The Hidden Power of Plants

  • 2 days ago
Plants produce some of the world's most potent chemicals in the fight against disease. NOVA follows the urgent efforts to track down new medicines in nature.


00:00Tonight on NOVA. Ten-month-old Laura has cancer, but this houseplant contains a chemical that may save her life.
00:10From everyday painkillers to prescription heart medications, modern pharmacies are stocked with powerful drugs that were first derived from plants.
00:19Scientists are searching for new medicines among the exotic plants of the tropical rainforest.
00:25But will they find tomorrow's wonder drugs before the forest disappears?
00:30Tonight on NOVA. The hidden power of plants.
00:41Major funding for NOVA is provided by this station and other public television stations nationwide.
00:48Additional funding was provided by the Johnson & Johnson family of companies, supplying health care products worldwide.
00:57And by Allied Signal, a technology leader in aerospace, electronics, automotive products, and engineered materials.
01:18NOVA is an international, independent, nonprofit organization based in Germany.
01:48By any measure, the plants of the tropical rainforest are beautiful and mysterious.
01:59In this profusion of leaves and blooms are thousands of plant species, many still undiscovered and unnamed.
02:10Plants that provide shelter and nourishment for the animals that live among them.
02:19Plants that help sustain the Earth's atmosphere, renewing the oxygen that makes life possible.
02:27And plants that provide medicine.
02:31Indeed, the history of medicine has been largely the story of plants and the potent chemicals they produce.
02:39Around the world, traditional healers using plant medications provide health care to 80% of the human population, over 4 billion people.
02:51Ayurveda, also called the science of life, developed in India more than 3,000 years ago,
02:57laying the foundations for one of history's most remarkable medical traditions.
03:04This system of herbal remedies and natural healing is still dominant in India.
03:14There are more than 8,000 prescriptions in this ancient system of medicine,
03:19and factories like this one process raw materials into preparations used by over half a billion people.
03:26From Ayurveda, the Western world learned about Rawulfia serpentina, or the snake root plant.
03:32Also known as racerpene, it is used to control hypertension and is a compound essential to modern cardiology.
03:46Like India, Chinese medicine is also used to treat heart disease.
03:52Like India, China is the home of an ancient and sophisticated natural medicine system.
04:04Over 4,000 years, the Chinese have discovered, developed and refined more than 11,000 medical prescriptions based on the natural chemistry of plants.
04:14These mixtures and compounds were based on centuries of empirical observation of their effects on the human body.
04:24Using ancient recipes, remedies are carefully weighed and measured in accordance with the physician's requests.
04:31While the final prescription may contain unusual-looking elements,
04:36the herbal drugstore is as common in China as the corner drugstore in the West.
04:44Even in parts of the world where vegetation is sparse, there is a legacy of medicinal plants.
04:51For centuries, the Bedouin have used Ami seeds, which contain Chromelin, as an effective asthma remedy.
04:58Even our own Western pharmacology, with its pills and other medicines,
05:02has been used to treat asthma.
05:10The Bedouin have used Ami seeds to treat asthma.
05:14Ami seeds are a type of herbal medicine that is used to treat asthma.
05:18Ami seeds are a type of herbal medicine that is used to treat asthma.
05:23Even our own Western pharmacology, with its pills and white crystalline powders,
05:28owes much of its potency to the plant kingdom.
05:33Many common medications were first derived from plants.
05:40More than 2,400 years ago, the Greeks used extracts of willow bark to treat pain.
05:46The active compound it contained is better known today as aspirin.
05:53The flowering foxglove was used to treat heart problems as far back as the 15th century.
06:00Today, digitalis from the foxglove is still an important component of heart medications.
06:08Aspirin, digitalis, and many other medicines are now synthetics, chemical versions of plant compounds.
06:14But not all modern medicines can be synthesized.
06:18Over 25% of the drugs prescribed in the U.S. still contain plant materials as their principal active ingredient.
06:27According to a recent study by a congressional group,
06:30the U.S. imported over $24 million a year of medicinal plants in 1974,
06:35and then turned these into $3 billion worth of medicines.
06:39So it is fairly a significant business.
06:43What is it about plants that gives them the power to heal or to harm?
06:48For in addition to their beneficial uses,
06:51some plants are well known to contain chemicals that are harmful to the human body.
06:57Rhubarb leaves, for instance, produce a deadly broth of chemicals that can cause diarrhea,
07:02vomiting, and can prevent the blood from clotting.
07:07Every part of the potato plant, except the fleshy tuber, can cause severe poisoning.
07:14What lies behind the mysterious chemistry of plants?
07:21Of all living things, only plants have the power to transform light energy into life energy.
07:29This precise chemical process is known as photosynthesis.
07:33These leaf cells under the microscope reveal a constant stream of green particles called chloroplasts.
07:45Magnified 40,000 times, the inside of the chloroplast is seen to be made up of tiny light collectors arranged in layers.
07:55There are thousands of chloroplasts in the world,
07:59There are thousands of such chloroplasts in each green leaf, performing the task of photosynthesis.
08:05Within the leaf, carbon dioxide absorbed from the atmosphere and water taken up by the root system
08:11undergo complex chemical reactions fueled by energy from sunlight.
08:16The result is the simple sugar glucose, which is stored in the leaf cells as food.
08:21The oxygen that is released back into the atmosphere is simply a byproduct of the process.
08:30The primary products of photosynthesis, carbohydrates and sugars, sustain the plant itself,
08:36and the plant can then in turn be consumed as part of the food chain.
08:41Yet only a few of the many chemicals produced by plants are primary compounds.
08:49Another group of chemicals called secondary compounds are unusual substances
08:54that do not seem essential to the plant's basic life cycle.
09:00The plant's primary compounds are the carbohydrates,
09:04and the secondary compounds are unusual substances that do not seem essential to the plant's basic life cycle.
09:15For the most part, the functions served by these secondary compounds are still unknown.
09:24Why does Oleander manufacture cardioactive glycosides that can paralyze the lungs, cause bleeding and even death?
09:34What is the role of calcium oxalate in household chalidions?
09:38In humans, it irritates the throat and can lead to asphyxiation.
09:45And why does Belladonna produce hallucinogenic compounds?
09:51One view is that the plants need these substances for protection and defense.
09:57It comes back to the competition between living organisms for nutrients.
10:03And for example, if you look at the tropical areas, you have a tremendous variety of plants
10:08and all of them have everything they need to grow very, very prolifically.
10:13They have oxygen, they have light, they have soil, warm temperature, everything except space.
10:20And the limitations of living space force these plants to prepare and to secrete
10:28different sorts of protective substances which enhance their ability to survive
10:34either by preventing predation or preventing attack by insects
10:39or by enhancing the destruction or limiting the ability of other plants to grow around them.
10:49But scientists are not in complete agreement about the role of secondary compounds.
10:55For some, they remain mysterious entities.
10:59We don't know what their function is in plants. We have absolutely no idea.
11:05And a lot of people are inclined to dismiss this as being idle metabolic chatter on the part of the plant, for example.
11:11Some useless chemical the plant doesn't know what it's doing, so it spends a lot of its time dreaming up some scheme
11:18for making weird molecules which people like myself might be interested in, you know.
11:27Whatever purpose they may serve in the plant, these secondary compounds are the critical components of plant medicines for human use.
11:34And the search for hidden power in plants has often revolutionized medicine.
11:40In 1803, a young German pharmacist, Friedrich Sutterner, was looking for the active substance contained in opium from the poppy,
11:48whose good and evil influence had been known for centuries.
11:55He was the first to identify an alkaloid, a secondary plant product characterized by its molecular structure,
12:01which includes at least one nitrogen atom, and by its ability to affect the human body.
12:07Once the alkaloid had been isolated, Sutterner could refine the opium into a more powerful drug, with more precise action in the body.
12:16After testing the new drug on himself and his colleagues, he named it morphine, for Morpheus, the Greek god of sleep,
12:23and its pain-killing properties remain unsurpassed.
12:29Alkaloids are the active component of opium.
12:33Alkaloids are the active compounds in such familiar drugs as nicotine, caffeine, and cocaine.
12:44They have also accounted for modern-day medical breakthroughs.
12:49The Madagascar periwinkle has a long history as a traditional remedy, used to treat everything from sore throats to diabetes.
12:58In the 1950s, scientists discovered that an alkaloid called vincristine, produced by the periwinkle,
13:04had a new application in treating childhood leukemia and other cancers.
13:11Ten-month-old Laura is receiving vincristine as part of a program of therapy to stop the growth of a malignant tumor.
13:18Her physician, Dr. Mark Greenberg, describes how vincristine works.
13:22Vincristine is a mitotic spindle poison.
13:26What the drug actually does is to arrest the division of cells.
13:32When a cell of any sort divides, its chromosomes split into two and then attach themselves to what's called a mitotic spindle.
13:41The mitotic spindle helps to pull the two halves of the chromosomes apart.
13:46What vincristine actually does biologically is to poison that spindle, or the tubules that form that spindle.
13:53It does this preferentially with malignant cells.
13:57So what it's doing is really attaching to any tubules, any mitotic tubules, in malignant cells that are in the process of dividing.
14:07The use of vincristine is just one part of an aggressive medical approach to childhood cancer.
14:13We almost never use drugs by themselves.
14:16We use a combination of drugs that act at various points in the cell cycle.
14:21So vincristine, used in combination with many other drugs, is enormously effective in this sort of range of malignant disease in childhood.
14:29Between the new drugs and the new methods of chemotherapy,
14:33we've gone from what was perhaps 10 or 15 percent five-year survival in childhood leukemias
14:41now up above 85 or 90 percent.
14:48Other life-saving medical breakthroughs have recently come from the natural world.
14:54A vacation stroll in Norway 15 years ago led to a discovery that revolutionized the science of organ transplantation.
15:03An employee of a Swiss drug company looking for dirt collected a few spoonfuls of mud from a murky swamp.
15:13He brought the mud back to the lab here in Basel, Switzerland.
15:20Because many antibiotics have been discovered in soil,
15:23drug companies routinely check soil samples from all over the world to see what they contain.
15:29Among the several microbes which grew from the Norwegian mud was a fungus that had never been seen before.
15:43This new fungus produced a chemical that had an unexpected benefit.
15:47It could counteract organ rejection.
15:50Although the surgical techniques that allowed transplants have been in use since the first kidney transplant in 1954,
15:56the transplants themselves were only moderately successful.
16:03In order for transplants to work, a significant problem must be overcome.
16:10A transplant is a process in which the organ is removed from the body.
16:14To work, a significant problem must be overcome.
16:20A transplanted organ is perceived as a foreign invader by the body's white blood cells,
16:24which then attack the new organ, in this case a kidney.
16:29This immune response overwhelms the organ and leads to rejection,
16:33unless the recipient is given immunosuppressant drugs.
16:39These drugs kill the white cells that cause rejection,
16:42but they also kill all the other cells that protect the body from intruders,
16:46leaving the patient vulnerable to serious infection.
16:53More than ever before, cyclosporine solved the problem.
16:57When the white blood cells start to attack a new organ, cyclosporine calls them off.
17:04But unlike the other anti-rejection drugs, it doesn't kill them.
17:08It just stops their assault.
17:11So the organ is protected, but the white blood cells can still patrol the body
17:16and keep it free from infection.
17:21Over 7,000 transplants are performed in the U.S. each year.
17:25Since cyclosporine was first made available in 1983,
17:29the success rate of certain transplants has grown to nearly 80%.
17:34The recent discovery of such drugs as cyclosporine and vincristine
17:38suggests that there is still untapped potential in nature's chemistry
17:42and has inspired the search for new medical products from plants.
17:47When you consider that all the drugs that come from plants in the world
17:52come from about 90 species, and there are 250,000 leaf species in the world,
17:57then common sense tells you there have to be more drugs.
18:01It tells you there have to be more drugs in plants if we rely on only 90 of them
18:07to provide 25% of the medication in the United States.
18:15Dr. Richard Schultes of Harvard University has spent more than 40 years
18:19searching for plants that might help realize this potential.
18:24There are a half a million species of plants in the world.
18:28My interest is purely medicinal, but I hope one day at least
18:32one of the plants that I have brought to the attention of science
18:37may give us a new medicine.
18:42An ethnobotanist, Schultes specializes in the medical uses of plants
18:46in traditional cultures.
18:50His work has focused on the rainforests of the Amazon
18:53and in teaching others the ways of the jungle.
18:56The blowgun among the peoples who use it is extremely accurate.
19:02Blowguns and poison arrows have played a significant role in Schultes' research,
19:07and he enjoys showing off his prowess with them.
19:11Of course, I'm in a building here, and I can't shoot very high,
19:17but we're going to try to see if we can hit that target up there.
19:27When I got my Ph.D. at Harvard in 1941,
19:32I had a grant to go down to work on arrow poisons
19:37in the headwaters of the Amazon.
19:41Arrow poisons, which the natives used to kill animals,
19:45were becoming very important in medicine.
19:49The best known of those arrow poisons, curare,
19:52has become indispensable as a muscle relaxant during surgery.
19:56To Schultes, the Amazon was an obvious starting place
19:59for botanical research.
20:02When you look at any flora,
20:04even our own deep-harbored flora here in New England and Canada,
20:10it's a veritable chemical factory.
20:15Multiply our 1,800, 1,900, 1,000,
20:201,800, 1,900 species,
20:23multiply that to 80,000,
20:26and you can see what an emporium of chemical wealth the Amazon is.
20:35Schultes himself has collected over 24,000 plant specimens,
20:39many of them previously unknown.
20:42With such plant riches available for study,
20:44botanists must find a way to focus their research
20:47on the plants most likely to have medicinal value.
20:51If chemists are going to have to get material of
20:56and analyze 80,000 species, they'll never finish the job.
21:00One shortcut is to concentrate on those plants
21:05that the natives have found to have some activity on the human body.
21:13Schultes found the local medicine men
21:15to be his most valuable tutors in plant medicines.
21:18He even participated in their rituals.
21:21He's the tall one on the right.
21:25Mark Plotkin, an ethnobotanist who was trained by Schultes,
21:29also works in the Amazon using the same methods.
21:33Well, according to Professor Schultes,
21:35the oldest profession in the world is actually that of a shaman or witch doctor.
21:40Through the course of human history,
21:41most of the world's medicines have come from plants.
21:44It's only relatively recently with the advent of modern technology
21:47that we've been able to reduce our dependence on medicinal plants
21:51as a source of medicines.
21:52The medicine man or shaman or witch doctor or brujo or curandero
21:56is the person who knows the most about these plants.
22:00Now, if you look in Western literature and movies and films and books,
22:04he's often been derided as somebody who runs around with rubber snakes
22:07screaming gibberish and mumbo-jumbo.
22:09But the people who've had the real pleasure
22:11and the opportunity to work with these people
22:13has found out quite the opposite,
22:15that this is a very serious profession.
22:17This is the predecessor of modern doctors,
22:20and we have a lot to learn from these people.
22:28This is Dionisio Aguinda.
22:31He is a brujo or medicine man of the Ecuadoran Amazon.
22:35He is searching for plant remedies he can use in treating his patients.
22:43For Aguinda, a Kichwa Indian, the rainforest is a living pharmacy,
22:48a potent, varied and infinitely renewable source of plant medicines.
22:54Aguinda uses this bark as a treatment for pain.
22:58as a source of plant medicines.
23:17Aginda uses this bark as a treatment for pain.
23:24He draws on an extensive but unwritten body of knowledge
23:27about plant medicines and their preparation.
23:31For today's treatment, the bark is prepared according to a formula
23:35that calls for it to be boiled, along with several other ingredients.
23:39The formula, along with countless others,
23:42was passed down to him from his father and grandfather,
23:45who were also medicine men.
23:50His patients often journey for days through the jungle to seek his help.
23:54This woman has a persistent stomach pain.
24:01Because of the bark's unpleasant taste,
24:04the medication was prepared in a weak broth.
24:09Like many plant medicines,
24:11it must be taken several times to reach its full effect.
24:24The Western reaction to some of these medical practices
24:28is often a skeptical one.
24:30One of the things you learn in working with these different cultures
24:33is these people have a different approach, in many cases,
24:36to curing and healing.
24:38And in the case of some Indian societies in South America,
24:41the medicine man, or curandero, actually takes the medicine,
24:45which in this case is a hallucinogen,
24:47and defines the cause of the illness
24:49and attempts to cure it through contact with the spirit world.
24:51There's a wonderful quote where it said
24:53the white man goes into his church and talks about Jesus,
24:56and the Indian goes into his tipi and talks to Jesus.
25:00In ceremonies like this one,
25:02the patients entrust their health and their lives
25:04to an ancient alliance between the natural and the supernatural.
25:12There will often be further treatment with herbal medicines,
25:15and some of the hallucinogens themselves
25:17may prove to have important medical applications.
25:21In the 1940s, Professor Schultes was working with Indians
25:24in the Northwest Amazon,
25:26and he found them using the sap of the tree of the nutmeg family
25:29for two purposes.
25:31One is as a hallucinogenic snuff,
25:33and the second to paint on fungal infections of the skin.
25:35Forty years later, I was working on the Suriname-Brazil border,
25:38and I found the Indians using this for the same purpose,
25:41that is, to paint on fungal infections of the skin.
25:43Now, modern medicine cannot cure serious fungal infections of the skin.
25:47If you get a bad case of athlete's feet, for example,
25:49you have to suffer from it.
25:51We can only suppress it, we can't cure it.
25:53A real problem with cancer patients
25:55is because of the problems with their immune systems
25:57resulting from the disease or the medication,
25:59is they have problems with fungal infections of the skin.
26:03Now, a Brazilian plant chemist
26:05looked at fresh material of this family
26:07and found three new compounds
26:09previously unknown to science,
26:11two of which have antifungal properties.
26:13It's my belief that focusing on plants,
26:15which are used for the same purpose by different peoples,
26:16are where we're going to find
26:18new and important medicines for the future.
26:39This remote part of Ecuador
26:41has recently become the focus of intensive scientific study.
26:44Part of a systematic effort
26:46to document the elaborate medical tradition
26:48of the Kichwa Indians.
26:54In a collaborative venture,
26:56ethnobotanists Robin Marles of the University of Illinois
26:59and David Neal of the Missouri Botanical Gardens
27:02head off on a collecting trip.
27:06Our project is involved
27:08in basic biological inventory
27:10of the Amazon rainforest.
27:11To find out just what's here,
27:13what plants are here.
27:15Because although this region,
27:17the upper Napa,
27:19is one of the richest areas biologically in the world,
27:22it's very poorly known.
27:27Today, the Inisio Aguinda
27:29allows the scientists to accompany him
27:31as he sets out on one of his routine trips
27:33to collect medicinal plants.
27:42This fieldwork is part of a massive effort
27:45to identify and investigate
27:47nearly 2,000 therapeutic plants
27:49used in the Northwest Amazon.
28:00Even to experienced naturalists,
28:02the sheer diversity of the Amazon
28:04with its more than 80,000 plant species
28:07is overwhelming.
28:08Without Aguinda's guidance,
28:10their chances of discovering
28:12useful medicinal plants are remote.
28:28Aguinda's intimate knowledge
28:30of the jungle and its healing plants
28:32has been a family legacy for generations.
28:38But around the world,
28:40the knowledge of such natural healers
28:42is on the verge of disappearing.
28:45Aguinda's son, Enrico,
28:47represents the end of the family tradition.
28:50Instead of training as a medicine man
28:52like his father,
28:54Enrico has become a guide and translator
28:56for the growing traffic of prospectors,
28:58oil men, and even tourists
29:00who now filter into the heart of the forest.
29:05When Aguinda dies,
29:06his family legacy will pass
29:08from the human record,
29:10and science will lose a vital link
29:12to the mysterious plant kingdom.
29:14What we're looking at
29:16is a culture that's standing
29:18on the edge of a precipice.
29:20And this culture and this knowledge
29:22is going to disappear
29:24over the edge of that precipice
29:26unless we work to document that knowledge
29:28in the next generation.
29:30Every time one of these old medicine men dies,
29:32it's as if a library has burned down.
29:34In fact, it's worse than that.
29:36That knowledge is found
29:38in other libraries as well.
29:40When these old medicine men die,
29:42that knowledge is lost forever.
29:47With an increasing sense of urgency,
29:49the research team will attempt
29:51to make a permanent record
29:53of Aguinda's medical knowledge.
29:57Following his leads,
29:59they continue their search
30:01for samples of the plants Aguinda uses
30:03which might have further medical potential.
30:06This is a species of Sloania.
30:10This field work in Ecuador
30:12resulted in the collection
30:14of over 200 species.
30:16Before the scientists leave the jungle,
30:18they must prepare the plant specimens
30:20to be shipped back to the U.S.
30:28Through the ages,
30:30botanists have used similar methods
30:32to organize and preserve their findings.
30:34Samples of each plant,
30:36called voucher specimens,
30:38are first sorted according
30:40to common characteristics,
30:42such as leaf shape and structure
30:44or presence of flowers.
30:46The voucher specimens
30:48are then pressed between layers
30:50of newspaper to dry.
30:54Known species are identified on site.
30:57For other species,
30:59any special characteristics
31:01that might aid in identification
31:04of a particular species.
31:06Unfamiliar specimens
31:08may also be recorded
31:10by a botanical illustrator.
31:13In some cases,
31:15a plant will warrant
31:17more than a single specimen.
31:19If it seems particularly interesting,
31:21for example,
31:23something that's used
31:25to treat intestinal parasites
31:27or something that's used
31:29to treat sores
31:31which don't heal for a long time,
31:33it's important to collect
31:35about five kilos dry weight
31:37of the plant
31:39to bring back to Chicago
31:41for a chemical
31:43and biological analysis.
31:45Plant chemist,
31:47Dr. Bryce Douglas,
31:49is familiar with the obstacles
31:51faced by collectors
31:53when large amounts
31:55of plant materials are required.
31:57That is when it is
31:59extremely difficult,
32:01keeping in mind
32:03it's 100% humidity,
32:05try to dry natural materials,
32:07try to get the water out of them.
32:09Under those conditions,
32:11it's very difficult.
32:13And if you don't,
32:15you simply rot.
32:17So there are a lot of logistics
32:19of that sort
32:21that have made
32:23the chances of success
32:25just a little bit tougher.
32:27Once the samples
32:29are back in the lab
32:31in Chicago,
32:33it may be months
32:35or even years
32:37before they know
32:39if they've discovered anything.
32:41You're only going to find activity
32:43in a few percent
32:45of all the plant extracts
32:47that you test.
32:49Then from there,
32:51you've only got the initial stage
32:53which is some sort
32:55of a crude extract
32:57or gum or goo
32:59that has the biological
33:01activity you're after.
33:03So it takes an awful lot
33:05of time and work.
33:07And at each stage,
33:09you've got to follow it
33:11by biological assays
33:13looking for the same activity
33:15that's desired in the end
33:17so as to make sure
33:19that you're on the track
33:21of the active substance.
33:23One active substance
33:25of potential pharmacological value
33:27has recently been detected
33:29at the University
33:31of British Columbia.
33:33It's a variety
33:35of garden marigold.
33:37The marigolds contain compounds
33:39called polyacetylenes
33:41which seem to be
33:43showing some promise
33:45in lab experiments
33:47as anti-tumor agents.
33:49In this demonstration,
33:51an extract from the marigold
33:53is added in equal parts
33:55to two dishes
33:57containing mosquito larvae.
33:59The larvae absorb
34:01the polyacetylene molecules
34:03from the dish.
34:05These molecules are unusual
34:07because they are photosensitive,
34:09becoming active only
34:11in the presence of sunlight.
34:13The specimens are placed
34:15in an ultraviolet light chamber.
34:17One dish is covered
34:19so that its contents are shielded.
34:21The combination of polyacetylenes
34:23and ultraviolet light
34:25causes a violent reaction
34:27that destroys the cells of larvae
34:29in the unshielded dish.
34:31Those in the covered dish
34:33are exposed to light.
34:35Researchers are hopeful
34:37that such light-activated toxins
34:39could be modified
34:41for use in the human body
34:43where they would be targeted
34:45to destroy particular cancer cells
34:47while leaving the body's
34:49normal cells intact.
34:51Extensive research
34:53into anti-cancer drugs
34:55that could be derived from plants
34:57is now being sponsored
34:59by the National Cancer Institute.
35:01It's the largest program
35:03with something over
35:0535,000 plants,
35:07different plants,
35:09different species,
35:11over 120,000 extracts,
35:13and when you're looking at
35:15a large variety of substances
35:17with biological activities,
35:19you're going to find some
35:21that have good medicinal activity.
35:24Thanks to the development
35:26of new technologies,
35:28the NCI scientists
35:30have become increasingly sophisticated
35:31when it comes to screening
35:33for anti-cancer agents in plants.
35:35After perhaps 25 to 30 years
35:37of testing,
35:39we've now realized
35:41that we're not apt to find
35:43a kind of magic bullet,
35:45as it were, for cancer
35:47because cancer is so many
35:49different diseases
35:51and each cancer
35:53in each different organ
35:55is different to the others
35:57and doesn't respond
35:59to the same sorts of drugs.
36:01So we're screening for agents
36:03against lung cancer,
36:05colon cancer,
36:07breast cancer,
36:09and looking for agents
36:11which affect those specific
36:13types of cells
36:15and not other cells in the body.
36:17The Natural Products Division
36:19of the NCI
36:21is extending its search
36:23for new anti-cancer agents
36:25beyond the plant kingdom.
36:29they've carried their exploration
36:31to the sea.
36:33One promising discovery
36:35comes not from a plant
36:37but from a marine animal
36:39called a tunicate or sea squirt.
36:41Dr. Kenneth Reinhart.
36:43The sea is really
36:45a rather harsh environment
36:47in the sense that
36:49everything grows on everything else
36:51and everything eats everything else
36:53so that something
36:55that's just sitting there
36:57like sponges or tunicates
36:59really have to have
37:01to defend themselves.
37:03They are just sitting there
37:05and they are invertebrates
37:07like sponges.
37:09They don't have the shells
37:11that mollusks have
37:13and they don't have the spines
37:15that sea urchins have
37:17so they have to defend
37:19themselves chemically.
37:21This chemical defense system
37:23is proving to be a rich source
37:25of potential new medicines.
37:27Among the several hundred species
37:29so far discovered,
37:31there are no known diseases
37:33or tumors
37:35and the research
37:37is only just beginning.
37:39Marine animals
37:41have really been
37:43very, very little investigated
37:45as potential sources
37:47of pharmaceuticals.
37:49This area has really
37:51expanded tremendously
37:53in the past five to ten years
37:55and there are many
37:57chemists and biologists
37:59around the world
38:01who are looking
38:03for new drugs.
38:05We're really very excited
38:07about the prospects
38:09for marine natural products.
38:11We've only been looking
38:13for new drugs
38:15from the marine area
38:17in the last ten years
38:19so in that time
38:21we're really very pleased
38:23that out of our efforts
38:25that one drug is actually
38:27in clinical trials now,
38:28Didemnon B was the first
38:30cancer drug in the NCI program
38:32obtained from a marine organism.
38:34Didemnon destroys tumor cells
38:36by inhibiting protein synthesis.
38:38In laboratory tests,
38:40mice with leukemia
38:42that were given Didemnon B
38:44lived twice as long
38:46as those that were not treated.
38:48The drug is now
38:50in human toxicity trials.
38:52Didemnon B was first
38:54discovered in 1978.
38:56A complex series of steps
38:58were required to transform
39:00the natural chemical
39:02found in a marine animal
39:04to a refined substance
39:06that may someday save lives.
39:08The substances that we get
39:10from nature are very often
39:12not the optimal substance
39:14which is going to be
39:16the final drug.
39:18But what we are looking for
39:20is all these wild leaves,
39:22these unusual wonderful compounds
39:24that we would never
39:26dream up ourselves.
39:28And to take that compound
39:30and then either modify it synthetically
39:32or make related sorts of compounds
39:34by synthesis.
39:37Many promising drugs
39:39must first be chemically altered
39:41to reduce their toxic side effects.
39:43This long, expensive
39:45and painstaking process
39:47has been considered routine
39:49when working with substances
39:51from nature.
39:53But recent breakthroughs
39:55in computer technology
39:56speed up this work.
40:01The process is called
40:03molecular modeling.
40:05Using this powerful computer system,
40:07scientists can simulate
40:09the interaction of a natural drug
40:11with human biology.
40:13By studying how molecules
40:15fit together,
40:17the scientists have a front row view
40:19of organic chemistry
40:21that can never otherwise be seen,
40:23even with the most
40:25advanced technology.
40:27The researchers use
40:29electronic puppet strings
40:31to simulate chemical experiments
40:33and can quickly determine
40:35which parts of a natural substance
40:37might cause toxic reactions.
40:39Their ability to visualize
40:41these experiments
40:43represents a dramatic advance.
40:45The process was pioneered
40:47by Richard Feldman.
40:49On the one hand,
40:51it provides scientists
40:52with the tools they need
40:54and from this they can
40:56understand how the drugs
40:58relate to those things.
41:00But on the other hand,
41:02we can also do modeling
41:04by ourselves
41:06and then go to the scientists
41:08and say,
41:10look, this is interesting,
41:12this is important.
41:14Why don't you start thinking
41:16about these sorts of problems?
41:18Using this technique,
41:20the molecules can be
41:22synthesized into a drug.
41:24The resulting molecule
41:26becomes a template
41:28that the scientists can use
41:30to design a safe
41:32and effective drug.
41:34The combination of
41:36molecular modeling
41:38and new bioengineering
41:40techniques suggests
41:42a promising future
41:44for drugs from natural sources.
41:46But today,
41:48the major research thrust
41:50into natural medicines
41:52is the United States
41:54that have research programs
41:56designed to look for
41:58new drugs and plants.
42:00It's a mystery as to
42:02why this is true
42:04because in 1981,
42:06the American public
42:08paid $8 billion
42:10for prescriptions
42:12dispensed from
42:14community drug stores
42:16that have as their
42:18active ingredients
42:20drugs that are
42:21a lot of new drugs
42:23to come from plants
42:25with this small emphasis
42:27on the discovery aspect.
42:29One explanation for this
42:31might be found in the
42:33experiences of the
42:35pharmaceutical company
42:37Smith, Kline & French.
42:39During the mid-1950s,
42:41the company began
42:43an extensive plant
42:45screening program.
42:47Its director was
42:49Dr. Bryce Douglas.
42:51We realized,
42:53because we were aware
42:55of history,
42:57that so many of the
42:59then used drugs,
43:01this is some 20 years ago,
43:03the drugs then used
43:05had come from natural
43:07products and particularly
43:09from a class of
43:11substances called
43:15So we systematically
43:17started looking at
43:19plants from their
43:23Using the techniques
43:25available at the time,
43:27the SKF team mounted
43:29the most extensive
43:31plant medicine research
43:33program ever undertaken,
43:35collecting and screening
43:37over 30,000 plants
43:39from all over the world.
43:41The Smith, Kline & French
43:43program was a very
43:45systematic one in
43:47which as much science
43:49as was available on
43:51determining its pharmacology.
43:53What we found
43:55after looking at so many
43:57plants was that there
43:59was a uniformity of
44:01action in many of
44:03these alkaloids,
44:07In other words,
44:09there was not enough
44:11new activity in these
44:13results to justify
44:15continuing a large-scale
44:17survey of plant materials.
44:19The logistics of
44:21the research were
44:23very limited.
44:25There was something
44:27else happening at
44:29this time.
44:31The science of
44:33chemistry, the
44:35science of
44:36chromatography, the
44:38science of separation
44:40of natural materials
44:42always coming along.
44:44Advances in science
44:46always seem to
44:48happen in spurts.
44:49We used crystallographic
44:51analysis to obtain
44:53the chemical structure
44:55of a complex substance
44:57in a reasonably short time.
44:59That helped a great deal
45:01in fact to move natural
45:03products along,
45:05but it also helped
45:07to move us away
45:09from the natural
45:11products method of
45:13screening and collection
45:15because now you had
45:17a chemical structure
45:19or a very intensive
45:21effort to modify a
45:22structure to produce
45:23the medicine. So
45:24natural products are
45:25really always with us,
45:26but in the formal sense
45:27of collecting, the
45:28logistics became
45:29burdensome for
45:31SmithKline by about
45:35The program was
45:36formally ended, and
45:37SmithKline, like other
45:38pharmaceutical companies,
45:40began to direct its
45:41energies toward the
45:42chemical synthesis of
45:43new drugs.
45:45But now, 20 years
45:46later, the research
45:47emphasis may be
45:48shifting back again.
45:50I think we're seeing
45:51a change in attitudes,
45:52and we're going to see
45:53much more of this type
45:54of sponsorship in the
45:55future with modern
45:56technology and the
45:57ability to analyze
45:58plants in a much more
46:00rapid manner than we
46:01were in the past. I
46:02think this is the wave
46:03of the future.
46:04Pharmaceutical companies
46:05in Western Europe and
46:06in the third world in
46:07particular are very
46:08interested in plant
46:10It has been said
46:11that there is a
46:13preference by
46:14pharmaceutical companies
46:15for a purely synthetic
46:16approach to discovering
46:17new drugs over the
46:18natural products.
46:20In fact, these two
46:21worlds are not
46:22separate, and they
46:23link very much
46:24together. I think no
46:25matter how brilliant
46:26the chemists are,
46:28synthetic chemists,
46:30we're all dependent
46:32on the natural ideas.
46:35So I don't think it's
46:36one or the other.
46:38Each area takes its
46:40predominance based on
46:42the point of evolution
46:43of the sciences.
46:45Today, in fact, we're
46:46much more deeply back
46:47in natural products than
46:48we ever were with
46:49genetic engineering.
46:51Because now you can
46:52in fact obtain a useful
46:53result with a small
46:54amount of a natural
46:55material, and instead
46:56of heading back to the
46:57jungle to collect it
46:58in large amounts, you
46:59now head to the
47:01molecular biologist
47:02laboratory, and he
47:03will probably produce
47:04it in a yeast for you,
47:06an uncommon host for
47:07that kind of material.
47:08So in fact, we're
47:09back more deeply in
47:11natural products than
47:12ever, and all the
47:13pharmaceutical companies
47:14obviously are, many
47:15institutions are.
47:16The medicines of the
47:17future are likely to
47:18come from the chemical
47:19modifications to nature
47:21made possible by new
47:22bioengineering techniques.
47:24But the most important
47:25idea from nature, the
47:27plant gene itself, can't
47:28be synthesized.
47:31I have a real problem
47:32with the fact that most
47:34of the general public
47:35thinks that genetic
47:36engineering is going to
47:37save the world. They
47:38think that with genetic
47:39engineering, we can
47:41invent everything in the
47:42laboratory. Nothing
47:43could be further from
47:44the truth. What genetic
47:45engineering allows us
47:46to do is combine
47:48different genes in the
47:49laboratory. This will
47:51have great use in the
47:53future if we preserve
47:54many of these genes,
47:56which are in great
47:57danger in the tropical
48:07The tropical rain
48:08forest, nature's great
48:10storehouse of plant
48:11material, is under
48:15Each year, over 28
48:16million acres of rain
48:17forest, an area about
48:18the size of West
48:19Virginia, are destroyed
48:20in lumber and land
48:21development projects.
48:32In the Amazon basin
48:33alone, over 40 million
48:34acres of rainforest are
48:35destroyed every year.
48:37In the Amazon basin
48:38alone, over 40 million
48:39acres of rainforest are
48:40destroyed every year.
48:41In the Amazon basin
48:42alone, over 40 million
48:43acres of forest have
48:44been cleared. But the
48:45thin soils that underlie
48:46these Amazon forests can
48:47sustain crops or cattle
48:48for no more than eight
48:49years. Roughly half of
48:50this area is now
48:51abandoned, and the soil
48:52and plant life it once
48:53supported cannot
49:04It's been estimated
49:05that about 10 percent of
49:06all plant species on the
49:07face of the earth will
49:08become extinct.
49:12Per year.
49:15For every plant,
49:16therefore, that goes
49:17extinct, you have to
49:18consider it also as a
49:20potential source of a
49:21new cure for something.
49:24And so it has terrible
49:26If we don't increase
49:27our commitment to
49:28conservation, we're
49:29going to see the rate
49:30of species extinction
49:31increase rapidly.
49:33Species are going
49:34extinct. Each time one
49:35of these species goes
49:36extinct, we're losing
49:37something. In most
49:38cases, we know not
49:39what. Who knows if
49:40it's a cure for AIDS?
49:41Who knows if it's a
49:42cure for cancer? Who
49:43knows if it's a cure for
49:44other afflictions that
49:45will develop in the
49:46future? When we lose
49:47these things, they're
49:48lost forever.
49:51Awareness of what
49:52depletion of the world's
49:53biological diversity
49:54would mean has
49:55inspired some strategies
49:56for preservation.
50:04These exotic plants have
50:05survived from
50:06prehistoric origins in
50:07southern Africa.
50:11Today, like many
50:12plants in the Amazon,
50:13they are on the brink
50:14of extinction.
50:18But these species may
50:19still be saved.
50:25At the University of
50:26California's Arboretum,
50:28these plants and other
50:29rare and endangered
50:30species are protected.
50:33Under the direction of
50:34Dr. Harold Kupowicz,
50:36the Arboretum is a
50:37botanical ark and is
50:38may represent the last
50:39chance at survival for
50:40many plants.
50:44An authority on plant
50:45extinction, Dr. Kupowicz
50:46is committed to
50:47preserving endangered
50:48species, their seeds,
50:49and their pollen.
50:59According to Kupowicz,
51:00the loss of 10 percent
51:01of the world's plants,
51:02as many as 70,000
51:03species, would threaten
51:04the survival of the
51:08It could threaten a
51:09whole range of wildlife,
51:10from insects to songbirds,
51:12and be an unimaginable
51:13loss to modern medicine.
51:19We don't know what
51:21good genes there are
51:23in particular plants,
51:24and we can't foretell
51:26when we're going to
51:27need them.
51:28But if we don't do
51:29something to save as
51:30many as possible,
51:31we're potentially
51:32impoverishing ourselves
51:34and the future society
51:36as well.
51:38At the Arboretum,
51:39each species is viewed
51:40as a precious record
51:41of genetic information
51:43passed along in the
51:44seeds of the plant.
51:49For each plant here,
51:50a makeshift gene bank
51:52contains their genetic
51:55What I've done here
51:56is taken out two
51:57samples of seeds.
51:59Each tube has
52:01about 50 seeds in it,
52:03and they're sealed
52:04in a glass test tube.
52:05If a plant becomes
52:07as some here
52:08already have,
52:09these fragile records
52:10may well be
52:11all that remain.
52:14Once it's frozen,
52:15the seed can stay
52:17in a state of
52:18suspended animation
52:19literally for centuries.
52:21It can be retrieved
52:22in the future
52:23by anybody else
52:24who wants to see
52:25what that plant was like
52:26or to investigate
52:27any of its properties.
52:30The gene bank,
52:31although an important
52:33cannot be used
52:34as a substitute
52:35for genetic diversity
52:36in the wild.
52:38These technological
52:40like cryogenic
52:41gene banks,
52:42should not be
52:43thought of
52:44as alternatives
52:45to conservation.
52:47We really do need
52:48to conserve
52:49the forest
52:50and the environment.
52:51But we should think
52:52of the gene banks
52:53as fail-safe devices
52:55so that we can
52:57plants from them
52:59if the plants
53:00we need
53:01are lost
53:02and do go
53:03extinct in the wild.
53:05Because of the
53:06realization that
53:07conservation is
53:08about protecting
53:09life on earth
53:10and protecting
53:11many of the
53:12plants and animals
53:13that we depend on,
53:14people are seeking
53:15new and innovative
53:16means of protecting
53:17biological diversity.
53:18For example,
53:19in a type of
53:20approach being
53:21pioneered by
53:23like the
53:24World Wildlife Fund
53:25or Conservation
53:27is the so-called
53:28debt trading approach.
53:29Buying up third
53:30world debt
53:31and allowing them
53:32to take
53:35in their own country.
53:36In just such
53:37a debt for nature
53:41has recently
53:42bought up
53:44of Bolivia's
53:45massive foreign
53:47in exchange
53:48for setting aside
53:493.7 million acres
53:50of protected
53:54Other economic
53:55incentives for
53:57have also had
53:58some success.
53:59Carefully managed
54:00forest areas
54:01in Nepal
54:02currently account
54:03for over $1 million
54:04a year in medicinal
54:05plants and related
54:06product exports.
54:12But given
54:13current projections,
54:14it is unrealistic
54:15to expect that
54:16rainforest destruction
54:17will cease
54:18or that the
54:19plant kingdom
54:20can be entirely
54:27In a race to
54:28discover and
54:29understand what
54:31scientists in the
54:32field continue
54:33their search for
54:34the hidden power
54:35of plants.
54:39In his office at
54:41Dr. Richard Schultes
54:42pursues his lifelong
54:43quest for new
54:44medicines from
54:45among the thousands
54:46of specimens in
54:47his collection.
54:49And if there is
54:50a wonder drug
54:51in these dried
54:53we can only hope
54:54that the plant it
54:55came from can
54:56still be found.
54:58I think we have
54:59to understand how
55:00little we really know
55:01about creating
55:02certain chemicals.
55:03I think it would be
55:04arrogant of us to
55:05feel that we can do
55:06and invent and
55:07synthesize everything
55:08in the laboratory.
55:09And we have to
55:10remember that not
55:11only has Mother
55:12Nature synthesized
55:13many more chemicals
55:14than we have,
55:15Mother Nature
55:16synthesized us as well.
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