Hollyoaks 8th October 2024

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Hollyoaks 8th October 2024


00:00I promise I will take care of the three of you until my last breath
00:08What do you think you are neither of us wanted a baby you've got another woman pregnant
00:53This is meant to be the best day of Santa's life
01:02It turned into the was
01:05And now Ethan's pet
01:08This is outrageous my daughter has been through shocking tragedy
01:11She needs to be with a family not stuck here being given the third degree
01:15None of us thought it could go as bad as Sienna's last wedding
01:20We were wrong
01:26Do you think Sienna may have been responsible for Ethan's death
01:31Miss Minerva
01:36I'm sorry. I I can't do this
01:57Just want to say that I get how you must be feeling right now. No you don't
02:02All you were to Ethan was some disposable tart who threw herself at him. I am NOT a tarp
02:09What sort of woman even says something like that
02:12Maybe one whose husband's just died maybe one who's anger management issues are so bad that she pushed him off the balcony
02:17It's enough. Let's go
02:24People don't think that I killed Ethan do they
02:34Who's that
02:37Mercedes again. Oh, I cannot believe a man has died and all she cares about is whether she can claim on the insurance for Warren's
02:45Life goes on
02:47It's a bit harsh, isn't it? Yeah, I know but it's true
02:51We have Sophie Sebastian mini of faith to think of remember any
02:57Uncle Ethan was a favorite. I was supposed to tell her that he's gone
03:01How do you not think Ethan fell
03:06It's obvious it must have tripped but we all heard them arguing right before it happened. So what are you saying?
03:11What are you saying Maxine? I don't know. Okay, I I don't know
03:16Four of us need to get to work
03:19We are going to the Ethan the flat
03:22I don't want to see a trace of him when Sienna gets back from the police station
03:25Yes, he's only been dead for 12 hours. We can't just erase him like he never existed
03:30Sienna is going through the worst trauma of her life. She needs to come home to a safe space
03:34Not a constant reminder of what she's lost. Okay, so I will make a start on the bathroom. You need to sort out the bedrooms
03:43You can make a start in here. No
03:45No, this is ridiculous. We're doing this for Sienna Maxine. I know you're upset. We all are but Sienna has to be our priority right now
03:58Just can't get my head around the fact that I'm never gonna see Ethan again
04:02So sorry, I know how much you were into him
04:06You cared about me too
04:09Frank he did honestly
04:12It's just that stuck-up cow Sienna's
04:16Some sort of hold over him. I don't know
04:18You should have seen the way that she was talking to me in that police station now
04:21Right. Well from what you've told me it sounds like you gave as good as you got
04:25Thanks, she's lucky that cop came in
04:31John I know the best thing about being mates with you what takes my mind off all the other stuff going on in my life
04:37Oh, sorry. I've not even asked you about JJ today
04:40Well, like I said, you're on ticks. Give me something else to think about
04:44So tracking them
04:46About what? Well, there's only one or two ways that Ethan ended up going splat on top of that car
04:51either he fell or
04:53Sienna pushed him. Frank, do you have to be so gruesome about it though? I mean that was the man that was in love with okay
05:00Yeah, obviously Sienna did it. She just couldn't handle the fact that part of Ethan wanted me to
05:06Vicky you know, you could have told me that you had a termination
05:11Sorry, I overheard John Paul telling Nancy about it
05:15No, it's fine. I mean you had your own stuff going on didn't you? Yeah, but you're my best mate
05:20So can we agree no more secrets, please?
05:26You know when I lost my mum, Nancy said grief counselling might help. Did it? I don't know. I think so
05:35Anyway, you know if we are right about this whole Sienna thing, it's not gonna take the police long to catch up with her
05:41Well, you watch as many true crime shows as me. They're gonna be doing forensics on, I don't know, the room, his clothes, everything really
05:53Know I'll take mine of things. Why don't you go and get your glam on and we can go for lunch?
06:00Hello Vicky, hmm. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Yeah, maybe later. I need to go and speak to Robbie first
06:13The row you and Ethan had in the bridal suite
06:18You said earlier that was about Miss Grant, yes
06:26Are you okay?
06:30What's so funny
06:37Typical Ethan
06:40The wedding was a bit of a case of
06:43beg, borrow, steal what we could
06:46But he assured me that this was plus
06:54No, I love the way that he thinks he can pull the wool over my eyes, but he never quite can
07:07He makes me laugh so much
07:45You look so beautiful, you know, you're just saying that because we had another rare last night
07:52Can we just focus on this, please?
07:55And we've used it the last one yet
07:5797 and no one's said anything, but I can just tell that the other mums at school is seething with jealousy
08:03Although I still think we could have just filmed it on my phone rather than shutting out for an expensive camera
08:08I mean, we're not exactly financially stable right now. Are we let's just
08:17Okay, kids. Welcome to another episode of crafting with Sienna
08:22Now Christmas is my favorite time of year. So I am going to show you how to make handmade Christmas decorations
08:29All you're gonna need you know, I'm sorry
08:33Was that dig just then sorry I was being broke
08:39Ethan I'm not blaming you but you did make some poor financial decisions after Dave died
08:45Selling our shares in the loft wasn't a poor financial decision. You don't need to take that time with me
08:51It's just the loft was very successful when Warren was in charge
08:55Can you go a day without mentioning that man's name?
08:57All right
08:57he literally killed my brother if he hadn't Dave would have killed him and
09:01I'll bring his name up as often as I like if it means that Sophie and Sebastian know their father loves them
09:06Yeah, and yet he abandoned them for two of his other kids one of which by the way isn't even is okay
09:11I know that Warren had his faults his fault
09:15Again he killed my brother and also was responsible for the death of Lizzie
09:19Well, at least when we were together, I knew that he loved me
09:23What's that supposed to mean?
09:24Remember the last time you so much as touched me
09:27Okay, Sienna, maybe it's because the last time we even got close to being intimate
09:30You suddenly remembered that we forgot to take the bins out. Oh my god. You are never gonna let that go
09:34Are you no I'm not because why would I want to lay a finger on a woman who puts me down all the time?
09:38No, you're just being childish
09:41Don't even know you're doing it here if I am a little bit frosty sometimes it's because I'm also single-handedly raising two children
09:48We talking about help you with Sophie and Sebastian when all the time, but you don't even trust me with that. That's not true
09:55Yes, it is. Oh Ethan. Don't cut the sandwiches like that mate even make sure it's exactly 45 degrees
10:01You're just exaggerating. No, I'm not Sienna because nothing I do ever seems good enough for you
10:06Maybe because nine times out of ten it isn't
10:11What's happened to you, it's like you get some kind of sick thriller. I'm making me feel small
10:17Yeah, well from where I'm standing you don't need a lot of help with that
10:24No, come just forget it
10:49Must have been a shock when Miss Grant showed up at your wedding yesterday. It certainly wasn't on the order of service
10:56Why don't we go back to when you found out Ethan had rekindled his relationship with Miss Grant last Christmas
11:05How did you handle it
11:19Is she really better in bed than me, um, I don't even know why I said that
11:28Yes, that's what I get for snooping through your phone
11:34Was it because of the awful things I said to you on Christmas Eve
11:41So you thought you'd go searching for some festive cheer elsewhere
11:45I'm not saying that this is your fault. No, but I am the one who's irrevocably damaged
11:52It's not true. All I do is ruin my own life and everyone else's around me. I
11:58Mean is it any wonder that nobody loves me? I don't deserve it. Sienna stop. I'm just being honest
12:11I love you. I
12:14Used to think
12:16That because you love me
12:19It meant that there was hope
12:22That despite what I
12:24What everyone thought I wasn't inherently bad
12:30That somewhere inside me was a bit of goodness
12:38Now my heart's broken
12:41Let me help you fix it I
12:46Don't think that I'm worth the effort. Yes, you are
12:51Look, I'm so ashamed of comparing you to Vicki. I
12:59Didn't mean it when I said that Warren was twice the man that you'll ever be but he said I think that we just
13:04Need to accept that. We're not good for each
13:07Said I'd die without you. No, you wouldn't. Yes, I would
13:12All right. We both know that my life was in the bin after Dave died
13:17You got me through that
13:24See them what we doing
13:30I'll give you a run for it
13:35Know maybe we try this again
13:38Why don't we help fix each other?
13:41You really think I'm worth it
13:45Every penny
14:11Whatever you want to angle time for it. I'm paying your next bedroom. I
14:16Know that you hate me right now and
14:19I don't blame you
14:20but I have spent all night at that police station answering question after question and
14:27Everyone's gossiping about me. I
14:30I just feel really really alone. I
14:35Need you, okay
14:39And I have to talk to you about Ethan
14:55That's the bedroom sorted
14:57Now these are the bathroom. All right, let's get these to the allotment then
15:06There's something that you all need to say
15:08I'm guessing it didn't go well with Robbie. Why did you even need to speak to him in the first place?
15:16Right, well you pied him off for Ethan and now he's gone you've gone crawling back to him
15:22I mean to be honest, I probably would have done the same thing
15:25Well, I'm just being honest
15:31Come on should we go I'll give you five minutes
15:34Do you mind
15:37No, I've got a video called what's in with Lucas anyway, and we've got so much to catch up on
15:43See you later. See ya
15:46She is going through a lot right now, so don't be too hard
15:52About you gay crashing the wedding what Oh literally everyone in the club's been talking about it
15:59Yeah, not a finest hour. I just saw red. You're like Sienna. I'm Chuck red wine all over
16:12It said you wanted to talk about Ethan
16:15Hmm, that's more about me actually
16:19I've done something really stupid
16:22Before she blurted it out yesterday
16:25We were where miss grant was pregnant to Ethan and had a termination
16:31From the way I heard you reacted I'm surmising you weren't
16:38Looking at things from the outside. It seems to me your relationship with Ethan was full of lies and deceit
16:45So I imagine you were angry with him when you found out he'd kept yet another secret and a huge one at that from you
17:02There were a number of revelations over the last couple of days weren't there
17:07The one I've just mentioned and then of course when mr. Roscoe told your entire family about Ethan's affair
17:14The day before you were due to be married
17:19That must have made you angry of course I was angry I was furious with him
17:24mr. Ross with Ethan
17:27Furious enough to kill him the next day
17:33You know one minute I get jessed blessing to marry you and then the next everyone hates me
17:42You know, I know it might not seem like it right now, but
17:46You know, we've overcome so much in the past
17:49You know, we'll get through this too
17:53Please say something
18:00What do you want me to say I
18:04Have never been so humiliated in my life. I know I'm sorry you should be
18:11What possessed Vicky to tell Robbie about the two of you now
18:17Don't know. Okay, we have a big day tomorrow. So please can we just sleep on this? Yeah
18:23If you honestly think that I'm gonna walk down that aisle with everybody knowing everybody whispering then you're even more stupid than I realized
18:31You know, what are you saying? We have to call the wedding off. No, we don't. Okay. What?
18:36Let's calm down. Yeah, okay. Just take a breath. You were in no position to tell me what to do right now. I
18:42Know you're upset
18:45But I love you and I want to marry you and I promise if you walk down the aisle tomorrow
18:50I will never ever do anything to hurt you ever again
18:57Would you promise me there are no more secrets because honestly Ethan I think any more to see would break me I
19:04Swear on my life. There is nothing else
19:09You better mean that I
19:15Because if you ever lied to me if you ever embarrass me like that again, I swear I will kill you
19:32This doesn't mean anything yes, it does
19:35Maxine I have been trying to make sense of all this and now I can what are you saying that Sienna did this?
19:42She pushed Ethan