The Return - Korean

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00:00Natalie felt deliciously sore after losing her **** to Nick, who she was going to marry today.
00:07She wanted to wait until her wedding, but she couldn't control herself last night after getting drunk.
00:16Natalie heard Nick taking a shower in the bathroom and had half a mind to join him, when suddenly she heard a knock on the door.
00:24Natalie wondered who was on the door so early in the morning, little did she know she was going to get the biggest shock of her life.
00:34She opened the door, and who she saw left her gasping for air. It was her father and Nick, her fiancé standing at the door.
00:42How could it be possible? If Nick was here, then who was the man in the shower?
00:49Natalie's father slapped her in anger, and he could not believe that she slept with someone right before her wedding day.
00:56The clothes lying around the room were an evidence to what had happened last night.
01:00Her father was embarrassed of her. How could she have done this to a nice guy like Nick?
01:05He was ashamed to raise a disgraceful woman like her. Her father was going to slap her again, but Nick stopped him.
01:14Nick was confused, shocked and broken. He never expected Natalie to do such a thing.
01:19Natalie begged Nick to believe that she did not do anything wrong.
01:23She was drugged last night and set up to sleep with the stranger, and that she thought it was him.
01:28Natalie knew that her evil stepsister had drugged her at the bachelorette and left her with the stranger.
01:34Her stepsister lied to her and denied that she did not do anything.
01:38It was because of Cheryl her own fiancé didn't trust her.
01:41After countlessly pleading, nobody believed Natalie, and Nick shouted at her.
01:46He was pissed at Natalie for blaming someone else for her father.
01:50He had just gone for six months and Natalie felt the need to crawl into someone else's bed, and that too, one day before their wedding?
01:58Natalie begged him to believe her, for the sake of their love and the time they have been together.
02:03Nick asked Natalie to shut up, and that all the lies coming out of her mouth disgusted him.
02:10He took a pause and called off their wedding.
02:12He told Natalie that he does not want to see her ever again, after which he left from there.
02:19Natalie screamed and sobbed, but Nick didn't give their relationship one last chance.
02:23Natalie was devastated and she could not control herself.
02:27Natalie's father told her that she was no longer a part of their family,
02:31and if she has any shame left then she should never set her foot into her house.
02:35From this day on, she was not his daughter. Natalie was a nobody to him now.
02:40But only her stepsister knew the true story, how she had drugged Natalie's drink,
02:46followed by dragging her to the stranger's room.
02:50The next day Natalie's father asked her to pack her bags and move to another country,
02:56far away from them, so that they are not reminded about her disgusting actions.
03:01He sent Natalie into exile to evaluate what all she has done and bury in guilt.
03:06Natalie felt like this was a dead end, nobody who would trust her and the fact that she is innocent.
03:12Cheryl entered, taunting Natalie, asking her if she was alright.
03:16She finally confronted her and told her the truth that it was her who set her up.
03:22Natalie was confused. Why would she do such a thing?
03:25Was she so warped with envy that she could go to such an extent?
03:29Why would she ruin her life?
03:31Cheryl revealed that she did all this to marry Nick.
03:34She wanted to snatch him away from Natalie because she could not stand the thought of them being happy together.
03:39Natalie was perplexed.
03:41She couldn't believe that her stepsister was in love with her fiancé.
03:44Cheryl was aware that Nick would never leave Natalie under normal circumstances,
03:49so she created this entire trap to end their relationship,
03:53so that Nick would never trust Natalie again.
03:56Natalie's blood boiled with anger and she strangled Cheryl's neck.
04:00Cheryl shouted to grab everyone's attention,
04:03and just then her father came running to see what was happening.
04:06Tom shouted at Natalie,
04:09Tom shouted at Natalie,
04:15Natalie's stepmother slapped her and called her a lying brat,
04:18and that she was the same as her dead mother, disgusting and hideous.
04:24She asked Natalie to keep her heinous hands off Cheryl,
04:27or else she will make sure Natalie has the same fate as her dead mother.
04:32While Natalie was getting thrashed by her family,
04:35the stranger she had slept with last night, Bryce,
04:38had no clue who she was and how they landed in the same...
04:42Bryce ordered his assistant to get information and CCTV footage of what had happened.
04:47His assistant entered and he asked him how the investigation was going.
04:51The assistant revealed that Bryce was set up by a business competitor last night.
04:55Competitor? Nick exclaimed.
04:58Who was trying to mess with him?
05:00He wanted all information on who the girl was and what all happened between them.
05:04The assistant mentioned that all the proof has vanished
05:06and there was no way to figure out how it all happened.
05:09Somebody had bribed the hotel reception last night and all proof has been taken away.
05:14Bryce couldn't believe it.
05:16Who had set him up?
05:17And who was the girl in his bedroom?
05:20The assistant mentioned that Bryce had not stepped into his own room.
05:23After being drunk, he mistook somebody else's room as his and barged in.
05:28Bryce was baffled.
05:29He did not understand what and how it all happened.
05:32He tried to recollect details from his memory of last night,
05:35but he could not remember much.
05:38Apart from the fact that she was a virgin.
05:41Natalie had no choice but to leave from there.
05:43She had nobody left.
05:45But she never thought the love of her life wouldn't trust her.
05:48Natalie knew one thing for sure.
05:51One day she will return and prove her innocence.
05:53She will take her revenge on Cheryl.
05:56She was not going to tolerate the humiliation and surrender to her sister's lies.
06:00She will bring out the true story and make everyone regret their actions.
06:05It had been five years since Natalie was sent out of the country
06:09and she had a son called Liam who nobody knew about.
06:13She was exiled without knowing when she could return.
06:16One day she got a call from her father asking her to come back to attend Nick and Cheryl's engagement.
06:22Everybody's taunt from five years ago still haunted her.
06:26How her father called her a disgraceful woman
06:28and never called her once after she was exiled.
06:31As if she was dead to her own father.
06:34Her spiteful stepmother who never liked her
06:36and wanted to get rid of her since the day they met.
06:39Nick who was filled with rage and blinded by what he saw in the room that morning.
06:43The one person she thought would have trusted her.
06:46And her venom filled stepsister who was behind all of this.
06:49The one who snatched Natalie's perfect life from her.
06:53And now Natalie has returned to face the same people
06:56and step into the same crappy house where she had suffered the most
07:00to see her ex-fiance and stepsister getting married.
07:04Natalie was lost in her thought when Liam came running.
07:07Liam asked if everything was okay.
07:09The nervousness and fear on her face was visible.
07:12Natalie loved Liam more than anything.
07:14He took so much care of her.
07:17Liam was very precious to her and she wouldn't have come so far alone.
07:21All these years Natalie worked very hard and became an independent working mother.
07:27Not once in all these years did her father send her any money.
07:31Today she could afford first class tickets all because she believed in herself and worked very hard.
07:37Liam stood up to get water for his mother.
07:40He was only four years old but was sensible as a small adult.
07:43While coming back Liam ran towards Natalie and banged against a man
07:47spilling water all over him.
07:48The man got upset.
07:50He asked Liam to watch where he was going.
07:53Liam apologized to the man.
07:55The stranger didn't accept his apology and scolded him for ruining his pants.
08:00Liam ran over to the stranger and called him daddy.
08:03Bryce pushed him away and said that he was not his daddy.
08:06Natalie stepped in to apologize for Liam's behavior
08:09but she did not realize Bryce was in reality Liam's father.
08:13Bryce got upset and insulted Natalie.
08:14That it was very smart of her to train the kid to call a rich looking man his daddy.
08:19A lot of women have done the same trick to get Bryce's attention
08:22and that he wouldn't fall for it.
08:24He added Natalie should not have become a mother if she was not capable of taking care of the child.
08:29Natalie was taken aback by the man's words.
08:32How dare he say something about her and Liam?
08:35How dare he insult her son?
08:37She could not hear anything against Liam.
08:40And on top of that the stranger had the audacity to question Natalie's character.
08:44She had dealt with enough in the past
08:47and she was not the same person.
08:49She was strong and wouldn't think before giving it back to anyone.
08:52Natalie asked the stranger to back off and mind their own business.
08:56She doesn't need to trap a man for money.
08:58She could do that for herself.
09:00She explained that Liam accidentally spilled water on him
09:04and mistook him to be someone else.
09:06It was all a big misunderstanding
09:08and that he shouldn't cross limits and assume such vile things.
09:11Bryce was not going to apologize
09:14and he was shocked by Natalie's confidence and courage.
09:16He had never met a woman like Natalie who wouldn't hesitate to talk back.
09:20Natalie told him that he should be kinder to people he meets
09:24and not be so rude and blunt.
09:26He shouldn't blurt out whatever comes to his mind.
09:28Words have repercussions and can hurt people's feelings.
09:31Later Natalie asked Liam why he called that man his father.
09:35Where did this come from all of a sudden?
09:37But Liam was adamant
09:38and he said he could feel some sort of connection with the man.
09:41Natalie ignored it as one of his mischiefs and asked him not to do it again.
09:45Natalie stepped out of the airport to find her stepsister waiting.
09:49Natalie was already pissed to see her face.
09:52Liam asked who the two people were
09:54while Cheryl was confused who the kid was.
09:57Natalie answered that Liam is her son.
10:00Cheryl was confused.
10:02Natalie got married and did not inform anyone.
10:04Who was the person who could marry her?
10:06Or was this child the result of the night she cheated on Nick?
10:10Natalie did not want to pretend that she liked any of them.
10:13She asked Cheryl how could she live knowing what she had done five years ago
10:18after setting up a trap for her and ruining her life.
10:21Nick interrupted her and said Cheryl is not to be blamed
10:24for her careless actions and loose character
10:27because of which this illegitimate child is here.
10:29Natalie asked Nick to watch his language.
10:32Nick did not hold back and called Liam an illegitimate
10:35Natalie slapped Nick.
10:37How dare he call Liam illegitimate.
10:39Cheryl was shocked how could Natalie hit Nick.
10:42Natalie said if she keeps talking nonsense and doesn't own up to her mistakes
10:46she will get one slap too.
10:48Nick said that he was not scared of Natalie
10:50and she was invited only out of niceness
10:53so that the rest of the family doesn't question if everything is alright.
10:56Liam stepped in to push Nick away.
10:58He asked them to not bully his mother.
11:00Bryce overheard the conversation and stepped in to pick Liam.
11:05He called Liam his little boy and pretended to be the father
11:08all because he felt guilty of how he had behaved with Natalie earlier.
11:12Liam complained to Bryce saying that the two people were being mean to his mother.
11:16Natalie joined in and pretended along that Bryce was her husband
11:20just to show Nick and Cheryl their place and make them jealous.
11:24Bryce took a pause and asked Nick to watch his tone
11:27before talking to a lady
11:29and calling someone else's son an illegitimate.
11:31Bryce offered to drop Natalie and Liam to their house.
11:35Natalie thanked Bryce for helping them.
11:38Liam also said thank you.
11:40He continued.
11:42Daddy came in to save us from those two mean people like a superhero.
11:45Natalie shushed him right there
11:47and she reminded him to not call anyone his daddy.
11:50It is not funny to do so.
11:52But Liam did not agree and continued.
11:55Daddy came in to save us from getting bullied.
11:58If he was not my father
12:00why would he save me?
12:02Natalie apologized to Bryce for everything that was happening.
12:05Bryce told Natalie that he only helped them
12:08because he overheard the conversation and felt pity for them.
12:11Otherwise he would never come to save a woman like her.
12:14Natalie was taken aback.
12:16What did he mean by woman like me?
12:18Did he judge her based on one conversation that he overheard
12:21without having any context to her?
12:23Natalie was not there to take insults from him
12:26and she did not feel the need to explain her past to an absolute stranger
12:31Natalie asked the driver to stop the car right then and there.
12:36She looked at Bryce and said thank you for dropping us
12:39after which she threw spare change at him
12:41and told him that she hopes she never sees him ever again.
12:44Natalie had gone to her grandmother's place to live in peace
12:47until she saw Nick and Cheryl drive up.
12:50Cheryl entered and pretended to be all friendly with Natalie
12:54and Natalie was done with her fakeness.
12:56She asked Cheryl to leave her alone.
12:58Cheryl said she did not have any interest in being around her
13:02but their dad wanted to see her and Natalie has to come home tomorrow.
13:05Natalie did not want to go meet her father
13:08but she could no longer run away from her past fears
13:11and she had to face them to move ahead in life.
13:14The next day Natalie showed up at her father's house.
13:17Tom entered.
13:19He asked if she has used her exile period to look inwards
13:22and evaluate her past mistakes.
13:24Then his gaze fell on Liam and he said
13:25whoever this child belongs to
13:27he will never be accepted as a part of this family.
13:30This child is a shame
13:32and evidence of that unfortunate night
13:34and it is best if Natalie gets rid of him.
13:36Natalie replied
13:38none of you cared to contact me even once in these five years
13:41when I was poor, pregnant and struggling.
13:44Liam was the only ray of hope
13:46and the one positive force in her life
13:48that pushed her to reach where she is.
13:50Nobody knew what it was like to go to a foreign country
13:52be clueless and have nobody to ask for help.
13:55She was not going to let go of him.
13:58Her father denied to accept Liam as his grandson.
14:01Natalie said she doesn't care if he accepts Liam or not.
14:04Liam is her son and she loves him.
14:07That's all that mattered.
14:09She said she has only come back for the engagement
14:11after which she will leave.
14:13Her dad stopped her.
14:15He said she can only come to the engagement party
14:17if she doesn't bring the child along with her.
14:19Natalie leaves from there in anger.
14:20Nick follows her and stops her.
14:22He wanted to ask Natalie one question from a long time.
14:25Why had she called Cheryl a lying cheat?
14:28That she was sick of her tricks?
14:30When in reality she was the one who had cheated on him.
14:33What right does she have to say something like that to her?
14:36Natalie betrayed him and f***ed another man
14:38and now she is back with his child.
14:40Natalie interrupted him and asked
14:43is there something else you want to shout out?
14:46Or do you finally have the time after five years
14:48to listen to the truth?
14:50Even after knowing each other for so long
14:53Nick did not have one ounce of trust in her back then.
14:56She was set up and he left from there
14:58without asking a single question.
15:00But now she has moved on
15:02and they don't owe each other anything.
15:04Nick took a pause, looked at Natalie and asked
15:07what do you mean by you were set up?