Good Romance Story HD

  • 3 days ago
Good Romance Story HD
00:00:00Are you sure?
00:00:07You feel a little warm, don't you, kid?
00:00:09I'm okay, Mom.
00:00:11All right. Homework.
00:00:15Rubber band ball.
00:00:16Oh, shoot, I forgot it.
00:00:18Aw, that stinks.
00:00:21Thanks, Mom.
00:00:23I'm awesome.
00:00:25Yes, you are.
00:00:32I love you.
00:00:33I love you, too.
00:00:34Have a good day, okay?
00:00:38Pick you up at four, okay?
00:00:41Have a good day.
00:00:49Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
00:00:51I'm Professor Victoria Corrales.
00:00:53This is public interest law.
00:00:56Here, justice takes precedence over billable hours.
00:01:00How many of you will be pursuing a career in this area?
00:01:04Then the special assignment I'm about to give you will be a novel experience.
00:01:09Local charitable organizations have recommended disadvantaged clients who need help.
00:01:14You will be assigned someone to advocate for.
00:01:17Help them get a job.
00:01:18Prevent foreclosure.
00:01:19Get access to healthcare.
00:01:21Whatever their greatest need is.
00:01:24How successful you are by the end of the semester will affect your grade.
00:01:27Professor Corrales, what aspect of this assignment relates to the law?
00:01:31And you are?
00:01:35Ah, Sheffield.
00:01:38The goal of public interest law, Mr. Sheffield, is to make a difference in people's lives.
00:01:43I understand that.
00:01:44I just don't see the point.
00:01:46Right now, the point is your grade.
00:01:49I hope by the time you graduate in May, you will have discovered a greater point.
00:01:53You will be handed a file on your assignment.
00:01:56You will check in with me regularly to update me on your progress.
00:02:13Miss Birch, this is the school nurse calling.
00:02:15Is this about Shane?
00:02:16Yes, it is. He's having an asthma attack.
00:02:18Okay, um, did you give him something with caffeine because that helps him breathe?
00:02:21Yes, we gave him a soda.
00:02:22Okay, good. I can be there in 20 minutes.
00:02:27No calls during work hours, Kylie. You know the rules.
00:02:30I know. I'm sorry. Mr. Henson, that was my son's school, and he's having an asthma attack.
00:02:33I have to go and get him and take him to the doctor.
00:02:35You've missed four days in the last three weeks. Think you can just come in whenever you feel like it?
00:02:38That's not fair. My son was sick on those days.
00:02:40I can't take him to daycare. He can't go to school. I have to stay home.
00:02:43You better figure out how to keep your personal problems from affecting your job,
00:02:46or I'll have no choice but to fire you.
00:02:49Why don't you fire me? It won't be the first time.
00:02:51Fine. You're fired.
00:03:06Professor Carlos?
00:03:08Yes, Mr. Sheffield?
00:03:09About this special assignment.
00:03:11You're persistent, I'll give you that.
00:03:13I'm going into corporate law. Most of my clients won't be from this, um...
00:03:20Mr. Sheffield, do you understand the concept of being an advocate?
00:03:24Interceding for the needs of clients?
00:03:28It's not my fault this Kylie Birch screwed up her life.
00:03:32So? Poverty is a character flaw?
00:03:34She needs to take responsibility for where she's at.
00:03:37Just as you can take credit for having been born into wealth and privilege?
00:03:40Why do you want to be a lawyer, Mr. Sheffield?
00:03:43I really don't see why my motives are relevant here, Professor.
00:03:46Here's what's relevant, Mr. Sheffield.
00:03:49I expect my students to think about who they want to be as human beings, as well as lawyers.
00:03:55Contrary to popular opinion, the two do not have to be mutually exclusive.
00:04:00Is there anything else?
00:04:02I guess not.
00:04:13Well, this is a new record, Kylie. You made it three weeks.
00:04:16I had to take Shane to the doctor, so I had to leave work.
00:04:19And I wasn't on the job long enough to get sick leave, so...
00:04:22So, did you try to reason with your boss, or did you just storm out?
00:04:28Now, you can't expect your employer to care as much about your son as you do.
00:04:32Now, I understand your frustration, but you've got to find a less confrontational way to deal with it.
00:04:36What does your doctor say?
00:04:37You mean doctors?
00:04:39Because every time I take him to the emergency room or clinic, it's a different one.
00:04:42Oh, but always a first-year resident doing on-the-job training.
00:04:45You know, they just want to get rid of Shane so that they can move on to the next patient that they don't know and they don't care about.
00:04:50I know it's hard, Kylie.
00:04:51You know, something's just come up that I think is going to help.
00:04:54There's a new program at Morgan College.
00:04:56Professor Corrales in the law school has a mentor program, and one of her students is going to work with you.
00:05:00Patty, what on earth is a college student going to do for me?
00:05:03Well, hopefully help you find a better job than one of the ones you've had so far.
00:05:08Now, here's your phone number.
00:05:11Call her Kylie. She'll arrange to introduce you to her student.
00:05:29I believe that's five in a row.
00:05:31Your turn.
00:05:40Concentrate, Witt. Point and focus.
00:05:44Try again.
00:05:50No, no, no, Witt.
00:05:52How many times do I have to tell you? Mount ahead of the bird.
00:05:55That's what I'm trying to do.
00:05:56Well, you're lagging, Witt. Go in for the kill aggressively.
00:05:59Lunch is nearly ready, Benjamin.
00:06:02You're riding with me, Witt.
00:06:06So, how's school, dear?
00:06:11I got an odd assignment in my public interest law class.
00:06:14That's Corrales, am I right?
00:06:19With her radical ideas, it's amazing she got tenure.
00:06:23Well, what's the assignment, Witt?
00:06:25I have to mentor a disadvantaged person.
00:06:27Oh, that sounds interesting.
00:06:29It's a law school, not a social welfare department.
00:06:32Just hang in there, son. After you graduate, you'll never have to put up with this kind of nonsense again.
00:06:48Professor Corrales?
00:06:49Kylie Birch? Thanks for coming, Miss Birch.
00:06:53This is Witt Sheffield.
00:06:57Do you know what this is all about?
00:06:59Yeah, he's supposed to help me find a job.
00:07:03I know this may seem like an unusual program coming from a law school.
00:07:07I learned a little bit about the law.
00:07:10That people's good is the highest law.
00:07:12Diligibus said that.
00:07:14I'm impressed, Miss Birch.
00:07:16I doubt that most of my students would be able to quote him.
00:07:20Mr. Sheffield, why don't you and Miss Birch go down to the library and make the necessary arrangements to work together?
00:07:32After you.
00:07:42Why don't we, um, sit down?
00:07:57So the, uh, file that was given on you just shows me the basic facts of your situation.
00:08:04Why don't you tell me about yourself, Miss Birch?
00:08:06Why don't you tell me about yourself, Mr. Sheffield?
00:08:09Because it's not really relevant to our little project.
00:08:14So you get to know everything about me, but I get to know almost nothing about you.
00:08:19Okay, I'll guess. That'll be fun, right?
00:08:22Rich. Privileged. Never had to worry about anyone but himself.
00:08:26Never had to worry about putting food on the table.
00:08:29Never had to pay a bill.
00:08:30Anything else?
00:08:32A person like you could never understand a person like me.
00:08:36I understand why you have trouble getting a job.
00:08:38Really? What does that mean?
00:08:40Well, you have an attitude problem.
00:08:44This isn't gonna work.
00:08:50I'm sorry if I sounded judgmental. It's nothing personal.
00:08:53Believe me, I'm completely disinterested here.
00:08:57Excuse me?
00:08:58Disinterested is impartial.
00:09:00Uninterested is when you just don't care.
00:09:06That's what you meant, right?
00:09:09That's what I thought.
00:09:25Miss Birch. It's, uh, with Sheffield.
00:09:27Don't hang up, please. Just hear me out.
00:09:32Whether either of us likes it or not, you need a job, and I need to pass this class.
00:09:37Now, I have two job interviews lined up for you tomorrow. Will you go?
00:09:41Where are the interviews?
00:09:42Not far from here. May I take you to the interviews?
00:09:45Good. I'll pick you up around three.
00:09:48Okay. See you then.
00:09:53Your resume is thin, Miss Birch.
00:09:55Well, that... Actually, my son, he gets sick a lot, and so I...
00:09:59Oh. Good day.
00:10:03Thank you for your time.
00:10:06Uh, frankly, with your lack of sustained employment, I don't think there's any reason to continue this interview.
00:10:12Listen, if you could just give me a chance, I'd...
00:10:13Thanks for your time, Miss Birch. I'm real busy.
00:10:28What happened?
00:10:29It's the same thing every time. They ask to see my resume, which is a joke.
00:10:32And then they ask me why I left my last job, and I have to tell them I was fired for missing so much work.
00:10:37How'd you handle that?
00:10:38Not very well.
00:10:41Well, we'll have to work on that then.
00:10:43You're very understanding.
00:10:53I'm never going to be able to find her a job.
00:10:55Her attitude stinks. She doesn't know how to present herself.
00:10:59My dad's hiring. You have him give her a job at his place.
00:11:03He'd do that?
00:11:04Yeah, sure. You could always fire her after we graduate.
00:11:13Uh, this could be the one for you.
00:11:15Oh, you say that every time.
00:11:16Try not to mess it up. It's got health benefits the whole nine yards.
00:11:19Try not to mess it up?
00:11:21Yeah. Try being nice. No attitude.
00:11:25That would be what I'm talking about.
00:11:28Humble, sweet, smile.
00:11:32And good luck.
00:11:54I got the job.
00:11:55That's great!
00:11:57I start on Monday.
00:12:16So, uh, good luck with the job.
00:12:23Um, look, I know that I was a little...
00:12:27Stubborn, defensive?
00:12:29Yeah. All of the above.
00:12:32But I really do appreciate this.
00:12:34So thank you, Mr. Sheffield.
00:12:36You're welcome, Miss Birch.
00:12:39This is actually a really big opportunity for me, so...
00:12:43I'm going to try really hard not to blow it this time.
00:13:16Hi, Mom.
00:13:17Hi. Where's Aunt Jen?
00:13:18She's at the store.
00:13:21You want some good news?
00:13:22Oh, yes.
00:13:24I got a job today.
00:13:25Super, Mom.
00:13:27I knew you could do it.
00:13:29I have faith in you.
00:13:31You're all right, kid.
00:13:47Special order sodas.
00:13:49And I noticed the fridge was a little bare,
00:13:51so I got popsicles, apples, and porkchops for dinner.
00:13:54Mom got a new job today.
00:13:56Congratulations. Again.
00:13:58Aw, shucks. Thank you.
00:14:00Can you come get this and put it in the kitchen for me, please?
00:14:05Jen, can I borrow $10 until I get my first paycheck?
00:14:08No problem.
00:14:12No, it's too much.
00:14:13Hey, it feels good not to be the one doing the asking for once.
00:14:16Anyways, if we don't help each other out, who's gonna, right?
00:14:19Sister of mine?
00:14:24Can you stay for dinner?
00:14:26I would love to.
00:14:28Unfortunately, I can't.
00:14:29See, I promised this handsome plumber who fixed my leaky faucet
00:14:32that I would have dinner with him tonight.
00:14:34You have more dates than I have jobs.
00:14:35How's that possible?
00:14:36One of these days, we're both gonna hit a home run.
00:14:39Did your landlord ever fix the water leak in the wall?
00:14:42They keep telling me it's not a big deal and that they're gonna get to it.
00:14:45Stay on him.
00:14:46And call me if you need anything.
00:14:49Bye, Shane.
00:14:50Bye, Aunt Jen. Thank you.
00:14:54Okay, kid.
00:15:00God in heaven, hear my prayer.
00:15:02Keep me in thy loving care.
00:15:04Be my guide in all I do.
00:15:06Bless all those who love me too.
00:15:11Mom, I know God's gonna bless you.
00:15:13But will he bless my dad, even though he's not here?
00:15:17I think that God blesses everyone, no matter where they are.
00:15:21Does my dad love me?
00:15:22Oh, buddy, how could he not love you?
00:15:25And how come he doesn't want to see me?
00:15:30I know it's hard, not having your dad here.
00:15:34But you have another father, and he's in heaven.
00:15:38And he's always here for you.
00:15:45I love you.
00:15:46I love you, too.
00:15:52I love you, too.
00:16:09Thank you, Brian.
00:16:10Can you get this shipped out right away?
00:16:13A moment, please, Ms. Birch.
00:16:15Yes, Mr. Birch.
00:16:16I just learned that you've requested to leave early on Thursday.
00:16:19My son has a doctor's appointment.
00:16:20You don't get to come and go as you please, young lady.
00:16:23Oh, no, I have personal leave.
00:16:25Once you've been here two weeks, then you pass probation.
00:16:27Okay, Wednesday is two weeks, so I made the appointment for Thursday.
00:16:31Can you just automatically assume that you will pass probation?
00:16:34No, no.
00:16:35Look, Mr. Pearson...
00:16:36No, you look, Ms. Birch.
00:16:37Just because the owner's son put in a good word for you does not mean you get special privileges.
00:16:41I'm sorry, what are you talking about?
00:16:43The owner's son basically got you this job as a favor to a classmate at the university?
00:16:50Don't you worry about it, Mr. Pearson.
00:16:52You don't have to put up with me for one minute longer.
00:16:56Your assignment is not complete.
00:16:58My assignment was to find her a job. I did that.
00:17:01That's all you think there is to this assignment?
00:17:03She just up and quit.
00:17:05I don't know.
00:17:06Then you should find out.
00:17:07This is just part of her self-destructive pattern.
00:17:09Then call her on it.
00:17:32Why'd you quit your job?
00:17:33You mean the job your friend, the owner's son, got for me?
00:17:36Alex didn't get you the job, he got you the interview.
00:17:38And this may come as a shock, but you did the rest yourself.
00:17:41I realize I'm just a grade for you, but I didn't think you'd have to lie to me to get it.
00:17:45Mom! Mom!
00:17:48Hey, did you use your inhaler?
00:17:49It's empty.
00:17:52Okay, that was the last one.
00:17:53What's wrong?
00:17:54He has serious asthma, he can't breathe.
00:17:56Will you drive us to the hospital?
00:17:58Yeah, sure.
00:17:59Come on!
00:18:04Ten minutes, literally.
00:18:05I understand, sir.
00:18:06How much longer is it going to be?
00:18:08You can't really tell, but it should be that much longer.
00:18:11I'll let you know.
00:18:12Thank you, you can chill.
00:18:20It hasn't been easy for Kylie.
00:18:22Absentee father, unfit mother, in and out of the foster system.
00:18:26And being an unwed teen mother didn't help.
00:18:28Well, it's not uncommon for someone who grows up in foster care.
00:18:31A girl like Kylie has no one, really.
00:18:33Then some smooth-talking guy comes along, and for the first time in her life, she thinks someone loves her.
00:18:38Then, the minute she tells him she's pregnant, he abandons her.
00:18:41Just like everyone else in her life.
00:18:43What can I do?
00:18:44Well, the big issue here is her son's health problems.
00:18:48She needs a decent job that offers insurance and sick leave.
00:18:51So, basically, she needs help with everything.
00:18:53More than anything, she needs a little confidence to know that she can accomplish something in her life.
00:18:58And she needs someone to believe in her.
00:19:00Can you understand that, Mr. Sheffield?
00:19:03I believe I can.
00:19:07I'm sorry.
00:19:08Can you understand that, Mr. Sheffield?
00:19:11I believe I can.
00:19:14Thank you, Miss Allen.
00:19:24Hey, Whit. Come on in.
00:19:25Hey. I thought we could do some online job hunting.
00:19:29Shane, say hello to Mr. Sheffield.
00:19:31Hi, Mr. Sheffield.
00:19:33Call me Whit.
00:19:35Cool ball.
00:19:36It took me a year to save up all those rubber bands.
00:19:38PJs, I'll come check in in a minute, okay?
00:19:40Okay. Night, Whit.
00:19:42Night, Shane.
00:19:44There's fresh coffee in the kitchen, and you can set up right there if you want.
00:19:53Okay. Prayers.
00:19:57God in heaven, hear my prayer.
00:20:00Keep me in thy loving care.
00:20:03Be my guide in all I do.
00:20:05Bless all those who love me too.
00:20:08Amen. Good job.
00:20:11I love you.
00:20:12I love you more.
00:20:14I love you bigger than a volcano.
00:20:17I love you bigger than the moon.
00:20:20Good one.
00:20:23Sweet dreams.
00:20:35Yeah, this is an old building, but it looks and smells new. I didn't expect that.
00:20:41Oh, yeah? What were you expecting, a ghetto apartment?
00:20:44No. That's not what I meant.
00:20:48Well, a fresh coat of paint and cheap new carpet cover up the musty smell.
00:20:52Musty smell?
00:20:53Yeah, it's an old building. It's got leaky pipes. It just makes it look good on the surface.
00:20:56That way, the landlord can collect state funding to make up for the rent that we low-incomers can't pay for.
00:21:02So when the state comes in with their walk-through, everything looks great.
00:21:10The truth is, this building's falling apart from the inside out.
00:21:14How's Shane?
00:21:15Better. He hasn't had to use his inhaler in a couple days, so that's good.
00:21:21Hey, that's an Edward Steichen photo.
00:21:25His stuff is always dark and moody.
00:21:27Yeah, I can identify with him.
00:21:29He was the featured artist in Alfred Stieglitz's photography magazine.
00:21:32Yeah, the magazine was called Camera Work. And Stieglitz was married to, um...
00:21:36Georgia O'Keeffe, the painter. I really liked that one, so I just stuck it up on the wall.
00:21:40Okay. How do you know so much about so many different things?
00:21:46I spent a lot of time in the library growing up.
00:21:49What's your favorite book?
00:21:50Huck Finn.
00:21:51Mine too. I love the river journey.
00:21:55Being on a raft, floating along in your own world, doing exactly what you want.
00:22:01I really like the part when Huck apologizes to Jim for hurting his feelings.
00:22:05It's not something a white boy would have done for a black man back then.
00:22:08Why would you like that part?
00:22:10Well, Huck is acknowledging that Jim is just as good as him.
00:22:13Even though most people didn't think that way.
00:22:16I understand.
00:22:18Let's look for jobs online, shall we?
00:22:22You know, first off, is there a specific career that you always wanted to get?
00:22:29What do you mean?
00:22:30Well, is there a career you always dreamed about? Something you always wanted to do?
00:22:34No. Dreams aren't real. They're just dreams.
00:22:38Well, it must be something.
00:22:43Listen, do you think we can do this another time?
00:22:45Yeah, sure. I'm free on Saturday. We could work on your resume too.
00:22:48That will be a challenge.
00:22:50So we'll get creative.
00:22:52There's a park right nearby. It's got a Ferris wheel. Shane really loves it there.
00:22:56Yeah, I know the place.
00:22:57I'll see you Saturday, and thank you for the coffee.
00:23:01You're welcome.
00:23:14Ah, throw it to me.
00:23:16Come on, it's over there. Make way for the crowd.
00:23:19Oh, there's one.
00:23:28Okay, resume done. Short and sweet.
00:23:30Okay, save the file, then go online and email it to me.
00:23:37Then go on Craigslist, and let's do some job hunting.
00:23:40Okay, what's your email address?
00:23:42Inferno at
00:23:45It's, um...
00:23:46I know what Inferno means.
00:23:48It's a pirate ship with goonies.
00:23:50Yes, it is, honey, but I don't think that's what he's referring to.
00:23:53Actually, it is what I'm referring to.
00:23:57What? It's still one of my favorite movies.
00:23:59Mine too.
00:24:00You know Mikey has asthma?
00:24:02I know.
00:24:03But he still goes on an adventure and finds a treasure.
00:24:06Pretty cool, huh?
00:24:07Pretty cool.
00:24:12How come people like clowns?
00:24:14I think they're scary.
00:24:18Me too.
00:24:19I had a clown at a birthday party once.
00:24:21I had nightmares for weeks afterwards.
00:24:23Sometimes I have nightmares that a monster's facing me.
00:24:26What's he look like?
00:24:27I don't look at him. I just know that he's scary.
00:24:30I'll teach you a secret way to deal with monsters.
00:24:32You face him, he goes away.
00:24:33I don't know.
00:24:35Trust me.
00:24:37Try it the next time you have a nightmare. I promise it'll work.
00:24:39Okay, I'll try it.
00:24:41Why don't you try cleaning up those plates first?
00:24:43Okay, Mom.
00:24:46He's a special little guy.
00:24:48Yeah, he is.
00:24:54I know how to use a computer.
00:24:56Oh, yeah? Do you know how to do your homework?
00:24:58It's Saturday.
00:25:00Oh, good. Then you can get a head start.
00:25:07Okay, how about this?
00:25:08Receptionist at an insurance company.
00:25:10Must know a word.
00:25:11Just say it.
00:25:13Insurance company. Must know a word.
00:25:16Starting pay, $10 an hour.
00:25:18And benefits after a probation period.
00:25:20What do you think?
00:25:21Yeah, um...
00:25:23The thing is, receptionists usually look a certain way.
00:25:29You mean classy.
00:25:30It's not you, Kylie.
00:25:33It's your clothes.
00:25:36And maybe your hair.
00:25:38Like it or not, people judge other people by the way they look.
00:25:40They make certain assumptions.
00:25:42Like you assumed I was stupid when you met me?
00:25:44Sometimes first impressions are wrong.
00:25:57Hey, Mom.
00:25:58Whit, what a pleasant surprise.
00:26:01I'm looking for some of my old books from when I was a kid.
00:26:05There's a little boy I want to give them to.
00:26:07Oh, well, I packed them away in the garage, but I can find them for you.
00:26:10Thanks, Mom.
00:26:11So how's your class assignment going?
00:26:14I'm having a little trouble, actually.
00:26:16I'm trying to help a young single mother who's unemployed find a job,
00:26:20but she's living on a shoestring budget and doesn't have the proper clothes for job hunting.
00:26:25Why don't you take her to that place where I donate all my old clothes?
00:26:29They have this new program twice a week,
00:26:31makeup and hair styling for the less fortunate.
00:26:35That's a great idea, Mom.
00:26:37Why don't you sit down and tell me all about this young woman?
00:26:40Actually, I got to run. I'm on a mission.
00:26:44Okay. I'll find those books for you.
00:26:47Great. Thanks, Mom.
00:27:17More than okay.
00:27:20I need shoes.
00:27:29Nice try.
00:27:33How about these?
00:27:42Here, let me help you.
00:27:56Miss Birch?
00:27:57It's time to get your hair and makeup done.
00:28:05How are you?
00:28:07Have a seat.
00:28:10If you're thinking cut and color, just cut.
00:28:32You look, um...
00:28:34It's, uh...
00:28:38Looks nice.
00:28:58Where are we going?
00:29:01You look...
00:29:06You look very professional.
00:29:10You, too.
00:29:11Well, I was reading this article about jobs in the healthcare field,
00:29:15especially certified nursing assistants.
00:29:17Certified means you have a certification.
00:29:19I don't have that, so...
00:29:21Hold on.
00:29:22Some convalescent homes provide on-the-job training.
00:29:25You work, you get paid.
00:29:26Your certificate in only a few weeks.
00:29:29I found one near here, right on this bus route.
00:29:41I'll be frank, Miss Birch.
00:29:42Your work record is not impressive.
00:29:45I realize that.
00:29:46But if you'll let me explain,
00:29:47I think I can persuade you that I'm worth taking a chance on.
00:29:50Very well.
00:29:51What do you have in mind?
00:29:53Very well.
00:29:54What do you have to say for yourself?
00:30:12It's okay.
00:30:13There's many other places we can try.
00:30:15No, it's okay.
00:30:18I got it.
00:30:21All right.
00:30:29I need to pick up Shane.
00:30:31If I don't hurry, I'll be late, so...
00:30:34How about I give you a ride?
00:30:36Oh, you gotta have stuff to do.
00:30:39I could free up some time.
00:30:40Maybe take you and Shane out for a burger.
00:30:42A little celebration.
00:30:44Shane would love that.
00:30:47Can I have the last french fry?
00:30:49Sure, buddy. Go ahead.
00:30:54Hey, Mom?
00:30:55Could I have a gumball?
00:30:57Sure. Here, I got a pocket full of quarters.
00:30:59No, no, no. That's okay.
00:31:04Thanks, Mom.
00:31:09These gumballs are kind of small.
00:31:11I'll take one.
00:31:14These gumballs are kind of small.
00:31:17I know you mean well, Whip, but you're just passing through our lives,
00:31:20and I don't really want him to get used to things I can't provide on my own.
00:31:23I understand.
00:31:27It must be so hard raising him all alone.
00:31:31Mind if I ask where his father's at?
00:31:33He's somewhere where the child support collection division can't find him.
00:31:37Um, I told him I was pregnant, and that's the last time I saw him.
00:31:42I got a red one.
00:31:43Put it in your pocket for later, okay?
00:31:47Hey, guess what?
00:31:49We gotta go.
00:31:50Oh, Mom.
00:31:51Wanna know why?
00:31:56Come on.
00:31:59Shane, you should thank Whip for dinner.
00:32:02You're welcome, Shane.
00:32:03I need you to start your homework,
00:32:04and then I'm gonna come help you in a minute, okay?
00:32:15I made it myself.
00:32:16Bounce is funny, but it's still good.
00:32:21Um, thank you, Shane.
00:32:26You really rate.
00:32:29You really rate.
00:32:32He's a good kid.
00:32:34Well, he's been through a lot.
00:32:35He's got a big heart.
00:32:36I think you had something to do with that.
00:32:43Has he always had health problems?
00:32:46The first time I took him to the emergency room, he was just a few weeks old.
00:32:49The doctor told me later that we almost lost him.
00:32:52That must have been terrifying.
00:32:53I've been scared ever since.
00:32:55I wake up like two or three times a night just to check if he's breathing.
00:32:58On the really bad nights, I just pray to God to let him live.
00:33:01You really believe in God?
00:33:04When I look in my son's eyes, I do.
00:33:06I'm not sure if I do.
00:33:09You have so much to be thankful for.
00:33:11You have every reason to have faith.
00:33:13And you have absolutely no reason to.
00:33:16So, obviously, it has nothing to do with logic.
00:33:19What would God have to give you to make you have faith?
00:33:24Someone who loves me the way you love Shane.
00:33:26Well, I'm sure your parents love you.
00:33:30They're proud of you.
00:33:32My mom...
00:33:34Well, my mom has a drinking problem.
00:33:37And my father despises her for being weak.
00:33:40So I've spent my whole life trying to prove to him that I'm not like her.
00:33:44You don't feel like enough either, do you?
00:33:47I feel like a kid who's always making mistakes.
00:33:50Well, I feel like I am a mistake, so there you go.
00:33:55You're not a mistake, Kylie.
00:34:00Hey, do you think you could get a babysitter for Saturday?
00:34:04Maybe. Why?
00:34:06Hey, Mom, are you coming?
00:34:13Now, just make sure you wear jeans.
00:34:25You ever ridden before?
00:34:27When I was really small, that family that Jen and I lived with,
00:34:31they took us to Griffith Park, and we rode the ponies.
00:34:34I don't know if that counts.
00:34:36Yeah, just think of this as a really big, um, pony.
00:34:41You need a leg up?
00:34:43I think not.
00:34:48You know what?
00:34:50You need a leg up?
00:34:52I think not.
00:35:04You really love this, don't you?
00:35:06I don't know how to describe what this means to me.
00:35:10You know, when I was seven, I had a horse.
00:35:13It was amazing. His name was Joker.
00:35:15He was three years old, barely broke.
00:35:18We grew up together.
00:35:21You know, there's this bond that can develop between a horse and a rider.
00:35:25It doesn't always happen, but when it does, it's special.
00:35:29What kind of bond?
00:35:33It's about trust.
00:35:35I never trusted anyone in my life the way I trusted Joker.
00:35:39And he trusted me to take care of him.
00:35:41What happened to him?
00:35:46I finally had to do the last thing he needed from me.
00:35:49Put him down before he suffered too much.
00:35:52I'm sorry.
00:35:54It was the hardest thing I ever had to do.
00:35:57But you loved him enough to do it.
00:35:59It takes a special kind of courage, I think.
00:36:01I never talked about that with anyone.
00:36:04I'm glad you told me.
00:36:09I had a really nice time. Thank you.
00:36:11It was truly my pleasure.
00:36:13I hope you do okay in that class.
00:36:16You did your part. The rest is up to me.
00:36:26Say, why don't we go to dinner tonight?
00:36:30Just the two of us.
00:36:32I don't know.
00:36:33To celebrate.
00:36:34We celebrated.
00:36:35Come on, Kylie. It's just dinner.
00:36:38Please say yes.
00:37:08I'm Whit.
00:37:09The wannabe lawyer.
00:37:11I'm the sister. Come on in.
00:37:16Hey, buddy.
00:37:19Can we go to the park again sometime?
00:37:21You bet.
00:37:22Kylie, he's here.
00:37:24She'll be right out.
00:37:26Come on in.
00:37:39Am I dressed all right for where we're going?
00:37:42Yeah, you look...
00:37:46You look beautiful.
00:37:55It's beautiful here.
00:37:57It's nice to be out of the city.
00:37:59And the food is out of this world.
00:38:03Do you come here all the time?
00:38:04It's a private club.
00:38:06My grandfather was a member, then my father, and now me.
00:38:09Am I gonna fit in okay?
00:38:13You stand out.
00:38:17So, do you have brothers and sisters?
00:38:19Nope. Only child.
00:38:21You must have been lonely growing up.
00:38:24It just means that everything's riding on me,
00:38:26as my father loves to remind me.
00:38:31Well, he was there for you, though, right?
00:38:33I mean, he didn't run out on you or anything.
00:38:37I never met my father.
00:38:41Did your dad ever just hold you, make you feel safe?
00:38:46That's not exactly how we do things where I'm from.
00:38:49I always wondered what that would be like.
00:38:51Me too.
00:39:08Alex, what are you doing here?
00:39:10I thought you were going to a movie tonight.
00:39:12Nope. Change of plans.
00:39:15Oh, I'm Alex Bianco.
00:39:17I go to law school with Witt.
00:39:19We're roommates.
00:39:21Kylie Burch.
00:39:22I believe you recommended me for a job.
00:39:25Yeah, don't go there.
00:39:28Well, I'm sure you're meeting someone,
00:39:30so, you know, we don't want to keep you.
00:39:33I'm all alone.
00:39:36Okay, well, why don't you see if you can snag us a table for three,
00:39:39and you can join us.
00:39:40Okay. Great.
00:39:42Hey, I'll be right back.
00:39:44Cool. All right.
00:39:46You want to go somewhere a little less stuffy?
00:39:57That was delicious.
00:39:58How did you find these guys?
00:40:00Uh, well, they move around,
00:40:02but they text regulars to let us know where they're going to be.
00:40:05Alex and I would go on taco runs
00:40:07when our brains were ready to explode from studying.
00:40:11Never figured you for a taco truck kind of guy.
00:40:14Well, apparently, you didn't know me as well as you thought you did.
00:40:18Tell me something else I don't know.
00:40:22I can't do anything I want with my life.
00:40:24But you're about to graduate law school.
00:40:26You're going to be an amazing lawyer.
00:40:27You could be a judge.
00:40:28You could make it all the way to Supreme Court if you wanted.
00:40:30Yeah. Sheffields don't become judges.
00:40:33It doesn't pay enough.
00:40:36And the thing is, that's all my father's plan.
00:40:40I grew up knowing what was expected of me,
00:40:43and then I better live up to it.
00:40:46You're a pretty smart guy.
00:40:47I bet you can get past that.
00:40:49You would have to actually know what you want first.
00:40:51I guess I can understand that.
00:40:53I've spent my whole life making sure that the people I love are okay.
00:40:56You know, first Jen, and now Shane.
00:40:58I've never actually thought about what I wanted.
00:41:00Jen is, what, a couple years younger than you?
00:41:04Surely you didn't have to take care of her.
00:41:06I did.
00:41:07She was eight, I was ten, and we moved into a new foster home.
00:41:11They were amazing.
00:41:12It was a much nicer place than we'd ever been,
00:41:14but they could only keep one of us permanently.
00:41:17They had a really hard time deciding, so I helped them.
00:41:24How did you do that?
00:41:25I went to a store and I stole the trinket.
00:41:27It wasn't really a big deal, but it was enough to get me in trouble.
00:41:30They chose Jen.
00:41:31Why did you do that?
00:41:32Because she was just a kid, you know?
00:41:35I didn't think that she could handle moving again,
00:41:37especially if she ended up someplace bad.
00:41:39But you were just a kid too, Kylie.
00:41:41I don't remember being a kid.
00:41:43Me either.
00:41:46You asked me once if I had a dream, and...
00:41:50I do.
00:41:52Sometimes Shane and I will go to the emergency room,
00:41:55and there'll be a nurse there who's especially kind,
00:41:58and she makes him feel good.
00:42:01I wish I could do that.
00:42:03That sounds like a very worthy dream.
00:42:09Well, thank you.
00:42:12For everything.
00:42:15That sounds like a goodbye.
00:42:18We'll see each other again.
00:42:21At the country club or when we summer in the Hamptons.
00:42:25That's not what I meant.
00:42:26I know what you meant.
00:42:28But what would the point be?
00:42:29I don't know.
00:42:32I thought we had a pretty good time tonight.
00:42:35We did.
00:42:36Let's just leave it at that.
00:42:38Kylie, I don't want to...
00:42:40We're just...
00:42:41We're too different.
00:42:42See, I thought we were.
00:42:45But now I know better.
00:42:49What do we have in common?
00:42:53You tell my Kylie to take a chance.
00:43:18I love you.
00:43:33No, it's Whit.
00:43:34I can't talk to you right now.
00:43:35Shane's having another asthma attack,
00:43:36and I need to get him to the hospital.
00:43:37I was just about to call 911.
00:43:38I'll be right there.
00:43:42Excuse me.
00:43:44Housekeeping to ER room one.
00:43:46Excuse me.
00:43:47My son's having an asthma attack.
00:43:49Did you just wait your turn?
00:43:50He cannot wait.
00:43:53Put your name on the list.
00:43:54No, he can't wait.
00:43:55Neither can any of these other people.
00:43:57Hold on. Listen to him.
00:43:58He can't breathe.
00:43:59He has to wait his turn.
00:44:01You think you can intimidate me
00:44:02the way you do these other people?
00:44:03Excuse me?
00:44:04I'm a lawyer.
00:44:05Get a doctor now,
00:44:06or I will hit this hospital with a lawsuit
00:44:07that specifically names you,
00:44:09Nurse Carter.
00:44:11Hold on.
00:44:14How'd he get the bruise?
00:44:15We were playing at home,
00:44:16and he ran into a table.
00:44:18And has he ever had an attack like this before?
00:44:21Have you read the file?
00:44:30I don't hear any wheezing.
00:44:32He seems all right now.
00:44:33No, I've researched this.
00:44:34If he's not wheezing,
00:44:35that's a bad thing.
00:44:36That means his chest is really tight.
00:44:38Why don't you leave the diagnosis
00:44:39to the professionals?
00:44:40I think I know my son.
00:44:41There should be enough abduterol
00:44:42to take care of him for a while.
00:44:43No, they keep giving this to him,
00:44:44and he just gets sick again.
00:44:46You check him out for 30 seconds,
00:44:47and that's it?
00:44:48I have dozens of other Medicaid patients
00:44:50waiting to be seen.
00:44:51His name is Shane.
00:44:52He's not a Medicaid patient.
00:44:53He's a kid.
00:44:54A very scared, very sick one.
00:44:56You're a doctor.
00:44:57You're supposed to care about him.
00:44:59But if all you care about
00:45:00is whether or not he has good insurance,
00:45:01then here.
00:45:03Figure out what your fee would be
00:45:04if he wasn't poor.
00:45:06Put it on my card and do your job.
00:45:08He'll be fine.
00:45:09He just needs a stronger inhaler.
00:45:11Listen to me.
00:45:12He has an inhaler.
00:45:13He keeps ending up here.
00:45:14I can't keep putting my son through this.
00:45:16I read that these attacks
00:45:17might be triggered by allergies.
00:45:19He hasn't been tested for allergies?
00:45:21He has an inhaler.
00:45:22That's it.
00:45:23And no blood tests
00:45:24have ever been done?
00:45:26I'm ordering blood work
00:45:27and a full allergy workup.
00:45:29You can have the results tomorrow.
00:45:31Call me.
00:45:32Centerline Pharmacy,
00:45:33call extension 3545.
00:45:35Centerline Pharmacy,
00:45:36call extension 3545.
00:46:03I don't know how to thank you.
00:46:21You don't have to thank me.
00:46:24Now I understand
00:46:25why you needed a decent job.
00:46:29Good night.
00:46:51All finished?
00:46:53You know what I really miss here, Kylie?
00:46:57Cheese belinces.
00:46:59I used to make the best cheese belinces.
00:47:03Well, I can get you some.
00:47:04You would do that for me?
00:47:06Of course.
00:47:07You don't have any dietary restrictions.
00:47:09That would please me very much.
00:47:12And God, too.
00:47:14Oh, yeah.
00:47:15I've been praying to him
00:47:17to bring an angel into my life.
00:47:19That's you, Kylie.
00:47:21Oh, Mrs. Madison, I'm no angel.
00:47:22Oh, yes, you are.
00:47:24Angels don't have to have wings.
00:47:27Sometimes it's someone
00:47:28who just comes into your life
00:47:30at a time when you most need them
00:47:33and makes it better.
00:47:35I'm sure you've had an angel in your life.
00:47:40I don't know.
00:47:42The next time an angel comes into your life,
00:47:46ask God to take away
00:47:47all the uneasiness you might have
00:47:50and then accept the angel for what it is.
00:47:54Beautiful gift to be cherished,
00:47:57not feared.
00:48:00I'll keep an eye out.
00:48:12You've done very well
00:48:13with the assignment, Mr. Sheffield.
00:48:15Better than you expected, Professor?
00:48:17As a matter of fact, yes.
00:48:20I'd say you're well on your way
00:48:21to becoming more of a human being
00:48:23than either of us thought you could be.
00:48:26That was meant as a compliment.
00:48:34Thanks for the gift, Aunt Jen.
00:48:36My pleasure, Slugger.
00:48:40You know, you didn't have to do that,
00:48:42but thank you.
00:48:43So how's the job going?
00:48:45Really good, actually.
00:48:46I'm past my first month of probation
00:48:48and I take my test for certification in a week.
00:48:52And how's my favorite only nephew's health?
00:48:55Keeping my fingers crossed
00:48:56because we haven't had a problem in a while.
00:48:58You seen that budding lawyer again?
00:49:01His assignment is over and I have a great job,
00:49:03so there's no reason.
00:49:09I thought you really liked him.
00:49:11Never would have worked out, Jen.
00:49:13A person like that could never love someone like me.
00:49:16How come you're so sure that he could never love you?
00:49:19Because nobody besides you or Shane ever has.
00:49:22And that's enough.
00:49:23That's not enough, Kylie.
00:49:25It's gonna have to be.
00:49:34Hi. Hi.
00:49:36What are you doing here?
00:49:37Well, I needed to ask you something
00:49:39and I thought it'd be harder for you to say no in person.
00:49:42My parents are having a party
00:49:43for the 30th anniversary on Saturday
00:49:45and I'd like you to come with me.
00:49:48I don't think that's a good idea.
00:49:50I think it's a great idea.
00:49:51So do I.
00:49:53You're not helping me.
00:49:54Is he the angel, Kylie?
00:49:55Mrs. Madison.
00:49:58It's gonna be fancy, right?
00:50:00I don't have anything to wear. I can't.
00:50:02Kylie, whatever you wear,
00:50:04I'd be proud to have you by my side.
00:50:06Remember what I said about fear, Kylie.
00:50:09Don't be afraid now.
00:50:14Shane's blood work came back.
00:50:15He's allergic to mold.
00:50:18What do you do with that?
00:50:19I talked to my landlord.
00:50:20I told him that the whole apartment
00:50:21needs to be professionally treated,
00:50:22but as usual, he's done nothing.
00:50:24So I scrubbed everything down with bleach.
00:50:26I hope that's gonna be okay until I can afford to move.
00:50:29You're changing the subject.
00:50:31The party's at the club and who knows,
00:50:32maybe we'll even go inside this time.
00:50:35So what do you say?
00:50:36Go or no go?
00:50:41I'll go.
00:50:44I'll pick you up at 7.
00:50:47Good move, Kylie.
00:50:49Big trouble, Mrs. Madison.
00:50:51Big trouble.
00:50:59What do you wear to this kind of party?
00:51:01Who knows?
00:51:02I've got this bridesmaid's dress
00:51:03I wore to Carla's wedding.
00:51:05Pink ruffled chiffon.
00:51:08What about this one?
00:51:09I have a matching headband.
00:51:11That's perfect.
00:51:12Because I want it to look like a cocktail waitress.
00:51:14I like that one, Mom.
00:51:16Go play your game.
00:51:18All I'm saying is it's a high-class event.
00:51:20You should match.
00:51:22It's about time you met someone.
00:51:24This doesn't even mean anything.
00:51:25He wants you to meet his parents.
00:51:27That means a lot.
00:51:29Well, I can only imagine what these people
00:51:30are gonna think of me.
00:51:31It's just not gonna work out.
00:51:33It worked in those books you used to read to me.
00:51:35Oh, come here.
00:51:37Oh, poor naive baby sister Jen.
00:51:40Sorry to have to be the one to break this to you.
00:51:42Those stories weren't real.
00:51:43They're fiction.
00:51:45They must come true sometimes,
00:51:46otherwise nobody would believe them.
00:51:51What am I gonna wear?
00:51:55Ooh, I've got just the thing.
00:51:57I'll be back.
00:51:58You're kidding me.
00:51:59You have more?
00:52:02Big deal, taking her to meet your parents.
00:52:05It's not like that.
00:52:07What's it like?
00:52:08It's like a party.
00:52:09You know, spending some time together and...
00:52:13meeting my parents.
00:52:15That's what I'm talking about.
00:52:17Oh, I'm, uh...
00:52:21I'm gonna go check on my wardrobe for tonight.
00:52:29I remember this dress.
00:52:35I also remember that it looked much better on you.
00:52:37It's not that bad.
00:52:39I can fix it.
00:52:43A little nip here.
00:52:47Tuck there.
00:52:48It'll be snazzy.
00:52:51Did you just say snazzy to me?
00:52:53I'm gonna go get your sewing basket.
00:52:57Don't worry, Mom.
00:52:58Aunt Jen will fix it.
00:53:04So, uh, what do you think?
00:53:06I know you're not trying to impress her.
00:53:08Meeting your parents and all.
00:53:10You really should wear some shoes.
00:53:12Yeah, I'm gonna put shoes on.
00:53:14What about the rest?
00:53:17White socks look goofy with dress shoes.
00:53:20Thank you for your fashion advice.
00:53:22It's so helpful.
00:53:24You asked.
00:53:26All right, here I come.
00:53:32Shane, what do you think?
00:53:35You look great, Mom.
00:53:37It looks better on you than it did on me.
00:53:39You're amazing.
00:53:40You are so creative.
00:53:41Look at this dress.
00:53:43You could be a designer.
00:53:44You could have your own shop.
00:53:45You don't have to be a clerk.
00:53:48Anyway, you're gonna knock his socks off, Kylie.
00:53:51He's never gonna want to let you go.
00:54:01Go ahead and rack it.
00:54:03You should know, not me.
00:54:15What's wrong?
00:54:17This might be too much for me.
00:54:20You nervous?
00:54:31Oh, nice to meet you.
00:54:48Your hand's shaking.
00:54:50So is yours.
00:54:52Thank you very much.
00:54:53Appreciate it.
00:54:54See you later.
00:54:59I'm so glad you could make it.
00:55:01Hi, Mom.
00:55:04Dad, introduce your lovely companion.
00:55:07Kylie Birch, my father Benjamin, my mother Julia.
00:55:11It's so nice to meet you, dear.
00:55:13Welcome to our family.
00:55:15Are you a classmate of Whits' Miss Birch?
00:55:17No, I'm not a student.
00:55:21I understand.
00:55:25I understand it's your 30th wedding anniversary.
00:55:28It's a long time.
00:55:29It is indeed.
00:55:30So you've already graduated.
00:55:31What was your major?
00:55:32She didn't go to college.
00:55:35Dad, she works.
00:55:37May I ask what you do?
00:55:39I work in a convalescent home.
00:55:41I'm getting my certified nursing assistant's credentials soon.
00:55:44It must be gratifying work, helping people.
00:55:46I'm actually really lucky to have the job.
00:55:48It has medical benefits.
00:55:50I have a son.
00:55:51He has asthma, and he needs a lot of medical care.
00:55:54It must be very difficult being a single mother.
00:55:57I manage.
00:56:02Pate, Miss Birch.
00:56:05Goose liver.
00:56:07I don't imagine you've ever tried it.
00:56:09No, thank you.
00:56:12Excuse me.
00:56:21Are you all right, Kylie?
00:56:23I'm fine.
00:56:24May I join you?
00:56:25Of course.
00:56:29You'll have to excuse Benjamin.
00:56:32His upper-class attitude blocks his common sense at times.
00:56:38Do you have a picture of your son?
00:56:40I'd love to see it.
00:56:46Oh, what an adorable little guy.
00:56:51He has your eyes, doesn't he?
00:56:54How old is he?
00:56:56His name is Shane.
00:56:58They are wonderful at that age.
00:57:01They still idolize you.
00:57:03Later, they realize that you're only seven years old.
00:57:07I'm not seven years old.
00:57:11They still idolize you.
00:57:13Later, they realize that you're only human.
00:57:17She's your school project, isn't she?
00:57:19We just give Kylie a chance.
00:57:21Is she divorced?
00:57:23She was never married, was she?
00:57:26Imagine that.
00:57:27A struggling single mother and a nothing job with no prospects.
00:57:32She must see you as her financial salvation.
00:57:34That is not what this is about.
00:57:36What was Whit like at that age, Mrs. Sheffield?
00:57:39Julia, please.
00:57:42Whit wanted to grow up to be just like his father.
00:57:46At a very young age, Whit was aware of things.
00:57:50He sensed how unhappy his dad and I were.
00:57:56Don't assume with money comes happiness.
00:58:01Well, I suppose I should get back to the party.
00:58:04Julia, thank you for coming over.
00:58:10I'll be back in a minute.
00:58:23Don't be naive, Whit.
00:58:25I don't blame her.
00:58:27She sees financial security, social status.
00:58:30Of course she wants that.
00:58:35She's not some gold digger out of an old 1930s movie, Dad.
00:58:39Do you actually see yourself having a future with someone like her?
00:58:43Being a daddy to some other man's unwanted child?
00:58:47When you come into the firm, how would she fit in socially with your colleagues' wives?
00:58:54Think about it.
00:58:55It's worth the reflection.
00:59:09Kylie? Kylie?
00:59:13Call me a cab, Whit.
00:59:14Kylie, wait. Come on.
00:59:15Now. Please, Whit. Now.
00:59:33You're back early.
00:59:36Yeah. I blew it.
00:59:40Things didn't go well with your father?
00:59:43You could say that.
00:59:46And then I didn't stand up to him for her.
00:59:48So you're just gonna walk away from her?
00:59:50What do you care?
00:59:52You thought I should just hook up with her and then dump her.
00:59:54Yeah, well, that was before I realized how crazy you are about her.
00:59:57Look, man, I've seen the way you are when you work with her.
01:00:00And I've watched you mope around here for the last month without her.
01:00:04She got to you, and that's... that's kind of great.
01:00:08It's coming from the guy who goes through women like Kleenex.
01:00:10Look, man.
01:00:12All that love him and leave him stuff is just talk.
01:00:15I mean, if I could find someone who made me feel the way you feel about Kylie,
01:00:19I'd never let her go.
01:00:24I need you to hurry up and finish, babe, okay?
01:00:26I can't be late today.
01:00:27Okay, Mom.
01:00:44The doctor said we can leave.
01:00:46How do you feel? Are you okay?
01:00:48Great. Let's go.
01:00:53Ophthalmology attending to the ER.
01:00:55Ophthalmology attending to the ER.
01:00:57Miss Birch?
01:01:00I'm Ellen Garrison. I'm a social worker with CPS.
01:01:04The hospital called us.
01:01:06Your son has quite a record here.
01:01:08That pattern of chronic illness would concern us under any circumstances.
01:01:12But what happened today, along with the previous bruising,
01:01:16has made it mandatory for us to take temporary custody of Shane.
01:01:21Shane is going to be placed into foster care.
01:01:23An investigation will be launched.
01:01:25Then there'll be a hearing to determine if it's safe for him to be returned to your custody.
01:01:29No, you...
01:01:30This was an accident. You don't understand.
01:01:32We only have your word for it, Miss Birch.
01:01:35Your son has injuries consistent with child abuse.
01:01:38Mom, what's going on?
01:01:40Don't make this any harder on him than it has to be.
01:01:46Shane, this lady over here, this is Mrs. Garrison.
01:01:50You're gonna go with her.
01:01:52She's gonna take you to a really nice place.
01:01:54And she's gonna take really good care of you.
01:01:56I wanna go home with you.
01:01:58I know. Baby, I know.
01:02:01I'm gonna come and get you as soon as I can.
01:02:05It's just for a little while.
01:02:11Cross my heart.
01:02:13And I never, never, never break a promise to you, do I?
01:02:17No. Never.
01:02:19Go ahead. Go.
01:02:25Dr. Sheehy, the pediatrician.
01:02:27Dr. Sheehy, the pediatrician.
01:02:32Well, thank you so much for coming.
01:02:34It's our pleasure, Julia.
01:02:36I assume Witt will be joining your law team soon?
01:02:39Witt will take the bar in the fall and then officially join the firm.
01:02:42You must be pretty proud of your son.
01:02:44He's only doing what I'd expect of him.
01:02:46I'll walk you guys out, okay?
01:02:50Good night, Julia. Good night, Benjamin.
01:02:54Good night.
01:03:24I thought you might need this.
01:03:34You always bring me a sweater when you're the one who's cold.
01:03:40When you leave, don't forget to bring those old books to Miss Birch's son.
01:03:45I'm not seeing Kylie anymore.
01:03:48That's too bad.
01:03:50I liked her.
01:03:55You did?
01:03:57But I thought you agreed with Dad.
01:03:59You're always a united front.
01:04:04Not quite united.
01:04:09You never disagree with him.
01:04:11Oh, we disagree often.
01:04:13But I learned a long time ago to stay silent, to keep the peace.
01:04:18But recently I've realized the price I've paid.
01:04:23And what it's done to you.
01:04:26Well, because I never stood up to your father,
01:04:29I never taught you to do it.
01:04:32I failed you terribly, Witt.
01:04:35Did you stop seeing Kylie because you didn't like her?
01:04:40Did you stop seeing Kylie because you knew your father was against it?
01:04:50You were raised with great advantage, Witt.
01:04:53But I always wanted more for you.
01:04:55I wanted you to be happy.
01:04:58And when I saw the way you looked at Kylie, I thought that you finally were.
01:05:03I'm sorry, Mom.
01:05:05For what?
01:05:06For thinking he was right about you being weak.
01:05:10No, you're not.
01:05:17You know, you wake up one day and, um,
01:05:21you discover that you're everything that you never wanted to be.
01:05:26I don't know how that happened, but I don't want that to happen to you.
01:05:31Live your life the way you want to, Witt.
01:05:35It doesn't matter what your father thinks.
01:05:40Good night, Mom.
01:06:10Good night.
01:06:23From that day forth, the professor was the most glorious of savants,
01:06:27and I was the happiest of men.
01:06:29To conclude, I may say that our journey into the interior of the earth
01:06:32created an enormous sensation throughout the civilized world.
01:06:37The end.
01:06:39Can you read it again?
01:06:40It's time, Kylie.
01:06:46It's okay, buddy, because I'm gonna see you so soon.
01:06:48Friday. And then after that, the hearing.
01:06:52That's not so bad. Three days.
01:06:54Can I come home then?
01:06:55I hope so.
01:06:58I love you more than ice cream.
01:07:00I love you more than myself.
01:07:03Okay, Mrs. Garrison is gonna take such good care of you, okay?
01:07:21Come on, Shane, let's go.
01:07:23Come on.
01:07:39What are you doing here?
01:07:41Going by your place.
01:07:44Jen told me what happened and where to find you.
01:07:46Yeah? What do you want?
01:07:49I came to apologize.
01:07:52Even if you don't want to hear it.
01:07:54I'm just hoping you can forgive me.
01:07:57After all, Jen forgave Huck.
01:08:01Maybe I can help with Shane.
01:08:05At least let me give you a ride home.
01:08:07We don't even have to talk.
01:08:48I promised myself
01:08:50that he would never know what it was like to live in someone else's home.
01:08:54What do you have to do to get him back?
01:08:57Once I get past the bruises
01:08:59and I prove that it wasn't child abuse,
01:09:03they still won't let him come home until I take care of the mold.
01:09:06That should be the landlord's problem.
01:09:09I've been after the landlord for months, and he won't do anything.
01:09:14I think I can help you, Kylie.
01:09:17You can't even help yourself.
01:09:25But I still think I can help you.
01:09:29I seem to be better at that than helping myself.
01:09:32I've tried so hard for so long.
01:09:37I just thought at least I could make things better for Shane than they were for me.
01:09:44And I have failed him miserably.
01:09:51No, you didn't.
01:09:56You gave Shane something you never got.
01:10:04That takes real strength and courage.
01:10:13I can't do it anymore. I can't.
01:10:17You can.
01:10:21Yes, you can.
01:10:25But you don't have to do it alone now.
01:10:28Why do you need to believe that I can do it?
01:10:31Because then maybe I can too.
01:10:57Mr. Pennington. Over here.
01:11:03I don't know what this is about, and I do not like threats.
01:11:08Your message was quite threatening.
01:11:10Well, I got you here.
01:11:11Why are we meeting here?
01:11:12I'm with Sheffield with Sheffield Madison and Carnahan.
01:11:15I'm Ms. Birch's attorney.
01:11:17Oh, okay. This is about her apartment. Talked to my attorneys too, Feddersen.
01:11:20Oh, that'll be my next stop, but my suggestion to you is that you don't let it get that far.
01:11:27Why? Because I'm with one of the top law firms in the city.
01:11:31Feddersen is a night school hack. I took three tries to pass the bar.
01:11:34Apparently, you're as cheap in your choice of attorneys as you are with maintaining your apartment.
01:11:37Now, see here.
01:11:38They'll run up huge legal bills, lose, pay our immediately exorbitant fees,
01:11:42and in the end you'll have to do what you should have done in the first place,
01:11:45which is treat Ms. Birch's apartment for a life-threatening mold.
01:11:49So why don't you cut your losses and take care of her apartment?
01:11:51Not because it's the right thing to do now, but because it'll save you time.
01:11:56And a lot of money.
01:12:02I'll consider it.
01:12:04Go, Jason. Get out of here.
01:12:09We hooked him.
01:12:12Sorry. I don't know why I did that.
01:12:16Don't be sorry.
01:12:24I've read the report prepared by Ms. Garrison. Do you have anything to say on your own behalf, Ms. Birch?
01:12:30Your Honor, I would like to say something on Ms. Birch's behalf.
01:12:34And you are?
01:12:35Which Sheffield?
01:12:36Her attorney.
01:12:37Not exactly. But I am her advocate, and I have some critical information I want to bring to the court's attention.
01:12:42Very well. Make it brief.
01:12:44In the four months that I've known Ms. Birch, I've seen her do everything that she could to take care of her son.
01:12:51It says here he suffers from chronic, life-threatening asthma due to an unhealthy home environment.
01:12:58Yes, that is correct. But the landlord was persuaded to deal with the mold issue in her apartment.
01:13:03I have here a report from the county health department certifying that her home is free of mold and safe.
01:13:08Let me see it.
01:13:14You may sit down, Mr. Sheffield.
01:13:21What were the results of the investigation into the boy's injuries?
01:13:25The conclusion was that it was simply an accident. Ms. Birch wasn't responsible.
01:13:30Very well.
01:13:31I find the charges of child abuse and endangerment to be unproven.
01:13:35The child will be returned to the custody of the mother.
01:14:02He's finally asleep.
01:14:05I keep promising him he wouldn't have to leave again.
01:14:09But there's no words to tell you how grateful I am.
01:14:15I owe you so much.
01:14:17You don't owe me anything.
01:14:19You've done so much for us. You've spent so much time.
01:14:23You probably should have been at school.
01:14:26Don't worry. I graduate next week.
01:14:30Now all I have to worry about is passing the bar.
01:14:32You'll pass.
01:14:34How can you be so sure?
01:14:36You're already one heck of a lawyer.
01:14:38You'll join your dad's firm. You'll have a brilliant career.
01:14:41What are you gonna do?
01:14:43I have a job. I'll get by.
01:14:51I need to see you again, Kylie.
01:14:53Shane would love that.
01:14:56You know that's not what I meant.
01:15:00You can see me anytime you want.
01:15:05I love you.
01:15:07You don't know how badly I want to believe that.
01:15:11You don't even know me.
01:15:14I know you.
01:15:16Believe it.
01:15:18You're one of my weakest.
01:15:20That's what love is.
01:15:24Tell me how you feel.
01:15:26All I know is...
01:15:30you're where I belong.
01:15:33I have some things I have to work out first.
01:15:38I'm sorry. I've...
01:15:41I've never felt this.
01:15:50I hope you get it worked out.
01:15:56I have to go.
01:16:17So you want to get together? Study for the bar?
01:16:19Maybe once a week?
01:16:21Yeah, that sounds good.
01:16:24So you moving back home with your parents for a while,
01:16:26or you gonna get your own place?
01:16:29Uh, I was supposed to move back home
01:16:32until I passed the bar, but...
01:16:35I don't know. I'm not so sure anymore.
01:16:38Actually, I'm not so sure about a lot of things.
01:16:41Well, I'm getting my own place.
01:16:43If you need to come crash for a little bit
01:16:45till you figure it out, that's fine.
01:16:47Thanks, Alex.
01:16:49Not just for that, but for being a real friend.
01:16:52You're welcome, Whit. It was easy.
01:16:55You're a good guy.
01:17:08Not bad.
01:17:11Thank you, Betty.
01:17:15You'll come to work three days a week.
01:17:18You'll do some work that's not too demanding.
01:17:21And spend the rest of the time studying for the bar.
01:17:25I gotta tell you something.
01:17:27After you pass the bar,
01:17:29I'll start you working out under Swenson.
01:17:32You can learn a lot from that guy.
01:17:35I'm not going into corporate law.
01:17:37And I won't be going into your firm.
01:17:39What's this about?
01:17:41You've laid out my whole life for me as far back as I can remember.
01:17:44And I never stopped to ask if any of it was what I wanted.
01:17:47Well, I finally asked.
01:17:49My answer is a loud and resounding no.
01:17:53This is about that girl. Her name is Kylie.
01:17:56This is about that girl, Kylie?
01:17:58Whit, you're being a fool.
01:18:04But I'm smart enough to know that I don't want to end up like you.
01:18:08It's very simple, son.
01:18:11She's not good enough for you.
01:18:13This is where you're wrong, Dad.
01:18:16I'm not good enough for her.
01:18:18If you go against my wishes, I will not be there for you.
01:18:25You never were.
01:18:37I'm proud of you, son.
01:18:40Apple juice.
01:18:45I'm proud of you, Mom.
01:18:49I love you.
01:18:52Right back at you.
01:19:13Come in.
01:19:15Working late?
01:19:19You received your grade?
01:19:21Yes, thank you.
01:19:23That's not why I'm here.
01:19:25Oh? But your assignment is done.
01:19:29Actually, I don't think it is.
01:19:31See, I finally figured out what this was all about.
01:19:34Kylie doesn't need a low-paying job that barely keeps her over the poverty line.
01:19:37She needs a chance to fulfill a dream that she never even knew she had.
01:19:42Now, I think I know a way to give her that chance.
01:19:46But I'm gonna need your help.
01:19:48I'm listening.
01:20:08Remember when you said your dream was to become a nurse?
01:20:11Hello, Whit. Come on in.
01:20:15What's this about?
01:20:16You can make it happen.
01:20:17Professor Corrales is willing to sponsor you for a special admissions program.
01:20:21Admissions to what?
01:20:22The Morgan School of Nursing.
01:20:23Is that a joke? That's not funny.
01:20:25No, it's not a joke.
01:20:26There is a program for exceptional candidates who don't meet the usual requirements.
01:20:31All you have to do is write an essay about how you overcame hardships
01:20:33and then face an interview panel composed of professors.
01:20:36Okay, let's be realistic.
01:20:37I could maybe go to community college...
01:20:40Don't do that.
01:20:42You'll settle for small dreams.
01:20:44All right, even if I got in.
01:20:45I can't afford it, and you know that.
01:20:47There is financial aid, student loans, grants for single mothers.
01:20:50You have what it takes, Kylie.
01:20:52You can do this.
01:20:55They're gonna say no.
01:20:57But what if they said yes?
01:21:00Well, that's even scarier, isn't it?
01:21:06The night was dark.
01:21:07Branches in the trees overhead swayed in the gentle breeze that moved them.
01:21:11And Reggie's heart felt as though it would explode from his chest as he moved through the thick forest.
01:21:16It's a good picture, but...
01:21:17It's pretty scary, huh?
01:21:28Good afternoon, Miss... Birch.
01:21:30Good afternoon, sir.
01:21:32We have your life history essay and the recommendation from Professor Corrales.
01:21:36But we do need to ask a few more questions before we make our final decision.
01:21:40Do you understand?
01:21:42Have you thought about what you might major in?
01:21:45The nursing program.
01:21:47And then hopefully, one day, medical school.
01:21:51I'd love to be a pediatrician.
01:21:53The opportunity to study at a university as prestigious as Morgan is something that should be earned.
01:21:59Do you really think you've earned it, Miss Birch?
01:22:02Some people might think that a person like me couldn't possibly have anything of value to offer
01:22:07because of where I come from and what I've been through.
01:22:11But I think it's really the opposite.
01:22:13I've been through things that no one should ever have to go through,
01:22:17and I didn't let it break me.
01:22:19I always had that little voice inside that told me
01:22:21there's got to be so much more to this life than what I've experienced already.
01:22:26And when that voice was at its lowest,
01:22:29someone showed up and miraculously helped me hear it again.
01:22:33It made me realize that I'd really like to do that for other people.
01:22:36I've been through the worst.
01:22:38Here I am on the other side.
01:22:40I've earned it.
01:22:42And no matter what your decision today,
01:22:44I'm not going to give up on myself again.
01:22:47What will you do if you're not accepted to Morgan?
01:22:49Apply to another college, sir.
01:22:52And that night, in the dark of the woods,
01:22:54the shriek of the hawk awoken Ben.
01:23:16I made it.
01:23:18That's great, Mom!
01:23:22Congratulations, Kylie.
01:23:24Knew you could do it.
01:23:28Actually, I have some news as well.
01:23:30I got a fellowship at the Western Center of Law and Poverty.
01:23:33I'm going to be working with kids in the foster system.
01:23:35When I pass the bar, I will be a...
01:23:37Guardian in Lightham.
01:23:39Jen and I used to have one.
01:23:41He was a great guy.
01:23:43What about your dad? The firm?
01:23:45That was my father's plan.
01:23:47Not mine.
01:23:51I hope you're happy.
01:23:58You know, buddy,
01:24:00you're the man of the house.
01:24:02I am?
01:24:06And being as such, I need to ask you a question.
01:24:09May I have your permission to ask your mom to marry me?
01:24:12You want to marry my mom?
01:24:15Yes, I do.
01:24:17If she'll have me, of course.
01:24:19You see, I love your mom
01:24:21more than I ever dreamed possible.
01:24:24And I just don't think I can be happy without her.
01:24:29Or you, Shay.
01:24:31You want to be my dad?
01:24:33Very much.
01:24:35Mom, I think we should keep him.
01:24:37Are you sure?
01:24:43What do you think?
01:25:00Oh, man.
