تلاوة تاريخية - الشیخ حجاج الهنداوي سورة الشوری والضحی والشرح والعلق

  • 2 days ago
00:00In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:09Respond to your Lord before there comes a Day from God which will not be returned to Him.
00:33You will have no refuge that Day, and you will have no protector.
00:55But if they turn away, then We have not sent you as a guardian over them, you are only a warner.
01:26And when We give man a taste of Our mercy, he rejoices therein.
01:46And if evil befalls them because of what their hands have put forth, then indeed, man is ungrateful.
02:16To God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth.
02:36He creates what He wills, and He gives to whom He wills a female, and He gives to whom He wills a male.
03:06He gives to whom He wills a female, and He gives to whom He wills a male.
03:31He creates what He wills, and He gives to whom He wills a female, and He gives to whom He wills a male.
04:01He gives to whom He wills a female, and He gives to whom He wills a male.
04:21He gives to whom He wills a female, and He gives to whom He wills a male.
04:51Indeed, He is Knowing and Powerful.
05:21There is none worthy of worship except as a revelation from behind the veil, or as a messenger sent.
05:51No, no, no.
06:21Allah is Great.
06:51The Qur'an is not a book or faith, but We have made it a light.
07:21The Qur'an is not a book or faith, but We have made it a light.
07:44And indeed, you lead to the straight path, the path of Allah.
08:15The path of Allah.
08:25The path of Allah.
08:36The path of Allah.
08:42And indeed, you lead to the straight path, the path of Allah.
09:12The path of Allah.
09:15The path of Allah.
09:21Allah is Great.
09:42There is none worthy of worship except as a revelation from behind the veil, or as a messenger sent.
10:13And thus did We reveal to you a spirit of Our command.
10:29And thus did We reveal to you a spirit of Our command.
10:54The Qur'an is not a book or faith, but We have made it a light.
11:24The Qur'an is not a book or faith, but We have made it a light.
11:37The Qur'an is not a book or faith, but We have made it a light.
12:08And indeed, you lead to the straight path.
12:28And indeed, you lead to the straight path.
12:49The path of Allah.
13:19The path of Allah, to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth.
13:38There is none worthy of worship except as a revelation from behind the veil, or as a messenger sent.
14:09In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
14:19Surat Al-Fatiha.
14:49Surat Al-Fatiha.
15:19Surat Al-Fatiha.
15:49Surat Al-Fatiha.
16:19Surat Al-Fatiha.
16:49Surat Al-Fatiha.
17:04Surat Al-Fatiha.
17:34Surat Al-Fatiha.
17:45Surat Al-Fatiha.
18:04Surat Al-Fatiha.
18:24Surat Al-Fatiha.
18:54Surat Al-Fatiha.
19:07Surat Al-Fatiha.
19:19Surat Al-Fatiha.
19:27Surat Al-Fatiha.
19:41Surat Al-Fatiha.
19:56Surat Al-Fatiha.
20:26Surat Al-Fatiha.
20:54Surat Al-Fatiha.
21:09Surat Al-Fatiha.
21:21Surat Al-Fatiha.
21:33Surat Al-Fatiha.
22:02Surat Al-Fatiha.
22:27Surat Al-Fatiha.
22:40Surat Al-Fatiha.
23:05Surat Al-Fatiha.
23:14Surat Al-Fatiha.
23:33Surat Al-Fatiha.
23:57Surat Al-Fatiha.
24:12Surat Al-Fatiha.
24:27Surat Al-Fatiha.
24:52Surat Al-Fatiha.
25:22Surat Al-Fatiha.
25:52Surat Al-Fatiha.
26:21Surat Al-Fatiha.
26:51Surat Al-Fatiha.
27:11Surat Al-Fatiha.
27:31Surat Al-Fatiha.
27:51Surat Al-Fatiha.
28:11Surat Al-Fatiha.
