Pani Puru Truth

  • 2 days ago
00:30The potato that is mixed in the gol gappay is not a rotten potato, what is the guarantee of that?
00:36India News has launched a war campaign for purity.
00:39And in the same way, we have asked for live reports from Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Ahemdabad and many parts of the country.
00:47This report is on spot.
00:49See, during the check-in in Ahemdabad, what kind of potatoes we got for the gol gappay.
00:55We are in Ahemdabad.
00:57See the condition of the gol gappay that you like to eat.
01:03These are the potatoes that are mixed in the gol gappay.
01:06See how they are made.
01:11These potatoes are telling the story of how they are made.
01:18These rotten potatoes, won't they spoil your taste?
01:23Why are you giving it to the whole public?
01:26What are you throwing away?
01:29I throw it away in Jalgaon.
01:34Now look ahead.
01:35In Delhi, India News correspondent Geetam Shrivastava took a look at the gol gappay that was chosen by the general public.
01:42What did Geetam find?
01:44Did Delhi's gol gappay also fail in the test?
01:47Because a report says that 70% of the street foods sold on the streets and footpaths in Delhi failed in the test.
01:55That is, if a sample of 10 people was taken, 7 of them failed.
02:00In some places, the calculation of unhygienic was so bad that your life could be at stake.
02:06This news from Gujarat surprised me like ordinary people.
02:11When I heard that toilet cleaner is being mixed in the gol gappay.
02:16I also eat gol gappay in the reporting part of the day.
02:20But after hearing this news...
02:22While preparing peas chole, yellow color was being used.
02:25And there were a lot of flies sitting on the peas chole.
02:29When we asked the person who makes pani puri, he said that we make it by adding cumin, black salt and water cumin.
02:37And to make the water green, we use green color.
02:40And to make the chole yellow, we use yellow color.
02:43And all colors are synthetic colors, which are harmful to health.
02:48The food safety officer also says that the department runs the campaign on time.
02:52And this time it will be run in a planned manner.
02:55The use of synthetic colors should not be done.
02:58If it is happening, then the action will be taken.
03:03Why do you put it in water?
03:05It is green.
03:06The color is green?
03:08Do you put it in water?
03:11Why do you put it in water?
03:13This is the area of Mayanagri, Malad, Mumbai.
03:18This area is very backward and dirty.
03:21There are thousands of houses and small houses here.
03:24In these houses, spicy namkeen and big gol gappay are made for the people of Mumbai.
03:31Today we will show you the complete recipe of gol gappay and namkeen made here.
03:37After knowing the recipe, you will not be able to stay without being surprised.
03:41When the team of the food safety department of BMC printed on these places,
03:45the picture that was seen was very shocking.
03:54Gol gappay are being made in this small room.
03:57About ten people are involved in making gol gappay day and night with sweat.
04:03It's okay up to this point, but the next picture will shake you.
04:07See how gol gappay are being prepared on the ground.
04:11The whole piece of kneaded dough is kept nearby, on which hundreds of flies are flying.
04:17No caution is being taken, nor are any necessary measures being taken.
04:23The work of making pani puri is going on.
04:27This is pani puri, which is the most famous in Mumbai.
04:33It is eaten a lot on the banks of Juhu, Girgaon, Marway and Aksa beaches.
04:43Where is it eaten the most?
04:49It is generally eaten on the road and in public places.
04:54It is eaten in public places and on the road.
04:56And the puri without bran is sold all over Mumbai.
05:00It has a very big business going on.
05:02In different Jogyas, then it is Maloni, then it is Dindoshi, then it is Malad, Goregaon, Dharavi.
05:08All places are made in the same way.
05:13This is just a cover to make pani puri.
05:16The picture ahead is even more shocking.
05:19Do you know that the pani puri you are eating is made by kneading it with your feet?
05:24If not, then take a look at this picture.
05:30See how this person is kneading this dough with his feet.
05:34The flour on which the flies are sitting is being kneaded with his feet.
05:39See, this dough is being kneaded.
05:41Such ropes have been attached here.
05:43And with these ropes, this dough is washed and kneaded.
05:46Do you wash your feet at this time?
05:48Yes, I wash my feet.
05:49How do you wash your feet?
05:50With water.
05:51Do you apply soap?
05:52Yes, I apply soap.
05:53And for how long do you knead it like this?
05:54Only 10 minutes.
05:55But you tell me that it is also kneaded by hand.
05:57Does it take a lot of strength?
05:58It takes a lot of strength.
05:59So how many people knead it together?
06:01Five people knead it together.
06:03Five people knead it together.
06:04And why are these ropes attached?
06:06To hold the balance.
06:08These are the same cloths.
06:10You can see according to this.
06:12These are the cloths.
06:14And you can see what kind of condition the fly is in right now.
06:18You can see this.
06:20You can see the condition of the fly right now.
06:23When you see a rotten fly,
06:25you can see the condition of this fly.
06:28How do you give this fly to people to eat?
06:32How do you give this fly to people to eat?
06:35How do you give this fly to people to eat?
06:39You can see the condition of the fly right now.
06:41When it is hot,
06:43you can see the dirt.
06:45There is a stove next to the dirt.
06:47You can see the condition of the stove right now.
06:51You can see this.
06:53You can see the condition of the fly right now.
06:55You can see this.
06:57You can see the condition of the fly right now.
06:59You can see the condition of the fly right now.
07:01You can see the condition of the fly right now.
07:03What kind of fly is this?
07:05This is a fly.
07:07When I add soda to it,
07:09the dirt comes out of it.
07:11This is the product of that.
07:13Why is it so black?
07:17When you add soda to it,
07:19the color of the dirt comes out.
07:21The color of the dirt comes out.
07:23The color of the dirt comes out.
07:25I will remove the dirt and throw it away.
07:27Why don't you throw it away before?
07:29It doesn't come out before.
07:31When I add soda to it,
07:33the color of the dirt comes out.
07:35I will throw it away.
07:37I will throw it away.
07:39I will throw it away.
07:41I will throw it away.
07:43I will throw it away.
07:45I will throw it away.
07:47I will throw it away.
07:49I will throw it away.
07:51I will throw it away.
07:53I will throw it away.
07:55I will throw it away.
07:57I will throw it away.
07:59While working for Surgical Strike from Hmmmnaanam,
08:01viewers having cooked this assorted
08:05This is the secret done by the
08:07commercialists who
08:10targeted even money in Surgical Stike.
08:12Not only that,
08:14they use deadly chemicals
08:16to make a dangerous panipuri.
08:18Coloring for cancer.
08:19Testing powder to convert cancer into blood,
08:21Again, these handcrafted pots
08:23by victor van gogh
08:23are paid far less than the
08:25cost of a manual hand.
08:27They are spreading acid.
08:29They are spreading this truth in front of us.
08:32This is a place where they make Pani Puri.
08:58This is a place where they make Pani Puri.
09:18This is a place where they make Pani Puri.
09:48This is a place where they make Pani Puri.
10:08This is a place where they make Pani Puri.
10:13This is a place where they make Pani Puri.
10:23This is a place where they make Pani Puri.
10:33This is a place where they make Pani Puri.
10:43This is a place where they make Pani Puri.
10:53This is a place where they make Pani Puri.
