Short filmTranscript
00:00I just don't believe that things can go back to how they used to be between us.
00:08And why not?
00:10The ease is gone.
00:12I don't think we should celebrate at the hotel in the near future.
00:17Because of Philipp.
00:19He would feel totally excluded.
00:22But it's also pretty nasty to invite him, isn't it?
00:26I don't want to put salt in the wound.
00:28What if he changes his mind and still shows me up?
00:31You told me you were alone in the apartment.
00:33There are no witnesses.
00:35It's a statement against a statement.
00:38He has no proof.
00:40So you admit that you mixed the sleeping pills in the juice, Mrs. Neubach?
00:46No, no, no. It was a huge mistake.
00:50I'm really sorry from the bottom of my heart.
00:53And it will hurt you even more.
00:58Do you want us to get married?
01:01Why not?
01:03Are you up for it?
01:09No, not really.
01:22Did you really think I would say yes to a...
01:25I can't even call it a request.
01:27I was just about to go on my knees.
01:30Wow, Theo.
01:32That was almost as romantic as if you would say,
01:35Hey, how about we buy a new milk carton?
01:37You're not into romance.
01:39Yes, if it's exaggerated and cheesy.
01:43What would you have to say?
01:46That's why you don't have to make an effort,
01:48and you can just clarify the topic during the wash-off.
01:52And not right away while brushing your teeth.
01:56I need some fresh air.
01:58Good idea.
02:07So I'm leaving?
02:11Take your time.
02:26I love you.
02:52I love you.
02:56And I love you.
03:16Yes, yes, and again yes.
03:20I'm not that stupid.
03:23You're not, but I also told her that...
03:27Vicky, hi.
03:30How are you?
03:31How are you?
03:34Tauro, yes?
03:36Did you go under the esoteric?
03:38Does it help?
03:41The lovers are for my future.
03:45For whom you seem to be quite black yourself.
03:51I won't do that to you.
03:55Vincent, do you want to drink something?
04:00A beer.
04:01Yes, me too, a beer.
04:03Vicky, two beers.
04:04Right away.
04:06Vicky, I'm leaving.
04:07Take care.
04:15What's that supposed to mean?
04:18He's annoying.
04:21The only important thing is that Anna has decided for you.
04:57Good evening.
05:10I didn't know that Melissa's tea looked so seductive.
05:16Do you want to talk about it?
05:20Vincent would like to celebrate my release with a little brunch in Fürstendorf.
05:25Yes, that's a nice idea.
05:27Yes, actually.
05:31You don't want to, because of Philipp.
05:35I don't want to hurt him unnecessarily.
05:38But you probably want to hurt Vincent.
05:42He says it's okay.
05:44Are you sure?
05:48I think more that I've stirred up his jealousy again.
05:53Good, that's possible.
05:56Why are you still so considerate of Philipp?
06:01I don't know, Mom.
06:02I don't know.
06:04Because we've known each other forever and he's still important to me.
06:09But I've decided for Vincent.
06:15Then maybe you should focus on him and not on Philipp.
06:37Better late than never.
06:39Do you mean the time?
06:44I wanted to talk to you.
06:48Unfortunately, it didn't work out in the past.
06:52Well, to apologize.
06:54What hit you in the head was completely wrong.
06:58Yes, and that you did the whole thing for my colleagues, I didn't find it particularly ticklish either.
07:02I know.
07:03I'm sorry about that.
07:04But when on the second day in Louis, three guests stormed your reservation,
07:10because they probably preferred the prince's court, I panicked.
07:14And when I saw that you were serving wild boar with barbecue cranberry sauce,
07:19I thought it couldn't be a coincidence.
07:21But of course, I should never have suggested that you were sabotaging me.
07:26I would never do that.
07:28And I would never lie to you.
07:31By the way, there's another reason why I'm here.
07:34I have terrible withdrawal symptoms.
07:37From what?
07:38From you.
07:40You know, being alone for so long, it just doesn't feel good.
07:44And you get stupid thoughts.
07:46Yes, and that's why it would be much better if I stayed with you tonight.
07:52I don't know.
07:59I'm not psyched.
09:01[♪ dance music and sirens in distance ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
09:06Oh, shit!
09:08Ah Lale!
09:09Did you lose anything again?
09:10I already have, thanks.
09:16Is there anything new?
09:19No, it's just that today is going like it is every other day.
09:22Oh, I'm sorry.
09:24Theo suggested that we get married
09:27right next to the car wash yesterday.
09:29Yes, that's what I was looking at, too.
09:33Of course you didn't accept him.
09:35No, of course not.
09:36And Theo?
09:37He was bent over and left, and this morning he left the house early.
09:41One extreme after the other.
09:45What do you mean?
09:49Well, he told us that he wanted to make a very romantic marriage proposal to you.
10:00Morning, Mr. Sombichler.
10:01Morning, Theo.
10:02Any special requests I should take care of?
10:04No, not yet.
10:18Didn't you want to make the proposal alone?
10:22No, it didn't go that way.
10:26How did you make the proposal?
10:30Well, I told her that I think we're a pretty good team,
10:33in good and bad times.
10:36She wanted to know if it was a proposal,
10:39and I said yes.
10:41And then she said, no, not really.
10:44Theo, when I told you that the most important thing is that the proposal comes from the heart,
10:50what didn't you understand?
10:53Yes, I know, I messed it up.
10:56That's why Theo wanted to do this parachute jump.
11:00Theo really wants to marry me.
11:02That was at least his intention.
11:05Maybe you don't mean it anymore.
11:07Oh, Lale, he loves you.
11:10Because of such a small misunderstanding, he won't ask everything right away.
11:14The proposal was a yes, but it was a no, and I rejected it.
11:17Yes, now give him a little time, and then accept the next proposal.
11:22I know Theo, he's going to get into it now.
11:24I'll take care of it myself.
11:26Thank you, Mrs. Sonnbichler.
11:27Yes, but...
11:28Thank you!
11:33Well, but as long as Lale is not fundamentally against a marriage,
11:37nothing is lost, right?
11:40Yes, you're absolutely right, Mr. Sonnbichler.
11:42I'll just try again.
11:45But then with all the pipapo and schnickschnack and...
11:50Theo, you shouldn't be too romantic either.
11:55Okay, then I'll do it very classic, with a ring and champagne,
11:59and a little bit of music by Matteo Wiegmann,
12:01and maybe a very romantic environment.
12:05Do you come up with a suitable place in the environment?
12:08What would be more romantic than the Grautünger Bayer?
12:13My dream!
12:15I dreamed of a lake, that's where I proposed to Lale.
12:18Well, if that's not a sign...
12:20Thank you, Mr. Sonnbichler.
12:21Now I just have to lure Lale there independently.
12:46So, nothing against hospital food,
12:48but I could only dream of such a muesli there.
12:52I'll make you another portion, if you want.
12:54No, thank you.
12:55We still have our brunch later,
12:57where we celebrate that we both survived the transportation so well.
13:05What are we going to do with Philipp now?
13:09He will come to terms with the fact that I am happy with you.
13:14That means we invite him.
13:19I am really very grateful to him,
13:20because he did a lot for me when I was in the clinic,
13:23but no, that would be a false sign that he would misinterpret.
13:29And besides, we don't just celebrate my new life at the brunch.
13:34But we also celebrate our love.
13:55I have to tell you something.
13:59Werner Seifelt really wanted me to take Wild Boar on the map with your sauce.
14:03What now?
14:05I actually wanted to create my own sauce,
14:07and I had no idea why he insisted so much.
14:10You have to believe me.
14:13That's really behind you.
14:16I can't believe he's planning such a stupid thing every time.
14:19I wouldn't be surprised.
14:22I would cross myself, but then I would risk a warning.
14:26That's possible.
14:28Then we would know who fired the guests in Luz.
14:31You know, I really don't want to hurt you,
14:34but I don't know what to do about it.
14:36And of course I don't want you to lose your job because of me.
14:41So what?
14:44You're going to do it yourself.
14:47With my own restaurant?
14:50There's way too much organization involved,
14:52and economically it's too risky.
14:55I just want to focus on cooking.
14:58You would be totally independent.
15:01But we would be competitors.
15:03On the contrary.
15:06You mean you and me together in Luz?
15:10That would be perfect.
15:12How do you imagine that?
15:14Well, a participation at eye level.
15:16I'll let you do all your creations.
15:19How is that supposed to work?
15:21By, for example, changing the date.
15:27What do you think?
15:35I love you.
15:53Good morning.
15:54Ah, good morning.
15:56Does your hand hurt?
15:57Oh, no.
15:58It hurt a little earlier.
15:59I'm fine.
16:05Hey, that's nice.
16:07Anna and Vincent are inviting us to a brunch.
16:11Well, maybe Yvonne and Eric will come too.
16:14Then we'll finally see each other all four of us.
16:17Yes, and you greet Yvonne from me.
16:19Yes, I'll do that.
16:30How about a little concert?
16:33Your piano is in the blue living room.
16:35I could accompany you.
16:37You can do that without rehearsals, can't you?
16:39Yes, basically.
16:44I can't leave here so soon.
16:46Then ask Julia.
16:48She has an appointment.
16:49Then ask Lea.
16:51She also has an appointment.
16:53Then just call both of them and ask if they can postpone their appointments.
16:57Hey, your daughter would certainly be disappointed if you didn't come to the little party, right?
17:02Otherwise you close the cafe for a few hours.
17:05Yes, and my clientele?
17:09Your daughter celebrates that she has survived a very serious illness.
17:14Isn't that more important?
17:17Yes, you're right.
17:18I'll think of something.
17:22Well, I'll call Eric right away.
17:24Maybe it will work out.
17:32I love you.
17:53Would you like a coffee, too?
17:57You, because of yesterday, I wanted ...
17:59Can we just press the big delete button?
18:05How about a little trip this afternoon?
18:08Oh, I wanted to suggest that, too.
18:10For example, to ...
18:11To Burgwonsteiner.
18:13I always wanted to go there.
18:14The view is supposed to be mega.
18:15Well, I was thinking of the Krautinger Weyher.
18:17It's not that far away.
18:18We've been there before.
18:19Yes, yes, but ...
18:20That's why we know it's so beautiful there.
18:22Well, whatever.
18:23Let's try something new.
18:24We can go to this weyher another time.
18:26But why not today?
18:27I just explained it to you.
18:29Yes, okay.
18:30Then we'll go to the other side of the weyher.
18:32Then it's something new, too, if that's so important to you.
18:34Why are you so stubborn right now?
18:36You're just used to me always giving in.
18:38That's not true at all.
18:39I just want to decide where we're going.
18:41Oh, don't make such a basic thing out of it.
18:44Here you are.
18:45Theo, Dr. Hoslein has a few special wishes for his room.
18:48Will you take care of it, please?
18:49Yes, yes, I will.
18:50I have a training to Burg now.
18:52To the weyher.
18:55No weyher.
18:56Let's go to Burg.
18:57Burg for the plane.
19:00It's not really going as well for me.
19:21Everything is in line with what Ms. Berkman said.
19:30Thank you for the invitation to brunch.
19:32Always a pleasure.
19:34Now tell me, how could you convince Anna?
19:36Anna came up with it on her own.
19:40That means you were worried for nothing?
19:42She only thinks of Philip Brandes.
19:44I didn't say it like that.
19:46But there were some critical voices, my dear.
19:48There were voices that said,
19:50jealousy in this form is not worth it at all.
19:52And who said that?
19:56Eric, I can't remember.
19:58Besides, it doesn't matter.
20:00The main thing is, the topic is off the table.
20:02But you're not inviting Philip Brandes, are you?
20:04No, for God's sake.
20:06We also want to celebrate our relationship.
20:08So, how did you imagine the whole thing?
20:10Well, so that from now on,
20:12everyone knows that Anna and I...
20:14No, no.
20:16But I mean, brunch is such a wide field.
20:18There was nothing about dress code.
20:20What are we going to do now?
20:22Party or smart casual?
20:26Eric, we're celebrating love.
20:28Love and life.
20:30You can come as colorful as two paradise birds.
20:52So, Apollo, if you roll around like that every time,
20:54then I really don't need to clean you anymore.
20:56Hey, Anna.
20:58Hey, Philip.
21:00I just wanted to stop by
21:02and hear how you're doing.
21:04Thank you, that's nice.
21:06Hey, Anna.
21:10Hey, Philip.
21:12I just wanted to stop by
21:14and hear how you're doing.
21:16Thank you, that's nice.
21:24Oh, yes, I'm fine.
21:28No side effects from the surgery?
21:30Yes, there are some movements
21:32that are still a little bit tight,
21:34but he said it'll get better with time.
21:36I'm completely healthy again, Philip.
21:40And that's why
21:42Vincent and I are organizing
21:44a little brunch later
21:46in the blue salon
21:48to celebrate that.
21:54Nice idea.
21:58Then I wish you a lot of fun.
22:00You're wondering
22:02why I didn't invite you.
22:06I don't have time today anyway.
22:10I still have a lot of appointments
22:12to attend.
22:14Okay, then I wish you good luck.
22:20I really appreciate it.
22:22Everything you've done for me.
22:24Especially now,
22:26when I was so sick.
22:28I won't forget that.
22:32It's all good.
22:34It wasn't that bad.
22:50Why did you make such an effort?
22:52Do you even know what kind of effort it is
22:54to decorate the whole house?
22:56What now?
23:00That's a good offer, of course.
23:04Do you think I should accept it?
23:06No, of course not.
23:08Do you remember
23:10how you got this job?
23:12Good question.
23:16André Kronapka
23:18introduced you as a cook
23:20in a star restaurant.
23:22Are you saying
23:24I'm good enough for Louis?
23:26What nonsense are you talking about?
23:28You made such a good call.
23:30Do you want to put it all on the line?
23:32No, Louis could also
23:34establish himself as a top restaurant.
23:38With your good name.
23:40Do you think he would have looked at it?
23:42No idea.
23:44But you have to weigh it well.
23:48At least I wouldn't be
23:50in the same mood as Werner Saalfeld.
23:52Come on, Uncle Werner
23:54doesn't mix in that often.
23:56And you have to compromise in Louis.
23:58No, we would switch.
24:00Greta, you have the budget
24:02of a two-star restaurant
24:04and you have a lot of options.
24:06In Louis, you have to
24:08calculate everything.
24:10I can do that.
24:12I just think it would be better
24:14if you got to know each other
24:16a little better.
24:18Sometimes there are chances in life
24:20and sometimes there aren't.
24:22In any case, it's a good proof of trust
24:24from Louis. Professionally and privately.
24:28Then you make a list
24:30with pros and cons.
24:32And you are honest.
24:34Honest to yourself.
24:50You remember, Professor,
24:52Kroll needs a rosebud
24:54in his holy water.
24:56And the Panama papayas
24:58for the fruit basket.
25:00Yes, unfortunately.
25:02But a very good animal.
25:04And in the afternoon you are free.
25:06Oh, that's done.
25:08After the brunch I have time again.
25:10And what about your trip?
25:12Lalle didn't want to go to Bavaria.
25:14And I could hardly explain
25:16why I really wanted to go there.
25:18Yes, of course.
25:20But I'm sorry.
25:22Hopefully you can get your application soon.
25:24Oh, I'll leave it at that.
25:26There was a worm in it from the beginning.
25:28And that's why you're giving up right now?
25:30No matter what I did,
25:32everything went wrong.
25:34That's a sign.
25:36Yes, a sign that you will
25:38come up with something else next time.
25:40You want to marry Lalle, don't you?
25:42Actually, yes.
25:46I see.
25:48She only had to agree to
25:50what I want.
25:52Sorry, Michael, but I have to go.
25:54Otherwise I'll be late for the party.
26:00Here you go.
26:02Thank you very much.
26:08Hey, Louis.
26:10Hey, nice to have you here.
26:12Hopefully the break won't be over so soon.
26:14I took the rest of the day off.
26:18That sounds promising.
26:20So, how did you decide?
26:22Are you going to meet Louis?
26:24Hello, what can I get you?
26:26A milk coffee, please.
26:28Nothing else, thank you.
26:30So, where were we?
26:32Oh, yes, at your application.
26:36Or not?
26:40I'm sorry.
26:44me first.
26:46And why not?
26:50The time is just too early for me.
26:52Then I can ask you
26:54again in two hours.
26:58Seriously, why so early?
27:02I really enjoy working at the
27:04Fürstenhof and I
27:06feel like I can achieve a lot there.
27:08Yes, but you can achieve
27:10a lot more there.
27:14it's not just that.
27:16It's working really well with us.
27:18Yes, exactly.
27:20But when we work together,
27:22this ease
27:24may be gone.
27:26We're such a great team.
27:30You know, it's not like
27:32I could imagine
27:34working together professionally.
27:36And when?
27:38When is when?
27:40Can we first see
27:42how it goes with us?
27:44Or do you want to be a part of it right now?
27:46Hey, the offer was
27:52A milk coffee, please.
27:54Why do I feel
27:56like you're so reasonably sensible?
27:58I have to
28:00when you're so impulsive.
28:02And if I decided
28:04impulsively to change locations?
28:06May I still have my coffee?
28:08Of course.
28:32What a love!
28:36In a relationship,
28:38you say at the right time,
28:40I'll give you my heart.
28:42But in general,
28:44it's meant metaphorically.
28:46But you two,
28:48you really stand for each other
28:50with body and soul.
28:52Dear Vincent,
28:54I admire the courage
28:56and willpower
28:58with which you fought for this love.
29:00Your connection
29:02is really something very special.
29:04Because this love is tested
29:06on heart and kidneys.
29:08And hopefully will last
29:10for many happy
29:12years together.
29:14To Anna and Vincent.
29:20Thank you very much.
29:22That was wonderful.
29:24Thank you very much.
29:26Thank you for coming
29:28and taking the time.
29:30I just wanted to tell you
29:32that I'm really happy
29:34that you're doing so well.
29:40Are you ready?
29:44Michael and I
29:46have prepared a little speech
29:48that's not about health,
29:50but about love.
30:02I've been defeated
30:04Shedding broken clouds
30:06My faith is torn
30:08And all my hopes
30:10Are broken down
30:12You're like holy water
30:14So pure and clean
30:16I've been defeated
30:18Shedding broken clouds
30:20My faith is torn
30:22And all my hopes
30:24Are broken down
30:26You're like holy water
30:28So pure and clean
30:30You guide my way
30:32Through all these
30:36You're like holy water
30:38You're like holy water
30:40You're like holy water
30:42You're like holy water
30:44You're like holy water
30:48You're like holy water
30:54You also have some experiences, right?
30:56You know Anna's up to something, don't you?
30:59My son is talking to a horse.
31:01Someone should have told me that earlier.
31:04And you're shoveling horse apples. Things are changing.
31:09And you'd probably prefer to be at the prince's court.
31:12There's a little party going on over there.
31:15With your ex.
31:18How do you know that?
31:19Well, it's no secret.
31:22I'm just wondering why you're not invited.
31:25Why should she invite me?
31:28Her colleagues say you wanted to give her a kidney.
31:31And you did a lot for her and her horse.
31:36Yeah, I did. But...
31:39Well, you're not together anymore.
31:42But somehow it seems a little ungrateful to me.
31:47Don't talk like that about Anna. You don't even know her.
31:50Besides, I don't have time for a brunch today.
31:53Of course. You also have to talk to the horse.
31:56That's none of my business.
32:00I'm on your side.
32:02I just think that life is treating you unfairly right now.
32:08It's true.
32:09You were the only heir of Wilma.
32:12And you're leaving empty-handed because of a woman who left you because of another guy.
32:16Roland! Save your sympathy, okay?
32:19I don't have time for a brunch today and...
32:21Just leave me alone.
32:31My grandma even invited the mayor because she's so proud that I'm finally bringing someone along.
32:35Oh, that's touching.
32:37She loves me.
32:38Yes, I can understand that.
32:40And then you had to explain everything to him?
32:43And that's embarrassing, isn't it?
32:46If he would have let himself be looked at again, I would have punched him in the face.
32:50The mayor?
32:53Oh, I see.
32:54Mrs. Baroness.
32:55Excuse me.
32:58How is it in the Blue Salon?
32:59Oh, you...
33:00I've been watching them the whole time.
33:02I don't think that Theo will make another application today.
33:07Unfortunately, he gave up on that.
33:10Although she wants to marry him.
33:12And also makes an application to him.
33:17Did you talk to her about it?
33:20You both want it.
33:21But you can't do it.
33:25But Helga, we can't let the two of them get engaged out of stubbornness.
33:31Oh, Alfons.
33:32You can't take the surprise from him.
33:35No, that would be bad, of course.
33:37But, you know, I just have the feeling that without our help it will never work.
33:44You're not wrong about that.
33:46Maybe we just have to give luck a little push.
33:53What do you have in mind?
33:54I have an idea.
33:55Anna, do you have a moment?
33:56Of course.
33:57Let's go.
34:07Very, very big class.
34:10I think she liked it.
34:13I think that's enough.
34:15Thank you both.
34:16That was really beautiful.
34:18We are very pleased.
34:19Wonderful, wonderful.
34:20Thank you very much.
34:21What a voice.
34:22We are thrilled.
34:24And what a song.
34:25What a beautiful one.
34:26Excuse me.
34:27Excuse me.
34:28Theo, you have to go to the reception room urgently.
34:31Mr. Sonnenklein says the minibar has not been filled up.
34:34The new guests will arrive in at least an hour.
34:36Yes, but that's ...
34:37Yes, okay.
34:38I'll check it.
34:39Can you get me a few of the macaroons?
34:42All right.
34:43Thanks, Arno.
34:49Tell me, did you quarrel?
34:52Well, because you didn't talk to each other all the time.
34:55We are here for you.
34:57Thanks again for the invitation.
35:14Everything okay?
35:16Yes, of course.
35:27You're welcome.
35:30Ah, Mr. Brandes.
35:33Hello, Mrs. Seifelt.
35:35It's not easy for you, is it?
35:38What do you mean?
35:40Well ...
35:47I thought it would bother me if I wasn't there.
35:50But would you really have wanted that?
35:53Well, if, then.
35:55Only instead of Vincent.
35:59Even if that might be difficult for you, but ...
36:02you should try to deal with the situation.
36:07I should deal with the fact that ...
36:10one celebrates with the wrong man?
36:14I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
36:19What should I do now?
36:22I love Anna.
36:24And nothing will change that.
36:32Hey, Markus.
36:33Nice talk, thank you very much.
36:35You're very, very welcome.
36:37But I mean, you can tell that there's something going on between you two.
36:41Yes, and that will stay that way forever.
36:44My mother says ...
36:46that I have too much respect for Philipp.
36:48Well, it's a bit conspicuous.
36:50Yes, I know.
36:51And I have to change that.
36:54I just had to be much more consistent.
36:57Excuse me for a moment, okay?
36:59Hey, Eric.
37:00Eric, I have an idea.
37:02Next week in Krauting, there's an oldie night.
37:04Oldie night.
37:05Hey, we could spend it at Philipp's, right?
37:07Yes, a party night and such.
37:09Of course.
37:10Yvonne will be happy.
37:12But only if the oldie turns to the music.
37:14Otherwise, I'm out.
37:16Excuse me.
37:18Oh, God.
37:19Yes, yes, right?
37:20No, no.
37:21Mr. Marek would like to present his nutrition advice now.
37:26My husband just told me to arrange it for him.
37:30Should I change?
37:32You can go like this.
37:34And you want to meet him right now in the Enzianhütte.
38:02I didn't want you to notice me.
38:04I almost did.
38:06I didn't mean to...
38:07It's okay.
38:11Philipp, we're constantly crossing paths.
38:15So we should really get along.
38:20I think so, too.
38:22By looking ahead together.
38:28And walking separate paths.
38:31I don't see it that way.
38:33Philipp, I know it's hard.
38:36But you just have to accept the fact.
38:41Do I have to?
38:43But facts can change.
38:49If all these things hadn't happened...
38:54...we might still be a couple.
38:57You know...
38:59...I just imagine so often...
39:02...that we'd be living together.
39:06Don't you?
39:09Too much has happened.
39:15I'm sorry, Philipp.
39:27I'm sorry.
39:32Sometimes there's just not enough sugar, right?
39:35Yes, especially with Sprudel.
39:40Nicole, um...
39:42Is everything okay?
39:47I just have a lot to do at the moment.
39:50In the café.
39:51More than usual?
39:54I mean, come up with new recipes.
39:56The bookkeeping.
39:57The usual things.
39:58The usual things?
40:00So it has nothing to do with me?
40:02What? No, why?
40:04Well, you weren't there at Louis' opening.
40:06You missed the last couple's evening.
40:08Yes, and I'm really sorry about that.
40:10But it really didn't work out.
40:13That means...
40:15...everything's clear between the two of us, right?
40:18Yes, of course.
40:20That's how it should be.
40:24Just now, when you were singing, I honestly thought...
40:29I honestly thought for a moment...
40:35I must have clicked wrong, or buttoned my shirt wrong, or tied my tie wrong.
40:40The tie, yes.
40:42Um, no.
40:45Everything's perfect with you.
40:49Should I bring you a Sprudel?
40:54A Sprudel, yes.
41:31Oh, that's tricky again.
41:54I think you called the wrong cabin.
41:57Everything's prepared for a romantic date, and the minibar is full.
42:01Or should I clean up here, or something?
42:04I'll call.
42:14We have a key.
42:17What are you doing here?
42:20What are you doing here?
42:22What are you doing here?
42:23I have to clean up here, or something.
42:25Yes, and I'm supposed to meet Mr. Marek here for his nutrition consultation?
42:29They'll be here in an hour.
42:33Hey, don't touch anything, please.
42:35What's that?
42:37No idea.
42:40The cabin is reserved for you until tomorrow.
42:43All love from Alfons and Hildegard.
42:47I didn't know the sunflowers knew Marek.
42:50Lale and Theo.
43:06Paul, are you leaving already?
43:08Um, yes.
43:09I just remembered that a delivery man was coming to the café.
43:14Yes, but you can take care of that.
43:18I have to discuss some important things with him.
43:24Is your hand hurting again?
43:27A little bit, yes.
43:29Did you strain it while playing the piano?
43:32One song, you mean?
43:34That would have to be Rachmaninoff's Third Piano Concerto,
43:38for my hand to hurt.
43:40Well, you should take care of it.
43:43Oh, it's nothing.
43:45You think so?
43:46Maybe a mild inflammation. It'll go away.
43:49Okay, at least wash your hand now.
43:52Yes, I will.
44:05Here you are.
44:07I thought you weren't coming anymore.
44:10And I thought Philipp finally understood that he should leave Anna alone.
44:14What's going on now?
44:16He's getting into our relationship all the time.
44:18I have to listen to him nagging Anna again.
44:20Yes, you can do that. She's with you.
44:23And instead of Anna firing him, he's showing her understanding again.
44:26Anna has a big heart.
44:28Yes, a little too big if you ask me.
44:32As long as Philipp feels he has a chance, he will use it.
44:35And he will use it until he is successful.
44:37Don't get so involved.
44:40I'm not going to.
44:42What's that supposed to mean?
44:44Philipp has to leave.
44:48So you wanted to make a request to me, too?
44:51I even dreamed of making one for you.
44:53At the lake?
44:55Did I say yes?
45:01After you.
45:12You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life.
45:19Because you take me for who I am.
45:23And because your beauty shines from the inside.
45:30You were always lighter in my dreams.
45:33I want to go on.
45:38You inspire me every day with your incredible warmth
45:43and your ability to always make me laugh.
45:50You give me the strength and inspiration I need.
45:58You are the greatest man in the world, Theo.
46:01And you are always there for me.
46:04I love you.
46:07I love you.
46:13Lale Celan.
46:17Do you want to be my wife?
46:20Theo Licht.
46:26Do you want to be my husband?
46:37On three.
46:54Maybe we should make music together more often.
46:57It doesn't always have to be in front of an audience.
46:59These are brand new shoes.
47:00One stud is not enough.
47:02I know.
47:03But it's not so easy to find good horses that fit together.
47:08I would know someone.
47:10I can't explain it to myself.
47:11Were all the numbers correct?
47:13Obviously not.
47:16Those are not my numbers.
47:17Oh, yeah?
47:18Someone messed around with them.
47:19Oh, come on.
47:20Who would have thought that?
47:22Take good care of yourself on the way.
47:23I won't get lost.
47:25I meant the prisoner who escaped from the JVA.
47:28What does that mean? It's your fault.
47:30I just have pictures in my head sometimes.
47:36What pictures?