• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:05For those just watching, I thank you for watching.
00:11I have to, uh, plug in the lamp.
00:30So, I have a lot of notes to share with you, Shia.
00:38And, um, in regards to, this is the silent entity removal.
00:47I'm not going to keep it in the camera though.
00:52So, I've been, I played the cougar shapeshifter.
00:58Uh, a lot, and I'm going to switch this and then the cougar, this and the cougar.
01:06So, this is, there's going to be a lot of interference.
01:13And I do not look like myself.
01:16And part of it is because it's obvious the AI has been wearing, is wearing off.
01:22With all the shapeshifting cougar thing that I'm doing.
01:25I believe it's overriding the bad, the evil AI of the malicious, malevolent.
01:33I read those words in the article yesterday about walk-ins.
01:37So, walk-ins is worse than possession.
01:40Now, they've had all, I have known, uh, I didn't press record.
01:50So, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
01:54Hi, Shia.
01:55Anyone else that is watching.
01:59If you try to watch this and illegally frame me, you will be sued and sent to prison for illegally framing me.
02:06Anything I say in this video may or may not be true.
02:10And, as usual, they're doing everything they can to get me out of here.
02:17As usual, they're doing everything in their power to make me look extremely ugly, including my hair.
02:23So, I'm going to have to put it back because it's just too...
02:31So, I do not look like myself.
02:33And I'm starting to realize that it's not the brain injury that is making me look extremely masculine.
02:43And now I know why my body shape is changing.
02:47Now I know why my face and facial looks is changing.
02:52And I can see it.
02:53They might put an AI mask on me, Shia.
02:56Like, yesterday's video, October 7th, the 35 or 45 minute video that I made you.
03:04And then I made you, like, a 10 minute video after saying I look like a man in that video.
03:12And they used an AI mask when I was talking in the 10 minute video saying I look like a man in that video that I just made.
03:19So, there's a walk-in in my body.
03:25And I've said walk-in, walk-in, walk-in, but I'm seeing it more clearly.
03:29And I cannot completely explain and express myself, Shia, about it.
03:33However, what you're seeing is not me.
03:36This even goes beyond the synthetic duplicate, clone, whatever, of the criminal trying to steal my identity and make me hurt identity.
03:51So, there's actually two possessions that is happening.
03:56Because even though the clone of the person taking over my body and making me act and look like her, it's not actually a her.
04:06However, because it's some kind of...
04:09Actually, I don't know about that.
04:12So, it's still some form of an entity.
04:19Because she's the one that's doing it to me.
04:24Like, it's her. She's in possession.
04:27I'm not going to really know how to explain myself about that.
04:32But I got my Hannah's Herb Shop delivery.
04:37And I'll show you what I got.
04:39So, because it was Hannah's birthday on the 5th, I got a free bottle of the anti-fatigue.
04:49And this is very unusual because you can't usually get a $26.99 bottle of supplements for free.
05:00That's very unusual.
05:02So, this is the Nerve Tea.
05:06I really, really like this Nerve Tea, Shia.
05:11I have those teabags for a teapot.
05:15So, I'm going to cut them and make them into little single serving teabags.
05:21I also got the Tired Blood Tea.
05:23I really like this tea.
05:28Yeah, the Nerve Tea is easy to drink.
05:34This one is very easy to drink, the Tired Blood Tea, I believe.
05:41Because I bought those tea for relaxing.
05:48These are going to be relaxing teas.
05:51And then I got the Circuit Flow.
05:53And this, I made a comment on the website about Circuit Flow.
05:59Five stars.
06:04And I'll show you the comment.
06:09So, this is why I felt so ugly.
06:13This walk-in has been going on for 15 years.
06:17Because I told you, my looks have started to drastically change around 25, 24, 25, or 25.
06:28So, I wrote a comment.
06:30And I'll show you what I wrote.
06:33So, I wrote a comment.
06:36And I'll show you what I wrote for the comment about Circuit Flow.
06:39I gave it five stars.
06:42And I wrote, in the subject line of the...
06:48In the subject line of the Circuit Flow...
06:51I said, Circuit Flow is a godsend.
06:53And then I wrote in the description,
06:58Circuit Flow helps me so much.
07:00I've bought several bottles already.
07:02It is an amazing formula.
07:07So, this is just to confirm the review.
07:13And I already clicked, yes, it was me.
07:20So, how did I write that comment?
07:22Because I told you, with the stroke and the possession, I'm unable to really express myself.
07:27I just take, I take, like, a book of Hannah's.
07:31And then I put my finger on words, or I just spot words.
07:35And then I piece the sentence together with how I find the words.
07:41I've been doing this for a long time now.
07:47So, I really liked Recreation's email, Making Fun of Halloween.
07:54And I also really liked...
07:59They're trying to block a little bit.
08:01I liked Peace Coffee.
08:05So, now I'm going to show you some photos.
08:08So, I voted.
08:11I got the ballot in the mail.
08:14I'll show you the official ballot.
08:18So, I got the ballot in the mail.
08:21And I'm not into politics.
08:24However, I felt like I needed to vote.
08:32So, I wrote down who I voted for.
08:36And some of, like, the other things, including who I voted for,
08:41I didn't know anything about the Senator, the Representative, the State Senate, the United States Senate,
08:48the Member State Assembly, the County of Boards, the Member City Council, the City of San Diego.
08:53So, I did a quick search on YouTube to see how they looked and talked,
08:58which gave me a very easy...
09:01I'm pretty intuitive and psychic about who's good and bad.
09:05So, that's how I was able to choose.
09:08And then there was Prop 23456, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36.
09:15I Googled the propositions in order to help me figure out how it was being explained
09:24because it can be kind of confusing on the ballot.
09:28So, these are who I voted for.
09:34And based on, like, my entire life,
09:41the only other time I voted was...
09:47I think it was, like, four years ago or eight years ago.
09:52Between four and eight years ago, that was the only other time I voted in my entire life.
09:58So, I felt I needed to vote because I really don't like Kamala Harris,
10:09and I don't want her to win.
10:14So, and being 39 years old and only voting one other time,
10:20and when I voted the other time,
10:23I didn't really vote that correctly because I didn't have any research about...
10:29I thought you'd just go in and it would just be about the president.
10:33I have to tell you I know nothing about politics.
10:36I've never been interested in politics.
10:39However, that's been part of interference and blocking me from being part of society,
10:45about knowing what's going on in the world.
10:49So, when I went in to vote the last time, I kind of...
10:54I voted for the president, President Trump,
10:58and then the other things, I just guessed on everything.
11:02So, luckily, I got this online ballot,
11:04and I was able to not have to guess.
11:06I could Google what everything meant.
11:08So, this is really the first time that I've officially voted and voted correctly
11:16exactly who I wanted to win.
11:19The other time I voted, I only knew to vote for Trump.
11:26So, I'm working on my...
11:30So, I showed you who I voted for.
11:33I'm working on my grocery list that I'm going to probably make for tomorrow.
11:38Within the next three days, I'm going to get a grocery delivery.
11:42So, I'll show you the things that I'm getting.
11:44This is the hygiene cleaning, and that's the food.
11:58So, that's part of my groceries,
12:00and I've used a lot of things already on my list that I want to get again.
12:05And I have a little bit of a problem with cayenne pepper
12:10because I really like spicy food,
12:13but I had diarrhea today because I ate hot sauce last night,
12:19and I ate the whole bottle.
12:21And, unfortunately, I had more hot sauce today.
12:25I'll show you how much.
12:27I had beef tortillas, like a beef rice quinoa tortilla with the hot sauce.
12:41And, kind of like tacos.
12:45And I ended up eating that whole bottle of hot sauce,
12:50and I had a whole bottle of hot sauce last night.
12:57Hot sauce is supposed to be, like, kind of spiritual.
13:00A lot of countries eat very spicy food.
13:03However, it's not good to eat a whole bottle of hot sauce.
13:11And I'll show you the cayenne pepper.
13:19So, I started eating a lot of cayenne pepper starting in around 2018
13:26when I was putting spoonfuls of cayenne pepper on saltines.
13:30I've already had that much cayenne pepper,
13:33and I've only had this, what, two or three weeks or less.
13:38Well, definitely it's been at least two weeks,
13:41but that's a lot of cayenne pepper.
13:51I have about two of those small, tiny bottles of hot sauce left.
14:00And I don't know if I should buy hot sauce because I overeat on hot sauce.
14:08And what I found is, because of my heart disease,
14:12the spices kind of, like, kick-starts my heart.
14:16And it's also a pain reliever.
14:20You'll find topical ointments with cayenne pepper
14:24because it desensitizes and numbs the nerves.
14:27Both of us, Shia, are in such extreme physical pain.
14:31And Shia, I want to talk about you more in the video, but I am not able to.
14:37And now you know you cannot be offended because this is not completely me.
14:44And I have started to lose my sense of femininity.
14:53Like, to the point where I lose my sense of privacy, lose who I am, everything, my identity.
15:03It started around 24, 25 years old.
15:09And I'll talk about more of that later.
15:13However, obviously, somehow, something about that cougar shape-shifting is moving something.
15:20And I can see it very clearly.
15:23I can see it very clearly, this walk-in.
15:25And this was completely malicious, malevolent.
15:28There's types of different types of walk-ins.
15:31This was not an agreement. This was not agreed upon.
15:34And I have been in so much physical torture and physical pain, my body.
15:38I've lost my looks. I've lost...
15:41I've never... I haven't liked my body in a very long time.
15:46Or my brain.
15:49So there's been a level of kidnapping, kidnapping my brain and my body
15:54when you have a walk-in that you don't want to have in your body.
15:59So now I'm going to talk about some of the notes.
16:01Let me put this back.
16:27Shaya, we're going to be together probably before these entities leave our body.
16:32And if you notice something weird happening, it's because I'm doing the entity removal.
16:38And these are entities that have walked into our body.
16:42So it's possible they'll be easier to see.
16:45It's possible that's why I couldn't completely tell and realize my body was being taken over.
16:51I knew I was possessed.
16:53I knew I was possessed.
16:55I didn't know that I was... my DNA and my genes and my chromosomes and everything was changing.
17:01I did and I didn't. It was blocked. It was told. It was blocked.
17:04I don't remember.
17:06Like all kinds of different things.
17:10What was I going to say?
17:13I'm having some green tea.
17:17So this was not agreed upon, Shaya.
17:20And they're trying to attack us.
17:23Like, now that I'm looking at you.
17:26And I looked at the camera.
17:28I am losing weight.
17:33I am still looking like the criminal.
17:35I am still looking like the criminal.
17:37I am losing weight.
17:40I am still looking like the criminal that's taking over my body.
17:45The female that's not a female.
17:48And then the entity that's a male that's not my friend, Shaya.
17:56And it's been kind of a secret.
17:58It's really this possession.
18:00Well, this walk-in entity.
18:03In regards to a secret, there's no communication between me and this entity.
18:09The entity is completely chained down, has no voice.
18:13And it's being used.
18:16And I don't believe this entity...
18:19This entity would fly out of my body in less than a second.
18:23If it got a chance.
18:26But I was told this entity, and the entity in your body,
18:30agreed to do it initially.
18:32And then wanted to change its mind.
18:35So, in regards to our Root Chakra Torture,
18:38this is all going to be returned to anyone that has reported to us.
18:44And the Root Chakra Torture started in 2018.
18:47Well, it's been going on for 39 years.
18:50It didn't completely start in 2018.
18:52It's been going on for 39 years.
18:54It didn't completely start in 2018.
18:56I was getting tortured, not a lot, frequently,
19:00from 2014 to 2018.
19:05I was getting Root Chakra Torture, but it was not frequent.
19:10That's when it really started.
19:12But these criminals are going to have to separate themselves from us.
19:16And they're going to have to learn to live again,
19:18because they're, like, non-stop, 24-7, torturing us.
19:25But they're trying to...
19:27Now that I look at you, they're trying to turn you into a girl.
19:30They're trying to turn me into a male, a man.
19:33And Shia, I don't think...
19:36When I saw your video, I knew you're possessed.
19:41However, you're never going to be that manly,
19:45because you're very boyish.
19:47I know this about you.
19:49However, I obviously assumed if there's a male entity in my body,
19:56there's definitely going to be a female entity in your body.
20:00So, they're chained down,
20:02and I don't believe they'll have the chance to fly out.
20:06I think that they've spent hundreds of thousands of hours
20:09chaining these walk-in entities in our body.
20:13And if I don't sound like myself, you're going to know.
20:16I did not know.
20:18I knew I was possessed, Shia,
20:20but they came up with all these excuses that...
20:23All these AI masks that they were using,
20:26the stroke is just bloating you,
20:28they've been covering up the family member taking over,
20:32and this male entity that's most likely very fugly.
20:38It'll start smiling in the mirror, like...
20:42It's a real ugly...
20:44Most likely a lizard,
20:46because there's more lizards in this population than any other animal, I think.
20:51But we're going to be together, Shia,
20:53before the entities are removed or not.
21:03I put some bowls of baking soda around to try to take up the odor,
21:08all the city odors.
21:12Neighbors, cigarettes, smoke.
21:15I've tried to put some baking soda, it does freshen the room.
21:20And, Shia, I know you just want to talk to me, Shia,
21:24and you just want to be with me.
21:26And even though I've talked to you a lot,
21:30it's just never enough.
21:32There's never enough...
21:33It's never going to be enough,
21:35because it's not completely me talking.
21:39And it's mostly telepathic supporters' notes,
21:42so it's still not enough, Shia.
21:46So, I'm very, very happy that I was able to vote.
21:55I did get some good AI signs.
21:58That neighbor, the girl that was giving the chicken and the french fries a photo,
22:05was saying, don't take my picture, I know my law.
22:09Continuing, she's continuing to use AI to locate me
22:16in areas of the building and on the outside, remember?
22:20I told you this criminal's using an AI mask of her,
22:23so it's possible to be proved that AI masks exist because of this neighbor
22:28to be using AI masks of the neighbors.
22:32And so I took a photo of this neighbor once again,
22:36who's coming up in my space
22:38and threatening me with covert messages with her clothing.
22:43So, one thing that this...
22:46When I found out that this hacker is a female entity,
22:52the hacker is using automated AI to kind of repeat the words
22:57and saying it in a pervy way.
23:00Like, no, that's not how it's being said.
23:04Like, there's a perverted way of saying it.
23:08As in female, F-E-E-M.
23:12As in, I'm a beam, I'm a ray of female beaming out to the world.
23:18Over and over and over, it's being said to me,
23:21with V2K automated AI by this hacker.
23:27And this is... I've also...
23:30I've also, like... I've had physical torture my entire life,
23:34so that's also one of the reasons...
23:36And I've had possession my entire life,
23:38so that's also the reason why I didn't recognize that the walk...
23:41It was a walk-in.
23:42However, I looked at pictures of myself and I said,
23:44that's not me, that's not me, that's not what I look like.
23:47What's going on?
23:48I did notice it, Shaya, I did.
23:53But I've always... I have the constant urge to gag.
23:57I'm constantly grossed out in my own skin,
23:59but it's because of this entity.
24:02It's pure body pain.
24:05It's pure physical pain, pure physical torture.
24:21There's no magic here that's going to remove this entity
24:27and walk in.
24:30But that's practically making...
24:32turning me into, like, a...
24:33making me look, not feel,
24:35and act like a transgender.
24:39I do not look entirely female right now.
24:42I can see it.
24:43It's possible they're using an AI mask
24:45and you won't be able to notice it.
24:47There's no magic cure for this,
24:49but I've done ablution, the water ritual.
24:53Sometimes I'll do it...
24:57I've done it several times,
24:59typically after gross things happen to me.
25:02Like, they really mess around with the trash can
25:05when I go to open the trash can.
25:07Like, they burn my hands, so I...
25:09I will at least wash my hands.
25:11Allah's most gracious, most merciful,
25:13Allah's most merciful.
25:15Allah's most gracious, most merciful.
25:17Allah's most gracious, most merciful.
25:19Allah's most gracious, most merciful.
25:24And so I've done ablution,
25:26and I've done praying four times today,
25:28so I only have to pray one more time,
25:30and kind of a lot, 30 minutes and longer.
25:36So that's kind of a lot.
25:39I'm not going to be able to do 30 minutes...
25:4130 minutes to an hour, five times a day, every day.
25:44So I'm going to have to...
25:47But I did also recite the Quran
25:49as part of one of the prayers.
25:56They're chronically suffocating me through my nose,
25:59and even when I start breathing through my mouth,
26:02I can't really breathe in my nose.
26:05It's all blocked, and it's being used...
26:07They're saying it's AI, because all of a sudden
26:09I'll be able to breathe, and I'll be like,
26:12They're definitely suffocating me.
26:17Even when I breathe through my mouth,
26:19they're doing something to my throat
26:21where the oxygen won't go down.
26:23However, I've heard stories,
26:25and because I lived in the yoga ashrams,
26:28I've heard stories of yogis being able to hold their breath
26:32for like... I'm not sure if it was months or years.
26:36There's a form of way you can hibernate,
26:38your body can hibernate,
26:39and you don't completely need oxygen,
26:41as well as fasting.
26:43There's these Indian yogis that have fasted for 70 years
26:47and didn't eat any food called breatharians.
26:50So it's possible, like not needing food,
26:54you don't need oxygen.
26:58Because I've been suffocated my entire life.
27:02I've been suffocated my entire life.
27:04They hypnotize me, hold my breath,
27:06and I wake up from the hypnotize,
27:08and I'd be like frozen, like...
27:13in motion in my room,
27:15and then they'll show me,
27:17look it, you're not breathing,
27:18and then I'll be allowed to breathe.
27:20They've done this to me so many times.
27:24So they're blocking my oxygen.
27:34I have captured on a security camera
27:37putting masking tape on my mouth.
27:40On top of the noise pollution that is occurring,
27:44living in the city,
27:46living next to someone who's torturing me with noise,
27:52involuntary noise in my brain,
27:55the V2K,
27:56and forcing myself to be,
27:58and them forcing me to speak out loud involuntarily,
28:02that's more noise.
28:04This goes on so much,
28:05I actually have to put masking tape in my mouth,
28:08because I can't stand them talking through me.
28:12It's very painful.
28:15So I got a spam phone call,
28:17and they said one word hung up.
28:20I'm not sure.
28:23Typically, any spam that I've been getting
28:27has been...
28:31like from that Google account
28:33that I put on Yahoo.
28:41This was placed near my mailbox on the ground.
28:45I don't know what that means.
28:47I'm not going to read into it.
28:53not all trash on the ground is trash.
29:05Just that little piece of paper,
29:07just oddly on the ground.
29:17What else do I have to show you on here?
29:34So I did the voting.
29:36I got my Hannah Serb shop.
29:45There's a hat hanging here,
29:47and I don't know why.
29:53And the Halloween wreath is back up.
29:57And it's slightly towards the right.
30:04Is it right to have for more of my body?
30:08Is a male entity.
30:29And I'm getting authority...
30:31I'm getting authorization
30:34because there's an extreme
30:40murder investigation going on
30:42and a mass arrest that's going to happen.
30:44I have authorization to take photographs
30:46of people that are bumping into me
30:50with technology
30:53in order to harass and stalk and spy me.
30:57There is good AI being used
30:59where I'm getting good AI messages
31:02that's helping.
31:04They're working with the police
31:06in order to protect me,
31:08or not necessarily protect me,
31:10but help me.
31:12And to basically...
31:14If I just walked around
31:16and got attacked by evil criminals all day long,
31:18that can kill my spirit.
31:20So there's a synchronization
31:23of good people lining up
31:27who don't believe I deserve to die, basically.
31:31I didn't really mean the word protect.
31:33I think that's a little...
31:35But technically I have been in place
31:38like when the janitor just happened to be
31:41walking down the hallway
31:43when I was supposed to be there
31:45and there was someone that was going to throw a demon at me.
31:52Here's some more evidence of the spots.
31:56You can see the white spots, the dead tissue
31:59from the food poisoning, all the spots.
32:01I never ever had that before in my life.
32:05There's spots.
32:07You can see the white spots, the dead tissue.
32:09This started to appear about two years ago
32:13is when I noticed it.
32:16And when I noticed it I was starting to do yoga
32:18and the blood was rushing to my arms
32:21so I could see the white spots.
32:23So these white spots aren't going away.
32:25They don't appear 24-7.
32:27You can't see them right now.
32:33There's somehow...
32:35When I'm bending down
32:37when the blood rushes
32:39the dead tissue rises.
32:47I was going to...
32:49Wait, let me make sure I showed you.
32:51This is happening to everyone.
32:53These possessions shine on different levels.
32:55Walking is worse than possession though.
33:00It's happening universally.
33:02It's happening universally.
33:04The possession, the walk-ins.
33:06So it's happening to everybody.
33:09So how is it happening to our grandson?
33:13How is a male...
33:15Because that's a male in our grandson.
33:18It's not an entity, it's a spirit.
33:21So there's spirits who walk in
33:23as well as entities.
33:26They use entities for us
33:28because they're more machine
33:30and they can control them.
33:35Well, I don't know why.
33:38Basically, I don't know the exact reason
33:41why we have entities
33:43and some people have spirits.
33:46However, these entities are very, very machine
33:50so I think they can be more controlled.
33:52I don't think that's the reason why.
34:03But there's...
34:06It's more common than we know, Shaya.
34:10And this entity is very fugly,
34:12very weird, very dumb.
34:14It's been S-U-I-D-E-L,
34:17living with this thing in my body.
34:30But you are in my body, Shaya.
34:32Your spirit is in me and you did...
34:34They were using you.
34:36The lumarians were using you.
34:38When it got very serious
34:40where I could not even feel myself walk or talk
34:42or do anything and I was just hovering,
34:44they used you.
34:46The lumarians used you
34:48in trying to make me feel like the male entity was you.
34:50They did do that.
34:52Well, it was you.
34:54It was part of you controlling the male entity.
34:56You have been fighting the male entity, Shaya,
34:58this whole time.
35:00And I've been fighting the female entity in your body
35:02this whole time.
35:06But they just kept saying,
35:07it's stroke, it's stroke, it's paralysis,
35:09your body's just changing because you have a stroke,
35:11you're just uglier.
35:13No, it's not.
35:18it's possible
35:20that with these AI masks,
35:22it's kind of like a synthetic version of me
35:24that the
35:26walk-in is using,
35:28if it's true that the walk-in is
35:30possessing me more than I know.
35:32However, I am inside here,
35:38the lumarians are controlling
35:40this entity because
35:43I am definitely inside my body,
35:47doing things,
35:53But this is very, very scary, Shaya.
35:55It's very, very scary.
35:57It's very, very creepy.
35:59It's being more and more revealed
36:01in a way.
36:03And they were tricking me.
36:05I knew, but I didn't know.
36:07It was kind of hidden
36:09in plain sight.
36:12Kind of
36:14blocked, but not...
36:16I've seen possession a lot.
36:18I've seen it a lot.
36:20However, they constantly
36:22say that it's just the possession
36:24and we're controlling the possession
36:26to make the faces
36:28and look like that.
36:30So, I can't completely
36:32explain it, Shaya, right now.
36:34But I have to
36:36stop this video because I don't want to make it too long.
36:42But they do help because
36:44the walk-in doesn't really feel like
36:46it's completely taking over.
36:48Even with the whole
36:50clone of the
36:52criminal that's
36:54trying to take over my body and make me be
36:56that person.
37:00But it's been really a fight.
37:02It's been really a fight.
37:04It's been war with this entity,
37:06now that I'm noticing it.
37:08It's been an extreme fight.
37:10It's been pure pain.
37:14And that's why I've been really lonely
37:16in my own body
37:18and really not like myself
37:20because I'm not really here. I'm not really all here.
37:24as much as
37:26I'm not able to get
37:28as much as I'm not able to
37:30really get enough of you,
37:32Shaya, you're not getting enough of me.
37:36But there's been...
37:38The walk-in is called
37:40Malevolent Malicious
37:42and it's like controlling the body.
37:46It's making all the torture
37:48so much worse.
37:52But they have kept it a secret, Shaya.
37:56They have kept it kind of a secret.
38:00you're that criminal's name.
38:02You're the criminal's name.
38:04They've kept it a secret
38:06because now it's going to deactivate.
38:08Now we can
38:10at least attempt to fix it, stop it.
38:16But they're trying to
38:18swap out my soul and spirit
38:20and put this
38:22entity in my body
38:24so that I would just permanently go away
38:26and leave.
38:28It's not possible. They've tried for
38:30at least 15 years now.
38:32Why didn't they cover it up
38:34yesterday in that video?
38:36I was doing all of those
38:38shapeshifter videos
38:40and I'm pretty sure
38:42they weren't able to
38:44cover it up.
38:46It was probably blocked by the lumerians so that you could see it
38:48and I could see it.
38:50But you can no longer be
38:52hurt by how weird
38:54I'm acting
38:56because you know it's the entity and it's a
38:58possession and it's not just
39:00the brain injury.
39:02A lot of my empathy
39:04and my love towards you
39:06is not being shown
39:08because of this possession, Shaya.
39:18But I've been able to
39:20live my life a little
39:22but I've been tortured 24-7
39:24so even with this entity
39:28this entity does not have
39:32or free will to do whatever it wants.
39:34I've been purely
39:36tortured 24-7
39:40very very
39:42severely since around 2012
39:50to the present.
39:52But everything
39:54that we do, every little thing that we do
39:56is progress
39:58and is permanent.
40:00And I'm still
40:02I'm going to listen to the Karamakas
40:04I'm going to pray
40:06now 5 times a day
40:08at least 10-15 minutes
40:10on a few of them. I can't
40:12however I prayed a lot today
40:16it's going to take a lot of work
40:18however I'm constantly working
40:20I'm constantly trying to remove
40:22and do all these exorcisms.
40:24I'm constantly trying
40:26to remove this possession.
40:30But now
40:32with these prayers
40:34with the DNA, cleansing the DNA
40:36the shape-shifting subliminals
40:38this is going to be
40:40this is going to help so much
40:42because we have to be very specific
40:46when something's very
40:48what I noticed
40:54all of these prayers
40:56you have to be, they're very specific
40:58we have to be very specific
41:00if we want something to stop
41:06but they're trying to like just kind of
41:08kick me out of my own body and I felt this way
41:10for a very very long time
41:12it's like the feeling of being locked away
41:14in my own body
41:16and they've done that Shaya.
41:19But my body is changing
41:21it's been very very ugly
41:23since mid-twenties
41:25I was very
41:27feminine, very slender
41:29I was
41:31much much more mountain lion
41:33my first
41:37three, twenty-four
41:39years of my life
41:41they didn't really change
41:43my identity
41:48but that's why things are slow Shaya
41:50because if we tried
41:52to get rid of these entities
41:54we'd probably die at this point
41:56like they couldn't be permanently removed
41:58like in a couple of hours
42:00or a day
42:02but a lot of people have this problem
42:04it's not us Shaya
42:08but I really miss
42:10I really miss myself
42:12and I know that you miss me too Shaya
42:14and you're very offended and angry and sad
42:17and I'm very very angry and offended and sad
42:19that this is happening to you
42:21I haven't really been
42:23allowed to be myself
42:43but you see it Shaya
42:45pendulum said you see it
42:47telepath reports told me you notice it and you're seeing it
42:49and you're very angry
42:51and it's just
42:53your possession is just as bad as mine
43:05but out of all
43:07the videos I made it just became
43:09very very clear yesterday
43:11what's going on
43:13with my body
43:19and you feel very bad for me
43:21and I feel very bad for you Shaya
43:23it's very creepy
43:25it's very very physically painful
43:27it's so painful
43:33but they could be using a mask
43:35on this video Shaya
43:37to change my face
43:39what I'm seeing is more
43:41so I'm going to
43:43I didn't show you all the photographs
43:45and everything but I'm going to show you
43:47anything I didn't show you today I'll show you tomorrow
43:49I love you Shaya
43:51don't worry Shaya
43:53I think about you Shaya all day
43:55and I'm praying for both of us
43:59you don't have to say
44:01my name in the prayers
44:03I don't really always have to say your name
44:05anything that I do is going to affect you
44:07because you're half of my soul
44:09we're merged into one Shaya
44:11we are married
44:13and these entities are not going to prevent us
44:15from being together
44:23but I am going to
44:27when I made that little video
44:35I like to think
44:37I like to
44:45I love you Shaya
44:47please don't worry
44:49and please rest as much as possible
44:55we're going to be together soon Shaya
44:57I love you Shaya
44:59thank you everybody for watching
45:01thank you so much Shaya for watching
