• last year
00:00We can't wait to see how it goes with us.
00:06Or do you want to become a participant right now?
00:10Hey, the offer was exclusive.
00:13Just when you were singing, I honestly thought for a moment.
00:21I had somehow clicked or pressed my shirt wrong or tied the tie wrong.
00:25Everything is flawless with you.
00:27If all these things hadn't happened, we might still be a couple.
00:34I just imagine so often how a common life would be with you.
00:41Too much has happened.
00:43As long as Philipp has the feeling that he has a chance, he will use this chance and
00:46he will use it until he is successful.
00:48Don't get so involved.
00:51I don't intend to.
00:52What should that mean now?
00:54Philipp has to go.
00:55Eh, eh, Vincent Glück, just for me, what should that mean?
01:02Philipp has to go.
01:03He won't get away with it.
01:04Yes, unfortunately.
01:05Ah, okay.
01:06That means you want to help, yes?
01:07Let's unpack the mafia methods now.
01:08Should I already lift a lime pit?
01:09Are we making a bit of a mess here at Fürstenhof?
01:10You are together with Anna.
01:11And Anna loves you.
01:12And please, just be happy now and be a good winner.
01:13Your jealousy will break you both apart at some point.
01:14Anna loves you.
01:15You are with Anna.
01:16And Anna loves you.
01:17And please, just be happy now and be a good winner.
01:18Your jealousy will break you both apart at some point.
01:19Anna loves you.
01:20You are with Anna.
01:21And Anna loves you.
01:22And please, just be happy now and be a good winner.
01:23And please, just be happy now and be a good winner.
01:24Your jealousy will break you both apart at some point.
01:25Your jealousy will break you both apart at some point.
01:26Breathe a little and, I don't know, try to ignore it.
01:27I can't...
01:28If you make a mistake now, no one will find out.
01:35You're right.
01:38No, you're not right!
01:40Please, please be convinced.
01:42I won't beat myself up with him, I promise.
01:46Now let's go have some food.
01:57Auf uns. Auf uns.
02:03Du kriegst natürlich noch einen echten Klunker mit einem Drum und Dran und Pipapo.
02:08Will ich gar nicht. Der ist super schön. Der passt zu uns.
02:16Theo, wir heiraten.
02:22Dein Magen, Knut.
02:26Das sind bestimmt Chips in der Minibar.
02:36Was machst du hier?
02:38Ich hab was für euch. Und das soll ich euch hier vorbeibringen.
02:41Das hat sich schon erledigt.
02:42Und dann nicht ganz schnell auch wieder verschwinden, sagt Frau Sonnlichler.
02:46Und lieb grüßen soll ich euch auch.
02:48Was ist das?
02:49Das weiß ich nicht. Aber es riecht fantastisch.
02:53Macht's gut.
02:54Danke, Hannum.
03:01Die Sonnlichlers haben an alles gedacht.
03:06Ui. Dann steht unserer Verlobungsnacht ja nichts mehr im Weg.
03:10Sag das nochmal.
03:20Ich hab heute übrigens sturmfrei, falls ihr noch mal spontan den Ort wechseln wollt.
03:24Ja, das geht leider nicht. Ich muss noch ins Louis.
03:26Irgendwas stimmt nicht mit dem Gasherd.
03:29Das hatten wir neulich im Fürstenhof. Auch da war es die Luftzufuhr.
03:32Ach, echt?
03:33Ja, ich meine, keine Ahnung. Das durfte gar nicht passieren. Das ist ja brandneu.
03:37Auf jeden Fall hab ich nachher einen Termin mit dem Monteur.
03:39Und vorher muss ich noch zum Apfelhof nach Krauting.
03:42Für das Dessert?
03:44Morgen soll es nämlich Apfelbeignets aus Goldparmen geben.
03:48Unter den alten Sorten. Mein Lieblingsapfel.
03:51Da spricht die Skane Köchin.
03:55Ach, ich glaub, das wird nichts mehr mit den Beignets.
03:59Zeitlich krieg ich das gar nicht mehr hin.
04:02Ich mach das für dich.
04:04Wie viele Äpfel brauchst du?
04:05Zwei Kisten.
04:07Kriegst du.
04:09Ja, ich hab heute frei und nichts Besseres vor.
04:12Und der alte Saalfeld?
04:14Glaubst du nicht, dass er dich wieder in einen Loyalitätskonflikt zieht?
04:18Sein Problem. In meiner Freizeit kann ich machen, was ich will.
04:21Gut, dann nehm ich das Angebot sehr gerne an. Und pass unterwegs gut auf dich auf.
04:25Ich werd mich schon nicht verlaufen.
04:27Ich meinte eher den Häftling, der aus der JVA entflohen ist. Kam heute Morgen im Radio.
04:31Der ist mit Sicherheit ganz scharf auf die Äpfel. Ich werde sie mit meinem Leben verteidigen.
04:35Sehr gut. Ich muss los.
04:37Okay, dann bis später. Ich bring dir die Äpfel ins Louis.
04:40Du bist die Beste.
05:07Und wo warst du?
05:09Ich hatte einen kleinen Notfall, aber konnte es am Telefon klären.
05:15Frau Sonnbichler, Lala und Theo waren plötzlich weg. Wissen Sie zufällig, wo die hin sind?
05:19Ja, ich glaube, die haben was Wichtiges zu besprechen.
05:23So, ich muss jetzt auch mal wieder die Arbeit rufen.
05:26Danke, dass Sie da waren.
05:28Ich hab Ihnen zu danken.
05:30Und übrigens, mein Mann, der wäre natürlich auch gern dabei gewesen, aber Sie wissen ja, der musste arbeiten.
05:35Aber er lässt Sie ganz, ganz herzlich grüßen und er freut sich, dass es Ihnen wieder gut geht.
05:41Schön, dass Sie wieder zusammen sind.
05:44Danke, Frau Sonnbichler. Und liebe Grüße auch an Ihren Mann, sag ich.
05:52Du hattest recht. Es war eine sehr gute Idee mit dem Brunch.
05:56Ich freue mich, dass es dir so gefallen hat.
05:59Wollen wir noch einen Spaziergang machen und Apollo besuchen und danach könnten wir uns einen gemütlichen Abend zu Hause machen?
06:05Gemütlicher Abend gerne, aber ich hab noch was mit Markus zu besprechen.
06:09Abrechnungskram fürs Gestüt.
06:13Brauchst du meine Unterstützung? Dann sage ich Markus Bescheid, dann treffe ich ihn später.
06:17Nee, nee, alles gut. Wir sehen uns heute Abend.
06:24Ich freue mich drauf.
06:25Ich mich auch.
06:37Was kann ich für dich tun?
06:38Hast du noch was von dem Schokoladenkaviar?
06:40Leider ausverkauft.
06:43Ja, was nehme ich denn dann?
06:44Nimm den Macadamia, kann ich empfehlen.
06:47Okay, dann den.
06:50Ja, und sag mal, du bist da einfach abgehauen?
06:53Ja, und?
06:54Na ja, du hättest dich doch mal bei Erik verabschieden können.
06:58Das war keine Absicht. Wie gesagt, viel zu tun im Café.
07:02Ich hab mich dann einfach nur gefragt.
07:04Was, Erik, was hast du dich gefragt?
07:08Haben wir beide ein Problem?
07:10Was? Nein. Überhaupt nicht.
07:13Du wirkst so unterschwellig. Ich hab das gereizt.
07:15Ich bin nicht gereizt.
07:20Du bist irgendwie anders seit der Nacht, in der wir dachten, wir hätten Sex gehabt in der Hütte.
07:26Danke, dass du mich daran erinnerst. Ich hatte es schon fast wieder vergessen.
07:30Vergessen? Kein Problem. Es war ein Missverständnis, Nicole. Es ist doch nichts passiert.
07:34Wir haben uns auch nicht mal geküsst.
07:37Also, wir haben uns geküsst, aber...
07:41Ja, ja, ja. Ich weiß. Bei der Verabschiedung. Das war ein Versehen.
07:46Du wirkst trotzdem irgendwie gereizt.
07:51Erik, es liegt nicht an dir. Es liegt an mir.
07:57Was heißt das, es liegt an dir?
07:59Ich hab einfach manchmal Bilder im Kopf.
08:02Dann, ja.
08:05Was für Bilder?
08:07Ich hab manchmal mir vorgestellt, wie es mit uns gewesen wäre.
08:16Das macht 8,80 Euro.
08:22Was, wenn ich dir sage, dass es mir ganz genauso geht?
08:32Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein
09:02What does it mean when we both have such fantasies?
09:22That doesn't mean anything at all.
09:23That, that, that all, that is always just biochemistry.
09:27Do you understand?
09:28It has to do with the mushrooms.
09:30The effect of the mushrooms lasts six hours.
09:32Yes, I read that too.
09:34But it also said that the brain is a highly complex organ.
09:38Highly complex.
09:39There are billions and billions of nerve cells and they function all day long.
09:42Yes, and maybe it was just wrongly stored.
09:45So, just like a malfunction.
09:47Of course, it's like a system error on the computer.
09:49You click it away and at some point the problem solves itself on its own.
09:52Yes, you're right.
09:53Why go crazy unnecessarily?
09:55You and I, we love Michael and Yvonne, right?
09:58Yes, right.
10:00And everything else is completely unimportant.
10:02Are you going to write it down in that case?
10:24Come in.
10:28Do you have a minute for me?
10:30Of course, always for you.
10:31Come on, sit down.
10:35Oh, that was a nice party, wasn't it?
10:38Anna and you, you're a wonderful couple.
10:43Yes, how long will it take?
10:45Why? What happened? Everything was fine just now.
10:49Philipp always manages to make Anna feel insecure.
10:54Is your offer still on the table?
10:56You think I'll make sure Philipp leaves?
10:59He won't stop until he's finally broken up with Anna and me.
11:03Yes, it would be good if he wouldn't see Anna all the time.
11:06If necessary.
11:07If necessary, I'll make sure he gets a job in Frankfurt.
11:10Yes, something like that.
11:12But I have to get the others on board somehow.
11:15After all, he's the manager. I have to justify it.
11:18It won't be easy.
11:21Can you be fired if you neglect your job?
11:26I can imagine that lately he's only been to Anna and Guttalheim with his head.
11:30It should be a little more concrete.
11:33Sloppy bookkeeping.
11:35As deputy manager, I could be fired for it.
11:37Are you talking about treason?
11:39No, nothing criminal.
11:41I don't want to finish Philipp. I just want him to disappear.
11:44Okay, okay, okay. Let me think about it.
11:47Yes, I already have an idea.
11:56He seems to like her.
11:58Yes, it depends on each other.
12:00He's a nice guy.
12:02Yes, he is.
12:04You're good with horses.
12:06Yes, better than with people.
12:08In general, they are more likeable to me than some two-legged people.
12:12Unlike your son.
12:14Philipp is more of a suspect in horses.
12:16Yes, I'm not entirely innocent about that.
12:18Oh yeah?
12:20He fell off a horse as a child.
12:22I didn't really pay attention to him.
12:24And since then he's been doing a lot of things around everything that has a hoof.
12:27There are exceptions.
12:29Yes, that's true.
12:31He gets along with him quite well.
12:33Yes, they like each other.
12:35Philipp once saved his life.
12:37Apollo had a colleague and no one had time.
12:39I had to work and Philipp made sure that he stayed in motion.
12:42And Apollo never forgot that.
12:45And neither did I.
12:47Philipp seems to like you too, doesn't he?
12:51Difficult topic.
12:53Sorry, I'm not in the mood.
12:57Sorry, I have to go.
12:59Mr. Seidel, hello.
13:03Oh, already next week?
13:07Yes, I'd love to.
13:09Then I'll come by as soon as possible and take a look at the construction work.
13:14Great, thank you very much.
13:20Nice man, the manager of Talheim.
13:22I've known him for a long time.
13:27I know.
13:29Philipp told me everything.
13:31That Wilma made him Talheim.
13:38Come in.
13:40Hey, Markus, what's up?
13:44Tell me, how far are you with the monthly report and the operating evaluation?
13:48It's done.
13:50Can you show it to me, please?
13:54It's in the controlling order.
13:58I printed it out again, because I think you need paper.
14:04Very good, thank you.
14:06What do you need this for?
14:08Oh, just like that.
14:10I need the name of a supplier.
14:12Read on.
14:14That's it?
14:46That there will be horse breeding at Talheim again, I think that's great.
14:50I already have a warm-blooded mare.
14:54And she has a very good social behavior and is also such a beautiful animal.
14:56Well, a mare doesn't breed yet.
14:58I know.
15:00But unfortunately it's not that easy to breed a horse.
15:02I know.
15:04But unfortunately it's not that easy to breed a horse.
15:06I know.
15:08But unfortunately it's not that easy to breed a horse.
15:10I know.
15:12But unfortunately it's not that easy to breed a horse.
15:14I know.
15:16But unfortunately it's not that easy to find good horses that also fit together.
15:18I would know someone there.
15:20Heinz Stegmann from Lower Saxony.
15:22A breeder for whom I once worked.
15:24He could have a few interesting horses for you.
15:26I can ask him.
15:28Yes, with pleasure.
15:30So if you don't mind.
15:48Take good care of yourself on the way.
15:50I won't run away.
15:52I meant the prisoner who escaped from the JVA.
15:54Wait a minute.
15:56Wait a minute.
15:58Wait a minute.
16:00Wait a minute.
16:02Wait a minute.
16:04Wait a minute.
16:06Wait a minute.
16:08Wait a minute.
16:10Wait a minute.
16:12Wait a minute.
16:50This is the mailbox of Louis Sommer.
16:52Please leave a message.
17:10I've lost it!
17:20Come here, I need to talk to you.
17:23What's going on?
17:24I have no idea what you were thinking during this evaluation.
17:27But it wasn't much.
17:29Excuse me?
17:30The numbers are a mess.
17:34Sales per room.
17:35It's all mixed up.
17:36That can't be.
17:37It is!
17:40And here.
17:43I can't explain this.
17:45The numbers were all correct?
17:46Obviously not.
17:49Those are not my numbers.
17:51Oh, yes?
17:52Someone messed around with them.
17:53Come on, Philipp.
17:54Who would have thought that?
17:56I know you have a lot of things to worry about in your private life,
17:59but this doesn't work at all.
18:02If the tax office finds out, then we're in trouble.
18:05Then they'll send us the tax evaluation.
18:07Do I really have to explain this to you?
18:09Leave me alone.
18:10I'll take care of it.
18:11No, I'll do it myself.
18:12Even more financial chaos.
18:14The tax office can't afford that.
18:39Finally you're here.
18:40Tell me the story about the prisoner.
18:42You made that up, didn't you?
18:46Well, it's actually a prisoner escaped, but somewhere in Hannover.
18:51I'm on my way to Krauting and there was ...
18:53Oh, crap.
18:54My valet.
18:55Sorry, Greta.
18:56Hey, I have to hang up.
18:57Everything's on fire here.
18:58Oh, I hope it works out in Äpfeln.
19:00Thank you again.
19:14Are you okay?
19:16No, I think I'm being chased by a man who was dressed very dark.
19:24Should I walk you a little?
19:25Where do you have to go?
19:27To Krauting.
19:31I walked by a small walkway.
19:36Come on, let's go.
20:06Come on, let's go.
20:13Your bitching is probably going to cost me a night shift, but I'll manage.
20:20Markus, let's be honest. I was...
20:23Oh, come on, Philipp. Save your excuses. A simple apology would be more appropriate.
20:28You are hopefully aware that this will have consequences.
20:33What do you mean by that?
20:35I can't keep this to myself.
20:40Do you want to tell the other parties?
20:42I have to be at the meeting tomorrow.
20:44Nice to see you.
20:45Yes. What can I offer you?
20:46Thank you, nothing at all. I'll be gone in a minute.
20:53Markus, do you know what this means to me?
20:56Well, the question will arise whether you are still viable as a manager.
21:00You have no proof that I am responsible for this.
21:03Excuse me?
21:04Philipp, who else is supposed to be responsible?
21:06That will fall back on you.
21:08You gave me this job.
21:10Yes, but that's exactly why I can't cover it up.
21:13I have a bad position here myself.
21:16It's far too good. I'm sorry.
21:18Do you really want me to lose my job here?
21:21It doesn't have to be the worst, but the decision is not up to me alone.
21:50You should brunch a lot more often.
21:58Would you donate a kidney to me?
22:05That's nice.
22:09Anna and Vincent, the two of them have found each other.
22:13I think Anna has finally understood that Vincent is the right one.
22:18He's honest, he's open, he's a great man.
22:24But Philipp, I'm sorry.
22:25Yes, come on. Attention.
22:27And Vincent is already annoying.
22:29I know, but Philipp really loves Anna.
22:34Erik, you can't just turn off feelings.
22:36Who wants to turn off any feelings here?
22:39How was it with Nicole?
22:43Did she sing so beautifully again?
22:46Like a czar.
22:48Can you still remember our wedding?
22:51As if it had been yesterday.
22:53That was so nice with Nicole.
22:56She just sings magically.
23:00Take my hand.
23:18Have you ever been more passionate?
23:24What was that just now?
23:27Like this, or what?
23:35And now there's a macadamia cake.
23:41We're here.
23:49Oh, you cooked for us?
23:52Tagliatelle ai carciofi.
23:54Your favorite pasta.
23:57I wanted to surprise you.
23:59Yes, you did.
24:02Good, then...
24:04this one...
24:07will be especially good.
24:11A Nebbiolo. It fits perfectly.
24:14I'll be right there.
24:16By the way, our little concert today in the Blue Salon...
24:19I really enjoyed it.
24:20Maybe we should make music together more often.
24:23It doesn't always have to be in front of an audience.
24:25That's a whole new genre.
24:27What do you mean?
24:29Well, I haven't heard it from you yet anyway.
24:32I just want to spend more time with you again.
24:36Oh, that's because of me.
24:39That we don't spend enough time together.
24:41Because I always have to work so much.
24:44Well, I always have a lot to do in the café.
24:47Besides, I knew what I was getting into.
24:51What's that supposed to mean?
24:53Well, you're a doctor by profession.
24:56Your job is your great love.
24:58Wait a minute.
25:00You're my great love.
25:02Oh, yes?
25:04Shall I prove it to you?
25:06I beg your pardon?
25:12Well, how's that?
25:14Not bad for a start.
25:16Then wait until after the pasta.
25:18Okay. Is that a promise?
25:20No, a threat.
25:23Okay, honey, you open the wine and I'll get the pasta.
25:42What's going on between you and your father?
25:45I have no idea what you're talking about.
25:48I'm supposed to have worked in the controlling slum.
25:51The numbers of the operating evaluation are wrong at the back and front.
25:54Well, that's not my problem.
25:56When I worked there, they still voted for me.
26:00What exactly do I have to do with it?
26:04You and Markus.
26:06There's a lid on here.
26:08You want to serve me.
26:10Yes, of course.
26:12If you mess up, the others are to blame.
26:14Have you ever thought that you might have deserved to be fired?
26:19The numbers were manipulated.
26:22Are you behind this or is it Markus?
26:25Fuck! Again!
26:28I'm sorry, Philipp.
26:30As I said, I can't help you with that.
26:33But isn't manipulation your specialty?
26:40Now I understand.
26:42It's Joanna.
26:44You're afraid that she'll leave you again.
26:47And that's why you want me to get out of here.
26:49And Markus should help you.
26:52Philipp, I'd be very careful with something like that.
26:55It's called bad speech.
26:57It's punishable.
26:59Why don't you just pack your things and get out of here?
27:04Get out of here.
27:17Are you sure no one is stealing the boxes downstairs?
27:20I mean, they dragged the apples so far, it would be a shame if...
27:22I just have to find the car key and then I'll drive the apples to Louis.
27:25Okay, he must be a great guy if you care so much about him.
27:29Yes, he is.
27:31Don't tell me you're talking about fugitive prisoners.
27:34And you're both cooks, right?
27:36Yes, unfortunately.
27:38Louis is the only cook in the area who could compete with me.
27:43By the way, I'm very impressed.
27:45With what?
27:46That you're the head cook of a two-star restaurant.
27:49Have you ever been to Fürstenhof?
27:50No, not yet.
27:51But you know the name, it's next to the tour guide.
27:54Then you have to come by.
27:55Yes, I will.
27:57But not to eat.
28:00Oh, no, of course you're my guest.
28:03As a thank you for the escort and all the fuss.
28:06It's okay.
28:07No, I would really appreciate it.
28:09You sacrificed your whole afternoon for me.
28:12I... I enjoyed it.
28:14You know, I would never have forgiven myself if something had happened to you.
28:19Why did you come with me?
28:21I mean, you don't even know me.
28:26You just gave me a good feeling.
28:28Oh, yes?
28:29Yes, you seem completely harmless.
28:31Thank you. Is that a compliment?
28:33You can say that.
28:35I have to go. Can I take you somewhere?
28:38I'll jog back. I wanted to anyway.
28:47Really good.
28:58Good morning.
29:09Good morning.
29:13I thought you were lying in bed and sleeping.
29:15Well, wrong guess.
29:18Wait a minute, you weren't home all night?
29:22Okay, what happened? What did I miss?
29:24Why did you leave so suddenly yesterday?
29:27I'm engaged.
29:37But he's...
29:38Yes, I'll tell you more.
29:40Yes, come on, tell me the whole story.
29:43So, we argued.
29:45Oh, yes, of course.
29:47And then?
29:48Theo made me an application here at the research.
29:52Very romantic.
29:54Yes, of course I was insulted.
29:56And then I talked to Mrs. Sonnenbichler.
29:58And then it got really complicated.
30:00I wanted to lure Theo to the castle and make him an application there.
30:03He had the same idea, but wanted to go to the lake with me.
30:05And then the Sonnenbichlers switched on.
30:07And in the end we ended up in the Enzian hut.
30:09At the fireplace, and then it worked.
30:12That's really cute and romantic.
30:16Yes, and do you already have an appointment?
30:18As soon as possible.
30:20I just have a little problem.
30:22I'm missing a witness.
30:26Lale Ceylan, is that another application?
30:30Do you want to be my witness?
30:31Yes, I do.
30:36Oh, man.
30:39Of course I would take revenge.
30:41Oh, yes, Vincent and I are not in a hurry.
30:43There's still time.
30:44Now it's about you first.
30:46Come on.
30:53Do you feel a numbness?
30:57Or a stiffness?
30:59In the legs?
31:01When I woke up this morning, I felt it.
31:02In the back.
31:04Oh, wow.
31:06So, an accident at the train station is no accident.
31:09Oh, thank God.
31:11So, now.
31:13This may have psychological causes.
31:16Do you have stress at work?
31:17No, I don't.
31:20Do you feel anything?
31:27No, no, nothing.
31:33Maybe you made a stupid move.
31:36Yes, that.
31:37I'll take that.
31:39Yes, that.
31:42And with Nicole and you, everything is...
31:45Everything is fine.
31:46Yes, yes.
31:47Everything is fine.
31:48Nicole and I, we want to make more music together.
31:52She wants to spend more time with me.
31:57Did she say that?
32:01Does that surprise you?
32:03What do you mean, surprise?
32:04No, no.
32:05Uh, joy.
32:06I mean, for you.
32:07That's what she said.
32:08Yes, yes.
32:09I'm happy, too.
32:10But you see what's going on here.
32:14Oh, God.
32:15You need some rest.
32:17I'm here at 8.34 and I'm bothering you on a day when you don't have any work at all.
32:22Eric, no.
32:23I always have time for a friend.
32:27What are you doing here with my back?
32:30Yes, we'll try it with a heat patch.
32:32No, no, no.
32:33I don't like chili.
32:34It burns too much.
32:37I could give you a syringe.
32:42No, then...
32:45Come on.
32:46It's too close to me.
32:52Warm help, you know?
32:54Yeah, I can tell.
32:58Do you need a recipe for sauna?
33:06Bye, Michael.
33:07Bye, Eric.
33:22Moritz got sick.
33:23Could you take over his shift, please?
33:25Yes, of course.
33:26No problem.
33:27Thank you very much.
33:29Hey, Anna, wait.
33:30Can we talk?
33:32Can we talk another time?
33:33I just wanted to get a glass of water and then go to the sauna.
33:36To be honest, I don't know if I'll still be here.
33:40What do you mean?
33:42I allegedly didn't do my job right.
33:45Says who?
33:48But you always got along well with each other.
33:52Not anymore, apparently.
33:55Well, maybe you really made a mistake.
33:58That can happen again.
33:59Yes, of course it can happen.
34:01But this time the numbers were manipulated.
34:05By whom?
34:06Markus and Vincent.
34:07They both want to get rid of me.
34:12Why is that?
34:17Can't you think about that?
34:20Because of me?
34:22Philipp, I really don't believe that.
34:24I talked to Vincent about it and he blabbered.
34:26No, that can't be.
34:27Vincent wants to get rid of me. He's jealous.
34:30And Markus helps him with the whole thing.
34:33Anna, please talk to him.
34:36Otherwise I might lose my job here.
34:38Vincent certainly has nothing to do with it.
34:40He is the most honest and sincere person I know.
34:43If you don't believe me, then talk to him yourself and see how he reacts.
34:47No, I don't have to. I know he has nothing to do with it.
34:51Apollo is waiting.
35:13I love you.
35:43I love you too.
35:55So, are you enjoying your day off?
35:59And how?
36:00I'm in the sauna.
36:02Wow, you lucky girl.
36:04I'd love to be there too.
36:06With you.
36:08Well, then come.
36:10You can finish your assignment later.
36:13Actually, not a bad idea.
36:17Well, I asked around earlier and we'd have the sauna all to ourselves this morning.
36:25That sounds really tempting.
36:29Well, then come.
36:31Michael, we agreed that we'd like to spend more time together.
36:35So, this would be the perfect opportunity.
36:40I'll be right on my way.
36:43Hurry up.
36:56Is there anything else?
36:57We have a little emergency.
36:59Mr. Schaefer from Magnolia has fainted.
37:02Could you take a look at him, please?
37:05Actually, I...
37:07Of course.
37:08Of course.
37:09Yes, of course.
37:10I'll be right there.
37:11As soon as I can.
37:12I'll be right there.
37:13Thank you, doctor.
37:14You're welcome.
37:30Mr. Schaefer has fainted.
37:32And now I have a break.
37:34And I have some apple pie.
37:36I'd love to have a piece of that.
37:38Oh, look.
37:40Ah, we're looking for you two.
37:43Oh, yes?
37:44We wanted to thank you.
37:46Was our little help successful?
37:48Yes, very successful.
37:50Without you two, we'd still be trying to get somewhere.
37:59This is for you.
38:00A little gift to remember your own engagement.
38:03What's that?
38:06Oh, Alphons.
38:13It's enough for a whole heart.
38:14I asked on purpose.
38:15If you don't have wild mice in the garden.
38:19In the top ten of my most beautiful experiences,
38:21the engagement is way up there.
38:23Number one.
38:26Oh, what?
38:27You would have done it without us, too.
38:30At some point.
38:32Well, what belongs together, also finds together.
38:36Hopefully the frame wasn't too cheesy.
38:38Totally cheesy.
38:40But that was the nice thing about it.
38:43And now, let's go to the jubilee.
38:46Well, we wish you all the best.
38:50You're a great couple.
39:02That's sweet.
39:05I'd say we did a good job, didn't we?
39:18I don't believe all this.
39:20Vincent would never do something like this.
39:25Did Philipp only invent the story to wipe him out?
39:31His despair was real.
39:34But that would mean that Vincent is really behind it.
39:40I can't believe it.
39:44On the other hand, I know his jealousy.
39:47And Philipp is a red cloth for him.
39:58Hey, what are you doing here?
40:00If you want breakfast, I'll invite you,
40:02but if I'm supposed to cook something real, then...
40:05That's why I'm not here.
40:07Why not?
40:08I have a job interview.
40:11For a job at a beauty salon.
40:13You're a hairdresser?
40:15Me too.
40:16You didn't tell me.
40:18It just didn't work out.
40:19And I'm not sure yet,
40:20after everything you told me about Werner Saalfeld.
40:23Werner Saalfeld is a good boss.
40:25Only sometimes with...
40:27To enjoy caution, like most bosses.
40:30That's why I feel like this is about me.
40:33Good morning, Mr. Saalfeld.
40:35Do you want to know why I'm like most bosses?
40:39Ms. Bergman just told me that you're a very demanding boss.
40:43Yes, she's right.
40:45Otherwise she wouldn't work for me.
40:47I'm only satisfied with the best.
40:50Why are you interested in that?
40:52Miro Falk.
40:54We have an appointment.
40:56You're on time.
40:57On time?
40:59That speaks for you.
41:00I hope that's not all.
41:02We'll find out.
41:28You're finally here.
41:31What are you doing here?
41:39I'm waiting for Michael.
41:42That's funny.
41:43He sent me here.
41:46To me?
41:49Because of my back.
41:50I have back pain.
41:51And he said warmth would be good.
41:53I see.
41:54It's good.
41:55And I thought I wouldn't wait too long because I have to work this afternoon.
42:01And Mr. Sonnenwichler said that the sauna should be free.
42:07Yes, but that's not the case anymore.
42:10Michael will be here soon.
42:12Okay, I'll be there.
42:20No, wait.
42:23No, wait.
42:25If Michael arranged this, then...
42:27Yes, then really...
42:36It's almost cold.
42:43I mean...
42:45That's really silly.
42:46I mean, we can both...
42:48We could...
42:49Yes, why not?
42:51We can start.
42:52We can start.
43:22I have to go.
43:47I'm on my way, Mr. Riedsteiner.
43:49I have to go.
43:50See you soon.
43:58I thought you were at the stud farm.
44:00I was just there.
44:01Can I come in for a second?
44:02Just a second.
44:03I'm in a bit of a hurry.
44:04Yes, it won't take long.
44:06Is everything okay?
44:11Vincent, you know I trust you.
44:13So please don't get upset.
44:16But I heard something and I'd like to know if it's true.
44:22Your father is holding Philipp responsible for a mistake in the controlling.
44:26I heard that, yes.
44:29And maybe that's why he's being released now.
44:35Philipp believes that you both want to do something to him to get rid of him.
44:40Is that true?
44:51Nice, isn't it?
44:54It's very, very nice, yes.
44:59It smells like lemon.
45:06Smells like that too.
45:22I've been waiting for this moment for so long.
45:27Finally we're alone.
45:33And? How's your back?
45:38I feel better now, yes.
45:40Yes, that's great.
45:42It's nice and warm here.
45:45I think it's almost hot.
45:51But the only thing that's really hot here...
45:56...is you.
46:01Who hopes to hear you?
46:06Kiss me.
46:50I think this could be the right thing to do to get some stability in my life.
46:56We'll try it together, hm?
46:58I'd love to.
46:59If that's what you say, Markus will definitely talk about it at the shareholders' meeting today.
47:03Yes, and that's exactly when I need your voice.
47:07As you all know, Alexandra and I are getting married soon and want to set up an apartment in Ostflügel.
47:15And offer hotel rooms for that?
47:17That's right.
47:18That's how it is.
47:19You two got me into this.
47:21That's paranoid, Philipp.
47:23Come down.
47:25It'll work out.
47:26I'm the problem.
47:30Did you fall in love with the wrong man?