La promesa - Temporada 3 - Ep 439

  • yesterday


00:12-¡Buenas tardes, Catalina!
00:15-¡Cómo estás!
00:17-¡Bien, bien!
00:19-¡Sí, sí! No es nada.
00:24Es simplemente que...
00:26le encargué algunas cosas a Ricardo
00:28y que se me olvidó pedirle algo más.
00:30¿Algo más?
00:32Sí, una tontería sin importancia.
00:34No me cuadra.
00:36O es una tontería o es algo tan urgente
00:38como para que no tengas ni un momento para estar conmigo.
00:41Deja eso para después y vamos a dar un paseo.
00:44Te vendrá bien un poco de aire fresco.
00:47Catalina, lo siento, pero no me apetece.
00:50Tenemos asuntos de los que hablar.
00:53¿Qué mejor manera que abordarlos en el campo,
00:56con ojos de ojos y oídos indiscretos?
00:59De verdad que no.
01:01Catalina, qué alegría encontrarte.
01:04¿Y Margarita? ¿Quiere algo?
01:06Bueno, quería hablarte sobre el libro que me comentaste.
01:09Si no interrumpo nada, claro.
01:11No, no, por supuesto que no.
01:13De hecho, yo tengo unos asuntos pendientes y ya me iba.
01:19¿Seguro que no molesto?
01:21No, claro que no.
01:23¿A qué libro se refiere?
01:25El corto bazán. ¿Qué me dijiste?
01:27Ah, el encaje roto.
01:29Bueno, no se trata de un libro, es más bien un relato corto.
01:32Un cuento.
01:33Pues no, me parece a mí una historia para niños.
01:35No, es ese tipo de cuento.
01:37¿Y qué te parece si te vienes a pasear conmigo y hablamos de ello?
01:40Quiero dejar la lectura de una novela muy aburrida que estoy leyendo
01:43y que me des alguna recomendación.
01:45Claro, claro, sí. Yo iba al jardín.
01:48Bueno, perfecto. Entonces...
01:54Sí, sí, sí.
01:56Sí, sí.
02:19¿Tienes algo que decirme acerca de esto?
02:22¿De dónde lo has sacado?
02:24Me lo ha traído Hanna.
02:26Le ha faltado poco para arrojármelo a la cara.
02:28¿Cómo se te ocurre hacer algo así?
02:30Quedamos en que teníamos que librarnos de ella.
02:32Sí, pero no de un modo tan obvio.
02:34Mi padre decía que hay muchas maneras de despellejar a un gato.
02:37Pues tú has elegido la peor de todas.
02:39Al menos lo he intentado.
02:41No lo solucionarás con dinero, Alonso.
02:43Tendrías que haberle visto la cara cuando ha irrumpido en mi alcoba.
02:45¿Y cómo lo prometiste?
02:47Porque tiene la sartén por el mango, gracias a ti.
02:50¿Es que no te das cuenta?
02:52La muchacha sabe perfectamente que casándose con Manuel
02:54tendrá muchísimo más dinero del que tú le puedas ofrecer.
02:56Perfecto. ¿Entonces qué podemos hacer?
02:58Pues no lo sé.
03:00Pero esperaba más decisión por tu parte.
03:02Solo intento que se marche de la provaisa
03:04antes de que Manuel salga de su encierro.
03:06Pues largo me lo fías.
03:08Visto el empeño que le estás poniendo a lo de Manuel.
03:10Estoy haciendo todo lo que está en mi mano.
03:12Pero todo son negativas.
03:14Alonso, eres el marqués de Luján.
03:16Por el amor de Dios, no debería ser tan difícil para ti
03:18convencer a alguien de cualquier cosa.
03:20Voy a conseguirlo.
03:22Voy a sacar a Manuel de ese calabozo.
03:24Y voy a encontrar la forma de que Hanna se marche de la promesa.
03:26Al ritmo que vas solo te falta mandarle un mercenario
03:28para que le dé un susto.
03:30No digas barbaridades.
03:32¿Barbaridades? Pero si le acabas de enseñar las cartas que tenemos.
03:34Vamos, que me estoy preocupando.
03:36No sea que lo estés haciendo igual de bien con nuestro hijo.
03:38Cruz, basta.
03:40No tienes ni idea de lo que estás diciendo.
03:42Si sabes cómo deshacerte de Hanna, hazlo.
03:44Pero no pongas en duda
03:46mi interés por traer de vuelta a mi hijo.
03:48¡No lo hagas!
04:04Buenas noches, señor Arcos.
04:06¿Por qué me mira de ese modo?
04:08¿Le he hecho algo malo?
04:10No lo entiendo, señor Baeza.
04:12Yo creo que sí.
04:14De un tiempo a esta parte,
04:16es un amigo de lo que acostumbra que ya es decir.
04:20Bueno, eso es por decirlo de una manera suave.
04:22Seca, fría, agria.
04:26Y esa es la manera que tiene usted
04:28de arreglarlo.
04:30Faltando con esos calificativos.
04:32No, yo no quiero arreglarlo.
04:34Lo que quiero es saber la verdad.
04:36La verdad.
04:38Así que usted
04:40quiere conocer la verdad.
04:42Pues escúchame entonces,
04:44señor Baeza.
04:46En este palacio se ha tejido una red de mentiras
04:48alrededor de la señora Darre.
04:50Y yo he sido la última en enterarme.
04:52No será la tonta.
04:54Que no tiene que ver con usted.
04:56¿Cómo dice?
04:58Que usted sospechaba desde el principio
05:00que la señora Darre estaba viva,
05:02pero eso no le gustaba.
05:04¿Por qué dice eso?
05:06¿Me va a hacer verbalizarlo?
05:10Son acusaciones demasiado graves, señor Baeza,
05:12como para hacerlas pasándose en la nada.
05:14Está claro
05:16que fue usted
05:18quien trajo de vuelta
05:20al indeseable de Gregorio.
05:22Como podrá usted imaginar.
05:24Don Gregorio no precisó
05:26de mi ayuda para salir de la cárcel.
05:28No, pero sí para introducirlo
05:30en palacio sin ser visto,
05:32a pesar de que todo el servicio
05:34estaba atento para retenerle.
05:36Usted desvaría.
05:38Y no tiene pruebas.
05:40Tiene razón.
05:42Puede que en un principio no hiciera eso,
05:44pero cuando al señor Castillo
05:46le hicimos creer que la señora Darre
05:48estaba muerta, entonces sí.
05:50¿Pero cómo que el señor Castillo
05:52ha estado en la promesa?
05:54Lo vio María Fernández.
05:58Hace un instante bajó a por un vaso de leche
06:00a la planta de servicio y lo vio hablando
06:02con doña Petra, que estaban en las escaleras
06:04que dan al jardín.
06:06Hizo todo lo posible para ocultarlo,
06:10Alguien de quien estoy convencida,
06:12usted no me va a revelar la identidad.
06:14¿Para que usted la tome
06:16contra esa persona?
06:18Desde luego que no.
06:20Pues esa persona miente.
06:22Pero aunque estuviera lo cierto,
06:24no hay nada que reprochar, señor Baeza.
06:26Porque ese hombre tenía derecho
06:28a saber la verdad.
06:30Pues entonces tampoco hay nada
06:32que reprocharme a mí,
06:34porque yo tenía que evitar a toda costa
06:37Yo tendría que haber estado al tanto,
06:39porque usted, con ese absurdo complot,
06:41ha puesto en peligro la seguridad de esta casa.
06:43El Marqués estaba al tanto de todo
06:45y con eso es más que suficiente.
06:47Ya, está claro que todo el mundo lo sabía.
06:49El Marqués, usted, María Fernández,
06:51incluso la revista de Jana.
06:53Sí, sí, las dos estaban a mi servicio.
06:55Cumplían mis órdenes,
06:57como debe ser.
06:59No las justifique,
07:01porque yo tendría que haber estado al tanto
07:03de sus movimientos.
07:05Pero entiendo esas salidas adesoras
07:07y su estancia en la casa del duque de San Rafael.
07:11don Gabriel López Carrillo,
07:13duque de San Rafael,
07:15coronel del glorioso ejército español.
07:17Una excelente excusa,
07:19creada exclusivamente para usted.
07:23me voy a tener que sentir halagada.
07:25Que me reproche que no la informara
07:27de lo de la señora Adar
07:29me parece simplemente ridículo.
07:31No le voy a perdonar
07:33jamás esta ofrenda, señor Baita.
07:35Vaya, por Dios.
07:37Tendré que vivir con ello.
07:39Creo que ya nos lo hemos dicho todo.
07:43Pues entonces,
07:45me retiro a descansar.
08:03Buenos días,
08:11Buenos días.
08:15Espero que este café esté tan rico
08:17como el que te han servido esta mañana.
08:19Este lo ha preparado el cabo
08:21para los compañeros.
08:23¿Y quién lo ha preparado?
08:25El cabo.
08:27¿Y quién lo ha preparado?
08:29El cabo.
08:31Gracias, compañeros.
08:33Si le traigo ese café,
08:35es por su buena disposición.
08:37Ya sabe que soy el primer interesado
08:39en colaborar.
08:41Y que se aclaren todos estos asuntos.
08:43Muy sensato.
08:47¿Qué necesita de mí esta vez?
08:51Pues verá, señor Luján,
08:53hay un par de asuntos que llaman
08:55poderosamente mi atención.
08:58¿Usted dirá?
09:01Me refiero al hecho de que comprara
09:03dos billetes de tren para el expreso
09:05que va a Madrid.
09:07Y al hecho de que sacara
09:09una importante cantidad de dinero del banco.
09:14Entiendo que
09:16esos asuntos llamen su curiosidad.
09:19Verá, he estado
09:21preguntando aquí y allá
09:23y tengo entendido que no es usted
09:25muy dado a visitar la capital.
09:29No, lo cierto es que no.
09:33Pues la unión de ambos elementos
09:35me ha hecho pensar, fíjese por dónde,
09:37que tenía pensado un plan de fuga.
09:56Verá, comprendo que
09:58se haga esa pregunta.
10:02Y sí, tenía pensado
10:06Pero no es la clase de fuga
10:08que usted cree.
10:13¿Qué clase de fuga era entonces?
10:17No tenía pensado fugarme de la justicia, sargento.
10:21Era algo más romántico.
10:24¿Un encuentro clandestino? No.
10:28Verá, estoy enamorado de una mujer.
10:31Y mi intención era casarme con ella en secreto
10:33e irnos a Madrid.
10:36¿Y el motivo de que hiciera todo esto
10:38en secreto es...?
10:42Pertenecemos a clases sociales distintas.
10:46Y mis padres no aceptan esta relación.
10:50¿Estaban sus padres al tanto?
10:53Entonces no.
10:55Ahora sí.
10:59Verá, don Manuel,
11:02no es que ponga en duda lo que dice,
11:04pero convendrá conmigo
11:06en que este relato es muy oportuno.
11:08No es ningún relato.
11:10Es la verdad.
11:12Pregunta al padre Samuel si quiere.
11:14Ah, sí.
11:16El sustituto de don Fermín,
11:18recién llegado a Luján.
11:20Tengo entendido que aún no conoce
11:22a la mitad de sus feligreses.
11:24Lo sé. Por eso era perfecto para mi plan.
11:27Mi intención era casarme en secreto,
11:29viajar a Madrid
11:31y consumar mi matrimonio.
11:33Así, a la vuelta, mis padres ya no podrían oponerse.
11:38¿Y qué salió mal?
11:43Mi madre se enteró de todo.
11:48¿Y entonces todo ese dinero
11:50era para pasar la luna de miel en Madrid?
11:54No, sargento.
11:56No tenía ninguna intención de pasar
11:58una luna de miel de lujo en Madrid.
12:00Ese dinero, como ya le he dicho otras veces,
12:02era para Gregorio.
12:04Para que dejase en paz a doña Pía de una vez.
12:08Así que solo era para el soborno.
12:10Prefiero llamarlo incentivo.
12:12Para que pudiese empezar una nueva vida
12:14lejos de ella.
12:16Un incentivo muy generoso.
12:18Resultaba más barato
12:20acabar con él.
12:22Acabar con él
12:24nunca fue una opción, sargento.
12:26Y ya se lo he dicho.
12:28Cuando me fui del matadero,
12:30Gregorio todavía seguía con vida.
12:32Puede preguntármelo mil veces, si quiere.
12:34Porque mil veces
12:36le daré la misma respuesta.
12:44¡Ay, ay, ay!
12:46Es la alegría más grande tenerla aquí
12:48con todo lo que hemos penado por usted.
12:50Siento mucho el sufrimiento que te ha causado.
12:52No seas pobre, doña Pía.
12:54Que todo eso se compensa
12:56con la alegría de verla tan viva.
12:58Además, sabemos de sobra
13:00por qué tuvieron que organizar
13:02esa argucia.
13:04Porque es que aquí hay personas
13:06que no son muy de fiel salud.
13:08Buenos días, señora Arcos.
13:10Buenos días.
13:12Qué sorpresa.
13:14Nunca más volvería a verte.
13:16Vaya, siento mucho haberla decepcionado.
13:18Y no se preocupe, que es una visita de cortesía.
13:20Pues ya podría quedarse, doña Pía.
13:22No, no, todo a su debido tiempo, María.
13:24Pues sí que ya solo verla vivita
13:26coleando es una alegría.
13:28A mí me parece un sueño, doña Pía. Me parece increíble que esté aquí.
13:30De hecho,
13:32hasta que no la toque no me lo voy a creer.
13:34Estoy viva, Lope, estoy viva.
13:36Hasta a mí me cuesta creerme, ¿no?
13:38De tanto que no está.
13:40Y después del infierno que ha vivido.
13:42Y encima estando lejos de su hijo, Dio.
13:44Desde luego ha sido lo más duro.
13:46El encierro en la cueva, el miedo,
13:48eso como que lo podía sobrellevar.
13:50Sí, es lo peor que le puede pasar a una madre.
13:52Estar lejos de sus hijos.
13:54Ya lo sabe usted bien.
13:56Doña Pía, me acuerdo cuando entré en la habitación
13:58y la encontré tirada en el suelo tan tiesa.
14:00Lo siento mucho, Vera, lo sentaba tan frío.
14:02Quería sentir su calor.
14:04Siento mucho el daño que se haya podido causar
14:06y ojalá hubiera podido hacerlo de otra manera,
14:08pero es que no sabía cómo.
14:10Y usted más, señora Darre.
14:12Yo no la conocí de muerta,
14:14pero me alegro de que no le esté.
14:16Vamos, que me alegro de que esté viva, ¿ya me entiende?
14:18Lo entendemos de sobra, Marcelo.
14:20Pues eso.
14:22Lo que quiero decir es que aquí todos le echaban mucho de menos.
14:24Muchas gracias, Marcelo,
14:26y encantada de conocerte.
14:28¿Y doña Pía no se va a quedar?
14:30Sí, quédese.
14:32Ojalá pudiera, pero no es tan fácil.
14:34Tengo que hablar con los señores,
14:36que son quienes tienen la última palabra.
14:38Bueno, con todo lo que está pasando con don Manuel,
14:40no sé si es el mejor momento para planteárselo.
14:42Tiene usted toda la razón.
14:44Que tiene mano a sombra el asunto.
14:46Y yo, en cierto modo,
14:48me siento culpable, Simona.
14:50¿Usted por qué?
14:52Pues porque Gregorio vino a esta casa buscándome a mí, Teresa.
14:54Y por eso don Manuel se implicó
14:56y ahora lo relacionó con la muerte.
14:58Vamos, que la han echado muerta encima.
15:00Nunca mejor dicho.
15:04Perdón, a lo mejor no es una presión más del nada.
15:06Por cierto, ¿sabe dónde está el señor payecero?
15:10No, no, tengo ni idea.
15:12¿Y cómo está Dieguito?
15:14Pues para comérselo con patatas, María.
15:16Denos más detalles.
15:18Debe estar hermoso como un ternero.
15:20Se llevaría un alegrón
15:22cuando lo vio después de tanto tiempo.
15:24Se le salían los ojos de las órbitas.
15:26Yo creo que ni se creía que era yo.
15:28Y yo le abrazaba más de menos que él comé.
15:30Y yo a él más que al respirar, Candela.
16:18Tienes que subir el ánimo, hermanita.
16:22Ya lo sé.
16:24Yo es que vengo aquí
16:26y veo todo lo que estaba trabajando.
16:32Manuel es un hombre
16:34lleno de ilusiones y lleno de sueños.
16:38Y yo necesito que salga del calabozo
16:40porque necesito que lo cumpla todo, ¿entiendes?
16:42Y lo hará.
16:44Ya lo verás.
16:46Tenemos que confiar.
16:50Ya lo sé.
16:52Ya es que yo no.
16:58Hanna, ven aquí.
17:04Te amo.
17:10Contigo me siento protegida.
17:16¿Qué pasa?
17:18No, no, nada.
17:20Por lo que pasa.
17:22Bueno, sí.
17:24Hanna, me he enterado de que...
17:28está haciendo indagaciones
17:30sobre lo bien que nos llevamos tú y yo.
17:34Y le he preguntado directamente a Martina.
17:36Y también a algunos lacayos.
17:38¿Pero y esto por qué?
17:40Pues no lo sé.
17:42Supongo que habrá visto algo.
17:44¿Algo como el abrazo que nos acabamos de dar?
17:48Es verdad que últimamente
17:50hemos bajado demasiado la guardia
17:52con todo lo de la boda y todo lo de Manuel, pues...
17:56Por lo menos sería bueno que nos descubrieran.
17:58Ni para ti ni para mí.
18:00Es verdad que yo...
18:02tengo la cabeza en otro lado.
18:04Lo sé, lo sé. Y lo siento.
18:06No tendría que haberte dicho nada.
18:08Necesito que hables con la señorita Julia
18:10y que aclares las cosas.
18:12Ahora no se pueden enterar de que somos hermanos.
18:14Sí, lo sé.
18:16Justo ahora con Manuel detenido no nos viene bien.
18:18Habría nuevos frentes.
18:20Suficiente tengo con lo que tengo curro.
18:22Encima me tengo que enfrentar sola a los marqueses y...
18:24No me lo están poniendo demasiado fácil.
18:28¿Por qué dices eso?
18:32Porque me han ofrecido dinero para que me marche de aquí.
18:36¿Hablas en serio?
18:38Hablaré con ellos.
18:40No, curro.
18:42No compliques más las cosas.
18:44Ahora mismo solamente hay que pensar en Manuel.
18:48Que por cierto, tampoco sé ni cómo está.
18:52Bueno, por eso no sufras más, hermanita.
18:54Esta misma tarde voy a verle.
18:56¿De verdad?
18:58Sí. Veré cómo está y le puedo dar el mensaje que quieras que le dé.
19:02¿Puedes decirle que...
19:04que quiero ir a verle y...
19:06y que quiero hablar con él?
19:08La señorita Catalina me dijo que no había problema
19:10pero se ve que Manuel no quiere que vaya.
19:14Estoy seguro de que no es que no quiera que vayas.
19:16Es solo que...
19:18no querrá que le veas en esa situación.
19:20Curro, si yo solamente necesito hablar con él
19:22y darle fuerzas...
19:24Saldrá de esta, Hanna.
19:26No tienen ninguna prueba contra él.
19:30Hay algo que no te he contado, curro.
19:36Gregorio y Manuel se vieron el mismo día que él murió.
19:42Manuel nos estaba ayudando a proteger a Doña Pía de ese monstruo.
19:46es verdad lo que se dice?
19:48¿Que Doña Pía no murió y que ese hombre vino a buscarla?
19:50Sí, sí.
19:52Manuel solamente quería que Gregorio se alejase de ella
19:54así que le ofreció dinero para que se marchase.
19:58tú crees que...
20:00que él pudo matar a ese carallo?
20:02A mí desde luego no me hubiera temblado el pulso.
20:06No, no, no, no te creo.
20:08Curro, estoy hablando en serio.
20:10Mira, yo estuve con Manuel en el frente.
20:12Y sé de lo que es capaz.
20:14Y jamás haría algo así.
20:16A no ser que...
20:18que no le quede a su traducción.
20:20Curro, que yo no lo estoy poniendo en duda.
20:22Manuel me dijo que él no había hecho nada y yo le creo
20:24porque él nunca me mentiría.
20:26Pero solamente estoy diciendo que...
20:28Sí, sí, que no culparías a quien lo hizo.
20:30Y que para la gente podría ser culpable.
20:32Y que hubiera sido lógico que lo hubiera hecho.
20:34Pero por favor, todo esto no se lo cuentes a Manuel.
20:36No le transmitas mis preocupaciones.
20:38Ahora mismo hay que pensar en él.
20:40Y yo necesito hacerle llegar...
20:42de su espaldo y...
20:44que le apoyo.
20:50¿Por qué no le llevas una carta que le escriba yo?
20:54¿Por qué no?
20:56¿Por qué no?
20:58¿Por qué no?
21:00¿Qué le escriba yo?
21:02Una carta.
21:04Sí, la puedo escribir ahora.
21:06Necesito decirle cómo me siento.
21:10Y también necesito decirle que la quiero.
21:14Está bien.
21:24De haber sido muy gratificante
21:26volver a reunirse de nuevo con todo el mundo.
21:28Yes, well, at least I was able to explain to you why I did what I did.
21:32Although it has also been shocking, Mr. Baeza,
21:34because I was able to know the pain they went through when I pretended to die.
21:39I didn't imagine it.
21:40Well, I was more worried about surviving, to be honest.
21:43Well, I guarantee you that everyone was very anguished, yes.
21:46Well, anyway, everyone appreciates it a lot.
21:51You don't have to be frustrated with that.
21:53Everyone is delighted to see her so happy.
21:55Well, I'll stick with that idea.
21:57With that and that Dieguito is fine,
22:00and that we were finally able to get rid of Gregorio.
22:03And where will they go now that everything is clear?
22:06Will they stay in the cabin? Will they come here to Palacio?
22:09No, no, no. The boy cannot come to Palacio, that is not a reality.
22:11So I think I'm going to accept the offer that Beni has made to me and I'll go with them to his house.
22:15I think it's a very good idea.
22:17Yes, I will consider it as a home.
22:19Well, that's where I am now, Mr. Baeza, in forming a home.
22:22Regarding your situation here, I must confess that I have not been able to address the issue with Mr. Marquez.
22:29Well, I understand that this is not the best time, of course.
22:31No, no, of course not. Everything has been very turbulent since the discovery of Mr. Manuel's relationship with Miss Expósito.
22:37In addition, there is the unfair detention.
22:39Well, I hope it ends soon.
22:41By the way, yesterday I went to see him, I didn't tell you.
22:43Ah, no, I didn't know.
22:44Yes, to jail. It was a short time and we didn't have much intimacy, but I saw him very whole.
22:48Although he knows everything that comes his way, of course.
22:50I shouldn't have allowed him to get so involved in this matter.
22:53No, not this matter, Mr. Baeza, my matter.
22:55My life and my son's were in danger.
22:57And now I'm worried about the luck that Mr. Manuel may have.
23:00Let's trust justice, although sometimes there are no reasons for it.
23:04Why do you say that?
23:05Do I have to remind you how the criminal of Gregorio was released after trying to kill her?
23:11Was that justice?
23:13Mr. Baeza, do you know if Mr. Pellicer is there?
23:18Because I haven't seen him and I guess he's still angry with me.
23:22Well, I wouldn't know what to tell him. In fact, he is still somewhat resentful of me.
23:27Well, I could tell him that I would like to talk to him.
23:31Look, I'll come to the palace tomorrow at the same time.
23:33Tell him I want to see him, please.
23:36I'll take the opportunity.
23:47Siguna, I heard that Doña Pia has come. Where is she?
23:52She just left, miss.
23:54What a pity, I wanted to see her after everything that has had to happen.
23:58Well, well, don't worry.
24:00Doña Pia will come back, visit us and you will be able to see her.
24:03And I guarantee you that she is in one piece.
24:06That woman who doesn't care about anything or anyone.
24:10Oh, Siguna.
24:18That's it, that's it.
24:38You are not like this because of Mrs. Darri.
24:42You have been with a heartbreak for a few days.
24:50I have tried to get Pelayo back and I can't, Simona.
24:58It was bad love.
25:01It was all for Mr. Pelayo.
25:07Do you know what I'm telling you?
25:08That boy should kiss the ground you step on, okay?
25:14You are giving him a second chance.
25:17I know.
25:18Well, I do know.
25:20Anyone who didn't have a heart as big as yours, I would have sent you to fry asparagus.
25:26But you have known how to forgive him.
25:29And that is a virtue that does not abound precisely.
25:37It is that ...
25:39things have happened that you do not know.
25:42I have made a very serious mistake.
25:45I can't believe it, miss.
25:50How can that be so serious?
25:56I have to tell you something that I have practically not told anyone.
26:05Now you are putting fear in my body.
26:10Tell me what it is.
26:12Tell me what is happening to you, for the love of God.
26:21That I am pregnant.
26:30Are you sure?
26:35I thought that Count Daniel was a respectful gentleman.
26:39No, I'm not pregnant with him.
26:44Oh my God.
26:46Oh my God.
26:49Do you see? Do you see how I'm not as good as you thought?
26:54Don't worry, miss.
26:57Here is your Simona for whatever you want.
27:01To take care of her.
27:03As always.
27:10Don't worry, miss.
27:13Everything will be fine.
27:24Have you ever seen such a disgrace?
27:27What's going on this time, miss?
27:29That shameless bitch.
27:31I don't understand, I don't understand what Santo had to come to relieve all the service.
27:36Do you work here?
27:37Do you work here?
27:39And the promise should not be welcomed.
27:42Even if it were only because between her and Mr. Baeza they kept us all deceived.
27:46Including you, I suppose.
27:48That's right, I wasn't there either.
27:51Well, then you should be as outraged as I am.
27:55We are both head of the service and we are not even united.
27:59Where is our authority, Mr. Pellicer?
28:02Let's see.
28:04We can't allow something like this.
28:07And we must raise a complaint, Mrs. Cruz.
28:09Because she is also angry because of the betrayal of her own husband.
28:14Because she can't let him be, Mrs. Arcos.
28:17No, we must not.
28:19And I'm sure that Mrs. Marquesa will stand by our side.
28:22And we must not allow the slur of Pia to return to the promise.
28:26I'm sure that's what she wants.
28:28Because she always has to get her nose in everything.
28:33What did you say?
28:35I mean, why does she always have to get her nose in everything?
28:38I don't do such a thing.
28:40Yes, she does.
28:42With Mrs. Darre and my son, whom she has been slandering with gossips about his mother's death.
28:46They are not gossips.
28:48You told your son that his mother ...
28:50I know exactly what I told my son.
28:52Why do you have to get into a matter that neither goes nor comes to you?
28:56Am I interrupting something?
28:58Here, Mr. Pellicer, who reproached me.
29:02That I had told your son the truth.
29:05What are you talking about, Mrs. Arcos?
29:08Well, Mr. Pellicer told your son that his mother had died of tuberculosis.
29:13And a few days ago, you escaped, which had been appendicitis.
29:18Two diseases, difficult to confuse, don't you think?
29:22Because in fact, they have nothing to do with each other.
29:25Mrs. Arcos.
29:27Mr. Baeza, are you also going to blame me for this misunderstanding?
29:31In this case, the mistake was mine.
29:33I had a confusion.
29:35But that was a long time ago.
29:37I have never been very good at retaining medical terminology.
29:40Don't take me for a fool.
29:42Please, Mr. Baeza.
29:44He already did it with the subject of Pia's death.
29:46Mrs. Arcos.
29:48Mr. Baeza, I'm tired of lies.
29:50So please tell the truth once.
29:52And you tell your son.
29:54Because the boy has the right to know what happened to his mother.
29:57That boy knows the truth.
29:59His mother died of tuberculosis.
30:01The mistake was mine.
30:05Is that true, Mr. Pellicer?
30:07That's right.
30:09He has already heard it.
30:11The matter is settled.
30:13So I ask you not to get involved again where you are not called.
30:15And less in other people's conversations.
30:29I'm sorry.
30:59Come here.
31:02I wanted to see how you were treated around here.
31:08But I'm glad you came to visit me.
31:13Is there any news about the investigation?
31:16Well, they don't have me informed on time.
31:19But apparently I'm the main suspect.
31:23I see.
31:25That doesn't make any sense.
31:28For Sergeant Burdina, my wedding plans are the perfect cover to hide a crime.
31:34What a jerk. I'm going to talk to him.
31:36Don't even think about it.
31:40If you do it, they'll end up asking about Hanna.
31:44They'll ask who the woman he's going to marry is.
31:48And I don't want them to find out.
31:52That will be inevitable.
31:54I don't want to expose her, Kuro.
31:57Besides, she must be going through it.
32:00She's the only one in progress.
32:03I can't be by her side.
32:05Well, you already have yours.
32:10Kuro, take care of her.
32:13You're her only support right now.
32:16Tell me something else.
32:18How is she?
32:27Well, there's not much more to say.
32:30She misses you and wants you to leave as soon as possible.
32:34Just that?
32:36And to drive you crazy.
32:39I don't know what else to say.
32:41Just that?
32:44And to drive you crazy.
32:46Come on, Manuel. You don't want to put me in a pickle here.
32:53I wrote you a letter.
32:58Where, I'm sure, I wrote you
33:01all the cuteness you're looking for.
33:09The service was very emotional.
33:11Well, some of them were scared to death.
33:14It's not easy to make someone come back from their grave.
33:17No, it's not.
33:19And they were very upset to be victims of a deception of that caliber.
33:22No, I don't think so.
33:24The vast majority assumed that it was the right measures, given the circumstances.
33:28Thanks to that, Pia is alive.
33:30Yes, everyone thought that bastard was capable of anything.
33:33As soon as his murder is resolved.
33:36Because my son can't spend more time in that dungeon.
33:39By the way, Mrs. Adarri approached the barracks yesterday
33:43to make a sworn statement before the sergeant
33:46and explain his false death.
33:48I understand. And did the sergeant ask about Mr. Castillo?
33:51Well, no. He already made a statement about it at the time.
33:55Unfortunately, this statement will not shed light on this matter.
34:00Let's hope that his testimony will help you.
34:03I also went to visit Mr. Manuel to thank him for everything.
34:07I am convinced that as soon as I can, he will do it with you.
34:10It is not necessary. My only interest was to get you rid of that criminal.
34:14Dead the dog, no more anger.
34:16I can't agree more, sir.
34:20Gentlemen, Sergeant Burdino. I didn't know you were coming.
34:23I asked him.
34:25Tell my wife that the sergeant is here.
34:27And also let the captain know.
34:29Well, I don't know. I wouldn't be able to tell you just a quick dish.
34:32Well, yes. It makes a delicious ratatouille.
34:36I would have thought of something a little more elaborate.
34:39I know it's a simple dish, but he cooks it in a truly sublime way.
34:43A sublime pisto?
34:45I don't want to despise it, but we can't offer that at our banquet.
34:49Well, tell me then what you had in mind.
34:51Oh, the Wellington salami?
34:54That already sounds very good.
34:55It makes it delicious.
34:57In addition, the meat melts in the mouth and has that spicy point of Dijon old mustard.
35:03Here you are.
35:04Look, he's coming.
35:06Mrs. Margarita, Mr. Count.
35:08You have arrived in a hurry.
35:10I called you because we want to make you a proposal.
35:14What do you say?
35:16As you know, Mrs. Margarita and I are going to get married.
35:19And we want to offer a banquet that is up to the task.
35:22I was aware of it.
35:24I wanted to congratulate you.
35:28The point is that we have decided to disregard the person in charge of the banquet
35:32and we want to give you that opportunity.
35:37Are you serious?
35:39It's fabulous news.
35:41I'm sure you'll be up to the task, Topé.
35:44Thank you, ma'am.
35:46I'll do whatever I can to not let you down.
35:48I hope so.
35:49I hope so.
35:51Keep in mind that the Florinata of the Malusa Society will attend.
35:54Of course, of course. It's an honor.
35:56Well, we don't have time to waste.
35:59There is a menu to complete.
36:01Do you want us to think about it now?
36:04What a better time, right?
36:06We had thought about Solomillo-Wellington.
36:09What do you think?
36:11I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have something to tell you.
36:14If it's not urgent, we're busy.
36:16Yes, it is urgent.
36:17I had an appointment to go to the barracks to see Manuel,
36:20but due to an incident, he had to leave earlier and left without me.
36:25That I'm going to go to her and I wanted to inform her mother.
36:28But you alone?
36:32Don't talk to me. You can't go alone, it's a horrible place.
36:34If it's necessary, I'll go with you.
36:36Well, I'm telling you I'm leaving now.
36:38Yes, probably, daughter.
36:40Ignacio, do you mind?
36:42We can close the menu at another time.
36:44Of course, of course. No problem.
36:45I'll go ahead with Lope.
36:47I think it's a perfect idea.
36:49Well, thank you very much, dear.
36:53And thank you too, Lope.
37:03Don't worry.
37:05When I left the barracks, I was receiving a visit from your cousin Curro.
37:08We appreciate the difference you have with him.
37:11Don't get confused.
37:13I try to be as fair as I can.
37:15Regardless of what his family is and his position.
37:19What do you mean?
37:21Are you going to treat him as if he were a vulgar rapist?
37:24I have come to inform you of the progress of our investigations.
37:28Well, that's what interests us the most.
37:30I don't have good news.
37:34Why? Speak.
37:36I will not entertain you in detail.
37:38I will only tell you that all the evidence points to your son
37:41as responsible for the murder of Don Gregorio Castillo.
37:44My God.
37:46Please, entertain us in detail.
37:51All right.
37:53Well, to begin with, he confirmed that he met Elfinado
37:56on the same day of his death.
37:58I only intended to help one of our employees, Mrs. Adarre.
38:02I know. I already made a statement to Mrs. Adarre.
38:05But how did you allow our son to get involved in such a shady matter?
38:08Cruz, this is not the time to talk about this.
38:10Your husband is right.
38:11Continue, Sergeant.
38:13The suspect has also admitted that he was wearing a short gun,
38:17coincidentally of the same caliber as the one that killed Gregorio Castillo.
38:21In case that wasn't enough,
38:23on those dates he made some strange money movements.
38:27And he also made the purchase of some train tickets for Madrid.
38:31All this has an explanation.
38:33That's what he says.
38:35That the money was an incentive for Mr. Castillo
38:38and that the train tickets were to leave Luna de Miel.
38:41But I see myself obliged to check it.
38:49And I don't want to run into problems to do so.
38:52I am aware that you are a very influential family.
38:56Are you insinuating something?
38:58I am stating that you have been carrying out management at the highest level
39:03and I don't want you to get in the way.
39:06What do you mean exactly by that?
39:07Whatever you do,
39:09your son Manuel may spend a long time in jail.
39:38What are you doing here?
39:40I've already had coffee. I haven't ordered anything.
39:43Yes, but...
39:45Does Mrs. Margarita usually have a tea at this time?
39:48Mrs. Margarita is not here.
39:50She has gone with her daughter to see Manuel.
39:52Well, I'm so sorry. It's unexpected.
39:55In that case, maybe you'd better have a relaxing infusion.
39:59I don't want anything.
40:01Why do you take care of this?
40:03Isn't there any maid available?
40:05Oh, my God.
40:07You were aware of Margarita's departure, weren't you?
40:10You didn't come to offer me tea.
40:14You can retire for me, Petra.
40:19I've heard that the preparations for the wedding banquet
40:23don't go too well.
40:25Where do you get that from?
40:27Well, to begin with, I find it strange that your fiancée is not here with you,
40:31helping you to organize her wedding.
40:34What else can excite a bride more?
40:38And it's curious, Ignacio, how reality sometimes insists
40:42on putting us in our place.
40:45And how it shows us
40:48how little we are for the rest of the world.
40:51Excuse me.
40:52Excuse me.
40:59Well, are you going to be hired for the banquet, yes or no?
41:02Well, I don't know, Mrs. Simona. It hasn't been clear to me.
41:05Well, they sent you a call because they want to confirm it, right?
41:08That's what I was thinking.
41:10They've talked about a Solomillo Wallington, yes.
41:12I'm not surprised.
41:14You make this dish worthy of the best banquets.
41:16Come on, come on, you can do it.
41:18Your love for Tulope.
41:19Someone who would also love the Solomillo
41:22is the Duchess of Carril.
41:24It's true, and it's a recipe that doesn't bring great difficulty.
41:27Next time she comes, we'll explain it to her.
41:30Let's see if she comes, because she hasn't been around for a few days.
41:33What will happen now? When does she give us signs of life?
41:35Maybe she found out that Don Manuel has been arrested
41:38for the murder of Gregorio and doesn't want to be linked.
41:42There you go, you're absolutely right.
41:44Yes, well, it could be that or anything.
41:46Anything. And I don't think the family of the Duchess of Carril
41:47has to stay away from the promise to remain impudent.
41:51And how do you know that?
41:55Do you know anything about that family that you haven't told us?
41:57No, no, I don't know anything.
41:59But all families have their shady and secret affairs under the carpet.
42:03And the Duchess of Carril's, I don't think it's less, I say.
42:06Well, you're the one who's taking things for granted, Vera.
42:09I don't think that under the carpet of the Duchess of Carril
42:12there is anything worthy of mention.
42:14Yes, sure.
42:15Eh, Vera, why don't you come with me to the pantry?
42:18I have to get some preserves.
42:34Come in.
42:38May I, Mrs. Vargas?
42:40Come in, Santos.
42:46I just wanted to know how your day has gone.
42:49Well, it started badly.
42:51Then it got worse.
42:53And only...
42:55at this moment it seems that it is straightening a bit.
42:59Well, I'm glad for the part that I have.
43:03And why has it started so badly?
43:06Well, actually,
43:08the penalties almost started last night.
43:11And I don't know why.
43:12The penalties almost started last night.
43:17What happened?
43:19Well, I had a disagreement with Mr. Baeza.
43:22And now, Santos, what about?
43:26He thinks I'm not trustworthy.
43:30And that's why they kept me away from that stupid plan
43:34of keeping a low profile and pretending to be humble.
43:37But you are the master of this house.
43:39You must be aware of everything that happens.
43:42Yes, well, it seems that this is not so important.
43:46In fact, your father was not aware either.
43:49And he, like me, is the head of the service.
43:53I suppose he would also blame Mr. Baeza.
43:57Rather, this afternoon they both blamed me.
44:01But that is a ruin, Mrs. Arcos.
44:04In other words, my father would rather stand by his friend
44:07than admit that he was wrong.
44:09Well, Santos, we're not just arguing about that.
44:13What else happened?
44:15If you don't mind, I'd rather not relive that moment.
44:21I'm sorry it was so unpleasant.
44:24We must admit that when my father and Mr. Baeza get together,
44:29they can be truly unbearable.
44:31Well, yes.
44:33Because they both insist on defending Pia.
44:35And that woman has not acted precisely honestly.
44:37No, of course not.
44:39I still remember the service crying over her death
44:42and my father determined to make that pathetic tribute.
44:48And how quickly they have forgotten the pain that caused their false death.
44:52And now they receive her as if she were a real heroine.
44:56It's hard to believe, Mrs. Petra.
45:00I assure you that if she had been a servant,
45:02the one who would have made such a mistake,
45:04no one would have come alive.
45:08Do you think so?
45:10I'm telling you,
45:12the people who go with the truth ahead are doomed to loneliness.
45:17I will not abandon you.
45:22But you know that you can always count on me.
45:27I will never abandon you.
45:32Thank you, Santos.
45:38Have you seen her like me?
45:40Has Vera not had enough time to make the Duchess of Carría fall from a donkey?
45:44I don't know so much.
45:46She has dropped that the Duchess had serious issues.
45:48And that, said of a lady, is a very serious accusation.
45:52Has she not referred to her personally?
45:55Well, she has not spoken of the family, which in this case is the same.
45:57I don't know.
45:59But I recognize that there is something strange in Vera.
46:00It is as if the Duchess of Carría had an eye for her.
46:04And why is that?
46:06With how well this lady has always treated her?
46:08Well, no. Very well.
46:10She has always treated her with deference, with a lot of affection.
46:12And Vera, far from showing gratitude, is always with the glass full.
46:16Well, we don't care about that.
46:18We are going to finish the eggs for dinner.
46:20Yes, but this is the last one I peel, right?
46:24How many are there?
46:38Have you come to see your cousin Manuel?
46:41And how is he?
46:43The truth is that he does not lose his spirit.
46:46But his situation is getting more and more complicated.
46:49Look at him on the bright side.
46:51He is whole and that means that he trusts that his innocence will be proven.
46:55He is a good man.
46:56He is whole and that means that he trusts that his innocence will be proven.
47:00It is a matter of time for things to clear up.
47:03May God hear you.
47:05Come on, Curro. You have to stay whole too.
47:07And you have to do it for him. Now is when he needs you the most.
47:11Yeah. I know. Yes. But ...
47:17But what's wrong?
47:20Not just because of my cousin Manuel.
47:22That I am so restless.
47:24I am also like this for you.
47:28I have found out that you have been asking about me for a while.
47:32And by the way, about Ancella.
47:40For nothing.
47:42I'm just curious about the relationship you have with that Hanna.
47:47And why with her, specifically?
47:50Because it is obvious that there is something special between you.
47:54The way you treat her ...
47:57I treat all the members of the service equally.
48:01I have seen with my own eyes the intimacy you have.
48:06What have you seen exactly?
48:10I saw you with her in the studio.
48:18Yes. Yes, it's true.
48:21But ...
48:23But what?
48:24It was a consolation hug.
48:27About Manuel. After all, she is his fiancée.
48:31Are you sure you don't have anything else with her?
48:34What? What do you mean by that?
48:36Look Curro, I barely know that girl.
48:39She told me a story about my allergic reaction and her treatment was exquisite.
48:42And of course, I am aware of her relationship with Mr. Manuel.
48:47And then?
48:49I'm worried that she might get close to you.
48:51That's what I'm interested in.
48:53No, no, no, for God's sake. Julia, really, no.
48:55Don't try to fool me, Curro. That wasn't a consolation hug.
48:58Julia, really, it's not what you think. Of course not.
49:01That girl is taking advantage of your generosity.
49:03And now I understand better the rejection caused by the Marquises.
49:05No, no, Julia, no. Really, no.
49:07Maybe we should warn them, tell them that she is also getting close to you.
49:11Put them on alert and kick her out of the promise at once.
49:13No, you can't say anything.
49:14But why?
49:15Because Hanna is my sister.
49:21I don't know.
49:31Come on, hurry up, they are waiting for you upstairs.
49:38Hanna, Maria, finish with the trays, they have to be put up.
49:42As you order.
49:45Come on, Maria, now everyone seems to be in a bad mood.
49:47Come on, hurry up.
49:50Wow, so another night preparing dinner.
49:54With the servants, Mr. Expósito?
49:56I imagine you will be counting the days for them to serve you upstairs, right?
50:03Sir, how can we help you?
50:06I come to talk to one of the maids.
50:09But I'm glad you and Mrs. Arcos are here.
50:12If you tell me who you are ...
50:14She's here.
50:16In front of me.
50:19Hanna Expósito, I have to talk to you.
50:25You all know the uncomfortable situation that has occurred because of your alleged relationship with my son.
50:31It is a scandal that we cannot afford.
50:37Go ahead, I don't wish you any harm, on the contrary.
50:40I sincerely wish you well.
50:42But far from here.
50:45You are fired.
51:04Thank you very much for your interest, Your Excellency.
51:08Thank you again, thank you.
51:10Thank you again, thank you.
51:13What did he tell you?
51:15Is he going to help Manuel?
51:17His advice is that we find him a good lawyer.
51:21I don't know why, but the more I deal with it, the more I am interested.
51:25We already fully trust each other.
51:28To the point of telling each other secrets.
51:30Like which?
51:32It seems that our wedding is not a priority.
51:34Well, of course it is a priority.
51:35But visiting my nephew at such difficult times, I think it is not something that should be delayed.
51:40In the end, it seems that everything is more important than your own wedding.
51:43Do you know what I'm telling you?
51:45That I am seriously considering postponing the wedding.
51:48This is the payment that corresponds to it.
51:50Thank you very much.
51:52And I take away a recommendation, so that it is easier for him to find work in another house.
51:58I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
52:00This afternoon I learned that Hanna was leaving the promise because you fired her.
52:03That firing was the only way out.
52:06Look, if we really want to end what Manuel has with that whore,
52:10we're going to have to change our strategy.
52:12That won't be enough, Cruz.
52:14We're going to need a miracle.
52:16Are you referring to your wife's death?
52:18Lies and their short legs.
52:20It may be.
52:22But I was forced to lie to Mrs. Alcos.
52:24And I hate to lie.
52:26I would say so, seeing how well you lied about Pia.
52:29There is another possible explanation for all this.
52:30That when you came to look for me, you already knew what you were waiting for.
52:34And I don't know, maybe you saw in me a simple way to solve this whole situation.
52:40The asshole eats everything.
52:43And here's peace.
52:45And then glory.
52:47And he also has a special crush on the Duchess of Carré.
52:49Something's going on between them.
52:51I see Vera as usual.
52:53You don't believe it either.
52:55Let's see, Lope, if we ask you, it's because we're worried about you.
52:57But it's just for that.
52:58Of course, Vera is like our little girl to us.
53:01And something very strange is happening to Vera.
53:03And you are also very strange.
53:05Both of you are very strange.
53:07She's his mother.