Eastenders 7th October 2024

  • 2 days ago
Eastenders 7th October 2024


00:14What are you doing here?
00:16Come here, come here. Nice to see you, Dad.
00:20Nice to see you too, Bianca.
00:22Yeah, of course it's nice to see you, doughnut. Well, I mean, what you doing? Have you flown
00:25Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I'm on my way up north to do some business.
00:27You need to leave.
00:29to do some business, and I had some time to kill, so I thought I'd come and see my little
00:34What's going on?
00:35Oh, God, have you heard what's going on round here? Have you heard about Sonia?
00:39I have. What's this? You working for the highways now?
00:42No, it's Sabre, Sonia. I mean, not that anyone round here's helped me.
00:46Get out the road, sweetheart, quick.
00:48I'll tell you all about what's been going on in a minute.
00:52Let's go, come on.
00:54I can't believe it.
00:58Oh, OK, all right, all right, so, cosy little beach day, it's a no-go, but I'll buy you
01:03a hotel, won't I, sweetie? Just say the word, I'll come home and book you.
01:08And you'll come over my shoulder. No one thing easier than any.
01:13No crying eyes.
01:17I've got to go.
01:22And how's everything at home?
01:24This is my home.
01:26Till she comes back.
01:27What were you living?
01:28Well, up until, well, since last night, I've been living in me van, because it's better
01:33than living with a murderer.
01:36And how's Whitney?
01:38We're not getting on very well, right now.
01:41How much does she need? Here.
01:45Terry? All that gone south too, is it?
01:48I think you already know about that.
01:51I had a call from Ricky, darling.
01:52Oh, someone else I haven't heard from in ages.
01:54So, what, you just get a random call from Ricky, and then you think,
01:57Oh, I think I remember that I had a daughter there.
02:00He had a call from Kat Slater.
02:02They did try your mum, but apparently they couldn't get a reply.
02:05She's worried about you, darling, and according to her, a lot of people around here are.
02:10Look, I know you're upset, I get it, I get it.
02:13When I first heard about this, I was like, believe me, it's...
02:17So that's why I'm here, to see if I can help.
02:21I know how things get at a time like this, I know, I know.
02:24It's like the world's closing in on you, and nothing makes sense.
02:28But it all makes perfect sense to me, but nobody is listening to me.
02:31You lash out, and you rant, and you rave.
02:33Because no, you're not listening to me either.
02:34I mean, you do things you wouldn't even dream of doing normally.
02:36No, I'm not. Come on, tell me what.
02:38What has that big-mouthed cat been saying about me now?
02:44You OK?
02:45Yeah, yeah, all right, yeah.
02:50Taking in the scenery?
02:55Has something happened?
02:57No, I just had a funny turn, that's all.
03:01Have you been drinking?
03:03Have you been drinking?
03:05Have you been drinking?
03:07Just had a funny turn, that's all.
03:09You ever get that feeling when someone crosses over your grave?
03:25Lift was out at Paddington.
03:27Escalator collapsed out in Canary Wharf,
03:29and look, my case split open.
03:32I was trying to lift it into the taxi.
03:34Patrick told you?
03:35That's right, you got your stay short in Oxford.
03:40This was your chance to have some mother and daughter time with Libby and Chelsea.
03:44No, no, no, I cut it short because it's Denzel's birthday tonight.
03:47Missed that. Look, bought him a present and all.
03:50Be careful of the Ninth Commandment.
03:56OK, look, well, um...
03:59I'm not going to lie to you.
04:01And I am back because of that, too.
04:08But, you know, Andy...
04:11..it was a shock. I was shocked when I heard, too.
04:14It's got nothing to do with you.
04:18Clayton was an abuser who couldn't face up to what he did,
04:23and he couldn't face it coming out anyway.
04:32I still can't get my head round this.
04:35I mean, I've known Sonia since she was a nipper.
04:38It's her. Sorry.
04:39Terrorising us all with that trumpet.
04:42I heard that. Yeah.
04:44They could have her on loads of counts of Grevious Bodily to the eardrums.
04:48But murder?
04:50No-one thinks she's in the frame for that, either.
04:52Well, Bianca's got a name in the frame.
04:54Miss Reese, is it?
04:56Sonia's fella?
04:57No, this is a fixation, an obsession.
05:00And forget her shouting the odds about him every chance she gets.
05:05Yeah. I've just seen a bit of that myself.
05:08But this is Bianca, yeah? She's always been a seriously gobby mare.
05:12And forget her getting chucked out of the Vic
05:14just about every time she walks in there these days.
05:18And last week, she lobbed a house brick through Reese's windscreen.
05:21No. Yeah.
05:22He'd only just got in, hadn't started up.
05:24And even if he did, I don't think that would have made any difference.
05:30You said you thought it was depression.
05:32Depression? ADHD?
05:36Like, someone said something the other day and it just started ringing bells.
05:40She needs to be reined in.
05:42Reined in? Bianca?
05:45You need to get her to see someone, a professional.
05:48Make her get some help.
05:50Cos, honestly, if she carries on like this...
05:54So, let me get this straight.
05:56This is Ian's half-brother we're talking about?
05:59Yeah. I haven't seen him in a long time.
06:02Well, that's hardly surprising.
06:04You've been somebody else for 25 years.
06:08And that spooked you, has it?
06:10Meeting somebody who thinks you're dead.
06:12I'd have thought you'd got used to that by now.
06:14Anyway, wouldn't Ian have already told him?
06:17I don't know.
06:18I don't know.
06:19Anyway, wouldn't Ian have already told him?
06:22Oh, they don't really get on.
06:24Oh, they'd have fallen out, did they?
06:26Yeah, something like that.
06:31Well, surely...
06:33you'd be Ian if you upset seeing him, wouldn't you?
06:40it was more to the falling out than just the two of them.
06:45We... we had a thing.
06:48We had a thing, David and I.
06:50Well, quite a big thing, actually.
06:54He was the one that helped me get to France with Stephen and Peter just after...
07:00Just after you had Ian shot.
07:04I was a different person back then.
07:06You know that.
07:07I was desperate. I couldn't think straight.
07:11I did try to stop him.
07:13I mean, thank God the gunman couldn't shoot straight.
07:16It's just...
07:17seeing him like that, all of a sudden, it...
07:20it just brought everything back.
07:22So it's bad memories?
07:26When he helped you escape to France,
07:29it was all over by then, wasn't it? Obviously, cos he didn't go with you.
07:32David? No.
07:34When the going gets tough,
07:36David gets going, usually as far away as he can.
07:40And that still hurts?
07:42Like you said.
07:43Bad memories.
07:45So there's no feeling there, then?
07:48It's well and truly over in the past.
07:51Yeah, but the past has a habit of tripping us up, doesn't it?
07:54We both know that.
07:59Ancient history.
08:01Anyway, I've got enough complications in my life as it is.
08:05Had enough complications.
08:08Had enough.
08:18I know it's ridiculous, but...
08:21it's like she's blaming herself.
08:23And there's nothing at all any of us can do to stop her.
08:26So what was all that about with the Bible?
08:28Because it was the first thing I saw when I walked in.
08:31She says she's done with the church,
08:33done with her fate.
08:35It don't hold comfort for her any more.
08:39It don't hold comfort for her any more.
08:42I mean, even...
08:44even in bad times, even in the darkest days, eh?
08:49I mean, right after that man attacked her
08:52and she was keeping it all to herself,
08:54her fate kept her going,
08:56kept her strong even at her weakest times.
08:58But right now, man, she...
09:01I can't even talk to her.
09:04So why do you think I could?
09:06Because of Lucas.
09:08Yeah, but he too passed himself off as a man of God,
09:12even though he acted anything but.
09:22you can ask Chelsea.
09:25But she...
09:27but she spent a lot of time with him as well.
09:30I mean, you think she could come back?
09:33I know I don't want her to...
09:36want her to break her holiday budget.
09:42No, I will talk to you later.
09:53How much ham you stuck in that?
09:55I'm a grand boy.
09:57There's none left now.
09:59Well, there's just you two to fill.
10:02Come on, boys, we'll go down the cafe.
10:05Where's Dad? I suppose we go down to the park.
10:07It's good news, and it's all thanks to you.
10:09He's got himself a job at the minimart.
10:11So, when's he back?
10:12No, he's not there now.
10:13He's had to go to Birmingham to do some training.
10:15How long's he gonna be up there?
10:17Couple of weeks.
10:18So, what about the football?
10:20Forget the football. This is good news.
10:23What? That it's gone?
10:25It ain't like that.
10:26Like what? Like Phil?
10:28It's gone away for a few days, that's all.
10:35One Walford Whopper, bacon mayo, Monterey Jack,
10:38American mustard, red onion relish,
10:40double order of fries, and put side salads on, too.
10:43Oh, no, it can be in the salad.
10:45Right, just a heart attack on a plate, then, yeah?
10:48Priya, I'm not being funny.
10:49You're just gonna stand there and watch me eat this?
10:52Taste your things to look at, then you'll scoff.
10:56Oh, do me a favour.
10:58I'll do him one.
10:59I'll leave my granddad alone, will you?
11:01Your granddad?
11:03Well, you wear it well, I'll give you that.
11:08What's wrong?
11:10Did your mother never tell you not to talk with your mouth full?
11:13Oh, so, number one, slag off my table manners.
11:15What's number two?
11:16Tell me to stop flogging a dead horse, is that it?
11:19Yeah, it looks like you're eating one now.
11:21You know what? You're just the same as everyone else.
11:23Rhys is a cold, bloody killer. He's a psycho.
11:27And this basket case, he's gonna do something about it.
11:30I don't think of you like that.
11:32You don't think of me at all.
11:33Well, that ain't true either.
11:35So why haven't I heard from you then, let alone seen you for the last few years?
11:39Well, I have been a bit absent, I know, but...
11:44I don't think that doesn't hurt me as well, because it does.
11:48I'm still your dad.
11:51And you are still my daughter.
11:53It doesn't matter how long it's been since we've seen each other.
11:57Don't push me away, darling, please.
12:01Tell me what a lousy dad I am, or that I could have done a million things differently, but...
12:06I'm here, now.
12:09So please, just give me a chance.
12:11But why wasn't you here when things went belly up with Terry?
12:14Or when I lost my job? Or when I felt like we're weird?
12:16Because I didn't want to pay.
12:17No, but you could have found out about it, couldn't you? But you haven't.
12:20Why don't you not even bother to find out about Rhys?
12:22All you're doing is just taking Kat's word for it.
12:25Haven't it ever occurred to you, not for a single second, that maybe I might be right about this?
12:35I don't think Elaine would be too pleased to see me here.
12:39She's out auditioning wedding caterers.
12:42Anyway, all that's behind us.
12:45It's just one more, you know.
12:48One more person to face, since the Jackie Ford cloud was lifted from your world.
12:55Yeah, no, it's just...
12:57All of a sudden, when I saw him, it was like I'd stepped back in time, like everything just kept rushing back.
13:04Reading your feelings for him, hmm?
13:07Yeah, but it's not real, is it?
13:09You know, when you see someone you haven't seen for a long time, that used to be close to it, just...
13:15Kind of ambushes you a bit.
13:23Anyway, and if there is still anything between us, which there isn't,
13:29I'd never do anything about it. Not now.
13:32Once you've got Ian?
13:33Of course.
13:36How long's he around for?
13:37I didn't even know he was coming back in the first place.
13:40Well, you can't keep hiding in here.
13:45I've got to take Kojo to a car show, so...
13:48Thanks, George. I just needed a moment.
13:53You know, if you want my advice, just do what you've always done.
13:58Go out there, face it up.
14:01Put your best foot forward. Say, hello.
14:04And I bet within five minutes you'll be thinking, what did I ever see in this guy?
14:09And he'll probably be looking at me, thinking exactly the same thing.
14:14Or he'll be thinking, what if I missed all these years?
14:21So this course is bookkeeping, yeah?
14:23Yeah. Mum's got to be keeping them whilst Dad cooks them.
14:27What, a team?
14:28Yeah, well...
14:31Oh, what, she changed her mind?
14:33No, she hasn't, has she? I was hoping she was going to help Louis.
14:36No, no, no, she's really buzzing about that bit, you see.
14:39It's the team bit she...
14:42I kind of mentioned to her that maybe sometime in the future...
14:48I mean, not necessarily now, but...
14:51Blimey, Dad, spit it out.
14:54But we might get married.
14:56What, again?
14:58Girls, how many would that be?
15:02Yeah, for you and Mum. What about the rest?
15:04It's a good thing she's doing the bookkeeping. That'll take some working out, won't it?
15:08Yeah, well, I don't think it's going to happen.
15:11Oh, what, has she blinked?
15:13No, but she's not that enthusiastic.
15:16What, even after you went down on one knee, did that bit?
15:19Yeah, and flowers all over the kitchen floor.
15:22Yeah, showed her champagne on ice.
15:25No, I didn't do any of that.
15:28Right, well, what did you do then?
15:30Well, I just kind of mentioned it.
15:33Dad, there's the problem.
15:36You can't just say you want to marry her. You've got to show her.
15:41What do you think they say?
15:43Done it enough times.
15:46Good job I like you.
15:50I'm looking for Mr. Colwell.
15:54You're Rhys, Rhys Colwell?
15:56I'm David, David Wicks. I'm Bianca's dad.
16:00Have you got a few minutes? Can I come in?
16:03What is all this?
16:05I just want to talk through what's happened.
16:08Look, I've already told everything to the police.
16:10And I'm sure your daughter's told you everything she thinks she knows.
16:13Are you going to force-feed me vodka as well?
16:16Do what?
16:17Or try and trap me into some sort of confession?
16:19She doesn't even know I've come over to see you.
16:21I just want to have a little chat.
16:24Just you and me, yeah?
16:34You all right?
16:43So, look, I don't know much about your faith.
16:49But what I do know from Lucas is that it's free will.
16:57Isn't it?
16:59The Bible teaches you what to do and it tells you how to live.
17:05Whether you do or you don't, that's up to you, isn't it?
17:09Some do, some don't.
17:11But that doesn't damn everyone.
17:19It's right and wrong.
17:22And just because he done wrong
17:24doesn't mean that you have to stop believing in what's right.
17:30Clayton used to go on about being honest with everybody.
17:37Don't lie.
17:39Don't cheat.
17:41Always tell the truth.
17:45And when I look in that book, that is all.
17:50It's all I hear.
17:54All that he said.
17:57All that he said.
18:02Then he done the opposite.
18:07What truth matters, doesn't it?
18:12If you are not living the truth,
18:17then you are living in a lie.
18:20And eventually everything will fall apart.
18:25See it then now.
18:37Yeah, that's just...
18:41Denise, what is it?
18:47Yeah, something happened, something that...
18:52..I ain't being honest about either.
18:55Cos I didn't want to...
18:58..see someone that I love get hurt.
19:02But cos I'm not being honest,
19:04then other people that I love, they're being hurt too.
19:10I don't know, it's like being back here, it's just...
19:14It's bringing it all back.
19:16Anyway, I shouldn't be talking to you about this.
19:19You've got enough problems, you know.
19:21Denise, I...
19:23..I don't know what your situation is, but...
19:28..when I have thought back, I have realised that...
19:33..I knew something was wrong with that man.
19:37But because of my faith, I...
19:40..because of my faith, I ignored it.
19:45I look where it's gone me.
19:50I've tried telling Bianca time and again.
19:53There must have been someone else there.
19:55Right after Sonia.
19:57They might even have been there at the same time,
20:00waiting for her to leave.
20:02But she just won't listen.
20:05We're on the same side.
20:07She said it herself, you know, we want the same thing.
20:10But it's like she's got one thought in her head and nothing's going to shift it.
20:14So why? Why?
20:16Why is she so convinced that this is all down to you?
20:19Because she's mad.
20:20Don't you dare call my daughter names.
20:23I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
20:28You don't know what she's been doing.
20:30I can't go outside with wondering what's next.
20:33Another brick, or worse.
20:35And I should be out there, you know, fundraising, talking to the papers.
20:39Instead, look at me, hiding away inside.
20:42Sounds to me like you're scared of her.
20:45And I'm scared and all.
20:47Not for you, though.
20:51But let's leave out who did what and who didn't, shall we?
20:55Maybe you are some psycho, like she's saying,
20:58or maybe you are just really a sad little loser in a cardigan.
21:03I don't know.
21:06But I've got other things to think about.
21:08Like what?
21:11Like me and you doing a deal.
21:15What, I don't understand?
21:17I've been you.
21:20I felt like I was living a nightmare.
21:23Right here, on this square, as it goes.
21:27Everywhere I looked, whatever I did,
21:30all I could see
21:33was people getting hurt.
21:37So what did you do?
21:40I got out.
21:43I got the hell away.
21:49Yeah, Chelsea, call me back when you get this, yeah?
21:54We need to talk.
21:56About the piggies.
22:01What happened to you?
22:03Did you talk to her?
22:05Oh, yeah.
22:10Well, you made her see sense.
22:14I think Yolande was more the one to talk sense to me.
22:20I think, you know, we just need to give her time, you know, to get over the shock.
22:24Everything's still kind of raw for her right now.
22:28We just need to be there for her and support her.
22:34Maybe I should take her away for a few days, eh?
22:37You know.
22:39The two of us could go on a couple of day trips.
22:42Just get her away from this bad memories.
22:46Yeah, of course, but I really, I've got to go and see Jack.
22:49Ah, before you do,
22:51Amy's not too good and Penny, well,
22:54she's OK, she got away unscathed.
22:58There's no justice sometimes, is there?
23:10I've been trying to get you for the last hour.
23:13Look, are we on for this? I need to confirm.
23:17An hour's suite, luxury hotel.
23:20Not at the moment, sorry.
23:28Thought I'd done all the washing.
23:35Ah, heard you were back from Oxford.
23:38I wanted to talk to you about Peggy's...
23:41Yeah, I was going to call you about that too.
23:43One of the patients in intensive care has come round,
23:46so that's just one still critical.
23:48No comfort for them, I know.
23:50And she deserves all she gets,
23:52but the fewer serious casualties there are,
23:54the more chance Penny Stans are being treated leniently.
23:57I mean, what she did was terrible,
23:59but no parent wants to see their kid go down, do they?
24:02No, Penny shouldn't be sent down at all, Jack.
24:04Denise, you're back.
24:06Oh, hello, baby. How you feeling?
24:08Yeah, she gets tired quick, don't you, Ames?
24:10So does he, taking me up and down the stairs to the toilet all the time.
24:14Speaking of which...
24:16Right, just give me one minute, yeah?
24:17Don't make it two.
24:19You, um, you wanted to say something? About Peggy's?
24:22Oh, don't ever mention that place again.
24:28Yeah, it's Denzel's birthday,
24:30and we were thinking of having a little get-together,
24:32and I'd forgotten that Peggy's was closed,
24:35so, all for taste, yeah?
24:37Come, all of you.
24:40Oh, Denise.
24:42And, you know, with everything you've got going on at home
24:44with Pastor Clayton and all that,
24:46just wanted to say thanks, you know, for thinking about us all.
24:49I can't stop thinking about all of you.
24:55Um, yeah, I'll see you later, yeah?
24:58Yeah, see you later.
25:01Oh, Kat said she saw you going in.
25:04What, has he had his hands up, has he?
25:06Taken down the neck?
25:08Is that what this bag's all about?
25:10Yeah, that's right.
25:11If, um, if I don't do this, who knows where it'll end?
25:15If he don't do what?
25:17Look, darling,
25:19he's just gone up to Peterborough for a bit to be closer to Sonia.
25:22Might be for the best.
25:23What do you mean?
25:25Well, put some distance between himself and all this.
25:29All this?
25:30What, me, you mean, I suppose?
25:32Well, he ain't doing you any good, is he?
25:34Having him here day in, day out.
25:36I just can't believe he's done it to you as well,
25:38and he's pulled the wool over your eyes like he has with everyone else around here.
25:42Sweetheart, you don't know if he's done this or not.
25:45Nobody does.
25:46If he ain't here, who is it?
25:48I don't know, some sad or appraisal sick people.
25:50You read about it all the time.
25:52Why are you defending him?
25:54Oh, for crying out loud, Bianca.
25:56This is just what Joe used to be like.
25:58He'd get one thing in his head and that's all he could see.
26:00Why are we talking about Joe?
26:03Do you think I'm schizophrenic?
26:04Do you think this is all in my head?
26:05I just don't want to see you getting into trouble.
26:08Ricky asked you to come back and help just for a minute,
26:10and just for a minute I thought you were going to.
26:12I should have known that you would let me down.
26:14Darling, please, please.
26:15Just like you let Joe down, just like you let everyone down.
26:29Oh, hello.
26:31Where are you going all glammed up?
26:33Oh, just to quit drinking with the girls.
26:35It's not for long, but no way they're putting me in the shade.
26:39There's no chance of that, is there?
26:40Oh, sweet.
26:41What time do you think you'll be back?
26:43I mean, we'll be back in time for dinner,
26:45only you might have something planned for us.
26:47Don't tell me you've got some pies past the sell-by date.
26:49No, it's something for the family,
26:51and when I say the family, I mean the whole family.
26:55Have you made it up with Anna?
26:57No, but...
26:59OK, well, whatever it is, I'll talk to her.
27:33It's true what they say, isn't it, David?
27:42Bad pen, isn't it?
