Dubu Xiaoyao Episode 458 Subtitle Indonesia

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00:00优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:03Subbers Axel and Edward are created for Ultimate Explosive!
00:19瞧这小眼神,杀气十足啊,可实力不行! Look at those eyes! They are full of murderous intent, but they are not weak!
00:26小天龙,你还认得这个吗? Little Tian Long, do you still recognize this?
00:31我,我的蛋壳! My, my shell!
00:35就是我把你从龙幕里召唤出来的,我不会伤害你的,我们是同族啊! I summoned you from the dragon tomb. I won't hurt you. We are of the same clan.
00:42不,你们肯定是在骗我!我好不容易才醒过来,你们又想让我回到蛋里! No, you must be lying to me! I finally woke up, but you want me to go back to the egg!
00:48是啊,赶紧回去吧!你这么大个蛋,够给小爷炒盘下酒菜了! Yeah, go back to the egg. You are such a big egg, enough to cook for me!
00:55你这个魔鬼! You devil!
00:57温馨月! Wen Xinyue!
01:02原来,他刚才是故意激怒金龙大人,方便控制这股黑暗力量! It turns out that he was deliberately infuriating Lord Golden Dragon to control this dark force!
01:08小天龙有救了!没想到他有这么厉害的法宝!小天龙有救了!没想到他有这么厉害的法宝! Little Tian Long is saved! I didn't expect him to have such a powerful magic weapon!
01:13星界的散秀,果然都深藏不露! Star Realm's Disappearance is indeed well-hidden!
01:16混蛋!你,你别叫池湾! Bastard! You, don't call Chi Wan!
01:19五之云居然能唤醒这么强的金龙,那他体内对应的荒林火种岂不是更强! If the Five Clouds can awaken such a powerful Golden Dragon, wouldn't it be more powerful than the wildfire in his body?
01:28再强的金龙也要有命带回去! No matter how powerful the Golden Dragon is, it must be brought back alive!
01:39不自量力! You overestimated yourself!
01:50顾太,你们胆敢杀害童族! Gu Tai, how dare you kill the children!
01:55我,我杀了又怎样?他已经被黑暗星云污染了!就该死在这里! So what if I kill him? He's already been contaminated by the Dark Clouds! He should die here!
02:19什么情况? What's going on?
02:37他引动了禁地的疾兵风暴,走! He's triggered the Ice Storm! Let's go!
02:40小姐当心! Miss, watch out!
02:41黑暗星云的力量侵蚀太深,温馨玉没办法再净化了! The Dark Clouds' power is too strong, Wenxin Jade can't be purified anymore!
02:53先封锁这里,不能让黑暗星云蔓延出去! Block this area first, we can't let the Dark Clouds spread out!
02:57他怎么死了? How did he die?
03:09居然能阻挡疾兵风暴,水姐姐也这么强,我们也出一份力! She can block the Ice Storm, Miss Xue is so strong, let's help her!
03:15是,我向决! Yes, I'll do it!
03:20她体内的荒谷圣火,竟然还在抵抗黑暗力量! She's still resisting the Dark Clouds!
03:27星云,小心! Watch out, Wenxin Jade!
03:32小姐! Miss!
03:45他还敢伤害你?小兔崽子,我看你是欠揍! He still dares to hurt you? Little rascal, I think you deserve it!
03:57凤凰涅槃! Phoenix Wraith!
04:18我,我怎么了? I, what happened to me?
04:20小姐,你快看! Miss, look!
04:22总代理竟然在和涅槃之火赴宴! The General is rejoicing with the Fire of Nirvana!
04:33生命盗印! The Seal of Life!
04:52小金龙! Little Golden Dragon!
05:10资质这么好的金龙,我们却没有办法带回去! We can't bring such a good Golden Dragon back!
05:13不管资质高低,他都是我们的族人啊! No matter how good he is, he is still a member of our tribe!
05:17资质高又怎么样?比不上好好活着! So what if he is highly qualified? He is no match for us!
05:21你这么好的女孩儿,我怎么舍得让你心愿落空呢? You are such a good girl, how can I let your wish come true?
05:26这是轮回盗印,能逐渐消除内丹上的黑暗力量! This is the Seal of Life, which can gradually eliminate the dark energy on the inner core!
05:37发生什么事了? What happened?
05:39他,他还活着!太好了! He, he is still alive! That's great!
06:12Why don't you just be a normal little dragon for now?
06:19Xiao Jiu?
06:21Brother Ye, this dragon's life and death cloth is really interesting.
06:25Brother Ye, just leave this dragon's internal pellet to me.
06:29Someone will help him get it back in the future.
06:33I can give it to you.
06:34But you have to tell me what you saw in the life and death cloth.
06:38You come here.
06:42The person who can open the projection must be of a high level.
06:45It's not easy for Ye Yu to be so close to him.
06:50Who the hell are you?
06:52Oh, I see.
06:55Then I'll leave it to you.
07:01Ye Yu.
07:04Sister Xueyan.
07:05Why is this?
07:07Isn't it the egg in the dragon's tomb?
07:11He never went back.
07:12This egg has his own idea.
