Bureau of Alien Detectors (BAD) 05 The Awakening, SF animation、 アニメーション

  • 2 days ago
Bureau of Alien Detectors (BAD) playlist:

Umi no Triton playlist:

Betty Boop playlist:

Archie's Funhouse playlist:

Action Man (2000 TV series) playlist:

Action Man playlist:

Men In Black: The Series playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7y6jg

Super Mario Brothers Super Show playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7xlu0

Super Mario World Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7x79j

Kirby Right Back at Ya Playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7r0sn

101 Dalmatians (Disney dog animation) playlist: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7u52l


00:00To many, it is modern-day folklore.
00:07To others, it is simply tabloid headlines.
00:10But to a select few, it is the ultimate reality.
00:14Intergalactic aliens have arrived on Earth.
00:17Now, they move among us.
00:19Only one top-secret elite group of trained professionals
00:23has the ability to detect these extraterrestrial beings.
00:30The Bureau of Alien Detectors.
00:32Led by squadron leader Sgt. Ben Packer, military war hero.
00:35Special agent Shane Sanderson, life science expert.
00:38Moose Tringanu, alien encounter survivor.
00:41Colin Marcus, computer specialist.
00:43And Casey Taylor, psychic communicator.
00:45Together, they have only one mission.
00:48To confront, control, and contain all alien encounters.
00:52Together, they are B.A.D.
00:55The Bureau of Alien Detectors.
01:08It came from the bowels of the Earth, without a warning.
01:11Powerful, unrelenting, uprooting trees, disabling highways.
01:15The unseen behemoth appeared unstoppable.
01:18All too often, we spend our time monitoring the skies above.
01:21Never suspecting the greatest threat may lie dormant under us.
01:25Where did it come from? We don't know.
01:28Why did it emerge now? An even bigger mystery.
01:31A mystery soon to unfold into an even greater danger.
01:40Jim, lunch is ready.
01:42Okay, coming.
01:52How's the stew?
01:54I had worse. There any more?
02:01You feel that?
02:03It's a quake.
02:05What's that?
02:08It's coming.
02:10What? What is it?
02:22Is it over?
02:24Shake and stop.
02:26It moved!
02:28Honey, it's just that.
02:30No, look!
02:32Hurry! Up there!
03:04It's over, sweetheart.
03:16You're telling us that a mammoth rock surfaced,
03:19looked around, and then disappeared back into the ground?
03:22That's what they said.
03:24It's a sinkhole.
03:26That's what the press is being told.
03:28It's not shaped like any sinkhole I've ever seen.
03:31Because it isn't one.
03:33See those dirt mounds?
03:35They're 15 feet across.
03:37Some stretch for half a mile.
03:40Something is wrong.
03:42Some stretch for half a mile.
03:44Something is burrowing out there.
03:47Something big.
03:49If it can suck down a farmhouse,
03:51just think of the problems it could cause if it ever hit a city.
03:55We'd be playing office tower dominoes.
03:57Let's find it.
04:13Something dug this?
04:15That's one big mole.
04:21Sanderson's found something.
04:23Definite signs of animal burrowing.
04:25It's just that this animal is literally as big as a house.
04:28I spoke with the farmers.
04:30Same story.
04:31A big rock did this.
04:33Rocks don't move, Casey.
04:35This one did.
04:37The mystery wasn't getting any clearer,
04:40The mystery wasn't getting any clearer,
04:42so we went to the site that appeared to be the origin of the creature's emergence.
04:45Life science officer Shane Sanderson was heading the investigation.
04:49Hey, Shane, you got anything that'll help us?
04:58You know what this is?
05:00A mess of goo.
05:02Right, but what kind of goo?
05:04You tell us.
05:05Well, I'm not positive, and I still have to run some tests.
05:08Just tell us, Shane.
05:10It's kind of like what you'd find in an egg after the animal inside is hatched.
05:14I know it sounds weird, but that's what I think it is.
05:17You're telling us that something hatched inside a rock?
05:20Uh-huh, but not any rock.
05:22That rock.
05:25Get this.
05:26The age of this stuff.
05:2850,000 years.
05:30You're sure?
05:31As sure as I can be.
05:33You're telling us that a prehistoric animal incubated in that rock?
05:37That's it, pure and simple.
05:39And if we then believe what the farmer and his wife told us, the thing is also a burrower.
05:44You're with me.
05:45You too, Moose.
05:46We're gonna follow this thing's trail, if we can.
05:49You and Shane pack this stuff up and move this lab to the sinkhole.
05:52Use the ATV.
05:53Let's move it.
05:56Whatever it is, it's making itself easy to follow.
05:59We've got trouble.
06:00How bad?
06:01I plotted the course of the mound.
06:03If it continues in the same direction it's headed,
06:05this rock thing is gonna burrow right under a small town about 20 miles ahead.
06:10And send the entire town right into one gigantic sinkhole.
06:14We've gotta stop it.
06:16But how? We can't even see it.
06:17Maybe we can get ahead of the creature and force it to stop.
06:21I wonder why this thing hatched now, after so many thousands of years.
06:25I've been thinking about that too.
06:27I don't think we'll ever know for sure, but...
06:29But you have a theory.
06:31Well, it's a wild one.
06:32Look, it just couldn't have that long of an incubation period.
06:35No way.
06:36Then something stopped it.
06:39And what if that something was the weather?
06:41The last ice age?
06:42Our weather's been changing, getting hotter all the time.
06:44It could have had an effect.
06:46Which means there could be more eggs out here just waiting to hatch.
06:51And that is the scariest theory of all.
06:55Sarge, the burrowing has stopped at that mound up ahead.
06:58Maybe it's resting and we can get a look at it.
07:01Moose, put a blast right in front of that mound.
07:03On its way.
07:11Good job, Moose. Now, let's take a look.
07:14That thing's enormous! It's got to weigh 20 tons or more.
07:18Well, at least now we know what we're fighting.
07:21I'm going in for a closer look.
07:23We'll monitor your instruments from here, Moose, for later analysis.
07:27Hey, Sarge, I understand why they thought this giant insect was a rock.
07:30It has a head that looks like granite.
07:32Our scanners show no internal injuries to the creature resulting from the blast.
07:36It's going to take a lot more firepower to stop that baby.
07:39Well, at least we got it on the surface.
07:41I'll make another pass and see if I can change its course away from the town.
07:47Find anything?
07:48Well, I ran the slime on the ground next to the rock egg.
07:51And the closest I can match it to is insect secretions
07:54that the queens of some species use to attract a mate.
07:57Queen? Then it's female?
07:59I think so.
08:00You think she's out looking for a mate?
08:02Or a home.
08:03A home? Shane, you've hit on something.
08:17I just got a strong sense of being followed.
08:20You see anything out there?
08:26Me neither. But it is out there. I know it.
08:29What's out there?
08:30I don't know. Maybe.
08:32Maybe if the queen is looking for a home, she's got a reason.
08:37It's just a possibility.
08:39A good one. Let's go. Now!
08:45I can't budge that thing with simple fly-bys, Sarge. It just ignores me.
08:49Well, something's gotten its attention, Boots.
08:52Great. It's turning towards town again.
08:56Moose, watch out!
08:57You don't have to spell it out for me, Sarge. I'll stop it.
09:08Didn't make a dent.
09:11Let's go to the heavy stuff, Moose.
09:13Got my vote.
09:16Switching to ion exploding bullets.
09:23Man, it's taking all the ammo I can throw at it, Sarge.
09:27It's wounded.
09:29Now it's shooting some kind of gas.
09:31I'm losing control. It feels like I'm overloaded.
09:34Like it's too heavy to fly.
09:36Moose, the molecular structure of your craft has turned to stone.
09:39Set it down.
09:40Eject. Eject!
09:42I've got no choice. The thing's a goner.
09:53Moose, are you okay?
09:55Yeah. I'm fine.
09:57The ultra-bombers, uh...
09:59The rock!
10:02And somebody just noticed me.
10:08I've uncaged and aired the ground. Staying clear.
10:16Don't take all day, Sarge.
10:19Don't take all day, Sarge!
10:22Get out of my face!
10:29You got it, Sarge.
10:43Sarge! Sarge, no!
10:51Moose, get out of there! I'm gonna fire multiple warheads!
11:03Target neutralized.
11:04And that is the end of that.
11:10Where'd that come from? Hold on!
11:13I'm losing control!
11:14Brace yourself!
11:20That's it, boys. Easy, easy.
11:24Down, down.
11:26All right, release the cables.
11:28Amazing. The outer shell looks about two feet thick.
11:31That much firepower would've leveled a city block.
11:33Well, we saved about twenty city blocks.
11:36Take it to the hangar, guys.
11:40I've never seen anything like it.
11:42I've seen all I want of it.
11:47What was that?
11:48Well, wouldn't you know? It's got family.
11:54Where'd that one come from?
11:56Same place as the other one. Underground.
12:00We got the last one when the missile hit its belly.
12:02We've gotta get it to expose its underside.
12:05This one's mine. Drop me a plasma charge, Sarge. And fast!
12:10Can't let you giant bugs get to the town!
12:12Your picnic ends right here!
12:24Good job, Moose. You stopped it.
12:28This can't be. There's more of them surfacing.
12:30All over the area.
12:31Moose, call in.
12:32There's more coming!
12:33I'm on it, Sarge.
12:34Roger that.
12:35More surfacing. All over the area.
12:37Moose, call in.
12:38There's more coming!
12:39Watch out! Watch out!
12:42Where? Where, Sarge?
12:46Let's get out of here! This way!
12:51Oh, great! Dead end!
12:55We're surrounded!
12:59Sarge, we need some help here.
13:05You all right, Case?
13:06Well, I have felt better.
13:08I think you were right. This sinkhole is smaller than the one at the farm.
13:12It could be it was made by one of the rock creature's kids.
13:15Look at this. This end is balanced on that rock.
13:18The vehicle is unstable.
13:20And you think we can use that...
13:21To push it over.
13:26This just might work.
13:27I don't think so.
13:28I don't think so.
13:29I don't think so.
13:30I don't think so.
13:31I don't think so.
13:32I don't think so.
13:33This just might work.
13:51Uh-oh. Look!
13:52Shane, I sense they're in a panic, looking for something.
13:56Shane, they're all around us!
13:58Think we can outrun them?
13:59Do we have a choice?
14:00Just keep your fingers crossed we don't run into another sinkhole.
14:16Nice driving. I think we're in the clear.
14:19For now. Get on the radio to Sarge.
14:21We've got to tell him what we've discovered.
14:25Let's haul it, Moose!
14:31How many of these things are there?
14:40Watch it!
14:41Oh, no!
14:42Move it! Move it! Keep moving! Come on, Colin!
14:45Sarge! Over here!
14:51You on?
14:52Yeah, Sarge! Go, go, go!
14:54Get out of here!
15:01Come on!
15:04Elemental warmth! Steel!
15:13Where's Colin?
15:14Still on the ground, Sarge. Make another pass.
15:21Sarge! You got one more passenger!
15:23Man down, Marcus!
15:26That's right. One turned my jet to stone with some kind of gas.
15:30Where did you say these 20-ton bugs came from?
15:34Apparently from ancient eggs, sir.
15:37What are they after?
15:38We're not sure about that.
15:40Yeah, we are.
15:41Special Agent Sanderson?
15:43Oh, at least I think we are.
15:45These others are her offspring.
15:47She leaves a trail of this stuff for her hatchlings to follow.
15:50Her scent is irresistible.
15:53Are you saying these are like ants or bees looking for their queen?
15:57And you neutralized the queen?
16:00We had to. Or at least we thought we had to at the time.
16:04Where is she, the queen?
16:06Right here.
16:09Which means you have a herd of 20-ton bugs descending on your position
16:14who are about to discover you blew up their queen.
16:23Moose, get ready to move this bird out of here.
16:26Yes, sir!
16:29Shane, you think you're a hotshot driver, right?
16:32I don't think so, Sarge. I know it.
16:34If it goes, I can make it go faster.
16:36Well, you're going to get the chance to prove it.
16:39Now, we've got a herd of angry bugs out there who can crush a lot of innocent people.
16:43And we don't have the power to stop them.
16:45But we do have something they want.
16:47If those bugs want their queen,
16:49they're going to have to catch us.
17:01Shadowhawk, go!
17:03We're gone.
17:20Moose, clear the door of the bugs, now!
17:27You got it, Sarge.
17:28Braining bullets, now!
17:33It's done.
17:39Hang on!
17:41Hang on!
17:47Careful, Shane. We don't want to lose our bait.
17:52Colin, where's the nearest lake?
17:54There's one about six miles west, Sarge.
17:57You think these prehistoric bugs of yours can swim?
18:00Weighing 20 tons? Not a chance.
18:03That's what I thought.
18:10Man, I love rigs like this.
18:13Just don't outrun them.
18:19Colin, I need an estimate. A good one.
18:22I show the first row of rock bugs getting to you in nine seconds.
18:26Don't cut it too close.
18:33Now, Shane.
18:38Come on, guys. Get out.
18:40You know it.
19:22Looking good, guys.
19:23They're all going in.
19:25As long as they don't come up.
19:27Are they?
19:28Nope. They're sinking like the rocks they are.
19:31There have been no reported sinkholes in the past 48 hours.
19:35Well done, Team 22C.
19:38Thank you, sir.
19:40Any chance I could get some time away, Sarge?
19:42For what?
19:43Well, to tell you the truth, I'd like to spend some time out at that first rock egg we found.
19:47You think there's more to be learned, Sandman?
19:50You know it.
19:51I'll bet that place is crawling with scientists by now.
19:54Yeah, you're probably right.
19:55I'd just be glad to help.
19:57Something the matter, Casey?
19:58I'm not sure. Just a feeling.
20:01But something's still out there.
20:03Hey, there's always something still out there.
20:06I guess you're right there, Sarge.
20:09The Sarge was right.
20:11There is always something out there.
20:13Aliens can come from the heaven above, the earth below, or even the watery deep.
20:18That's why we can never rest until we find it.
20:21Aliens can come from the heaven above, the earth below, or even the watery deep.
20:26That's why we can never rest.
20:28We're the Bureau of Alien Detectors.
20:51The Bureau of Alien Detectors
