Enders 9th October 2024

  • 2 days ago
Enders 9th October 2024


00:00This is what you deserve. No, no, it's the wrong side. It's a bit long. It's a bit further that way.
00:15Hang on. No darling, it's the next one. Next one up. Next one up. You're gonna love it.
00:21Yeah. Over the top. A bit further. That's right. Now look. There we go.
00:25Oh, are you loving that? It's fabulous.
00:28I think it's all fine. Just...
00:31There we go. You see? Now completely different.
00:34It's a bit different but I think it's fabulous.
00:36I love it.
00:37I think that means that.
00:38Yeah. And, um, anything else?
00:53Oh, I can't catch your conversation, Papa.
00:55Sorry, darling. I was distracted.
00:59Memory lane and all that.
01:02Course not.
01:04No, I was thinking about your mum, actually, last time I was here.
01:10You phoned the GP yet?
01:12No, I haven't had a chance.
01:13Darling, you've got to ring them.
01:15You've got to get this sorted. Get your issues sorted. Your mental health.
01:19No, I've just been a bit down. It's normal.
01:21OK, maybe, but...
01:22But what? Look at me. Look.
01:25Smile on me face, life and soul. You've cheered me up.
01:28Yeah, but it's not about cheering you up, is it?
01:31I think that's all I needed is you being here.
01:35Listen, I've got some calls to make. It's business.
01:38I'll tell you what. Why don't you and I go out for lunch?
01:40We'll sit down and have a proper talk.
01:42I'll get you sorted. Handsome for all. Yeah?
01:45Where are you going to take them?
01:47Erm, I don't know. I'll think of somewhere.
01:50All right. I can't wait.
01:52I'll text you.
01:58Happy birthday, handsome.
02:00Happy 30th birthday.
02:0230? Wow.
02:04That's old, isn't it?
02:06That's, like, halfway to mention.
02:09Do you still fit?
02:11That's beautiful, Jay.
02:13She really was a special person.
02:15You don't have to tell me.
02:16Happy birthday, mate.
02:19Right, better get back. Still got a living to earn, am I?
02:21See you later.
02:22See you later.
02:24So how come you never dressed up as Marilyn and sang me happy birthday?
02:28Never too late.
02:31Will you tell Tommy to keep it down, please?
02:33Me and Anna are trying to test the levels on my parabolic microphone.
02:37It's the birds. We're recording the bird song.
02:39It's very sensitive, sophisticated stuff,
02:41so we need a little bit of peace and quiet.
02:45Go on, then, tell him.
02:47Tommy, give it a rest, will you?
02:49Why don't you give it a rest?
02:51Keep it shot.
02:52Are you going to let him talk to you like that?
02:58Right, I give up.
02:59Should go somewhere else.
03:04Miss Cindy, it's me.
03:06Congratulations on your engagement.
03:10Is it all right?
03:13No, I've sent my CV everywhere.
03:14But did you try out the high street?
03:16I've tried nowhere.
03:18I'm sure I saw something outside of that cafe.
03:24I've tried everywhere.
03:25I've tried Orford East, I've tried the Albert.
03:28I've even asked Ian.
03:31No one is hiring.
03:32Oh, look, don't get downhearted, sweetheart.
03:34I'm sure someone's going to snap you up very soon.
03:36Yeah, who could resist?
03:37A bar manager who allegedly put half the square in hospital.
03:40Yeah, looks great on the CV.
03:43So, how are things with your dad?
03:46Managed to sort anything out?
03:49Yeah, if you can call making digs about my disability sorting it out.
03:52Yeah, brilliant.
03:56Well, I'm sure he's just kind of stressed.
03:59He doesn't mean it.
04:00Oh, he does.
04:02Sticking the knife in when I'm down.
04:04That's his speciality.
04:08Right, Ian?
04:10What's up?
04:11I cannot believe you.
04:16I'm told it's very good.
04:17Well, I'm sure it is.
04:18But what are we going to do?
04:19Sit here and ogle your ex-girlfriend all day?
04:21She'll be disappointed she's not here.
04:24I'm here to see you, to have a proper talk with my daughter.
04:28Mind you, I don't think much of this menu.
04:31It's a bit limited, isn't it?
04:32Do you like it or not?
04:33I do.
04:34Mind you, I don't think much of this menu.
04:35It's a bit limited, isn't it?
04:36Do you like it or not?
04:37I do.
04:38There is a vegetarian option.
04:40And we do takeaway, which is cheaper.
04:43What, a miss out on the infamous Ian Beale hospitality?
04:46Get out of here.
04:48You choose us the best item on the menu.
04:51And, er...
04:53I don't care how much it costs.
04:55Ooh, I can have double mac.
04:58Sparsier as ever.
04:59Ah, well, here she is, the future Mrs Beale.
05:02And the ex-Mrs Beale.
05:04That's, er, confusing, really.
05:07How'd it go?
05:08Perfect fit.
05:11Sometimes it has to be done.
05:15Yeah, exactly.
05:16Well, no expense spared.
05:18We're having our engagement party in the Vic later.
05:20First drinks on us.
05:22Everyone's invited.
05:23Sorry, mate, I'm busy.
05:24I've got things to do, people to see.
05:27We've got some business to sort.
05:29Oh, that's a shame.
05:30I was hoping you could pop in and join us for the toast.
05:34Food's on its way.
05:37Are you really not going to be about tonight?
05:39Of course I am.
05:40I'm just winding it up, that's all.
05:42So, listen, Kat was telling me about this diagnosis.
05:44Oh, yes.
05:45Depression. It's not a big deal.
05:47Well, it can be quite a big deal, darling, depression.
05:49You can't just brush it under the carpet.
05:51Well, what are you going to do?
05:53Well, medication.
05:55I've done that.
05:57Are you already on antidepressants?
06:02I didn't like it.
06:03I binned it.
06:05What, just like that?
06:06Yeah, what can I tell you?
06:07I didn't like it.
06:08It made me do weird things.
06:09I did not like it.
06:11What sort of weird things?
06:13Do you mind?
06:14No, no.
06:15How are you feeling now, then?
06:17It's nothing bad.
06:18It's just I get a bit confused, like my head gets a bit jumbled up
06:22and I have, like, these mad impulses.
06:26What kind of impulses, darling?
06:31Well, she said you'd been snarky with her, like making digs,
06:35and that you lost it with her.
06:36It was a misunderstanding, wasn't it?
06:38Well, perhaps you could just be a bit more careful.
06:41You know, Penny, she...
06:44She seems hard as nails, but she ain't.
06:47You should know that more than anyone.
06:49Yeah, well, I overestimate the women in my life, don't I?
06:53I forget to give them extra love and understanding.
06:57Putting up a tough front ain't always a good thing, is it?
07:00Yeah, I'll bear that in mind.
07:02In the meantime, what are you going to do about Penny?
07:06I'll talk to her.
07:08I'll sort it out. It's just...
07:10All this stuff with Amy, it's a lot to deal with.
07:14Is there anything I can do?
07:17No, no, it's fine.
07:18I don't want to be a post.
07:19I know you've got a lot of family stuff going on.
07:21Oi! Your family?
07:24You and the kids.
07:25And I'm always here.
07:27It's not like I ain't been here before.
07:29You know, kids, work, on me own.
07:34Sometimes it just feels different.
07:38It's like I miss having someone to share my things with.
07:41Yeah, well, you know.
07:44Things change and we have to adapt.
07:48Besides, you're not on your own, are you?
07:49Not really.
07:51In fact, I'm going to make it my business
07:53to go and sort this ruck out with Penny.
07:55No, no, no, no, no. I'll sort it out.
07:57I'll talk to her.
07:59Hmm? Or make it worse.
08:02I know you.
08:04Why don't you just leave it to me,
08:05the more, well, subtle, feminine touch?
08:11No, no, I've missed.
08:19Better go upstairs.
08:22Well, look, don't forget about Denzel's party.
08:25He really wants Amy and Ricky there, you know.
08:27And, erm...
08:30And you too.
08:32Of course. Won't miss it for the world.
08:44Dad, hurry up! I'm desperate!
08:58I want to talk to you.
08:59No, thanks.
09:01Turn that off.
09:02Keep talking. No-one's listening.
09:08Oi, what are you doing?
09:10I want to talk to you about that money.
09:13You tried to steal off Kathy.
09:14And why do you think that was?
09:15I don't know. You tell me.
09:16For you. To help out.
09:18How many more times?
09:19You're a kid.
09:20Providing for this family isn't enough.
09:23I'm not a kid.
09:24Yes, you're a kid.
09:26Providing for this family is my job.
09:28Well, you're not doing a very good job, are you?
09:32Where are you going?
09:34No, you're staying here. I need to talk to you.
09:45I just feel a bit crazy sometimes.
09:47You know, I get a bit overheated.
09:50And it's like everything's just 100 mile an hour.
09:52Such as?
09:53Tell me.
09:54I know this might sound funny, but men.
09:57I mean...
09:59Enjoy it.
10:00Looks nice.
10:03I even made a pass at Martin the other week by him.
10:06You never.
10:07I did.
10:08Come on, then.
10:10And then...
10:11You don't like him, do you?
10:12No, there's them. It's just...
10:14It's just men in general.
10:16And there was, you know,
10:18Cindy's ex, George, his son, Junior.
10:21Oh, yeah?
10:22Yeah, I picked him up at Peggy's, and then...
10:24In an hour, I was back home making all the moves.
10:28I just get these mad urges.
10:31Look, this Junior fella...
10:33No, no, listen.
10:34This was just a fling.
10:35So, he was just there, and I was just a bit lonely,
10:39and, you know, I was off my meds.
10:41But then I found out he was married,
10:43and it didn't stop me. I tried it on again.
10:45No, he's taken advantage of you.
10:47No, no, no. He's not.
10:49You weren't well. You're not well.
10:51He should have known that.
10:52It's me. This is all me.
10:56I might have ADHD.
10:59Yeah, Kat said.
11:00Yes, or depression, or, you know, maybe both.
11:03Perhaps I'm a bit like Stacey, like bipolar,
11:05or maybe I am like Joe.
11:06Like you said, perhaps I'm a bit schizophrenic.
11:08I didn't say that.
11:09What if I am? What if it's me?
11:11You're me. You're not. I promise you.
11:14Look, I'm going to sort this out.
11:16I'm going to help you. I am.
11:21Oh, lovely. Cheers.
11:22We're trying to have a private conversation here.
11:29Are you ignoring me?
11:30Sorry, look, I can't talk. I've called you.
11:35What was that about?
11:37You and Dave.
11:39Give us a kiss.
11:41A quick peck for your future husband.
11:44Eat in or take away?
11:45Take away.
11:46Just one second.
11:48You still like her, don't you?
11:51Yeah, we do.
11:52I think I don't.
11:54Is she getting engaged to him?
11:56Well, she was married to him the last time,
11:58but that didn't stop you, did it?
11:59Well, like I said, the past is the past.
12:01I've moved on.
12:02To what, though? You haven't even told me.
12:05Well, there's nothing to tell.
12:07Got a girlfriend?
12:09Not at the moment, no.
12:11So who was that on your phone, Holly, when I saw your screen?
12:13Just someone, just...
12:16There's no-one in my life, darling.
12:17Really, honestly.
12:18I just want to talk about you.
12:19Well, we've talked about me enough.
12:21You need to go back to the GP.
12:23It's just a complete waste of time.
12:25Get yourself checked out properly.
12:27See if this ADD thing is real,
12:30if that's what's going on.
12:31It's not.
12:32It's just a...
12:33a lip.
12:35Well, it ain't.
12:39You need professional medical help.
12:42I'm gonna make you an appointment.
12:43I'm gonna do it today.
12:46To be honest, I'm just a little bit scared.
12:49Scared of what?
12:52What they might say.
12:53Like, say that I'm really sick and they...
12:55they can't do anything.
12:57It's not gonna happen.
12:58But what if it does?
13:00I'll be there.
13:02I'll have you back.
13:05Of course I will.
13:10I'm sorry, all right.
13:13I didn't mean nothing.
13:16Look, it was an accident.
13:17Can't you forget it?
13:21I've got to go.
13:23I promised Enzo, you know.
13:24Party, I'm late.
13:26Hey, go on, it's fine.
13:47All right, OK.
13:48That's it, everyone.
13:49Come on, get in.
13:50Come on.
13:51Quickly, closer.
13:52Closer, closer.
13:53Quick, or else you're gonna miss it.
13:55Tommy, come on.
13:57Everybody, smile.
13:58Yolande, Yolande, come and squeeze in next to me.
14:00Come on.
14:01See if you can get through here.
14:02Come on, come through.
14:03Quick, quick, quick, quick.
14:05Say cheese.
14:07Everybody smile.
14:10Oh, that's beautiful.
14:11Thank you, everyone.
14:12Thank you for coming.
14:14All right, man.
14:16OK, Tommy, he'd be here.
14:18Well, if I had, you wouldn't have come, would you?
14:21Now, you're not leaving until you get over there
14:24and kiss and make up.
14:30What, nothing sooner than that?
14:35Yeah, yeah.
14:36Yeah, that's great.
14:38Thanks very much.
14:44Next Monday, ten past four.
14:46Oh, Monday, I can't go. I've got something on.
14:49Yes, you have.
14:52No arguments, you're going.
14:54OK, I'll do as I'm told.
14:57You'd better.
14:59I'll call you.
15:00I'll give you a tinkle straight after.
15:02Well, can't you take me?
15:03Well, I ain't gonna be here, am I?
15:05Well, where are you gonna be?
15:06Up north.
15:07I've got business up north.
15:09And when are you coming back here, then?
15:11I don't know.
15:12I've got a flight to Italy.
15:13Something's come up.
15:14Look, darling, I want to.
15:16I do, honest.
15:18But these things happen.
15:20I've got a deal.
15:22Can't let people down.
15:24Yeah, apart from me.
15:26Well, you're a grown-up.
15:27You can handle it.
15:29You don't want your old dad looking over your shoulder
15:3124 hours a day.
15:33Maybe that's exactly what I do need.
15:41I've got business.
15:45Take it.
15:46I'm fine.
15:47No, Bianca, listen.
15:48Your skin, you ain't got a job.
15:49Now take it.
15:51And another thing.
15:52Look at me.
15:54You stay away from dodgy blokes, yeah?
15:57Like that junior.
15:58They'll only take advantage of you.
16:00You in your vulnerable state.
16:02What if I get lonely?
16:04Well, that ain't gonna help, is it?
16:06You know it ain't.
16:08Look, this doctor, they'll...
16:10They'll give you something to stabilise your moods.
16:12And once you've been assessed properly,
16:14once you're in the system,
16:16you'll be okay.
16:18Look, I'm sorry, darling,
16:19but I've really got to shoot off.
16:20What, right now?
16:21Yes, I've got to go.
16:22I've got things to do.
16:25Anyway, there's only so long I can stay around here.
16:28It's because of me.
16:31You can't cope.
16:35It's nothing to do with you.
16:37It's just...
16:39It's just everything, you know?
16:40The past and...
16:45My face don't fit.
16:48It used to,
16:49but it don't anymore.
16:55Look, I'm sorry.
16:58I know I ain't been the best dad.
17:01There's just been a lot going on,
17:02you know, with Peggy's.
17:03Which is my fault.
17:04Look, whatever's happened,
17:07it's done.
17:10The important thing is that I make it right
17:12between me and you,
17:13and we get back on track.
17:15And will we ever on track?
17:16Of course we will.
17:19Look, we can't talk about it in the middle of the party,
17:24how about we take the first steps?
17:27And me and you,
17:29both of us,
17:30learn to communicate.
17:31I'd really like that.
17:34What do you say?
17:40First step.
18:02You are going to be okay.
18:05I know you are.
18:07No, no.
18:09I'm a grown-up.
18:10I've got to stand on my own two feet.
18:14Go and see the doctor, yeah?
18:17Promise me?
18:21Come on,
18:22you're going to miss your train.
18:26Come here.
18:30I love you.
18:33I love you too.
18:34Amy all right?
18:36Yeah, she's fine.
18:39I'm just going to run some errands.
18:41I'll see you later.
18:46Bye bye.
18:48Bye bye.
18:49Bye bye.
18:50Bye bye.
18:51Bye bye.
18:53Bye bye.
18:54Bye bye.
18:56Bye bye.
18:57Bye bye.
18:58Bye bye.
18:59Bye bye.
19:00Bye bye.
19:02Bye bye.
19:03Yeah, she's not even late. She's just gone off.
19:08Listen, Penny's going to come along to Amy's physio next week.
19:11I said she'd give her a few tips and stuff.
19:13Do you think that's a good idea?
19:15That's very sweet.
19:17Fancy a drink?
19:19It's the least I could do to thank you.
19:27I thought you were saving this one for a special occasion.
19:33You were the thing that holds us all together.
19:36I don't know what I'd do without you.
19:48Even so early?
19:50It's a shame.
19:52Do you know what?
19:54I think I have got time for a drink.
19:57Toast the bride-to-be.
20:10I'll be back in a sec.
20:14Big step.
20:16Getting remarried.
20:17Takes guts.
20:19See the whisky place, Tracy?
20:20No, thanks, darling.
20:21It's called going the distance, David.
20:25No, I'm impressed. I am.
20:27At first I thought it was fake, you know.
20:29You had some devious plan, but I can see it's true love.
20:33It's marriage.
20:35Love and marriage are very different things.
20:39You're going to put that in your vows, are you?
20:43That's what happens when you trust someone.
20:45You know, when they're there for you.
20:47They don't scarper at the first sign of trouble.
20:48That's what's important.
20:51Not passion?
20:53No. Have you got passion in your life?
20:56Nope. I don't, as it goes.
20:58Really? No, ain't a problem.
21:01Cindy, I'm here as a dad. That's my focus and my...
21:05Oh, right. So you're here for Bianca, is that right?
21:07Yeah, exactly.
21:09But you're not sticking around?
21:11I'd love to.
21:12I can't.
21:14Though she's OK now, she's better?
21:16Yeah, she's, uh...
21:18She's on the road to recovery.
21:22The truth is...
21:24I don't really know what I'm doing.
21:26But I care.
21:28I'm giving her some good advice, I'm helping her out best way I can.
21:33I'll keep an eye.
21:36I can see you care, David.
21:38I saw that earlier.
21:39But keep an eye on her.
21:41Kids can be tricky and we don't always get it right.
21:45But you can always come back.
21:47Try again, really, for the long run.
21:49I just want to give them a taste.
21:51Well, you don't want to seem mean, darling.
21:53Yeah, but half-class, that's more than enough.
21:55Oh, well, I'll get by simple.
21:57Everyone, if you could just listen up a second.
21:59Charge your glasses, I'm going to be doing a toast in a minute.
22:02OK? Master's voice.
22:05Just so you know, we're very happy.
22:09Yeah, yeah, I got that.
22:12Right, well, I'll say to that, then.
22:14I'm only going to stop for one.
22:15Right, and, um, fancy you again.
22:19Have a nice life, David.
22:22Same to you.
22:26Everyone OK?
22:27Yeah, I was just saying goodbye to David.
22:29Right, so he's still here, then?
22:30Apparently, yeah. I'm just going to go and find out now.
22:33Don't be too long, cos I'm going to make a toast to you.
22:38I can't at the moment. Later.
22:53Hello, mate. How's it going?
22:56Yeah, good.
22:57Are you off?
22:59In a minute, yeah. I'll buy you a drink first.
23:01No, I'm good. I insist.
23:05What do you fancy?
23:07Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, not for me.
23:13Yeah, I've got to get going. Oh!
23:16What's the rush?
23:18Oh, I've got to get going for Raymond, haven't I?
23:21You're amazing, you are.
23:23You're really amazing.
23:26Yeah. I know, ain't it? Stop.
23:28Ain't it?
23:30Look at you.
23:32You're beautiful.
23:35You're competent.
23:38You own a house full of people.
23:42Not even an heir out of place.
23:45Yeah, but how come you didn't say all these things to me...
23:50..when we were together?
23:53I don't know.
23:55I should have.
23:57I should have told you every day what I thought about you.
24:07Yeah, erm...
24:11I've really got to go. Yeah.
24:13Come on, Denise.
24:17What are you doing? Thank you. Thank you for the wine.
24:20I should not miss you.
24:22I know I really miss you.
24:25I'd do anything for you.
24:28Anything, you know that.
24:31Cos I love you.
24:40It's too noisy upstairs and we need somewhere quiet to test the levels.
24:43Yeah, like Bill's ears?
24:46Fine. Great. That would be perfect.
24:48And don't forget to lock up and don't eat this lock.
24:52Thanks, Mum.
24:54Everyone, I'd like to propose a toast.
24:56Come here, come here.
24:58What I'm saying is she's a vulnerable girl.
25:02She's going through a tough time and you took advantage.
25:05Is that what she told you?
25:07It doesn't matter what she told me, mate.
25:09Point is, I'm telling you, steer clear.
25:11Look, my wife is an attractive girl.
25:13We're both.
25:15True happiness is within our grasp. You're married. She's not well.
25:18Look, I love you.
25:20I can't wait for you to be my wife.
25:22It's just a bit of fun, all right? A fling.
25:24As soon as I found out she weren't right, I backed off.
25:26Really? Yeah, really.
25:28Look, I turned her down time and time again.
25:31And you know what?
25:34She kept coming back for more.
25:36Mrs Bill.
25:40It's not my fault she's desperate.
25:44Stay away from her!
25:46You need to back off.
25:48Get off me!
25:51He never fails to disappoint.
26:13Happy now?
26:15Ruined my engagement party?
26:17Embarrassed my fiancée?
26:20The only reason she's embarrassed, Ian,
26:22is cos she's getting married to you.
26:24And I feel sorry for her.
26:26For both of you.
26:28I'm not the one who's leaving her alone.
26:32If Dad hadn't stepped in, I'd have broken his jaw.
26:36I like it when you're like this.
26:39Why are you marrying Ian?
26:44He's not so bad. He's...
26:46He's secure. He's reliable.
26:49Don't tell me you're any of that.
26:51Maybe I could be.
26:53I don't think it's quite your expertise, do you?
26:57I don't want you marrying him.
27:01Are you jealous?
27:04Look, we can still carry on.
27:06We don't have to stop.
27:08It can still be the same.
27:10Yeah, well, I don't want the same.
27:12I want more.
27:14I want more.
27:44I want more.