Shortland Street 8024 8th October 2024

  • yesterday
00:00Previously on Shortland Street.
00:02You have been having an affair with my junior surgeon for months.
00:07I can't work with you. You're fired. Effective immediately.
00:11You have to think about how it's going to look, firing me, after weeks of sexual harassment.
00:16I've got the texts here to back it up. You're not going to fire me.
00:20Elliot, what happened to your mate?
00:21He'll be fine. Oranga Tamariki are on their way.
00:23You're trying to take away my son. I'm supposed to just let you.
00:26He has sustained some serious damage, but he's in a stable condition.
00:29We're really grateful for you, and big heart.
00:33Give me my baby back, or you'll never see Nicole again.
00:36She kidnapped Nick.
00:37Louisa, I'm here. I've got everything you asked for.
00:40You played right into her hands, and now she's going for Nox.
00:44Please, Louisa, please, just give him back.
00:48She's been playing me for months, and feeding me lies, and turning me against you.
01:00I'm sorry.
01:02I'm sorry.
01:04I'm sorry.
01:06I'm sorry.
01:08I'm sorry.
01:10I'm sorry.
01:12I'm sorry.
01:14I'm sorry.
01:16I'm sorry.
01:18I'm sorry.
01:20I'm sorry.
01:22I'm sorry.
01:24I'm sorry.
01:26I'm sorry.
01:28I'm sorry.
01:46The police want to take us down to the station.
01:49Do we have to?
01:51Yeah. Yeah, I think it's probably a good idea.
01:59Why don't you go home to the kiddies?
02:01I'm sure Kiwa will warn his mama after what he's been through.
02:04No, I can't leave him.
02:06I just think you could do with some rest.
02:08I can call you if anything changes, OK?
02:12I'm not leaving him. My kids are safe at home.
02:14I don't want to be alone.
02:16Sure, I get it.
02:18But if you change your mind, just let me know, OK?
02:22Thank you, Selina.
02:23Can I get you anything? A tea?
02:25Got it covered.
02:27You can message me if you need anything, OK?
02:33How is he?
02:35He's lucky.
02:37And you?
02:41I'm lucky too, I guess, and tired.
02:44Yeah, you can go home if you like. I can sit in.
02:47I'm not that kind of tired. I'm just tired of all of this.
02:52You know, there's never a time I'm not worrying about him
02:55and the stuff he gets himself involved in.
02:57He was just trying to protect a little boy, remember?
03:00Yeah, I know.
03:03Here I am again, next to a hospital bed while he...
03:09Sorry, Ace.
03:11We nearly lost him.
03:14Hey, but you didn't.
03:17Marty never could have predicted this would have happened.
03:21Yeah, I know.
03:25You're not serious.
03:26You gave me no choice.
03:28You gave me no choice when you invaded my marriage.
03:31I'm not married to you.
03:33Is that how you justify it?
03:35You can't fire me because your wife cheated on you.
03:37With you?
03:38Doesn't it give you the right to stamp on my career?
03:40Look, you stamped on your own career.
03:42You're a junior. You're bottom of the heap.
03:45Now, sleeping with senior doctors, married senior doctors,
03:47might have got you somewhere at Central, but it is not going to work here.
03:50I've never slept with another senior doctor.
03:52This might be hard for you to hear, but my relationship with Harvard
03:55wasn't some twisted, sordid affair.
03:58There were real feelings involved.
03:59Shut up.
04:00Look, if you just listen to me...
04:01Shut up, Phil!
04:10Don't come near me.
04:12Talk to me, please.
04:14You need me to talk to you?
04:15How about this?
04:17Your girlfriend's threatening me.
04:18What do you mean?
04:19Well, I fired her.
04:20You what?
04:21I'm not working with that woman.
04:22You can't fire someone because you don't like them.
04:24Ah, of course, you're defending her.
04:25I'm not defending her.
04:26I'm just saying if you want to fire someone, you need good reason.
04:28The good reason is she conducted herself inappropriately with my wife.
04:33So she's gone.
04:34Or she would be if she wasn't currently threatening me with sexual harassment.
04:38She's threatening you with sexual harassment, or me?
04:40Oh, no, me.
04:41What? Why?
04:43I sent her some stupid texts months ago,
04:46which, out of context, could be misconstrued,
04:49so she's cashing that in.
04:51You've got no idea who you've gotten yourself involved with.
04:54We need to sort this.
04:55It's not yours to sort, Harper.
04:57And I haven't done anything wrong, so she can do what she likes.
05:00Well, if you've sent messages that can be misconstrued,
05:02then, yeah, we have a problem on our hands, and we need to talk to her.
05:04Oh, I'm done talking to her.
05:06It's got blood on your face, too, on both of our faces.
05:09We can sort our stuff later,
05:11but we need to make sure that she keeps whatever was in those texts
05:13and her relationship with me to herself,
05:16or she could ruin us both.
05:20A 35-year-old female fell and hit her head on the corner of a bench.
05:23GCS of 11. Her name is Louisa Gunnell.
05:25The baby, Stephen?
05:27Oh, Jesus. What went on here?
05:29I don't know exactly, but Nicole and Maeve were there.
05:32OK, I need urgent CT.
05:33Head and neck, you and ease in a group, and hold, please.
05:35On it.
05:36See, she did this, falling on a bench?
05:39Must have been a ferocious landing.
05:41I reckon.
05:42All right, I'll sort our CT.
05:45If you're ready to start...
05:49..can you please state your full name for the record?
05:54Maeve Mullins.
05:57I see you have a criminal history, Maeve.
05:59Well, I was acquitted from all charges.
06:01Would have thought that was in your notes.
06:03Answer these questions clearly, truthfully,
06:06and to the best of your knowledge.
06:10You're not in trouble, Cass.
06:12You're not in trouble, Cass.
06:14But I do need to make sure of just a few things.
06:16First of all, this isn't your first time you've dealt with the police, is it?
06:23You were allegedly held against your will by Louisa Gunnell.
06:26Not allegedly.
06:28I was held against my will by Louisa Gunnell.
06:31Of course.
06:33But despite what she may or may not have done in the lead-up,
06:36Louisa's in the hospital with a very serious head injury.
06:39So we need to understand what happened.
06:44Right, so I get that you're all in hell, but I am here to support.
06:48Just to clarify, I am the last person to find out
06:51my wife's been having an affair with my junior?
06:53Could you just get to the point of why we're here, please?
06:55Yes, please.
06:57OK, well, what is going on?
06:58You're threatening to go to Esther with text messages
07:00that you've taken completely out of context?
07:02No, no, no.
07:03First, we need to ask Drew why he fired me on the spot for no valid reason.
07:07You destroyed my marriage?
07:09Your wife destroyed your marriage, not me.
07:11Well, then shouldn't you be making the formal complaints about me?
07:13Like, why are you so hell-bent on taking Drew down?
07:15I'm not hell-bent on taking anyone down.
07:17I just don't want to lose my job.
07:20OK, look, I will stay out of your way, both of you.
07:23I'll be professional, but I'm not putting my career in jeopardy.
07:26That is not your decision to make. I'm your boss.
07:29How about your way, then?
07:30But when all of this gets out,
07:31I'm not going to be the one getting dragged over the coals.
07:34You too, Harper.
07:35What we had, it was consensual,
07:37but Esther and the board, they might not see it that way.
07:40You seduced your senior?
07:41Yeah, like that will fly.
07:43She's right, Drew.
07:46This isn't fun for me.
07:48But what choice do I have?
07:52I'm sorry for all of the hurt that I've caused.
07:54You're not sorry at all. You'd do it all again.
07:56I've been hurt here, too, you know.
07:59OK, I'm going to jump in there real quick.
08:01Phil doesn't want to lose her job, understandably.
08:03Well, she should have thought of that
08:04before she went and had an affair with my wife.
08:06Yes, true.
08:07And I understand that you were hurt,
08:09but you can't fire someone due to a personal grievance.
08:11That is illegal.
08:12You do realise she was about to make a false accusation
08:15of sexual harassment against me?
08:17I do, and you won't be doing that, will you, Phil?
08:20Not if I get to keep my job.
08:22You could have ruined his career.
08:23No offence, but you could have ruined hers and your own.
08:27Phil, are you willing to put all of this behind you?
08:30That's up to Drew.
08:33I've told you I'll let it go, and I mean that.
08:36I just want to move on.
08:38Still no.
08:40Then what is the point of all of this then?
08:42You have been lying to me for months.
08:46I don't trust you, and I can't work with a surgeon I don't trust.
08:51OK, yeah, all right.
08:53Let's just all take a little break, shall we?
09:02I don't know what's happening with our man.
09:04They're struggling to find somewhere for him to go.
09:06Oh, no.
09:07Yeah, his dad's in custody, and it turns out his mum's pretty violent too,
09:10so they're trying to find a family member for him to go to,
09:13but they can't seem to find anyone.
09:15Well, that's awful. Have they got foster care?
09:17Yeah, yeah, it's looking like the only option.
09:20Poor kid.
09:21No, I want my mother.
09:23Hey, mate, it won't be for too long.
09:25We've just got to keep you real safe for now.
09:27I'm not going, OK?
09:29No, mate, the Smiths are really cool.
09:32Come on.
09:38I know it's hard, but it's a hell of a lot better than sending him home.
09:41God knows what he's been through there.
09:43Thanks, Philly.
09:45Marty is the hero in this one, so thank him.
09:50OK, this is how it's going to go.
09:52We're all going to forget about Drew's attempt to fire Phil.
09:55Phil, you go back to work, business as usual.
09:57Drew, this is for you as well.
09:59I get that you're hurt, but if you fire Phil, it will backfire,
10:01cos everyone will find out, and do you want that?
10:03No, we don't.
10:05Phil, you and I will stay out of each other's way.
10:07We'll have no contact outside of what is required for work.
10:11I just want to stress how important it is
10:13that what happened between me and Phil does not get out.
10:16You know, it could put our careers at risk,
10:18but more than that, it could be really traumatic for our kids.
10:22Fine by me.
10:24I just want to put this whole affair behind us.
10:26Already forgotten.
10:28OK, then.
10:29Hey, I'm glad you guys have sorted this all out.
10:31Drew, we need to keep our personal and professional...
10:33You've been sneaking around behind my back for months.
10:36I have to shut my mouth and keep it to myself.
10:39Look, what Harper is trying to say is we get that you're hurt,
10:43but try to keep it separate from work.
10:45I'm thinking of our careers and our kids,
10:47and I don't want them messed up too.
10:50OK, so do we all agree, business as usual,
10:53anything related to me and Phil
10:55will be dealt with by us outside of work?
11:07Why did you arrive back at the house after Nicole?
11:10Well, Nic forgot to unlock the door.
11:13She was frantic. She didn't have time.
11:16I knew that Maeve would find a way out,
11:18and I knew that she'd understand.
11:20Would you understand your wife leaving you lot in an abandoned building?
11:23I was thinking about Knox. Maeve was too.
11:26You must have been angry.
11:28Angry? No.
11:30Well, how did you feel?
11:35Just scared?
11:37I've seen what Louisa is capable of.
11:39You thought she was going to hurt someone?
11:41She kidnapped my wife.
11:43And when you arrived back at the apartment, what happened?
11:46I found Louisa with a hammer.
11:50Cassie and Knox were there.
11:53It was terrifying.
11:58She was going to take him.
12:00She was going to take Knox.
12:04Nicole got home.
12:06She ran at Louisa, and Louisa was trying to convince me.
12:09Convince you of what?
12:13Oh, God.
12:14Please, Cassie, you can't trust her.
12:16You should hear the things she was saying about you.
12:18You're a liar. You're a parasite.
12:20That's what she says.
12:21She wishes you'd never come into their lives.
12:23You've only ever brought trouble.
12:24Cassie, you know that I wouldn't say that.
12:26She's always hated you. You said it yourself.
12:28No, you listen to me, Cassie.
12:29They only care about Joe.
12:31They don't care about you.
12:33She said she wishes you'd taken more pills and done the job.
12:35Get out!
12:37Louisa was trying to provoke you.
12:39She was trying to get Cassie onside.
12:41Get out of this house!
12:43Cassie, I'll take care of you.
12:45You can't stay here.
12:47She would have said anything.
12:49Anything to make me angry.
12:54Did it work?
13:00I hope Maeve's okay.
13:02Sounds like Louisa's in a pretty bad way.
13:04Yeah, I still couldn't get a hold of her.
13:06They're not injured, though?
13:07I don't think so, but anyway, this is the last thing they need.
13:11Oh, man. Poor Maeve.
13:14Yeah, and Nicole and Cassie.
13:16I'm going to have to organise cover for tomorrow,
13:19but text me if you find out anything, okay?
13:22I will. See you, sis.
13:27Are you avoiding me?
13:28No, but it was all pretty ick.
13:31Yeah, he really thought he could get away with firing me.
13:35Can you blame him?
13:37What do you mean?
13:38I mean, you decimated their marriage,
13:40and then you threatened to blackmail him.
13:42Sorry, correction, you did blackmail him.
13:45I told you I panicked.
13:46I was going to lose my job.
13:47I couldn't take that lying down.
13:50Well, I feel pretty ursed.
13:53Oh, come on, Phil.
13:54The only reason you told me about it
13:56is because you wanted someone in your corner.
13:58Is that a crime?
13:59You're my friend. I wanted to talk to someone.
14:01Okay, yeah, whatever.
14:03You told me to fight it.
14:12You okay? You look a bit shocked.
14:16Yeah, just a bit going on. Sorry.
14:22Can we go home now?
14:24Soon, buddy.
14:26I don't like it here.
14:27Well, Daddy Marty's got to stay here a bit longer
14:29so we can get better.
14:30I would like to stay with him
14:32while it happens that the man comes back.
14:34Oh, he's not coming back, son.
14:36He's with the prihimana.
14:38You're safe now, mate.
14:39So am I, okay?
14:40So I don't want you to worry.
14:41Are you going to die?
14:43No, mate.
14:44No, I'm not going to die.
14:46I'm just really glad that you're okay.
14:48Your ups are good.
14:50Drew and Phil aced your surgery.
14:53Of course they did.
14:55Lucky we have the best date.
15:00I keep thinking about poor Elliot.
15:03How is he? Do you know?
15:05And what happened to his dad?
15:07His dad's in custody
15:10and Elliot's with Oranga Tamariki.
15:13He was pretty beside himself.
15:15Just wanted to be with his parents
15:17even after everything they did.
15:19God, miss.
15:21Yeah, poor kid.
15:24Babe, I'm so sorry.
15:26It was stupid.
15:29You were just trying to keep another little boy safe.
15:33Hey, how did you know it was my break?
15:36Like you guess.
15:37Nah, you told me earlier.
15:39Oh, right.
15:40Brand like I said.
15:42You're probably sick of me bringing this up.
15:45Depends what this is, what's up.
15:49I don't know how to say this,
15:51but is there something you want to tell me?
15:54We don't have to tell each other everything.
15:56Of course not, but whatever it is you're not telling me
15:59is kind of getting in the way.
16:06I haven't been completely honest with you,
16:09but it's not what you think.
16:11I don't even know what to think.
16:13If I tell you, you have to promise that it stays between us.
16:16Yeah, okay.
16:18I promise.
16:24Damn it, sorry.
16:25Emmett needs me.
16:26Sounds like Louisa's deteriorating again.
16:29It's okay, go.
16:30We'll talk later.
16:41Billy was pretty clingy.
16:43I wonder if they're coming down or something.
16:46Are you okay?
16:48I just rung Boyd.
16:53When he found out,
16:55I told him I would end it all.
16:58I told him I would end it, and I did.
17:01And I begged him not to say anything to you,
17:03so can you please just go easy on him?
17:05Because it's not his fault, he was just...
17:07Whose fault is it, Hubba?
17:09And how would you like me to be?
17:11Because I would hate for you to feel uncomfortable in any of this.
17:15Okay, that's, um, that's fair.
17:18Do you have any idea what you have done to me?
17:23Do you ever give a thought
17:25to how your actions might impact this family,
17:28or do you just do whatever you feel like doing
17:30and bugger the consequences?
17:31Of course I think about this family.
17:33Because it is so typical of you
17:35to just abandon the rest of us when things get a bit much.
17:38Last time you disappeared, this time you had a bloody affair.
17:41It is the same exact shit all over again.
17:47I know this is gonna take time.
17:51I'm gonna be here for as long as it takes for you to forgive me
17:54for not giving up on this marriage.
17:56That makes one of us.
17:58Don't say that.
18:00You told my best friend to keep this from me.
18:05My best friend!
18:16It wasn't Nicole's fault.
18:18She was defending herself, protecting me and Knox.
18:21So there was, there was some sort of what?
18:24There was a fight? A scuffle?
18:28I mean, that would have been scary for you and Knox.
18:31I was more worried about Nicole.
18:34In what way?
18:36Louisa's crazy.
18:37I was worried about Nicole because Louisa is crazy.
18:39Okay, let's rewind a bit.
18:41Can you tell me what sort of state Nicole was in when she arrived?
18:44I was relatively calm, considering.
18:48I wouldn't say throwing a woman to the ground hard enough
18:52to knock her out is calm.
18:55Open your eyes, Louisa.
18:57Come on. Open.
19:00She's arrested.
19:02I want to go back to something you said before,
19:04that Louisa provoked you.
19:07You believe she pushed you to knock her out.
19:11No, not, not exactly.
19:16Have you ever been violent before, Nicole?
19:19Have you ever been kidnapped?
19:21Get out.
19:23That is my baby.
19:24And I will not let you take him away from me, not again.
19:26Get out, you crazy bitch.
19:27Get out.
19:28Give me my baby.
19:32It was fast.
19:33Louisa's very strong.
19:35I really thought she was going to kill Nicole.
19:39But Nicole kept on trying to push her out
19:42and it seemed like it was working.
19:44Give me my baby.
19:46You are a psychopath.
19:52When you arrived, you found Louisa knocked out
19:56and the paramedics crowded around her.
20:00Oh, just the police.
20:02They hadn't called the ambulance yet.
20:04No, no police.
20:05I think it was a nurse.
20:07Okay, let's walk it through.
20:08Imagine you've been held hostage.
20:10You drive all the way back to your house
20:12in a pretty intense state.
20:13When you arrive home,
20:14you find Louisa trying to steal your grandson.
20:16A fight breaks out.
20:18A woman gets knocked out.
20:21I mean, surely in this whole scenario,
20:23you'd call the police.
20:25I mean, you would, wouldn't you?
20:27Yeah, and I did.
20:29Did you?
20:31Well, talk me through it.
20:35Oh, my God, Casey.
20:40She hit her head.
20:42It was okay.
20:45Come on.
20:48Come on.
20:50She's still in VF.
20:54I was just focused on stopping the bleed
20:57from Louisa's head.
20:59Maeve arrived home and, um,
21:02kind of just snapped me into action.
21:04Call an ambulance.
21:06Louisa took my phone.
21:07You instructed Maeve to call the police?
21:13Have you called the police?
21:16No one told me.
21:17No one needed to.
21:18Maeve called the police.
21:20Because you told her to?
21:21Yes, I told Maeve to call.
21:23I didn't.
21:24All right.
21:25Well, I think we have everything down correctly.
21:29Here's your statement.
21:31Please take your time reading it,
21:32and when you're sure it's exactly as you recall,
21:36sign at the bottom of the page.
21:38People are still fixed and dilated.
21:43Can I see them now?
21:45Not quite.
21:49Why not?
21:50The situation has changed significantly.
21:53Changed? What do you mean?
21:55She's had a catastrophic brain bleed.
21:57I'm calling it.
22:01Not just yet.
22:03Whatever Louisa is saying, she is lying.
22:07Louisa's not saying anything.
22:10What do you mean?
22:11Louisa's dead.