Rekindled Heartache - Zoe at Hopsital

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Years later, I saw her at a point where I am about to marry someone else if and I couldn't resist myself
00:06From asking her why she left me Zoey
00:09Why did you leave us? I mean, I just keep thinking about it
00:15Why you left us, please don't you really want to know?
00:21Please don't hurt me. I'm pregnant. I'll give you anything you want. Please. Just don't hurt my baby
00:27You fool, that's exactly what I'll do as the woman steps into the light
00:33So we recognize as her Zoe's future mother-in-law and future grandmother of her child
00:38Not understanding why she was doing this tears well up in Zoe's eyes
00:44infuriating the old woman more
00:46monstrosity inside you
00:49Never hurt be a part of my family
00:52her disgrace
00:56My son should be ashamed of
00:59Knocking up a girl like you
01:01Family's respectable. We have an image to upkeep. I can't have my son running around with some
01:10That means I need to dispose of your son myself
01:17So be it
01:19He's your grandson
01:21How can you do such a thing?
01:24Not my grandson
01:30Ruin our family name
01:33Tears now streamed down Zoe's face
01:36She tried to step backwards, but she was cornered. There was nowhere to go. I'll run anywhere
01:41You'll never see her here for me again, please. Just don't hurt my baby
01:51The woman's eyes darkened as she stabbed Zoe in the stomach
02:00Blood there was blood on her hands blood everywhere
02:19Now you can't play your family
02:35She wasn't in an alleyway, it was just a dream
02:39Actually, it was more than a dream. It was a memory of a fateful night four years ago
02:45a memory that haunted her every moment of her life since
02:50Zoe survived and so did her miracle child max. Her son was the reason she fought every day
02:56The love she had for him was immeasurable
02:59She would do anything to protect him to give him a chance at a happy and healthy life
03:05That night was supposed to be the end of Zoe's life instead. It was the beginning
03:30Look like squinting time
03:32You finished for today
03:34Was just putting the finishing touches on this design, but I am done
03:38I'd ask you to happy hour, but I'm sure you're off to see your son
03:43Yeah, it's okay I get it your date is much cuter than anyone else see at the bar that is
03:50I'll see you tomorrow court
03:54Zoe quickly walked towards the exit of Taylor interiors. This was the best part of her day
04:00She wanted to get to the hospital to spend as much time with her son as possible before visiting hours ended
04:07Courtney couldn't help but sigh her friend was under so much pressure
04:12Being a single mother was hard enough and to add to the hardship Zoe's son had leukemia
04:18The financial and emotional strain on Zoe was immense. Her son was currently undergoing chemotherapy and needed a bone marrow transplant
04:27Courtney said a quick prayer than a miracle would come into Zoe's life
04:30Zoe walked down the hall of st. Mary's hospital with a teddy bear and headed straight to room 1023
04:36She pushed open the hospital rooms door with a huge smile only for her face to immediately fall
04:42The room was empty. There was no sign of Zoe's son. She immediately became anxious
04:48They see the patient in this room. Listen, Max. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just an internist. I just started here
04:54I don't know what to do. I'm sorry. I don't know what to do
04:56I'm sorry. I'm just an internist. I just started here. I don't know your son. I'll ask the charge nurse
05:12If you give me candy
05:17And if I don't have any teeth
05:20I don't have a girlfriend who's pretty as you
05:23It's okay. I'll marry you if you don't have a girlfriend when you're my age. Zoe let out a breath
05:29She didn't know she'd been holding when she saw a young child wearing the tiniest hospital gown walking back towards her down the hall
05:36Now you want to marry the handsome doctor?
05:39No, I only want to marry my favorite patient Max
05:42Because of the hospital's sweet nursing staff Zoe could go to work and not worry so much about Max
05:49Of course, he's the best. We love taking good care of him. That's why I have to thank you all the more
05:55Is it just you and the intern on duty today? Where are the other nurses on this floor?
06:00Hmm, it's 645
06:04I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
06:07I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
06:12They're all gawking at that new brain surgeon before he goes into the OR, but I can't blame him. He is gorgeous
06:22He went in? Yep, just went into surgery
06:26Even his voice is sexy. The other day when I was assisting him
06:30He said hematoma in the brain and I wanted to have his babies. He is Phoenix's most eligible bachelor
06:37He was promoted to professor when he came to St. Mary's
06:41I also heard that his family is loaded and he comes from a lot of political influence. He just bought a penthouse downtown. Wow
06:48Anyways, y'all to get back to work. Stop daydreaming. You know that we don't have a chance with a man like that
06:54You know, he only dates women like him gorgeous and from the right kind of family
06:59We can all dream
07:01Can we?
07:06The right kind of family
07:09Luna's words stopped her cold and reminded Zoe of her past
07:14Not being part of the right kind of family is what had almost gotten her and Max killed
07:25Zoe hadn't slept well last night
07:27Nurse Luna's words yesterday about being part of the right kind of family had dredged up memories that she preferred to keep buried
07:44Phones rang like ten times in a row
07:47Yeah, she said you need to talk to her right away
07:51It wasn't the hospital was it? Oh, no, I would have gotten you right away. She said it's about your sister and not Max
07:58Let me know if you need anything, okay, thank you I will
08:07Was just Linda she was her younger sister Ziva's best friend
08:16Zoe, thank God you called back
08:19Linda what's going on? Something wrong? Did something happen? It's Eva. She fell down the stairs and almost what?
08:26Well, we'll be fine the doctor said her injuries weren't a big problem, but Ziva broke her leg and has a slight concussion
08:34Okay, I'll be right there. Where are you at?
08:40What do you mean never mind tell me what's happening it's your sister Zoe
08:44She didn't fall down the stairs. She
08:48Deliberately threw herself down the stairs
08:51She wanted to injure herself, but she didn't want to die is she crazy
08:56She fell in love with a brain surgeon that works at st. Mary's Hospital, but he always ignores her
09:02So she wanted to get admitted to the hospital so he would have to pay attention to her brain surgeon
09:09Was this the same handsome brain surgeon that the nurses had been talking about last night's ridiculous
09:14She's thinking Zoe I told her I thought she was crazy, but you know how Ziva is she wouldn't listen
09:24Okay, I'll see you soon
09:29How could her sister do something so stupid and
09:33over a man to
09:35Ziva you better start explaining yourself if you didn't already have a broken leg. I'd break it myself
09:40No it couldn't have been him why would he be here in Phoenix he lived in Scottsdale
09:47No, this was just her mind playing tricks on her because she'd been thinking about Blaine after what Luna said last night
09:52She needed to get a hold of herself any discomfort
09:57nausea dizziness
10:00Any double vision
10:04Zoe's heart stopped
10:06It was him
10:08She would know that voice anywhere her chest tightened and she forgot to breathe. Hi sis
10:16Blaine stiffened when he heard Zoe's voice. He seemed stunned for a second his dark eyes made shivers run down Zoe's back
10:25Blaine's eyes looked dark, but she knew they shifted with his mood from various shades of gray to almost black
10:31You're Ziva's sister? Yes, I'm her older sister
10:36Her heart was beating wildly
10:38She had thought that she would never be looking into his eyes again
10:41Zoe was sure her face reflected her emotional upheaval
10:45Blaine seemed remarkably calm by comparison
10:48His eyes had only let his shock show for a moment. Zoe, this is Dr. Blaine Dexter. It had been four years
10:56Perhaps he saw her as barely more than a distant memory
11:00Now a stranger from his past
11:02Zoe didn't realize how much her hand had been shaking from the nervousness until she tried to set her coffee down and hot liquid spilled
11:09all over the back of her hand
11:12Zoe quickly hid her hand behind her back as she turned around
11:15But then suddenly she felt a cool touch
11:18It was Blaine
11:20The burn looks to be not that serious
11:22She wanted to break free but found herself unable to resist his closeness
11:26His voice was cold and clinical Kelly, can you please help miss fuller sister unlike Zoe he seemed unaffected by their touch
11:38Your scans look good. I don't see any injuries to the brain
11:43Okay of the nurse arranged to move you to the orthopedic department for observation why I don't feel I don't feel well enough
11:52All of my beds are precious these beds help save lives and treat real injuries I heard you like me
12:00That'll never happen so don't waste your time or my time I
12:05Don't like women like you
12:08How could you think I would like a woman who would be so stupid to risk her own life for a man? I
12:13Don't like women who scheme and I don't like women who lie. I can never be with somebody who would betray my trust
12:19Zoe's chest burned painfully and her ears rang his sentence was achingly familiar
12:26Blaine's words from four years ago still haunted her
12:35And as for you that's a little problem if you let it fester it could cause further complications a simple cream can't fix
12:42Kelly, can you please get her a prescription and you could pick it up at the hospital pharmacy on the way out
12:55You did this
12:56Did you tell him Ziva calm down Ziva?
13:00Do you really feel in your heart that I'm such a terrible person that I would betray you
13:07Zoe's heart ached Ziva didn't know it but Zoe simply didn't want to see her younger sister get hurt
13:14She didn't want her to fall in love with a man
13:16She could never have to find the kind of deep love that happens when you meet your soulmate to only have him taken away
13:23Zoe didn't want her sister threatened frightened and harassed by others day and night
13:29This kind of torture wasn't something Zoe would wish on her worst enemy. Let alone her own sister
13:36It felt like she'd lost him all over again
13:40Although she knew this was foolish thinking
13:42She'd lost him four years ago, and there was no going back
13:46Zoe wiped her eyes and straightened
13:49She began to walk towards Max's room
13:52After today Zoe would never have to see Blaine again
14:04You wanted to see me
14:06Yes, come in. I wanted to talk to you about a new client
14:11So a new client referred to us that I think would be a perfect fit for your
14:17Design aesthetic the contact that referred him mentioned that money is no object
14:25So he sounds like my perfect kind of client
14:29Hopefully he'll refer some of his
14:31Rich friends great. Can't wait to get started. Excellent. So the client wants to meet tonight at the
14:39Waterford International Hotel, I know you like to visit your son after work
14:43So if you want to leave a bit early to go and visit max, that's that's that's fine
14:47Talon was not only the chief designer, but also the owner of Taylor interiors. He was a good boss with a warm heart
14:54That's very thoughtful of you Talon. Thank you. I'll do that. Oh
15:00Zoe one more thing the contact that referred him mentioned he could be a bit picky
15:06But I know your style and attentiveness, I'm sure it'll be no problem. No worries won't let you down I got this
15:18After squeezing in a visit with Max Zoe headed to the Waterford Hotel to meet her new client
15:28Walking into the restaurant lobby
15:29So he was reaching into her bag to pull out the file and call our client when she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks
15:36Zoe blinked in disbelief at the man casually sitting
15:41He was gazing at the city the color of his eyes today a stormy gray
15:49He seemed to be waiting for someone his long fingers drummed rhythmically on the table beside him to show that his patience was waning
15:58This couldn't be happening
16:01So we had managed to avoid him all week at the hospital only for Blaine to now be sitting in the same hotel as her
16:07client meeting
16:10Realizing he hadn't seen her yet. So we frantically looked around for a place to hide
16:16Spotting a large pillar to hide behind so we quickly headed towards it
16:21Though we chance to glance back in Blaine's direction only to find him now looking right at her
16:31The caller wasn't in her contacts, but the phone number that appeared on the screen was one etched in Zoe's memory
16:38It was Blaine
16:39He was still using his Scottsdale number unlike Zoe who had changed her number as soon as she moved to Phoenix
16:45So, how did Blaine have her number now? Hello?
16:49Project by shouting at each other from across the room
16:54What no, no, no, it couldn't be him
16:58Zoe's stomach sank
17:01Why oh, why had she not flipped through the clients information earlier?
17:05Well, if I had planned to talk to somebody over the phone, I wouldn't have called your boss for you to meet me here
17:11I'm sorry. I'll
17:14Be right there
17:16Blaine remained quiet watching Zoe with his dark eyes, but saying nothing
17:20Growing increasingly uncomfortable with Blaine's silence and scrutiny
17:24Zoe forced herself to smile and focus on work. She got straight to the point and asked dr. Dexter
17:31Do you have any specific ideas for your home's design? Do you prefer modern or a more classical look?
17:37There are so many styles to choose from from mid-century retro revival
17:43To name a few just not shabby chic shabby chic is out
17:47Shabby chic shabby chic is out
17:49Coastal grandma's in not that you want your house to look like grandmother's house because you're a man
17:55Not a grandmother
17:58What about furniture
18:00Antiques or modular pieces some prioritize style others comfort
18:05Did you have a specific color scheme in mind color plays a huge role in every design?
18:10It sets the mood for the whole interior. You can go monochrome for clean uncluttered look
18:16or athletic think
18:19Black and white with pops of color of red and yellow
18:22Warm colors create a cozy welcoming environment and blues and grays can be soothing. These are
18:31Recent examples of my work if you see anything that catches your eye
18:38Zoe finally stopped talking. She was out of breath and wish there was a hole in the hotel lobby. She could crawl into
18:45Blaine didn't open Zoe's portfolio. She figured he was probably thinking of how quickly he could get Talon on the phone to have her fired
18:52Finally he spoke
18:54Right now what I want to sue
18:57Let's see first
19:00Can you see a menu
19:05At least while eating she wouldn't have to talk
19:07I'm sorry about that. That was rude. I'm not usually that talkative
19:15Never mind that this is unexpected to say the least
19:25Would you like to eat this oh
19:28Just the water is fine for me
19:30Not only did this restaurant look extremely expensive
19:33But Zoe also didn't think she could eat with her stomach in knots
19:39Blaine frowned at Zoe's response
19:42Can you bring us two plates, please we'll be sharing and to start out
19:46We'll do the chicory and then proceeded to order a wide variety of dishes
19:51Zoe normally prided herself on her professionalism
19:56Usually when Zoe met with a new client
19:58Usually when Zoe met with a new client she would make small talk and get to know her client before launching into a discussion of
20:04their project
20:06So we just hadn't been able to do this with Blaine
20:16Thank you
20:19Smelling the delicious aromas so we couldn't help it when her stomach growled loudly
20:25She hadn't eaten since breakfast and rarely went out as every dollar she made went towards Max's treatments
20:31Zoe blushed
20:32Blaine glanced at her face, but didn't comment
20:36I thought you said you were hungry
20:39Why aren't you eating? Don't worry about me
20:42I guess I'm not as hungry as you thought Zoe's intuition told her Blaine wasn't in a good mood
20:47His gray eyes were stormy and distant. He clearly had something on his mind. Is everything all right?
20:52I'm sorry. I'm not trying to pry. I can just tell that something's bothering you
20:57He didn't want to tell Zoe that two hours ago. He saw life disappear before his eyes
21:02He had thought that as a doctor he would eventually get used to seeing a life lost
21:06But now he knew that death was something you never got used to
21:10There was an indescribable heaviness in his heart
21:14Seeing that Blaine didn't want to talk about it. Zoe didn't say anything else
21:18She just quietly looked down and resumed eating
21:20She shouldn't be concerned about Blaine, but she couldn't help herself. Her mind was in chaos because of him
21:26Blaine's gaze fell on Zoe's lowered face
21:29Since she was looking down. He couldn't see her eyes clearly, but he could see her long lashes splitting against her cheeks
21:36She was nervous
21:38He watched as Zoe tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear
21:43She'd worn it up today, but some long strands had escaped falling gently around her face
21:48It didn't seem possible, but Zoe was even more beautiful than he remembered
21:54Zoe's few words of gentle concern gradually gave him a sense of relief
21:59He closed his eyes for a moment and Blaine's heavy heart seemed to calm
22:08I uh
22:10I uh
22:17Dr. Dexter, yes, I can be there
22:23Which patient is having complications
22:27Okay, yes another one can you please prep her for surgery i'll be there right away
22:32Thank you
22:33Is there something urgent at the hospital?
22:36Zoe assumed that their design conversation was over before it had even started
22:41Yes, one of my patients has to go into emergency surgery. So
22:46I think this should work
22:49And about my renovations I can reach out to you and we can talk about this further later
22:54Okay, I understand you have a busy schedule
23:01Zoe only looked away when Blaine was no longer in sight
23:06She felt a sense of loss
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