Failure Frame Part2 - Anime Recap

  • 2 days ago
A student summoned to another world is deemed a failure by the goddess. However, his low-rank skills prove useful, and he seeks revenge, revealing his true nature.


00:00:00one of the patrons recalls that someone in this very city has actually met the witch.
00:00:04Tuka hearing this, wastes no time and approaches them, asking for more details. Though they're
00:00:09initially cautious, they agree to spill the beans once Tuka offers to buy them drinks.
00:00:13The patrons then reveal that the strongest Bloodsport champion in town is the one who
00:00:17supposedly met the Witch of Taboos. Tuka wonders how he can meet this person,
00:00:21and just then, luck seems to be on his side as the champion walks into the tavern.
00:00:26The guys point out that this is Eve Speed, the fiercest Bloodsport warrior around.
00:00:30Tuka immediately seizes the moment, offering to treat Eve to something.
00:00:34He introduces himself as Hadi, expressing that he's been eager to meet her. Eve however isn't
00:00:39one for small talk and tells him to cut to the chase, noting full well he's not interested in
00:00:44her just because she's a Bloodsport warrior. So Tuka directly asks if she knows where the
00:00:48Witch of Taboos is. Eve admits that she's ventured into the land of the golden-eyed
00:00:53monsters but denies ever meeting the Witch, claiming she doesn't know the Witch's whereabouts.
00:00:57Sarah senses something off about Eve's response and Eve then asks Tuka why he's searching for
00:01:02the Witch. He casually explains that he's curious and aspires to be a scholar,
00:01:06hoping to hire a mercenary to pay the Witch a visit. Eve warns him against it,
00:01:10saying the land of the golden-eyed monsters is treacherous and doubts he'd survive more
00:01:14than three days there. Tuka thanks her for the concern and Eve leaves with a final piece of
00:01:18advice, to cherish his life. Later, Sarah tells Tuka that Eve was lying and he realizes that Eve
00:01:24must indeed know where the Witch is. In their room, Tuka suddenly remembers he forgot to bring
00:01:29food for Piggymaru. Realizing he'll need to use his magic bag, he pulls out some bread and feeds
00:01:33it to Piggymaru. Both he and Sarah also take a bite and Sarah is pleasantly surprised by the taste,
00:01:39so she curiously asks if this is a common food in his world and Tuka confirms it is.
00:01:44He notices how much she enjoys it and wishes he could give her more but lemons that the bag
00:01:48produces items randomly. Sarah admires the wrapper of the bread, finding it beautiful,
00:01:53and Tuka thinks it might seem more special because it's from another world. They then
00:01:56turn their focus to discussing their next move and Tuka hopes to get Eve to reveal the Witch's
00:02:00location, so Sarah suggests they gather more information about Eve tomorrow. Tuka muses on
00:02:06what a bloodsport warrior might value most after their life and Sarah speculates that it's probably
00:02:10money, as it could buy their freedom, though it would require a significant amount. Meanwhile,
00:02:15we see Eve meeting with a dark elven girl, comforting her and promising to get her out,
00:02:19and the girl trusts Eve completely. Back at the inn, Sarah practices her swordsmanship,
00:02:24donning her spirit regalia. Tuka watches, thinking her spirit regalia looks like something out of a
00:02:29magical girl transformation scene and he's captivated by the elegance of her swordplay.
00:02:34After she finishes, Tuka is curious to learn and asks if there's a trick to close-range combat,
00:02:39so Sarah wonders if he is interested. Tuka explains that he's been relying too much on
00:02:43his current skills and might need something more in the future. Sarah is surprised but agrees to
00:02:48give him some pointers, which reminds her of her old days training knights as their captain.
00:02:52She then instructs Tuka to try attacking her, and he throws a punch, but she effortlessly restrains
00:02:57him explaining that this technique can be used on enemies he doesn't want to seriously harm.
00:03:01Embarrassed by their close proximity, especially with her sweating, she lets him go and apologizes
00:03:06for getting her sweat on him. Tuka reassures her that he doesn't mind, so she asks if he's okay
00:03:10with her teaching him this way. He assures her it's fine, and they continue their practice.
00:03:15The scene then shifts to Sarah, caught in the act of sniffing Tuka's clothes while she's washing
00:03:19them. Realizing what she's doing, she feels a wave of embarrassment wash over her, relieved that no
00:03:24one saw her indulging in such a shameless act, especially considering her feelings for him.
00:03:29Just as she's trying to compose herself, Tuka appears out of nowhere. Panic sets in as she
00:03:34wanders if he sees her just now, so she tries to play it cool and asks him what he wants.
00:03:38Tuka oblivious to her inner turmoil, mentions that his clothes were missing, and she explains that
00:03:43she took them to wash along with her own. He's surprised she's okay with doing that,
00:03:47but she reassures him that she's used to washing clothes. Later that night, while Sarah is
00:03:51peacefully sleeping, Tuka finds himself wide awake, diving into some books. He can't help
00:03:56but notice how serene and gentle Sarah looks in her sleep. He reflects on how she's been bottling
00:04:01up all sorts of emotions just to be his sword, and he feels a surge of gratitude for her dedication.
00:04:06She suddenly wakes up surprised to find him still awake, so Tuka says that he couldn't fall asleep,
00:04:10and Sarah immediately reaches for her herb pouch. She shows him a selection of herbs,
00:04:14and explains that each one has different effects. Some help with sleep, while others can invigorate
00:04:19and energize, leaving a person feeling, well, a bit too excited. Then her face flushed with
00:04:24embarrassment after realizing how that might sound, so she clarified that she didn't mean
00:04:28anything by it. Tuka knows this and takes out some cues to make soup, intending to mix in the herbs.
00:04:34As they prepare the soup, Sarah samples it before adding the herbs, noting how delicious it is even
00:04:39without them, and adds that this is an excellent portable meal in itself. But then in her flustered
00:04:44state, she accidentally pours the wrong amount of herbs into her soup. Tuka, noticing this,
00:04:49offers to drink it instead, but she insists on taking it herself. They both sip the soup, and
00:04:54Sarah finds it oddly refreshing. Tuka, however, is puzzled since the herbs should have made them
00:04:59sleepy. That's when Sarah realizes, with growing horror, that she used the herb meant to make
00:05:03someone energized, and also, she drank a lot. Tuka sees the silver lining as he can stay up
00:05:08and read even more now. As he's reading, Sarah, feeling the effects of the herb, asks if there's
00:05:12anything she can do for him. It gets too hot just by looking at her, but he manages to tell her to
00:05:17get some sleep since they need to gather and tell the next day. She then asks if he's resistant to
00:05:22temptation, and he admits that for now, he is. His thirst for revenge is so overpowering that
00:05:27it overshadows everything else. He explains that once his revenge is complete, he might be able
00:05:31to focus on other things, but until then, he's stuck with this curse. Moved by his determination,
00:05:37Sarah vows to do everything in her power to help free him from this curse, and he tells her he's
00:05:41counting on her. The scene cuts to them at the Coliseum the next day, and after some digging,
00:05:45Sarah fills Tuka in on Eve's backstory. Eve was originally a slave, sold to the Coliseum by her
00:05:51slaver, and she became a sensation from the start because Leopardmen are a rare sight after all,
00:05:56and in her three-year record, she hasn't lost a single match. Tomorrow is her final fight,
00:06:00and she's already earned enough to buy her freedom. Tuka realizes that this makes it tricky
00:06:05to use money as leverage, but Sarah adds that Eve actually earned enough to buy her freedom two years
00:06:09ago, but she kept fighting to save someone else. Tuka learns that it's a child Eve is trying to
00:06:14free, and Sarah also reveals that most of the previous Bloodsport champions have met their end
00:06:19during their final match. Tuka's heard whispers about this too, and figures it's because they
00:06:24get thrown against an impossibly tough opponent. But Sarah shares a darker rumor, that the Duke
00:06:28who runs the Coliseum rigs these fights to put the champions at a disadvantage. Tuka amusingly
00:06:34thinks that this could be the gap they need, and meanwhile we see Eve gearing up for her fight.
00:06:38Sarah asks Tuka whether there are any chances for Eve to survive, but Tuka with a grim expression
00:06:43insists that the Duke would never let her live, and will definitely try to kill her off with the
00:06:47introduction of a new fighter, one who will soon become everyone's favorite. Sarah is shocked at
00:06:52this, and asks what they will do tomorrow, so Tuka without hesitation responds that they don't have
00:06:57to wait until tomorrow, they are going to make their move today itself. Later that evening,
00:07:02Tuka ends up tracking Eve down into a dark alleyway and steps in front of her, blocking
00:07:06her path. Eve looks confused and asks what he wants, and she adds that she already told him
00:07:10that she had never seen the witch. Tuka doesn't buy it for a second, and immediately tells her
00:07:15he knows that's a lie, but Sarah confirms it isn't. Sarah then walks in, saying they know
00:07:19she is hiding something, and Tuka cuts in, bluntly telling her to cut the crap and come clean. Eve
00:07:24instantly takes a defensive stance, her hand reaching for her sword, but Tuka quickly tells
00:07:28her to chill out, assuring her they only want to help. Eve, still suspicious, keeps her hand on the
00:07:33sword while Tuka continues explaining that the Duke is planning to have her killed in the match
00:07:37tomorrow, and he emphasizes that this would be a huge problem for them, as they need to find the
00:07:42location of the witch. Tuka then directly asks Eve if they should kidnap the girl she's hiding
00:07:46and get her out of this slave city tonight. Eve gets furious at this suggestion, and threatens
00:07:51to cut their hands off if they dare lay a finger on the girl, but Tuka tells her to rest easy and
00:07:56reassures her that they mean no harm, they're just here to help. Sarah then chimes in stating
00:08:00they know she has been fighting these past two years solely for the sake of the little girl
00:08:04Lisbeth. Eve then realizes these two really do know everything about her, so she takes a breath
00:08:08calming down slightly, admitting that she can't just turn away from the fight tomorrow, she feels
00:08:13she has no choice but to participate. Tuka asks whether they should take Lisbeth away to safety,
00:08:18but Eve firmly replies that if they don't follow the city's rules and try to run,
00:08:22bounties will be placed on their heads, and they'd be hunted by soldiers and assassins for the rest
00:08:27of their lives. She confesses that she might have considered running if she were alone, but with
00:08:31Lisbeth by her side, she can't take that chance. Tuka insists again, suggesting he could take her
00:08:36to the safety of the Golden Zone where the witch lives, a place no one dares to enter, but Eve
00:08:41shakes her head, saying even if he wouldn't make it through the zone itself, it's way too dangerous.
00:08:46Tuka, however, makes a promise, no matter what happens, he will make sure Lisbeth stays safe.
00:08:51Eve weighs this option and looks at Sarah, instantly sensing her experience in martial arts,
00:08:55then turns to Tuka and asks what he's capable of. Tuka with a casual shrug tries to downplay
00:09:00his skills, claiming he could defeat the Skeleton King without much trouble. Eve smirks and
00:09:05acknowledges that while a Skeleton King is a tough opponent, it's nothing compared to what
00:09:09you'd find in the Golden Zone. Tuka replies with a grin, revealing that he's the one who took down
00:09:14the Black Dragon Knights. Eve laughs and dismisses him and says that a weakling like him couldn't
00:09:18handle even the weakest Dragon Knight. But Tuka doesn't flinch, he raises his arm, and before
00:09:24Eve can even unsheath her sword, he activates his Paralyze ability, freezing her body completely,
00:09:29and while she struggles to break free, he calmly tells her to relax, warning that the more she
00:09:34fights it, the more HP she'll lose. Then he adds almost with a smirk that with this ridiculous
00:09:38ability, he managed to defeat the hero of humanity all by himself. Sarah then steps
00:09:43forward and removes her cloak as well, revealing that she is the elf princess the Dragon Knights
00:09:48were chasing, and claims she saw the battle with her own eyes. With that revelation, Tuka breaks
00:09:53Eve free from the Paralysis spell, proving his power Sarah, but Eve insists that despite everything,
00:09:58she will not rely on their help. She plans to win her final match tomorrow fair and square and free
00:10:03Lisbeth from slavery on her own terms, trusting her own strength more than that of strangers.
00:10:08Tuka looks at her and asks if she really thinks the Duke would let her go that easily,
00:10:12mentioning that the Duke has a reputation as a massive pain in the ass. Eve argues that despite
00:10:16the Duke's shady character, he is still human and can't be cruel enough to break his own word,
00:10:21and she is confident in her abilities to defeat her opponent and start a new life.
00:10:25Tuka decides to leave and tells her that if she changes her mind, he will be waiting by the city's
00:10:29front gates until dawn. They head back into the city, only to come across a large crowd gathered
00:10:34around a group of dark mages. The mages claim that the man in the house insulted their god,
00:10:39so they took it upon themselves to slit his throat. Tuka and Sarah choose to ignore them
00:10:43and continue on their way. As night begins to fall, they hear the same dark mages harassing a
00:10:47poor girl for no reason. When she refuses their attempt to recruit her into their cult, one of
00:10:52them slaps her hard across the face. Sarah's anger flares and she moves to draw her sword,
00:10:57but Tupa stops her, and instead he casts his Berserk spell on one of the mages. The man immediately
00:11:02goes wild, hitting and biting everyone around him, which creates an opportunity for the girl
00:11:06to escape. Tuka then casts the Berserk spell on the rest of the mages, who start frightening each
00:11:11other, allowing him and Sarah to slip away unnoticed. A little after midnight, both Tuka
00:11:16and Sarah set out again towards the front gate, while Sarah asks if he really believes Eve would
00:11:20seek their help. Tuka replies that he knows for sure the Duke is a total bastard, and if Eve
00:11:25decides to go the legal route, she will get royally boned. Meanwhile, Eve has been wrestling with the
00:11:30same thought all night unable to sleep, wondering if the Duke would keep his word. She decides to
00:11:34get some answers, and directly asks the Duke if their deal about freeing Lisbeth is still on.
00:11:39But before she can enter the room, she overhears a soldier talking to the Duke about tomorrow's
00:11:43battle. The soldier asks if there are any changes in the plan, but the Duke coldly replies that
00:11:48there will be no changes, and that Eve will die tomorrow. This truly shocks her, as she hears the
00:11:53Duke mention he plans to give her a poison that would numb her senses. The soldier laughs, and
00:11:58the Duke goes on to complain that he had to spend a lot of money on the shrine being built for her
00:12:02since she was so well loved by the audience. But he sneers, calling her a subhuman creature who
00:12:07shouldn't even be alive, and Eve can't believe her ears. The soldier then asks what will happen
00:12:11to the little girl, and Duke Dipshit replies he'll raise her as the perfect wife. And if that doesn't
00:12:16work out, he will just pimp her out for a lot of money. They all start laughing while Eve clenches
00:12:21her teeth, then returns to her cell, finally coming to a decision. As she's leaving, a man named Muji
00:12:26calls her, saying he's eager for their fight tomorrow. She says it's good, and as she turns
00:12:31to leave, Muji's assistant rushes in and tells him there's a problem. Eve then grabs her cloak and
00:12:36heads toward the main gate, where she finds Tuka and Sarah waiting. Tuka is surprised to see her
00:12:40so soon, but she replies that the Duke is indeed a filthy animal who can't be trusted, so she'll
00:12:45take Tuka's offer and run away. Tuka states he wants something in return, and Eve agrees, saying
00:12:50she will reveal the location of the witch and even enter the Golden Demon Zone with them. That settles
00:12:54the deal, and Tuka gets ready to kidnap the little girl. Meanwhile, on the other side of the city,
00:12:59the Dark Elf is working in a tavern cleaning up tables, while the fat owner storms out of
00:13:03the kitchen, screaming at her to move her hands faster. The poor girl tries her best to pick up
00:13:08the pace, but the fatty with less than a brain cell starts hitting Lisbeth for absolutely no
00:13:13reason until the little girl falls to the floor, laughing at her misery. Lisbeth struggles to hold
00:13:18back her tears, trying to stay strong as she remembers how brave Eve is and takes comfort in
00:13:22that thought. But the fatty, with no reason at all, starts screaming in her ears again when suddenly
00:13:27the door slams open, sending the fat, ugly piggy sprawling to the ground. Eve storms in, furious at
00:13:33the fatty for treating Lisbeth like that, and draws her sword. The fatty instantly drops to her knees,
00:13:38begging for her life, claiming she never wanted to hurt the girl. But the Duke ordered her to
00:13:42discipline Lisbeth harshly, and if she didn't, he would have punished her instead. Eve tells her
00:13:47that she's taking Lisbeth and gives her a choice. Tell everyone Lisbeth was kidnapped and that Eve
00:13:51went after the kidnapper or face the consequences. The fatty sobs and agrees, desperately telling
00:13:56Lisbeth that she never meant to treat her badly, but was forced to. Then suddenly, Tuca enters the
00:14:01tavern wearing his mask and tells Eve to go on ahead as he just needs to check on something.
00:14:05Once they leave, he walks up to the ugly fat woman and coldly tells her that she might have fooled
00:14:09Eve with her performance, but he can see right through her pathetic act. He tells her that he
00:14:14knows what it's like to suffer abuse, so he won't let her off that easy. The woman tries to bluff,
00:14:18insisting she's the only one who can protect them from the Duke's wrath when he finds out about this.
00:14:23But Tuca's had enough of her crap and immediately uses Paralyze, followed by a poison spell,
00:14:28which somehow makes her even uglier as she starts dying slowly. Tuca calmly takes out a knife and
00:14:33sets up the scene to look like a robbery before leaving the tavern and escaping through the sewer.
00:14:37They start making their way through the underground passages, with Lisbeth nervously
00:14:41introducing herself and begging Tuca to let her join them, because she wants to stay close to Eve.
00:14:46Tuca hesitates, pointing out that their path will be dangerous, but Eve cuts in, assuring that
00:14:51Lisbeth will be fine as long as they stick together. Seeing her determination, Tuca agrees.
00:14:55Eve then asks Tuca about the strange noise she keeps hearing from his backpack. With a slight
00:15:00grin, he pulls out Piggy Morrow, revealing his unusual companion, before they continue through
00:15:04the sewers. Soon, they find themselves navigating through dense forests, when Eve approaches Tuca,
00:15:09declaring her complete trust in him and stating she is willing to risk her life by his side.
00:15:14Tuca is taken aback and asks what sparked this sudden faith, so Eve explains that Tuca could
00:15:18have taken more sinister routes to extract information from her or use Lisbeth as leverage,
00:15:23but he had chosen honesty instead. She then questions why he wants to meet the witch and
00:15:27Tuca reveals he possesses an ancient text he believes only the witch can decipher. Eve then
00:15:32asks if he plans to harm the witch, but Tuca reassures her that as long as the witch doesn't
00:15:36pose a threat, he has no reason to hurt her. Not long after they ride on horseback and Tuca
00:15:41confides to Sarah that he suspects Eve has some connection with the witch. He mentions that he's
00:15:45also heard the witch is a dark elf like Lisbeth, which might work in their favor if they need
00:15:49someone to vouch for them. Suddenly, he spots a flurry of lights coming from the kingdom and
00:15:54quickly realizes that an alarm has been raised. Eve suspects that Mujin has somehow tracked her
00:15:58and offers to hold off their pursuers while the others escape, but Tuca refuses, insisting they
00:16:03fight together. He quickly devises a plan, diverting half the enemy forces by leading
00:16:07them on a chase after decoy horses, while the group hides in the bushes, preparing for a surprise
00:16:12attack. He instructs Eve to retreat with Lisbeth, as Sarah is needed at the front for his plan,
00:16:17and with everything set in motion, Tupa takes up his mask, preparing for their final stand against
00:16:22the Duke's forces. Meanwhile, we see the members of a shint noticing a broken tree branch. Mujin
00:16:27suspects the branch was deliberately broken to trap them. He quickly realizes his enemies want
00:16:32to lure him into the forest, so he calls out for them to show themselves, declaring that he has
00:16:36seen through their ploy. Sarah then emerges, wearing the mask of the Fly Swordsman, a figure
00:16:41who appears in the Legends of the Lord of the Flies. Mujin demands she hand over Eve and Lisbeth,
00:16:46promising to spare her life if she complies. He even offers to welcome her into the ranks of a
00:16:50shint, noting she seems like a capable warrior. Sarah then asks what would happen if she refuses,
00:16:55and Mujin coldly states he will make her suffer using his curses. He adds that even the five
00:16:59dragoons could not withstand his curses, nor could humanity's strongest warrior. Sarah, playing along,
00:17:05asks him to promise the safety of Eve and Lisbeth before she leads him to them, so Mujin agrees,
00:17:09giving his word. With this, Sarah tells everyone to follow her and they start to move,
00:17:13but Mujin suddenly stops them. He realizes she has no intention of simply handing over the girls,
00:17:18pointing out that her wording gave her away. She said everyone, when it would have been enough for
00:17:22just a few men to accompany her. He concludes she is trying to lure them deeper into the forest and
00:17:27wonders if she needs them in range for something, so he quickly orders his group to maintain their
00:17:31distance and prepare for an attack. Sarah unphased reminds them they were ready to kill her with
00:17:36their curses. Mujin responds by revealing a secret. The members of Isshin are actually
00:17:40successors of the Assassin's Guild. He explains that a hero from another world once declared the
00:17:45guild evil and exterminated it, but they have taken up their work again as users of curse magic.
00:17:50But Sarah realizes they are actually using poisons, not curses and Mujin elaborates that
00:17:55their poisons are highly advanced. He explains they can only be synthesized using special
00:17:59techniques passed down among the few survivors of the Assassin's Guild. Sarah understands now
00:18:04what they call curses are actually these advanced poisons, which leave no trace.
00:18:09Mujin continues, mentioning how the tragedy of the five dragoons played right into their hands.
00:18:14Their mysterious demise could only be explained by curses beyond human understanding.
00:18:18That's why they proclaimed themselves the Slayers of the Five Dragoons.
00:18:21With no one able to prove their curses were fake, people chose to believe them,
00:18:25and he adds that in a world without proof, the loudest voice wins. Then when Sarah asks him
00:18:29about his ultimate goal, he explains they plan to use Duke Zuun to carve out a central role for
00:18:34themselves in the nation. So she realizes they intend to assassinate anyone who gets in their way.
00:18:39Mujin then reveals that his ultimate aim is to take over the entire country for himself,
00:18:43and he demands to know where her other allies are. Sarah calmly replies that she is the only
00:18:47one accompanying even Lisbeth, but Mujin seems skeptical. So to make him believe her,
00:18:52Sarah takes off her mask and reveals her identity, stating that she is the one who survived facing
00:18:57the five dragoons. Mujin then realizes she is Sarah Ekstrain and wonders if she is truly the
00:19:02one who killed the five dragoons. Sarah replies that she might have, but Mujin scoffs, refusing
00:19:07to believe she could have defeated humanity's strongest warriors. He then introduces the man
00:19:11who was supposed to fight Eve in her final bloodsport match, naming him as Belgar. He also
00:19:16introduces Belgar's brother Verigan and declares them the strongest siblings in a shint. Mujin
00:19:21adds that they had a younger brother who was part of the White Walkers group that had been chasing
00:19:25her, and now Belgar and Verigan are eager to take revenge on her for their brother's death.
00:19:30Mujin then asks Sarah what she plans to do next and reveals that his subordinates have already
00:19:34surrounded her. He explains that the ones she sees now are just a decoy, while others from their
00:19:39group have circled around, masking their presence. He then tells her not to worry, saying he won't
00:19:43kill her because she has a pretty face, and he'll take his time enjoying her instead, and then he
00:19:47commands her to bend the knee right where she stands. Sarah listens, and Mujin smugly adds that
00:19:52one day he might grant her the honor of burying his child. Sarah thinks to herself that it's time
00:19:57for Tuka to act. At that moment, Tuka uses a bliming flash to disorient everyone. We see that
00:20:02he has merged with Piggymaru and uses his tentacles to paralyze all the members of a shint. He thinks
00:20:07they must not have expected him to have a long-range attack like this, and Muji, confused,
00:20:11wonders where their other forces are. Tuka tells him that he has already taken out all 15 of them
00:20:15while Muji was busy talking, and then he poisons them all. He reveals that Muji was clever enough
00:20:20to notice Eve's intentions, and that he would suspect the broken branch was a setup. Tuka
00:20:25predicted that Muji would avoid entering a forest, fearing a trap, and that's why he instructed Sarah
00:20:30to pretend to lure them in. He deliberately tipped Muji off, making him feel in control.
00:20:34This is what caused Muji's overconfidence and paralyzed his ability to analyze the situation.
00:20:39As the poison takes effect, Muji, and the others fall. Sarah remarks that everything went exactly
00:20:45as Tuka planned, and he thanks her for playing along with their little charade. He notes that
00:20:49Muji's mistake was not considering the possibility of a more elaborate plan, and then he tells Sarah
00:20:53to go back and update Eve on the situation. As Sarah leaves to do so, Tuka notices that the
00:20:58first wave is returning. He thinks to himself that this is unfolding exactly as he anticipated,
00:21:03and instructs Piggymaru to connect with him again, but he realizes Piggymaru is too drained to do so.
00:21:09Eve sees this, and thinks that not even Tuka can predict everything. So she offers to help him,
00:21:14and Tuka asks Sarah to take care of Lisbeth, while they prepare to fight the first wave.
00:21:18Tuka and Eve head towards the approaching enemies, and he asks her if she can count their numbers,
00:21:22so Eve counts them all, and goes to confront them. The soldiers attempt to attack Eve when
00:21:26they spot her, but Tuka quickly paralyzes them all and poisons them as well. Just then,
00:21:31the Duke and some of his soldiers arrive from behind, and he declares that there is no escape
00:21:35for them. His subordinate then sneers, saying they will kill Eve and make Lisbeth wear a dress
00:21:40made from her skin. Tuka hears this, and thinks to himself that these men are absolute scum,
00:21:44who tries to paralyze them, but his powers don't work. He realizes he has reached the
00:21:49maximum number of active targets. Thinking fast, he uses his dark skill on the man and blinds him,
00:21:54so Eve takes the opportunity and swiftly decapitates him.
00:21:57Tuka then casts dark on the soldiers accompanying the Duke, and Eve cuts them down as well.
00:22:02The rest of the soldiers are terrified and start to flee, but Tuka tells Eve not to let anyone
00:22:07escape, so she hurls a spear at the retreating soldiers. Tuka then realizes that his paralysis
00:22:12skill can only affect 80 targets at once, so he begins using dark on any soldier he can find.
00:22:17Then one of the soldiers tries to strike at him from behind, but Ceres shoots him down.
00:22:21The Duke, panicking, kills his own soldiers who try to retreat and orders the remaining men to
00:22:25kill the creepy man in black, frantically insisting that as the Duke, things will go his way.
00:22:30Watching this, Tuka thinks he doesn't even need to use his berserk skill to drive the Duke mad.
00:22:34Eve then thanks Tuka, admitting that although she is a warrior, she had begun to feel tired
00:22:39of the endless fighting, but fighting alongside him like this is a delight. She then goes on to
00:22:43finish off the remaining soldiers one by one. The Duke is terrified and tries to flee, vowing that
00:22:48they will meet a cruel end in the future, but Tuka paralyzes him, turning to Eve and asking her to
00:22:53finish the job. Eve tells the Duke she might have forgiven him if he had only sought to harm her,
00:22:58but going after Lisbeth was unforgivable. So without hesitation, she beheads the Duke,
00:23:03and the scene reveals the mess they have made in the forest.
00:23:06When the battle is over, Ceres and Lisbeth come out of hiding, and Tuka asks Ceres to take Lisbeth
00:23:10away. He thanks her for the help with the bow, and she apologizes for acting without permission,
00:23:15but he assures her it's fine since she is the vice leader of their mercenary group.
00:23:19Later, we see Tupa using a freeze spell on the bodies of the Ashint members. He explains that
00:23:24this spell encases living people in ice, but when used on corpses, it treats them as objects that
00:23:28can be crushed into powder after being frozen. He tells Eve that he plans to use this skill to
00:23:33eliminate the bodies of the Ashint. He adds that these men claim to have slain the five dragoons,
00:23:38and he intends to make that accusation stick to them forever. With that, he crushes their
00:23:42bodies into dust. Meanwhile, King Jinn learns that the Ashint have disappeared, and a messenger
00:23:47informs him that all they found at the scene were the corpses of the Duke and his soldiers.
00:23:51Jinn is troubled by this news as it disrupts his plans to use the Ashint as pawns, so he wonders
00:23:56how he will explain this to the Goddess. He then orders his soldiers to do everything possible to
00:24:01find the Ashint. Meanwhile, we see rain falling in the forest, so Ceres and Lisbeth take shelter
00:24:06in a cave, where Ceres is drying her wet clothes. Seeing Ceres' hot look, Lisbeth wonders if she
00:24:11will ever grow to look like her. She recalls how the owner of the tavern where she worked told her
00:24:16she wouldn't be considered a proper woman unless her black melon grew. Ceres tells her not to worry
00:24:21about anything the tavern owner said and advises her to only let the words of those she trusts
00:24:26take root in her heart. Lisbeth nons, saying she will trust Ceres' words in this case, and thinks
00:24:31it feels like having another big sister. Suvniv and Tuka join them, and Lisbeth and Eve quickly
00:24:36fall asleep. Ceres suggests that Tuka rest as well while she keeps watch, but he says he isn't
00:24:40feeling sleepy. She offers him her lap to rest on, but he knows she is tired too and offers her his
00:24:45lap instead. Ceres quickly takes him up on the offer, but when she notices his awkward reaction,
00:24:50she realizes he was just kidding. She apologizes, but Tuka assures her it's fine. Then his curiosity
00:24:56takes in and asks if he can touch her ears, admitting he's been fascinated by them for a
00:25:00long time. She allows it, but when he senses she feels uncomfortable, he quickly lets go.
00:25:05Ceres then asks if he has any special feelings for Eve or Lisbeth since he treats them the same
00:25:10as he does her. Tuka explains that Eve reminds him of his uncle. Though Eve has a different gender
00:25:14and attitude, she shares the same heart, and he adds that his aunt and uncle are the only reason
00:25:19he wants to return to his world. As for Lisbeth, she reminds him of himself. He explains that he
00:25:24too was abused as a child, but the key difference is their response to hostility. He is ready to
00:25:29eliminate anything that threatens him and admits he's not a good person like her, but he tells
00:25:33Ceres she is free to leave whenever she wants if she doesn't want to be part of his revenge.
00:25:37But Ceres assures him that she has no intention of leaving and that she has her own feelings about
00:25:41the goddess of alien. Hearing this, Tuka promises to repay her for accompanying him on this journey,
00:25:45so he offers to grant any request she has if it's within his power. He tells her to think about it,
00:25:51then suggests she rest. She agrees, and as she lies down, he uses his sleek skill on her.
00:25:56Elsewhere, we see Ayaka secretly training with Nian. Ayaka thanks her for the training,
00:26:00and Nian remarks that Ayaka might surpass her in technique one day. She also asks Ayaka to
00:26:05keep their training a secret, explaining it would be difficult to get permission from
00:26:09goddess Issyus if anyone found out. Ayaka agrees, and then asks why Nian chose to teach her. Nian
00:26:14confesses it's because Ayaka reminds her of her little sister. Then as she leaves, she warns Ayaka
00:26:19not to show any weakness in this world or she will fall. We then see Lisbeth wearing a new dress,
00:26:24and she is delighted with it. She thanks Tuka for the gift, and Ceres suggests they come up
00:26:28with a name for their mercenary group. She explains that they might need to identify themselves when
00:26:32they cross into the land of monsters and proposes the name Lord of the Flies Warband. She reveals
00:26:38that this was what the army of the Lord of the Flies was called, and everyone likes the idea,
00:26:42so Tuka agrees. They continue their journey, and by evening they reach the land of the Golden
00:26:46Iron Monsters. Tuka notices a corrupted tree in the center of the area and learns that it was once
00:26:51a sacred tree. Eve then asks him to pour some magic into her hand, revealing a crest. She
00:26:56explains that this crest is passed down to the leaders of their tribe and her children.
00:27:00The green dot represents their current location, and the red dot marks the location of the Witch
00:27:04of Taboos. Realizing they need to head toward the red mark, they decide to camp for the night since
00:27:09it's already late. That night as Tuka looks out over the land of monsters, he reflects that his
00:27:14hatred for the Goddess hasn't diminished even after all this time. He vows to show the Goddess
00:27:18what hell is like and decides to use the land of monsters as an EXP farm to level up. He knows you
00:27:23may never reach the level of the S-Class or A-Class heroes, but he is determined to close
00:27:28the gap between them. Meanwhile, the Goddess is informing the heroes that they have leveled up
00:27:32significantly. However, she warns them that raising their levels only improves their base stats. They
00:27:37still lack the necessary technique. That is why she has summoned some renowned individuals to
00:27:41train them, aiming to bring out their full potential. She also confirms that the Great
00:27:45Demon Empire is on the move and that their next battle will be something beyond their wildest
00:27:49expectations, so she encourages the heroes to do their best in that battle. Later, she tells
00:27:54Nian and they must keep the heroes leveling up and plans to send them to the land of monsters
00:27:58once they have mastered some new techniques. Back in the forest, we see Lizbeth carrying a
00:28:03large bag of luggage, so Sarah offers to take it off her hands, but Lizbeth insists that she's fine.
00:28:08She explains that her chances of survival will be better if the others have to carry less,
00:28:13and she asks Sarah to let her handle it. Eve agrees with Lizbeth and urges Sarah to respect
00:28:17her wishes. Tuka also supports this, reminding them that Lizbeth is part of their mercenary band.
00:28:23He adds that he hopes she will speak up if she gets tired and asks Piggymaru to keep an eye on
00:28:27their surroundings. As they move forward, the group feels relieved that they currently have
00:28:31enough food and water. However, they soon sense a lurking monster. Eve steps up to face the creature
00:28:36while the rest of the group hides. Observing the monster, Tuka notices that it resembles the ones
00:28:40he encountered in the Ruins of Disposal, except for its seaweed-like head. Eve engages the creature
00:28:45in battle, and while hiding Tuka casts a paralysis spell on it. Once immobilized, he steps out of
00:28:51hiding and poisons the monster. He commends Eve for her efforts, and she asks if he accomplished
00:28:55what he aimed to do. He nods and explains that he has, and then he puts the monster asleep. He adds
00:29:01that he wasn't sure if his skills would work on the creatures in the land of monsters, but now he
00:29:05is certain they do. A short while later, the monster dies. Tuka muses that although these
00:29:10creatures look similar to those in the Ruins of Disposal, they are actually weaker. He feels a
00:29:14pang of disappointment, realizing that the land of monsters is not as formidable as he had imagined.
00:29:19He thinks to himself that if this is the best the land has to offer, its monsters will be no match
00:29:24for him. He begins searching the monster for useful materials, which piques Sarah's curiosity,
00:29:28so she asks him what he is doing, and he explains that he read about this type of monster in the
00:29:33Book of Forbidden Arts, and she intricately finds the description in the book when he hands it over
00:29:38to her. She then notes that the creature is an ingredient for creating a forbidden item,
00:29:42similar to the voice-altering stone in the Lord of Flies mask. Noticing Sarah's interest in the
00:29:47book, Tuka offers it to her, saying she can keep it if she likes. She thanks him warmly, and Tuka
00:29:52realizes he needs to be cautious with his words around Sarah because she has a knack for seeing
00:29:56right through him. After collecting the materials, Tupac declares that it's time to begin their
00:30:00conquests of the land of monsters. The group moves forward, and soon they find themselves crossing a
00:30:05river. Tuka manages to cross without any problems, and then it's Lisbeth's turn. Eve offers to help
00:30:11her, but Lisbeth insists on doing it herself. She carefully hops across the stones but slips on one
00:30:16of them, but thankfully Piggymaru is there to catch her just in time. Eve is relieved and thanks Tuka
00:30:21for having a safety plan in place, but Tuka smiles and says that he wants to do everything he can to
00:30:26support Lisbeth when she sets her mind to something. He adds that he was once in a similar situation,
00:30:31but he clarifies that he's only helping her because it benefits him in the end. Lisbeth finally makes
00:30:35it across the river and notices the group was whispering. She asks if they were talking about her.
00:30:40Eve quickly denies it and makes up an excuse, saying they were discussing children born between
00:30:44high elves and humans which are rare, so she then wonders aloud what the children of Tuka and Sara
00:30:49would look like. Sara, who is in the middle of crossing the river, overhears this and becomes
00:30:53distracted, losing her balance and falling into the water. Moments later we see her drenched,
00:30:58apologizing for letting her guard down. Eve is amused and surprised that even Sara can get
00:31:02distracted sometimes, and that makes Tuka unsure whether Eve is clueless or cunning.
00:31:07Noticing that Sara is shivering from the cold, he drapes his overcoat around her shoulders.
00:31:12He lightly jokes, hoping she doesn't mind that it smells like him. Sara smiles and admits she
00:31:16likes it, surprising Tuka who had meant it as a joke, but it turns out Sara was joking too.
00:31:21As they continue their journey, Eve suddenly senses something approaching,
00:31:24so Sara quickly moves to protect Lisbeth. Tuka then asks Eve if these are monsters she recognizes,
00:31:30and she admits she can't defeat them. He wonders if this is what forced Eve and Lisbeth to flee
00:31:34the land of monsters in the first place, and she confirms it is, so Tuva tells her to fall back,
00:31:40understanding that this is a threat she can't handle. Eve then retreats, and Tuka decides he
00:31:44doesn't have time to merge with Pegimaru, so he takes cover behind a tree. The monsters come into
00:31:49view, and Tuka's excitement builds at the prospect of facing opponents strong enough to overwhelm
00:31:54even the greatest bloodsport warrior, and as soon as the creatures enter his range, he swiftly casts
00:31:59a paralysis spell on them. Not wasting any time, he follows up with a berserk spell to finish the
00:32:04fight quickly. After the monster dies, Tuka gains a level, and Eve can't help but notice that Tuka
00:32:09seems familiar with these creatures, so Tuka explains that they are probably Mizorts, and he
00:32:13begins to cut apart their paws. Eve asks for the Grimace if he plans to eat them, but Sara quickly
00:32:18clarifies that, according to the Book of Forbidden Arts, what Tuka is taking is an ingredient for
00:32:23enhancing slimes like Pegimaru. Realizing this, Eve understands that Pegimaru will be the one
00:32:27consuming it, so Pegimaru looks disgusted, but Tuka reassures him, saying it probably won't taste
00:32:33bad once he turns it into a solution. Suddenly, they all feel a brief but intense murderous intent
00:32:39which quickly vanishes, leaving them bewildered. They look around, unable to find the source of the
00:32:43feeling. As they prepare for a potential fight, Pegimaru alerts Tuga that the murderous intent
00:32:48is coming from his bag. Tuka checks and discovers that the egg he picked up earlier is glowing.
00:32:53It cracks open, and a horse emerges, rapidly growing into a full-sized creature right before
00:32:58their eyes. The group is stunned, and Tuka wonders aloud what kind of monster this could be,
00:33:02but even Sara is at a loss. The horse creature then rubs affectionately against Tuka,
00:33:07who cautiously pets it, and as he does, he notices something unusual on its back.
00:33:11So Sara explains that it's an organ for absorbing magic, a unique feature found in magical creatures
00:33:16and certain monsters. Sensing an opportunity, Tuka asks everyone to step back, then begins
00:33:21pouring his magic into the organ. He theorizes that the horse may have grown by absorbing ambient
00:33:26magic, so he tries to replicate the effect. Using his stats window, Tuka monitors his
00:33:30mana consumption, and after spending a thousand magic points, the horse grows even larger.
00:33:35The group watches in amazement as the creature transforms before their eyes. Tuka thinks this
00:33:39size is perfect for hauling their luggage. But the horse seems to want more, nudging Tuka to continue.
00:33:45Tuka obliges, pouring in another ten thousand mana points. The horse transforms once more,
00:33:50becoming a massive, muscular creature with eight powerful legs. Tuka is impressed,
00:33:54thinking they've added an intriguing new companion to their group.
00:33:58Lisbeth asks him what he plans to name the creature. Noting its eight legs like Odin's
00:34:02legendary horse, Tuka decides to call him Sli, short for Sleipnir. The beast seems to like its
00:34:07new name, and when Sara reaches out to pet it, the creature responds by enthusiastically licking her.
00:34:12Eve laughs, noting that it seems to have taken quite a liking to her. Tuka then asks the beast
00:34:17if it can return to its original form, and he's relieved to know it can shift back and forth with
00:34:21ease. Meanwhile, we cut to Ayaka's squad, where the heroes are reflecting on their weaknesses.
00:34:26Despite their concerns, Ayaka reassures them that they are doing their best.
00:34:30Then over with Asaji's squad, the move is more upbeat, and her teammates compliment her leadership,
00:34:34noting how well they've been leveling up. Asaji then attributes their success to the
00:34:38group's natural talent and teamwork, explaining that they coordinate effectively to find monsters
00:34:43and fairly split the experience points among themselves like good friends. She adds that
00:34:48because of this, even the shy Kabado has been able to level up, and Kabedo gratefully thanks
00:34:52her for the support. Then we see that Kiri looking tense, so Shogo asks what's bothering him,
00:34:57and Kiri expresses his frustration, saying he doesn't like how their trainers are merely sending
00:35:01weaklings their way to help them gain experience, so he feels they're being grossly underestimated
00:35:06and decides it's time to prove a point. The scene shifts to the instructors and the heroes,
00:35:10who spot some dangerous monsters heading their way. They decide to handle the threat themselves,
00:35:14believing the heroes might not be able to manage these foes. They call Mayenne for backup,
00:35:19but Kiri is visibly annoyed that they're being told to stand down. As a few Nezerts approach,
00:35:23Mayenne sizes them up and realizes they're too strong for her to save the kills for the heroes,
00:35:28so she quickly dispatches one and the other instructors take down the second,
00:35:31but then a whole horde of Nezerts charges toward them. Refusing to remain idle any longer,
00:35:36Kiri leaps into action, unleashing his Draconic Buster to eliminate the monsters. After the battle,
00:35:42he demands that the instructors improve their opinion of him, declaring that this is what he's
00:35:46truly capable of. Meanwhile, Kabado notices that the Takao sisters are nowhere to be seen.
00:35:51We then see the Takao sisters some distance away, hearing the loud noises from the direction of the
00:35:56other heroes. Realizing something is happening, they decide to head back. Isuki remarks that
00:36:00there's no point in sticking around as the spies they found earlier had killed themselves upon
00:36:04discovery. Hijiri agrees, suspecting the spies were sent after them, probably on orders from
00:36:09the goddess Isis. Later, we see Tuka staring off into the distance while camping in the forest.
00:36:15Sarah approaches him, noting that thanks to Sleigh they're making better time than expected,
00:36:18so she mentions they'll soon be able to find the Witch of Taboos and asks what has caught his
00:36:23attention. Tuka explains that he noticed a strange light in the distance and thought it might be some
00:36:27monsters fighting each other. Sarah realizes he's looking to the northeast, the direction where
00:36:32Alien lies, home to the troublesome goddess they all despise. The scene shifts to the next morning
00:36:37and Sarah wakes up to find Tuka missing from their camp. Eve reassures her not to worry,
00:36:41saying Tuka isn't the type to abandon them. They head outside and soon spot Tuka, surrounded by a
00:36:46pile of monster corpses. Tuka calmly explains that he took out these monsters after sensing
00:36:51their presence nearby. Eve's eyes widen when she sees that one of the fallen creatures is a
00:36:55human-faced beast and she can't believe that Tuka managed to defeat such a formidable opponent by
00:37:00himself. Tuka shrugs it off, saying it wasn't all that troublesome compared to what he's accustomed
00:37:05to, and he begins searching the monsters for any usable ingredients. Eve is still stunned by his
00:37:10abilities, but Sarah smiles and comments that this is just how Tuka is. She reflects on how it's
00:37:15because of him that they're able to move so confidently through the land of monsters, and she
00:37:20believes that Tuka can make the impossible possible, but silently hopes he won't carry too much of the
00:37:25burden alone. The scene then cuts to them standing before a range of towering mountains. They quickly
00:37:29realize the mountains are too tall for even Slay to climb, leaving them with no choice but to take
00:37:34the path around to cross the area. Tuka then spots a trail that leads along the cliffs on the eastern
00:37:39side and urges everyone to hurry up. Sarah suggests that Tuka take a rest before they continue,
00:37:44but he dismisses the idea, insisting he's fine. He feels the growing humidity in the air and senses
00:37:49that rain is on the way, so he determinedly pushes them to cover as much ground as possible before
00:37:53the storm hits. The group continues along the path Tuka found, feeling uneasy about the lack
00:37:58of monsters. They speculate that this could mean they're getting closer to the Witch of Taboos.
00:38:03Tuka then turns to Lisbeth asking if she's alright and wonders if the land of monsters scares her.
00:38:08Lisbeth admits that it is frightening, but reassures him that she's okay. Tuka half-jokingly
00:38:12hopes she won't say something like dying here is better than living in Monroi, but Lisbeth replies
00:38:17that while there may be some truth to that, she doesn't believe she will die here. She confidently
00:38:22states that Sarah told her they will reach their destination safely as long as Tuka is alive,
00:38:26so Tuka can't help but think she's placing a little too much trust in him. Lisbeth goes on to
00:38:31say that because of Sarah's faith in him, she also believes they'll be fine as long as they have Tuka.
00:38:35This leaves him feeling both flattered and uneasy, realizing both Lisbeth and Sarah have
00:38:40put their complete trust in him, so he is determined not to betray that faith and he
00:38:44resolves to do his best. After some time, they finally reach a cave. Tuka notes that once they
00:38:49make it through, they should be close to the Witch of Taboos, so the group feels a sense of relief
00:38:53for having made it this far. Eve then expresses her gratitude to Tuka, but he brushes it off,
00:38:58saying there's no need to thank him, they wouldn't have gotten this far without the map Eve provided.
00:39:03He points out that he didn't help them out of goodwill, they simply had what the other wanted.
00:39:07Eve then opens up, admitting that she always wanted to escape her life in the Bloodsport
00:39:11arena and live a peaceful life with Lisbeth. That dream was stolen from her, but thanks to Tuka,
00:39:16she now has a chance to make it a reality. She adds that once this is all over, she plans to
00:39:21open a farm with Lisbeth, and perhaps that future isn't as far away as she once thought.
00:39:25Suddenly, a monster appears behind Eve and she swiftly slays it, but Tuka can't shake a feeling
00:39:30of unease, wondering if the creature is truly dead. Eve confirms that it seems to be, and Tuka
00:39:35uses a paralysis spell to be sure. The spell has no effect, confirming the monster is dead,
00:39:40but Tuka's instincts still tell him something is wrong. Then the dead creature unexpectedly lets
00:39:45out a haunting howl, echoing through the cave. Tuka's eyes widen, he suspects it's trying to
00:39:50summon other monsters. As the howl fades, Eve asks what it was and Tuka's senses go on high
00:39:54alert as he feels a swarm of monsters closing in from all directions. Eve and his classmates that
00:39:59position deeper in the forest notice the movement of the creatures too, all heading toward the same
00:40:04place. Tuka realizes the situation is becoming dire, he isn't sure if he can handle such a
00:40:09massive onslaught. Tuka finally realizes that this forest is the natural hunting ground for
00:40:13the big mouth monster, and the death cry it let out was like a beacon, drawing other monsters
00:40:18toward them. He can hardly believe that a single cry could summon so many beasts, and he notes that
00:40:23they still have a little time before the creatures arrive. At that moment, Eve steps forward,
00:40:28offering to draw the beasts toward her, giving the others a chance to search for the witch of
00:40:32taboos. She promises to create an opening for their escape. Lisbeth immediately tries to stop
00:40:37her, but Eve refuses. She explains that her carelessness led them to this situation, and it's
00:40:41only right that she takes responsibility. Eve points out that her senses are sharp, and she's
00:40:46an expert at maneuvering through terrain like this. Before she leaves, she instructs Lisbeth
00:40:50to listen to Sarah and Tuka until she returns, and Lisbeth reluctantly agrees. Tuka not wanting to let
00:40:55this slide so easily, tells Eve that he'll allow her to lure the monsters, but only if she promises
00:41:00to come back alive. Eve assures him she will, but Tuka isn't convinced. She thought he'd agree this
00:41:05quickly. He explains that her odds of surviving such a risky move are slim, and that she doesn't
00:41:10need to bear the weight of responsibility alone. He reminds her that the monsters she cut down were
00:41:14so well-hidden, they only revealed themselves when they were practically on top of them, so there was
00:41:19nothing she could have done to prevent it. Sarah then chimes in, saying that if she were in Eve's
00:41:23position, she would have acted the same way. Tuka takes it further, admitting that it's actually his
00:41:27fault for not using his status ailment skill on the monsters sooner, so he insists there's no reason
00:41:32for Eve to take all the blame. Eve tries to argue, but Tuka quickly cuts her off, telling her she's
00:41:38absolutely indispensable if they want to reach the Witch of Taboos. He reminds her that the witch
00:41:42entrusted her people with a map, meaning that bringing someone the witch already trusts could
00:41:47make negotiations much smoother. As he speaks, Tuka notices his voice projection gem is almost
00:41:52fully hardened, so he integrates it into his mask, hoping it will work. Tuka then points out that right
00:41:57now, the only team with the best chance of survival is himself, Piggymaru, and Slee. He explains that
00:42:03his status ailment skill is the only ability that can deal lethal blows to the human-faced monsters,
00:42:08and while responsibility is important, he firmly declares that it's his job to decide where that
00:42:13responsibility falls in their warband. He tells Eve not to worry, and after a moment, she nods,
00:42:19understanding. Sarah wishes Tuka luck, and he tells her that if he doesn't return, he'll leave
00:42:24the rest in her capable hands. Sarah, slightly unsettled, asks him not to say such ominous things,
00:42:29but for now, she accepts his orders and with that, Tuka takes his leave. Elsewhere, we see the heroes
00:42:34fleeing from the rampaging monsters in the forest. Everyone is frantically trying to escape, while
00:42:38Shugo and Kiri fight off the advancing beasts. Kiri quickly realizes there are nothing more than
00:42:43obstacles to these creatures, mere nuisances. Then one of the girls stumbles and falls, and just as
00:42:48a monster is about to kill her, Kabado swoops in to save her, but the girl is so terrified that
00:42:53she bolts leaving Kabado behind. Kabado tries to reassure herself, thinking it's going to be
00:42:58alright, no one has died yet, but then she bitterly remembers, Tuka is already dead,
00:43:03so the realization sinks in, just as a monster lunges at her. Meanwhile, Tuka senses the
00:43:08approaching monsters and explains that he's hidden Sarah and the others safely in a nearby cave.
00:43:13Then with his mana, he brings forth Slee's ultimate form and heads to a clearing deep in
00:43:18the forest. He orders Pigimaru to signal the start of the battle, and Pigimaru uses the voice
00:43:22projection gem in Tuka's mask to broadcast his voice across the area, luring all the monsters
00:43:28toward him. Tuka smirks as the beasts take the bait, thinking to himself that this is going to
00:43:32be one hell of a chase, and with that, Slee takes off, running at full speed with the horde of
00:43:37monsters hot on their asses. Tuka then realizes that survival is far from guaranteed, especially
00:43:42with these human-faced beasts being so powerful. But he can't let the others see his doubts, so he
00:43:47turns to his familiars and asks them if they'll put their lives in his hands to protect everyone
00:43:51else, and without any hesitation they agree, so with that Tuka combines with Pigimaru, while Slee
00:43:57keeps running at full speed, giving it everything he's got. Meanwhile, Ayaka learns the grim news,
00:44:02two of their classmates are dead from the recent monster outbreak. Angry and confused,
00:44:06she confronts Yasu, since they were part of his group. Yasu in typical fashion coldly replies
00:44:11that the lives of higher-ranking heroes like himself are more important than those scrubs.
00:44:16That's why he prioritized saving himself. He shrugs, saying it was their fault for being weak,
00:44:21and that's why they died. Ayaka, however, isn't buying it, and she remembers how Yasu did nothing
00:44:26when the monsters stampeded toward them, and calls him out. Yasu, clearly irritated, snaps at her,
00:44:31demanding to know what she's trying to say, so she calmly explains that as an A-class hero,
00:44:36it was his responsibility to protect the classmates in his group, because he was the only one strong
00:44:41enough to do so at the time. This stings Yasu, making him feel inferior, and in his frustration,
00:44:46he snaps. He tells Ayaka to shut up, accusing her of always acting like she's better than everyone
00:44:51else. Ayaka, still composed, clarifies that she's simply saying he should have protected them,
00:44:55but Yasu doubles down, stating it's not his problem. They died because they were weak,
00:45:00and he survived because he was strong. Ayaka reminds him that with strength comes the duty
00:45:04to protect the weak, but Yasu scoffs at the idea. He angrily asks why she's talking like she's one
00:45:09of the strong, and sarcastically dismisses her noblest obliged nonsense, accusing her of playing
00:45:14the saint while secretly looking down on everyone. He then reveals his real feelings, saying the
00:45:18classmates who died got what they deserved. They were the first to throw Tuka under the bus when
00:45:22he was sent to his doom, and they made fun of him behind his back. So in Yasu's eyes, their deaths
00:45:27were just karma, and there's no way he's going to feel sorry for them. Seeing him whining like that,
00:45:31Kiri scoffs, calling Yasu a pathetic little wimp, telling him to man up. He goes on about how
00:45:36everyone has a natural limit, and only when they hit it do they truly prove themselves.
00:45:40Until then, Kiri says, any success Yasu has will be nothing but a fluke. He then sneers,
00:45:45adding that Yasu is way beneath him, with zero chance of ever reaching his level of power.
00:45:49Kiri then points his sword at Yasu and mocks him, calling him a nameless loser for forgetting his
00:45:54place and acting like a fool in front of Ayaka. He sneers that Yasu is just embarrassing himself
00:45:59trying to handle power that's far beyond him, and that real power is meant for those of noble
00:46:03caliber like himself. Hearing this, Yasu's fury ignites, and his power surges. Shogo steps forward,
00:46:09ready to throw down, but Kiri continues to dismiss Yasu as a nobody. Yasu shoots back,
00:46:14saying Kiri needs to get over himself, pointing out that being S-class doesn't automatically make
00:46:19him stronger. He gestures towards Ayaka, noting that she's an S-class hero who hasn't even unlocked
00:46:24her unique ability yet, proving rank isn't everything. He adds that Asaji was only B-class,
00:46:29as already mastered a skill stronger than Shogo's despite him being A-class.
00:46:34Yasu smirks, telling Kiri that if he thinks rank alone makes him better, he's dead wrong.
00:46:38Sooner or later, Yasu swears he'll show Kiri who truly possesses royal caliber.
00:46:43Shogo fumes at the insult, but Kiri holds him back as Yasu walks away. Turning to Ayaka, Kiri
00:46:48coldly tells her that she's a disgrace to the S-class title, and he hopes she gets that through
00:46:53her thick skull. Before leaving, Kiri adds that he'll just have to show everyone what real caliber
00:46:57looks like so even idiots can understand. As he departs, one of the girls remarks that Kabado is
00:47:02nowhere to be seen, and Ayaka starts to worry. Meanwhile, in the cave, Eve suddenly declares
00:47:07that she's going after Tuka. Sarah is surprised and demands an explanation, so Eve explains that
00:47:12there are simply too many monsters out there for Tuka to handle alone even with his unique skill.
00:47:16She also points out that Tuka isn't in peak condition right now. Ever since they entered
00:47:21the land of monsters, he's had the least sleep out of all of them. Eve suspects that Tuka has
00:47:25been using his sleep skill on the group to help them rest peacefully, sacrificing his own rest
00:47:30in the process, so it's likely the only reason they've made it this far into the heart of the
00:47:34forest. Eve adds that she wasn't just talking big before they parted ways. She really is an expert
00:47:39at moving unnoticed in difficult terrain like this. Plus, with her night vision, she doesn't
00:47:43need to worry about a light giving away her position. Sarah, realizing Eve is speaking the
00:47:48truth, listens as Eve continues. She points out that she's the only one who can carry both Tuka
00:47:52and Slay if they're badly injured. They simply can't afford to lose Tuka now. Sarah, understanding
00:47:58Eve isn't acting out of rash emotion, apologizes for doubting her. She explains that as the one
00:48:03in charge while Tuka is gone, she had to test Eve's resolve. Eve, half-smiling, remarks that
00:48:08Sarah seems awfully fond of Tuka. Sarah blushes, admitting it's only natural since she's dedicated
00:48:13herself to him. Before leaving, Eve asks Elizabeth to follow Sarah's lead, and Sarah makes her
00:48:17promise to return alive. Eve nods, assuring her she will. She then asks Sarah to take care of
00:48:22Elizabeth, and Sarah firmly replies that she'll do everything in her power to protect her. As Eve
00:48:27turns to go, she can't help but think that Tuka's influence is rubbing off on Sarah too, and then
00:48:31she leaves. Elsewhere, Tuka spreads Piggymore out, targeting the monsters behind him and unleashes
00:48:37Berserk on a cluster of them. This causes some of the monsters to turn on each other, but the rest
00:48:41don't seem to care and keep chasing him. Tuka can't believe how quickly these creatures shift gears
00:48:46and uses Paralyze on a few others, but it only stalls them for a brief moment before they resume
00:48:50their pursuit. He then notices that the human-faced beasts leading the charge are starting to adapt to
00:48:55his tentacle attacks, so he frustratedly asks his familiars if they can keep pushing through.
00:49:00They respond that they can, just as the sky opens up and it begins to pour. The rain muffles the
00:49:05sound of the approaching monsters, making it harder for Tuka to track them by ear. The heavy
00:49:10downpour also severely limits his visibility, and he realizes with a sinking feeling that his MP is
00:49:15depleting fast. He knows he can't afford to sever his combination with Piggymore. Not in the middle
00:49:20of this battle, but at this rate, they've only got about 10 minutes left before the fusion wears off.
00:49:25Thinking quickly, Tuka realizes that the only way to keep up the fight is to level up.
00:49:29He sets his sights on the human-faced beasts, since they're worth massive experience,
00:49:33but he knows it's a huge gamble, and that if he's not near them when they die, he won't get any of
00:49:37the experience. That means he'll have to circle back the way he came, so he asks his familiars
00:49:42if they'll stick with him if he has a plan, and they assure him they're in it together, and he
00:49:46can't help but feel grateful for such loyal allies. With newfound determination, they charge straight
00:49:51at the monsters, making a beeline for the human-faced beasts. Tuka casts Dark and Paralyze
00:49:56on the creatures surrounding the beasts, affecting the targets as well. Then without hesitation, he
00:50:01casts Berserk, wiping out the lot of them. Then the surge of experience hits him and he levels up
00:50:05on the spot. His stats refresh, and with renewed energy, he realizes he can keep fighting a little
00:50:10longer. He spreads Piggymaru's tentacles once more, understanding that the only way to win this
00:50:15chaotic battle is to manage his experience points and keep leveling up. Tuka then uses Paralyze and
00:50:20Berserk on the monsters swarming around him, thinking he's still got plenty of MP left, and he
00:50:25just needs to take these monsters out one by one. As he runs, he spots two massive monsters gaining
00:50:30on him fast, so he tries to cast Sleep on them, but the monsters use others as meat shields,
00:50:35blocking his line of sight. Not missing a beat, Tuka tricks them by leaping off of Slee, slipping
00:50:40behind the larger beasts, and paralyzing them from the back. With a quick Berserk, he wipes them
00:50:44out, leveling up again. He then jumps back onto Slee, but the monsters aren't letting up, and they
00:50:49keep coming, so he keeps casting Paralyze, Berserk, Dark, and Sleep on as many as he can, but things
00:50:55take a turn when Slee trips over some monster corpses. In no time, they're surrounded, so Tuka
00:51:00desperately throws out his abilities in every direction as the monsters close in. He barely
00:51:04manages to hold them off, but somehow he keeps leveling up in the process. Meanwhile, in another
00:51:09part of the forest, we see Kabata alive and kicking. Turns out she managed to kill that
00:51:13monster from earlier, but she's wrestling with doubt, unlike Ayaka. She feels useless. All she
00:51:19could do was hide while they exiled Tuka to the ruins. She wants to protect everyone like Ayaka
00:51:24does, but she's terrified she'll end up dead if she tries. That's when Eve stumbles upon her,
00:51:28wondering why a human girl is wandering around in a place like this. Kabata reminds Eve of Lisbeth,
00:51:33so she tries to offer help, but Kabata freaks out, scared out of her mind. Before Eve can say
00:51:38much, Itsuki attacks, rushing in to defend Kabata. Eve tries to explain herself, but Itsuki's next
00:51:44move robs her of her voice. Itsuki coldly says she can't let Eve hurt Kabata, following orders
00:51:49from her sister. That's when Eve puts two and two together. These are the heroes from another world
00:51:54that Tuka had warned about. But before she can even process it, Itsuki goes in for another strike.
00:51:59We then see Lisbeth stressing over Tuka and her big sister, while Sarah tries to calm her down.
00:52:04Sarah reminds her that Tuka himself said he had the best chance of survival here and wouldn't lie
00:52:08without a good reason, so she confidently assures Lisbeth that he'll come back in one piece.
00:52:13Meanwhile, Itsuki goes after Eve, launching attacks that Eve dodges with ease. Blow after
00:52:18blow, Eve evades them all. But she notices that Itsuki's attacks are getting sharper and more
00:52:22precise with every strike. It clicks. Itsuki is the type that levels up through real combat.
00:52:27Just as Itsuki is about to land the final hit, her sister Hijiri steps in and stops her,
00:52:32causing Itsuki to pull back, confused and asking why she interfered. Hijiri explains that Eve
00:52:37isn't a monster, at least not like the ones they've fought so far. The two sisters then start
00:52:42debating whether Eve's more like a lioness or a leopard. They figure it doesn't really matter,
00:52:47but Hijiri points out that Eve's intelligence sets her apart. She notes the way Eve carries
00:52:51herself is more human-like, meaning they might actually be able to communicate with her. Itsuki
00:52:56isn't buying it though since Eve hasn't said a single word throughout the fight. But Hijiri
00:52:59clarifies that Itsuki's attack disabled her voice, so Itsuki realizes she screwed up and Hijiri
00:53:04apologizes on her sister's behalf, explaining that Itsuki's a bit too quick to follow orders,
00:53:10which led to her rushing into action. Itsuki also apologizes and while Eve thinks Hijiri
00:53:14seems reasonable, she's definitely not letting her guard down. Hijiri then politely states she'd
00:53:19like to ask Eve a few questions, asking her to answer with gestures since she still can't speak.
00:53:24She first asks if Eve holds any hostility toward them and Eve shakes her head, signaling that she
00:53:29doesn't. Hijiri then asks if she has any issue with imparting ways and again Eve shows no concern.
00:53:35As this unfolds, Eve can't help but notice that Hijiri's deductive skills remind her of Tuka.
00:53:40Right when she's wondering who Hijiri is, Hijiri introduces herself, explaining that they are
00:53:44humans from another world. As Eve slowly regains her voice, she asks why Hijiri bothered with the
00:53:49introduction. Hijiri simply says it's a matter of courtesy and then reveals she's familiar with Eve.
00:53:54She's recently heard rumors of a leopard bloodsport warrior who went missing, and she wonders if Eve
00:53:59is searching for someone. Eve states that she's looking for her master, and from her determination,
00:54:03Hijiri realizes that Eve truly believes he survived the monster stampede. This clues Hijiri in,
00:54:09Eve's master must be incredibly strong, especially if he could survive encounters with human-faced
00:54:13beasts. When Hijiri expresses this thought, Eve replies that her master can't be judged by such
00:54:18simple measures, sparking even more curiosity in Hijiri about him, and with that, Eve takes her leave.
00:54:25Next, we see Tuka dealing with the last wave of monsters surrounding him when, out of nowhere,
00:54:29a giant elephant beast attacks. Pigimaru runs out of energy just before Tuka can strike,
00:54:34so Tuka has no choice but to paralyze the monster with his own hands and then poison it.
00:54:39Even though Tuka still has MP left, Pigimaru is totally drained. He praises Pigimaru for holding
00:54:44out so long and disables their fused form. Turning to Slee, Tuka tells him he must be exhausted too,
00:54:50and asks him to let him know if he reaches his limit. Removing his mask,
00:54:54we see blood trickling from Tuka's mouth. He figures he must have gotten hurt during an earlier
00:54:58fall. Checking his status, he realizes he's already over level 2000, but while his stats
00:55:03recover with each level up, his physical woos don't. Feeling weak, he senses one more monster
00:55:08lurking, it's a human-faced beast that's been watching him all this time. Tuka knows he can't
00:55:13land any of his skills without a direct line of sight, and he's certain the monster has figured
00:55:17that out too. Mounting Slee, Tuka gears up for what he thinks will be the final stage of the
00:55:21fight. Then the human-faced beast charges at them, using the bodies of dead monsters as cover.
00:55:26Tuka and Slee try to flee, but with the monster staying hidden, Tuka can't find an opening to
00:55:30attack. Suddenly, the creature fires beams at them. One beam manages to injure Tuka,
00:55:35and another strikes Slee, knocking Tuka off his mount. The fallen Tuka, exhausted but determined,
00:55:41asks Pigimaru for one last favor, and without hesitation, Pigimaru agrees. Then in a final
00:55:46desperate attempt, the monster blasts Tuka with beams, creating a thick cloud of smoke.
00:55:50Tuka uses his mask as a diversion, throwing it to distract the creature. The beast, realizing
00:55:55something's off, attacks a shadowy figure on the opposite side. But in a brilliant move,
00:56:00Tuka leaps from above, paralyzing the monster, then he uses his berserk skill. Then, like twisting
00:56:05the knife deeper, he smirks and explains his entire plan. He'd thrown the mask to make the
00:56:09monster think he was flanking, while it attacked Pigimaru disguised as him. He then soared into
00:56:14the air with Slee's help, landing a perfect strike. Once he had a clear shot, he adds that
00:56:19the corpses surrounding the monster blocked his view, but they also kept the creature from spotting
00:56:23him, sealing the monster's fate. Tuka is now drained and collapses to his knees, realizing
00:56:28his HP is hit critical. He levels up again and discovers he's unlocked an advanced skill. Slee
00:56:33then reverts to his smaller form, and Tuka, apologizing for overworking both his familiars,
00:56:38suggests they head back to Sarah and the others. But then he notices. His legs are in terrible
00:56:43shape. To top it off, a monster lurking nearby jumps out, ready to strike. But before Tuka can
00:56:48react, Eve slays it in one swift move. Tuka then thought to himself that he had a feeling this
00:56:53would happen. Eve picks everyone up and carries them, mentioning that she ran into some heroes
00:56:57from another world while searching for him. Three girls named Hijiri, Itsuki, and Kabado. Tuka
00:57:03immediately wonders if she mentioned his name, but Eve reassures him she didn't, as she wasn't sure of
00:57:07his connection to them. Tuka is relieved and believes it's better they continue thinking he's
00:57:11dead. After all, heroes are just another obstacle in his quest for revenge on the goddess. Eve is
00:57:16stunned that even in this weakened state, Tuka's mind is still sharp. Then finally, they reunite
00:57:21with the others, who are overjoyed to see them alive. Tuka then asks Sarah to check on Slee for
00:57:26him, and later that night, we see her tending to his wounds after looking in on Slee. While Eve
00:57:30steps outside to keep watch, Sarah finishes patching up Tuka. He can't help but think she's
00:57:35incredible. Not only can she heal wounds, but she can wield a sword too. Sarah casually adds that
00:57:40she can sew his well, and then she sews up Tuka's overcoat. Noticing he's still awake, she asks why
00:57:45he can't sleep. Tuka admits he's still too tense, so she offers him her lap to rest on, saying she's
00:57:50also too on edge to sleep. Tuka, knowing full well she's faking it, accepts the offer anyway,
00:57:56muttering that it's been a while since he's slept in someone's lap. Sarah, in a soft tone,
00:58:00tells him not to shoulder everything on his own. He wonders if he looks that worn out,
00:58:04and she says that while he was brave enough to put on a fearless face when all the monsters
00:58:08attacked at once, calming even Lisbeth, she could still sense the lies underneath. She confesses
00:58:13that she worries he might one day take on a burden too heavy and end up breaking under it.
00:58:18So Tuka, with a hacked smile, asks her to just keep supporting him if she's that concerned.
00:58:22Sarah agrees, and he reflects that he's glad he's returned to his old self since coming to this
00:58:26world. After all, if he'd stayed the soft-hearted guy he used to be, he'd be dead by now. Feeling a
00:58:32bit lighter, he figures things will be fine for now, and Sarah tells him to let her know if there's
00:58:37anything else she can do. He teases her, saying she's overprotective, just like a big sister.
00:58:42Sarah immediately bristles at being sister-zoned, but then curiously asks how old he is. Tuka
00:58:47reveals that he's 17, and Sarah is shocked to learn he's younger than her. Tuka always assumes
00:58:52Sarah was much older given that she's a long-lived high elf, but she surprises him by saying she's
00:58:57only two years older. Sarah reflects on how much she still doesn't know about him, and Tuka jokingly
00:59:01wonders if she's going to start treating him like a younger brother now, but she firmly tells him no
00:59:06as the leader of their party, his age doesn't matter to her. Tuka eventually drifts off to
00:59:11sleep and Sarah watches him realizing how exhausted he must have been. As she looks at his peaceful
00:59:15face, she reflects on how deeply she's fallen for him, something she never expected. After making
00:59:21sure he's comfortable, she tries to get up, but accidentally trips and falls on top of him.
00:59:25The sudden closeness overwhelms her, and for a moment, she feels the temptation to kiss him.
00:59:30She leans in, but stops herself at the last second. The scene cuts to her lying beside Tuka as he
00:59:35wakes up. Tuka notices she's struggling to sleep and asks for her permission to use his skill to
00:59:39help her relax. After she agrees, he uses it to gently put her to sleep. However, we soon learn
00:59:44that Tuka never actually fell asleep. He saw everything Sarah tried to do and now fully
00:59:49understands her feelings for him. The realization hits him hard, and he's surprised that he let
00:59:53himself be so vulnerable around her without noticing sooner. Later, we see Kabado and the
00:59:58Takao sisters traveling together, on their way to reunite with the others. Hitsuki asks Kabado why
01:00:03she's in Asagi's group, mentioning that Kabado seems more like a leader herself. Kabado recalls
01:00:08the time she had to kill a monster for the first time, but couldn't bring herself to do it. Asagi
01:00:12had stepped in to help her pass the test, telling her that they needed to support each other in
01:00:17moments of weakness. Kabado explains that this is why she remains loyal to Asagi's group. Hitsuki
01:00:22warns her that Asagi gives off a dangerous vibe, and Kabado agrees but believes that this dangerous
01:00:27edge might be exactly what they need to save Ayaka. As the story returns to Tuka and his group that
01:00:32continue their journey through the forest. Along the way, Sarah confides in Tuka, telling him that
01:00:36there's something she wants to confess, but only when she's ready. She feels it's unfair to keep it
01:00:41one-sided, yet she fears losing his trust if she reveals her feelings now. She decides she'll tell
01:00:46him one day, unaware that Tuka already knows everything. Tuka, for his part, is relieved she
01:00:51hasn't figured that out yet and resolves to keep things as they are for the time being.
01:00:55As they move deeper into the forest, they come across magical seals on some of the trees.
01:01:00Tuka analyzes the seals, realizing they only activate under certain conditions.
01:01:04Sarah points out that the seals are damaged and old, so they won't trigger. Hearing this, Tuka hopes
01:01:09the witch who made the seals is still alive, and soon enough they stumble upon a golem that awakens
01:01:13at their arrival. Tuka quickly paralyzes it and Eve suggests destroying the creature, but Tuka
01:01:18stops her, warning that the witch who created it may not appreciate that. They then head deeper in,
01:01:22and the complete lack of monsters around them makes it obvious. They've reached the witch's lair.
01:01:27Spotting a small house nearby, they investigate and discover an underground entrance. Inside,
01:01:32they find golems mining away at something. Since the golems aren't bothering them,
01:01:36Tuka decides to leave them be. Moving further into the cave, they encounter a sealed door.
01:01:41Tuka pours his magic into it, and judging by how much power the door demands, he quickly realizes
01:01:46that the witch didn't hide it for just anyone to stumble upon. Then, with enough effort,
01:01:50they manage to open the door. Meanwhile, we see Kabado and the Takao sisters reuniting with their
01:01:55classmates. Asaji rushes to hug Kabado, relieved that she's safe. After learning that the Takao
01:02:00sisters helped her, Asaji admits that, despite their appearances, they're actually pretty nice.
01:02:05Ayaka is also equally glad to see Kabado unharmed, then Asaji takes it upon herself to inform the
01:02:10four saints to stop their search as Kabado has been found. Kabado, though, reflects on her weakness,
01:02:16knowing she must become stronger. Hijiri then comments that searching for Kabado was the right
01:02:20decision. She explains that the spies they found in the forest were likely there to assassinate
01:02:25the students, not just one or two, but many of them, and she emphasizes that Kabado's death could
01:02:30have shattered Ayaka's heart. Because if Ayaka were to break now, something catastrophic would
01:02:35happen, and that would be nothing but boring. Back with Tuka and the others, they find themselves on
01:02:40the other side of the gate, surprised by the sight of an underground sky. They speculate that it could
01:02:45be magic at work, and Tuka wonders if they've been transported to another realm. They then spot the
01:02:50Witch of Taboos, and Tuka senses that she may be their key to exacting revenge on the Goddess.
01:02:55Cut to the Goddess, who has just received word that the Great Demon Empire's forces are on the move,
01:03:00so she orders one of her subordinates to tell the four saints to recall the heroes immediately.
01:03:04She muses about how strong, and perhaps how wounded, her heroes have become, excitement
01:03:09bubbling up as she anticipates finding out. Back in the strange underground realm, the Hot Witch
01:03:14of Taboos greets Tuka and his crew, introducing herself as Erika Onoroville. As Tuka listens,
01:03:19he thinks to himself that he is going to annihilate everything the Goddess holds dear,
01:03:23and he will get his revenge no matter what. This was the final episode, subscribe for more anime recaps.
