Married at First Sight UK Season 9 Episode 12

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Married at First Sight UK Season 9 Episode 12


00:00I feel so sure.
00:03I am staying.
00:05While some couples recommitted to the process,
00:10Stay cause we slay.
00:12Others faced a much more uncertain future.
00:15There is so much love around.
00:18I just don't feel that with Casper.
00:20I pulled back because I don't know where she's at.
00:22I don't look into Polly's eyes and think I really want to kiss her.
00:25Oh my God.
00:27And after weeks of heartache and turmoil,
00:29I'm sorry if I'm pushing her away, but I am trying.
00:32I keep getting empty promises.
00:34Even Charlie reached the point of no return.
00:37I can't get over the trust thing.
00:39I gotta go. I'm sorry.
00:41I'm not gonna give my all to somebody that gives me 10%.
00:45That's why I voted to.
00:49F*** Polly.
00:54I definitely deserve to find love.
00:56A brand new couple enters the process.
00:59Finding true love is everything.
01:01To take the ultimate gamble on love.
01:07But the groom's charm offensive
01:11is less charm and more offensive for his new bride.
01:18And the experiment's original couples
01:20It's in-laws week!
01:22Face tough questions from nearest and dearest.
01:26Do you love Lacey?
01:27What do you see happening?
01:28You don't want no one else?
01:29Look at me in the eyes and say, yes, I'd want to work with Lacey.
01:32He should be scared, really.
01:34That's awful.
01:35You've upset me now.
01:37Shut up.
01:38I don't think your mum took that too well, to be fair.
01:40Dog house.
01:51Do you want another orange?
01:55It's morning at the apartments.
01:57How you doing, Bitty?
01:58And some of the couples are reflecting
02:00on the events of yesterday's commitment ceremony.
02:04I know I said a few silly things that came out wrong.
02:07Like letting me go off with another husband.
02:10As soon as I said it, I thought, why have I done that?
02:13And that's what frustrates me, because I just said it so wrong.
02:17I do think that after the commitment ceremony,
02:19the biggest issue in mine and Polly's marriage
02:22is that sexual attraction.
02:23I've realised that I need to kind of try and make the spark happen.
02:26But I think the way I said it was completely wrong,
02:29so I probably deserve that grilling on that one.
02:36I'm moving back in with Emma this morning.
02:38It's what the experts advised, and I think it's the right thing for us.
02:45Oh, he's home!
02:47Kasper and I sat down at the commitment ceremony,
02:49and Mel said, this is not friendship at first sight,
02:52this is marriage at first sight,
02:54and living apart is not good for a marriage.
02:57I changed the sheets for you.
02:59All the advice the experts are giving us, I'm trying to take on board.
03:03This week, it's more about what I can do for Emma.
03:05I just want to get to know her better, I want to be able to support her.
03:08I'm trying here. I really want this to work.
03:12It's a huge step to be moving back in together.
03:15I don't think either of us are there with...attraction.
03:20Don't want to force any of the intimacy stuff too soon.
03:23Yeah. Let's take a few days, move in,
03:25get more comfortable with each other, being around each other,
03:28have some more laughs and giggles and that sort of thing.
03:41We've got a letter.
03:43What is it?
03:44Another letter. No!
03:49Yeah, Orson and Rochelle.
03:51It's in-laws week!
03:53This week, we're giving you the chance
03:55to really get to know your spouse's nearest and dearest.
03:59You will both be hosting Lacey's mum, Maxine, and sister Paige.
04:04You will be hosting Kieran's mum, Tracy,
04:07and Christina's best friend, Katie, at your apartment.
04:10And preparing a special dinner for them.
04:13This is a vital part of the process.
04:15It's an opportunity for them to observe
04:17and evaluate how your relationship is going.
04:19In a way that only the closest of friends and family can.
04:23Good luck and remember, no-one knows you as well as they do.
04:27Love, Mel.
04:28I haven't spoken to my mum since the wedding,
04:31so to be able to tell her how everything's going
04:33and just put her mind at rest,
04:35cos I know my little mam will be worried about us.
04:37It'll be lush to get some motherly advice
04:39and I think it's needed.
04:41You've got to impress them.
04:42Do you reckon I'll get grilled a bit, then?
04:44They are lovely people,
04:45but they want the best for their daughter and sister.
04:49I'm so close to my mum and sister,
04:51so their opinion is so important to me.
04:53Cos I really like him, so I want them to like him as well.
04:57I'm so excited, though, actually.
04:59Are you? Yeah.
05:01You look a bit nervous there. No, I'm all right.
05:05At the wedding, Lacey's first impression of me
05:07was there was going to be trouble.
05:08Obviously, she doesn't think that now.
05:10I'm excited for Lacey's mum and sister
05:12to see the progress me and Lacey have made.
05:14I think they'll be really surprised.
05:15All right, chickens.
05:18After initially impressing Lacey's family on the wedding day...
05:22Mummy's got the approval!
05:25..Nathan's reaction to Lacey's twin sister, Paige...
05:28Oh, wow.
05:30That's not her. No, that's her twin.
05:32Is it?
05:35..upset his new bride.
05:37I didn't get a wow.
05:38Like, if he said, like, wow to both of us... Yeah.
05:41..I would have felt like, OK, cos she's stunning.
05:44And his mother-in-law.
05:46Was it?
05:50I just want you to be yourself. I will.
05:52Do they eat banter, like, cos you're good with banter.
05:55Mum can take banter a bit funny sometimes.
05:57Can she? Yeah, she's a bit sensitive.
06:00I can take banter, like, piss-taking banter.
06:03Mum and sister, they can't.
06:06Me and Lacey banter each other proper,
06:08but obviously she said that her family can be a little bit sensitive
06:11for banter, so best behaviour tonight.
06:14I think what would be nice is if you get my mum and sister flowers.
06:21Good idea. Yeah.
06:22Can I borrow some money?
06:26The only worry I have is Nathan would like to have those jokey comments.
06:30Don't fuck it up, please.
06:33Might as well get some cutlery out.
06:36While the existing couples prepare for the arrival of their loved ones...'s time for the experiment to welcome some fresh hopeful singles.
06:48So we've reached a pivotal point in the experiment
06:51where we introduce three new couples into the mix.
06:54Today we're going to focus on a beautiful couple, Amy and Luke.
06:58Today we're going to focus on a beautiful couple, Amy and Luke.
07:02Now, Amy's told us that she's keen
07:04to look beyond the small pool of men in her hometown.
07:07I think it's fair to say we've gone the extra mile.
07:11So apparently the hand movements is called gesticulating.
07:14Have you ever heard that? Yeah.
07:15Sounds really rude, doesn't it?
07:19I would describe myself as spontaneous,
07:23a little bit crazy, goofy.
07:29I'm not a sexy person.
07:31I love cooking, baking.
07:33I'm a nerd. Yeah.
07:37I turn very sociable. I can literally speak to a brick wall.
07:40But I'm the most single I've ever been in my life.
07:44What are you here to do in this world?
07:46It's a very hard question to answer.
07:49I feel like it could be, like, making people happy.
07:52Like, I get a lot of pleasure out of that.
07:55At college, I studied criminology and forensics,
07:59but I couldn't be a crime scene investigator.
08:02I think it's because I like making people happy.
08:04That's why I love my job so much now.
08:06I am a wedding planner.
08:08My name's Amy. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
08:10Congratulations on your engagement.
08:12The best part of being a wedding planner
08:14is seeing people's dreams come true.
08:16They call us dream makers.
08:20When you meet some couples,
08:22you can just tell they're really in love.
08:24You do get a little bit envious.
08:26Working in weddings does emphasise
08:29how much you're kind of missing out on.
08:32Because it's been so long, it does get a little bit lonely.
08:36I do want my special day.
08:40I live with my mum.
08:42Would you like a brain? Love one.
08:44And my dog, Sir John Longbelly.
08:47My family's really important to me.
08:49I'm a daddy's girl, definitely.
08:51He's very kind. He's caring.
08:53So, yeah.
08:54I'm similar to my dad, personality-wise.
08:57I found this today, before the make-up.
08:59Oh, wow!
09:01I was a proper daddy's girl, weren't I?
09:03Proper one, yeah.
09:04I'm literally hanging from you.
09:07We recently found out that my dad has got cancer.
09:13Which is really scary.
09:15We're not sure what's going to happen.
09:18He's just waiting on surgery and things.
09:20So, it's been a long, stressful, painful process.
09:28I feel like I've always tried to take care of him.
09:38I really hope that my dad can make it to my wedding.
09:41I'd be really upset if he couldn't be there.
09:48If I'm fit to be there, I will be.
09:50If not, I'll be disfortunate.
09:52We'll see how it goes.
09:53Thank you. I love you.
09:56I just want my dad to see me happy and settle down with the right guy.
10:00Someone who really loves me.
10:06My relationship history is tragic.
10:09I have been cheated on in the past.
10:11My two previous relationships, it broke my heart.
10:15It did ruin me.
10:17And now, I don't really give myself a chance to meet anybody.
10:21I need to think about myself and put myself first.
10:26Have you been seeing anybody recently?
10:29I feel like the next one, you need to learn from past mistakes.
10:32Yes, definitely.
10:34I think I need a gentleman.
10:36Yes, definitely.
10:37Somebody polite, with manners.
10:39Who cares about my feelings.
10:44What's the key green light for you to know
10:47this is a great relationship to pursue?
10:50It's all about conversation for me.
10:52Looks is obviously important, but it's how you connect with somebody
10:56on a deeper level that sticks with you, really, isn't it?
10:59You said looks are important.
11:01Prince charming.
11:02Prince charming.
11:07I'd love to be able to meet somebody
11:09and they give me butterflies.
11:13My ideal man would be a classy gentleman.
11:17Dark features.
11:19Somebody that is a nice person, has a good heart.
11:24I want more than anything to be loved.
11:26More than anything in the world.
11:40I don't think British women are used to any sort of gentleman.
11:44I've been told I'm different from other guys,
11:47especially English men.
11:49I guess that's because I'm Maltese.
11:52I love the UK. I feel like the UK is my wife,
11:55but Malta is my mother.
12:00I've picked up some of the lingo.
12:03I'm looking for a painting.
12:06I like the idea of discovering new people, new feelings.
12:10Cheers, everyone.
12:12New hobbies.
12:15I love woodworking, playing the guitar.
12:17I like poetry, you know, putting pictures in people's minds
12:20when I talk to them.
12:22I feel I'm quite good with my hands.
12:24You could say that.
12:31I did bodybuilding for quite a few years in my life.
12:34I did big shows in the amateur world,
12:36and I won the Arnold Classic in 2016.
12:39The Arnold Classic is equivalent to a World Cup in football.
12:42It's named after Arnold Schwarzenegger's legacy.
12:46And also I do nightclub and festival work.
12:49It involves topless entertainment,
12:52catering, performing, dancing on stage.
12:54I did mix business with pleasure once.
12:57Never again.
12:59With my nightclub jobs and my exes,
13:01some partners that I've had, you know, they didn't like it.
13:04It's not something that, you know, makes their faces light up.
13:09My friends would probably say that I'm quirky, intense,
13:13slash passionate.
13:15People say I'm funny, but not because I intend to be funny.
13:18I think I end up being funny because I'm trying to say something
13:21that gets lost in translation.
13:23I feel like I've got a lot of love to give,
13:25but I don't think I have ever felt true love
13:28from the way my friends describe it.
13:30They describe butterflies and amazing...
13:33I'm lucky if I get moths.
13:38As my profession, I work in a young offenders institute.
13:41I'm a curriculum manager in the education department.
13:44I love my job.
13:46Working with the young offenders,
13:48watching their personal development
13:50before they leave back into the communities
13:52is the most rewarding thing you can feel.
13:54The favourite bit about my job is when I get to speak to the boys
13:58and we have a little banter,
14:00because, you know, my smile might be the only smile they see for the day.
14:03You know, I don't look at the crime, I just look at the child.
14:07I think just helping one person
14:09is enough for me to cement my love for the job.
14:13I would love to be in love.
14:15The last couple of relationships that I had,
14:17as close as we got to having something that was amazing and beautiful,
14:21I think if the key doesn't match the lock, it won't open.
14:25It's important for me to find love,
14:27because I'm just waiting for the right wife to give that love to.
14:31I can be the sort of husband that would be the soft ground
14:34to catch someone's fall, and I could be the music when they want to dance
14:38and the shoulder when they want to cry.
14:40I can see myself as a product of my parents.
14:44My father was always polite and respectful,
14:47you know, many gentlemanly values.
14:49I am my father's son at the end of the day.
14:53You were raised as really a multi-gentleman.
14:56It's something I was given when I was born,
14:59that gentlemanly feeling, having that kind of family values at heart,
15:03and I think they will never leave you.
15:05When you think about your ideal partner in life,
15:08describe her to me.
15:10Yeah, I just want someone colourful, someone varied, you know,
15:14like a big bouquet of flowers,
15:16and you've got different colours, different textures,
15:19and you just want to embrace it all.
15:21For me, love is the first person I want to see when I open my eyes
15:25and the last one before I close them.
15:28I think the qualities that I want from a wife
15:31would definitely be caring and kind and have empathy.
15:35Fiercely loyal, because I find that very sexy.
15:38I do have to fancy the pants of my wife.
15:41I like a girl that can be cheeky with me, you know what I mean,
15:44and can be deep with me when having conversations.
15:47Someone that can listen to me, understand me, accept me for who I am.
15:57Amy's told us that she's fed up dating men
16:00who have been rude or disrespectful
16:02in the way that they speak to her.
16:04She'd really flourish with someone who's well-mannered and charming.
16:08Yeah, definitely. Luke's certainly a smooth talker.
16:11His cultural background means he's warm and open,
16:14and that's something that Amy's been missing out on.
16:17It'll be interesting to see how she reacts
16:19to his free and easy way with compliments.
16:22Let's be honest, Luke is easy on the eye,
16:25which we know that Amy will appreciate.
16:29But he's intelligent and got head and depth to pique her interest too.
16:33I agree. Luke's are important to both of them,
16:36but they're both also looking for a partner
16:39who can have deep conversations as well as embrace a sense of fun.
16:43Hopeless romantic Luke craves someone with empathy,
16:47and we know that Amy's got the kind of caring nature
16:50that means she can deliver on that front.
16:52Something tells me this prince charming may be about to meet his princess.
16:58Amy and Luke.
17:10See any custard that way or that way?
17:12In London...
17:15..Christina and Kieran are preparing for dinner
17:17with their friends and family.
17:19Do you like pasta soft or al dente, cante?
17:22Dente? Al dente? Al cante?
17:29How are you feeling? A bit nervous, to be fair.
17:32Yeah? Yeah. Just be yourself.
17:34While Lacey is just moments away
17:36from welcoming her mum and sister into the marital home.
17:39I'm sure they'll love the Nathan Campbell charm.
17:43Be me, but not all of me.
18:08I'm so blessed to see my twin. I've been missing her terribly.
18:15It's really important that Nathan gets along with me and my mum
18:18because we are very close.
18:20We come together.
18:21If he's not about family, it's not going to work.
18:24These are my flowers, look.
18:26These are my flowers.
18:28Pink for Paige.
18:30And the other four for my mum.
18:32That's all right.
18:37We missed you. I know, I missed you.
18:40At the wedding, thinking Paige was his bride,
18:43although he said he was nervous,
18:45that's still been on my mind a little bit.
18:47I just want to be crystal clear that it is Lacey
18:50that he's totally and utterly interested in.
18:53We're cooking. Me and you? Yes.
18:55No way, let's do it. You cook?
18:57Yeah, a little bit, yeah. I'm a good cook.
18:59I don't eat meat. They're obviously meat eaters and stuff.
19:02I'm hoping it's vegetarian.
19:04So you two are cooking? Yes.
19:06We've got chicken fajitas, my favourite.
19:08OK, what about the fajitas? Because he doesn't eat chicken.
19:11I've got some, yeah. Yeah?
19:13I'm not really hungry anyway. I'll grab something later on.
19:18Go get me a bottle of drink.
19:20And we'll get cracking with the fajitas.
19:23As a mum, I just want to see Lacey happy.
19:25From a mother's point of view, if he didn't look after Lacey
19:28and she wasn't happy, then mum was not happy.
19:31You know, be nice, be good to yourself.
19:33He should be scared, really.
19:37The reason why I've done this meal, fajita,
19:40is because not only is it Lacey's favourite meal,
19:43but it's also my favourite meal. Really? Yeah.
19:46What would be good is if you cut the chicken.
19:51Er, I can't touch meat, only because I'm vegetarian.
19:54I can touch vegetables, though.
19:58What happens when you touch meat?
20:00I don't know, it just makes me feel weird. Does it? Yeah.
20:03Oh, you're making me feel weird now. Yeah.
20:07It's a bit frustrating, cos I've never met a vegetarian before.
20:10I should be standing at the kitchen thinking,
20:12cutting the chicken up, you're the host,
20:14you know, am I going to be doing everything in this kitchen?
20:17Are you finding this a bit nerve-wracking? Yeah, a little bit.
20:20When she said to me, she goes, er...
20:22I said, well, does your mum like her banter?
20:24She goes, yeah, she doesn't like banter. No, I'm no good at banter.
20:27I'll have a conversation with you. Yeah.
20:29But I'm not really that great at banter. That's what she said.
20:32I don't really get it.
20:35So, obviously, if they go in here, you won't eat any of this, will you?
20:39Yeah, but now it's fine. Oh.
20:41No, don't worry about it, it's fine, it's fine.
20:44Oh, really? Yeah, no, don't worry about it. Er...
20:47I must admit, when you said you was a vegan, it was like...
20:50Vegetarian, vegetarian. Vegetarian, sorry. Vegetarian.
20:53To be with someone that's vegan would just drive me crazy.
20:56Obviously, it's not a biggie, cos a lot of people are vegan now.
21:00Yeah. But obviously, I don't know, if you come to dinner at mine,
21:03I would have to do... I'd just bring a mildew.
21:09Obviously, when I saw you at the wedding, you know what happened.
21:13Yeah. With Paige, it was a bit like, oh... I know, I know, I know.
21:16And it was just your reaction to Paige,
21:18but then your reaction to Lace, you should have been, wow.
21:21Yeah, not beautiful. She was the bride. Yeah.
21:23You don't fancy Paige, then? She's beautiful.
21:25But obviously, I've created a bit of a bond with her, Lace.
21:28You just said she was beautiful. Yeah, she's beautiful, stunning.
21:31No, you don't say that. They're both stunning.
21:33You don't say that, though. They're both stunning.
21:35You can't say that, though. No? No, you can't say that.
21:37You don't say a twin sister's stunning and beautiful,
21:39do you know what I mean?
21:41You say she's a nice girl from what I know of her.
21:43Do you know what I mean? That's it. You leave it at that.
21:45Yeah. Especially with what happened.
21:47Definitely feeling a bit of the heat.
21:49Obviously, her mum's asking quite intense questions.
21:51Pressure's on, innit? Pressure's on.
21:56Do you love Lace? Do you feel like it's lovely?
21:59I mean...
22:01Do you think you could head towards loving Lace, you know?
22:03I think so. I will say that, um...
22:05out of, like, the girls I've been with,
22:07I've never felt the way I have with Lace at this point in time.
22:11Never. Oh, really? Yeah.
22:13The future could be. You'd hope it would be with Lace.
22:16Hopefully, yeah. And have children.
22:19I'm still not convinced about what Nathan's saying.
22:21Oh, fuck.
22:23I still need a bit more reassurance from him.
22:26When you come out of the experiment, you know,
22:28what do you see happening?
22:30I wouldn't mind getting to know her outside.
22:32You wouldn't mind getting to continue to know her outside?
22:35Yeah, I mean, I'd like to get...
22:40You need to sound a bit more comfortable.
22:42Yeah, I know, I know, but...
22:44You're very, like, yeah, well, do you know what?
22:46You know, hey, if you're serious about her, you're serious about her.
22:49Yeah, I'm pretty serious.
22:51You need to be more... Do you know what I mean?
22:53Yeah, I know, I'm not the best with my words,
22:55but, yeah, she knows, she knows.
22:57Yeah, but I don't know. I know. I know, I know, it's hard.
23:01Lacey's put a lot on the line for this, yeah?
23:03She's been wanting to find someone to make her happy.
23:07I know you said you don't say things properly.
23:09Yeah. I'm just not convinced at the moment.
23:11Is your heart in it with Lacey? Yeah, I know, I appreciate it.
23:14Yeah, you've got the looks and everything.
23:16That ain't everything, do you know what I mean?
23:18I need to know when I walk away from here today
23:20that you want to go the whole journey with Lacey.
23:22You don't want no-one else.
23:24You don't want no-one else and say,
23:26yes, I don't really want to work with Lacey.
23:31I really do want to work with Lacey, yeah.
23:33You sure? Mm-hm.
23:38I feel that Nathan's just saying what I want to hear.
23:44He doesn't give a lot away and he's hard to read,
23:47so he doesn't seem convincing enough for me.
23:55OK, let's see.
23:57This morning, I'm going to get ready with Tom, who's my best man,
24:00and with Isaac, who's my childhood friend from Malta.
24:03You still feel well, Charles?
24:05Yeah, I mean, I should have told the mum before.
24:08I'm just so excited.
24:10I'm feeling in good shape, I'm happy.
24:12I want to make sure I look, you know, sexy and good for my wife.
24:15Obviously, nothing but the best for my wife, yeah.
24:18I've been thinking the whole time, what if I don't like him?
24:21What if he doesn't like me? Oh, yeah.
24:23Oh, it's silly not to. Stop to think about that.
24:25What's not to like?
24:28I feel like today's such a huge risk for me.
24:31I'm praying that the person waiting for me
24:33on the other end of the aisle is, like, my dream man.
24:37Things are going to be OK.
24:39I'm going to be OK.
24:40I'm going to be OK.
24:41I'm going to be OK.
24:42I'm going to be OK.
24:43I'm going to be OK.
24:44The other end of the aisle is, like, my dream man.
24:47Things, I think, we all have passed.
24:49You've not necessarily always gone for the right type of person.
24:53So, you know, it is about time that you find someone who cares for you
24:57and really appreciates you for who you are.
24:59Amy's not had the best of luck with relationships in the past.
25:02It's been difficult as a friend to see her go through, you know,
25:05like, this turmoil and people not realising what she deserves.
25:08So, a lot is riding on today.
25:10If I do, like, really, really fancy him,
25:12it'll make me 100,000 times more nervous.
25:15Positive mental attitude, that is what today is all about.
25:18I'm finding you the one.
25:20It's time.
25:25You look a little bit nervous.
25:27I mean, it's to be expected.
25:28Yeah, like, my face doesn't hide it.
25:30If she's going to walk down that aisle and she's not for me,
25:33she's not for me.
25:35What are you, like, hoping for in her?
25:38I think appearance-wise, like, I like the lights,
25:40the light eyes, open face, nice big smile.
25:43I've always said blondes, because in Malta...
25:46We don't have any blondes.
25:47We don't have any blondes.
25:48Could be Amy.
25:50Could be the right person.
25:52She's crossed.
25:53I think she'll be stunning.
25:54You know, I think sometimes maybe birds of the same feather flock together.
25:58So, I think she'll be a sweet one.
26:00That's very smart.
26:02That's the Maltese cross.
26:05OK, ready to go.
26:15Oh, my word.
26:17Oh, don't cry.
26:20Are you OK?
26:27You look lovely.
26:31It's not been very easy for us as a family.
26:34We've been through so much over the past few months.
26:37It means so much to me that my dad's here today
26:40and the fact that he can actually walk me down the aisle,
26:43it's really special.
26:46How are you doing? You OK?
26:47It's actually really sunken in that you're not going to be coming home with us.
26:51You're going to be... Whisked away. Whisked away.
26:53It's a little bit scary, isn't it? Yeah.
26:55I've always dreamt about getting married
26:57and having you walk me down the aisle,
26:59but I was really worried that you wouldn't be able to make it today.
27:02I'm so grateful.
27:03Yeah, well, I'm going to try my best.
27:05Thank you for supporting me, though.
27:07I love you all. I'm just proud of you.
27:11Amy's not only my daughter, she's my best friend.
27:14Whatever makes her happy makes me happy.
27:36Finding true love is everything.
27:40When I look back down the aisle,
27:42I just hope to see the only person I ever wanted to see, really.
27:46Someone that I can look at and just forget
27:49every single other person that I've ever thought of or met.
27:56I'm feeling nervous.
27:57I feel like I hope I'm not alone.
28:00I hope I'm not alone.
28:02I'm feeling nervous.
28:03I feel like I hope I'm not let down.
28:08If it's not my dream man waiting at the end of the aisle,
28:11I feel like I'll be really heartbroken.
28:14I definitely deserve to find love.
28:16I love you.
28:32This is a bit like the scene they had to repair the arcade.
28:43Is that that voice that she likes?
28:46Oh, she's going to be made up.
28:48Yeah, she'll be OK.
28:50How are you doing? Are you OK?
28:53Luke. Luke, hi.
29:00Nice smile. Yes, very nice. My nice teeth.
29:02Lovely eye contact. Yeah.
29:04I think there's serious potential.
29:12Oh, my God, this is it now.
29:14I'm very nervous.
29:15I can feel my heart beating in my throat.
29:17The next person I'm going to see is going to be my wife.
29:29Wow. That's well posh, isn't it?
29:31That is insane. Very nice.
29:35That's good.
29:38It's all right.
29:52So much is riding on today.
29:56My dream husband would be a gentleman.
30:00Prince Charming.
30:05Oh, my God.
30:25Hey, la, la, Madonna.
30:29Hi there.
30:30Oh, God.
30:31Is it her?
30:34Pleasure. Luke.
30:35Hi, my name's Amy. Nice to meet you.
30:37My pleasure, Amy. It's Luke.
30:39Nice to meet you.
30:40Pleasure is all mine.
30:41Oh, la, la, Madonna.
30:43She's just magical, just beautiful, just very gorgeous.
30:46From the Garden of Eden, she's got that aura around her.
30:50Very stunning, physically.
30:51Gosh, this is scary.
30:53I know, yeah.
30:54We're in it together.
30:56You look stunning.
30:57You do too.
30:58Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
31:02I feel so much relief now.
31:05Luke is ticking boxes currently.
31:08He's very charming and handsome.
31:11It's a pleasure to address my wife now.
31:14Do you want to know your surname?
31:16Your new surname.
31:17You're now Amy DeBorn.
31:20Are you Italian?
31:21No, I'm Maltese.
31:25It's got a nice sound to it.
31:26Yeah, I quite like that.
31:28Yeah, I like that on you.
31:32That could be my new name.
31:42Now it is time for you to exchange the vows
31:45and make the promises you intend to pledge to each other.
31:51Love has nothing to do with what you're expecting to get,
31:54only what you're expecting to give.
31:56I'm ready to put my own into the unknown,
31:59a crazy path that is about to unfold.
32:02I'll have your back and you'll have mine.
32:04Through thick and thin,
32:05let's hope this walk down the aisle is the first and the last time.
32:10It's beautiful.
32:11I wrote you a poem.
32:13Love it.
32:16To my gorgeous wife, Amy,
32:18I stand before you open and honest,
32:20not dressed in the finest things.
32:23The accent's not refined, but it speaks the truth.
32:26I vow to give us every opportunity at happiness.
32:29I want to take your hand, open my eyes,
32:32as we set sail together towards a hopeful sunrise.
32:40Amy and Luke, at this moment,
32:42it is traditional to seal the commitment with your first kiss.
33:03I'm very happy.
33:04When I first turned around and I saw a beautiful smile,
33:08elegant flow coming towards me,
33:10it just felt like a lighthouse with its full beam,
33:13just guiding me home.
33:16I literally can't believe I've just married a stranger.
33:22He is sort of my type on paper, but he's very intense.
33:26I'm not sure I'm feeling the vibes yet.
33:42Hold your accent!
33:44I cannot wait to see my best friend, Katie.
33:49Oh, yeah, baby! Your wife can cook!
33:52It's really, really important to me
33:54that me mam and Christina have a good relationship.
33:56Family means a lot to me.
34:00Is that the door? I think so.
34:05Hello! Hello, beautiful!
34:07Oh, hello, Storm!
34:09Oh, hello, me babe!
34:11Me little ma! How are you?
34:13Are you good?
34:14Hello! Oh, my God!
34:17Tracy, get in here right now!
34:19She's excited to see you.
34:21Go on, get yourself in.
34:23Oh, hello, baby girl!
34:31Are you happy?
34:32Yeah, honestly.
34:34What do you want to drink?
34:42Oh, I've missed you so much!
34:46Are you OK? Are you OK?
34:48Are you OK? Come here, Tracy!
34:51It's so, so nice to see Katie.
34:56I knew I was going to cry, I knew I was going to be emote,
34:59but just holding her and cuddling her
35:02and just seeing her, hearing her voice...
35:05So, how's it all been?
35:07It's been beautiful, hasn't it?
35:09It's just been an absolute whirlwind.
35:11So, do you guys think you've been matched well?
35:16I've learnt so much about myself.
35:18Have you?
35:21Steena needs to stop saying sorry all the time.
35:23I need to stop saying sorry.
35:25When we've had our commitment ceremonies,
35:27the experts have said that,
35:29when I ask you, are you OK?
35:31And you go, yeah, I'm fine.
35:33You need to say, actually, no.
35:35All I can give you is any advice.
35:37Just be open and honest and just talk.
35:40Obviously, we care so much about each other.
35:44I care about him so much.
35:46I've never heard that anybody say,
35:50I really care for him.
35:52So, intimacy, where are we at with that?
35:58Well done, Bits!
36:02Well done, Bits!
36:06Well done, Bits!
36:08Yeah, we've been intimate.
36:10Isn't that fair, that?
36:12Were you comfortable? Did you feel comfortable?
36:14You guys obviously wouldn't know.
36:18I know what I mean.
36:20Mum, stop it!
36:22It was nice, wasn't it?
36:26Here we go, guys.
36:32Have you thought about...
36:34Would you move to where Christina lives?
36:36I'd go.
36:38She would move to Newcastle.
36:40You'd love it.
36:42I'm really emotional sitting here,
36:44seeing how happy you guys are.
36:46It's just natural.
36:48It's like you've been together for years
36:50and we've just popped round for dinner.
36:52There's a long road ahead.
36:54However, you'll make it.
36:56If you want to make it, you will.
36:58I just want to say cheers
37:00to Christina and Kieran.
37:02You couldn't make us any more proud and happy.
37:04And I just think,
37:06let's toast.
37:08Toast to the happy couple!
37:10To the happy couple!
37:12Thank you, honestly.
37:22I'm sorry.
37:24How old are you?
37:26I'm 30.
37:28Yeah, 27.
37:30That's a lovely age.
37:32I feel amazing.
37:34Amy is a hidden gem.
37:36I can look at her and I can feel really warm inside.
37:38I'm not a doctor, but I know she's good for my circulation.
37:40Just lean in.
37:42That's it. Really lovely.
37:44I feel like he's attractive,
37:46but being so close
37:48to somebody that I've never met
37:50before is a little bit awkward.
37:52I'm not sure how to act.
37:54I'm a Pisces.
37:56What are you? Aries.
37:58Air and the sea.
38:00Water and fire.
38:02You'd win.
38:04I need to cool off.
38:06I don't know who would win.
38:08You'd boil me.
38:10Steam me up.
38:14Luke is definitely really charming.
38:16But some of the little
38:18comments he's making,
38:20I'm not really sure how to react to them.
38:22I think he's just very flirty
38:24and I'm not used to it.
38:26What do you like doing?
38:28Showing off your clavicles.
38:30The finger twiddling.
38:32I feel like it's very
38:36I don't know. It's just not me.
38:38I like baking.
38:42You make good food.
38:44I'd say I do.
38:46You'll have to test it.
38:48I eat with my eyes.
38:51It's giving me the ick a little bit.
38:55That's it. And just make eye contact.
38:57Hello, baby.
39:05I don't know.
39:07I don't know.
39:16Honey, I'm home.
39:19You all right?
39:23Hopefully it's gone well.
39:25No-one's left the apartment,
39:27so I'm dying to find out.
39:29Hello again.
39:33I smell good.
39:35So, Nathan, what are you going to eat then?
39:37Dust, I think. Just dust.
39:39I feel a little bit awkward.
39:41We're all sitting there with the fajitas in front of us
39:43smelling so good,
39:45and then he's not eating.
39:48You've come on this journey, this adventure,
39:50whatever you want to call it,
39:52and you're in a bubble.
39:54It's between you two.
39:56That's going to pop at some stage.
39:58For me, with Nathan,
40:00I don't find him very convincing.
40:02I can't read him, first of all.
40:06And that's hard for me. I can read people.
40:08But he's also very blasé
40:10with the way he answers things about you.
40:12I can't expect him to go,
40:14yes, your daughter's absolutely stunning,
40:16I'm a lucky man,
40:18I can't wait to get on the outside,
40:20I can't wait to hear about the future.
40:22He's like, yeah.
40:24But the thing is, though, Mum,
40:26what you've got to understand is
40:28he does get a bit nervous when there's a crowd, like now.
40:30He goes in his shell.
40:34As the more I've got to know him,
40:36we have actually had some really deep chats about everything,
40:38you know.
40:40Behind closed doors,
40:42he gives me all the love, support, everything.
40:44The amount of guys I've been with
40:46that have been absolutely awful to me,
40:48spoke to me bad,
40:50you know, cheated on me.
40:52He's never raised his voice to me,
40:54he's never called me any names,
40:56he listens to me.
40:58Obviously, dating someone with ADHD is different,
41:00but it's helped me to be more patient.
41:02How he feels about me, he does it in actions.
41:04He makes me a cup of tea,
41:06he makes me breakfast in bed.
41:08When I was feeling unwell, he was like,
41:10do you want anything? I was lovely.
41:12She's already defending him.
41:16Wow, she's already defending him.
41:20You've become a bit hot-faced.
41:24It's really nice to hear Lacey in my defence.
41:26She seems to become more comfortable with me,
41:28and everything seems to have gone well.
41:32Take it with you if you want as well, if you want it.
41:34Because that's awful.
41:36I'm joking, I'm joking.
41:38His banter's coming out now.
41:40Oh, God.
41:42You don't do banter.
41:46I could go,
41:48that looks like a bottom bin, but I ain't going to.
41:52Shut up.
41:54It's banter.
41:58She just gets a bit sensitive with her food, you know.
42:00Well, not even my food, I thought that was a bit rude.
42:02No, I was joking, I was joking.
42:06I told you about your mum.
42:08Yeah, I know, I know, yeah, my bad.
42:10You're too sorry. Sorry.
42:14Lacey wouldn't speak to your mum like that.
42:16Especially when she's been cooking.
42:18It's just not very nice.
42:20You've upset me now.
42:22It's a joke, me and Lacey between each other.
42:24But I'm not Lacey, I'm your mum.
42:26And I did say that to you.
42:28And I slipped that, my bad.
42:30I don't think your mum took that
42:32banter too well, to be fair.
42:34Dog house.
42:36I'll nip out and let you girls
42:38have a catch-up in that.
42:40Again, obviously, my bad.
42:46All right, see you later.
43:00What do you want?
43:02I'll just push it.
43:22How are you feeling?
43:24Very good.
43:26I'm OK.
43:30Luke is very handsome,
43:32but maybe a little bit cringy.
43:34I'm not sure
43:36if Amy fancies me.
43:38But I just met her.
43:40I'm going to put all the effort
43:42I physically can into it.
43:44I've got to do it.
43:46I've got to do it.
43:48I've got to do it.
43:50I've got to do it.
43:52I'm going to give it all I physically can into it.
43:54I've got air in my lungs.
43:56Now is the time to work for something
43:58and put effort into it.
44:00So if I can't do it now,
44:02then I don't know when I can do it.
44:04This is Luke. Pleasure's all mine.
44:06Nice to meet you.
44:08This is Amy's mum.
44:10Hiya, pleased to meet you.
44:12What do you think of the bride?
44:14She's gorgeous.
44:16He's flattering me and actually she is she gets a good look to me. Well, I have no doubt about that
44:22she's it seems like a nice guy, but
44:27It's Amy that has to spend time with them. So we shall say
44:32Thank you for coming. Yeah
44:34Nice to see I thought I'd come and say hello. I just want you to know that
44:38You know, I feel like I'm the lucky one tonight mate and it's very clear to see you know
44:44You've done a really good job with her and I just want to commend you
44:49Luke he's a schmoozer. That's him throwing through. Yeah, maybe a bit much
44:54How did you meet?
44:55So we used to do like nightclub entertainment stuff
45:00Still do a little bit here and there but we met doing that
45:02We don't do so much anymore, but he's so much hopeless for a butler work and things like that. It's just
45:08The fact that Luke has done the butler in the buff job makes feel a little bit uncomfortable
45:16Feel like my man needs to have a very nice body but concealed for me
45:23Did you use me a butler in the club I've done it do you do that now
45:32Are you honest I'm the percent I feel like honesty is like if the best if you don't have honesty
45:39You might as well just pack up and go. Yeah
45:51Am a good cook, you know, I mean I am said it was bottom of the bean you won't say that
45:59He needs a bit more education in the way he says things
46:03Nathan and his bloody mouth. I don't know. It's just made me go. Well, I'm a bit all the taste in him half
46:09He's a vegan. Anyway, I am very sensitive and I I don't get that banter
46:16Think it was coming from a place of being trying to be human. I made it clear to him
46:21Why some jokes you say to me? I'll take it on the chin. I'll give you white banter back, right?
46:27My sister and my mom are more sensitive. They can take jokes, but they can't take the piss taking out of them
46:35But I don't want this to affect you if you sort it out with him and you clear it up with him then that's fine
46:41I'm all right. Anyway, I just want you to be all right. I love you like
46:48Yeah, I did realize that banter early I know they feel about it's different
46:55Nice you make the right decision anyway at the end of the day. She's a big girl now. We're gonna say goodbye
47:00Really do hope Nathan realizes what he said upset me and takes account if you what he said and learns from it
47:06Well, we did get you the flowers. No, I know you could you can have them back
47:10Polly you with
47:15You need definitely to polish up on that
47:19I do think he spoke before he actually thought so I'm not gonna hold that against him
47:30Yeah, I didn't mean nothing boy, I know that I know that I know that you didn't mean it maybe going forward
47:41It's never my intention to upset someone let alone Lacey's mum Lace knows that hasn't come from any place of malice
47:50Didn't mean that yeah, I'll just gotta teach you a bit more to keep that mouth shut
47:56But just bear in mind that in the future no banner
48:07How are you feeling straight to the point be honest we haven't had a debrief and it was very needed
48:15On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you with much?
48:207 I feel like I was having a meltdown at first
48:23I was like thinking oh my god. I thought do this throughout all the ceremony. He did not take his eyes off you
48:30I know, but I didn't know if I like that or not. Why would you not like it?
48:34Contacting just I don't know maybe a little bit too much
48:38This process now is all about learning about each other right? This is why the experts have put you together
48:45There's a experiment and see what you like about each other see what you don't and don't put too much pressure on yourself
48:50Just enjoy it just have to get to know him. You've got to get him a chance. Yeah, please
48:57everything grows
48:59It's really nice to hear my bridesmaids speak so highly of Luke
49:05It takes me a long time to warm to somebody, but I'm starting to see that Luke is a gentleman
49:12Cheers to that
49:14In my country we say soccer soccer. That's it. Yeah
49:20You know what I feel so relieved because you know answer to my prayers and all of that I think it's here
49:26So amen to that and I feel like a really important part of this process for me
49:33was to meet somebody
49:35different to hear what I've been with before I feel like maybe that's why I had a
49:40Little bit of doubts because you were such a gentleman
49:43Like I've never and you've never you had there before no not really
49:47I'm really sorry that you've never been introduced to a proper gentleman before
49:51I've been singing most my adult life
49:55So I want to I want to I want to try definitely things different
50:00I wanna I want to move differently with it with a woman. I know I'm not here for anything more than a genuine
50:07marriage of the mind first and foremost
50:10Maybe is my time now for if let my guard down and let someone take care of me
50:16Maybe he is what I need
50:21In the best day ever
50:23She's a slow burner
50:25But I think when she goes she goes like a bonfire
50:30Next time
50:34In-laws week continues when we're going to communicate him. It's bulls
50:40One friend's cross-examination. Is this all a facade? Are you trying to be famous?
50:46Triggers Rochelle's trust issues. You just touch so much shit. I'm too old for this nonsense
50:56Two more hopeful singles
50:58I'm ready to have love that missing piece of the puzzle after previous heartbreak
51:03I know what I need in my life find an instant connection at the altar
51:09But a groom's revelation, I've got four children
51:14Bursts a bride's bubble for is a lot for children my kids do come first