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gang211clones nazis celebritis mannequins - May 12, 2022 Gang 211 in America: Pizzagate is Real. Satan worshippers are child molesters, murderers, rapists and racists. Human clones made in deep underground military bases. These terrorists wear red flannel, use the signs: "A-Ok", "Peace Sign", "Hook em Horns", "Pyramids", "Thumbs Up" and many more. These demonic beings are nothing more than parasites in human cloned flesh. They are called robotoids, synthetics, trances and have infiltrated the American population through the federal government, military, judicial, executive and legislative branches of the United States government. They have infiltrated police stations, fire stations, schools, libraries, parks and recreation. The dwelling place of demons is the Church. Hollywood is the Church. All religions are false and all idols are null and void. They do NOT practice MAGIC with all the hand signs and rituals. They do not mock Jesus either. They curse their own CURSED selves and these idiots have RFID chips in them. Easy to hack or reprogram. They need plasma to survive and these reptilians cannot survive without a human host for more than 72 hours. The reason for the dark sunglasses even when the sun is not out is because they cannot stand the LIGHT. LUCIFER means LIGHTSHINER as in the LOVE GODDESS Venus. Have you ever noticed that Baphomet has breasts? Well that is because Lucifer is a WOMAN. Oh. Or did everyone believe the devil was some crack smoking, homosexual life, child molesting white man? Dear ones, you have all been deceived. I am NOT a child molester, murderer, rapist, racist, prostitute, whore, liar, thief or JESUS ​​hater. I am a Native AMERICAN, a woman who naturally excels in music, art, math, science, technology, fashion and many other endeavors. such as Lording Over lizards. My children, lands, hand signs and even DNA were stolen by this so called Illuminati group. These bitches like to drink piss, eat shit, fuck animals, molest children, rape each other and besides my stolen PLASMA they are made of animal DNA. All these "celebs" in Hollyweird are rotten as hell. You know Beyonce is a man and Adam Levine is a woman right? Well now you do. GMOs in our food, traces of chemicals in our air, etc. all exposed. DON'T BE AFRAID of the mannequins as soon as their RFID chips are deactivated and they can rot in cages where they return as the dogs and pigs they are. They can't cast any spells or curses on anyone as all the vector graphics have been cast down the astral plane. Holograms is the right word. The world is actually a computer program called the Matrix. Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and others are the same fucking person. Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, MLK, JFK, Ghandi etc are clones. All devil worshippers as the word IMPERSONATOR means personally.... I am here to expose these faggots and lesbians as I AM SATAN. ​​REAL DEAL 33 DEGREE MASONIC CREATOR. I AM HERE TO CONFIRM MY CASE. THEN CLAIM MY SOULS. WELCOME TO THE NEW WO


