1985 Queen Of The Naked Steel HOT MILF MOVIE

  • 2 days ago
Barbarian Queen (also known as Queen of the Naked Steel) is a 1985 American-Argentine fantasy film starring Lana Clarkson, directed by Héctor Olivera and written by Howard R. Cohen. The film premiered in April 1985 in the United States.[2] It was executive produced by Roger Corman,[3] and it was the third in a series of ten movies that Corman produced in Argentina during the 1980s
00:00:30We're always
00:01:53The groom Prince Argon
00:01:58Many years of good luck. Congratulations a prince Argon much happiness to you and your bride. Congratulations
00:02:08Well, it's a perfect day for your wedding I'd get married today old man
00:02:13Even if the gods got together and sent down all the thunder they could get their hands on if he waits any longer for your
00:02:17Omens, he will be a grandfather before he is a groom
00:02:36Think she isn't back yet
00:02:38She went down to the river. She thought we were going to run out of flowers. I
00:02:44Think she just wanted to be helpful to me
00:02:46I'll go find her
00:05:26Excuse me
00:08:06Anyone else
00:08:13Find my sister
00:08:26Left us nothing
00:08:30Today was my wedding day
00:08:32Now the only thing I have left is what might have been
00:08:36I'm going to get it back
00:09:00Keep wanting to run back to the village to tell somebody we're leaving
00:09:20I'm starving
00:09:39Thought they took you one I killed him I got his horse and got all this
00:09:48They killed my friend Kentucky we're going after them but uh first we'll eat
00:10:00Not exactly an army is it
00:10:26Even fish know to avoid swimming near a moving boat. Maybe we'll find one that's not smart enough to know that
00:11:23Raped a woman quietly
00:11:27Take a look
00:11:34Who are you
00:11:39Where did you come from same place I came from
00:12:21So you wanna fight all right
00:14:22I'm a fear
00:14:26She's dead I
00:14:29Gave us water
00:14:33You do what you could
00:14:58Take me home to her miss
00:15:02There is no more home. I
00:15:05Get all our friends in the village must be wondering where we are. I want to go home now
00:15:14Strokes, why don't you just let her rest? I'm sure she'll be better. She was Thomas. She's dead
00:15:21We have to go now before they hurt us, I wish there was a home to go we'll find a new one
00:15:29I don't care how many of them there are
00:15:32I'll be no man's slave and no man's whore and if I can't kill them all by the gods. They'll know I've tried
00:16:14How about tomorrow night we start taking turns bringing water we got the food
00:16:21All that food
00:16:24Save a little for the night children
00:16:27You have to leave them something or they will eat you while you sleep
00:16:33Anytime an animal kills a person
00:16:35The gods turn the animal into a little child and the child has to roam the forest forever
00:16:40every night
00:16:42forever and ever
00:16:43They are probably watching you right now
00:17:05Leave them my share
00:17:52No one who rides for the kingdom rides through here we ride against it you fool
00:18:00Haven't you got enough sense to find out who your friends are before you try to kill them
00:18:05We did that two days ago, and we are all who are left of our village as we're all that's left of ours
00:18:13We'll be on our way we'll be on our way
00:18:16As we're all that's left of ours
00:18:19We'll be on our way wait if you raise the sword against Erica you fight for us
00:18:25If you can make our journey easier
00:18:27Help us
00:18:28We fight only for our own quest
00:18:33There is only one who can pass safely between here and the city I'll take you
00:18:46When I was a little girl, I told my father I was gonna go out and kill a bear
00:18:52Then I saw how big the bear was
00:18:56For two weeks after that I
00:18:59Didn't leave the village. We are not little girls anymore. There are no little girls anymore
00:19:10Let's go
00:19:32Usually do this alone on foot bringing messages
00:20:28It's a little girl it's a little girl and you dragged us away from our lunch because you saw rebels
00:20:37You've got to stop wandering around out here someday I'll find my parents and then I'll live with them again
00:20:44Take care now. Yes
00:21:27Father discovered these catacombs
00:21:30They're the only safe passage for rebels into the city go quietly now the city gates just
00:21:57She's made it through again
00:22:14I'm fine. I think we'll have to keep you here for a while. Our lives are worthless every day
00:22:21What do they want?
00:22:24Their people are prisoners they want to free them
00:22:29They're brave and strong
00:22:35We haven't traveled all this way to be turned back I
00:22:39Can't let you fight we'll start a battle. We're not ready to finish
00:22:46We honor your cause but our battle can't wait
00:22:54Come with me
00:23:01Father's very careful about everything just the way he is here. This is for you
00:23:59No one, you know
00:24:07Their freedom doesn't matter of it freedom always matters
00:24:23One of your people
00:24:46Gladiators get the best of any slave now, let's see how you like the worst
00:24:53Name are gone. Remember this
00:24:59Lord Archer wants a good show
00:25:09He doesn't own my soul yet
00:25:48Amethyst said to stay out of sight until they come back
00:26:15He's a beautiful dress for you, come on buy it come on
00:27:09How do we get word to them some places are very hard and some places are impossible
00:27:25Look at it
00:27:30To Nyara have you seen Tara miss anywhere? No, I thought you were watching
00:27:36Come on we've got a hurry
00:27:44She's blind Oh
00:28:30Oh, who are you what are you prowling around after?
00:28:40Why don't we find a use for this? Yeah, you wouldn't want to give them something we weren't sure they would like
00:28:57You went first last time this one's mine
00:29:14Found all gone maybe the others now you find your sister she got away
00:29:22You go back to your father he can't afford to lose his bravest warrior go on
00:29:53Nobody enters the palace without permission, but I want to go with him move along ride
00:29:59She wants to go with you my lord
00:30:04Bring her in there
00:30:08Clean her up first
00:30:16You can't go in after going there I can't get to Argonne
00:30:28Can do something about this
00:31:26Hope he wasn't a close relative I
00:31:30Don't know who he is. Come calm. There aren't enough of you rebels to pretend that you don't know one another and
00:31:38if you hold your tongue as
00:31:41He held his
00:31:43You'll soon be where you can talk to him again
00:31:47I'm no rebel
00:31:52I'm not
00:31:55See there is nothing I can tell you I want to know where your people are where he is
00:32:07My people
00:32:11You know pain is a wonderful thing
00:32:15It will let us know when there could be something wrong
00:32:19And let us know when we should tell what we know
00:32:25You're much too beautiful a girl to let yourself be broken into food for the royal dogs
00:32:45Daria what's the matter? They got caught which of them all of them
00:32:50So you see we took that cause as if it were ours and now that capture could be our own
00:32:56We've got to do something, but they were the only ones who could fight you said what more can we do now?
00:33:01We can't let them die
00:33:03We can only go back to the plan we had and hope they haven't told our Akura
00:33:12Perhaps this was the only way they had of showing us that some things are worth dying for we can't let them die
00:33:18You stay here
00:33:22Perhaps you can't quite see the truth. Perhaps we ought to give you a little more light
00:33:31Rebels make life difficult for people who obey the laws
00:33:37You'd be performing a service if you told me where they are hiding
00:33:43You do want life to be pleasant for our citizens, don't you she'll talk she'd better
00:33:54You'll tell us everything
00:34:14Well, well they told me you were very beautiful
00:34:21My warriors always seem to have trouble with beautiful women
00:34:28One way or another
00:34:32If you've come to kill me then just kill me I don't need to listen to you talk
00:34:39To kill a woman like you
00:34:44Would be such a waste
00:34:49Come come down
00:35:00Me see you with your clothes off
00:35:08You're going to learn eventually
00:35:13That it's much less painful to do things my way
00:35:19You and your rebel friends
00:35:22I have no rebel friends. Oh, then it's time you started being more agreeable
00:35:31Close off I
00:35:36Will never understand why some people are so adamant about choosing the wrong side
00:35:43No, you never will. I
00:35:46Am losing my patience and
00:35:49I never had very much to begin with
00:35:55When I command you to strip your garment off you do
00:36:01You will beg to kiss my feet and you will tell me why you came here
00:36:09And you tell me where you rebels are and who they are
00:36:15And you'll stay at my side and watch them die
00:36:22You know where to take her
00:36:30I'm not here to torture you
00:36:33We have a man who does that and I'm trying to keep you from having to meet him. I
00:36:41I just want a little information. Other lives are more important than mine
00:36:49It's not death you face it's a great deal of discomfort while you're still alive
00:36:56You really don't want to get sent downstairs
00:37:00Believe me
00:37:04Life can be quite pleasant here
00:37:06Really, why don't you take a moment to think about it?
00:38:02Perhaps one day we'll send you out to deal with them
00:38:06We're going to have problems enough with these
00:38:12They may be peasants, but they've got the smell of rebels
00:38:17Some of them are warriors
00:38:19It's your job to watch them
00:38:27Watching is not enough. We need to listen
00:38:31We need a man among them to be our ears when they speak their secrets it can't
00:38:37Can recruit one of the gladiators? I'm sure
00:38:40But it may cost the cost doesn't worry me
00:38:46You find a man that's ready to name his price
00:38:49understand I
00:39:17Haven't seen you here before
00:39:23We ought to get to
00:39:25know each other I
00:39:27Just want a little something
00:39:30Okay, let's find a quiet corner
00:39:53How'd you get in here
00:39:55Is there anyone else we came with Amethya all three of us Amethya? How did she she's in the city?
00:40:02We came here to rescue you I can't believe she survived
00:40:08She's with some people they're rebels. They're trying to fight Erica, but they're just not an army
00:40:15If an army is all they lack that we can give them one
00:40:20If you can tear them away from wine and women long enough to fight
00:40:25There are cares women and it's our cares wine if these men see a chance to win their freedom. They'll fight
00:40:36Have heard some whispering among the gladiators they talk about you they talk about rebellion
00:40:45No rebellion has ever succeeded against Lord Arika a
00:40:52Man would be a fool to choose the side that can't win. I'm a slave
00:40:58Slaves have choices to make if they are smart. I want to know what the gladiators are planning
00:41:04I'm going to miss my dinner. Yeah, we all turn on our friends
00:41:09The smart ones get paid
00:41:13Decent food fit for a member of the palace guard
00:41:18Women as you like gold great service earns great rewards
00:41:36Wish they would just go home. I wish we could I
00:41:42Remember when I was a little girl still are a little girl and we lived out there
00:41:49And we used to come to the city for things we needed
00:41:53And we'd go back
00:41:55Remember how it felt when I would see our village again either different times Daria have to adjust to the times you live
00:42:02When you get older you'll understand
00:42:05When I am older, I will remember that we let this time pass by
00:42:10I'm a fierce our only chance
00:42:19We are all that's left of our people that is a responsibility
00:42:23We have to help her father. You think it right to put our future in her hands. She will fight for us
00:42:30I've never been good at following
00:42:32When I was younger, I had dreams just like you like her. I
00:42:37Should say yes, then before I get much older and the dreams are gone
00:42:43even past remembering
00:42:45Past remembering
00:42:47We were brave once
00:42:49We were warriors
00:42:51Now the time is approaching
00:42:53When we will fight again
00:43:01Where have I seen you before ah
00:43:09You were the girl at the river outpost
00:43:12That was a night to remember
00:43:18Can I stay here with you? Oh my child
00:43:25How did you come to be here?
00:43:28And will you get me a dog to play with no a cat. I should love to have a cat a
00:43:37Cat you shall have
00:43:39A cat you shall have
00:43:43Sunday at the games to greater risk. I'll take the risk to fight him
00:44:17Well, what my lord that man goes on Sunday's roster bring out the next
00:44:26Striving I'll do it
00:44:48Am with you and those who follow
00:45:15We will have that man on Sunday
00:45:18Have all the battle he can stand on Sunday. I
00:45:22Really am ahead of my time
00:45:26You should be very proud you are making a contribution to science
00:45:34Just a little more
00:45:48Not quite
00:45:53And I
00:46:30Don't eat so much you'll spoil your appetite
00:46:36So they give us a decent meal sure
00:46:39All the gladiators you can eat. Come on. The gladiators are waiting
00:46:46No, thanks. I'm not hungry anymore. All right
00:46:51Get moving now
00:47:09Have you found a way to get her out?
00:47:14Yes, I think so when Estelle derives you'll have news of the rebels plans for Sunday
00:47:19One of us ought to go with the girl see who these rebels are. They'll pay too much attention to us
00:47:25Esther will be just another harem girl who got away
00:47:29She can be trusted
00:47:32But can she get through?
00:47:34They're coming and so is this
00:47:50They are yours for the night don't do anything
00:47:55I wouldn't do
00:48:30Where's Astral stop worrying if you've done anything wrong all he'd have me bring in is your head
00:48:40He likes them young and pretty like you you think I'm pretty
00:48:54Wouldn't let him hurt me would you
00:50:11You look terrible
00:50:17I'm alive
00:50:19And you look like
00:50:24Hey, where's Tanyara
00:50:28They killed her
00:50:36Argon's waiting for me
00:50:38He's gonna leave the gladiators and we're gonna leave the rebels and then we're all gonna the rebels know about this
00:50:44When does all this take place, I don't know that's why we've got to get back
00:50:58Find her
00:51:05And I want her alive
00:52:13Can't take a chance you go on go on
00:52:34Lord Erica sent me to bring back another girl without a guard
00:52:39Do you want to go ask him yourself?
00:52:41You wait here captain
00:53:08Do you know how many men they've got
00:53:11weapons, I
00:53:13Don't know but they're ready to fight
00:53:18Yeah, once we move there's no turning back
00:53:23Get as many of the guards as you can before the games begin
00:53:26Yes as quickly as you can and watch me for the signal if your people move too soon. It's our lives
00:53:39Emathy is waiting for me
00:55:28You scared me what happened to Amethyar she's not out
00:55:33Well Argonne's ready with the gladiators
00:55:36And you're gonna have to help we are not ready yet, and neither are you where's Amethyar?
00:56:23What happened to the entrance they thought you might tell about the hiding place I
00:56:28I knew you wouldn't I knew you'd come back
00:56:36Argonne says he'll get the weapons. He'll get the weapons. We can't depend on that. We can't change the plan now
00:56:43There's no way to tell Argonne. I am the leader here
00:56:54We'll do our fighting on Sunday
00:56:59You'll be slaughtered without us
00:57:09And we'll fight together until there's freedom enough for all of us
00:58:17People today we celebrate 20 years of glory
00:58:2420 years that this kingdom has ruled the land and
00:58:29We gather for your entertainment
00:58:32the greatest warriors of all time
00:58:37Willing to sacrifice their lives to the glory of this kingdom
00:58:53Let the celebration begin
00:59:46What's going on nothing nice day for a fight
00:59:54We have to make
00:59:57We have to wait for our signal
01:00:09I'll hate to watch you die. It's baricures blood. That'll be spilled today
01:00:14Those of us who are fighting for him don't think so your rebellions over
01:01:21Put her to death
