Aurora Teagarden Mysteries A Lesson in Murder 2024

  • 2 hours ago
00:00:00Dr. Carpenter?
00:00:45Dr. Carpenter?
00:01:26Poison may be humans' most elegant and private version of murder.
00:01:30It was only after studying patterns of past poisonings that investigators began to pick out various chemical elements that someone could use to kill.
00:01:40Tanner, yes?
00:01:41Yeah, uh, different poisons, they leave behind different, uh, different signs?
00:01:47Yes, the signature of each poison can be very different.
00:01:50Can't just walk up to somebody and be like, yeah, that dude was poisoned?
00:01:53Here's the thing, uh, forensics is rooted in, uh, repetition and patterns, and it's traditionally these patterns that we investigate.
00:02:02Because the truth is that there aren't really any new crimes.
00:02:06Criminals are rarely innovative.
00:02:08And often, all you need to catch them is to read the right book.
00:02:13So, if you do the reading this semester, Mr. Carpenter, then you may find your answer.
00:02:19For your research paper, pick your poison.
00:02:22Your assignment is to choose a case of real-life poisoning and to give me 5,000 words on the murder and how it was solved.
00:02:29So many poisons, so little time.
00:02:32Hey, Tanner, not nice.
00:02:36All right, everyone, that's class. Thank you.
00:02:39You gotta stay awake in the morning. Keep your spot.
00:02:43Hey, Kev, why are you so sleepy lately?
00:02:49Uh, had a lot of practice the last few weeks.
00:02:52I thought baseball didn't start for another month.
00:02:54Well, this season doesn't start until the spring, but coach picks the starting lineup next week, so I gotta hustle.
00:02:58I wanna keep my spot at shortstop.
00:03:00All right, well, maybe we just, uh, try to go to bed a little earlier, get a little more rest.
00:03:04Yeah, I'll try.
00:03:09I thought we were meeting in the cafeteria.
00:03:11Oh, I, uh, I wanted to walk with you.
00:03:13Um, Aurora, this is my girlfriend, Jenny.
00:03:18I took this class last semester.
00:03:19Professor Lindo is so cool.
00:03:22You're preaching to the choir, Jenny.
00:03:23So good to meet you.
00:03:24Nice to meet you.
00:03:27Bye, Kevin.
00:03:28See ya.
00:03:29Owen is following me again.
00:03:37I'll talk to him.
00:03:39No, Kev, don't.
00:03:40Come on, he's my friend.
00:03:42At least he was.
00:03:45He's not your friend.
00:03:48Let's go this way.
00:03:59You know, I am on pins and needles to see more of your thesis.
00:04:04Yeah, well, you better buy a pin cushion,
00:04:06because it feels like every tangent I follow just creates more.
00:04:09Oh, yes, tangents.
00:04:10They do have a tendency to multiply.
00:04:16Mr. Watson, I didn't expect to see you walk back into my office.
00:04:20Professor, I guess you're the new TA.
00:04:23Yeah, Aurora Teagarden.
00:04:29This is Cal Watson, your predecessor.
00:04:31You never responded to my email about the letter of recommendation.
00:04:35Well, I understood that you got another job.
00:04:37Not an academic job.
00:04:38You know I was good at teaching.
00:04:40And you know why I can't in good conscience give you a letter of recommendation.
00:04:44So no second chances.
00:04:45That's the lesson you want me to take away here.
00:04:55What was that about?
00:04:56Cal was a good TA,
00:04:58until he started giving his friends grades that they didn't earn,
00:05:01so I had to let him go.
00:05:03Speaking of which, oh, wait, don't you have to get going?
00:05:05A rare free moment, Professor.
00:05:08Can we talk tangents?
00:05:09I'm at your disposal.
00:05:10What do you got?
00:05:11Okay, so here's what we got.
00:05:19Sally, thank you for being my chauffeur today.
00:05:21Well, it's not like I've got anything else to do with my time.
00:05:24Sounds like bad news.
00:05:25No news.
00:05:26I mean, no voicemail, no sorry but we regret to inform you's.
00:05:30They said I would hear by now.
00:05:31How could I not be qualified to fold T-shirts?
00:05:33Okay, look, Sally, it's not you.
00:05:34You know, it's the recession.
00:05:35You could work on your blog.
00:05:37I can't even make myself look at it.
00:05:38I need to leave that blog and last year behind me.
00:05:41I just need to focus on my journalism degree and getting those six credits.
00:05:45But somehow I cannot line all of them up in one semester,
00:05:48so now I'm living with my parents.
00:05:49They want to spend so much time with me.
00:05:51I know.
00:05:52The other day I was eating lunch while I was working,
00:05:53and I got up to grab a book, and when I came back,
00:05:55my mother had completely redone my entire place setting.
00:05:57My silverware, my plate, my glass.
00:05:59Because your glass was on the left.
00:06:00And as everyone knows, drinks go on the right.
00:06:03D, remember, on the right.
00:06:05I taught you that when you were eight.
00:06:06It's a mnemonic device.
00:06:07I would think as a fellow educator that you would appreciate learning things that way.
00:06:14Fellow educator?
00:06:17I accepted a temp job at the university.
00:06:19Professor Briggs in the business department has asked me to help him
00:06:22create a curriculum for his entrepreneurship class.
00:06:25Ida, that sounds perfect for you.
00:06:27I know.
00:06:29I'm happy for you.
00:06:30Oh, thank you.
00:06:31Oh, and Sally, don't worry about living with your parents in this climate.
00:06:35I mean, it's a smart financial decision.
00:06:38And I'll be on campus all the time, so you and I can have lunch every day.
00:06:46When you're not already having lunches with me.
00:06:48Oh, well.
00:06:49She just promised all of her lunches this week to me to help me with my resume
00:06:55because I need a job.
00:06:57You are so generous like that.
00:07:01Okay, we have to go.
00:07:09Okay, I need, um, duh.
00:07:14Okay, I can do this.
00:07:15Use regular English.
00:07:16No, no, I can do this.
00:07:17If I can learn French, I can learn diner slang.
00:07:19I need two dots and a dash.
00:07:22Fries and bacon.
00:07:23And shingles with a dance?
00:07:28Butter toast with jam.
00:07:29I'm getting better.
00:07:30You're doing great.
00:07:32Um, I had a great time the other night.
00:07:34Yeah, me too.
00:07:35When can I take you out again?
00:07:36How about tonight? Is that too eager?
00:07:38Uh, no.
00:07:39Let's do it.
00:07:43It's a date.
00:07:45You know, my great aunt on my father's side, she's a dentist.
00:07:48I didn't like her very much.
00:07:49She teased me with candy all the time.
00:07:51All right, gentlemen.
00:07:52I think you ordered all the eggs and bacon that we have.
00:07:55Thanks, Ro.
00:07:56Anyway, the, uh, the perp at the office manager and her using that knockout gas they gave you,
00:08:00when she came to, she was woozy, but relatively unharmed.
00:08:02What'd they take?
00:08:03They're still checking on the inventory, but I'm thinking he was after drugs.
00:08:06Ooh, where is this?
00:08:07Carpenter Dental on Orwalk Place.
00:08:09Carpenter Dental.
00:08:11I have a student named Tanner Carpenter.
00:08:13Think they're related?
00:08:17Miss Teagarden.
00:08:19Can I get a refill, please?
00:08:22Thank you so much.
00:08:25Hey, Ro.
00:08:26I'm eating.
00:08:28Um, would you maybe want to grab a coffee with me after work or something?
00:08:32Oh, um, I would love to, but I can't.
00:08:37I've got a...
00:08:38Plans with Daniel?
00:08:40Two are getting pretty serious, huh?
00:08:43I mean, maybe.
00:08:45He's really nice.
00:08:48Well, I'm happy for you.
00:08:49Another time, then.
00:08:52For sure.
00:08:53Um, I should probably get us coffee.
00:08:58Struck out, huh?
00:09:01We're just, um...
00:09:05You're a rookie in more ways than one, Smith.
00:09:16Professor Lindo!
00:09:18My daughter speaks so highly of you.
00:09:20Aurora, you're... you're T.A.
00:09:22I'm... I'm Aida Teagarden.
00:09:23Aida, Aurora's mother.
00:09:25It is so nice to finally meet you.
00:09:27I am so fond of Aurora.
00:09:29I understand that you're not crazy about her taking the job with me.
00:09:32Oh, well, I do have my issues with the subject matter.
00:09:35I mean, of the myriad of things she could be studying,
00:09:38she chose true crime.
00:09:39True crime.
00:09:40Listen, I happen to think it is the most interesting subject.
00:09:43Well, I just wish it were a little less ghoulish.
00:09:45But once my daughter sets her mind to something,
00:09:47I mean, you cannot dissuade her.
00:09:49Well, strong-willed and self-confident.
00:09:51She must get that from somewhere.
00:09:54So, are you here taking a class, or...?
00:09:57No, no, no, no.
00:09:58I'm helping Professor Briggs with curriculum development, yeah.
00:10:01And maybe doing a guest lecture or two.
00:10:03Oh, that's so great.
00:10:04I'm so glad that Conrad finally took my advice
00:10:06and found someone with real-life experience
00:10:08to help boost the value of his class.
00:10:10So then I have to thank you.
00:10:11I mean, I am feeling so energized being on campus
00:10:14with so many young people.
00:10:15I mean, they're so spirited.
00:10:16I think the coach says you don't deserve shortstop.
00:10:20You can't just have it because you want it to.
00:10:23Hey, oh, my gosh!
00:10:24Stop it, you two!
00:10:26Stop it!
00:10:28Oh, my God.
00:10:29Okay, that's enough.
00:10:30Mr. Carpenter with me now.
00:10:32Come on.
00:10:33I am so sorry.
00:10:35It's okay.
00:10:36I'm not going to get a little dry-cleaning work.
00:10:40Okay, you seem to be really angry right now.
00:10:42What's going on between you two?
00:10:43He took my spot on the team.
00:10:45On the team?
00:10:46Listen, I don't care what happened.
00:10:48You guys cannot fight on campus.
00:10:50Are you okay?
00:10:51Yeah, yeah.
00:10:52Yeah, I'm fine.
00:10:53What were you two fighting about?
00:10:56He just blames me for every bad luck thing in his life.
00:10:58Well, I hope you can resolve your differences
00:11:00without getting physical again.
00:11:02Yeah, I doubt it.
00:11:03Hey, can I help you wherever you're going?
00:11:06This is kind of heavy.
00:11:07It's okay.
00:11:08I'm a lot stronger than I look.
00:11:11Of course.
00:11:13I got you.
00:11:14Take care of this.
00:11:16I'm so sorry.
00:11:17No, it's all right.
00:11:18It's okay.
00:11:19Listen, go clean up your things,
00:11:20and I want to speak to you in my office.
00:11:31Tanner, my mother told me you spilled coffee on her.
00:11:38Your mom?
00:11:40I'm so sorry your mom got caught up
00:11:42in the middle of all that.
00:11:43What were you and Kevin fighting about?
00:11:47First, he broke my leg.
00:11:51Last year.
00:11:52He crashed into me at a practice.
00:11:53I had to get surgery, go through rehab.
00:11:54It sucked.
00:11:55Must have been hard.
00:11:56It was.
00:11:57I used to own Shortstop.
00:11:58Now Kevin's parked on it 24-7.
00:11:59Coach won't give it back to me.
00:12:01I mean, who's gonna scout me if I'm not a starter?
00:12:04No one.
00:12:08Because I am.
00:12:09Look, I understand that you two have a history,
00:12:12but fighting won't only get you suspended.
00:12:14It will get you kicked off the team.
00:12:16So try to get along, please?
00:12:21All right.
00:12:28Good morning, everyone.
00:12:30Let's talk about murder.
00:12:32There will be no more fighting amongst any of my players.
00:12:35Isn't that right, Lambert?
00:12:36I'm not the one who starts it.
00:12:38Did I ask you that?
00:12:40But what I really want to know is
00:12:42why Lambert here isn't passing the class,
00:12:44especially since this is the second time
00:12:46taking it after failing it last year.
00:12:48He needs at least a C
00:12:49to be eligible to play ball in the spring,
00:12:51so what's the problem?
00:12:53That's my burning question as well.
00:12:55Maybe you can enlighten us, Mr. Lambert?
00:12:58Well, he missed the test on the last unit
00:13:00and he hasn't taken the make-up test,
00:13:02but if he does well enough,
00:13:03he'd have enough points to bring him up to a C.
00:13:05You know, my players take this class
00:13:07because they say it's an easy English credit.
00:13:10Oh, boy.
00:13:11They may say that it's fun
00:13:13or they may call it interesting,
00:13:15but I defy you to find me a student
00:13:17who has an easy credit.
00:13:18I mean, besides, exercising the mind
00:13:19is vastly more challenging than whatever it is that you...
00:13:21Okay, okay.
00:13:22Oh, you know what?
00:13:23I would be happy to work with Kevin.
00:13:26When's your last class today?
00:13:27Uh, practice after that.
00:13:29Okay, after practice,
00:13:30come by the R&R diner
00:13:31and I will work with you on my break.
00:13:34Oh, he'll be there.
00:13:44It's not fair to Kevin
00:13:45that you keep showing up like this.
00:13:46It's rude.
00:13:47I'm not being rude to Kevin.
00:13:48Yes, you are.
00:13:50Yes, you are.
00:13:51Hey, Jenny, are you all right?
00:13:52She's fine.
00:13:53We were just talking.
00:13:54Okay, I think Jenny can answer for herself.
00:13:57Well, we actually used to date, so...
00:13:59No, it's...
00:14:01It's none of your business, okay?
00:14:11I don't want to.
00:14:17What are you thinking for tonight?
00:14:19Mm, I'm thinking Thai.
00:14:21Ooh, Thai?
00:14:22I like that.
00:14:25You waiting for someone?
00:14:26Uh, yeah, I've got a student coming by.
00:14:28He's really been struggling
00:14:29and I promised to help him on my break.
00:14:31You're always helping people.
00:14:33So, did you want to reschedule?
00:14:35Oh, no.
00:14:36No, I'm...
00:14:37I'm really excited.
00:14:39Yeah, I'm really excited, too.
00:14:40Uh, what are you helping your student with?
00:14:42Well, he has to pass the class.
00:14:43There's another player
00:14:44gunning for a spot on the baseball team.
00:14:46You know, I played baseball my first year of college.
00:14:48Competition for spots is rough.
00:14:51Oh, one sec.
00:14:53Professor Lindo.
00:14:54Hey, what are you doing here?
00:14:55Well, I thought since you're working two jobs
00:14:57and you're overlapping them to help Kevin,
00:14:58I would come lend a hand.
00:14:59So, where are you guys working?
00:15:00Uh, he's not here yet.
00:15:02Well, really?
00:15:03Because I thought I saw his car outside.
00:15:05I mean, we can check.
00:15:07I've been waiting for, like, half an hour.
00:15:09See, I overheard him talking about
00:15:10how his dad gave him an old Mustang
00:15:12and there you go.
00:15:14Oh, gosh.
00:15:15Is he asleep again?
00:15:17Oh, this poor kid is so tired.
00:15:21Hey, Kevin?
00:15:22Okay, let's check that out.
00:15:37Oh, is he?
00:15:39He's dead.
00:15:46Detective Cook,
00:15:47did you find any evidence on Kevin's body?
00:15:49No wounds, no blood,
00:15:50clear cause of death.
00:15:52We need to talk to the parents,
00:15:53find out if there's any underlying health issues.
00:15:55Well, are you considering foul play?
00:15:57Because when we found him,
00:15:58his lips and fingers were tinged blue,
00:15:59which can be a sign of poisoning.
00:16:00I'd prefer to wait for the medical examiner's report.
00:16:03Okay, well, you should know,
00:16:04Kevin had a fight with another student at school.
00:16:06It was kind of a big deal.
00:16:07One step at a time, Miss Teagle.
00:16:10Excuse me.
00:16:13Arthur, hey.
00:16:14Hey, how did it go? What's up?
00:16:15Look, you should know,
00:16:16Kevin had a huge fight with another student.
00:16:18Okay, that's definitely notable.
00:16:20Who hit?
00:16:21Tanner Carpenter.
00:16:22Look, I was trying to tell Detective Cook,
00:16:24his body, it was tinged blue.
00:16:26It could be a sign of poison.
00:16:27This might not be some natural causes.
00:16:28Bro, we can't just jump to conclusions.
00:16:30We need an expert to go...
00:16:35I'll work on Cook.
00:16:45Poor Jenny.
00:16:46She was always so lovely when we had her in class.
00:16:49Poor Kevin.
00:16:52Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
00:16:55What if he was murdered?
00:17:07Hey, Jenny.
00:17:09Got you some cocoa.
00:17:11And how did you know he'd be deceased?
00:17:13We were best friends.
00:17:15Were? You mean until today?
00:17:17No, until a while ago.
00:17:19I'd been trying to patch things up with him for months,
00:17:21but I guess I never can now.
00:17:26Patch things up by hanging out with his girlfriend.
00:17:29I don't understand how Kevin could be dead.
00:17:33I saw him like two hours ago.
00:17:35I know, and I'm so sorry.
00:17:37Can I ask, though?
00:17:39Why are you here with Owen?
00:17:41Kevin wanted me to meet him here after he studied with you.
00:17:44Owen gave me a ride.
00:17:46Did you see Kevin today outside of class?
00:17:48After their baseball practice,
00:17:49a lot of those guys go to pizza and play.
00:17:51And yeah, I saw him there.
00:17:53Is it the place with the robot mouse?
00:17:55No, it's a few blocks away from the university.
00:17:57This place has an arcade, a bunch of different things.
00:18:01Baseball players like it for the batting cages.
00:18:03And the recovery shakes.
00:18:05Recovery shakes?
00:18:07Chocolate shakes with a protein powder in them.
00:18:09You found a shake in Kevin's car?
00:18:12He said, okay, if I get out of here,
00:18:15I have to be somewhere.
00:18:17Really? More important than here?
00:18:20My parents.
00:18:22They're really worried.
00:18:24You're good to go.
00:18:26I'll be in touch.
00:18:34I'm fighting aside, he seemed like such a sweet young man.
00:18:38I mean, offered to carry my bag to the car.
00:18:42I know. I really liked Kevin.
00:18:44Oh, this is heartbreaking.
00:18:48You don't think the boy he fought with
00:18:50had anything to do with this, do you?
00:18:52I, I don't know.
00:18:54That's what I'm afraid of.
00:18:56I don't know.
00:18:58I don't know.
00:19:00I, I don't know.
00:19:02That's what I'm afraid of.
00:19:05You know, and then there's this other kid, Owen.
00:19:08And I don't know, he was just so strange
00:19:10when he found out about it.
00:19:12Oh, Daniel, come on in.
00:19:15Oh, Daniel, I'm so sorry.
00:19:17I completely forgot about our date.
00:19:19It's okay, I just wanted to make sure you were okay
00:19:21after what happened to your student.
00:19:22Oh, look, it's awful,
00:19:24but it's really sweet of you to check on me.
00:19:27Of course, I just, I also wanted to see if you were eating.
00:19:29Do you want me to go get you something?
00:19:30No, no, no, I'm good, I'm, I'm...
00:19:34You know what?
00:19:35Let's go out.
00:19:37How do you feel about pizza?
00:19:57Aurora, what are you doing here?
00:20:03Ma'am, welcome to Pizza and Play,
00:20:05where our pizza gets the high score.
00:20:07Try one of our classic shakes,
00:20:09drop a quarter in a classic game,
00:20:11and enjoy our outside play area.
00:20:14Okay, well, uh, we came for dinner.
00:20:18She likes bread and cheese.
00:20:19Also, sauce.
00:20:21Lucky us.
00:20:22What can I get for you?
00:20:23Uh, can we get a pepperoni and mushroom?
00:20:25Just a little onions, please.
00:20:27Uh, you know what, Cal?
00:20:28Why don't you go ahead and put some extra onions on there?
00:20:30Compliments of the house, of course.
00:20:31Oh, no, that's okay, actually.
00:20:32Light onions would be good.
00:20:33I insist.
00:20:34I absolutely insist.
00:20:36Double the onions, no charge,
00:20:38because at Pizza and Play, we go the extra...
00:20:42To give you more of what you love.
00:20:43More of what you love.
00:20:45Okay, well, uh,
00:20:47can we get some fresh basil on that pie?
00:20:49Uh, can we get some fresh basil on that pie?
00:20:52Uh, sure.
00:20:54Do we have that?
00:20:56I don't know.
00:20:57I will find you fresh basil.
00:21:02What just happened?
00:21:03I have no clue.
00:21:06You know, I was there that day that you had your interview at R&R.
00:21:09I saw you talking to Emilio through the kitchen window.
00:21:11Oh, did you now?
00:21:12I did.
00:21:13And after you left,
00:21:14I said that I would quit if he didn't hire you.
00:21:17I think you're exaggerating.
00:21:18Not even a little.
00:21:20Well, I watched you,
00:21:21and I had such a strong feeling like I had to get to know you.
00:21:27Dude, I am definitely going back to shortstop now, baby.
00:21:30Come on.
00:21:33But tonight's for Kevin.
00:21:34We lost a good baseball player, and he's gonna be missed.
00:21:39To Kevin, hey?
00:21:44We're not really here for the pizza, are we?
00:21:46I mean...
00:21:48I am hungry.
00:21:51Okay, I'm sorry.
00:21:52Look, see that guy?
00:21:54He's the one I was telling you about.
00:21:56The rival baseball player
00:21:57who's clearly about to benefit from my student's death.
00:22:00Well, maybe we bring our pizza to a table out here when it's ready.
00:22:03See what else baseball boy does.
00:22:05You don't mind?
00:22:07Just glad to be here with you.
00:22:26It's not even seven yet.
00:22:29I couldn't sleep.
00:22:30I can't stop thinking about Kevin.
00:22:31You know, Tanner was practically celebrating,
00:22:33and Owen, what was the...
00:22:34Mr. Teagarden.
00:22:37Do you have any information for us?
00:22:38Actually, I had some questions I'd like to ask you.
00:22:40Then please leave.
00:22:41We have an investigation we're trying to run.
00:22:44One that pertains to my class.
00:22:45A valued member of my class has died,
00:22:47and other students are going to be asking questions.
00:22:49Should I have him contact you directly, or...
00:22:55All right, Smith.
00:22:57Give her the basics.
00:22:59Just the basics.
00:23:04I gotta say, I'm impressed you got your way.
00:23:07Even if he isn't aligned with you.
00:23:10So, what you got for me?
00:23:12So, Kevin's autopsy showed he died of hypoxia.
00:23:16It's when oxygen can't reach the tissues of the body.
00:23:19Well, was it from illness, or...
00:23:22Well, lots of things can cause it.
00:23:24Even in a young, athletic guy like Kevin.
00:23:26But get this.
00:23:27By the time his body got to the medical examiner,
00:23:29his skin had turned blue.
00:23:34Arthur, that's what I told Detective Cook yesterday.
00:23:37Blue can be a sign of poison.
00:23:39My class is in the middle of studying homicide by poisoning.
00:23:42I was right. Kevin was murdered.
00:23:44Okay, walk me through that.
00:23:45We're studying poisoning in Professor Lindo's class,
00:23:47and yesterday, Kevin got into a fight with Tanner Carpenter,
00:23:50who, in class, asked how the police can tell if a body has been poisoned.
00:23:54Okay, that is definitely suspicious.
00:23:56I was supposed to get a copy of the toxicology report this morning.
00:24:01Oh, here it is.
00:24:02Lab results showed that the deceased tested positive for sodium nitrite
00:24:06in a, quote, lethal amount.
00:24:08They were equivalent.
00:24:09Smith, I think this goes well beyond the basics.
00:24:13Miss Teagarden, show yourself out.
00:24:15This is now officially a murder investigation.
00:24:26Sodium nitrite is an inorganic salt used in industrial settings,
00:24:31mostly in the curing and processing of meats.
00:24:34I'm pretty sure a student last year chose it for their paper.
00:24:37I'm just trying to find out who wrote it.
00:24:41You know, it says here that sodium nitrite is used in dental offices
00:24:44to prevent instruments from rusting when soaking in cleaning solutions.
00:24:51I just overheard Arthur and Detective Cook talking about a break-in at Carpenter Dental.
00:24:55Well, Tanner Carpenter's mom, Eileen, that's her office.
00:24:59Well, Tanner and his teammates were mourning the loss at Pizza and Play,
00:25:03but they did not look very mournful.
00:25:05And did you know that's where Cal Watson's working now?
00:25:08Laura, Kevin was the one who told me what Cal was doing with the grades.
00:25:14Which means he had motive and opportunity.
00:25:20Okay, time to employ some information science on this murder.
00:25:23Wait, you don't think it's a little too personal?
00:25:25I mean, we know them, and we're supposed to be teaching them.
00:25:28That's exactly why we have to look into this ourselves.
00:25:30We have a responsibility to these kids, to Kevin.
00:25:33All right. All right. Yeah, let's do it.
00:25:42So, you guys really think someone put poison in his shake?
00:25:45Oh, we're just trying to find that out.
00:25:49You know, I actually wanted to be a cop once when I was a kid,
00:25:52but clearly I made a different career choice here.
00:25:56But, uh...
00:25:57Hey, can I ask you guys a question?
00:25:59Is it fun to drive with a cop?
00:26:01Can I ask you guys a question?
00:26:02Is it fun to drive with a siren on?
00:26:06But we're not here to investigate your career choices.
00:26:09We're here to investigate a murder, and we'd like your cooperation.
00:26:12Absolutely, yes. Anything you need.
00:26:14Your security cameras need to see the footage from yesterday.
00:26:16Sure. Yeah, our surveillance system's top-notch.
00:26:18Had it upgraded after that, uh, Dan's birthday party went a little sideways last July.
00:26:23I'm sure you guys heard all about that, though.
00:26:25The, uh, the big, uh...
00:26:27Yeah, aren't they? Party?
00:26:30Footage. Right, let's go. This way.
00:26:34I'm quitting coffee.
00:26:37Now, you probably won't be able to see much of the dining room,
00:26:39because we keep all the cameras targeted at the main points of entry and egress.
00:26:43Or the exit.
00:26:49Whoa, look at that. You guys are in luck.
00:26:51Camera two is pointed right at the dining room. That's weird.
00:26:53Anyway, here we go.
00:26:56Uh, 430.
00:27:00And there they are.
00:27:02Victim, his girlfriend, and best friend.
00:27:04Placing an order.
00:27:06The guy at the back counter by the mixer.
00:27:08Who's that?
00:27:09Uh, that's Cal Watson. He's the, uh, AM assistant manager.
00:27:12What's he adding?
00:27:14That's, that's just protein powder.
00:27:16And you get a free scoop of your choice with every shake.
00:27:18There's a protein powder, there's an energy boost, a wellness boost, a serenity blend.
00:27:22I like the energy boost myself.
00:27:24You don't say.
00:27:26Yeah, a lot of the other athletes and stuff, they like the protein powder.
00:27:31Your ham sure is taking his time with that shake.
00:27:33I'm blocking view of the camera while he does it.
00:27:35He does have a strong motive, and he likely had opportunity.
00:27:38When we were there last night, he got our drinks, and he gave us real attitude.
00:27:41His manager had to take over.
00:27:48So, you know, no one at Parker's got the tree now.
00:27:56Well, Mr. Parker had plenty of time to tamper with the shake. Plenty of time.
00:28:01Owen's ex-girlfriend is dating Kevin, his supposed best friend, so that's a strong motive.
00:28:06And we do know that he was at the pizza place with Kevin.
00:28:08And at the same table as Kevin and Jenny, so he probably had opportunity.
00:28:11He did take my class last year.
00:28:13And he acted really weird when he found out Kevin died.
00:28:16Laughing. I mean, nervous, maybe, but still.
00:28:20Wait, that's Tanner Carpenter.
00:28:22Bro told me about a fight he had with Kevin Lambert just the day before this.
00:28:25I appreciate your enthusiasm, Smith. Write it down.
00:28:33Seems pretty mild.
00:28:50All right, that wasn't subtle.
00:28:52Tanner had the shake in his hands.
00:28:54And then there's Tanner, who seems to be screaming his motive from the rooftops.
00:28:57Yeah, and he has shown us he has quite a violent temper.
00:29:00And we don't know if he was at pizza and play that night, but his mother is a dentist, so he has access to sodium nitrite.
00:29:05But it's his mother's practice. Why would he need to break in?
00:29:10Oh, okay.
00:29:12Well, I just found out who wrote the paper on sodium nitrite as poison.
00:29:16Jenny Lee.
00:29:21What's she doing?
00:29:23She's pouring something into it.
00:29:28Hey, why not use the sugar that's on the table?
00:29:30No, we do not put sugar packets on the table anymore.
00:29:33Not since the 10th birthday party. Not since July.
00:29:36You know what? I remember that party.
00:29:38You do?
00:29:40I don't know why I'm so surprised it was Jenny.
00:29:42Quite often, it's the romantic partner who's guilty in a murder case.
00:29:45Yeah, but I think it's only around 6% for a male victim and something like 30% for a female.
00:29:50That said, poison has historically been a woman's method.
00:29:56I really do think we're getting somewhere with this.
00:30:00You know, Aurora, I think maybe we should just take a break.
00:30:06You know, Aurora, I think maybe we should just take a step back here, okay?
00:30:11Because this is just getting a little too close for comfort,
00:30:13and I want to make sure that we are giving it the gravity it deserves.
00:30:17Yes, of course. I completely understand.
00:30:25Okay, so it looks like we have four solid suspects.
00:30:28Cal Watson, Owen Parker, Tanner Carpenter, and Jennifer Lee.
00:30:32Why don't you get a feel for the girlfriend, if there's anything suspicious there.
00:30:36Bring her in.
00:30:38Where are we? Whose house is this?
00:30:40The murder victim's girlfriend and a suspect.
00:30:43Ro, you could have warned me.
00:30:45I'll be right back.
00:30:47I thought we were going out.
00:30:48Five minutes.
00:30:51Five minutes.
00:31:03Jenny. Hi.
00:31:07This must be about Kevin.
00:31:08I actually wanted to ask you about a paper you wrote last year for Professor Wendell's class.
00:31:13I don't understand.
00:31:15Your paper on murder by sodium nitrite poisoning.
00:31:18I was just curious why you chose it, how you got the idea,
00:31:21if maybe you showed it to anyone or discussed it in class.
00:31:25That's not how Kevin was poisoned, was it?
00:31:29Yeah, I thought you knew.
00:31:32No, just that he had been poisoned.
00:31:34With the same poison you wrote about.
00:31:37So, wait, so now you're here to like see if I did it?
00:31:41Because I know so much about sodium nitrite.
00:31:43No, I didn't mean to imply that I...
00:31:44Ro, you said...
00:31:45What's going on?
00:31:46She's saying I poisoned Kevin.
00:31:47Not technically, I was just trying to ask if...
00:31:49I think what she meant is she's just had a few questions excuse us for a moment.
00:31:53What are you doing here?
00:31:55She wrote a paper about sodium nitrite. Why are you here?
00:31:57Because she's a suspect.
00:31:58Wait, now I'm a suspect?
00:32:00Well, no, uh...
00:32:02You just said that I was.
00:32:03Well, yeah, um...
00:32:05But that's not to say we think you...
00:32:08Uh, Miss Lee, this security footage shows you interacting with Kevin's shake.
00:32:13Can you explain what you were doing?
00:32:15So you think I poisoned him too.
00:32:17Kevin said that his shake was too bitter,
00:32:19that maybe they put too much protein powder in it,
00:32:22so I put some sweetener in it for him.
00:32:24So you just carry...
00:32:26Yeah, I do.
00:32:35Mind if I hang onto those?
00:32:42You believe me, don't you?
00:32:44Your paper on sodium nitrite...
00:32:46I don't even remember writing that paper, I swear.
00:32:48All right, well, thank you for your time, Jenny.
00:32:51We'll, um...
00:32:52We'll be in touch.
00:33:01She seems really upset.
00:33:02I don't think I handled that too well.
00:33:04Well, they got it either.
00:33:05Ugh, we're both new at this.
00:33:06No, no, it's not the same, Ro.
00:33:08I'm supposed to be talking to suspects.
00:33:10You're not.
00:33:11And when Cook finds out you were here...
00:33:12But if Cook doesn't have to find out I was here...
00:33:15Talk to you later.
00:33:17I'm sorry!
00:33:27Arthur, hey.
00:33:29So, um...
00:33:31What did Cook say?
00:33:34I handled it.
00:33:36I only came by to let you know that it was just sweetener in those packets.
00:33:40Though that's not conclusive evidence she didn't do it.
00:33:43Cook's gonna reach out to Professor Lindo to try to get a copy of Jenny's paper.
00:33:46Do you think she did it?
00:33:47Personally, no.
00:33:49The paper feels coincidental.
00:33:51Cook isn't so sure.
00:33:53One thing we know, though, is that every person on our suspect list is connected to that class.
00:33:57You have a list?
00:33:58Of course we have a list.
00:33:59I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
00:34:04Our suspects are identical.
00:34:06Okay, so besides Jenny adding sweetener to the shake, what else did you see on the security...
00:34:10Ro, you know I can't just offer up that information.
00:34:13Arthur, if our lists are identical, you could just tell me things I already know.
00:34:17Alright, well, as you know, Cal made the shake, taking his time.
00:34:21Cal having been fired after Kevin revealed he'd been cheating for his buddies gives him motive.
00:34:26Working at Pizza and Play gave him opportunity.
00:34:29Owen, once Kevin's good friend, now Jenny's scorned ex, handled it next, also taking his time.
00:34:36And Jenny, our victim's girlfriend, found what appeared to be sweetener into it.
00:34:41And if she was familiar with sodium nitrite...
00:34:43And Cal was her TA, he must have created her paper, so he's familiar too.
00:34:46Right. Tanner and Kevin have a scuffle, Tanner knocks the shake over, then picks it up off camera.
00:34:52Wait, what's this about the break-in at Carpenter Dental?
00:34:54Sodium nitrite's used in dental offices, and Eileen Carpenter, the dentist, is...
00:34:58Tanner's mom. So he'd know exactly where to get his hands on something.
00:35:02Although, why he'd break into his mother's office has been bothering me.
00:35:05Seems like he could just walk in and take whatever he wanted.
00:35:08Who knows why killers do the things they do.
00:35:14Maybe Cook will want to hit Carpenter Dental in the morning before we interview our suspects.
00:35:18Oh, well, you know, I could go with you. We could...
00:35:20Well, Cook's not gonna go for that.
00:35:22No, it could be like a coincidental run-in.
00:35:25There's a cafe nearby, we could finally get that coffee you've been talking about, discuss what you learned.
00:35:30That's... that's not exactly what I had in mind.
00:35:38Look, I appreciate all the info. You've done enough.
00:35:43Arthur, this is important to me. I knew Kevin. I taught him.
00:35:49I feel responsible for making sure his killer is caught.
00:35:52And that responsibility leads you to this? This is obsession.
00:35:56No, this isn't obsession. It's... it's why I'm in library science.
00:36:01To separate theory from fact.
00:36:03To learn how to make connections and uncover the information that isn't obvious.
00:36:09And I just gave you information you didn't have.
00:36:13So clearly there are things a police officer alone can't see.
00:36:17Aurora? Is that Arthur up there with you?
00:36:20Yes, Mother. We'll be down in a minute.
00:36:23She's coming up.
00:36:24Oh, good.
00:36:25Arthur, hi.
00:36:26Hi, Ida.
00:36:32Can we help you, Mother?
00:36:33In my attic?
00:36:34We're just trying to work on the Kevin situation.
00:36:36You know I don't want you involved in all of this, and... and you, you should know better.
00:36:41Can we help you, Mother?
00:36:42Yeah, um, I found this in my tote. I'm sure it got mixed up with my papers when I got drenched by coffee...
00:36:50from that guy.
00:36:51Wait, you're saying Tanner Carpenter dropped this?
00:36:53Yeah. Well, it's mostly just schoolwork and a very badly written essay on the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat.
00:37:00If I'd had a red pen, I would have corrected it.
00:37:02And some poorly organized papers and also this.
00:37:07Ooh, let me see that.
00:37:08I'll take it. He is a suspect, after all.
00:37:11Thanks, Ida. You can use all the help we can get on this one.
00:37:14You mean, like, my help?
00:37:16I think you've helped enough.
00:37:20Ooh, I know that tone.
00:37:22I'll see you later.
00:37:24Bye, Mother!
00:37:27Sorry about that.
00:37:42You okay? Bad news?
00:37:44Uh, there's gonna be a candlelight vigil for Kevin at the university tonight.
00:37:48Professor Lindo's gonna make a little speech.
00:37:51And I bet you anything his killer is gonna be there.
00:37:54Is it true they always return to the scene of crime?
00:37:56Not always, but clichés are clichés for a reason, right?
00:38:00Well, since you're gonna be rubbing elbows with killers, I think you should go to this vigil with you.
00:38:04If that's alright.
00:38:05Really? You want to?
00:38:06Yeah! Be like your backup.
00:38:08One of these days, we should really go to a movie like normal people.
00:38:11Yes, please.
00:38:13My new resume.
00:38:16Fancy! This looks great!
00:38:18Daniel is looking right at you.
00:38:24Two jobs and a beau. Ro, you have no idea how good you have it.
00:38:28Are you not feeling the romance? I mean, he's completely smitten with you.
00:38:33Daniel is perfectly sweet, and we're having a lovely time together.
00:38:42I know a place that's hiring.
00:38:43What? Where?
00:38:44Pizza and Play.
00:38:45Ew! Pizza and Play is, like, gross and hectic.
00:38:49And also where your student literally got poisoned.
00:38:53Look, Arthur was able to look at the security footage, and I thought if you were there, we could, you know...
00:38:57You thought that I could play spy in your little whodunit game?
00:39:02Not spy. More like, um, going undercover.
00:39:07Like a journalist.
00:39:09Think about it.
00:39:10Sally also cracks the case. She figures out who did it.
00:39:14Okay. I'll think about it.
00:39:15I mean, this could be your way to get back into writing, and you...
00:39:17Okay! I said I would think about it.
00:39:18And if you don't stop badgering me, I'm gonna tell your mother.
00:39:21You wouldn't dare.
00:39:22Oh, I would. Of course I would.
00:39:26Okay, so I'm gonna need a reference.
00:39:30Don't make me beg, please. Sure.
00:39:35Yeah, I didn't like Kevin.
00:39:37I have my reasons, but, uh...
00:39:40I didn't put sodium whatever in his shake.
00:39:43Sodium nitrate.
00:39:45There's plenty of it at your mother's dental office.
00:39:47Or there was until the other night when someone broke in.
00:39:50Now at least one bottle is missing.
00:39:52Teresa from the office.
00:39:54She said the assailant had a build just like yours.
00:39:58A lot of people match my build.
00:40:00You're on the baseball team, right?
00:40:03What position?
00:40:05This roster says that as of last week,
00:40:08Kevin was the starting shortstop.
00:40:14Bet you're pretty happy to be back to starter now that Kevin's dead.
00:40:20Bet you wanted that position pretty bad.
00:40:24Bad enough to kill for it.
00:40:27Kid, you're connected to the sodium nitrate,
00:40:29and you got a great reason to want Kevin dead.
00:40:32Okay, I don't know what you want me to say to you.
00:40:35I'm not the only one who didn't like Kevin, okay?
00:40:37He got a guy named Cal Watson fired from the university.
00:40:41Probably messed up his whole life.
00:40:42You should talk to him. How about that?
00:40:44You know, Carpenter, we're talking to you right now.
00:40:46That's what you need to worry about.
00:40:51Arthur said Tanner denied knowing anything about how sodium nitrate got into Kevin's shake.
00:40:55Yeah, of course he did.
00:40:57Oh, no. I forgot my notes on my desk,
00:40:59and Kevin's parents are waiting.
00:41:01Oh, it's okay. You go meet them. I'll get the notes. Be right back.
00:41:04Okay, thank you.
00:42:01What are you looking for?
00:42:02I think we should talk about the fact that you were attacked.
00:42:07Any idea who might want to rob you, Professor?
00:42:10Well, my first thought was Cal Watson.
00:42:12I wouldn't give him a letter of recommendation,
00:42:14so maybe he wanted to steal some of my letterhead.
00:42:18Yeah, but why ransack your office?
00:42:20I don't know. To get back at me for refusing him?
00:42:24I really think this has something to do with Kevin's murder.
00:42:28Maybe it was somebody else in your class.
00:42:31You know, Professor, it's probably not the best idea to teach a class on
00:42:35how to commit a murder and get away with it.
00:42:37Get away with it?
00:42:39What, you don't think he'll catch the killer, Alistair?
00:42:45Let's check with campus police.
00:42:47Their security cameras. Maybe they got something.
00:42:49Professor, it's Teagarden. Let's go, Smith.
00:42:58I just wish they seemed more concerned about you.
00:43:00I'm fine.
00:43:03I'm gonna get some more ice, okay?
00:43:14So, Cook's first name is Alistair.
00:43:18Always know the cops as well as you know the suspects, Aurora.
00:43:22I don't know, maybe he's right.
00:43:24Maybe teaching true crime is nothing more than handing over the blueprints
00:43:29for murder to impressionable minds.
00:43:31Oh, come on. You don't really believe that.
00:43:33I don't know what I believe right now.
00:43:35But I know I don't like the idea of convening a class when
00:43:40maybe a possible killer in our midst.
00:43:42Well, I believe that the answer to Kevin's murder is where the poisoning happened.
00:43:47Pizza and play.
00:43:48I'm gonna go there tomorrow and get a lay of the land
00:43:50and see if I can come up with a working theory of what happened.
00:43:52No, Aurora, I don't want you putting yourself in any more danger, okay?
00:43:55This course has already caused enough problems.
00:43:58Now listen, if teaching this class is really just teaching people how to get away with murder,
00:44:03well, then it's not only irresponsible, it's morally wrong.
00:44:08Are you saying...
00:44:09Yes, I am saying that if the police do not catch Kevin's killer, then...
00:44:14well, then that's the end of this course.
00:44:24Lab results on those sweetener packets?
00:44:28Nothing suspicious on the ones her girlfriend handed over,
00:44:30but it doesn't mean she didn't poison her that day.
00:44:33The real question is, did the shake taste funny because it was already poisoned?
00:44:37That would leave us with two of them that handled it before she added the sweetener.
00:44:41Kyle Watson, Owen Parker.
00:44:43And Tanner Carpenter, who knocked it over.
00:44:48I don't know, it seems like our suspects are lying to us.
00:44:51Kevin Lambert's text messages.
00:44:54So, Owen told us he'd spent months trying to patch things up with his so-called best friend,
00:44:59but according to these, he only started doing that four days before the murder.
00:45:04That number one.
00:45:05Kyle Watson claimed he felt no animosity toward Kevin,
00:45:08but sent him angry text messages over the past several weeks,
00:45:12blaming him for ruining his reputation.
00:45:15That's two.
00:45:16And why would Tanner tell us he hardly knows Kyle,
00:45:19then send Kevin a text calling him a rat for outing Kyle to Professor Lindo?
00:45:24Lie number three.
00:45:26We need to interview them each again, separately.
00:45:30Surprise them, throw them off guard.
00:45:32It's time for some real detective work.
00:45:35No more messing around.
00:45:42You coming?
00:45:44Let me get my jacket.
00:45:49Ah, my replacement.
00:45:51Do you want this job too?
00:45:53I don't want anything from you.
00:45:55Then why are you here?
00:45:56Oh, I meant I don't want anything from you personally.
00:45:59I'd like a chocolate shake.
00:46:01Coming right up.
00:46:08Oh, I'm sorry.
00:46:10Caesar Sally.
00:46:12I need a good job, okay?
00:46:13And they're hiring.
00:46:14And this is just until I find something else.
00:46:17Just admit that journalistic curiosity played a little part of why you applied.
00:46:23You want to know the real reason I applied?
00:46:26This hat.
00:46:27I look adorable in it.
00:46:28That you do, Caesar Sally.
00:46:32That'll be $4.19.
00:46:36Kyle, um, were you working last night?
00:46:38Or did you go to the vigil for Kevin?
00:46:40I didn't see you there, but I don't know,
00:46:42I thought maybe I saw you leaving Professor Lindo's office.
00:46:46Find your receipt.
00:46:50Yeah, we'll go to Chuck's on the way back.
00:46:52Sally, you work here?
00:46:54You got a twin?
00:46:56Miss Teagarden, why are you everywhere?
00:47:02I was craving a shake.
00:47:07Kyle Watson, we have a few questions for you.
00:47:10I'm not an idiot.
00:47:11You're trying to get me to talk without my lawyer present.
00:47:15Fine, you want to play it that way?
00:47:16Call your lawyer and tell him to meet us down at the station.
00:47:23a couple days ago,
00:47:24I saw Kevin go into Owen Parker's car.
00:47:27Owen practically lives out of that car.
00:47:30Maybe we should check that out.
00:47:31You're just remembering that now?
00:47:33You know what, Smith, it feels like he's trying to get us to leave.
00:47:36I'm just trying to help.
00:47:37You leaving is a bonus.
00:47:39Excuse me, ma'am.
00:47:40What's up?
00:47:41Professor Lindo, hi, I'm...
00:47:42Oh, is there anyone else?
00:47:43Uh, yeah.
00:47:44I'm on my way.
00:47:49Whoa, you put this place back together fast.
00:47:53Which is how I discovered
00:47:55that the hard copies of last semester's writing assignments are all gone.
00:47:59The one on the murder by poisoning unit?
00:48:01Not just those.
00:48:02All of them.
00:48:03From the entire semester.
00:48:05Well, it's gotta be Cal, right?
00:48:07But he knew my filing system.
00:48:09And whoever broke into this place
00:48:11obviously did some frantic searching.
00:48:13Okay, so...
00:48:15Tanner didn't take the class last year,
00:48:17so the only suspects whose work disappeared are Jenny and...
00:48:24Owen Parker.
00:48:27I'll be right back.
00:48:34Arthur, hi.
00:48:35I've got some information for you.
00:48:38You're aware?
00:48:41You're arresting Owen?
00:48:45We found this under his passenger seat.
00:48:48Sodium nitrite powder.
00:48:50Someone must have put that there.
00:48:52We'll have to talk about that now, won't we?
00:48:55Isn't that kind of weird?
00:48:56I mean, why would he let you search his car if he did it?
00:48:59Plenty of criminals are sloppy.
00:49:00But poison isn't a crime of passion.
00:49:02The statistics are overwhelming.
00:49:04Poisoners go to great lengths to make sure they don't get caught.
00:49:06It's almost always planned.
00:49:07She's right.
00:49:08We don't arrest people based on statistics, Ro.
00:49:11We use the evidence.
00:49:12And the evidence suggests that Owen might have done it.
00:49:24Something doesn't add up.
00:49:35Look, I swear I'm telling you the truth.
00:49:37Why would I say go ahead and search if I knew that bottle was in there?
00:49:40Maybe you thought you'd taken care of it.
00:49:43Maybe you didn't realize that it rolled under your seat.
00:49:45No, that's...
00:49:46Look, I have no idea where that bottle came from.
00:49:49It's an old car.
00:49:50The locks don't always work.
00:49:52Anyone could have put it there.
00:49:54Someone's messing with me.
00:49:57And who do you think would be messing with you, Owen?
00:49:59I don't know.
00:50:00Look, I swear, I don't know.
00:50:02But I'm sure someone else had a reason to get rid of Kevin.
00:50:06Someone else wanted to kill your best...
00:50:09Sorry, ex-best friend.
00:50:11You're sure of that, huh?
00:50:14Tanner was always complaining about it.
00:50:17That he took his spot on the team.
00:50:19Someone made all the papers from your true crime lit class last semester disappear.
00:50:24Including yours.
00:50:26You know anything about that?
00:50:29I don't...
00:50:31What are you asking?
00:50:33Do you still have the paper you wrote for that class?
00:50:38Can you show it to us?
00:50:40No, I deleted all my stuff from last year.
00:50:43But you must know what it's about.
00:50:44Does subject matter?
00:50:46Not really.
00:50:47I mean, it was a really boring class and...
00:50:50Look, I don't remember.
00:50:53I don't believe in Smith.
00:50:54Do you?
00:50:55No, I don't.
00:50:57But, if you want, you're free to go.
00:51:03We don't have enough to charge you yet.
00:51:08So don't leave town.
00:51:12Hello, darling.
00:51:15Working on your thesis?
00:51:17Not exactly.
00:51:21I know, I know.
00:51:22Me and my murder cases.
00:51:25Oh, boy.
00:51:27Elbow's on the table and everything.
00:51:30What's wrong?
00:51:31I'm exhausted.
00:51:33How do you do it?
00:51:34Do what?
00:51:35How do you deal with that sea of eyes looking at you blankly?
00:51:39I mean, who knows if anyone is really paying attention.
00:51:44I mean, it can be really tough sometimes.
00:51:49You know, but I...
00:51:50It can be really tough sometimes.
00:51:53You know, but I just...
00:51:54I try to look out and find the one person that seems engaged and just talk directly to them.
00:52:01You might not get through to everybody, but there's always someone listening.
00:52:06Yeah, you're right.
00:52:11How did you get so smart?
00:52:32Dissolve completely in liquid before use.
00:52:41Don't cook it at 375.
00:52:43Not 450, you're gonna burn it.
00:52:45Gotta go.
00:52:50Wash skin thoroughly if handled.
00:52:52Toxic if swallowed.
00:52:55It's a bottle insert for sodium nitrate.
00:52:58Who had this?
00:53:01Why shine this to me?
00:53:06It came from here.
00:53:09Where did you get that?
00:53:10It's your folder.
00:53:11Fell out of your backpack during a fight.
00:53:14Uh, yeah, that's my folder, but I've never seen this before.
00:53:18It's an insert from a bottle of sodium nitrate.
00:53:21Look familiar?
00:53:23Same bottle that came from your mother's dental office.
00:53:26And then was stashed under Owen Parker's car seat in an attempt to frame him.
00:53:29That's crazy.
00:53:30I told you guys.
00:53:32I didn't steal anything.
00:53:34And how did I even know she had that kind of thing?
00:53:36How would I know what kind of car Owen drives?
00:53:39I don't know him.
00:53:40You're on video, Tanner, knocking over Kevin Lambert's shake and disappearing with it for long enough to poison it.
00:53:45Look, it was a stupid thing to do, but I didn't poison his shake.
00:53:50Then explain that.
00:53:52I don't know.
00:53:53Maybe someone put it with my stuff.
00:53:55My backpack went missing a couple days ago at the batting cages.
00:53:59But you had it the following day at school.
00:54:01Yeah, someone returned it to me.
00:54:03Somebody who works there.
00:54:04The guy we were talking about earlier.
00:54:06Cal Watson.
00:54:07Yes, him.
00:54:08The guy you claim not to know.
00:54:09I don't know him.
00:54:10I don't know him.
00:54:14I just know that he was a TA for Professor Lindo's class and helped a few guys on the team get a decent grade so they could play ball.
00:54:22And Kevin ratted him out.
00:54:23So those guys got suspended from the team and he ruined the season.
00:54:27Wrecked the team, wrecked me, but hey, at least he got to play shortstop.
00:54:33He's such a rat.
00:54:35Thank you so much for an excellent example of motive for murder.
00:54:43Just because I'm not sad Kevin's dead doesn't mean I killed him.
00:54:47But if Cal Watson's the one who did him in, hey, I might even thank him.
00:54:54Unless he's trying to pit it on me, because then I helped you catch him.
00:55:05Oh my God.
00:55:11Well, does Arthur think it was Cal?
00:55:13I don't know what Arthur thinks.
00:55:15He's not really listening to me.
00:55:17I don't know why.
00:55:18I'm helping him with the investigation.
00:55:19He just seems so annoyed.
00:55:21Does he seem annoyed when you guys talk about other stuff?
00:55:23Other stuff like?
00:55:25Well, if you guys only ever talk about murder investigations and...
00:55:30Daniel and...
00:55:31I work with Daniel.
00:55:32You work with Daniel.
00:55:33And you are dating him.
00:55:34Okay, yes, I'm dating him.
00:55:35I just think he misses when we all used to hang out.
00:55:39Like, you know, in high school.
00:55:41I know, it's just...
00:55:43That was a long time ago.
00:55:45Yeah, I know.
00:55:46It was a long time ago.
00:55:57Uh, Sally?
00:55:59Would you like me to help you with that?
00:56:01No, you're not allowed back here.
00:56:03Okay, well, we have the same shake machine at the diner and I know how to fix it.
00:56:06Well, then get back here.
00:56:10Alright, here's what you want to do.
00:56:13So, you take this piece off.
00:56:17Make sure that's attached and there's a little support underneath that you...
00:56:19Oh, what is that?
00:56:20Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:56:21Don't touch that.
00:56:25Sodium nitrite in its crystalline form is yellowish.
00:56:29It could be poison.
00:56:32I gotta say, it was nice of you to call this time instead of running your own investigation.
00:56:36Okay, you know me.
00:56:38Team player.
00:56:39You're not part of the team, Miss Teagarden.
00:56:41You're not even on the bench.
00:56:43But you did stumble upon some good evidence which points at Cal Watson
00:56:46and puts the poison at the shake machine, which is where he could have added it.
00:56:50And framed Owen by planting evidence.
00:56:57Update on Cal Watson.
00:56:59He's very leisurely strolling home, stopping at a few shops on his way.
00:57:03Seems pretty casual.
00:57:05Was it sodium nitrite?
00:57:06We can't be certain until it's tested, but it sure looks that way.
00:57:09Bring him in.
00:57:10Uh, never mind, he's running.
00:57:12Well, run after him.
00:57:13Yes, in pursuit.
00:57:19Well, running from the cops seems kind of...
00:57:30Cal, stop!
00:57:51I surrender, officer.
00:57:53It's all just a misunderstanding.
00:58:00Well, after talking to his lawyer,
00:58:02Cal Watson claimed he was working at Pete Semple
00:58:04the night of the break-in at Carpenter Dental.
00:58:06I double-checked the surveillance footage of Pete Semple,
00:58:08and his alibi checks out.
00:58:10He was not the one who stole the sodium nitrite.
00:58:22Send him home.
00:58:24Send him home.
00:58:29Cal refused to admit that the sodium nitrite was his.
00:58:32Arthur said they didn't have enough to hold him.
00:58:34I mean, they seem to be just as confused as we are.
00:58:37I can't believe that I hired a TA
00:58:39who may have been capable of committing a murder.
00:58:42And a sloppy one at that.
00:58:44I mean, if he did it,
00:58:45he would have had days to clean up the evidence.
00:58:48I've decided that I am cutting the unit on poison short.
00:58:52That with everything that's happened,
00:58:54it just... it just doesn't feel right.
00:58:57What's next?
00:58:58The queens of true crime.
00:59:00I ask the students to pick a book by either Anne Rule or Catherine Casey,
00:59:03and then write an essay breaking down the case and how it was solved.
00:59:11Did you do that unit last year?
00:59:13Yeah, I did. Why?
00:59:16Well, I'm just wondering what books our suspects chose.
00:59:19I mean, Owen and Jenny, too.
00:59:21It just seems like whoever stole those essays
00:59:23thought there must be something damaging in them.
00:59:25Sure, but for all we know, Cal or whoever it was
00:59:28just wanted to destroy Jenny's paper on sodium nitrite,
00:59:31not knowing that we'd already found it.
00:59:32Maybe, but...
00:59:34maybe it's something else.
00:59:35I suppose it could be, but...
00:59:37I mean, those two authors have written more than 40 books between them.
00:59:41And there's no way that I'm gonna remember which student chose what.
00:59:43So I'm sorry, Aurora. I just...
00:59:46I think this is a thread that we have to let go.
00:59:52It doesn't make any sense for Tanner to break into the office.
00:59:56He could have taken the keys from his mother.
00:59:58It would have been much easier.
01:00:00And Tanner was the last one to touch that cup.
01:00:02It would make so much more sense if it was poisoned
01:00:04before it even reached Kevin.
01:00:06It would explain the bitter taste and need of sugar.
01:00:09Maybe it really did have too much protein powder.
01:00:11I mean, I can see Tanner planting the sodium nitrite in Owen Parker's car,
01:00:15but adding the powder to the shake machine to implicate Cal Watson?
01:00:19That'd be really tricky.
01:00:21Kid does make the place a second home.
01:00:24He could have easily planted it.
01:00:26No problem.
01:00:30Uh, it could be any one of them.
01:00:32I guess we just have to hope for more information to turn up.
01:00:39Hope for more information to turn up?
01:00:41Smith, you really are a rookie.
01:00:45I need a donut.
01:00:48I need a donut.
01:00:55I feel like I should do an accent.
01:00:57Why would you do an accent?
01:00:59Because I'm going undercover.
01:01:01You're cute, and normally I would say yes please, but today we're just us.
01:01:05Okay, well, I mean, it's less fun, but okay.
01:01:10Look, I really appreciate you doing this.
01:01:12You know, the police seem stuck,
01:01:14and the professor is having some kind of crisis of confidence about teaching true crime lit,
01:01:17and I want her to know that it's not the problem, but the solution.
01:01:23I get it.
01:01:24Okay, so I'm thinking you go up to Tanner, you know, something like,
01:01:28what's up, bro? And he's like, what's up?
01:01:30And, you know, you can, like, throw the bats and the balls and sports things.
01:01:36Just, you know, just get him to say something.
01:01:39Now who's cute?
01:01:45I am so ready for my break.
01:01:49What are you doing?
01:01:53Do you ever read anything other than true crime?
01:01:55Uh, rude. Why don't you try it before you knock it? You might like it.
01:01:59Nothing better to do for the next 20 minutes, so.
01:02:06Send another.
01:02:09Hey, nice hit.
01:02:12Is the coach going to let you play with the police all over you, or?
01:02:15I'm being framed, and he kind of has to if he wants to win.
01:02:19Framed? Oh, man, that's got to grind your gears.
01:02:22Yeah, a little.
01:02:25But it's not going to work. I'm innocent.
01:02:27You know who did it?
01:02:28Could be the guy desperate to date Kevin's girlfriend.
01:02:36You seem to know an awful lot, bro.
01:02:39Hey, look who I'm dating, you know?
01:02:45Better you than me.
01:02:50The film guy. It's like, why would he go after you?
01:02:52You know, I get his beef with Kevin, stealing his girlfriend and all.
01:02:55Is he really stealing, though, if she was just using Kevin to make Owen jealous?
01:02:59I saw Jenny and Owen together not even two weeks ago, and they looked awfully friendly.
01:03:06And that was before Kevin died.
01:03:10Good luck.
01:03:13Did you hear that?
01:03:15No, I'm reading. I thought we were reading.
01:03:17You're reading. I have to go call Arthur.
01:03:24Jenny, why don't you tell us about your relationship with Owen right before Kevin died?
01:03:29Have you ever had two boys be interested in you at the same time?
01:03:36Hard to say.
01:03:37I wasn't popular in high school, but then I came to college, and...
01:03:44Owen was a nice guy. Strange sometimes, sure.
01:03:48But nice.
01:03:50And he would do anything for me.
01:03:54But then there was Kevin.
01:03:56And in high school, the idea of the star athlete being interested in me would be some sort of cruel joke.
01:04:01But he was.
01:04:05So I told Owen that we couldn't be anything more than friends ever again.
01:04:10Okay, well, uh, thank you, Jenny.
01:04:13Uh, I do actually have one more question.
01:04:16Do you happen to remember what book you chose for the Queens of True Crime literature unit?
01:04:21Um, yeah. Bitter Harvest.
01:04:25It was so depressing.
01:04:26Honestly, Professor Lindo is cool, but the whole class was depressing.
01:04:32Owen talked me into taking it.
01:04:34Do you remember what book he chose?
01:04:36No. He would help me with my papers, but I'd never help him with his.
01:04:41Did he help you with your paper on sodium nitrite?
01:04:45Um, yeah.
01:04:48I was really overwhelmed with other classes, freshman year and all.
01:04:52He pretty much wrote it for me.
01:05:01I should get Jenny in here, right?
01:05:03So you can hear for yourself why I think Owen Parker's at the top of the list now.
01:05:07Sure. Owen's at the top of the list now.
01:05:10Three hours ago it was a Tanner kid, yesterday it was Cal Watson.
01:05:13We're chasing our tails trying to make something stick.
01:05:16Well, I don't think it's Jenny, but someone is doing an excellent job.
01:05:19No, Smith. No one's doing an excellent job of framing the others.
01:05:23You frame someone, they go to jail for what you did.
01:05:27Do you see anyone sitting in jail?
01:05:33Whoever killed Kevin Lambert might just get away with it.
01:05:50Hey, what'd you figure out?
01:05:52Nothing. That's the problem.
01:05:55I think Detective Cook is giving up on this case. He thinks it's unsolvable.
01:06:01Well, all I can see is frustration. And yours.
01:06:05When I get frustrated like that, I just try to step back, you know?
01:06:10Look for the bigger picture. Try to find the pattern.
01:06:13And what if there isn't one?
01:06:15There's always a pattern.
01:06:16Like Professor Lando says, there are no innovative killers.
01:06:21Well, enlighten me, Roti Garden. What's the pattern here?
01:06:25Well, I don't know yet. I don't think we've stepped back far enough, but we will.
01:06:33I believe in us. I believe in you.
01:06:36But I need to believe in the system. Procedure. That's how crimes are solved.
01:06:40Look, there are just some leads you can't follow as a cop.
01:06:43I can follow anything.
01:06:44Yeah, but you can't follow a feeling.
01:06:54We should do this more often. Hang out, I mean.
01:06:58Well, we see each other all the time.
01:07:00Yeah, at the diner when we're both at work.
01:07:02Yeah, well, we're busy people.
01:07:04Yeah, but I miss getting coffee with you.
01:07:07And talking about school. About people. About crime.
01:07:12I really, I love spending time with you, bro.
01:07:23Arthur, I'm really sorry. We haven't hung out like I said we would.
01:07:31And we can. We will.
01:07:35And you know that it's not just me.
01:07:37We can. We will.
01:07:40And you know that no matter what happens in my life, we're always going to be friends, right?
01:07:47Yeah. Yeah, I know that.
01:07:52Have you found anything in the books?
01:07:55Uh, yeah. Yeah, there's lots in the books.
01:08:01There's many different ways this could have happened.
01:08:03Much like my thesis. Lots of tangents and none that quite fit.
01:08:20Aurora! I didn't expect to see you here.
01:08:24And with a stack of books. What a surprise.
01:08:27Mother, what are you doing here?
01:08:28Well, one of my students has asked to meet me for coffee so she could pick my brain about the housing market.
01:08:34A one-on-one session. Those can be really satisfying.
01:08:37Oh, and to be talking about my true passion. See, you were right. Someone was listening.
01:08:43Well done, Mother.
01:08:45Oh, there she is now.
01:08:49Have fun.
01:08:51See you later.
01:08:58That's a lot of reading.
01:09:00Well, more like a lot of skimming. Trying to find some inspiration.
01:09:04Or maybe where someone else found inspiration.
01:09:07Hey, thank you for getting Tanner to spill some stuff.
01:09:10Yeah, it was interesting. It's like a game of Clue. I can see I can get obsessed.
01:09:14But it's not a game, and I wonder, do you think this obsession is healthy?
01:09:25Look, you are not the first person to suggest that.
01:09:29But ignoring the truth while a potential murderer might show up in my class isn't the path to my mental health and well-being.
01:09:35Right. Yeah, of course.
01:09:44I have to go.
01:09:46Okay. Um, to play detective?
01:09:50Never. I'm a librarian.
01:09:53Can you with the books? I'll be back. Just...
01:10:05Hey, Cal. So, that thing that was in the machine...
01:10:09Yeah. I already got the third degree from the cops about that.
01:10:13Right. But, um, did you know that it was in there?
01:10:17It would be pretty bad if I did.
01:10:22Sally, you're all right. But clearly you've forgotten how to have a conversation.
01:10:27What do you want now?
01:10:29Well, Tanner, we're moving on to the Queens of Chew Crime next section, and I had a recommendation for you.
01:10:36Yeah, no thanks.
01:10:38You sure? I think you'll like this one. You'll never guess who did it.
01:10:45I'm sorry.
01:10:47I'm sorry.
01:10:49I'm sorry.
01:10:51I'm sorry.
01:10:52You'll never guess who did it.
01:10:56Unless you've already read it.
01:11:03You know what? I, uh, don't think this one's my speed. I'll pick my own, thanks.
01:11:09Suit yourself.
01:11:15See you around.
01:11:23Good night.
01:11:25Hey, Sal, you okay?
01:11:31In the book you gave me, the detectives needed a confession, so they grilled the guy until he gave it.
01:11:41I tried to get Kel to confess, and I was really bad at it.
01:11:44You, um...
01:11:46I know, but it was the book. I couldn't put it down, Ro. You're dragging me to the dark side.
01:11:50First, this.
01:11:52Well, I...
01:11:53And spying.
01:11:56And if it makes you feel any better, I tried a gambit of my own, and I'm not sure it paid off.
01:12:01What do you mean?
01:12:02Sally, I gotta bounce. I need you to lock up, okay?
01:12:05No, Kel already left. I'm the only one here.
01:12:07Ah, you got this. Look, I just got off the phone with corporate, and they want me to drive down there and interview for the regional manager's job.
01:12:14Isn't it a little late for that?
01:12:16Oof. Let me tell you, it's about three years too late if you ask me.
01:12:21Anyway, here you go.
01:12:25Anyway, it doesn't matter. Just, um...
01:12:27Don't even have to bother counting the drawer or anything.
01:12:30You just make sure the food is sealed and refrigerated. That's it. And then you lock the doors when you leave.
01:12:33Piece of cake, okay?
01:12:35Sally Addison.
01:12:37Employee of the month.
01:12:39It's... No, actually, it's Allison.
01:12:41I know. I know. I know.
01:12:43I know.
01:12:44What? I like that guy. He seems great.
01:12:49I've been here for three days, Ro. Do you know how big this place is? I can't close it all by myself. He hasn't shown me out.
01:12:54It's okay. I can stay back and help.
01:12:56Good. I was prepared to beg.
01:12:59Do you think he'll take the leap to upper management?
01:13:01I don't even know if he's gonna make it to his car.
01:13:05Okay. What can I do to help?
01:13:07I have to try to figure out how to lock that front door.
01:13:11If you could...
01:13:14Find room in the walk-in for all the stuff that's left over in the kitchen, would you please?
01:13:21You're welcome.
01:13:50In the security footage with Kevin, the camera was pointed dead on the counters in the dining room, but this is pointed directly at the door.
01:14:13Cal moved the camera. He wanted us to see it all.
01:14:28Arthur, I got it. It wasn't just one of them. It was...
01:14:33Hang it up.
01:14:50What are you doing?
01:14:52She knew the book you read.
01:14:53You could have told me that in the text. Something more than just get over to Pizza and Play.
01:14:57She figured it out!
01:14:58What do you think I figured out?
01:15:00Shut up! I'm not talking to you. We need to fix this before it gets worse.
01:15:04This wasn't the plan, Cal.
01:15:06Plans change.
01:15:08What do we do, huh?
01:15:10Put them in the freezer overnight. They got locked in. It was a terrible accident.
01:15:14And we delete the footage this time?
01:15:16No cameras back here.
01:15:20Take her!
01:15:22Sally, run! Go!
01:15:29Go get her!
01:15:36I'm locked.
01:15:39I'm not doing this. I'm not going anywhere.
01:15:42We are not getting caught.
01:15:45You're already caught. I know all three of you killed Kevin together.
01:15:48And you spread around the evidence enough to create reasonable doubt about each of you.
01:15:51And if I figured it out, the police will too.
01:16:01Don't let her manipulate you.
01:16:03I mean, that's why you broke into Professor Lindo's office, right, Owen?
01:16:06You were freaked out about your paper on Die, My Love.
01:16:08Okay, let me go. I won't say anything. Just let me leave!
01:16:11You choreographed it so each of you touched the shake that day.
01:16:13You each had motive and opportunity.
01:16:15And by making it look obvious, it threw everything into confusion.
01:16:18How does she know all this?
01:16:19She doesn't. She's guessing, and you're giving it away, idiot!
01:16:29I'm done, Cal.
01:16:30No! Get back here!
01:16:38If she gets away, we're all going down. Come on!
01:17:04Let's go.
01:17:51Stop running, Sally!
01:18:24I'm sorry.
01:18:59Get her!
01:19:17You don't have to do anything you don't want to do.
01:19:22I have to.
01:19:23No. You don't have to.
01:19:25You can cooperate with the cops.
01:19:27You can tell them it was Cal's idea, that they talked you into it.
01:19:30Just, please, Owen.
01:19:32I know you don't want to do this.
01:19:44You are such a pain.
01:19:48If you won't do it, I will.
01:19:52Drop the knife!
01:19:55Hands on the bar.
01:19:58Let's go.
01:19:59Check them for weapons.
01:20:00Let's go.
01:20:04You're under arrest for the murder of Kevin Lambert.
01:20:06All three of you.
01:20:07You have the right to remain silent.
01:20:08Anything you say or do can be used against you in the court of law.
01:20:11You have the right to an attorney.
01:20:13If you do not have one, one will be appointed to you.
01:20:25Not bad, huh?
01:20:27I can't not finish it. I've already made it this far.
01:20:30But, Ro, after this, this is it, okay?
01:20:34No more true crime.
01:20:37We'll see.
01:20:43You can spare me any more of the gruesome details,
01:20:45but I'm so glad that it's all over and that you're okay.
01:20:49Thank you, Mother.
01:20:51Oh, Amora tells me that you're thinking of discontinuing your class.
01:20:55Yeah, I am considering it.
01:20:57I mean, I can't help but feel responsible for all of this.
01:21:00What you're responsible for is guiding me.
01:21:02Yes, the subject may produce the occasional tanner,
01:21:05but it creates more people who care about finding the truth.
01:21:09Knowledge can be dangerous, yes, but if we believe in each other,
01:21:17we owe it to each other to be honest
01:21:19and trust that people will take the information and do something good.
01:21:23Well argued, Ms. Teagarden.
01:21:25However, I just...
01:21:27Well, I'm only recently an educator,
01:21:30and I must say that as much as I have distaste for the subject matter,
01:21:36I agree with Aurora.
01:21:38Wow. Thank you, Mother.
01:21:42Well, perhaps you're right.
01:21:44You know, while I still feel it is my responsibility
01:21:47to make some significant changes to the syllabus,
01:21:50I agree it is my job to continue to educate those who are inclined to do good.
01:21:55So, yes, the course will continue.
01:22:00Oh, thank you.
01:22:01Thank you, Aurora.
01:22:02Well, I have to get to class.
01:22:04Well, I'll walk with you, Aida.
01:22:05Okay. See you later.
01:22:10You are really something else.
01:22:12After all that, you puzzled out the craziest murder plot I've ever heard of.
01:22:16Don't tell Cook I told you, but he's impressed.
01:22:19He's impressed.
01:22:20Begrudgingly, maybe, but he's impressed.
01:22:27Miss Teagarden?
01:22:30Let's go, Smith. We've got things to do, and I've got to fry some fish.
01:22:40Okay, I'm starving. Can we grab a bite before I meet Daniel?
01:22:43Maybe something quick.
01:22:44Okay, anything but pizza, please.
01:22:46I'm thinking burgers.
01:22:50Okay, so another date with Daniel, then?
01:22:52Yeah. I mean, I'm not really used to it, but he's sweet.
01:22:56That's it? There's no other suspects?
01:23:07No other suspects.
01:23:13Question for you.
01:23:14So, do you think it's normal that we've been held hostage twice in the span of six months?
01:23:18Sure. We're in our twenties.
01:23:48We're in our twenties.
