms of extraterrestrial life goes beyond any
00:34:55form of imagination, to the eyes of science the question of the origin of life is much more
00:35:02complex and fascinating, in particular the field of study that throughout time has been concerned
00:35:09with determining how this happened is called abiogenesis, a Greek term that means non-biological origins,
00:35:16abiogenesis is an interdisciplinary study subject that includes molecular biology, paleontology,
00:35:24astrobiology and biochemistry, and that seeks to understand how the first forms of life developed
00:35:31from primary abiotic chemical processes, life on earth would have evolved later
00:35:38thanks to the interaction between non-living organic molecules capable of forming complex chemical
00:35:43bonds through carbon and inorganic molecules such as water and hydrogen, the combination
00:35:51of these elements along with energy factors such as solar radiation and geothermal sources
00:35:57would have catalyzed the necessary chemical reactions for the formation of the first
00:36:02relevant biological molecules, therefore the transition from a non-living system to a living
00:36:09organism would not be attributable to a single factor but rather to a gradual increase in the
00:36:14complexity of the system starting from the birth of the universe estimated approximately 13,800
00:36:21years ago to the present day, the high number of chemical elements present in space would have
00:36:29generated a high number of reactions over billions of years that in more or less favorable
00:36:34contexts and intended to stabilize would have given rise to the birth of the ancestors of
00:36:40many species, that is, the microbes, the period to which the origin of terrestrial life refers,
00:36:47however, is located between 4,400 years ago when the water began to be in a liquid state and
00:36:542,700 million years ago, the period from which we have the first irrefutable proofs, the evidence
00:37:01of the date is told to us by the stable isotopes and molecular biological signatures with which we can
00:37:07determine the information about the environmental conditions of the past and the chemical impressions
00:37:13left in the rocks by the passage of microorganisms, the fossil remains found in the
00:37:20green rocks of Izoa in Greenland, for example, are direct proof of the existence of forms of
00:37:26life in a period in which the earth was chemically different from how we know it now, it
00:37:32was a hostile and volatile world with a dense atmosphere without oxygen, warm seas rich in
00:37:39minerals, frequent volcanic eruptions and meteorite impacts, another example comes from a
00:37:46recent study that analyzed hematite filaments present in samples taken from the
00:37:52Nuvagituk Supracrystal belt, which dates from between 3,700 and 4,280 million years ago, when
00:38:00hematite interacts with microbes, it can form structures similar to filaments that scientists
00:38:06can translate as fossil footprints, the study would be a proof that the
00:38:13formation of life on earth happened very quickly after the cooling of the crust,
00:38:18but let's analyze how the first bases of this research were laid in 1668, it was still
00:38:27thought that insects were formed thanks to a process called spontaneous generation,
00:38:31the belief extended from ancient times to the seventeenth century, according to which life
00:38:38could arise spontaneously from inert or inanimate matter and as a result of what
00:38:45were called vital flows, at that time in many cultures it was believed that God had
00:38:51created directly only superior living beings, such as man and large animals, while
00:38:59the lower ones, such as worms and insects, could spontaneously arise from mud or
00:39:05bodies in decomposition, in this sense the chemist Jean-Baptiste van Helmont even
00:39:11came to provide the following recipe, for the creation of mice, if you place a
00:39:19sweaty shirt or a piece of linen in a container along with some wheat grains,
00:39:25after about 21 days, the fermentation of the sweat that comes out of the shirt transforms the wheat into
00:39:32live mice, but these mice will not be completely normal, they will not have complete reproductive organs
00:39:39and they can only reproduce if they are accompanied by other mice generated in the same way,
00:39:47this anecdote about Jean-Baptiste van Helmont clearly illustrates how the predominant ideas
00:39:53of the time were significantly different from our understanding of biology and the
00:39:59current world, what today may seem absurd or naive, was at that time an accepted
00:40:05explanation of reality and totally conditioned by popular beliefs, then
00:40:12the theory of spontaneous generation was questioned by some experiments carried out by Francesco
00:40:18Redi and Lazaros Palazzani, in 1668 Francesco Redi carried out a study using strictly
00:40:26experimental method, he placed pieces of meat in several glass jars, some of these jars
00:40:33were deliberately left open, the experimental group, while others were hermetically closed,
00:40:39the control group, as a result the scientist clearly noticed that in the open jar
00:40:45larvae and flies could appear, while in the closed jar these organisms were not
00:40:51developed, to confirm the results, Redi decided to carry out another test in which the jars
00:40:57of the experimental group, which were originally open, were closed with a gauze, thus allowing
00:41:03the circulation of the air inside the container, but preventing the access of insects, in this
00:41:09way he noticed that the flies attracted by the meat could not reach it, they tried to put their
00:41:16eggs through the gauze, but they could not pass it, as a result neither larvae nor flies appeared
00:41:23inside these jars and Redi was able to demonstrate that spontaneous generation was not entirely
00:41:29possible, over the years the theory was gradually abandoned, however the arrival
00:41:36of the microscope caused a general resurgence of the studies, other forms of life were discovered
00:41:43until now unknown, such as fungi, bacteria and protozoa, in fact it was noticed that it was enough to
00:41:50compose organic substances in decomposition in a warm place for a short time and strange
00:41:56living beasts appeared on the surface, in the middle of the 18th century John Tuberville Needham
00:42:04starting from the observation that microorganisms grew at their width in various broths obtained
00:42:11from the infusion of meat or vegetables and exposed to air, concluded that within any matter
00:42:17that included air and oxygen, there was a vital force present and was responsible for the
00:42:23spontaneous generation, to support the thesis, he boiled some of his infusions for a few minutes
00:42:29to eliminate possible contaminating microbes and poured the liquids into clean jars, closing
00:42:36the corks, day after day he observed the growth of microorganisms and believed that
00:42:43spontaneous generation was possible, a few years later in 1765 Lazaros Palanzani, skeptical
00:42:53of Needham's conclusions, carried out similar experiments but with more variations, he boiled
00:43:00his infusions for an hour and then closed the jars, the result was a sterile compound
00:43:06that even after several days did not show growth of microorganisms, as a control group
00:43:13used a compound heated only for a few minutes and left it open to the air, finding in this
00:43:19case that growth of microorganisms was possible, in the third group he boiled the mixture for
00:43:25an hour but closed the containers with corks thus allowing air access and obtaining
00:43:31the same result as in the control group, Palanzani saw that although an hour of boiling
00:43:38sterilized the mixture in the jar, a few minutes were not enough to achieve it, Needham then
00:43:45replied that an extended boiling could destroy the vital force necessary for spontaneous
00:43:50generation, while a brief boiling was not enough to destroy it, the sealed containers
00:43:57could block that vital force while the open ones did not, when the controversy became
00:44:03too lively, the Paris Academy of Sciences decided to offer a prize to whoever could
00:44:09definitively clarify the issue, in 1864 Louis Pasteur finally managed to refute the theory,
00:44:18this time the experiment no longer implied the use of a normal mattress, but rather a
00:44:25swan neck mattress, a special blanket equipped with a curved neck that allowed
00:44:31the entry of oxygen but avoided direct contact with contaminating agents such as
00:44:35spores and bacteria, after sterilizing the broth with an extended cooking in one of the
00:44:41mattresses, Pasteur eliminated all the forms of life it contained, realizing that
00:44:46microorganisms did not grow, the man decided to break the glass neck to expose the broth to
00:44:52the outside air and began to notice the appearance of small organisms, the central point of the
00:44:59experiments of the scientist was to demonstrate that the air was not the vital force for
00:45:04spontaneous generation, but the means of transport of bacteria and spores and that these in turn
00:45:11were directly responsible for the appearances on the surface of organic material, with
00:45:18this experiment the man definitively rejected the theory of spontaneous generation and as he
00:45:25himself assured in the conference he offered at the Sorbonne in Paris, the theory of
00:45:30spontaneous generation will never be able to recover from the deadly breath that this simple
00:45:36experiment gave him, although the theory of spontaneous generation was refuted until 1864,
00:45:43since 1858 the roots of abiogenesis began to spread in history with some
00:45:50interesting considerations, the first refers to the theory of evolution by natural selection
00:45:56formulated independently by Alfred Russell Wallace and Charles Darwin, the theory suggested
00:46:04that all forms of life are united by relations in common offspring through
00:46:09branched phylogenetic trees that lead everyone to a single extremely simple
00:46:15progenitor from a biological point of view, the problem, however, was to understand in what
00:46:21context this simple form of primordial life could be structured for scientists, presumably
00:46:28it could be a cell very similar to modern prokaryotes, that is, simple cells
00:46:34without a cell nucleus delimited by a membrane and whose genetic material, the DNA, nothing free
00:46:40inside the cytoplasm, the prokaryotes are tiny and ubiquitous organisms, which
00:46:47means that they can be found in almost all terrestrial environments,
00:46:53if we described them in a simple way, we could define them as the invisible scavengers,
00:46:59responsible for the transformation cycles of terrestrial matter,
00:47:10the second observation comes to us from a letter to Joseph Dalton Hooker dated February 1,
00:47:161871, in which Charles Darwin presents a hypothesis to him,
00:47:21drawing attention to questions that would involve a large number of scientists,
00:47:29he suggested that the initial spark of life could have occurred in a small and warm pond that
00:47:38contained ammonia, phosphoric salts, light, heat, electricity, etc., so that a protein was
00:47:45chemically produced, ready to undergo new and more complex changes, then he underlined that
00:47:52the current matter would be devoured or absorbed instantly, which would not have happened before
00:47:59the formation of living beings, therefore the terrestrial environment is so impregnated with
00:48:05life that any potentially analyzable prebiotic molecule would be quickly consumed by
00:48:12other microscopic organisms, which makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to observe
00:48:19any form of abiogenesis in a natural environment, in other words, the presence of life itself
00:48:26causes the search for its origin to depend on the sterile conditions of the laboratory, scientists
00:48:33today rely on simulations that allow them to recreate the hypothetical conditions of
00:48:39the primordial earth, but a first experimental approximation to the question was beyond
00:48:45the possibilities of science in Darwin's time, real advances were not achieved until 1924
00:48:52when Alejandro Ivanovich Oparin realized that it was the lack of atmospheric oxygen
00:48:57that preceded the chain of events that would lead to the evolution of life, according to Oparin,
00:49:04the catalyst of the first forms of life was a strong presence of ultraviolet radiation
00:49:10that if there had been oxygen it would have been quickly protected by the formation of ozone,
00:49:16in short, Oparin understood that ozone was capable of forming a shield, although he was not the
00:49:23direct discoverer of the process called frontolysis, where oxygen is transformed into ozone, in any
00:49:31case, the mechanism that raises the hypothesis was explained in the publication entitled the origin
00:49:37of life on earth, where the scientist underlines that in an atmosphere poor in oxygen and
00:49:43through the action of sunlight, organic molecules could have found a better
00:49:48context to multiply, the generation of molecules would be strengthened by their slow mutation,
00:49:55accumulating in a primitive sea called primordial broth, these organic substances would have
00:50:02combined to form increasingly complex molecules until they became coacervates,
00:50:08droplets of appearance similar to current cells, the coacervates growing by fusion with
00:50:16the other drops and reproducing through the division into infantile drops, would have
00:50:21constituted a primordial metabolism where those factors that promoted
00:50:27cellular integrity could be maintained and on the contrary others were extinguished, many modern theories
00:50:34about the origin of life maintain the idea of ​​Oparin as a starting point, in 1953 two
00:50:41scientists, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey, influenced by the ideas of Darwin and Oparin,
00:50:48decided to carry out an experiment to prove some of these theories and their variations,
00:50:55recreated in the laboratory the conditions that were believed to characterize the primordial atmosphere
00:51:01of the earth with hydrogen gas, methane, ammonia and water vapor, later they bombed
00:51:09this mixture with electric discharges, simulating the energy provided by a ray, after
00:51:17seven days the solution surprisingly produced amino acids, we will try to explain to you what
00:51:25amino acids are in an extremely simple way, think of amino acids as basic components,
00:51:31each brick has special parts, special chemical groups called amino groups composed of
00:51:38nitrogen and hydrogen and the carboxylic group that contains carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, a group
00:51:45has protuberances while the other has cracks, these structures allow
00:51:51amino acids to join in precise sequences forming a protein, now when you build something
00:51:58with this type of blocks following a manual they tell you exactly where to put each piece,
00:52:05in our body the instruction manual provides it with the DNA that codifies the exact order in
00:52:12which amino acids must connect with each other to form proteins with
00:52:17three-dimensional, specific and precise functions, these structures are essential
00:52:23for proteins to perform their tasks correctly, some thanks to their shape can
00:52:29neutralize germs, others are essential for muscle movement, while others
00:52:35act as messengers, transporting vital information into the body, it must be emphasized
00:52:43that although the Mueller-Urey experiment represented a milestone in understanding the
00:52:48possible origins of life, it did not show how life really began on our planet,
00:52:53rather it provided a demonstration of a possible way in which this could have happened,
00:53:00precisely for that reason, from the 1950s there was a growing interest in designing experiments
00:53:07like this, in 1961, for example, at the University of Houston, the researcher Juan Oro carried out a
00:53:16similar experiment but with some essential considerations, he focused on the hydrogen cyanide,
00:53:22an uncolored, volatile and notoriously toxic liquid, his decision to use this chemical compound
00:53:30was not a coincidence, it was consistent with the hypothesis of the reductive atmosphere of the
00:53:37primordial earth, since the cyanide acid is obtained from the combustion of materials rich
00:53:43in carbon and nitrogen to highly present elements in that type of atmosphere and fundamental
00:53:50for the origin of life, from this experiment Oro not only detected the presence of
00:53:56amino acids but also abundant amounts of adenine, a nitrogenous base, both present
00:54:03in ATP, a molecule that cells use as energy fuel and in nucleic acids,
00:54:10to be clear and concise, the DNA information is encoded by nitrogenous bases,
00:54:16adenine is one of these bases, the others are thiamine, which in the ARN is replaced by uracil,
00:54:24cytosine and guanine, these bases form the basic genetic sequences of the DNA and the ARN,
00:54:33in later experiments inspired by those that Oro did, it was shown that it is possible to obtain
00:54:39other nitrogenous bases and that the cyanide acid in certain conditions can interact
00:54:46to form various compounds, including cyanogen and cyanoacetylene, to date it is known that
00:54:55some comets contain cyanogen, when these approach the sun, the heat can cause
00:55:01the release of gas, contributing to the formation of its typical tail, cyanoacetylene is one of the
00:55:08many organic compounds that have been detected in interstellar space, especially in
00:55:13molecular clouds, where molecules and atoms can interact with each other, by exposing these
00:55:20particles to energy sources such as stellar radiation, new chemical compounds can be formed
00:55:26and gas and dust accumulations can also give rise to new stars and planets,
00:55:33therefore the research on the origin of life in more recent times has given rise to
00:55:39various theories that go beyond the classic notion of primordial broth, some of them propose
00:55:45environments rich in iron or sulfur instead of based exclusively on carbon, but also
00:55:52environments with preponderant amounts of silicon, it has also been suggested that the environments
00:55:58in which life initially arose may have been very acidic, in contrast to other theories
00:56:04that postulate neutral or alkaline environments, this variety of hypothesis has stimulated a very high number
00:56:13of studies that have been analyzed through the aforementioned practical experiments,
00:56:19but above all also through mathematical models with which it is possible to help predict and
00:56:25understand the dynamics of reactions, but also how these could have led to the
00:56:31emergence of life, for example an intriguing hypothesis analyzed with a mathematical model
00:56:37in recent times would imply hydrogen peroxide, although it is generally considered a
00:56:44neutral chemical substance, hydrogen peroxide can have properties both acidic and basic
00:56:50depending on the conditions, its versatility may have given it a crucial role, both as a
00:56:57solvent that replaces water as an active participant in chemical reactions, in particular
00:57:04conditions, hydrogen peroxide can also decompose through the process of
00:57:09radiolysis, where the molecules of the elements break down by radiation, producing oxygen molecules
00:57:16and can potentially contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the
00:57:22development of life, as for the moon of Jupiter called Europe, for example, the presence of
00:57:28hydrogen peroxide was found at the beginning of astronomical observations, one of the
00:57:34most relevant studies of this field, published in 2013, was based on information obtained by
00:57:41the Hubble Space Telescope, the spectroscopic analysis of the light reflected on the moon suggested
00:57:47the presence of hydrogen peroxide, causing interesting reflections, such as the possible
00:57:54existence of conditions that could support life in other celestial bodies in our
00:57:59own solar system, this suggests that we should not rule out any possibility when it comes to
00:58:06understanding the origin of life, it is possible that environments that today seem hostile have
00:58:12actually offered the ideal conditions for the first chemical reactions that led
00:58:18to biological complexity and beyond, scientists who have used mathematical approaches to
00:58:23explore how chemical reaction networks can self-organize in metabolic cycles have
00:58:28observed that under certain conditions, the appearance of a simple metabolism can be a
00:58:33natural and inevitable phenomenon, according to the aforementioned theory of panspermia, the seeds of life
00:58:42here understood as simple organic compounds and microorganisms could spread through the
00:58:48universe and potentially transport from one celestial body to another through the dust of
00:58:54stars, meteoroids, asteroids, comets, planetoids, and even through spaceships
00:59:01through unintentional contamination, in the recent mission that took place in 2023 with
00:59:07the Osiris Rex of NASA, for example, we had the opportunity to recover samples of the asteroid
00:59:13Bennu, showing through preliminary analysis the presence of organic molecules such as carbon
00:59:20and inorganic ones such as water on its surface, comets and meteorites are also usually
00:59:26covered by external layers of dark material that is believed to be similar to alkylene and
00:59:32often integrated by compounds of carbon that have suffered reactions due mainly
00:59:37to ultraviolet radiation, these discoveries therefore lead us to think that various
00:59:43wandering stars in general could have endowed the earth with some of the
00:59:47fundamental substances for the origin of life and that if they came to our planet they could
00:59:54also have done so elsewhere, it is also interesting to observe that they have found
01:00:00adenine and other organic compounds in meteorites that fell to the earth in recent times,
01:00:05suggesting that some of them can form in space and then be transported to other celestial bodies,
01:00:13one of the most famous meteorites in this context is the Murchison meteorite that
01:00:19fell in Australia in 1969, the detailed analysis of this meteorite revealed the presence of
01:00:26a wide variety of organic compounds, but what makes the Murchison meteorite even
01:00:31more interesting is that some of the amino acids that are found in it are not present
01:00:36in the earth, which suggests that these amino acids were formed in an extraterrestrial scenario,
01:00:43consequently in recent times there has been a growing interest in the observation of
01:00:49extrasolar planets or exoplanets, the search for life on these planets is mainly
01:00:55centered on the presence of liquid water, an element considered essential, however the
01:01:02physical dynamics of these environments differ noticeably from those present on our planet,
01:01:07here the presence of liquid water does not depend exclusively on the energy received
01:01:13from a star like our sun, but on other mechanisms, on these planets the temperature
01:01:20necessary to activate the processes linked to the melting of ice and the birth of
01:01:25microorganisms could also derive from the energy generated by gravitational force,
01:01:31these mechanisms occur for example in ice satellites such as Europe, one of the moons of
01:01:37Jupiter or in Celadon, one of the moons of Saturn, in fact it is believed that thanks to the forces of
01:01:45the tide generated by the proximity to its mother planet, these satellites can experience a
01:01:50thermal increase under the surface such as allowing the internal melting of the ice and
01:01:56guaranteeing the presence of liquid water under a thick layer of ice, the continuous variations in
01:02:03the gravitational attraction exerted by the mother planet stretch and compress the satellite, causing
01:02:09internal deformations and generating heat due to friction between the particles,
01:02:15space missions such as the Voyager, Galileo and Cassini series have recovered more information,
01:02:22which has helped to better understand this phenomenon and to attribute the geological activity of some
01:02:28satellites to the warming of the tides, various space missions were also carried out to the
01:02:34red planet in order to check the presence of necessary elements for the development of life,
01:02:39remains of hematite have been found on Martian soil, a mineral that in this case could indicate
01:02:46a preponderant presence of water in the past, the rover Opportunity obtained images that show
01:02:53that in the ancient past there could be water in a fluid state on the surface of Mars, showing
01:03:00ancient riverbeds, islands that arose within them, evidence that suggests the presence of
01:03:06a liquid capable of profiling the formations characteristic of the soil, but when the
01:03:12magnetic field was removed, the solar wind could have swept the primitive atmosphere, drastically
01:03:18reducing the pressure and almost completely eliminating the water from the surface, in
01:03:23December 2006, Mars Global Surveyor provided more photographic evidence that showed
01:03:30that the water still escapes the cracks, leaving deposits on the ground, while in
01:03:362011 the rover Curiosity of NASA discovered that the Gale crater, the Martian territory
01:03:43where the probe landed, once was a lake of fresh water and identified organic compounds
01:03:48such as chlorobenzene in the soil, chlorobenzene is a molecule that contains carbon, this
01:03:56discovery was significant because chlorobenzene is not a compound that one would expect to find
01:04:02in abiotic conditions, which suggests that there could be some form of organic chemistry on Mars
01:04:08in the past, seven years after the discovery made by the rover Curiosity, the researchers
01:04:16of the ESA announced that the Marsis radar of the Mars Express probe identified in the subsurface
01:04:22of the South Martian pole what is probably a liquid-shaped frozen lake up to 20 kilometers
01:04:28wide and with a depth of approximately one and a half kilometers, the lake detected by Marsis
01:04:35is located in a particularly cold region of Mars where the surface temperatures
01:04:40rarely exceed 68 degrees Celsius below zero, this has raised doubts about how the
01:04:47water can remain liquid in such conditions, a possible explanation could be the presence
01:04:53of dissolved salts that would go down in the freezing point of the water, allowing it to remain
01:04:58in a liquid state even at very low temperatures, therefore the results obtained in the
01:05:04different missions have stimulated new research on Mars since the water could provide
01:05:10a vital resource for astronauts by helping in the production of oxygen and fuel, but
01:05:16that is not all, the hypothesis is raised that Mars, thanks to its smaller size compared to
01:05:21the Earth, cooled down in much less time and that therefore the first forms of microscopic
01:05:27organisms could have formed in older times than on our planet, with a
01:05:33difference of hundreds of millions of years, in short, the red planet could have been the
01:05:38perfect life-invading planet, both in terms of the panspermia theory as well as
01:05:45the exogenesis theory, according to which the first forms of life would have formed on other
01:05:51planets and celestial bodies and only later came to Earth thanks to meteorites, the hypothesis
01:05:58of exogenesis actually does not answer the question of how life originated, it simply
01:06:04transfers the question to another planet, although the evidence that supports the verosimilitude
01:06:10of the concept is scarce, it is demonstrated in the study of Martian meteorites discovered
01:06:15in Antarctica, in studies on extremophilic microbes, microbes capable of resisting
01:06:21extreme conditions and in the results of resistance experiments to exposure to
01:06:26space radiation for some forms of terrestrial life such as lichens, a greater support
01:06:33the hypothesis of extremophiles comes from the recent discovery of a bacterian extremophile ecosystem
01:06:39called Desulforudis Audaxviator and whose source of energy is radioactivity, the quite surprising
01:06:47discovery of these microorganisms occurred on Earth in some South African gold mines
01:06:53located more than two kilometers below the surface, in short, with the discovery of a
01:06:59growing number of exoplanets and the analysis of the conditions of the celestial bodies of
01:07:04our solar system, the possibility of the genesis of life seems increasingly plausible today,
01:07:10which is why scientists are looking for signs and evidence of advanced civilizations through
01:07:16tools such as SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, an interstellar journey
01:07:23to visit another civilization in a distant world, at least for now, is beyond the
01:07:28technological possibilities of human civilization, however we can use very sensitive
01:07:35receivers to search in the sky for possible radio signals of artificial origin generated by
01:07:42extraterrestrial civilizations but also to observe unusual events on planets close to
01:07:48ours from different types of telescopes, a last example of this comes from an
01:07:54observation carried out in September 2020 by a team of astronomers that announced the discovery
01:08:00of phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus, this was thanks to the observations carried out with
01:08:06the James Clark Maxwell telescope known as JCMT in Hawaii and the large set of
01:08:12millimetric and submillimetric formations called ALMA in Chile, phosphine is a gas that on
01:08:19Earth is produced mainly by living organisms in the absence of oxygen such as
01:08:24some microorganisms in swamps or in the intestinal tracts of animals, what made this
01:08:30discovery intriguing is that the researchers could not identify an abiotic or non-biological process
01:08:37that could produce phosphine in the quantities observed in the atmosphere of Venus, however
01:08:43there are some important considerations to take into account, the surface of Venus is
01:08:48extremely hostile, it is hotter than on the surface of Mercury and the temperatures reach
01:08:54467 degrees Celsius 872 Fahrenheit and has an atmospheric pressure 92 times higher than
01:09:02that of the earth, however the upper atmosphere of Venus where phosphine has been detected has
01:09:08more moderate temperatures and pressures and could house microorganisms, scientists have
01:09:14thus established that phosphine can be produced by living organisms on Earth but
01:09:20there may be processes still not understood or identified that produce this molecule in Venus
01:09:25in an abiotic way. The discovery of the so-called aliens of Nazca in 2018 and
01:09:38re-proposed in 2021 has provoked international fervor, attracting the attention of both the
01:09:45public and the scientific community, these remains found near Nazca in Peru have raised
01:09:52many questions about their origin and authenticity, however their analysis has been able to
01:09:58surprise us, first of all the adaptation by radiocarbon was one of the first techniques
01:10:04used to try to establish the age of the findings, this method based on the disintegration of
01:10:10carbon 14 allows us to determine the age of the organic remains until tens of thousands of
01:10:17years ago, thanks to a hand found between the bodies of the aliens, they were taken and
01:10:22analyzed some samples of bone and skin, reporting an interesting anomaly, although
01:10:29the date of the hand has generally been indicated by almost all media as of pre-Columbian times,
01:10:34some 1,400 years ago, according to complete analysis, only the date of the bone would go back to that
01:10:43period, the sample of skin, however, would be approximately 6,190 years old, this raised
01:10:52suspicions about the use of some substances for embalming, but they were different opinions
01:10:58on the matter, another fundamental aspect of the investigation was the histological analysis of the
01:11:04skin, through macro and microscopic exams and observing the absence of cuts or other
01:11:11modifications, scientists excluded any type of manipulation that would give any
01:11:17indication of falsity, the highly keratinized structure of another sample of skin determined
01:11:24that these beings were most likely hybrids, a kind of combination between humans and reptiles,
01:11:30the absence of sweat glands and mucous membranes would suggest that these beings could have
01:11:37lived more easily in extremely dry environments, the DNA analyzes underlined that
01:11:43these aliens, in addition to being all men, were actually Homo Sapiens, the age of
01:11:51the bodies, however, has caused the deterioration and loss of genetic information of approximately
01:11:5750 to 80 percent, the lack of a comparison sample to determine whether the DNA is
01:12:04extraterrestrial or not, makes it impossible to confirm or deny such origins, even the metal implants
01:12:13in the bodies of those whom we call the grays have been analyzed and pointed out as
01:12:19pre-Columbian deity, both by the choice of alloys and by their processing, the
01:12:26ring implant was composed of an alloy of iron, carbon and chrome, the plate found
01:12:32on the chest of one of the grays would actually be made of a material composed of carbon,
01:12:38oxygen, silicon, sulfur, chlorine, calcium and copper, elements present in various stones with
01:12:46purifying or protective powers for crystal therapy, for example, the hand also has a
01:12:52golden circle on the back, the metal circle seems to have literally transferred to the
01:12:57surface of the skin and contains materials such as gold and silver, in short, according to the
01:13:04conclusions of these analyzes, it is clear that there are limits even for science, however,
01:13:11we still have a key to believe that one day we will be able to see that fundamental reality
01:13:17on which our existence rests and that of all other forms of life.