
  • 2 days ago
00:00Previously on the art the story you told me about my daughter being killed by a stray bullet
00:03I made it up to get you to space the weapons
00:05I hope you find her arc one and the EF to will depart within the hour when we arrive you wait behind at a safe
00:10Distance we'll negotiate with the others for you to peacefully join the colony when it's safe. I'll summon you if to just left
00:17Why didn't we have you tried D?
00:20May kiss the bride. What if the patterns are so interconnected? You can't pull one of the coma without the other
00:26Oh my god, it worked. We're ready to go
00:34FTL has disengaged successfully coordinates confirmed. We are at the rendezvous point there to the trapper system
00:47How's it look Alicia everything we thought seems to be accurate
00:52If Trappist is a yellow dwarf with a mass of 95% that of our Sun Trappist 1d is the fourth planet from the star
00:58It's a few hundred kilometers further away than Earth was to our Sun, but it's almost identical in mass. Okay translation
01:05It's remarkably similar to Earth
01:08Chances are really good. It can sustain human life
01:12Well, then let's see if anybody's home
01:16Trappist 1d, this is arc one. Do you read?
01:23Mean comms range
01:25We're within the solar system and into planetary signals should easily reach the planet
01:30There's supposed to be at least four arcs here ahead of us. Why is nobody responding?
01:35Arc one. This is home base one ground control
01:39Very happy to hear you made it chart a course to our location right Ascension
01:452306 29
01:47Declination o5 o2 28 angular position 240 degrees got that. Oh hell. Yes
01:56We'll let you know once we set course we just need to make sure everything's in working order coming out of FTL
02:02Of course take all the time you need. We're so fortunate to have you joining us
02:17I'll go be honest. I never actually thought this day would come. I knew it would I
02:24Wish she was here to see this
02:29Isn't the EFT supposed to be here they have a type 2 FTL so it will take them a bit longer
02:34We really expect the colony to welcome any have shit with open arms
02:38Let's hope so the government is likely to be more receptive in person. I'll go down there and talk to them
02:43Well, if there's anybody who can talk them into it is Captain Sharon Garnett
02:49We'll see hopefully we'll be able to go back to Vega with good news
03:00So you're a post human too
03:04You heard
03:08Didn't you tell me yourself? It wasn't relevant to your treatments not relevant
03:15This whole time. I thought no one understood me. Why didn't you say anything? I don't know. I
03:21Guess I just didn't want to remember the experience
03:29You are a shining example of everything a post human can be
03:34I was nothing more than a failed experiment
03:38So not my mother called me well she was wrong about you
03:43But not about me
03:45My implants failed a few weeks after they were put in almost killed me if it went that badly for you
03:50Why would you put me through the same thing? Because your implants are the new and improved version. I knew they'd work and
03:58I knew there'd be a gift
04:01Real gift. Yes
04:03I'm a freak. No, you are so much better than any unenhanced human could ever be
04:12You can do so much for us all
04:24What are you doing here I
04:26Got a call to come down and recalibrate the u238 ratio. Yeah, I called but I thought mr. Trust was on duty
04:33He says the sciatica is flaring up funny how that happens whenever he has to do any work
04:39Maybe we should get him down here. He usually does a calibration and the reactor is a little unpredictable. Don't worry. I can handle it
04:51That shouldn't be happening
04:55We got to get out of here I can fix it I just need a second
05:08Explosive discharge in sub engineering
05:11It's a coolant leak from the reactor, can you access it remotely shut down the leak just did
05:17activating anti-radiation scrubbers now
05:20Okay, this should stop the radiation from spreading to the rest of our form
05:25What about whoever was in that sector
05:56Alicia can you tell me what happened? I don't really know there must have been something wrong with the reactor
06:02My I try to get me out in time
06:05She the coolant hit her a close remainder in the face and back
06:09Looks like it's thanks to her that Alicia's burns from the steam are fairly minor. Oh
06:15I'm glad you're gonna be okay
06:17Let's get my a healthy too. I'm gonna head to sub engineering to see if Ava's figured anything out. Sure thing
06:32Oh, sorry, did that hurt no, I felt good your hugs for the best medicine
06:39Alicia's burns from the steam are fairly minor. Okay, that's good news, right? Mine was only there because I wouldn't leave
06:46She gonna be okay
06:48To be honest, I don't know yet
06:54Finding the explanation of what happened. Oh, yeah
06:57Of course just as my sciatica flares up you need me for a radiation leak
07:02It was a blowout and Alicia and Meyer in that Bay
07:06What happened?
07:08Feel it better. Mr. Trust
07:12It was a reactor explosion some sort of problem when Alicia was adjusting you to a 38 ratio
07:16But Alicia could adjust this in her sleep. She'd never get it wrong. I
07:20Need to see the reactor logs. There's got to be something more than this good Ava will help you keep me updated on any developments
07:32Hey Sharon
07:33Well, I have a lot to do before we get to Trappist. I know I
07:39Look, I wanted to tell you that if you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here for you. Thank you
07:44But that's not necessary. We barely know each other
07:54Because after all we've been through I
07:57Feel like I know you better than I've ever known anyone you know person in your dream not me
08:06I sure look like you
08:11Smelled like you too. I
08:14Don't know about you, but I can't just turn off my emotions like there's some kind of switch neither. Can I?
08:23But it's hard to get past the fact that still just a dream
08:34I'm sorry
08:56Go to sub engineering 5
08:59Find wall panel 23 and swap the capacitor label d23 with the a 26 capacitor
09:06I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong WD code you need engineering. No, mr. Strickland. I'm talking to you
09:20Business all you need to know is that we have your daughter
09:30That's not possible, this is some kind of God it's not I have Catherine
09:40Then let me speak to her
09:49Is it really you where are you careful, mr. Strickland I
09:55Need to make sure if it's really her
10:00Do you remember the name of your favorite book the one we used to read every night before bed?
10:18Catherine are you okay?
10:21I'm scared
10:22Are you coming to get me? Yes
10:25We're out of time
10:27Captain Garnett is about to knock on your door. If you say anything about this conversation your daughter loses a finger
10:39Hey, I finally repaired your baton. I told Kimmy I'd bring it down
10:43I wanted to talk to you about prepping some security protocols for Trappist
10:49Are you okay? Did I interrupt?
10:54sorry, I'm just
10:56Preoccupied with designing the new protocols. I'll have some action, but what soon?
11:01Great. I want to go over them first thing tomorrow, of course
11:06Leave you to it
11:12Feel like
11:16Get some sleep you're looking like you're working too hard
11:54We need your help
11:56Why are you not in your cell? I brought her. I told her about Maya. I thought maybe she could help help
12:02How I want to use my nanites to help Maya just like dr. Kabir did with Angus. It's a nice idea, but it's not possible
12:09What do you mean? We've done it before the nanites aren't built to deal with radiation poisoning. It would just destroy them
12:15Well, wouldn't they at least speed up the healing before they're destroyed? It doesn't work that way
12:20I'm sorry. I
12:24Know you're just trying to help and I appreciate it, but that's just not the way
12:47Thought we were having a defense training session
12:51So we must have dozed off
12:53You know, we're just those off you. Okay?
12:57Gonna has been working overtime police protocols with trappers, but I'll make it up to you later this week. I'm sorry you better
13:09Okay, okay you can do this but this you know how to do this
13:49Were so close mr. Stickland
13:52How did you know I didn't do it? We know everything that happens on that ship disobey us again, and you will regret it
14:02Do it now
14:05I was exactly will changing these two capacitors do now or she loses an adorable little finger
14:32Strictly, what are you doing down here mate? I have something. No, there's no need for that
14:37Security get a call about a potential loose wire, but it looks good loose wire
14:41I didn't hear anything about a loose wire. Why would they send for security for that?
14:45It was a security system contact, but nothing seems off. I'll just get out of your hair
15:07The doge is overloaded blow out its regulators
15:12Will it to danger the crew nobody we need to fix it to make the rest of the journey to Trappist
15:16Can you tell what caused it?
15:19Seems like it was some sort of capacitive short-circuit
15:22Okay, first we have a reactor blowout and then the dope flows. Do you think they're connected? I don't know, but I'll find out
15:47Felix see if any of the other sectors have reported problems. Of course. I'm gonna head to engineering
16:42You're gonna bring me some more bad news it's kind of your thing now, isn't it not a great thing for a doctor
16:56Actually, I wanted to talk here we go
17:00I apologize
17:03For not letting you know about my implants. You should have told me
17:07Would have been nice to think I'm not the only freak around here. Stop calling yourself a freak. You have so much to offer
17:13So you say?
17:15One second. You're telling me that my implants are amazing
17:19And then the next that they can't help when I need them to you already have been using them for good
17:25Think about it healing ang is protecting Alicia from Milo's clones. So why couldn't you have used my blood to heal Maya, too?
17:32Because I didn't think it would help her you didn't think so it might have Kelly
17:38I'm just trying to do what's best for you. What's best for me is
17:42To let me use this tech you put inside my body to do some good at least make up for some of the bad
17:47I've done you already have
17:50And you'll have the opportunity again
17:53I'm merely trying to teach you your own limits of the one day if I'm not around you can protect yourself
17:58Protect myself from what people Kelly?
18:01People will try and take advantage of you. I know because they've done it to me, too
18:05They'll try and use you for their own needs and they don't care if it hurts you
18:12Kind of like mother did
18:21Exactly like mother
18:26She's gonna be on that planet we're going to isn't she probably
18:36Did you mean what you said on the shuttle next time you saw her he would kill her
18:41I meant it then I know I don't know I really don't know
19:02You know I think the people use the term genius a little too freely
19:07What's that supposed to mean you completely butchered a code to regulate the radium ratio, that's what triggered the radiation blowout
19:15Make a code better than this when I was in diapers
19:17It's rudimentary and clumsy. It's a glaringly obvious mistake
19:26Or intentional
19:32I can't talk about this anymore
19:36At least it might be I'm not sure yet
19:39I don't mean to be out of line, but if you notice the stripping is back to the little bit strange
19:43Strange how well nothing I could put my finger on just yet
19:45But I saw him by the power distribution junction some five earlier today, and now the don't that it supplies is overloaded
19:52What are you implying well like I said, I don't mean to be out of line, but too late
19:58Look, I trust Strickland with my life. I'm sure he had good reason to be there of course right now
20:03We need to focus on fixing the don't get into the bottom of that explosion not going off and some wild goose chase
20:08Yes, and I need you to make sure that everything is running smoothly in engineering
20:19You found something yes when mr.
20:22Trust and I went over the code base for the reactor we realized that somebody intentionally changed the coding
20:29to do what
20:30They rigged it to vent radioactive coolant to kill anyone near the malfunction without disabling arc one
20:38So it was targeted
20:41Are you saying this was an attempted murder? There's no other explanation for what happened?
20:46Yeah, but who would want to kill Alicia and Maya mr.
20:49Trust is in sub engineering trying to see if he can track who made the changes
20:54But the logs have been wiped Felix. I want to go through the background check you did a Maya
20:58She's a 15-year. Maybe there's something we missed about her past
21:10You're I'm a strickland. I'm sorry I
21:16Was just thinking I saw
21:21Lurking around some of the restricted areas of the ship shortly before the explosion and before the don't blue
21:28If you have a hunch follow it
21:32Won't be the first time we are wrong about someone
21:57Login to the personnel failsafe
22:13That could endanger lives
22:15If the reading is inaccurate, it could indicate that someone is safely inside the airlock after an EVA when they're not and vice versa
22:21Do it
22:37We need something else from you mr. Strickland, how long is this going to go on it will be over soon
22:47What do you want me to do you need to volunteer for a spacewalk
22:56The explosion was intentional
22:58unfortunately, it looks that way but we're doing everything we can to figure out who had access to the code what their motive could be and
23:05Whether you or Maya were the target both
23:09So what happened to Maya?
23:11It wasn't my fault. No
23:14Somebody modified the coding so the reactor would vent. Why do you think somebody would want to hurt me? I don't know
23:21But I'm gonna get to the bottom of it in the meantime
23:23I think it's best you stay here until we know who's behind the attack
23:28Right, I almost forgot I asked someone to come keep you company
23:38Captain Garnett ordered me to stay in here with you
23:43No, I thought was a bit much to ask me know how forceful she can be
23:50I'll keep you informed
24:05I invited mr. Trust because we need to discuss
24:08Repairing the dote so we can make the journey to Trappist as usual
24:11I'm the only person on board equipped to make a repair like that. So we'll need to prep you for a spacewalk
24:17You sure you're feeling up to it I hear you've been having some back problems, I'm fine
24:23When did we leave?
24:25You don't have any objections. Well, the last time I shirked my responsibility Alicia and Maya ended up in med bay
24:32But I do have one request of course you do what do you want a full-body massage? Would you?
24:41I'd like captain Garnett to join me
24:44Like last time I don't think that's a good idea
24:48What I mean to say is it's not wise for the captain of the ship to go on unnecessary spacewalks I'll go I
24:55Have no problem. Mr. Johnson. I used to work together
24:59He should feel as safe with me as he would with you
25:05Are you okay with that? Mr. Tress? Yes, I'm fine. Felix is one of the more competent people left on the ship
25:23Can I talk to you
25:25Finish something up with mr. Strickland Felix. Yeah, I saw him messing with the capacitor junction before the time was over loaded
25:31Yeah, I'm sure there's an explanation
25:33That's what Garnett said. I see the explanation he gave me. It didn't really add up
25:37wait, so
25:39Garnett told you to let it go. Yeah, she's the captain. So let it go. How about Bryce? Wait, wait, I
25:49Get it
25:51You and I we barely know each other. So why should you trust me?
25:55I'm begging you. Please just hear me out
26:00All right
26:01Go on then
26:03You and I both like mr. Strickland, right? So best case we look into it. There ain't nothing wrong
26:08We pretend it never happened
26:10and the worst case
26:12We find out there is something really terribly wrong and we did nothing to stop it
26:17Plus Garnett won't even listen to me, but she'll listen to you
26:26I have
26:27Noticed he's a bit off. He seems jumpy and
26:30It's not something normal for him to volunteer for a spacewalk, you know, yes. Thank you
26:35Thank you
26:37So what now
26:39Well, if the capacitor junction is the only thing we've got to go off and I suggest we start there
26:49It's not really my thing but jazz Oh, that's my favorite kind of music
26:58You know Spence yeah, he hated jazz
27:01Yes, he said it was like a group of people who couldn't read music trying to guess what song to play
27:09You see we're not the same person same face maybe but very different lives
27:15Do wish I got to know him a bit better though
27:21One of the best men I ever knew so I'll keep hearing
27:25Really puts the pressure on me
27:27Really puts the pressure on me
27:32You know for what it's worth I was quite like jazz so there may be hope for you yet
27:42There she is
27:56These two capacitors were swapped
27:58Why didn't anybody catch it? What's such a small change? You wouldn't notice it unless you're looking for it
28:03That must people haven't added the dough
28:06All right, but why would Strickland do this?
28:09You know him better than I do mate. You don't think
28:12You don't think he could be responsible for the radiation leak as well
28:20I need to speak with you, of course
28:23Come in
28:27Ian is
28:29Definitely the one behind the radiation meant
28:32So there's no longer any reason for you to go through Myers person belongings
28:37Which is still in med bay
28:39No reason at all
28:55Got it
28:58But I want to build a profile on the end before we take any action, okay
31:03All council members, please report to the ready room Alicia, please remain in your quarters Ian will be filling in for you
31:12Don't have time for this right now, please you drop it. That's an order
31:20Everybody settle in
31:32I have a lot to go over
31:36Sharon what's going on?
31:43I've gathered you all here today to discuss crew morale as we move toward Trappist-1d. We'll be facing a lot of uncertainty
31:50What does this new planet hold?
31:52What will our crews lives and roles look like moving forward?
31:56People will be looking to you all for answers
31:59People will be looking to you all for answers
32:08Okay, we can talk now but keep your voices low
32:11Felix, I am so sorry. It took me so long to pick up on your SOS
32:16the bloody fingers happen
32:20Most good, of course
32:22May I should have noticed straight away. I'm so sorry. Well, somebody explain what's going on. I'm being blackmailed. Oh
32:29Explains it. Why can you just tell us you need his help?
32:32I realized whoever's doing this can track and listen to all of us through our WDs
32:36He's been watching us too. I assume through the four mark threes cameras, but we only have cameras in the bridge
32:42So that's why you blocked out the windows in there
32:44But I don't know how he knew what I did and did not do we don't have cameras anywhere else, right?
32:50Only on the outside of the ship according to Maya's communications with the blackmailer. They're monitoring all our systems
32:57So that must be how you actually tried not to switch the capacitors
33:01Look, I'm not not being funny Felix, but what do they have on you? Like why are you going along with this?
33:08They have my daughter
33:13You sure they really have her I asked that question only she would know
33:19You heard her voice. Yes
33:21Yes, she's alive
33:24Any ideas who could be behind this and what they want no, he's been giving me small tasks one of them led to the dog
33:30Malfunction. I'm not sure what the others are for. Well, Maya was being blackmailed too. They must have had her unknowingly changed the coating
33:38To cause the radiation blowout, but why would you want to hurt Alicia?
33:43Maybe they didn't
33:45Trust was supposed to be injured. You remember that's right
33:48She was covering for him the blackmailer asked me to volunteer to do the spacewalk
33:52We trust he had me adjust the airlock failsafe
33:54So it would register that the personnel had returned to the airlocking woman. Nobody was there. Whoever's doing this wants trust dead
34:01I think so because he asked me to do two more things disable the mic on trust EVA helmet and
34:06Do the spacewalk we trust to repair the doubt
34:13All right, do what he says we need them to think they're in control
34:19I have a plan, but we got to work quickly and we can't tell mr. Trust because his reaction needs to be convincing
34:41Hello, mr. Strickland, we're finally at the last step. I thought the spacewalk was the last step
34:48Once you and trust are outside of the ship, I need you to cut both of your tethers
34:57I'm afraid we can't have any loose ends
35:00So we need you to die with trust
35:02Now, why would I agree to that? It's a simple choice, really
35:07Either you die or your daughter does
35:23Ready mr. Trust yes
36:08It seems you have a comms problem your mic is not working but we're nearly die okay with the hand signals
36:51The airlock personnel sensor is registering two people inside all personnel are accounted for
36:58coordinates locked for Trappist 1d
37:00initiating neps engines no
37:15Trust and Strickland are dead or will be as soon as their air runs out
37:20I'll take the girl back to where she belongs
37:29Blackmailer signal is gone and out of our systems
37:34Purge the foreign code so they can't get into our systems again
38:01We can speak freely now well done guys
38:11Okay, can someone explain what just happened I'm sorry for making you stay in your cabin
38:16But Felix was being blackmailed. I was afraid whoever was doing it may have heard our conversation about your safety
38:22So it seems smarter to keep you in there. We blackmailed. Why took a while, but we figured out mr.
38:29Trust was the target. They wanted him and Felix to die on a spacewalk to make it look like an accident
38:34They hit Felix the table mr. Trust found it calm so he couldn't call for help
38:39And the blackmailer had him rigged the airlock so the infrared sensors would indicate they both were aboard
38:45That's how I knew they were sending him on a suicide mission
38:48But we have cameras on the whole
38:50Why didn't they see a giant EF ship just sitting out there
38:53I swapped the camera feed to playback video from yesterday's hull camera on that side of the ship
38:58So it would look like we'd left and there's no EF to ship outside
39:02But the blackmailer could still see the live feed from where mr. Trust and Felix were that's brilliant
39:07But if the blackmailer was monitoring our WDs and computers well
39:10How did you tell EF to the plan without you know using any of our comms well?
39:14That's where we come in Bryce and I Jerry rigged an EV backpack to act as an air-gapped probe
39:21It's not connected to any of our systems or frequency so can't be monitored
39:25And we encoded the probe with a message for EF to explaining that when they dropped out of FTL
39:29We needed them to approach on the side where our cameras were blind
39:33Wait for us to leave
39:36All the blackmailer could see was mr. Trust and Felix floating into open space
39:45It's EF to requesting a live feed put him through
39:59Hello captain
40:00We made it to EF to where we were received by a beggar his crew happy to hear it
40:05Everything goes planned as far as we know they believe you and mr. Trust are dead
40:09I would have appreciated being looped into the plan to fake my death. I could have had a heart attack
40:13I'm sorry about that, but we didn't know how good of an actor you were mr. Trust
40:21Well, I seem to remember you buying the new old globe so uh you cast yourself to do buddy, okay
40:28I'm gonna need a full report on everything the blackmailer said to you Felix
40:32I could request permission to prioritize something else. I need to figure out where the signal came from
40:36I need to find my daughter of course anything you need it's yours
40:41Felix we'll find her
40:45Anyone with an idea how to trace that signal talk to Alicia and Ava it's top priority
40:52In oh
40:55Am I in trouble
41:04Wanted to thank you for trying to tell me about Strickland. I should have listened. I'm sorry
41:10Don't worry about it Ian
41:14There's something else
41:19Hi I
41:23Also wanted to apologize for how I've been with you I
41:29know that
41:31We need to talk about
41:35But I just need some time
41:38I can give you that
42:02Captain Garnett
42:08To trace the signal and you were right it's coming from Trappist-1d, but I can't pinpoint where
42:16I'm afraid so
42:19So whoever did this is waiting for us at our new home, and we don't know who it is