Shan e Auliya | Episode - 2 | H.Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani RA | 9 Oct 2024 | ARY Qtv

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Shan e Auliya | Episode - 2 | H.Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani RA | 9 Oct 2024 | ARY Qtv

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00:00As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
00:07As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
00:14As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
00:21As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
00:28Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalameen.
00:31Was Salaatu was Salaamu ala Ashrafil Anbiya wal Mursaleen.
00:35Wa ala Alihi wa Sahbihi Ajma'een.
00:38Respected viewers, Dr. Muhammad Shahzad Mujaddidi is here
00:42with the title of Quran and Taqwa.
00:46Allah has mentioned Taqwa in hundreds of places in the Holy Quran.
00:53And in the beginning, where the people of faith were mentioned
00:58and the signs of the people of faith were mentioned,
01:01there it was said, Alif Laam Meem Zaalikal Kitaabu La Rayba Feeh
01:06Hudallil Muttaqeen.
01:08There is no doubt or doubt in this Quran.
01:13And this is guidance for the people of Taqwa.
01:16After that, continuously from Surah Baqarah, Surah Al-Imran,
01:21Surah Al-Ma'idah to the end of Surah Al-Baqarah,
01:24this is continuous.
01:26That is, with faith, the continuous description is Taqwa.
01:34And those who adopt Taqwa, those who are Ahl-e-Taqwa,
01:38if they are united, they are called Muttaqeen.
01:40If they are united, they are called Muttaqeen.
01:43Um Ahl-ul-Taqwa.
01:45The term Ahl-ul-Taqwa is also mentioned in the Holy Quran.
01:49Muttaqeen is mentioned.
01:51Then, from Surah Amr,
01:53Ya Ayyuhal Lazeena Man Uttaqullaha Haqqa Tuqatihi
01:57Wa Laa Tamutunna Illa Wa Antum Muslimoon
02:00O you who believe!
02:02Fear Allah.
02:04Adopt Allah's Taqwa.
02:07Haqqa Tuqatihi.
02:09As Taqwa is the right to adopt.
02:14As it should be Taqwa.
02:17And it is connected with
02:19Wa Laa Tamutunna Illa Wa Antum Muslimoon
02:22That is, if you want to die as a Muslim,
02:25you will have to adopt Taqwa in this world.
02:29There are two fundamental meanings of Taqwa
02:32written by the Ayat of Tafseer and the Ayat of Lughat.
02:35One is to be saved, and the other is to fear.
02:38And see, both words are necessary and applicable.
02:42The one who fears is the one who is saved.
02:46If someone is afraid of something,
02:49then he will be saved from dirt.
02:53This is the principle of a Namazi.
02:56So he has to keep his clothes and his body clean.
02:59He is bound to do this, and he is responsible for it.
03:02So you see, the Namazi should take care of this.
03:05So Namaz is
03:07Inna Salata Tanha Anil Fahshai Wal Munkar
03:10Namaz has a special feature.
03:12It takes you towards Taqwa.
03:14The Qur'an has given examples of Taqwa.
03:17For example, how to become a Muttaqi.
03:19In Surah Maida, Allah says
03:21Ya ayyuhal lazeena amanut taqullaha
03:23wabtaghu ilaihil waseela
03:25wajahidu fee sabeeri ila allakum tuflihoon
03:28O you who believe!
03:30Fear Allah, adopt Taqwa,
03:32and find a means towards Him.
03:34wabtaghu ilaihil waseela
03:36The word waseela, as it is said in Urdu,
03:40is found in the Qur'an.
03:42In other words,
03:44you need a means for Taqwa.
03:46In the olden days,
03:48when mosques were built,
03:50there were wells.
03:52Water was drawn from the wells.
03:54This is waseela.
03:56Wudhu is a means for Namaz.
03:59To reach the water of wudhu,
04:01there is a well.
04:03To reach the water of the well,
04:05there is a rope.
04:07So the Qur'an says
04:09that Taqwa is
04:11a means for Taqwa.
04:13And the means
04:15that you have adopted
04:17in the court of Allah,
04:19can be personal or practical.
04:21In other words,
04:23good deeds and the righteous themselves.
04:25In other words,
04:27the person who is doing good deeds,
04:29when good deeds are a means,
04:31then that righteous man
04:33who is
04:35associated with this quality,
04:37who is adorned with Taqwa,
04:39and with good deeds,
04:41can also be a means.
04:43Here, the scholars
04:45have written a lot.
04:47In the same way,
04:49Taqwa has been done with Wilaiyat.
04:51Allah's friendship
04:53and Allah's Wilaiyat
04:55are special for the believers.
04:57Allah is the Wali of the believers.
05:03He takes them out of darkness
05:05and takes them to the light.
05:07What is the source of this?
05:09The Lord of the worlds
05:11guides His friend,
05:13His Wali,
05:15on the path of Taqwa.
05:17And where the verses of Wilaiyat
05:19have been mentioned in the Qur'an,
05:21Surely, the friends of Allah
05:23have no fear, nor do they grieve.
05:25Surely, the friends of Allah
05:27have no fear, nor do they grieve.
05:29Surely, the friends of Allah
05:31have no fear, nor do they grieve.
05:33And what is their sign?
05:35Those who believe,
05:37and those who fear.
05:39Those who believe,
05:41and those who fear.
05:43Those who fear,
05:45and those who grieve.
05:47Taqwa is the name of
05:49avoiding sin.
05:51It is the name of
05:53avoiding disobedience and
05:57It is the name of
05:59avoiding corruption.
06:01It is the name of
06:03avoiding corruption.
06:05There are only two things,
06:07two emotions
06:09which make you
06:11inclined towards
06:13avoiding the anger
06:15of your friend
06:17and his delicate nature.
06:19Avoid this act.
06:21Or the second situation is
06:23that there is a great
06:27a great power,
06:29your boss,
06:31who has the power,
06:33and you fear
06:35that if he is powerful,
06:37you may be in danger.
06:39There are only two emotions.
06:41Basheer and Nazeer
06:43are the two emotions of
06:45Ibshaar and Tanzeer.
06:47Somewhere there is good news,
06:49somewhere there is fear.
06:51What is the purpose?
06:53To take you towards Taqwa.
06:55There are two types of people.
06:57There are those who are
06:59loved by God,
07:01and there are those
07:03who are loved by God.
07:07the ideal situation is
07:09that one should make
07:11God his beloved.
07:13This is the path of saints.
07:15This is the path of
07:17Hazrat Ghawth-e-Azam,
07:19Mahboob-e-Subhani, Piran-e-Peer,
07:21Shaykh Sayyid Abdul Qadir Jilani,
07:25and other great saints of the Ummah.
07:31The Qur'an says,
07:33Wallazina amanu ashaddu hubbal lillah.
07:35Those who have faith,
07:37if they love someone more than anyone else,
07:39then he is their Lord.
07:41Allah is Exalted.
07:43And then,
07:45they continue to fulfill
07:47the requirements of that love.
07:49This is the basis.
07:51Allazina amanu
07:53wa kaanu yattaqun.
07:55Those things are necessary
07:57and obligatory.
07:59To be a saint of Allah,
08:01to be a friend of Allah.
08:03First, to have the highest level of faith.
08:07to have the highest level of Taqwa.
08:09And then the Qur'an made
08:11these two decisions.
08:13Inna akaramakum inda Allahi ataqaakum.
08:15This decision,
08:17this categorical statement
08:19came in the Holy Qur'an.
08:21In the eyes of Allah,
08:23if a person is respected,
08:25if he has a high rank,
08:27and is worthy of being respected,
08:29then who is he?
08:31The more Taqwa he has,
08:33which means that he also has
08:35levels of Taqwa.
08:37Hazrat Sayyiduna Umar Farooq
08:39asked Hazrat Ka'b Ahbar
08:41what Taqwa is.
08:43He said,
08:45Taqwa is
08:47between a narrow
08:51and a wide path.
08:53It is to pass
08:55while protecting your right side.
08:57There is a narrow path
08:59with thorns on both sides.
09:01And you have to pass
09:03through it.
09:05It is the life of this world that has been given to you.
09:07Allazi khalqal mauta wal hayata
09:09liyabluwakum ayyukum ahsanu amala.
09:11The Lord of the Universe
09:13made the boundary of death and life.
09:15He made this track.
09:17He created it
09:19so that he can test you
09:21as to who performs
09:23the best deeds.
09:25Who lives the life of his own will
09:27and who lives the life of
09:29the will of his Lord and Master.
09:31This is called Taqwa.
09:33You should
09:35perform good deeds
09:37and do good deeds.
09:39You should make arrangements for it.
09:41You should be busy with it
09:43because the Lord likes it.
09:45And you should not
09:47commit sins.
09:49You should be careful
09:51not to commit sins
09:53so that
09:55the Lord of the Universe
09:57does not dislike you.
09:59This is already decided.
10:01It is very easy for us
10:03because the Quran has
10:05warned us
10:09and guided us.
10:11In Surah Nisa,
10:13the first verse of Surah Nisa
10:15O people, fear your Lord
10:17who created you from
10:19one soul.
10:21And He created from it a wife,
10:23and from them many men and women.
10:25Fear Allah who takes care of him
10:27and of his wombs.
10:29It is mentioned twice.
10:31O believers,
10:33it is mentioned
10:35more than that.
10:39Some people are addressing the believers
10:41but here it is addressing all people.
10:43Fear your Lord
10:45who created you.
10:47Your Lord who gave you existence,
10:49who created you,
10:51who is giving you sustenance.
10:53Now here
10:55the universe has expanded.
10:57Now it is not just about the believers.
10:59It is about all people
11:01because He is the Creator of all.
11:03So every person
11:05must fear
11:07the Lord
11:09who created him.
11:11Because Adam
11:13is the father of all humanity.
11:15He is the father
11:17of all mankind.
11:19He is the origin
11:21and the root
11:23from where all mankind came.
11:25Without any discrimination
11:27of religion, creed, color or generation.
11:29So this is also a common value
11:31in all mankind.
11:33Quran has made it the basis.
11:35Because of this,
11:37everyone must fear the Lord.
11:39Because His Lord is one.
11:41The Lord
11:43who created you,
11:45who created you
11:47and then with one soul
11:49He gave you existence.
11:51So these are the different points
11:53that Quran has given
11:55with respect to Taqwa.
11:57It is connected with Iman.
11:59Prophet Muhammad
12:01peace be upon him
12:03who is the king
12:05of Taqwa
12:07who is the king of Taqwa.
12:09This prayer
12:11is also found in Quran.
12:21What is the target
12:23given to the believers?
12:25To pray to the Lord
12:27for their wives and children
12:29so that He can cool their eyes
12:31and at the same time say
12:33We have chosen for the righteous
12:35an Imam.
12:37Not only the righteous,
12:39but also the righteous Imam and Peshwa.
12:41In other words,
12:43He has given us the highest rank
12:45among the seven people
12:47who are our followers.
12:49They are also the people of Taqwa.
12:53the Prophet
12:55peace be upon him
12:57and his companions
12:59used to say
13:01I am the one
13:03who fears Allah the most
13:05among you.
13:07I am the one who has Taqwa.
13:09This practical
13:11interpretation and explanation
13:13was also given by
13:15the Prophet
13:17peace be upon him
13:19so that it does not remain
13:21a theoretical program
13:23but a practical
13:29the Prophet peace be upon him
13:31has brought
13:33the best example for all humanity.
13:41regarding Taqwa and Iman,
13:43there was a need for guidance.
13:45Wherever the Quran talks about Taqwa,
13:47its practical example
13:49is seen in the
13:51personality of the Prophet
13:53peace be upon him
13:55and his companions used to follow it.
13:57The same Taqwa
13:59with different points
14:01and perspectives
14:03was passed on to the companions
14:05peace be upon them.
14:07Imam Ahlul Bait-e-Athar adopted it.
14:09Taba'een Taba Taba'een
14:13and the pious Auliya' of the Ummah
14:15adopted it.
14:17The reason was that
14:19if there was a foundation
14:21or a great condition
14:23of friendship with Allah,
14:25all the great Auliya'
14:27of the Ummah
14:29adopted it
14:31according to the principles
14:33of the Ummah.
14:35Allah cannot be a friend
14:37or a Wali
14:39unless there is Taqwa of Allah
14:41in it.
14:43This is why Imam Ahlul Sunnah
14:45said this in the glory of
14:49Ghawth-e-Azam is the Imam of Taqwa
14:51as well as of Taharat.
14:53He is the Imam of Taqwa.
14:55When the pious
14:57are not leaving Taqwa,
14:59then how can a pious
15:01follow the path of
15:03friendship with Allah
15:05without Taqwa?
15:07Therefore, make Taqwa
15:09a part of your life
15:11according to your own
15:13levels and ranks
15:15so that faith is beautified
15:17and actions are beautified
15:19and beauty is born in human life.
15:21Allah is the Lord of the worlds.
