[Full]I Parry Everything Part1- Anime Recap

  • 2 days ago
Assassination attempt on the Princess Lynneburg threatens the Kingdom of Clays. As neighboring countries plot the kingdom's downfall, Noor arrives at the royal capital, determined to become an adventurer despite his limited abilities.


00:00:00Hi, I'm Charles with AnyCap. The story begins as a hard worker named Nor does some jobs around town.
00:00:05He's well respected by everyone for his work ethic, and he makes a decent living.
00:00:10One day when being paid, Nor hears a girl calling for help,
00:00:13and he rushes into a cave to find that she's being attacked by a ferocious beast.
00:00:17A look back to 15 years ago shows a young Nor making some medicine for his sick mother.
00:00:22The hardworking Nor gets ready to bring in the goats,
00:00:24so his mother reminds him not to go beyond a certain rock.
00:00:27His mother is clearly very sick, so Nor plans to go make her some more tea,
00:00:32but his mother stops him. She apologizes for not being able to do anything for him,
00:00:36and she tells Nor to live the life he wants.
00:00:39That night, Nor makes dinner, but he's terrified when he finds that his mother passed away.
00:00:44Nor puts his mother to rest the next day, and begins learning how to live life all on his own.
00:00:49Nor's life is filled with responsibility, but he has no one by his side.
00:00:53One night, Nor finds a book, and it triggers a memory from when his father used to read to him.
00:00:58This story in particular was about an adventurer that slayed a dragon with his friends.
00:01:03He learned magic spells from a sorcerer, and broke a curse that was cast upon a forest.
00:01:08The adventurer's group was highly respected, as they always raised their swords and struck
00:01:12down evil for the sake of their friends. Nor is still in awe of this adventurer,
00:01:17and he remembers how his mother told him to live the life he wanted to live.
00:01:21One day, Nor decides to leave town for the first time ever,
00:01:24and he declares that he will become an adventurer. Nor says goodbye to his deceased parents,
00:01:30and exits the barrier protecting his home. After days of traveling, Nor is amazed by the sight
00:01:35of the gigantic royal capital. He enters it for the first time ever, and marvels at all the people
00:01:41there. He is especially amazed by one guy that looks like an adventurer, and he eventually
00:01:46arrives at his destination. It's the adventurer's guild that the guards at the front gate told him
00:01:51about, but the clerk tells him to leave, as it's not a place for kids. He tells Nor to go back to
00:01:57his parents, but Nor reveals that they both passed away. The clerk warms up to him a bit,
00:02:02and explains that those wanting to register at the royal capital's adventurer's guild,
00:02:06must first take lessons at the royal training schools. He suggests that if Nor really wants
00:02:11to become an adventurer, then he must acquire some skills first. Nor hears that this means
00:02:16stuff like magic and the art of the sword, so he gets excited to go to the schools. Heroes and
00:02:21storybooks are strong enough to defeat dragons as big as mountains with just one strike, so Nor is
00:02:26eager to learn how to become a hero. Nor attends the school of heroes, but he can only watch as
00:02:32his classmates begin unlocking their magical powers. Nor's instructor eventually grows tired
00:02:37of waiting for Nor to unlock his powers, and tells him that continuing to try would only be a waste
00:02:43of his time. The only thing Nor has learned to do is parrying to evade an attack. The instructor
00:02:49thinks that Nor should choose a different path, and he suggests that he try a different training
00:02:53school. Nor does, and arrives at a school for warriors. Warriors risk their lives as shields
00:02:59for their friends, so Nor finds some optimism, because that is pretty close to being an adventurer.
00:03:04Warrior training is incredibly grueling, but even after a few months of training, Nor's physical
00:03:09abilities only improve slightly. The instructor warns that he will lose his life if he continues
00:03:14to push himself, so Nor is told to try hunter training instead. Unfortunately, Nor is told that
00:03:19he is terrible with delicate weaponry, so he tried thief training instead. He isn't suited for that
00:03:25either though, so he tries magic training. Nor is only able to create the tiniest flame, even after
00:03:31months of training, and Gandalf is shocked because it's rare to see people as incapable of using
00:03:36magic as Nor is. Nor's last attempt is to become a cleric, but he can barely manage to heal scratches
00:03:43after months. The clerk is shocked to hear that Nor couldn't learn a single useful skill after
00:03:48spending three months training at each school, and he unfortunately tells Nor that he cannot
00:03:52register as an adventurer. The discouraged Nor realizes that he is no prodigy, and returns home.
00:03:58He is more sure than ever that he has no talent. However, this does not stop the spirited Nor,
00:04:04and he declares that he just needs to train much harder. Nor makes his own sword, and remembers
00:04:09what his sword instructor told him. He said that if Nor practices one skill repeatedly,
00:04:14he might be able to master a new skill. Parrying was the only real skill he acquired from training,
00:04:20so he decides to train it morning, noon, and night for as long as he can. One year passes,
00:04:25and Nor has increased his parrying skill so much that he can now evade ten swords in one breath.
00:04:31He doesn't have any new skills yet, but his parrying has improved immensely.
00:04:35Three years later, Nor is now able to evade 100 swords in one breath. However, he still doesn't
00:04:40have any new skills, so Nor determines that he has no chance of ever becoming an adventurer.
00:04:46Nor continues training though, eventually destroying his sword and seeing a light in his
00:04:51hand. Nor is incredibly determined, and decides that he needs to train even harder. Ten years
00:04:57later, Nor thinks about how he has trained every day without fail, and he can now parry a thousand
00:05:02wooden swords. Unfortunately, he still has not achieved any new skills. Nor decides to try and
00:05:07become an adventurer one last time, and heads back to the capital. At the guild, the clerk sees that
00:05:13he only knows the weakest skills. She suggests that he go to the training schools, but Nor explains
00:05:18that he has already tried all of them. The girl apologized because Nor cannot be allowed to
00:05:22register, but Nor expected this. Just then, the old clerk appears, but he doesn't recognize Nor.
00:05:29He eventually remembers him, and he's glad to hear that Nor has been training on his own.
00:05:33Nor explains that it hasn't gone well at all though, because he only managed to improve his
00:05:37parrying skill a little. The old guy explains that adventurers are ranked from E to S rank.
00:05:43In order to be recognized as an E rank, a person must have more than one useful skill.
00:05:48Nor's sad list of skills doesn't show anything useful, so Nor's dreams are crushed again.
00:05:54However, the old clerk says that there's more than one way to become an adventurer.
00:05:59There is actually something lower than E rank, and that is F rank. Nor can't believe that he
00:06:04might still be able to become an adventurer this way, but there are some conditions. He would be
00:06:09forbidden from taking any quests that involve taking lives or venturing out of the city to
00:06:14gather items. This means that he will only be able to accept tasks around the city. No one bothers
00:06:20becoming an adventurer this way, but the clerk is shocked when Nor eagerly wants to do it.
00:06:24Nor registers, so the clerk gives him his F rank adventurer license. The clerk doesn't think it's
00:06:30a big deal, but this is life changing for Nor, so he thanks him. Nor enhances his strength a bit,
00:06:36and gets right to work doing tasks around the town. He also increases his speed to catch a cat,
00:06:42and uses heal to fix some scratches he got from the cat. Nor uses his tiny flame to make dinner,
00:06:47and a rock trick to entertain some kids. Nor has finally achieved his dream of becoming
00:06:52an adventurer that helps people, and he fears that asking for anything more would be too much.
00:06:58We then return to the present, where Nor runs into the cave and finds people being attacked
00:07:03by a monster. Nor has only seen monsters in books, and he's shocked to see how big it is.
00:07:08Some guards try to protect a girl, and the captain gets attacked. Nor goes to check on him,
00:07:14but finds that the captain is already gone. The monster ferociously attacks the other guards,
00:07:19and Nor can tell that they won't survive. Seconds later, Nor's fear proves to be correct,
00:07:24as the monster eradicates all the guards. The beast turns its attention to the girl,
00:07:29but Nor uses a stone throw attack to get its attention. Nor knows what he has to do,
00:07:34so he runs to get some space, and he realizes how fast the beast is. Nor then turns to it,
00:07:39and uses parry, which sends the monster flying. The beast attacks him, so Nor uses his parrying
00:07:45skill, but he knows that he will lose his life if he gets hit by an attack. Nor's plan is to wait
00:07:50for an opening so he can counterattack, but he remembers that that won't work, because he doesn't
00:07:55have any attack skills. Nor sees that the girl still hasn't run away, and the monster seems to
00:08:00be attracted to her ring. The monster goes to attack her, but Nor uses his feather step ability
00:08:05to speed up, and he parries its attack. His sword shatters, but Nor declares that even if he can't
00:08:11become an adventurer hero, he wants to at least be able to protect this girl. Nor remembers how
00:08:17his father said that adventurers raise their swords to strike down evil for the weak, and he
00:08:22prepares himself for the monster's attack. Nor then uses parry with perfect timing to stop the
00:08:27beast's attack, and Nor's parry slices the monster's head right off. Nor realizes that he would have
00:08:32been a goner if the monster was any bigger, and he now knows how unrealistic it would be
00:08:37for him to travel the world and go on adventures at his current level. The girl thanks Nor for
00:08:42saving her life, and she would like to know his name. Nor simply says that he is no one important,
00:08:48and leaves. That night, Nor thinks about how one monster, who wasn't even a demon, was such a
00:08:53problem for him. He shakes uncontrollably, and once again determines that he must continue to
00:08:58train harder. A look back in the caves shows the aftermath of Nor's battle against the beast.
00:09:04A knight apologizes for not being there to protect the girl Lin, but Lin says it's okay,
00:09:08because there's no point in having an escort for the trials for the right to the throne.
00:09:13It was Lin's decision in the first place, and she apologizes to the knight named Enis for making her
00:09:18worry. Lin's brother Rain learns about what happened, and he wonders if someone summoned
00:09:23the Minotaur to the city. It is a demon that resides in the abyss, the deepest layer of the
00:09:28dungeon, so someone had to bring it to the surface. Dark and the Knight agrees with him,
00:09:32and explains that the source is thought to be a ring found on the corpse of a merchant at the
00:09:37scene. Some old mage analyzed the ring, and found that it has a very high quality stone that would
00:09:42not be found on the market. The crest left on the stone indicates that the ring originates
00:09:47from the magic empire of Daridice. This isn't the first time they have been antagonized by Daridice.
00:09:53This time a monster was summoned, and Princess Lin was bound by a barrier, so they realize that
00:09:58they must be careful. Daridice not only wanted to eliminate Lin, he is also after the kingdom's most
00:10:04valuable resource, the relics of the dungeon of the lost. Rain decides to change topics to
00:10:09the mysterious man that saved Lin. A report says that the guy used a single broadsword,
00:10:15and he defeated the minotaur in just a matter of seconds. The knights followed him after,
00:10:19but the report says that he disappeared before their eyes like an illusion. It all sounds pretty
00:10:25unbelievable, so Rain wonders just who this guy is. Back at the guild, the old clerk is shocked
00:10:30to see that Nohr is still alive, because he heard that a demon appeared near the entrance of the
00:10:34dungeon. It was a demon like they have never seen before, and they couldn't find Nohr afterwards.
00:10:39Nohr thinks about how he was busy getting away from a strange group of people following him,
00:10:44but he just tells the clerk that he was tired and went home. The clerk explains that Nohr is
00:10:48really lucky that he didn't bump into the demon. The clerk used to be an A rank, but even he would
00:10:53have lost his life if he encountered the beast. Nohr assumes that the clerk is talking about a
00:10:58different monster than the one he fought, because his was actually just a big cow monster, not a
00:11:03demon. The clerk explains that a mysterious man defeated the demon with one blow, and the clueless
00:11:09Nohr is amazed that there are outstanding people like that out in the world. The clerk pays Nohr
00:11:13for his work, but wonders why he isn't more interested in taking a proper job. Nohr has no
00:11:18clue what he's talking about, so the clerk once again has to explain to him that there's a way
00:11:23Nohr can earn 30% more without the clerk taking a cut. Just then they are interrupted as Lynn
00:11:28appears, and the clerk is shocked to see her. Lynn is glad to have found Nohr using her long
00:11:33distance detection skill, and she apologizes for doing so, but explains that she just had to meet
00:11:39him. Nohr assumes that she has thief skills, but she explains that her focus is magic, and she also
00:11:44has knowledge of all six skill systems. Everyone is staring at them, so she would like to speak
00:11:49outside. The clerk is uneasy though, and wonders what kind of trouble Nohr got himself into.
00:11:55Lynn explains that talking outside would be better because there are less people there,
00:11:58and no one will be able to eavesdrop on them when she uses her soundproofing and concealment spell.
00:12:04Nohr wonders if it's a good idea to go with her, but the clerk tells him that he must.
00:12:08Outside, Nohr overhears that everyone is searching for the mystery man,
00:12:12but they begin to wonder if he even really exists. Nohr wonders who they are searching for,
00:12:17but Lynn tells him not to worry because they can't be detected. Lynn did all this to thank
00:12:22him for saving her life, and she explains that he actually saved the lives of many others in
00:12:26the nation. Nohr points out that Lynn is pretty strong herself, and he thinks he actually just
00:12:31interfered with her fight. She can't imagine what would have happened to her if it wasn't for Nohr,
00:12:36so Nohr decides to accept her thanks. Lynn wants to compensate him with her deepest gratitude,
00:12:41but the humble Nohr says it's not necessary. Her father even wants to thank Nohr personally,
00:12:47but Nohr also says that's going too far. Lynn explains that she's a person of high status,
00:12:52so she must give something to the person she owes her life to. She gets frustrated though
00:12:57when Nohr rejects all her offers because he doesn't need anything. She eventually begins to
00:13:01cry and declares that Nohr is obligated to accept her gratitude, so she refuses to move an inch until
00:13:07he does. This makes Nohr remember the determination he had when trying to train at the schools,
00:13:12and he said he wouldn't leave either. Nohr agrees to her demands because simply meeting her father
00:13:18doesn't seem like much of a hassle. Nohr is surprised when she gets really cautious about it,
00:13:23and she explains that she doesn't want people to spot them. To keep that from happening,
00:13:27she uses concealment, detection occlusion, and multiple other skills to hide them.
00:13:32Nohr is shocked to see how huge her house is, but she says it's pretty common for her kind of family.
00:13:37Nohr finally gives her his name, and Lynn realizes that she hasn't formally introduced herself yet.
00:13:43Her name is Lindbergh Glaze, and she goes as Lynn when she is adventuring. Nohr can't believe how
00:13:48gigantic her house is, so he assumes that she's some kind of aristocrat. Lynn asks Enis where her
00:13:54father is, and Enis explains that he's speaking with Rain. Lynn explains that Nohr is her special
00:13:59guest, and he is the one that risked his life to save hers. Enis is shocked to hear this,
00:14:04and decides to take them to Lynn's father. Nohr is completely lost at this point,
00:14:08as he assumes that Enis is the family maid. Although he thinks it would be strange,
00:14:13since she would have a tough time cleaning and doing laundry in her outfit. Enis is very serious,
00:14:18and Nohr can tell that she seems suspicious of him. On their way, some guy aggressively wonders
00:14:23who Nohr is, and Nohr realizes that this house is pretty dangerous. This guy's name is Gilbert,
00:14:29and Enis tells him that Nohr is their special guest. Gilbert realizes that this is the guy
00:14:33everyone is looking for, but he doesn't think that Nohr looks very special. Enis tells Gilbert to
00:14:38accompany them, and secretly reveals that she is skeptical of Nohr, so the more escorts they have,
00:14:44the better. Gilbert becomes very serious, and agrees to go with them. Nearby, the king is upset,
00:14:50because Daeradus is ignoring the peace treaty. He demanded that they hand over all the rights
00:14:55to the dungeon, and offered to lend them his military power in return. The king knew that
00:15:00it was a scummy deal that would ruin his nation, so he refused, but Daeradus told him that he would
00:15:05regret his words. Reyn explains that Daeradus is not the only threat they are facing, and the king
00:15:10realizes that it's finally time for something. Just then, Lynn arrives with everyone. Nohr doesn't
00:15:16notice everyone else bowing down, and he just walks right up to Lynn's father. Reyn sees that
00:15:21Lynn is wearing the hermit's cloak, and he is furious because it means that she went outside.
00:15:26Lynn explains that she had to find the person that saved her life, and she introduces Nohr to her
00:15:30father. Lynn's father is glad that he came, and Nohr explains that he isn't an aristocrat,
00:15:35so he doesn't know proper etiquette in these situations. Lynn's father actually prefers
00:15:40it this way because it makes him easier to talk to, and he formally thanks Nohr for saving his
00:15:45daughter. Nohr accepts his words, as that's all the gratitude he needs, and he is relieved that
00:15:50it's finally all over with, so he can head straight home now. Lynn's father wants to reward
00:15:55him properly though, and offers to give him money and land. He wants to know what Nohr desires,
00:16:01but Nohr just says that he doesn't want anything like that. Lynn's father then offers treasures
00:16:05from the dungeon. Their country possesses the world's oldest dungeon, and its treasures are
00:16:11incredibly rare. All the items found in the dungeon are stored in a treasure hall, and he
00:16:16offers to let Nohr take half of the items stored away in there. Rain is shocked as he points out
00:16:20that his father is being way too generous, but Nohr once again declines. He doesn't need anything
00:16:26fancy, and their kind words are thank you enough for him. Lynn's father doesn't know what to give
00:16:31a man that doesn't want money, land, or treasure, but Nohr just wants to get out of there. Lynn's
00:16:35father resorts to his most extreme offer, and shows Nohr the sword he keeps behind his throne.
00:16:41Rain wonders what his father is thinking, but the king explains that it's okay,
00:16:45because the sword has become nothing more than a mere decoration at this point. Giving it to Nohr
00:16:50would be way better than just letting it sit unused, and no one will notice if he replaces
00:16:54it with the replica anyway. No one can believe that the king is giving Nohr this sword, and
00:16:59Nohr is shocked by how heavy it is. Nohr can tell that the sword is priceless, so he declares that
00:17:05he can't accept such a gift. Lynn's father explains that it's just something he picked up,
00:17:10and he only used it because he liked it. It's really not that big of a deal, so Nohr decides
00:17:15to accept it. Lynn's father tells him to try it out, so Nohr enhances his strength, and the
00:17:20powerful swing he takes shocks everyone. Lynn's father is impressed by how he was able to swing
00:17:25it one-handed, and he asks Nohr if he can help toughen up his daughter. Things are getting
00:17:30pretty dangerous, so he's worried about her, but Nohr doesn't think there's anything he can teach
00:17:34her. On top of that, Nohr thinks that parents shouldn't interfere too much with their children,
00:17:39and Lynn should decide that for herself. Lynn's father completely agrees with him,
00:17:43and Nohr thinks about how this guy likes to laugh a lot. Nohr decides that it's time for him to go,
00:17:49so Lynn's father thanks him once again. As he leaves, Nohr can't help but think that he was
00:17:53given something very valuable. Just then, he realizes that this sword is the same width as
00:17:58a drain he's always cleaning for some old lady, and he wonders if it would make his job easier.
00:18:03Out of nowhere, Enos appears to speak with Nohr. Nohr wonders if he's in trouble,
00:18:08but he is shocked when Enos takes a knee. She apologizes for treating him poorly,
00:18:13especially since he saved Lynn's life. Nohr accepts her apology, so she explains that it's her job to
00:18:19protect the Clay family, and that takes priority over everything. Nohr realizes that she isn't a
00:18:24maid at all, so she explains that she's actually known as the Divine Shield, and she serves as
00:18:29vice captain of the Clay family warrior corps. At a very young age, she was appointed as shield
00:18:36for Lynn. It's her job to protect Lynn, even if it costs her her life. Nohr saved Lynn,
00:18:42so Enos declares that it's the same as him saving her life. Nohr doesn't think it's that big of a
00:18:47deal, but Enos vows to help him however she can from now on. Nohr thinks about how everyone there
00:18:53is pretty excessive, but decides to just accept her sentiment. Enos then gets very serious,
00:18:58and points out that while Lynn may have allowed it, Nohr's speech and casual behavior towards the
00:19:03king was unacceptable. She cannot allow it anymore, and she demands that he refrain from doing so ever
00:19:09again. Nohr apologizes, and he formally introduces himself. For some reason, she is shocked to hear
00:19:15that his name is Nohr, but she says it's nothing. Just then, Gilbert stops Nohr from going home,
00:19:20and demands that he show him what he can do in battle. Nohr is pretty exhausted,
00:19:25and he would rather go home, so he is shocked when Gilbert insists that they have a mock battle.
00:19:30Nohr has no clue what to expect, because he hasn't had a training partner since he went
00:19:34to those schools 14 years ago. Gilbert explains that he's pretty famous for his fighting skills,
00:19:40and he instructs Nohr to choose a weapon. Nohr realizes that this opportunity is a godsend for
00:19:45a budding adventurer, so he picks a sword, and declares that he's ready for battle.
00:19:50Nohr doesn't think he will be much of a challenge for Gilbert, so he plans to just take the battle,
00:19:55as a chance to train with someone more skillful than him. The troops watching feel bad for Nohr,
00:20:00as he prepares to fight their captain, and they hope that he will enjoy the afterlife.
00:20:04Gilbert initiates the battle, but Nohr easily dodges his attacks. Nohr is amazed by how well
00:20:10Gilbert controls his pace, and by how polished his movements are. He can tell that Gilbert trained a
00:20:15lot to get to this point, but Nohr can't understand why Gilbert is so slow. Nohr doesn't seem to
00:20:21realize what's really going on, as he determines that Gilbert just doesn't think that Nohr is
00:20:25worthy of seeing even a glimpse of what he can actually do. Nohr stops the fight, and explains
00:20:31that he knows that Gilbert is taking it easy on him. He then instructs Gilbert to not hold back
00:20:35so much. Gilbert didn't realize it, but figures that he must have been holding back, because Nohr
00:20:40is just a normal human. He apologizes, and goes at Gilbert more seriously. Nohr can tell that
00:20:46Gilbert is much faster now, and what's even more impressive is that Gilbert is leaving himself wide
00:20:51open after his attacks. Nohr doesn't even consider that he isn't doing it on purpose,
00:20:57and just assumes that Gilbert is doing it to lure him in. Gilbert gets frustrated as he can't land
00:21:02an attack, but Nohr thinks that Gilbert just isn't taking him seriously. Gilbert decides to show him
00:21:07a different move that changes mid-attack, but Nohr easily avoids it as well, and he thinks about how
00:21:12it wasn't even close to hitting him. Nohr tells Gilbert that he can speed up more, but he finally
00:21:17begins to wonder if Gilbert's already giving it his all. He thinks about all the solitary training
00:21:23he did, and begins to consider that he might actually have gotten stronger. Nohr begins to
00:21:28think that he might actually be able to win, but Gilbert interrupts his thought as he uses an
00:21:32incredibly powerful attack. Gilbert is shocked though when the dust clears, and Nohr is no longer
00:21:37there. Nohr just tells Gilbert that he wins the mock battle, but this just horrifies Gilbert.
00:21:43After Nohr leaves, all the troops wonder how someone could have avoided their captain's
00:21:47drawgrave attack. They rationalize it by saying that the wind force from the wide-tip practice
00:21:52spear Gilbert was using sent Nohr flying. And if Gilbert was using a battle spear,
00:21:58then Nohr surely would have lost his head. They know that someone with Gilbert's talent is one
00:22:02in a million, but Gilbert is pretty upset. He thinks about his past, and how natural it felt
00:22:08the first time he held a spear. The more he trained, the more he polished his technique,
00:22:13and the more strength he gained. Gilbert went from village to village defeating all their
00:22:17strongest fighters, searching for someone that could defeat him. Gilbert had already defeated
00:22:22everyone in the royal capital, so he was hoping to find some great fighter in a random village.
00:22:27The nation was close to starting a war, so it was recommended to him that he return to the capital
00:22:33to search for groups that are assembling their power. Gilbert did return to the capital,
00:22:38where he did some demon hunting. He heard that someone formidable joined the corps,
00:22:42so he challenged them to fights and thoroughly destroyed them. Gilbert was just becoming more
00:22:47frustrated as he wondered if there was really no one that could challenge him. Gilbert was growing
00:22:52tired of all the weaklings surrounding him, and he was getting really bored. One day his instructor
00:22:57informed Gilbert that he had received the same title as him, but Gilbert didn't care. He was
00:23:02still bored, so the instructor wondered what Gilbert thought of Enis. Gilbert explained
00:23:07that Enis was strong in a different way, but in a mock battle he assured that he would win against
00:23:12her. Gilbert could tell that his instructor was bored too, because he had to spend all his time
00:23:16training people that hardly equaled the power of one of his pinkies. The instructor was sure that
00:23:22someday someone would appear who would surpass him, and Gilbert just hoped that it would happen
00:23:27soon. Gilbert now thinks about how Nor was the man that defeated a minotaur all by himself.
00:23:32Gilbert wanted to know what kind of person could do that, but now he realizes that Nor makes no
00:23:36sense. Nor was really discourteous in front of the king, and he showed no interest in the most
00:23:41lavish gifts. He didn't seem like the kind of guy who could take down a monster on his own,
00:23:46but their battle showed him something different. Nor telling him that he could speed up made
00:23:51Gilbert go at him with full force. Gilbert has always known that using his most powerful technique
00:23:56on someone would result in them losing their life, but it was the only way that his spear would be
00:24:00able to land on Nor. Gilbert had no clue what happened when Nor didn't get hit by his attack,
00:24:05and for the first time in a head-on battle, Gilbert was thoroughly defeated. What's even worse
00:24:10is that Nor surrendered, and it seemed to be because he didn't want to embarrass Gilbert
00:24:15in front of his subordinates. What's even more humiliating is how casually Nor told him that he
00:24:20hoped they would meet again. After Nor left, Gilbert was shocked to see huge cracks in the
00:24:24ground, because he didn't even notice when Nor did that. Regardless, Nor evaded his attack while
00:24:30he was using his full strength, so he becomes happy because things are finally getting exciting.
00:24:35Back with Nor, he realizes he was being foolish by thinking that he was getting stronger. He used
00:24:40strength enhancement and feather step, but he determines that he was only able to evade Gilbert's
00:24:45attack because Gilbert held back just enough so he could get away. He's glad that Gilbert
00:24:50showed him how weak he really is, so Nor is once again determined to get stronger. Nor goes back
00:24:55to doing his low-ranked tasks, and he is amazed by how well his new sword can clean a drain.
00:25:00It even gets the most stubborn gunk at the bottom, and Nor determines that his new sword really is
00:25:05amazing. He's glad that his ditch cleaning job is going well, because it means that he can stop his
00:25:11soil hauling job for a while. Nor has this great sword now, so he just wants to be useful to
00:25:16people. He thinks of some different ways he could use the sword, but they all have their own
00:25:21problems. When it comes to abilities, the best Nor can do is light up his finger a little bit.
00:25:26Even though he trained at so many schools, he could only acquire skills of the lowest level.
00:25:32Just then, Lin appears, and Nor remembers that he's supposed to be more formal in front of royalty.
00:25:37She doesn't like it though, so she tells him to stop, and reveals that she has a special request
00:25:41for him. Lin then declares that she would like for Nor to accept her as his page. Nor has no
00:25:47clue what that is, so she explains that a page is someone who takes care of another person's
00:25:51everyday necessities, as they learn techniques and absorb knowledge from that person. It's kind
00:25:57of like being an apprentice, but just being around Nor would be enough for her. Nor instantly refuses,
00:26:02but Lin is sure that she can be of use to him. She has achieved the highest marks ever in all
00:26:07six training schools, so she knows that she would make a great page. Nor still rejects,
00:26:12and explains that there is just nothing for him to teach her. Also, she can't help him,
00:26:16because he can do what he needs on his own. Lin says her family will pay him handsomely,
00:26:21but he rejects that too. She then offers to be his assistant, but he doesn't need her for that
00:26:26either. She proves herself with a grand display of magic, and she declares that it was the highest
00:26:31levels of magic skills that she can use. She then shows off her mist blade attack, and instantly
00:26:36slices an entire tree in half. She explains that it's a technique from the thief class,
00:26:42but that isn't all. She then uses her divine slash, and it's incredibly powerful. She reveals
00:26:48that it's the sacred class skill of a swordsman. Lin is disappointed when Nor rejects her again,
00:26:54and he wonders if she has him mistaken for a person who's worth learning from.
00:26:58She just proved how talented she is, so Nor almost feels pitiful compared to her.
00:27:03All she has done is prove even further that there is nothing for Nor to teach her.
00:27:08Lin is very determined, so Nor tries to think of how he can make her understand.
00:27:13He has nothing to teach her, so he decides to just show her. Lin demonstrated all her amazing
00:27:18abilities, so Nor shows her the extent of his abilities, his tiny flame. As she heads home
00:27:24afterwards, Lin thinks about the stories that all the instructors at the six schools would tell
00:27:29their students. The stories of the young boy with no talent. The students just took the stories as
00:27:34fairy tales, because the idea of such a boy really existing seemed impossible. This boy attended all
00:27:41the training schools at the royal capital, known for their rigorous training, and he completed the
00:27:46full term for each. That alone was unbelievable, because even the toughest warriors would give up
00:27:51after three days in the three month course, let alone a child. That is what she thought as well,
00:27:57until she met Nor. One day the instructor of magic showed Lin something interesting.
00:28:02He showed her how his tiny flame could get bigger. Instructor Okun explained that depending
00:28:08on the training, even the base level skill tiny flame can grow as large as his. It has absolutely
00:28:14no practical use, and for the past 200 years Okun has just used it for fun. Lin has tried growing
00:28:20her tiny flame herself countless times, but she can never make the flame even a tiny bit larger.
00:28:26It's clearly not something that can be done easily, and probably requires a devotion to
00:28:30studying for a really long time. This is exactly why Lin was stunned when she saw Nor's tiny flame.
00:28:37It was many times bigger than what the world's greatest sorcerer Okun had done. It was a tiny
00:28:42flame that far outclassed anything she has ever seen. Nor was ashamed of it, and explained that
00:28:48the other five class skills he knows are just like this one. Nor doesn't realize it, but all six of
00:28:53his class skills are extraordinary. Lin is now ashamed of herself for trying to show off her
00:28:58skills. Nor fended off a demon attack with a basic sword, but he didn't brag about his power at all,
00:29:05and he just quietly went on working for other people. Nor is clearly strong in mind and body,
00:29:10and he never yields to anyone. Lin will soon be in position to rule the nation alongside her
00:29:16brother, so she needs to be strong. That is why she is determined to learn how to be strong the
00:29:21same way Nor is strong. That night Lin finds Nor again, and thinks about how she will follow behind
00:29:27Nor wherever he goes until he recognizes her as his page. This is because the strength that her
00:29:32royal family has been looking for resides within Nor. Back in the castle, Rain is upset about his
00:29:38father giving the black blade to someone of unknown lineage. Rain's father found the sword
00:29:44in the deepest corner of the dungeon of the lost. It was an incredibly dangerous quest that yielded
00:29:49the strange sword. The blade is made of an unknown material that is harder than any other. No matter
00:29:56what they tried, nothing could even make a scratch on the sword. Because of this, it came to be known
00:30:01as the unbreakable blade. The blade was already pretty beaten up when it was found, so it made
00:30:06everyone question what kind of powerful force could have made it look the way it does. The
00:30:10sword has unthinkable value, so Rain can't understand how the king just gave it away like
00:30:15he did. Rain changes his way of thinking though, and realizes that there is a sense of unrest
00:30:20hanging over their country. In all likelihood, Rain determines that his father must be counting
00:30:25on Nor for some reason. Nor is the man that defeated a minotaur all alone and saved Lin's
00:30:31life, so it's possible that he might be a secret weapon for something coming in the future.
00:30:35Elsewhere we find Nor with Lin. He wonders if it's okay for a princess to just be out like this,
00:30:41but she points out that she's an adventurer first. Lin refers to him as her instructor,
00:30:46but Nor wishes she wouldn't. Nor's attempts to clear things up have failed, and Lin just keeps
00:30:50following him everywhere. Nor plans to get some work from the guild, that way she will eventually
00:30:55see how simple of a person he really is. At the guild, the clerk wonders why Nor is with the
00:31:00princess, but Lin tells him to call her by her name, because she is an adventurer right now.
00:31:05The clerk realizes that he shouldn't stick his nose into the business of others,
00:31:09and Nor explains that they're looking for a job that requires two people. Lin is a silver B rank,
00:31:14so if the two of them form a party, then they can take a goblin hunting job just outside the
00:31:19capital. Nor is shocked by this, because goblins are the monsters that adventurers use to put
00:31:24their skills to the test. Nor can't believe that he'll be able to take a job outside the capital,
00:31:29but he feels bad for taking advantage of Lin's adventurer rank. This would be especially bad,
00:31:34because he has only tried to get rid of her this entire time. Nor wonders if she would really be
00:31:39okay with it, so Lin excitedly says that she would be honored to form a party with him.
00:31:44Nor feels a bit of shame, but he gets over it because one of his dreams is about to come true.
00:31:49Nor eagerly goes to start the job, but he must quickly return, because the clerk hasn't told
00:31:53him anything about it yet. The clerk warns that while it's a low-ranked job, that doesn't mean
00:31:58it won't be dangerous. It will take place in the forest of the beasts, and they will have to bring
00:32:03back the ear of a goblin, as proof of a successful hunt. They won't get compensated without the ear,
00:32:08so it's very important. It has been reported that the goblins numbers have been dwindling,
00:32:13so there's a chance that they won't find any goblins. If that happens, the clerk tells them
00:32:18to just pick some herbs and bring them back. The two leave the capital, and excitedly tell each
00:32:23other to do their best. As they walk through the forest, Nor asks Lin to tell him about goblins.
00:32:28She explains that they hunt small animals as prey, and eat the fruits of trees. However,
00:32:34they have been aggressively attacking humans for sustenance recently. If they continue to grow in
00:32:39number, then it will lead to a food shortage for them, and they will likely begin invading
00:32:43human villages. That is why adventurers have been trying to control their numbers.
00:32:48On the other hand, the forest relies on the goblins, so it's also not good to hunt them
00:32:52into extinction. Lin clearly has a lot of knowledge, so this just makes Nor realize
00:32:57even more that he has nothing to teach her. Lin keeps checking to see if there are any goblins
00:33:02near them, but they haven't found anything. Normally they would have encountered at least
00:33:06one, so Lin determines that the rumors about their numbers dwindling are true.
00:33:10Just then, Lin senses a monster nearby. They go to check, but the forest just keeps getting
00:33:15darker and darker. The tall trees block the sunlight, but the goblins prefer living in
00:33:20places like this. Lin surprisingly stops, and reveals that the monster's presence just disappeared.
00:33:26Nor assumes that the monster just passed away from old age, but they are shocked when they
00:33:30find that the goblin was mutilated. Lin quickly uses reveal magic, and it exposes a giant monster
00:33:37that was eating the other goblin. Nor is shocked to hear that the giant is a goblin as well,
00:33:42because goblins are supposed to be the weakest monster. The giant clearly looks like a goblin
00:33:46though, and it even treats some nearby trees like weapons. Nor is so clueless that he assumes that
00:33:51this is what goblins really look like in person, versus what he has heard about them.
00:33:56Not only that, he figures that other adventurers are able to handle them like nothing. Lin is
00:34:01clearly terrified, and Nor doesn't blame her because she doesn't have any combat experience.
00:34:06Nor assures her that they will be fine, and declares that they're only fighting against
00:34:11a goblin. Nor is actually terrified, but he knows that he can't think about that if he wants to win.
00:34:17Lin knows that this goblin is actually the goblin emperor, and it is considered an extreme threat.
00:34:23The goblin emperor is a monster created from genetic manipulation by man,
00:34:27and the research behind it is now banned. What makes it really terrifying is that it eats its
00:34:33own kind, then intakes that power and grows stronger. Lin thinks about how Nor said they're
00:34:38only fighting a goblin, and she is amazed by his confidence. She is just as clueless as Nor,
00:34:44as she now thinks that he came to this area on purpose. Lin thinks that the reason Nor was so
00:34:48excited about this job was because he wanted to eliminate the threat that no one knew about.
00:34:54Lin gains some confidence because of this, so the two of them prepare to fight. The giant beast
00:34:59tries to strike first, but Nor masterfully uses his parry ability to repel him. The beast is
00:35:04incredibly powerful though, so it manages to push Nor back. Nor can tell that it's trying to corner
00:35:10him, but he refuses to let it. He knocks the goblin off balance, and tells Lin to follow up
00:35:15with some magic. She does, but the goblin proves to be too fast to hit. Just then, Nor must rescue
00:35:21Lin as the goblin starts launching trees at them, and Nor keeps using parry to deflect them. Lin
00:35:26knows that she has to do something before things get worse, but she is shocked when she notices
00:35:31that the goblin's wound is gone. Not even goblin emperors should be able to recover this quickly,
00:35:36so Lin determines that it must have something to do with the mana crystal on the goblin's forehead.
00:35:42She tells Nor that if he can knock it off the monster, then they might have a chance to win.
00:35:46Their plan is interrupted though, when the beast launches a cluster of trees at Nor.
00:35:51Nor is stunned to see how many there are, and he realizes that this goblin was watching him,
00:35:56to see how many he can parry. Nor fears that he won't be able to parry them all,
00:36:00but luckily Lin deflects them away with magic. The goblin heals again, so Lin is more sure than
00:36:05ever that it's replenishing its power with the mana stone. The two quickly realize that at this
00:36:10rate, they're just going to run out of stamina and magic while they try to keep up. Just then,
00:36:15Nor comes up with an idea, and tells Lin to use her windblast to attack on his back.
00:36:20Lin refuses to attack Nor though, because her windblast is powerful enough to demolish castle
00:36:25walls. He won't be able to survive no matter how strong he is, but Nor explains that she won't be
00:36:31attacking him directly. Nor plans to have her hit the sword while it's on his back, because the only
00:36:36chance they have at beating the goblin is to go faster than him. Time is running out as the monster
00:36:41prepares to attack again, so Lin agrees to do it. Her windblast is insanely powerful as it launches
00:36:47Nor across the battlefield, and he nearly passes out. Nor composes himself though, and enhances his
00:36:53body. This combination allows Nor to break through the goblin's defenses and knock the crystal out of
00:36:59its forehead. The goblin loses its mind, and Lin reveals that she recovered the stone. Nor tells
00:37:05her to finish the goblin off, but also asks her to make sure that it doesn't feel much pain. Lin
00:37:10seemingly didn't listen to that last part though, as she sets the goblin on fire, and it screams in
00:37:15agony. Once the torture is over, Nor apologizes to the beast, and decides that he won't be slaying
00:37:21any more goblins for a while. He realizes that he shouldn't be putting himself in dangerous
00:37:26situations, so he will move on to the next challenge, only after he has trained more and
00:37:31gotten stronger. A while later, Rain is informed of the goblin emperor that was spotted. The
00:37:36emperors are several times stronger than the goblin kings, so Rain can't even imagine how
00:37:41strong it was, since it also had a powerful mana crystal on its forehead. Rain fears that the stone
00:37:46came from the demon heart, and he wonders who could have been behind it. He's then shocked to
00:37:51hear that Nor and Lin were able to defeat it, while only suffering minor injuries. Several strange
00:37:57incidents like this one have started occurring, so the guild has opened an investigation to find
00:38:02out what's going on. Back at the guild, the clerk is shocked that the scrawny little kid from years
00:38:06ago has turned into a goblin slaying beast. Nor is very humble about it, as he gives a lot of credit
00:38:12to Lin, but he also decides that he should celebrate his first day hunting. It might not
00:38:17seem like much to others, but his first day is a big deal to him. Hearing about the mana stone on
00:38:22the goblin, makes the clerk wonder if what they fought was really a goblin. Nor is pretty sure
00:38:27that it was, and Lin just goes along with whatever her instructor says. The clerk then asks for the
00:38:33goblin's ear so he can pay Nor for the job. Nor looks at Lin with a grim face, as they now have
00:38:38to explain that they don't have the ear, because they burnt the giant goblin to the ground.
00:38:43At the castle, Rain realizes from some documents that an enemy has encroached deep into his
00:38:48country. He urgently orders for troops to go to certain areas, and he even summons all 6 of the
00:38:53country's heroes. Rain is upset at himself for not figuring this out sooner, and he curses the
00:38:59magical empire for going this far. They want the dungeon's resources, and they clearly don't care
00:39:04about taking innocent lives. Rain is furious because the magical empire is coming to demolish
00:39:10the country. Back with our hero, we learn that the guild master did Nor a favor. Nor didn't bring the
00:39:15goblin ear back, but the guild master still compensated Nor in celebration of his first hunt.
00:39:21Nor and Lin finish up their celebration feast, and she decides to head home for the day.
00:39:26Lin wonders if that's okay with her teacher, so Nor says it's fine, and thanks her for her help.
00:39:31Just then Rain appears and apologizes for having an urgent request. He asks Nor to take Lin to
00:39:37the mountains the next morning, and even offers to give them transportation. Rain can't give any
00:39:42details, but Nor can tell that this is serious, so he agrees to help. The next morning Nor thinks
00:39:48about how the real reason he agreed to go on this journey was so that he could finally see what it's
00:39:52like to be on a carriage. Nor has never traveled away from the capital, so the traveling is more
00:39:57precious to him than the money he's being paid to take Lin. He's also really excited because soon
00:40:03he will even be able to travel to different countries. Nor can tell that Lin is uneasy,
00:40:07so he tells her to enjoy the scenery with him. He then thinks about how his dream is to become
00:40:12a normal adventurer and journey on his own. Lin apologizes for Nor having to take her,
00:40:17but he just says that he owes her for helping him with the goblin anyway. A look back shows
00:40:22that Rain instructed them to head towards the mountains and wait for a while. If nothing strange
00:40:28happens, then they will proceed to a place called Mithra. Lin hopes that nothing will happen,
00:40:33so Enos tells her not to worry because she is there. However, we learn that Enos has secret
00:40:38orders from Rain. He warned that the royal capital would fall into crisis very soon. If
00:40:44she receives a report that the capital has been destroyed, then she will have to take Nor and Lin
00:40:48to Mithra. Enos refused to leave the capital during an emergency, but Rain reminded her that
00:40:54her main duty is to protect Lin. Enos apologizes for Nor getting caught up in this situation,
00:41:00but he still just thinks of it as a simple trip. Nor can tell that she is worried about something,
00:41:05so she explains that protecting him is another one of her responsibilities. She tells him not
00:41:10to worry about anything, but the laid back Nor isn't worried at all. Nor intends to protect
00:41:15himself if anything happens, and he is confident that he can run away if needed. Nor is then
00:41:20shocked to hear that Enos has a shield, even though it doesn't look like it. Enos reveals
00:41:25that it's actually a shield of light, and she instructs Nor to hide behind it if anything
00:41:29happens. This shield is incredibly strong since neither weapons nor magic can get through it.
00:41:34Nor then thinks about the guy he fought at the castle, but he can't remember his name and just
00:41:39calls him Armadillo. According to what Lin told him, Armadillo is so talented that he was able
00:41:44to bring down a dragon on his own. Enos is clearly just as strong as that guy, so Nor assumes that
00:41:50they're on a whole other level compared to him. Nor compliments her, so she explains a bit about
00:41:55her past. She was taken into an orphanage when she was young, and this was when she first realized
00:42:00that there was a mysterious power within her. Enos didn't know what was going on, and some
00:42:05clueless little girl heard herself by touching Enos' mysterious power. Enos showed her powers
00:42:11to the heroes, and it became clear that it was a gift from the heavens. It was a historically rare
00:42:16one, as it could become a blade to cut anyone down, or a shield that could protect against
00:42:21anything. Depending on how she used it, it could easily allow her to annihilate even an entire
00:42:27country. Enos was taken in by one of the heroes named Dan, and she learned from all six heroes how
00:42:32to use her power. Enos could never get over the fear of hurting someone again with her power,
00:42:37so she distanced herself from everyone. That wouldn't last forever though, and the reason why
00:42:42had something to do with why she was shocked to hear Nor's name. One day Dan was training her,
00:42:47and he was informed that another group of monsters were approaching. The situation was getting pretty
00:42:52bad, and underneath his breath Dan wished that Nor was still around. Enos heard him, but Dan just
00:42:58told her to forget what he said. This Nor person was clearly someone that her adopted father
00:43:03recognized, and she was envious of this mysterious person. Her envy has only grown since meeting Nor.
00:43:10Enos refuses to let her emotions cloud her judgment, so she once again vows to protect
00:43:14Lin with her life. Just then everyone notices a strange path in the field, and Lin uses her
00:43:20uncover spell to reveal a monster. Back at the royal capital, the king acknowledges that the
00:43:25attack has begun, and he is informed that they don't have enough soldiers to fight all the
00:43:29monsters that have appeared. Rain takes charge, and comes up with a plan to combat the monsters
00:43:34and evacuate the citizens. The king curses Daridys for making good on his threat, and he fears that
00:43:40this is just the beginning. Rain then informs the king that the six heroes have been dispatched all
00:43:45across the capital. Nearby we watch as a group is being attacked by giant goblins,
00:43:50and Dan arrives to help them. We then get a glimpse of the other heroes arriving on the
00:43:55battlefield. The situation's getting more dangerous by the minute, but Rain finds comfort in knowing
00:44:01that at least Lin is safe. Back with Lin though, we see that there was a kid with the dragon,
00:44:06and he was determined to eliminate someone. When Lin shattered the dragon's barrier,
00:44:10the dragon shoved the kid away. Ines recognizes the black dragon, so she wonders why a ferocious
00:44:16beast would be out there. Ines tries to stop Nor as he springs into action, but it's too late as
00:44:22he confronts the dragon. Nor fights off the beast, but Ines points out that the kid Nor is protecting
00:44:28was already with the demon before they arrived. A look back shows Rain telling Lin about demon folk.
00:44:34They are demi-humans who have the special ability of establishing a mental bond with monsters at
00:44:39will. According to Rain, they are closer to monsters than humans. These demi-humans manipulated
00:44:45powerful monsters, and they nearly destroyed the city of Mithra, so they were hunted by humans.
00:44:50They were thought to be extinct, but it seems like their descendants are somehow still around.
00:44:55Rain warned Lin to run if she ever saw one, because they surely have a serious hate for humans.
00:45:00Ines is sure that this kid is manipulating the dragon, and was probably planning to bring the
00:45:05vicious beast to the royal capital. She explains that the kid seemed to lose control of the dragon
00:45:10when the barrier broke, and Ines is shocked that Nor rushed in to help without thinking twice.
00:45:15Ines is angry though, as she thinks he's being foolish, and she wonders who he thinks he is.
00:45:21Lin thinks they should help him, but Ines surprisingly refuses to help Nor. Nor continues
00:45:26to fight, but he calls this thing a frog, and thinks about how it's not nearly as strong as
00:45:31that goblin he fought. Nor's plan is to hold on until the girls arrive for backup, but the beast
00:45:36prepares an energy blast. The kid will get hurt if he dodges, so he attacks the monster instead.
00:45:42Something terrible happens though as black liquid starts coming out of Nor's body,
00:45:46and Ines explains that this is the true horror of the dragon. Nor can instantly tell that he's
00:45:51been afflicted by poison, and now he can't move his body. This dragon eliminates everything it
00:45:57comes into contact with, which is why it's called the Black Death Dragon. Lin tries to help Nor when
00:46:02the dragon goes to attack again, but Ines stops her because an even bigger poisonous mist is coming.
00:46:08Lin demands that she let her go, but Ines declares that her duty is to protect her at all costs.
00:46:14If she can hold back the dragon's attack somehow, then at the very least Lin will be able to escape.
00:46:20Ines then declares that Lin's survival is the only chance they will have to revive the kingdom.
00:46:25Lin still tries to argue with her, so Ines explains that even just one breath of the
00:46:30poisonous gas is fatal, and even the hero of healing wouldn't be able to save Nor.
00:46:34The dragon unleashes its poison so Ines protects Lin with her shield, and promises to keep her
00:46:39alive. Lin's purification isn't working, and birds begin to fall from the sky. Ines apologizes to
00:46:46Nor because she originally wanted to protect anyone in danger, but her duty to the kingdom
00:46:51must come first. Just then the girls are startled when a dragon claw falls in front of them. They
00:46:57can't understand what's going on, and they are shocked when they see that Nor is still fighting
00:47:00the beast. Nor is in really bad shape, and Ines wonders if this determination is why Dan wished
00:47:06that Nor was still around. Ines realizes now that Nor isn't foolish at all. He is actually the exact
00:47:13kind of person she always looked up to and chased after, doing whatever it takes to protect someone
00:47:19and being a true shield. Unfortunately it seems like Nor is at his limit, and this is proven to
00:47:24be true when the next attack from the dragon sends Nor crashing to the ground. Surprisingly Nor is
00:47:30relieved for some reason, and he says that he will be able to make this work out after all.
00:47:35A look back shows a group of imprisoned children. They were considered to be cursed because they
00:47:39were born with power to control magical beasts. They were called worthless brats, and they were
00:47:45barely fed. One child in particular was taught that the purpose of their power was to control
00:47:50livestock. However, one of these demi-humans used their power to control monsters during war,
00:47:56and eliminated a lot of people. Humans began to hate the demon folk, and they were hunted down.
00:48:02The one kid in prison was tormented relentlessly, and any attempts to speak were met with more
00:48:07attacks. This child also had the power to read people's minds, but this just made things much
00:48:12more worse for him when the humans found out. No matter how poorly he was treated, this kid never
00:48:17once thought about retaliating. Even though he hated everything that was being done to him,
00:48:22this kid never wanted to think about hurting anyone. However, one day, the guy in charge of
00:48:27the prison told the kid to take some monsters. The guy told him that demon folk can be useful
00:48:32to people, and if the kid listened to him, then he would never be beaten again. The guy would
00:48:37let him eat whatever he wanted, and that would also go for all the other children as well.
00:48:42However, if he didn't listen, then things would get much worse for them. The kid couldn't read
00:48:47the guy's mind because he was wearing a device on his head, but he decided to trust him, and end
00:48:52everyone's torment. A while later, this kid headed to the capital with the intent to eliminate
00:48:57everyone on the guy's orders. However, this was when Lin destroyed the barrier. The kid apologized
00:49:03to everyone because he had failed, and he was prepared for his life to end. He ended up not
00:49:08helping anyone at all, but he was at least relieved to have never hurt anyone either.
00:49:12He was happy to leave the world in this way, and he just hoped that if he were reborn,
00:49:17he wouldn't get beaten so badly in his next life. He hoped that he would be useful to someone,
00:49:22and said goodbye to this world. However, this was the moment when Nor rescued him.
00:49:27The kid couldn't understand why someone was fighting for him, and he became concerned for
00:49:32Nor when he was struck by the dragon's poison. The kid was afflicted by poison as well,
00:49:37but Nor did something, and the kid's bleeding shockingly stopped. Surprisingly, whatever Nor
00:49:42did also kept the kid from getting poisoned again. The battle intensified just like we saw before,
00:49:48and Nor was relieved after being defeated for some reason. Another look back shows something
00:49:52else Nor did after returning from the training schools in the royal capital. Nor made a soup
00:49:58from some herbs he gathered, but something turned out to be poisonous. Nor was in big trouble,
00:50:03as he could only use his low heal ability, and he could barely move. After a long night of pain,
00:50:09Nor eventually dragged himself to drink some water. A book on herbs revealed which was the
00:50:13poisonous one, so Nor tried to go back to training his parry ability. Unfortunately, Nor's body was
00:50:19still suffering from the effects of the poison, so he had to use his low heal ability again.
00:50:24After another day, Nor was shocked to see that he was finally feeling better.
00:50:28Nor eventually found the poisonous plant again, but he knew better this time. Unfortunately,
00:50:33Nor had terrible luck, and a highly poisonous snake bit him. Shockingly though, the effects
00:50:39wore off very quickly. Nor wanted to test something out, so he ate the snake, and was
00:50:44shocked to see that the poison barely affected him. The next day, Nor poisoned himself with
00:50:48another snake, but the poison spread slowly, and he realized that he had built a tolerance to the
00:50:54poison. Nor figured that this could lead him to acquiring a new skill, and he developed a taste
00:50:59for poisonous things. As he began eating more poisonous things, he would collapse on occasion,
00:51:05but overall he was able to stomach most poisons. He never acquired any skills from this,
00:51:10but he could eat poisonous things, at the cost of vomiting a small amount of blood.
00:51:14This was only a small price to pay though, because Nor loved the taste of poisonous things.
00:51:19That is why, back in the present, Nor has determined that this giant poisonous frog
00:51:24will be delicious. It turns out that Nor just couldn't counteract the poison in time,
00:51:29which is why he spewed out a little bit of blood. However, Nor knows from years of experience,
00:51:34that that much blood is no big deal. Nor is glad to see that his low heal ability protected the kid,
00:51:40and he goes right back to fighting the frog. The kid is stunned to see that Nor can take
00:51:44on such a horrible monster all by himself, and Nor surprisingly starts pushing the beast back.
00:51:49Everyone is terrified though, when the beast takes in a bunch of air for its next attack.
00:51:54Nor sees what's coming as it's obvious that the dragon is about to use its all or nothing final
00:51:59strike. Nor is pretty fearless though, and he uses parry to make the dragon send this attack
00:52:05straight into the sky. Everyone is stunned by what they just witnessed, and the beast is defeated.
00:52:10There's something suspicious about this beast being so close to the city, but all Nor can think
00:52:15about is how this poisonous of a frog is probably really tasty. Nor goes to check on the kid,
00:52:21who reveals that he was the one that brought the monster. Nor is shocked when the kid says he was
00:52:26going to bring the frog to the city, but Nor thinks that this means the frog was meant to be
00:52:31delivered as food. Bringing the animal alive would be the best way to make fresh food in the city,
00:52:36and Nor thinks that the kid was concealing himself so no one would rob him of the valuable
00:52:40frog. Nor has the situation all wrong as he begins to think that the poor kid probably raised the
00:52:46frog himself so that he could sell it. His misunderstanding gets worse as he now thinks
00:52:51that he ruined the delivery of the kid's precious stock to the city. Nor apologizes profusely,
00:52:57and promises to pay the kid back for the frog. The kid says there's no need to pay him back,
00:53:02and reveals that he was able to bring the monster all the way out here by controlling it. Nor is
00:53:07amazed that such a tiny kid could control a giant monster, and he wonders if there are more people
00:53:12with such a skill. The kid has never heard it called a skill before, and Nor is shocked to
00:53:17learn that this kid had this power since he was born. Nor determines that it's an ability gifted
00:53:22by the heavens, and the kid stumbles on his words as he nervously reveals that he is demon folk.
00:53:28All demon folk have this ability, so Nor assumes that it's actually nothing too special. Nor always
00:53:34wondered what he would do if he had this ability, and all he could ever think of was ways to help
00:53:38people. The kid is surprised that Nor isn't afraid of him being demon folk, and he wonders why Nor
00:53:43doesn't hate him. He reveals that everyone he has ever met has hated him for having this power,
00:53:49but Nor can't understand why. Nor tells him to ignore what everyone has told him,
00:53:53because this ability of his is incredibly useful. The kid is stunned to hear that he can be useful,
00:53:59and Nor says that he wishes he had this ability. The kid breaks down from disbelief,
00:54:04and he wonders if someone like him could really be needed. Nor thinks about how unlike himself,
00:54:09this kid was born with an ability, so he wonders how the kid could feel so useless.
00:54:14The kid begins to cry, so Nor assures him that there are plenty of people that could use his
00:54:19help. The girls finally arrive, and Lin frantically offers to treat Nor's wounds.
00:54:24The girls are stunned though when Nor explains that he has already healed, and he's pretty strong
00:54:28against poison. Lin can't believe it because the poison from the monster was extremely dangerous,
00:54:33and it was a miasma that even ruined the soil in its path. Taking a direct hit from it and still
00:54:39being alive is extremely hard to believe. Lin realizes that there can only be one explanation.
00:54:45One of the heroes once told her about something called the sacred spirit. By honing one's body
00:54:50like a saint, a person can gain the ability to use a technique that purifies everything it touches
00:54:56and heals all wounds. However, the hero was only able to achieve this perfect technique
00:55:01after years of unconventional training. It took the hero 40 years to reach this power,
00:55:06but Nor is still so young. Nor wants Lin to tend to the kid's wounds, and she can instantly tell
00:55:12from his appearance that he is demon folk. Nor explains that he wants to take the kid with them,
00:55:17but the girls are fearful. Demon folk are a dangerous race, and many countries recommend
00:55:23eliminating them on sight. The girls warn Nor about the danger, but Nor wants to pay the kid
00:55:28back for destroying his frog. Lin points out that it was actually a black death dragon,
00:55:32and she is shocked to hear that the kid was planning to bring it to the city.
00:55:36The girls want to know who's making the kid do this, but he doesn't know anything about the guy.
00:55:40Enos then realizes that this kid was a slave. Slaves are outlawed in the Klaes kingdom,
00:55:46but that isn't the case in other countries. Lin asks the kid where he's from, but he was
00:55:50blindfolded on his way here, and he doesn't know much about the city he was in. Nor then tells the
00:55:55girls that he would like to give the kid a ride to the nearest city. Lin thinks about how her
00:56:00father always warned her to not be misled by rumors, and to trust her own eyes. Lin realizes
00:56:06that she was looking at this kid as just being part of a dangerous race, but in reality, he's
00:56:11really just a malnourished kid with nowhere to go. Lin is ashamed of herself, and the kid introduces
00:56:16himself as Rolo. Lin wants to take the kid too now, but Enos is hesitant. Demon folk are not
00:56:23allowed to enter Mithra, so it will be difficult to take him with them. However, it will also be
00:56:28difficult for Rolo to survive if they just leave him alone. It's a pretty difficult decision,
00:56:33because Mithra might consider them enemies when they arrive, and they might be attacked.
00:56:38Just then, their difficult decision is interrupted, when a mysterious man appears,
00:56:42and he is obviously very dangerous. This guy reveals that he was hired by the person that
00:56:47sent Rolo to make his delivery. Nor apologizes for ruining their plan, but the guy doesn't care,
00:56:53and he just reveals that he's after the kid. Apparently Rolo is worth a lot of money,
00:56:58so the guy is there to take him back. This guy moves at blazing speed, and Nor just barely
00:57:03manages to repel his attack. The stranger explains that his client wants to end the kid's life,
00:57:09but it would be much easier for him if he eliminated Rolo right now, so he would only
00:57:13have to bring back his carcass. As they fight, Nor says that he doesn't understand what this
00:57:18guy's problem is, but the guy says that Nor doesn't need to understand anything.
00:57:22Lin is shocked to see how fast they are moving, because she can't even follow along,
00:57:27and he mistells her to stay behind her. The stranger continues with his creative attacking
00:57:31style, but Nor manages to parry him every step of the way. The guy doesn't lose his cool at all
00:57:37though, and simply decides to chop Nor's head off. Nor parries the guy's attack at the very last
00:57:42moment, but he is shocked that the mystery guy was able to generate such power with just a tiny blade.
00:57:48The stranger is surprised as well when his blade falls apart, but he has another one that he uses
00:57:53to attack Nor. Nor realizes that he's in trouble, because all he can do is avoid the attack on
00:57:58Intuition alone. He won't be able to last much longer, because fighting while trying to protect
00:58:04Rolo is taking its toll. Lin is horrified by the power surging from their battle, and she can't
00:58:09even move. Enos uses her shield to protect her, and she reveals that she has just realized something.
00:58:15This man's appearance, along with his immense strength, has made it clear that he is the
00:58:19former S-Rank adventurer called Zaru. A look back shows Enos after she found documents from an
00:58:26unsolved case. This case was closed because the target was officially eliminated on record,
00:58:31but it wasn't true. The target was Zaru who became an S-Rank adventurer at a young age,
00:58:36which made him a target for other S-Ranks. Enos was shocked to hear this, because S-Rank targets
00:58:42are not usually humans. Gilbert was excited to take out Zaru, but the heroes told him to not
00:58:47even try. The reason they pretended that Zaru was eliminated was because he's actually too strong for
00:58:53anyone to take out. They decided to close the case because they didn't want to send any more people
00:58:58just to get eliminated. Gilbert was still curious, so they explained that as a kid, Zaru mastered the
00:59:04ancient art of dwarven alchemy. At the young age of 13, he earned the name Dragonslayer. Gilbert
00:59:10was shocked, because that meant that the guy was even more of a prodigy than him. Zaru became very
00:59:16famous, and he was admired by all adventurers. However, he didn't always use his talents for
00:59:21good things. Zaru eliminated several civilians for an unknown reason, but the guild didn't
00:59:27want to take away his adventurer's license because he made many contributions to them.
00:59:32Zaru even took down a disaster level threat monster on his own. The decision on how to deal
00:59:37with him was split, so they decided to postpone it. Zaru takes on any job as long as it pays well,
00:59:44and things like morals are meaningless to him. This was made clear when he wiped out an entire
00:59:49country and eliminated an entire royal family. It was as if Zaru had no sense of good or evil.
00:59:56Back to the present, Enis explains all this to Lin. Zaru has been challenged by many adventurers,
01:00:01but it only resulted in a mountain of corpses, and the bounty on Zaru's head is now incredibly high.
01:00:07In order to prevent anyone from going after him, the guild announced that he was no longer alive.
01:00:13Zaru and Nohr take a break from their fight because Zaru is disappointed to see that his
01:00:17entire collection of daggers has been destroyed. They are made of materials that aren't supposed
01:00:22to break so easily, so Nohr wonders if Zaru is looking for reimbursement. Zaru thinks Nohr is
01:00:27pretty weird, but not as weird as his sword. Zaru decides to play it safe as he tosses his sword
01:00:33into the sky, and Enis is shocked to see that it breaks apart into several swords. This attack is
01:00:39pretty famous as it can take several hundred lives in the blink of an eye. It's a weapon that Zaru
01:00:45transmuted himself, and it's called the Silver Cross. Zaru uses it to attack, and Nohr is barely
01:00:51able to protect Rolo in time. Nohr knows that he won't be able to win, and Enis realizes just how
01:00:57terrible the situation is. Enis determines that Nohr is going to be the one to take the sword.
