• yesterday


00:00Previously on Heartland...
00:01Are you Price's foreman?
00:03No, Nathan Price, Jr.
00:05I'm Amy Fleming.
00:06You stole her ad.
00:07Let me guess, we're no longer exclusive.
00:09They're dropping Heartland beef altogether.
00:11Together, you were right. It has been way too long.
00:15Never give up. We fight.
00:16And that's exactly what we're gonna do.
00:18Those initials were my wife's.
00:20Tristan and I were supposed to be each other's ride or die,
00:22and she cheated on me.
00:23As you both know, I've been struggling to figure out
00:25what to do with my life ever since losing the election.
00:27I want to be in the business of ranching.
00:30When can you start?
00:31Your dog is so pretty!
00:33She knows it, too. Her name's Molly.
00:57Let's go!
01:11Come on!
01:14Let's go!
01:1573, number 73.
01:17You got him?
01:18That's it.
01:19Come on, come on!
01:20Let's go!
01:21Move it!
01:22Come on, Calvin.
01:23Not so hard, Tim. Not so hard.
01:26Okay, easy.
01:33Good job, move.
01:34Atta girl.
01:57Hey, Nathan.
02:11New horse?
02:13Not exactly. His name's Stetson.
02:16He's the rope horse from my dad's rodeo school,
02:18and he's blowing up in the arena,
02:20so I've been trying to work with him.
02:22Do you ever stop working?
02:24I can't spend all my time cloud gazing.
02:27Right. About that, I think Lindy was messing with me.
02:31There is no way that cloud looked like a flamingo.
02:34I don't know. I saw it, too.
02:38Well, I guess I'm just bad at cloud gazing.
02:39I don't think you can be bad at cloud gazing.
02:41You just have to have an imagination.
02:44I hope I didn't imagine that we had a great time.
02:53We should go out tonight.
02:54There's a band playing in town.
02:57I can't remember what they're called,
02:59but I heard they're good.
03:05Unless you're busy.
03:11All right, it's a date.
03:13Pick you up at 7.
03:15I better get some work done.
03:18Come on. That'll do.
03:29Hey, cow. Hey, cow.
03:35Hey, hey, hey, hey.
03:40Come on.
03:53Are you okay?
03:54What's going on?
03:56The nerve of him.
03:57Look at this.
03:58I can't believe it.
03:59This whole time he was working against us.
04:01I should go over there.
04:03Give him a piece of my mind.
04:04A lot of good that'll do.
04:06What's done is done.
04:07Is everything okay?
04:09No, everything is not okay.
04:14Priced beef, now available at Garland Foods.
04:17We suspected all along, but there it is, full color.
04:20Nathan Price stole Garland right out from under us.
04:23We're not taking this lying down.
04:25If he wants a war, he's got one.
04:44And at the break of day, you sank into your dream.
04:55You dreamer.
04:59You dreamer.
05:04You dreamer.
05:15Hey, Nathan.
05:17I think we should probably just meet in town tonight.
05:21Well, your ad in the Hudson Times is getting a pretty big reaction over here,
05:25and I don't think it's the best time for you to just stop in and pick me up.
05:29I don't think I'm gonna make it tonight, Amy.
05:30I was just about to call you.
05:31What's wrong?
05:32Molly got kicked while we were in town.
05:34Oh, no.
05:36Is she all right?
05:37I don't know.
05:39She's pretty winded.
05:40I'm taking her to the vet now.
05:41Well, I hope she's gonna be okay.
05:43Yeah, me too.
05:44I'll call you later.
05:46Okay, bye.
05:49Come on.
06:02What's the verdict?
06:04We're down two more feet.
06:08How long before we run out?
06:10I don't know.
06:11It depends.
06:12If we get a month of rain, we'll be fine.
06:15Well, we better tell the girls.
06:16No, not yet.
06:18Things are bad enough since we lost Garland,
06:22and there's no point in getting everyone more worked up,
06:25so let's just wait and see if things improve.
06:41Oh, I love that book.
06:44Of course, I've always been a sucker for a gothic romance.
06:48I actually dated a guy in college named Heathcliff.
06:52Yeah, true story, and much like the book,
06:55it did not end well.
07:01Can I get you a coffee or something?
07:03Oh, no.
07:04I actually just wanted to post something on your bulletin board.
07:06Who should I ask about that?
07:08That would be me.
07:09I'm the assistant manager.
07:10Oh, nice.
07:11Well, I am teaching a creative writing class at the library.
07:15You should sign up.
07:18What makes you think I'm interested in writing?
07:20Well, you're reading Bronte
07:22in a world full of people glued to their phones.
07:25Plus, I can spot a creative soul from a mile away.
07:29I hope to see you there.
07:38Thank you so much.
07:39You know, I'm so glad you picked us.
07:44I will call back first thing in the morning.
07:47Okay, have a great night.
07:49Good news?
07:51You know that morning show, Sunrise Calgary?
07:54I pitched them on doing a segment on the Heartland cookbook.
07:56Oh, that's great.
07:58The producers were really taken by our wholesome recipes.
08:02They were particularly interested in your beef stew.
08:06Is that so?
08:07They want you to make it live on air.
08:09Me, on TV?
08:10I don't think so.
08:12I'm not interested in being in the spotlight.
08:14It's your cookbook.
08:15You do it.
08:16They don't want me.
08:17Look, the producer thinks that the audience
08:18would react better to a cowboy like you.
08:21They think you're classic.
08:22You sure they didn't say Jurassic?
08:24Can you please just think about it?
08:26Look, we need to start doing our own marketing.
08:29Nathan dealt us a major blow,
08:30but this could be a big win for us.
08:32Okay, I'll think about it.
08:33Amy, Katie, Lindy, dinner.
08:35Oh, and by the way,
08:36I need you two to take out your walkie-talkies tomorrow.
08:38I bought them so we could stay in touch.
08:42Mom, there's a creative writing class
08:44at the library I'm thinking of signing up for.
08:46Would that be okay?
08:47Yeah, of course.
08:48When I was 15, I basically lived at the library.
08:51Obviously, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
08:53Tim, quit eating all the buns.
08:55Oh, Amy.
08:56Looks yummy.
08:57How'd it go with Stetson today?
08:58Oh, really good.
08:59We went on a trail ride, and he was great.
09:01At all?
09:02Well, taking him outside of the arena
09:04is a big part of the cross-training, Dad.
09:06Well, keep working with him.
09:07He's my best roping horse.
09:08I need him back pronto.
09:12Okay, let's eat.
09:21Hey, I just have to run a quick errand.
09:23Do you mind keeping Nero in case Lindy wakes up?
09:25What kind of errand do you have to run at this time of night?
09:29If I tell you, do you promise to do something for me?
09:33Uh, okay.
09:37Okay, I need you to take your Heartland Beef CEO hat off
09:40and put your sister hat on for a minute.
09:42Oh, I'm more of a managing director,
09:44part-time laborer.
09:48Sister hat on.
09:51I'm going to see Nathan.
09:53We were supposed to go out tonight,
09:55and then his dog got injured,
09:57Wait, wait, wait. Back up.
09:58Go out? Like the two of you?
10:00On a date?
10:04You like him?
10:06I think so.
10:09Can't say I'm surprised.
10:10I saw the way you two were looking at each other
10:12at Shane's wedding.
10:16I don't know what I'm doing.
10:18I'm scared.
10:20What makes you scared?
10:22I don't know anything about him.
10:24I ask him something, and I get a two-word answer,
10:27or he just changes the subject completely.
10:30Nathan's a hard guy to get to know.
10:33He kind of seems to be your type lately.
10:35Oh, that's real nice.
10:38Look at Finn.
10:39He was a man of few words also,
10:41and let's just hope Nathan doesn't have
10:44as many skeletons in his closet.
10:46I don't want to go through that again.
10:48I can't be with someone who keeps secrets,
10:52but I feel like the more I get to know Nathan,
10:55the more he'll open up.
10:57But Nathan Price and...
10:59Lou, do you have any idea
11:01how complicated that's going to be?
11:03I know.
11:04And that's why you can't tell Dad or Grandpa,
11:06not yet anyway.
11:07Trust me, I won't.
11:13I won't be long.
11:15I won't be long.
11:34I saw the light on.
11:37Come in.
11:41What did the vet say?
11:43Physically, she's fine.
11:45I can tell she's just not herself.
11:48She's afraid of cows.
11:51I was so worried about her,
11:52I almost let her sleep in the house.
11:55But I was strong.
11:57I didn't give in.
11:59Instead, you're sleeping with her in the barn.
12:06I brought you some dinner.
12:09I appreciate you dropping by, Amy.
12:11It's a lot.
12:13It's been a week.
12:15Let me tell you.
12:17Is everything okay?
12:19I mean, other than Molly?
12:23Uh, just got a lot going on right now.
12:27With work or something else?
12:32Something else.
12:36But honestly, I'm fine.
12:39Thanks, Ethan.
12:41You're a pretty good listener
12:43if you just want someone to talk to.
12:50What am I gonna do with a cattle dog
12:52that's afraid of cattle?
12:55You do realize that you just brought the subject
12:58back to Molly, right?
13:00I guess I'm just not into midnight confessionals.
13:10Could try her on sheep.
13:13They're less intimidating than cows.
13:16It might help build her confidence.
13:21I don't have any sheep.
13:23I know a guy.
13:25Of course you do.
13:32Well, it's getting late. I should go.
13:36Good night, me.
13:50Don't look at me like that.
14:05Come on.
14:26Come on, you guys. Keep up.
14:28Hey, hey. Easy.
14:35Come on.
14:41Whoa, whoa, whoa.
14:44Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey.
14:50Try again.
14:54Easy, Stephanie. Hey, hey. Easy.
15:05Whoa, whoa, whoa.
15:17Should we go again?
15:19No, I think I'm gonna call it a day.
15:21You know, I really don't understand this guy.
15:24He's, like, the perfect horse outside of the arena.
15:26Yeah, I mean, he's willing to work.
15:28He just doesn't want to perform.
15:32Maybe he should retire from rodeo school.
15:34Try telling that one to my dad.
15:36Yeah, I'll let you handle that one.
15:39Uh, I think I gotta go anyway, so I gotta interview.
15:42Interview for what?
15:44Uh, they need seasonal ranch hands over at Nathan's.
15:47You're getting another job?
15:49Like, my truck's in the shop, and I can't afford the repairs, so...
15:52I could advance you your next paycheck.
15:54How about the next five?
15:56Sorry. What if I could?
15:59Yeah, it's okay. Thanks anyway.
16:04Oh, good. You're both here.
16:06I have news. Big news.
16:08I hope it's not another morning talk show.
16:11Uh, way better.
16:12I just had a meeting with the manager of a hospitality group
16:15who owns restaurants all across the country.
16:18And they're interested in making Heartland their exclusive beef provider.
16:22Amazing. That's amazing, Lou.
16:24It is. It is. And there's only just one small catch.
16:28They need us to provide bison as well.
16:31Well, we don't raise bison.
16:33Not yet, but we could.
16:35Do you know how much it would cost to start a bison herd?
16:38Actually, I know exactly how much it would cost.
16:44These numbers are based on 39 heifer yearlings,
16:47commodity prices as of yesterday, which obviously could change.
16:50But take a look at the bottom.
16:52That is the pre-tax revenue stream.
16:54And that's net of expenses like new and higher fencing, additional VAT bills.
16:58Plus, there's opportunity for extra cash flow
17:01to sell some of the yearlings as bred two-year-olds before they calf.
17:05I appreciate all the work you've done, but it's... it's not realistic.
17:10Uh, why... why not?
17:12I think you should tell this hospitality group
17:14we'll provide them with all the beef they need.
17:16They're just gonna have to get their bison elsewhere.
17:18That'll kill the deal.
17:19It's not a good fit, Lou.
17:20Okay, what is happening here?
17:22Why are you both being so hard-headed about this?
17:24Grandpa, on the cattle drive, you said you were gonna fight.
17:27Were those just empty words?
17:28I meant what I said.
17:30This is for our beef.
17:31Taking risks on new revenue streams like bison.
17:34This is how we beat Nathan Price.
17:36This is how we fight.
17:37I'm out there every day fighting for that herd, and so is your father.
17:41No! No, you're not.
17:42You're just doing the exact same thing you've always done,
17:44and that is... that is not fighting.
17:46That is giving up.
17:47No one is giving up, Lou.
17:49Come on!
17:51Tim and I will spend some time thinking about it,
17:55and we'll let you know.
17:56Thinking about it?
17:57The way you're thinking about the morning show.
17:59It's another way of saying no.
18:01You know, I'm gonna go change.
18:02Don't leave without me.
18:03And don't forget your walkie-talkies.
18:08Come on.
18:11Walk up.
18:12Walk up.
18:13Lie down.
18:16Walk up.
18:17Walk up.
18:18Lie down.
18:21Walk up.
18:34Molly's pretty good, isn't she?
18:36She's amazing.
18:39It's actually kind of fun.
18:40I might trade my chaps in for a sheep herding crook.
18:43My family would probably be pretty excited about that.
18:45Can I go play with Molly, please?
18:49Of course you can.
18:52You know, I half thought you were joking about your sheep guy.
18:55Oh, no.
18:56Nathan, I would never joke about my sheep guy.
18:59Well, he really pulled through.
19:01Thanks for setting that up.
19:03Molly's way more herself today.
19:05Well, my sheep guy mentioned something that might help Molly even more.
19:09Oh, yeah?
19:10What's that?
19:11She's having a sheep dog trial this weekend.
19:13You should enter her.
19:14It might help build her confidence.
19:16I don't know.
19:18Sheep dog people and cattle dog people are different breeds,
19:22and I'd be the only cowboy there.
19:25Well, it's a good thing it's not about you.
19:27It's about your dog.
19:32How about a deal?
19:34I'll enter Molly, but only if you come with me.
19:41Okay, deal.
19:46Ah, sorry, I should take this.
19:48It's a client.
19:55I got a question for you.
19:57If you were, say, you're planning a special meal for your mom,
20:02like, say, for her birthday or Mother's Day,
20:06what would you make her?
20:07That's easy.
20:08Blueberry waffles are clementines.
20:10They're her favorite.
20:12All right.
20:14Sounds good, all right.
20:15Well, thank you very much.
20:22What are we supposed to be looking at?
20:24The creek.
20:27What creek?
20:30There used to be one here for as long as I can remember.
20:33It was down to a trickle last year, and now it's gone.
20:37So what does that mean?
20:39Are we running out of water?
20:40We're not there yet.
20:41Groundwater levels are pretty low.
20:43Why didn't you tell me?
20:47I wouldn't have suggested the bison idea if I'd known we were running out of water.
20:52Your dad wanted to say something.
20:54I told him not to.
20:55I guess I was trying to protect you.
20:57Protect me from what?
20:58You think I can't handle bad news?
21:00I don't want you and your sister to worry for no reason.
21:03Three weeks of rain will solve everything.
21:05But there isn't three weeks of rain in the forecast, is there?
21:09Grandpa, you can't just think of me as your granddaughter who needs protecting.
21:13I'm your business partner.
21:14I need to know everything about this beef business, the good and the bad, or I can't do my job.
21:19I know that now.
21:21So from now on, we'll fill you in on the big picture.
21:24I promise.
21:31So, we have no market for our beef.
21:34And we're running low on water.
22:22Sorry, I'm in the wrong room.
22:24No, no, you're not.
22:26Katie, right?
22:28I'm glad you came.
22:29This was a huge mistake.
22:31I'm sorry, I have to go.
22:32Oh, no.
22:56Looks like Stetson's back to his old self.
22:59Not exactly.
23:00He's still blowing up in the arena.
23:02But out here, he's a perfect rope horse.
23:05What does that mean?
23:06He's done competing.
23:08I know you don't want to hear this, but Dad, you should consider retiring him.
23:14You're right.
23:16I don't want to hear this.
23:19He's eager to please.
23:21Just because he doesn't need to compete anymore doesn't mean that he doesn't have a lot to offer.
23:25He'd make someone the perfect ranch horse.
23:27No, I need him at the rodeo school, and I cannot afford to buy another one.
23:33He'll come back around, Amy.
23:35Just keep trying.
23:38Yeah, I'll keep trying.
23:41But it feels wrong.
23:43He's not just arena sour, Dad.
23:45He desperately wants to do something else.
23:48I think maybe you should let him.
23:50Our first dog up for the day is off to a solid start.
23:55He's keeping him moving.
23:58Handler and sheepdog working well together.
24:03These two have a strong connection.
24:16Thanks for coming.
24:17Of course.
24:19I wouldn't miss Molly's big day.
24:21I still don't know how you convinced me to do this.
24:24I really do not belong here.
24:26I don't think I've ever seen you nervous before.
24:28Yeah, well, this isn't my world.
24:31Sort of like the working cow horse competition wasn't my world.
24:35How'd you get through that?
24:37I almost didn't.
24:39Right after the reining class, I about packed up and went home.
24:42And then some friendly neighbor came and talked to me.
24:44And after that, I just felt better.
24:48If only there was a friendly neighbor here to give me some advice.
24:51Yeah, if only.
24:53All right, let's see what I can do here.
24:56When my daughter is feeling scared to face a new challenge,
25:01I take her hand like this,
25:03and I say,
25:05you are stronger and braver than you believe,
25:08and nothing can stand in your way.
25:14Powerful stuff.
25:16Oh, and focus on your dog's body language.
25:19That one's from the sheep guy.
25:21Right, yeah, got it.
25:25You still nervous?
25:28No, not anymore.
25:41I haven't seen you since you were a puppy.
25:43I can't believe you remember me.
25:48Hello, Nathan.
25:51What are you doing here?
25:53My husband is competing in the competition with our dog, Rax.
25:56We drove in from Montana this morning.
25:58I never in a million years thought I'd see you at one of these things.
26:09Amy, this is Tristan, my ex-wife.
26:25So, are you entered in the competition with Molly?
26:28Yeah, we're going later today.
26:30That's wonderful.
26:32Good luck.
26:34I should probably go find Seth.
26:38It was good to see you, Nathan.
26:42Hi, Seth.
26:45Nice to meet you.
26:47Nice to meet you, too.
26:49And Joe, his dog Ace from Calgary, come away with 75 points.
26:54Next up, Seth, his dog Rex from Montana.
27:09What are you doing?
27:11Why are you fixing Nathan Price's fence?
27:14Oh, this is Nathan Price's fence?
27:17Oh, I didn't know, I just...
27:21I can see his brand right there on your horse.
27:25Look, I'm just... I'm working for him part-time.
27:29Well, why would you do that for a few extra bucks?
27:31This is temporary so I can afford to fix my truck.
27:34Does Jack know?
27:36No, look, can we just keep this between us?
27:41Depends on... on what?
27:44I'd like to know how much beef Nathan is selling Garland,
27:47and at what price. I know he's undercutting us.
27:49I'd love to know by how much.
27:51How am I supposed to know that? I don't even speak to Nathan.
27:54I just deal with his foreman.
27:56Perfect. Just glance at the foreman's desk,
27:58see if you see any paperwork from Garland.
28:00So, you want me to spy for you?
28:05Did I say something about spying?
28:08I'm saying keep your eyes and ears open.
28:11Well, if you come across anything interesting,
28:13you just let me know.
28:16That's literally the definition of spying.
28:25Rex is doing a good job
28:27driving those sheep towards the second set of panels.
28:30He's keeping them moving,
28:32and that is exactly what the judges are looking for.
28:37Looks like Rex is having no problem
28:39as he comes around that panel
28:41and is now heading towards the pen.
28:43Did he stumble there?
28:45Rex is working hard
28:47at getting those sheep back towards the pen.
28:51Nicely done.
28:53And that is how you do it, folks.
28:56What a run.
28:58Looks like Rex is now in first place
29:01with a score of 87 points.
29:04That is going to be a tough score to beat.
29:07Why aren't you taking Shadow?
29:10Amy said she might need him later.
29:13So, Lindy said I could use Harley
29:15as long as I brush him, feed him,
29:18clean out his stall when I'm done.
29:21So, basically,
29:23you're exercising Lindy's horse
29:26and doing all her chores.
29:28I just got played by a seven-year-old.
29:31You know,
29:33I'll see you out there.
29:36Hey, I want you both to know
29:38that I haven't given up.
29:40This ranch isn't going down.
29:43Not on my watch.
29:47Come on.
29:50Blue's really stepping up,
29:52don't you think?
29:54Yeah, she is.
29:56I feel kind of bad that we haven't
29:59been able to get her back.
30:00I feel kind of bad that we haven't
30:02been more receptive to her ideas.
30:04If you're really feeling bad,
30:06maybe you should think about doing that morning show.
30:08I'm not so keen on that.
30:10Besides, why should Lou and I
30:12be the only ones stepping up?
30:14What are you doing?
30:16Actually, I got an idea.
30:31Hey, Molly.
30:33Don't mind if I join you?
30:37Sorry for disappearing like that.
30:39I just needed a second.
30:41I don't blame you.
30:45Sheepdog people, right?
30:47If you want to call it a day,
30:49I would understand.
30:51I don't know.
30:53No way I'm dropping out now.
30:55Nathan, I know how much Tristan hurt you.
30:58And it's okay to just not be okay.
31:03I'm fine.
31:14Come on, girl. Let's go.
31:17Come on.
31:24Next up, we have Nathan Price and his dog, Molly.
31:27Keep in mind, the high score right now is 87.
31:30Molly will have to pull off
31:32a near-perfect run to beat that.
31:35All right, Molly. Come on, girl.
31:37Wait to me.
31:45Well, this is a very strong start for Molly.
31:49She's fetching those sheep
31:51and driving them towards the first set of panels
31:54like a real pro.
31:59It's Amy, right?
32:03Walk up!
32:05I'm really happy that Nathan has found someone.
32:09We're just friends.
32:13It's not what it looked like to me, but okay.
32:25I'm glad that Nathan has a friend.
32:31He doesn't make those easily.
32:33Come by, Molly. Come by.
32:35Molly's focused.
32:37She's keeping those sheep on track.
32:40You must think I'm a horrible person.
32:42I don't know what you mean.
32:44Cheating on him is my biggest regret.
32:49But back when we were married,
32:51even before then,
32:52Nathan was...
32:54Wait. Wait to me. Wait.
32:57He was always a closed book.
33:00Come by, Molly. Come by.
33:02He never let me in.
33:04Looks like Molly's moving well
33:06towards the second set of panels.
33:08Early on, I think I
33:10was attracted to the mystery,
33:12but eventually it just got so lonely.
33:14You know, this is really none of my business.
33:17Here she comes now.
33:19Come by, Molly.
33:20Come by, Molly.
33:25I just wanted you to know my side of the story.
33:36Well, Molly has cleared the sheep around
33:39the second set of panels
33:41with barely a stumble.
33:45Now, if Molly can drive those sheep
33:48into the pen without deviating,
33:50she has a real chance
33:52of beating Rex's current high score of 87.
33:59Lie down.
34:01Wasn't that something, folks?
34:03A near perfect run for Molly.
34:06Let's see if the judges agree.
34:08They certainly do.
34:10Molly is now in the lead with 89 points.
34:1389 points!
34:17Good girl. Good girl.
34:29Hey, hey.
34:31How'd it go with Priceless Foreman?
34:33Get any intel?
34:35No, I didn't get anything.
34:37I got fired.
34:39What? You got fired?
34:41For asking a couple of questions?
34:43I was so nervous about spying for you
34:45that I backed a tractor into the fence.
34:47So thanks for that.
34:49It's not funny.
34:51It's kind of funny.
34:53No, it's not.
34:55How am I supposed to pay for my truck repairs now?
34:57Relax. You get your truck here,
34:59we'll get it sorted out.
35:01You think Jack would have a look at it for me?
35:03Why does everybody think that Jack
35:05is the only mechanic around here?
35:07I fix things. I'll fix your truck.
35:09Get it towed here before I change my mind.
35:11Thanks, Tim.
35:13You can hire me at the rodeo school.
35:15You don't need to go to Price.
35:17Keep in the family.
35:27Hey, I brought you something.
35:30If you were swept away by Wuthering Heights,
35:32then you're going to love Rebecca.
35:34I can't take your book.
35:38Just return it to me whenever you're done.
35:40Okay. Uh, thank you.
35:41Yeah, no problem.
35:43Listen, about yesterday...
35:45Oh, it's okay.
35:47I know why you left.
35:49You do?
35:53It's called imposter syndrome.
35:55It's that feeling when you're in a room full of writers
35:57and you just don't think you're good enough to be there.
35:59Trust me, I have felt that way too.
36:03Are you in creative writing classes at college?
36:06Oh, I'm not in college.
36:08Oh, right. Sorry.
36:09Obviously, you don't have to go to college
36:11to become a writer.
36:13In fact, working at a diner
36:15is a way better life experience.
36:17I can only imagine the characters
36:19that walk through that door.
36:23I haven't thought about it like that.
36:27Well, listen,
36:29I'm the writer-in-residence at the library
36:31and I'll be there for the next few months,
36:33so if ever you want to show me your work,
36:35just stop by my office any time.
36:39You could always come back to class, but
36:41no pressure.
36:57I don't want to put too much stock in it.
36:59Tristan's probably just trying to justify
37:01why she cheated.
37:05it could be a giant red flag.
37:07I mean,
37:09you told me just a few nights ago
37:11that Nathan was a hard man to know.
37:13And now his ex-wife
37:15is saying the exact same thing,
37:17and in fact,
37:19it ruined their marriage.
37:21So what? I'm just supposed to
37:23trust the opinion of a stranger?
37:27But you're supposed to trust your instincts.
37:31I didn't with Finn.
37:39Why is this so hard?
37:43You have a good heart.
37:45You're right to protect it.
37:48It's a good thing you're so strong.
37:50I don't feel very strong right now.
37:53That's why you have me, okay?
37:57Lou, come in.
38:00Dad's using the walkie-talkie.
38:02Miracles never cease.
38:07Lou here.
38:09Go ahead.
38:11We need to see you in the barn.
38:13Bring your sister.
38:24Everything okay?
38:26Everything's great.
38:28We have something for you.
38:30Now that you're coming out with us most days,
38:32we figured you can't keep borrowing Shadow
38:34and Harley.
38:36It's high time you had your own horse.
38:40meet Stetson.
38:45You're giving me a horse?
38:48Not unlike Jack and I,
38:50Stetson is retired from the rodeo,
38:52but still has a lot to offer.
38:54Right, Amy?
38:56That's right.
38:59I don't know what to say.
39:04You worked hard.
39:06You deserve it.
39:17Is it on yet?
39:19No, but hurry.
39:21There's Gigi.
39:23Quick, quick, turn it up.
39:25We're back with Jack Bartlett,
39:27owner of Heartland Ranch,
39:29and he's here to make what I'm told
39:31is his world-famous beef stew.
39:32I don't know that it's world-famous,
39:34but, well,
39:36maybe now that I'm on TV, it will be.
39:38Before we get started,
39:40where can our viewers find this recipe?
39:45I know this.
39:51Just head to
39:56That's where you can find our cookbook here
39:58and order your organic,
40:00grass-fed beef
40:02delivered straight to your home.
40:04Go, Grandpa.
40:06Tell us a little bit about what it's like
40:08to live and work on a ranch.
40:10Well, you got good days and bad.
40:12Maybe there's been
40:14a few more bad days lately
40:16than I'd like.
40:18What's he doing?
40:20Grandpa, keep it positive.
40:22We want them to buy our beef
40:24and not send donations.
40:26It's the exception nowadays.
40:28It's the rule.
40:30Sometimes it seems like the odds
40:32are stacked against us,
40:34but honestly,
40:36there isn't anything
40:38that I'd rather be doing
40:40than nobody else
40:42I'd rather be doing it with.
40:44What's it like working and living on a ranch?
40:46Well, it ain't easy, I'll tell you that.
40:48The only way to survive
40:50is to have passion
40:52and perseverance.
40:54In my day, we called that true grit.
41:00What do you say we make some stew?
41:02Giddy up.
41:10Hello, everyone.
41:14Welcome back.
41:18I would like to begin today's class
41:20with some stream-of-consciousness writing,
41:22but before we start,
41:24can anyone tell me
41:26what an associative thought is?
41:36Is that like when a narrator
41:38connects two thoughts
41:40that seem like they're completely disconnected?
41:42Yeah, exactly.
41:44Very good.
41:46All right, so we're all going to open our books,
41:48and I want you to choose a topic.
41:50Any topic, and you're just going to be
41:52reading and writing for about five minutes.
41:58What's Detson?
42:00I love the company.
42:02All right, I'll tack him up.
42:09I'll be right back.
42:15Guess what?
42:17Molly's been herding cattle all morning.
42:19You were right about the sheep.
42:21That's great to hear.
42:23Any chance you've got some time
42:25for a little meet-up?
42:26I can't.
42:28I'm going for a ride with my sister.
42:30Well, how about later?
42:32I never got a chance to go on that date.
42:34I'd like to make up for it.
42:37I don't think so.
42:42Another time, then?
42:46Goodbye, Nathan.
43:22Come on.
43:26Come on.
43:56Come on.