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مدي 1 تي في : النشرة الاقتصادية - 07/10/2024


00:00Welcome to the new economic news.
00:11The National Ironworks Office in Morocco announced that it will grant contracts to two companies
00:16for the construction of the railway linking Quneitra and Marrakech.
00:19The German company Voslo Cochifer won a contract worth 487 million dirhams to install high-speed
00:28railways, while the Chinese company Railway Shanheguan Bridge won a contract worth 89.7 million dirhams.
00:41The Chinese company China Railway Engineering won a contract worth 3.4 billion dirhams to
00:52install high-speed railways, while the Chinese company Railway Engineering won a contract
00:59worth 3.4 billion dirhams to install high-speed railways, while the Chinese company Railway
01:06Engineering won a contract worth 3.4 billion dirhams to install high-speed railways, while
01:12the Chinese company Railway Engineering won a contract worth 3.4 billion dirhams to install
01:19high-speed railways, while the Chinese company Railway Engineering won a contract worth
01:263.4 billion dirhams to install high-speed railways, while the Chinese company Railway Engineering
01:33won a contract worth 3.4 billion dirhams to install high-speed railways, while the Chinese
01:40company Railway Engineering won a contract worth 3.4 billion dirhams to install high-speed
01:47railways, while the Chinese company Railway Engineering won a contract worth 3.4 billion
01:54dirhams to install high-speed railways, while the Chinese company Railway Engineering won
02:01a contract worth 3.4 billion dirhams to install high-speed railways, while the Chinese company
02:08Railway Engineering won a contract worth 3.4 billion dirhams to install high-speed railways,
02:16The Bank of Morocco announced that the official reserve assets reached 307.5 billion dirhams
02:24on 27 September, an increase of 0.9% compared to the previous week and an annual increase
02:33of 3.4%. The bank daily spends 154.3 billion dirhams in the financial market through
02:43seven-day premiums, long-term re-purchasing operations and guaranteed loans. These are
02:49the reserve assets of gold, private equity rights, convertible currencies and Moroccan
02:54reserve assets of the International Monetary Fund.
03:00President Akila Saleh issued a decision to reduce the tax imposed on the official
03:06reserve assets by 7% from 27% to 20%. The decision was made based on recommendations
03:13from the Libyan Central Bank, which aims to facilitate access to foreign currencies and
03:20to strengthen the Libyan economy by using revenues to fund development projects or
03:25to pay off public debt, as stated in the decision.
03:29CNN reported that the U.S., with the rise of the Israeli military conflict in the past
03:35year, has begun to call for a war that will cast a heavy shadow on the Israeli economy.
03:41The U.S. network explained that the economic crisis is escalating, as economists expect
03:47growth to 1% from 1.9% this year, compared to the expectations of the International Monetary
03:53Fund, which indicated 3.4%. The fund was expected to reach 20% in the fourth quarter of
04:002023, as was the overall local result for Israel.
04:07Goldman Sachs expects the Turkish Central Bank to lower the interest rate in January
04:12instead of the previous expectations, which indicated that the Turkish central bank will
04:17begin to lower the interest rate in November. The bank explained that the expectations
04:22of the Turkish Central Bank are much higher than expected in September. Goldman Sachs
04:27also raised its expectations of inflation in Turkey by 4.4% from 40% in previous expectations.
04:34Goldman Sachs added in a statement that inflation is not slowing down and that the family's
04:39purchasing power continues to decline, which also increases the possibility of increasing
04:43the minimum wage in December, as well as increasing the risk of inflation in the next year.
04:49Goldman Sachs warned that oil prices may soar in the event of the Iranian oil production
04:56being targeted by a military strike by Israel after last week's Iranian strike. The US
05:02Central Bank said that if 1 million barrels of Iranian oil are produced a day, oil prices
05:09will likely soar in the next year by 20 dollars per barrel. Goldman Sachs also warned that
05:15oil prices will likely soar in the event of a military strike by Israel after last week's
05:22Iranian strike. The US Central Bank said that if 1 million barrels of Iranian oil are
05:27produced a day, oil prices will likely soar in the next year by 20 dollars per barrel.
