WWE CM Punk vs Chuck Palumbo SmackDown 16 May 2008 | SmackDown vs Raw 2008

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00:00I think it's time for me to stand my ground, I don't know.
00:07You'll remember the ballroom contests in special 4-4.
00:08On the way to the ring, from San Diego, California, weighing 280 pounds, Chuck Rumble.
00:09The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:16On the way to the ring, from San Diego, California, weighing 280 pounds, Chuck Rambo.
00:23And the opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 220 pounds, Chuck Rambo.
00:39This is it.
00:46These two superstars will test each other's will to determine who the best competitor is here tonight.
00:52What an impact from the knee.
00:56He's taking a little time to give his opponent a piece of his mind.
01:10Oh my, an explosive suplex.
01:15A swift kick to the opponent.
01:23CM Punk has the ability and the skill set to nail you with a wide variation of moves and beat you.
01:31You don't want Punk to start hitting you with that Muay Thai style striking.
01:36Oh, a pretty good spell like that.
01:45And that backbreaker might have done it.
01:47And that'll take the fight out of you in a hurry.
01:51Wow, look at the confidence.
01:53He's letting his opponent know what's up.
02:00And a jaw jacking punch.
02:06What a vicious shot with the knee.
02:11A vicious blow to the opponent.
02:17A flawless belly to belly suplex.
02:21A head on that leg drop.
02:28A vicious stomp.
02:32What a counter.
02:38And there's the DDT.
02:41He was one step ahead on that one.
02:44What a fierce kick.
02:49Oh man, a huge jaw jacking drop kick.
02:52The key to winning a match like this is to build momentum.
02:56You're not going to see a match won with just one or two moves.
02:59No, but one or two big moves at a crucial point could change the direction of it completely.
03:15That'll leave a mark.
03:19Look at this. No fear on the face of this superstar.
03:30If you ever wondered just how much punishment a human body can take,
03:34I think you're going to need your answer tonight.
03:40Submission hold locked in.
03:42We may see a tap out right here.
03:49Oh no.
03:55What a kick that was.
03:58And there's the reversal.
04:07Elbow internal injuries.
04:09Goodbye lungs.
04:11I don't know about Palumbo's attitude.
04:13The man can just snap at any time.
04:16You don't want to be anywhere near it when that happens.
04:22A stiff shot with the elbow.
04:24What fantastic extension on that leg drop.
04:29The kick connects.
04:39Seeing a match like this makes me proud to be a part of this company.
04:43I'm with you, partner.
04:45You just can't experience a thrill like this anywhere else.
04:49And that's because you're not going to see athletes like the WWE superstars anywhere else, Cole.
04:54You certainly aren't.
04:56They're the greatest athletes in the world.
04:58And this is the only place you'll see them doing what they do best.
05:02I don't know how much longer this can go on.
05:04These superstars are starting to look like they're running on fumes.
05:15Oh, what a sidewalk slam.
05:21Palumbo just manhandled most of the talent here at the WWE.
05:25Yeah, but let's face it.
05:26He picks up a little guy, but he knows how to be a superstar.
05:29Look at that muscle.
05:31What's wrong with that?
05:32He likes to win.
05:36And there's the reversal.
05:41And that's a stiff kick.
05:46He anticipated that move perfectly.
05:56I've been looking forward to this match all night.
05:59So have I.
06:00It's certainly been one of the most anticipated matchups in recent weeks.
06:16What force.
06:17What an explosive powerbomb.
06:33Submission Hall locked in.
06:35We may see a tap out right here.
06:46And the sound of human flesh on the ground echoes around the arena.
06:51He's got to capitalize right here.
07:08Look out below.
07:09What a powerbomb that was.
07:16He's going in for the kill.
07:24He nailed it.
07:37Oh, that's just sick.
07:39That's just sick.
07:45Sidewalk slam.
07:46What power.
07:53And the knuckles connect.
07:55Oh, no.
07:56I think he's bleeding from that last shot.
08:04And that punch lands hard.
08:06Great reversal.
08:22What a sickening foot as his opponent crashed to the mat.
08:32Look at this.
08:36Oh, what a clothesline.
09:06A textbook reversal.
09:37Oh, my word.
09:38What a slam.
09:40And there's the leg drop.
09:42A swift kick to the opponent.
09:44The opponent is as straight-edged as they come.
09:46He doesn't drink.
09:47He doesn't smoke.
09:48He doesn't do drugs.
09:49That's right.
09:50His only addiction is competition.
09:52Punk loves to face the bench.
09:54Let's prove it.
09:59Here's the pin.
10:04All good things must come to an end.
10:06But I wish that match could've gone on a little longer.
10:15Here is your winner,
10:17CM Punk.
