Enders 8th October 2024

  • yesterday
Enders 8th October 2024


00:00Long time, no see. I've seen that look on a lot of people's faces since I've been back
00:16this year. You're, er... You're looking good, David.
00:24Well, you ain't looking too bad yourself, for someone who's dead.
00:32So let's get the easy bit out of the way, shall we? What are you doing here?
00:41Um... I've, um... I've had to come... come over and see Bianca, because she's... she's...
00:47Yeah, yeah, it's fine. I know. Decimal count's gone up since she came back. In fact, a few
00:54of the traders then complained to the council about the noise.
00:57Oh, blimey. So, er... how long's it been, about 30 years?
01:07Er... 27? No, nearly 28. Oh. And all that time I... I thought you were pushing up daisies.
01:23So let's do the hard part now, shall we? Um... 45's free. We can talk in there.
01:40What? Ian's house? Yeah, that's something I've got to talk to
01:46you about. Can I have another one?
01:52No. It's only a doughnut. Yeah, which are two quid each, times two, is four quid. What
01:57do you think I made of money? Come on, I'll fill you up with some custard
02:02creams. I've sure got a mouldy packet in the cupboard somewhere.
02:04I'll see you back there. What are you joking about being mouldy?
02:07Yeah, I know, but I'm... I'm meeting Zane and Luca, and they'll be here in a bit.
02:12All right. Make sure they save you some. See you later.
02:25Dad? Dad?
02:29What, again? Maybe it's all this sitting down or something's
02:43pressing on my bladder, but if it's too much trouble, I'll just sit around and wipe myself.
02:48No, I just thought something was the matter, that's all. Anyway, all these farmers' lifts
02:53are going to be better than the gym, innit? And then we can have dinner, yeah?
02:58It's a night street night, so I'm going to go down to McClunkey's and get you a takeaway.
03:03Again? So you actually haven't made anything? Well, you can never have too many treats,
03:08can you? I don't know what's more shocking, you turning
03:14into Lazarus or being shacked up with my brother playing happy families again.
03:19Behave. Last time I saw you, Cindy, you just had
03:23a shot. Yeah, well, times were different back then.
03:28I'm a different person now. You don't look too different to me.
03:33And is that good or bad? And what is this?
03:39Sheets in France. Spent a bit of time there. Nice. Pool and everything.
03:45Yeah, I loved it. And now me and you are back in Walford.
03:52So, what was it? Were you on the run or something?
04:00There's got to be hundreds in there. Yeah, I'll see what I can get.
04:06Then I'll see you down in Westfield.
04:15Bloody pigeons! Oi, what are you doing?
04:23Anna. Hi. Listen, I'm planning something for later on.
04:29Well, to do with your mum. So, why are you telling me?
04:34Because I think I need to talk to you.
04:39Look, we just need to draw a line under it, OK?
04:44What's brought this on? Well, we're family, aren't we?
04:49I mean, obviously, me and Bobby are, but you and me, I mean,
04:54we're family as well, aren't we?
04:57Yeah, well, I mean, it's just...
05:00I don't know. It's just...
05:04I mean, obviously, me and Bobby are, but you and me, I mean, we're family as well.
05:10And I really shouldn't have taken sides like I did, so...
05:16I'm sorry.
05:18Yeah, well, I suppose I've got my fair bit to apologise for too, so...
05:24Whatever you've got planned for Mum must be pretty big.
05:27It is.
05:31Oh, Ian. Yeah?
05:34What's this? A petition.
05:37You're not going to force a debate in Parliament with that, are you?
05:41What do you mean by that? You've only got one name on it and it's yours.
05:44Well, you've got to start somewhere.
05:46Arrest Rhys Colway.
05:48Are you serious?
05:50You're just the same as everyone else around here, aren't you?
05:53All right, so I'm not the first person you've asked, then?
05:55You can't see what's smack right in front of your face.
05:57Look, I've got things to do.
05:59You must run in the family, just like the old man.
06:01What, David? Yeah, he's a waste of space.
06:04Do you know what? Matt is one for the collection.
06:06I think it's the first time you've ever said anything that I actually agree with.
06:09Yeah, and he still is. Here, shrimpie, put your signature on that.
06:12Whoa, whoa, whoa.
06:13What do you mean, still is?
06:15Well, he turned up here earlier. He's probably just...
06:18You haven't seen him, have you?
06:22So, when I'd done the deal with the police,
06:26I had to disappear.
06:28Just wait.
06:30Then, about a year ago, all that waiting came to an end.
06:35Jackie Ford, the woman I ratted on,
06:38she died, so here I am,
06:41in the land of the living.
06:45And is that when you...
06:48..got back with Ian?
06:50Yeah, just a bit before that.
06:53I was in a bad way.
06:56A really bad way.
06:58Lucy, yeah, yeah.
07:01One phone call, that's all it took, and...
07:05..Ian was there for me.
07:08And it's been you and him ever since?
07:12Yeah, yeah, just me and him.
07:16She was a lovely girl, Lucy.
07:20She really was.
07:22She was bright...
07:30Do you know, I have to say, hand on my heart,
07:34I'm glad you weren't around,
07:36cos I can't imagine what that would have done to you back then.
07:40It crucified me.
07:44It still does.
07:46I just keep thinking if I...
07:49..if I hadn't done that deal,
07:51if I hadn't done what the police had told me...
07:55..I still would have been sent down, but not for long.
08:02Then I would have been burying my kids.
08:06Doing what all mums do, keeping them safe, keeping them close.
08:10Hey, come on.
08:13Oh, look who's here. Ian.
08:15Ian. Very cosy.
08:17Good to see you, mate. How you doing?
08:19Wish I could say the same.
08:21You put on weight. What? No.
08:23Well, I would if I was you.
08:25I would be piling on the pounds.
08:28You've got a lovely home, lovely partner.
08:32Yeah, I'd be a pig in clover.
08:35Your daughter's looking for you.
08:37Seemed a bit upset, seemed to think that you'd just disappeared on her,
08:41left her high and dry. I said, what, my brother?
08:44No, he wouldn't do a thing like that.
08:46Well, times change, Ian.
08:48I said he was just saying the same thing.
08:50Well, times might change, but people don't.
08:53Well, he's a great healer, time.
08:56No, I'm genuinely, genuinely happy for you both.
09:00Really pleased that things have worked out for you.
09:04You are a lucky, lucky man.
09:12I was only joking. They're not really mouldy.
09:14They're not doughnuts, either.
09:16Why don't you two go instead? Where?
09:18To the park with Tommy and have a little kick about before bed, yeah?
09:21Don't think so.
09:22You love football.
09:24With Dad.
09:26And not with Tommy.
09:29Mum? Yeah?
09:31Are you all right? Yeah. Can I have a word?
09:34Yeah, what about?
09:36Is Tommy in?
09:38Is Tommy in?
09:40No, no, he's meeting a few mates at your place. Why?
09:43What's he done?
09:45What makes you think he's done anything?
09:47Her face.
09:53Chicken, eggs and chips.
09:57Have you taken a night away from the cooker at all?
09:59Well, I just popped in here to get Amy a treat.
10:03Still that bad?
10:06Not as bad as Amy, obviously.
10:08Yeah, she ain't doing that well.
10:11I'm finding things difficult to cope with, too.
10:14No, that can't be true.
10:16Why do you think I'm in here?
10:18Forgot about me dinner tonight, didn't I?
10:20It's a shame I can't cope with this, mind you.
10:23Shame any of us have.
10:28He'll come round once the investigation clears me.
10:31And then he'll have some serious heavy-duty groveling.
10:37Something he's really struggling, yeah?
10:41Like, she is still my sister.
10:46It's not just the injuries.
10:48It's everything else.
10:50That's what's bringing her down.
10:52Sometimes it's everything else that's the worst bit.
10:55Maybe I can come over, you know, talk to her.
10:58Give her a few pointers, tips.
11:01So you didn't actually see him take the money?
11:04But he was standing by the till?
11:06The open till, yeah.
11:07Yeah, which he could have left open when you went outside to clean them tables.
11:10Well, I could have.
11:12But I didn't.
11:14Just like I didn't lay into him in front of the other punters,
11:17or tear him off a strip.
11:19Mind you, I didn't get a chance. He shot off like a school-did cat.
11:22Look, I'm not going to take it any further.
11:25I'm not going to take it.
11:28Look, I'm not going to take it any further, Kat, all right?
11:31He's just a kid, isn't he?
11:33But, you know, I also don't want him thinking,
11:35oh, I got away with it last time, why not try it again?
11:39Just have a word with him, yeah?
11:43Just a gentle warning.
11:46It's always better coming from my mum.
11:58Oh, no.
12:00Not another one.
12:02It's like The Walking Dead round here.
12:04I heard you were back.
12:06Yeah, and I heard you'd been resurrected, too.
12:09Who's next?
12:11Auntie Pauline going to pop out from the lingerie?
12:13So you know about Cindy, then?
12:15Yeah, I'd just seen her.
12:17I thought my head was going to explode.
12:19Yeah, she almost could blow your mind, as I remember.
12:23It was certainly unexpected.
12:25It was a shock, to be frank.
12:27Almost as big a shock as finding out that
12:30her and Ian were back together.
12:33Oh, yeah?
12:35No, don't get me wrong, Kath.
12:37I mean, he's a fine man, my half-brother.
12:39Pillar of the community.
12:43And be very careful, David.
12:45This is Ian's mum you're talking to.
12:48That was really unexpected.
12:50Yeah, well, it wasn't much fun for me, either, to be honest.
12:54Well, give a dog a bad name, eh?
12:56Oh, it's not what she used to do, you know, with all and sundry.
13:01You ain't lost your way with words, have you?
13:03No, it's what she's been doing lately, too.
13:05Such as?
13:06Forget it.
13:07No, no, no, no, no, no.
13:09Tell me.
13:10Come on, tell me.
13:12It's not as if I ain't going to find out, is it?
13:14I mean, what's the secret round here, for long?
13:16Well, this is Cindy we're talking about.
13:20Shouldn't take too much working out, should it?
13:29So what was all that about, then?
13:31All what?
13:32You and David holding hands.
13:35We weren't holding hands.
13:37Right, so I was hallucinating, then?
13:40I was telling him about Lucy, and I got upset,
13:43and he reached out to me.
13:45That's what people do, Ian.
13:47Well, normal people, anyway.
13:49Right, so, look, I know I'm not as smooth as David.
13:52You're as smooth as a piece of sandpaper.
13:54But I'm here.
13:56Yes, and that is what I told David.
13:58And you were there for me in France,
14:00and I will never, ever forget that.
14:02I've, um... I've apologised to Anna, too.
14:11That's so nice of you.
14:16You make me sound like an old pillow.
14:18Well, you are a bit rumpled.
14:20So not exciting, like David.
14:22Oh, will you stop going on about David?
14:25Or George.
14:26How many times?
14:28I am with you, Ian, and I wouldn't change it for the world.
14:31I mean, no, you are not the most romantic person in the world,
14:34but you're here, and that's all that matters.
14:37What does that mean, not the most romantic?
14:40Well, it's just you, isn't it?
14:42I mean, you know, like the other day.
14:45Uh, so do you fancy getting married, then?
14:48I didn't say it quite like that.
14:50Well, almost, you know.
14:52I mean, I wouldn't expect fireworks on the Thames, but...
14:55Well, I might surprise you one of these days.
14:58Obviously, it won't be fireworks across Thames.
15:00Don't tell me.
15:02Uh, night in the Vic?
15:04A packet of pork scratchings, cheap bottle of plonk?
15:07Uh, surprise!
15:08Here, take a look at this ring I picked up from an old mate in Hatton Garden.
15:12I mean, look, that would be nice, but...
15:15Oh, just ignore me. I don't know what I'm saying.
15:18Anyway, who needs butterflies in the stomachs at our age?
15:22I just can't believe that you think I'm like Joe.
15:25I don't. It just come out wrong.
15:27Used to a numbing alike.
15:29I'm sorry, darling.
15:31If I could take it back, I would, in a heartbeat.
15:34But what I can't believe is that you never told me about Cindy Beall.
15:37Have you seen her?
15:39Yeah, he gave me a heart attack.
15:41Oh, don't be such a drunk.
15:43She was dead. I thought she was dead.
15:46No wonder I couldn't find you. You've been sniffing around our again.
15:49I wasn't sniffing around anyone.
15:51We were just catching up, I saw.
15:54Is that what you call it these days?
15:56I wouldn't have had to do if you'd have told me something.
15:58Oh, I've had other things on my mind, like my sister being in prison, remember?
16:02And if you were so bothered about catching up on the local gossip,
16:05you could have come to me and asked me, or other members of your family.
16:08All right, all right, all right.
16:11And what about Mum? You haven't even mentioned her.
16:16How is she?
16:17All the better for you, not being in her life.
16:19Oh, charming.
16:20Yeah, I was seeing as you broke her heart.
16:22Actually, darling, that was the other way round.
16:24Anyway, what are we talking about this for?
16:26That is history, not that.
16:28Well, what about Cindy?
16:29What, you hoping she's a bit more of the here and now?
16:33You're my here and now.
16:35Well, you let Bruce go.
16:37Because if you carry on like this, it'll be you in the prison cell,
16:40not just Sonia.
16:41I was thinking of you.
16:45Look, I know...
16:47I know, I'm everything you say I am.
16:49I wasn't around, and I should have been.
16:51Well, I am now, so please, give me a chance.
16:56Are you here for the long haul?
17:00No, I'm here for the short haul.
17:03Are you here for the long haul?
17:08You're not going to run off again?
17:12Here to the end?
17:14Oh, yeah.
17:18As for Cindy, come on.
17:21She ain't changed a bit, is she?
17:23What do you mean?
17:25When I saw Kathy, she was filling me in, like, you know.
17:29Things are never simple where that one's concerned, are they?
17:32Well, yeah. Do you mean George?
17:37You know, her ex-husband.
17:40She got married?
17:42She never said.
17:44They had two kids together.
17:48God, blimey.
17:50She ain't let the grass grow, is she?
17:52So is he local, then, this George?
17:55He's the landlord of the Vic.
17:59Go on, let me teach you how to do a wheelie.
18:01Absolutely not.
18:02No, let me.
18:03I'll fall.
18:04No, you won't.
18:05Yes, I will.
18:06I won't let you fall. I won't.
18:08I haven't heard that for a while.
18:10You're laughing.
18:12Yeah, well, I've just been teaching Amy some tips.
18:14Oh, yeah?
18:15She's been telling me all the good things about being in a wheelchair.
18:19Like, you're always first in the queue at theme parks.
18:22Yeah, and your shoes always stay looking fresh.
18:24And having a blue badge is great for parking.
18:28And wheeling around in that thing all day is really going to build up your arm muscles.
18:31I can't wait for Denzel to challenge me to an arm wrestle.
18:34I think I could take you on, Dad, as well.
18:36Yeah, well, you ain't going to be in that for a while, are you?
18:39I mean, before you know it, you're going to be out, back to normal, running around.
18:48Paddy knows what I'm talking about, don't you?
18:52Yeah, well, it's not always going to be doom and gloom, right?
18:58I'll clear this.
19:06You sort your football out?
19:10Zane and Luca, you was waiting for them in the cav.
19:12Oh, yeah, they didn't show.
19:14I had to get talking to Denzel, though.
19:18Can we do a trade?
19:19A trade?
19:20Yeah, um, fool's always gone on about it.
19:22Makes the world go round, he reckons.
19:25It's Denzel's birthday tomorrow.
19:27And he's having a party.
19:28Please, can I go?
19:29I'll do all the washing up and I'll take out the bins.
19:31Right, so you do a few chores and I'll let you stay out late on a school night.
19:34Well, that's the point about a trade.
19:36There's winners and losers.
19:38Right, that makes me a loser.
19:40Yeah, but maybe next time you'll win.
19:42Ups and downs.
19:43Cheers, Mum.
19:44I haven't said you can yet.
19:45But you'll think about it.
19:47Kathy came to see me earlier.
19:48If I'm gonna be out at Denzel's party tomorrow, I should probably have an early night.
19:52Tommy, sit down for a minute.
19:54Don't you get it?
19:55It's a trade.
19:56Me going to Denzel's birthday makes me a winner.
19:59Me going to bed now makes you one.
20:01Don't you get it?
20:02Don't you understand anything at all?
20:11It's been ten years.
20:15It's been ten years, yeah?
20:17Yeah, and I ain't set foot round here since.
20:20Is the landlord around?
20:22Always like to come and say hello to the new one when I'm back.
20:25Excuse me.
20:26Landlady, Elaine.
20:28Nice to meet you.
20:30My fiancé, George, is out with his brother at a car show.
20:33He'll be back soon.
20:34You must see a fair few changes then.
20:37Not really. This place ain't changed that much.
20:40Same gross wallpaper.
20:42Probably the same gross furniture and all.
20:45Definitely some of the same gross panties.
20:50Ian told me you both made up.
20:51Just wanted to say how pleased I am.
20:53It was a surprise.
20:55Might not be the only one, neither, from what I've been hearing.
20:58I like your old friend, by the way.
21:00He's fun.
21:04What are you doing?
21:05Why didn't you mention George and your girls?
21:07Why should I?
21:09Well, it's just a bit weird, that's all.
21:11We have this big update.
21:12You tell me all about Ian,
21:14and this major league criminal you're on the run from,
21:16but you fail to mention your ex-husband,
21:18who only lives 20 feet over the road.
21:19I think the key word is ex.
21:22He seems like a proper fella, from all I've been hearing.
21:27I don't want you having a poppy here.
21:29I haven't mentioned Ian.
21:30Oh, and don't think I don't know what you've been up to earlier.
21:33You poison, dire little dicks.
21:36Touched a raw nerve, did I?
21:38I just don't appreciate you having a go at the man that I live with.
21:41You're part of her life, right?
21:43From now on, yes.
21:46Didn't stop you, though, did it?
21:48Having a little look elsewhere, 28 years ago.
21:52You and I are on the stake,
21:54and how many mistakes have you made in your life?
21:56The difference is, I learn from mine.
22:14Doom and gloom.
22:16That's what you think when you look at me, isn't it?
22:19I was talking about Amy.
22:21Yeah, I know.
22:22And I know it was probably an unfortunate turn of phrasing,
22:26But this is my life, Dad.
22:29And I wish it wasn't, but it is.
22:31And I cope, but when I hear you talk about things like that,
22:34it just makes it that little bit harder.
22:36I hope you're overreacting.
22:37Amy didn't think so. She was literally conging.
22:39Yeah, well, it's not great, is it?
22:41I'm sure you'd want to be any other normal 26-year-old girl.
22:43But this is my normal,
22:44and it has been ever since I got caught
22:46in the middle of one of your private wars.
22:48Yeah, but you're twisting everything now, I'm saying...
22:50And I can't change it. And I live with it.
22:52But when I hear you say,
22:53oh, don't worry, you won't end up like your sister...
22:56I didn't say that, neither, did I?
22:57Yeah, well, it sounded a lot like it to me.
22:59Oh, all right, let's do it.
23:00Go on, let's have a little pity party for Penny.
23:02Poor old Penny. I don't mean it like that.
23:04And you want to talk about mistakes?
23:06Amy wouldn't be in that wheelchair if it wasn't for you.
23:09That wasn't my mistake.
23:10Yeah, and Lauren, she's in a terrible way.
23:12That wasn't my fault either.
23:13So, yeah, people make mistakes, all right?
23:15Bad things happen. Just get over it.
23:17And Amy can.
23:18And so can Lauren.
23:20And I'm the only one that can't.
23:22But, yeah, poor old Penny throwing herself another pity party.
23:28Look, I'm sorry, OK?
23:32Who am I to lecture you on how to live your life?
23:34Bianca said it, and she was right.
23:36I've made a big enough mess of my own.
23:39But I'm going to, anyway.
23:44Because of all that, because of the mistakes I've made,
23:47and, yeah, because of me and you, because of what we had...
23:50Yeah, fine, fine, fine.
23:52I'm sorry.
23:53Because of all that, because of the mistakes I've made,
23:55and, yeah, because of me and you, because of what we had...
23:57Yeah, fat lot of good it did me.
23:59So I know, Cindy.
24:01I know what works for you and what doesn't.
24:04And Ian isn't it.
24:06He wasn't then and he never will be.
24:08Didn't we prove that?
24:11It just opened my eyes,
24:13made me realise what was important.
24:16And that's not a quick fumble with a chancer in a cheap suit.
24:20It's a man who cares about his family,
24:22who wants to live together.
24:24And that is what Ian has done.
24:26And that's why what we've got is real and it's lasting.
24:29Yeah, but it ain't. And it won't.
24:31I told you. All it took...
24:33Yeah, yeah, yeah, one phone call.
24:35That's only cos he's always been desperate, as far as you're concerned.
24:37Oh, desperate?
24:38And what about me when I was desperate?
24:41Waterloo Station.
24:43Remember that?
24:45When I'm standing there, holding two kids,
24:47begging you to come with me,
24:50something real, something lasting.
24:52And do you know what you said to me?
24:54I'll let you down.
24:56It's what I do.
24:58It's what I always do.
25:01Do you know what I remember most?
25:03Your parting shot.
25:05I was standing there,
25:07sobbing like I was a kid,
25:09never mind Stephen or Peter.
25:12And you know what you said?
25:15Take care.
25:17Take care.
25:20I have never felt so alone in my entire life, David,
25:25and I never want to feel that way again.
25:33Mum. Mum, it's Ian.
25:35Is he all right?
25:36You just need to come see Ian.
25:37What's happened?
25:40Oh, Cindy, Cindy, with this ring so fine,
25:44I'm asking, asking, now will you be mine?
25:48Oh, Cindy, Cindy, please, oh, won't you say yes to me
25:53on this special day?
25:56Yes, I will.
25:58On this special day.