Glamočki krompir 2024

  • 2 days ago
Glamočki krompir 2024


00:00Although the weather conditions were not suitable for the cultivation of the most important Glamocka vegetables,
00:06a few last rains helped to make the yield and the quality of the potatoes good.
00:1130 tons per hectare yield.
00:14Somewhere it will be bigger, somewhere smaller, but I think the average is a good yield.
00:19The potato is 100% healthy.
00:22I also saw in people in the field that it is really the most beautiful potato sold.
00:28The Glamocka potato has still fed a large number of families.
00:32It has recently received the protection of the agricultural industry,
00:36which is used by both buyers and producers.
00:39We have already transported the potatoes and I can tell you that people are delighted
00:44when they see the label that it is really Glamocka, that they buy Glamocka potatoes,
00:47that they are not cheated, that it is what they pay for.
00:50The solution of the label itself, through QR codes, holographic tapes and various signs,
00:55has made it possible for each buyer to simply scan the labels,
00:59to get data on the type of potato, the name of the producer, the saturated surfaces.
01:05And to get a sign of a protected landscape, it was worth collecting a whole series of evidence.
01:11Among other things, to continuously produce for a longer period of time,
01:15for which the Archive of Bosnia and Herzegovina was concerned.
01:19For centuries in these areas, this agricultural culture
01:24produces its own, and it would be a shame if they were not protected in the way they are.
01:29From further misuse, I am almost certain that this will also help the producers financially.
01:36This year, there are 400 hectares under the potato,
01:39thousands of bags on them, and fewer and fewer hands are collecting the fruits of the land.
01:44The Germans go up to 100 marks, 80 marks, 100 marks,
01:48and that people are not cheaters, I don't know what I would do.
01:52As far as cheating is concerned, it is a very small number.
01:55But that's why the descriptions of the users of potato kitchen and social assistance are quite long,
02:00and among them there are those who could do seasonal jobs.
