
  • 2 days ago
00:00Center shoot, Å ačirija BariÅ”ić on the right spot
00:04With 5-6 meters of distance, he passed the ball to the goal
00:10He couldn't do anything there, Fon Balmoz was too close to BariÅ”ić
00:15And I say, the center shoot was perfect, Adrian Leon BariÅ”ić achieves his
00:22In fact, a debut goal for the team from Basel
00:26This is his 31st appearance for this team, which came from Osijek last season
00:31Here, finally a goal from BariÅ”ić and for his good game with Borbenos
00:36Which shows envy on the court, this is a real reward
00:40Almost with his shoulder