Manchester statues: Mahatma Gandhi

  • yesterday
With our round-up of Manchester’s statues nearing it’s conclusion, today we have had a look at the statue of Mahatma Gandhi outside of Manchester Cathedral.


00:00Let's have a talk about some of the statues in Manchester.
00:02Hello and welcome to Manchester World.
00:04This is the seventh part of a series of explainers where I'll take a look at some of the most prominent statues in Manchester
00:09and explain a little bit about their history and why they're important to the city.
00:12Today we're going to be looking at the statue of Mahatma Gandhi outside of Manchester Cathedral.
00:16Now Gandhi is one of the most prominent and successful political activists in history,
00:20campaigning for the end of British rule in India through peaceful protests and hunger strikes.
00:24He was also a firm advocate for civil rights,
00:26though he has faced accusations of racism for some of his statements about black people.
00:30He became famed for his non-violent and passive forms of protest,
00:33which proved immensely successful in garnering public support and applying pressure on the British.
00:38The statue is designed to celebrate the city's multiculturalism and multi-faith society.
00:42It shows Gandhi in his usual garb with a walking stick,
00:44which is associated with his salt march where he walks over 200 miles in protest of attacks on salt.
00:49Gandhi will always remain one of the true trailblazers of the peaceful protest movement,
00:53and his statue means a lot to the city of Manchester,
00:57which is so full of people from so many different cultures.
