• last week
00:00I thought you were going into work.
00:13Yeah, I had some unexpected delays.
00:16I'm I'm headed there soon.
00:18You have time for lunch with me today.
00:23Jack, I don't I don't know.
00:26Hey, we're back.
00:28You most certainly are.
00:30How is Paris?
00:32Oh, it was wonderful.
00:33But it is nice to be back.
00:35Well, it's nice to have some smiling faces in this house.
00:44I have a task for you.
00:47If you accomplish it,
00:52then that's a long way to
00:56get into my good graces again.
00:58This relationship, it's got more trials than the Olympics.
01:01You want to know what the job is?
01:02Yeah, fire away. Good times.
01:05I recently acquired a company that I think has potential to grow.
01:11Except I didn't tell anyone
01:14that I'm the one who bought it.
01:16Why? You've never been particularly shy about taking credit for your acquisitions?
01:20This requires more tact, okay?
01:23Now, what's the company?
01:29Tucker McCall's DeSade?
01:32The one that Kyle Abbott is running with Audra Charles.
01:36That DeSade.
01:37Except now Kyle is going to run it solo.
01:42So, you screwed over Tucker.
01:45You poached Kyle Abbott from Jabot,
01:49thereby sticking to Jack.
01:52You're on a roll.
01:53What could you possibly need an attorney for?
02:22I hope I didn't drag you both away from anything important.
02:37No, I'm glad you reached out.
02:40Did something happen?
02:42I have an update on Mom.
02:45So I went to Daniel's earlier,
02:49and Lucy wanted to find this particular necklace of Heather's.
02:55She wants to keep Heather close?
02:58She was just looking through the jewelry box.
03:05I'm sure in some way it was therapeutic, but...
03:10Oh, wow. Watching that, that was gut-wrenching for me.
03:13Did you find the necklace?
03:15She found it.
03:18She put it on.
03:21It took a lot out of her.
03:24She was so exhausted she laid down, and I held her until she fell asleep.
03:30Maybe it'll bring her some solace, having a piece of Heather with her.
03:36Probably will.
03:43But hey, you know, it's great that Chance is on the case.
03:48And someone found Heather's phone?
03:53That's incredible. That should give us some answers.
03:58If anybody is going to get to the bottom of what happened to Heather, it's Chance.
04:06Thank you for coming over and meeting me here.
04:09It's just been a little bit of a rough morning. Lucy fell asleep and I didn't want to leave her alone.
04:13Yeah, totally understand, man.
04:15You sure you're up for this right now?
04:17Because I can always come back.
04:19It's fine. What did you want to discuss?
04:21First of all, I just wanted to follow up on the text you got from Heather's phone. Any further contact there?
04:26No, they didn't show up last night. I did exactly what you told me to do.
04:29I sent another text asking if they wanted to try and meet again.
04:32And no response?
04:34I hope whoever has this phone realizes how important it is for me to get it back.
05:04Keep it together, Sharon. Keep it together.
05:15I thought you two were coming back end of the week.
05:18Well, we were, but we were able to tie everything up in Paris sooner than we thought, so...
05:23Yeah, I closed up the townhouse. I moved everything here to Genoa City.
05:27So it's official. You're really relocating.
05:30Yeah, just have to find a place to live. But first things first.
05:34Shelley, take your bags up and then maybe we'll have some lunch.
05:36Oh, that sounds great. I'll help you.
05:38Oh, great. Thank you.
05:43I cannot tell you how good it is to see you.
05:46Oh, I missed you, Jack. I'm a little surprised you missed me so much, though.
05:51Were you able to check in on Ashley while you were in Paris?
05:54I was. And she is doing so well. And everything is on track for her to be here in time for Abby's wedding.
06:01Fantastic. Haven't had good news in a few weeks.
06:05Well, that's a little concerning.
06:08Yeah, a lot's happened while you've been away. We don't need to get into all that.
06:12Well, maybe we should.
06:14Things have been pretty stressful around here lately.
06:18I thought I sensed a little bit of tension. Does this have something to do with what's going on with Kyle?
06:24Yeah, the issues that Diane and I have with Kyle are not getting any better.
06:28In fact, we're just trying to figure out how to salvage things.
06:33And I don't know. I just get the feeling that we can't fix this.
06:39Daniel, you need to prepare yourself because it's very likely that whoever has this phone may not turn it over.
06:45Why would they reach out in the first place if they didn't intend to give it back?
06:48I don't know. Maybe they had another motive in mind.
06:51Chance, there could be information about Heather on that phone. Something that helps us put the pieces together.
06:56I hate you. I just wouldn't hang all your hopes on that.
06:58How am I not supposed to hang all my hopes on that? It's the only thing that we have going for us right now.
07:02I mean, if we could find where the phone was found or what condition it was in.
07:07Or maybe there was something on it that tells us what Heather was thinking or feeling.
07:11Anything to just give us a sense of what happened.
07:13Look, I know that you believe Heather's death was an accident and I'm working under the same assumptions.
07:20But there's some other concerns that we got to face right now.
07:23Like what?
07:25Like the one I mentioned last night.
07:27How did a random person gain access to her phone?
07:34You know, I see the agony in Daniel's face.
07:40I mean, agony. I don't think he's fully grasped.
07:44Because he's trying so hard to protect Lucy.
07:50I mean, it's a lot to take in.
07:52Lucy's so devastated. I mean, devastated.
07:58I don't think she really gets that Heather's not coming back.
08:02Was there anything else going on for you?
08:12I did this to you and Daniel.
08:20I really want to make it up to you. Like, for real.
08:26I mean, you're here.
08:29That's what matters.
08:32But it was so unfair that I did that to you.
08:35But it was so unfair that I did that to you. It just was.
08:40If I could take it back, I would.
08:43You can't.
08:45I mean, we can't live in the past.
08:47We've got to be in the present.
08:51And right now, I don't think that there's anything that you or I could do to take away Daniel and Lucy's pain.
08:59Because Heather is gone.
09:05Why did this have to happen?
09:09Mom went out for a drive late last night.
09:12And she didn't tell you about it beforehand?
09:15I didn't know where she was, so I called her and texted her a bunch of times, but she didn't respond.
09:21Must have been upsetting.
09:23Especially after what just happened to Lucy's mom.
09:27I was really sorry to hear about that. Daniel must be awake.
09:31Lucy, too. I don't even want to think about something like that ever happening to Mom.
09:37But you said she came home, and she was okay.
09:41She apologized for worrying me and assured me that she was fine.
09:47You don't think your mom was being honest?
09:50She said she went out because she was feeling restless, which seemed to make sense.
09:56Look, Faith, whatever is bothering you, it's okay for you to talk to us about it, alright?
10:01You don't need to worry about betraying your mother's confidence.
10:07I hate saying this, but I don't know if she's really turned a corner.
10:14What if she's really just gotten better at hiding what's going on?
10:19Keep it together. Keep it together. Keep it together.
10:23Keep it together. Keep it together. Keep it together.
10:27Now is the time, Sharon.
10:31You need to make a move.
10:33Go away.
10:34Just take the next step.
10:37Call the cops. Get them to go to Daniel's place so they can find items that you left there.
10:45I don't want to talk to you anymore.
10:49Let me talk to Cassie.
11:01Are you okay?
11:04Vic. Oh, thank God. Thank God. You have to help me.
11:09I'm here. I'm right here. Everything's gonna be alright.
11:19You always know when I need you.
11:23I will always save you.
11:31Nice try.
11:33Now knock it off. No more distractions.
11:36You know damn well you still have work to do.
11:42Hello. Oh, thank you.
11:45Oh, perfect. Thanks.
11:52Thank you very much.
11:55So, now that you're actually going to be living here in Genoa City, I think it might be time that you become a lawyer.
12:04So, now that you're actually going to be living here in Genoa City, I think it might be time that you become acquainted with some of Genoa City's luminaries.
12:15Maybe inside you.
12:17Right. So, over by the window, do you see those two gentlemen?
12:23That's Victor Newman and Michael Baldwin.
12:27Victor is Ashley's ex-husband and Abby's father.
12:30I recognize Victor. He's got quite a reputation. How well do you know him?
12:36Well, the Abbots and the Newmans have a very long history, both good and bad.
12:42But underlying all of it is a lifelong feud between Victor and my brother Jack.
12:49And of course you come down on Jack's side.
12:54Although, I mostly just try to keep out of the fray and avoid Victor's machinations.
13:00Must be quite a challenge.
13:02Well, as long as Victor isn't coming after my family, I'm great with him.
13:06But Victor always finds a way to torture the Abbots.
13:11Kyle made a move recently that proves that he is ready to run Glissade on his own.
13:18I'm afraid to ask.
13:20He stole the plan.
13:21He stole the plan.
13:23For a new product from Chabot.
13:27And brought it to me.
13:30And he's changed for me.
13:33Taking the order of Charles out of a position as co-CEO.
13:40Well, setting aside Kyle's brazenness at betraying his own family,
13:46that action sounds suspiciously like corporate theft.
13:52The product has not been released yet. It's in the planning stage.
13:58Ah, so the plan is to have Glissade release it first?
14:03Cutting Jack and Diane off at the knees.
14:05It's up to you to protect me from any potential fallout.
14:08Well, it's stealing. Plain and simple. I don't see how we get around that.
14:13You figure out a way.
14:17You must be thrilled that Kyle took this step.
14:21He has just completely undermined Chabot.
14:26He's finally cutting the cords to his father.
14:30None too soon.
14:33And he's obviously manifesting his loyalty to me.
14:38As he should be.
14:39It's not too late. We can still back out, go somewhere else.
14:53No, we'll stay. This is exactly where I want to be.
15:01I'd like to ask you some questions now, if you don't mind.
15:05Yeah, sure. Go ahead.
15:08What was Heather's demeanor like before she took off?
15:15You know, I feel like I should give you a sense of the bigger picture first.
15:19Yeah, whatever you think's helpful.
15:24You know, things haven't been easy for the two of us the past few months.
15:30We both lost our jobs. Lucy's been having trouble fitting in.
15:35And she, you know, was having trouble making friends.
15:39And Faith Newman came back to town from college. Lucy kind of latched on to her.
15:44You know, Summer's told me a little bit about what's been going on with Lucy.
15:48So you know about the drinking and the car accident?
15:52I sure do.
15:54After the accident, Sharon got really mad at us, at Lucy, which was understandable.
16:01Did Sharon make it clear how upset she was?
16:04Oh, yeah. We had a few run-ins with her.
16:07Really? What happened?
16:11She criticized our parenting. She ordered us to keep Lucy away from Faith.
16:17She went at Heather pretty hard a couple times. I don't think it was good for Heather's state of mind.
16:22And this happened more than once?
16:25Twice, at least.
16:28I think the last time was literally the day before Heather decided to take off.
16:35Tell me more about that.
16:39Last night just freaks me out all over again.
16:42When I didn't know where she was and she wouldn't answer her calls.
16:46It's definitely not turn-the-corner behavior.
16:50I guess I just don't think that we can trust that she's suddenly cured.
16:55Well, we just have to keep an eye on her, you know, so we can gauge where she is emotionally.
17:01I could definitely do that.
17:04Yeah, I don't just mean the two of you.
17:07I think it's time I made more of an effort to spend some one-on-one time with Sharon.
17:16She does look amazing.
17:20Oh, Sharon! Sharon! Hi! It's great to see you.
17:25Oh, hello, Tracy. It's nice that you're back in town. How is Ashley?
17:32Thank you so much for asking. She's doing well.
17:36Let me introduce you. Alan Laurent, this is Sharon Newman.
17:39It's very nice to meet you.
17:41You as well.
17:43Actually, the two of you have a lot in common.
17:46Sharon is a trained therapist and Alan's a psychologist.
17:55Don't let him distract you.
17:58I'm not.
17:59That's why I wanted to ease somewhere else.
18:01Sharing the air with Victor is never a good thing for us.
18:05Well, it's not like we can easily escape him, can we?
18:08Especially now that our son is so completely aligned with him.
18:11Okay, I'm not going to let you do that.
18:13Do what?
18:15This situation is not all Kyle's doing. Victor saw an opportunity and he manipulated that.
18:21Oh, you mean an opportunity that I caused, right? By firing Kyle.
18:25I didn't say that.
18:26Why do I get the feeling you're trying to pick a fight with me?
18:29I don't know, Jack. Maybe because I haven't recovered from our last argument.
18:34But you wanted to come to lunch, so here we are.
18:37Just tell me what's wrong.
18:40Okay, let's start with what's happening right now.
18:43You are so preoccupied being stuck in a room with Victor Newman
18:48that you can't see that our son is the one destroying our family.
18:57The accident with Lucy and Faith, it mirrored a lot of the circumstances surrounding Cassie's death.
19:05Yeah, what, uh, drinking, same two families involved.
19:10I mean, it obviously stirred up a lot of strong emotions in Sharon.
19:14Sharon say that to you?
19:16My Heather?
19:18Before the accident, Sharon told me that she had been thinking about Cassie a lot.
19:23It was the anniversary of her death in May, and...
19:28I just think, you know, seeing me all the time, it has to be a constant reminder of her loss.
19:34Was there tension between you two before the girl's car accident?
19:38Yeah, the tension's always there, trust me, because of the role I played in Cassie's death.
19:43So you're saying she was already on edge.
19:45I know she was.
19:47I just think that it got to be too much for her, you know, always being around me and my family, and...
19:52I don't know, the fact that Lucy and Faith were starting to hang out, I just, I think the accident turned it up a notch.
19:59You actually witnessed this, in her behavior, you saw it.
20:03Yeah, I mean, she was lashing out, you know.
20:06I, it didn't bother me, I got it, you know, but...
20:11Heather? It upset Heather.
20:13Why? Because Sharon was treating Lucy poorly, or what?
20:17I'm just convinced that Sharon's attitude played a big part in Heather wanting to get away.
20:27Sharon was just so great when we needed help with Ashley.
20:31Really? What is your background as a therapist?
20:35I have a master's in psychology, I used to have private clients,
20:41and I was a victim liaison for the Genoa City Police Department for a time.
20:47Wow, that is fascinating work.
20:50You know, I'm writing a book, a psychological study, and I would love your input sometime if you're up for it.
20:58Maybe, sometime.
21:00I run a company now that keeps me quite busy.
21:05Well, of course, at your convenience.
21:07Well, I should really get going. It was nice to talk to you both.
21:12Thank you, nice to see you, Sharon.
21:14Nice to meet you.
21:18Well, you have all sorts of connections, don't you?
21:22International rock stars, business moguls, and even therapists.
21:27I am quite amazing.
21:29You are quite amazing.
21:31Now, the question is, do you know any realtors?
21:33Oh, I don't, but I do have an idea.
21:38I wanted to talk to you about this.
21:41I have some place I'd like you to consider.
21:44I'd like to hear about it.
21:46Well, it's a mansion.
21:49A mansion. It might be a little runaway for me.
21:54Well, you won't be alone.
21:56I'm talking about the Abbott house.
21:59The Abbott house.
22:02Why don't you move in with me?
22:07There's plenty of room.
22:09In fact, right now, I have almost a whole wing of the house.
22:14And if that's not enough privacy for you, we could both move into the pool house.
22:23Oh, you don't like the idea?
22:25No, I love the idea.
22:27I love the idea of being with you.
22:29I just...
22:31I don't want to crowd you.
22:33I don't want to annoy your family.
22:35I don't see how that could happen.
22:38But I appreciate how considerate you're being.
22:42Have you spoken to them?
22:44No. No, I wanted to talk to you about it first.
22:47But if you think that you want me to ask Jack and Diane, we could absolutely do that.
22:53But I happen to know it's not going to be a problem.
22:59I think it's a wonderful idea.
23:08Something's wrong.
23:12Boy, oh boy.
23:14The atmosphere seems so thick you can cut it with a knife.
23:19Gee, I wonder if it could have anything to do with Kyle sabotaging Chabot.
23:26You know, I remember...
23:29Before I fired off a child, she told me that...
23:34She thought...
23:36There was trouble between those two.
23:41Couldn't happen between us a couple.
23:45She has a one.
23:51Hey, sit down.
23:53Hey, where's Lucy?
23:56She want to come?
23:58No, she's up, but she's at home. She did not want to come out.
24:02She promised that she'd call me if she needed anything.
24:04Maybe she just needs some alone time.
24:07Hey, how did your talk with Chance go?
24:10Yeah, was it helpful?
24:12I just feel like the more I learn, the less any of it makes sense.
24:17Why, what'd he say?
24:19He said that it was strange that whoever got Heather's phone was able to unlock it.
24:24Yeah, that is weird.
24:26And then that the person didn't show up, that wanted to meet me, and won't return any of my texts.
24:32Maybe they got spooked somehow?
24:34What if someone hurt Heather? I mean, what if she was like the victim of a mugging that went bad, or some other kind of argument?
24:43I mean, it's possible.
24:44I don't know, it makes no sense. Just why was she at the river in the first place at night?
24:51Why was she?
24:53Especially after she told you and Paul that she wanted to get out of town for a while.
24:59I don't know. None of it adds up.
25:07Are you sure you have time to spend one-on-one with Mom right now?
25:11Of course I do.
25:13But you have work, and I know you must be supporting Phyllis and Summer and Daniel with what happened with Heather.
25:21Look, they absolutely need support, and I will be there for them too. I can do both, I promise you.
25:27I will always make time for your mother, especially when she's struggling.
25:32I just feel like I should be better at this.
25:35What are you talking about? You're doing an amazing job.
25:37You took a semester off of college to be home, to be with her. That's amazing.
25:43Look, and just because you're taking time off from school, it doesn't mean you have to be your mother's 24-hour babysitter.
25:50That is not what I meant when I said we all have to keep an eye on her.
25:54Yes, I just get stressed. Wanting her to be better now. Wanting to help her in just the right way.
26:03Yeah, I know. This is hard.
26:08It is.
26:11Thanks, Dad. It'll be good for you to spend some time alone with her. Just to see what's going on.
26:18Yeah, I agree. You know her so well. I bet she'll confide in you more than me and Faith. She tries to protect us too much.
26:28And you can read her better than us.
26:31I'm happy to do it. It'll be a relief to see your mom back to being her old self again.
26:38You know what? I am so glad that you encouraged Chance to go back to the GCPD. I'm really glad. I think we're in good hands.
26:48I just hope you can get some answers for us soon.
26:52Oh, me too.
26:56What's wrong?
26:58Is it news about Heather's phone?
27:00It was the hospital in Lisbon. They tried calling Heather, but they couldn't get through to her, so I'm listed as the backup next to Ken.
27:09Hospital in Portugal?
27:11Paul had a heart attack. I mean, it must have been shortly after I told him what happened to Heather.
27:17Oh, my God. Is he okay?
27:20I mean, he's recovering, thankfully, but he's not going to be able to travel. He's not going to be able to make Heather's service.
27:27God, that's terrible.
27:31I guess the shock of losing his only daughter almost cost him his own life, too.
27:45You're still staring. Ignore him.
27:49I will if you will.
27:51Why won't you accept the truth?
27:54About what?
27:55About Kyle.
27:57You keep wanting to blame Victor for everything, but the truth is Kyle made this happen.
28:02He agreed to work for Victor. He agreed to betray us.
28:05I cannot believe you have this little compassion for our son.
28:08Jack, Kyle is a grown man capable of making his own decisions.
28:13He disrespected us. He disregarded our feelings, and he's ready to sabotage our company.
28:19Kyle feels motivated to turn on us. It's because he honestly feels we are not there.
28:25No, no, no, no. You don't mean we do you, Jack. You mean me.
28:30Oh, my God. I don't think that you have ever fully committed to the fact that I've changed.
28:36That I'm not the same manipulative bitch that I used to be.
28:39No, I am sick of it.
28:49She's your friend. Go check on her.
28:55I will.
29:01I will.
29:02I will.
29:23I think I should go to him.
29:25Maybe you should give him a little time.
29:29I just don't understand this.
29:32I sensed a little tension between Jack and Diane when we first got here.
29:36But how could it have gotten this bad?
29:41The fight did escalate pretty quickly.
29:44Jack would never do this. He would never argue in public. Certainly not in front of Victor.
29:51Oh, Jack. Is this how you choose to conduct yourself in public?
29:57Go away, Victor.
29:59It seems you not only have lost the love and respect of your son, but now you're in a feud with your wife.
30:06This is none of your concern.
30:09I disagree with you.
30:11It seems all of your unpaid sins are coming undone.
30:16Now, what the hell would John Abbott think about his son?
30:24How you doing?
30:25How you doing?
30:27You sounded upset on the phone. What's going on?
30:33It's Paul Williams. He's had a heart attack in Lisbon.
30:39Oh, my God.
30:41Is he...
30:43No, he's okay. He's recovering. He's just not going to be able to travel for Heather's memorial service.
30:50James, I'm so sorry. I know you two are close.
30:53I'll have to tell everyone at the department. My mom, too. She'll want to know.
30:58Yeah. Daniel had just told him about Heather's death.
31:02Oh, it's awful.
31:05Unfortunately, that's pretty common after hearing bad news.
31:11Look, I don't want to impose on your investigation at all, but did your conversation with Daniel help?
31:23Yeah, I got some insight into Heather's mindset.
31:28Any clues about what might have happened?
31:31You know, I guess she had a cause to be upset.
31:35But why go to the river if you're trying to split town?
31:38Doesn't make any sense.
31:40You got the phone. Why would the person who found it send a message about returning it and never show?
31:45And how could they have unlocked it without her password?
31:47Exactly. So there are a lot of questions, not enough answers.
32:08Daniel, I just want to say I was extremely sorry to hear about Heather.
32:15Me too. I'm so sorry for your loss, both of you.
32:22That's very kind.
32:24How you holding up?
32:26Day by day, minute by minute, you know.
32:29Yeah, it's going to be like that. You need anything, man, you call me, okay?
32:35Thank you, Nick.
32:37Please tell Lucy I'm thinking about her.
32:40I will definitely tell her.
32:42She'll appreciate that.
32:44How's Lucy doing?
32:48As good as she can be.
32:51Have you talked to Paul?
32:54Yeah. Well, I just found out that Paul had his own health scare right after learning about what happened to his daughter.
33:02What happened?
33:04Paul had a heart attack.
33:20That was quite the display up there.
33:28You okay?
33:32Jack and I celebrated our one year anniversary not long ago.
33:37We were more in love than ever, and now look at us.
33:40We're making scenes in restaurants.
33:44What happened with you two?
33:46Victor happened.
33:49Kyle betrayed us. He went to work for him, and now Jack is so consumed by his hatred of Victor.
33:56It's overshadowed everything in our lives.
34:01I would think at this late date, Jack would know better than to get sucked in by one of Victor's maneuvers.
34:07Hmm. Is this one of them?
34:10Did he send you down here to check on me?
34:14Ye of little faith. I came down here because I was worried about my friend.
34:20But you work for Victor, so your loyalties are split. And I'm not sure I should even tell you my troubles.
34:30You know you can confide in me.
34:34I'm here for you.
34:35Ever since their feud reignited, Jack and Victor's mutual obsession with each other has snowballed.
34:44I mean, it's so bad, Michael. It's affected my marriage. It's affected our relationship with Kyle.
34:53It's even affected your beau.
35:00It does sound serious.
35:01It does sound serious.
35:04I know what you're trying to do, Victor. It's not going to work.
35:08I just asked a question, Jack.
35:12How would your father deal with all of your numerous failings?
35:16I know you're just thrilled with the fact that my son and I are not getting along right now. Rest assured, we will work our way through this.
35:23Oh yeah? How are you going to do that? You just allowed your wife to fire your son.
35:30I'm absolutely stunned by the disrespect that you and Diane have shown that boy. My sympathies are with Kyle.
35:44Chance, what's your gut telling you about all of this?
35:47Well, I wonder if Heather went down to the river to meet someone. Someone who knew her well enough to get into her phone.
36:03I don't think anyone knows her that well besides Daniel or Lucy.
36:08Besides Daniel or Lucy?
36:13What are you saying? That she was seeing someone else?
36:20Look, I don't know. Look, I don't have enough information. I'm just spitballing.
36:26Chance, that would destroy Daniel.
36:29No. All I can say, Summer, is this is starting to look less and less like an accident.
36:39Um, Daniel, I'm so sorry. I didn't know if you would want to see me right now, so I was just going to leave, but then I heard you mention the news about Paul. How terrible.
36:57It is. All of it.
37:00Well, please pass along my regards for a speedy recovery. It's just awful.
37:06Yeah, I will. Thank you.
37:08We should go.
37:14Are you okay, Mom?
37:16Um, yeah. Yeah, just, you know, the news about Paul. It's hard.
37:23Yeah, it feels like there's been a lot of bad news lately.
37:28Um, I'm so sorry. I have to head back to work. Um, are you going to be alright?
37:34Yeah, I'll be fine.
37:36I can stay if you want me to.
37:38No, no. Why don't you girls both go? Enjoy your day.
37:43Love you.
37:45Love you.
37:53Rough news.
38:00Hey, um, what are you doing tonight?
38:06Tonight? I'm free.
38:08How would you like to have dinner with me?
38:12Um, I would love to have dinner with you.
38:16Good, then. It's a date.
